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The Nobody Guide to Life: Personal Growth and Spirituality Tips and Tools You Can Use Right Now

The Nobody Guide to Life: Personal Growth and Spirituality Tips and Tools You Can Use Right Now

By J. A. Plosker

Looking to kick-start or invigorate your personal journey? Explore personal growth, personal development, and spirituality with a guy looking to learn and discover.

Join J. A. Plosker - teacher and author of the multi-award-winning book, The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life - and learn tips and tools you can apply today to help you reach your goals. No fame, fortune, or ordination required!

Featuring interviews with experts and commentary on meditation, mindfulness, self-help, ancient wisdom, spirituality, and . . . anything! You're already on the path. Join us!
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E40 Int. From Acting, to Medical School, to Finding the “And” with Coach and Doctor Penelope Hsu

The Nobody Guide to Life: Personal Growth and Spirituality Tips and Tools You Can Use Right NowDec 06, 2018

E86 A Pause for Growth and Expansion

E86 A Pause for Growth and Expansion

The Nobody concept is growing, and we here at The Nobody Guide to Life are growing with it! Sometimes a small step back can help us to go forward, full steam ahead!

Head over to or follow us on Instagram @japlosker or @melissaplosker to find out what's coming, and to be part of what's already going on!


Jul 05, 202007:51
E85 Summer Is Here, Again - Reflect on the Solstice and Recharge in the Sun
Jun 21, 202013:45
E84 Positivity and Reality: A Short Story About Choices
Jun 07, 202009:41
E83 A Reminder of the Power of Touch…in Times When We Can’t Touch as Much

E83 A Reminder of the Power of Touch…in Times When We Can’t Touch as Much

May 24, 202032:07
E82 Mindfulness and Forgiveness: A Powerful Combination
May 10, 202012:49
E81 Coronavirus, and a Look Back at What Can Happen When We Give Something Up
Apr 26, 202018:01
E80 Replay - Ego Release, Humility and Freedom with ... Matzo!

E80 Replay - Ego Release, Humility and Freedom with ... Matzo!

I'm digging into the vault at this Passover/Easter season for a good reminder of ways we can be humble, and deflate the ego.


Matzo as a symbol for finding freedom from an inflated ego? Yes! Discover how this unleavened bread can help you practice humility and release you from festering issues in your life.

This Easter and Passover season, join us as we ponder humble matzo - the flatbread eaten at Passover Seders the world over. We'll look at matzo as more than a bland cracker. Instead, we'll see it as a metaphor for freedom and a powerful reminder of the importance of deflating the ego. The show also features a meditation on matzo that you can use to help tame ego in your life.

Wondering what secrets matzo can reveal to you? Wondering how you can get started taming your ego and increasing your feeling of freedom? Then join us!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more!


Affiliate disclosure:

Apr 12, 202010:12
E79 Int. Living the Miracle with Healers Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura (Part 2/2)

E79 Int. Living the Miracle with Healers Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura (Part 2/2)

This is part two of our interview with healers and clairvoyants Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura, where we continue our conversation on the journey and joys of a life in healing, including working as a spiritual couple and the power of relationships.

We’ll also discuss forgiveness, the nature of the ego and consciousness, imagination, creativity, and navigating the difficult world of growth. The Tamuras also share a powerful technique for facilitating forgiveness and centeredness at the deepest levels.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Our relationship is not really just Michael and Raphaelle, it’s about two souls who have known each other for many lifetimes.”

“We truly get to work as one.”

“Now there’s a space for the man and the woman to work together as equals.”

“Every relationship is fundamental to our spiritual growth.”

“Forgiveness is really…untying the knot. You loosen the knot.”

“Everything we experience is in our mind.”

“Forgiveness is a letting-go process.”

“The sky’s not even the limit. It’s limitless.”

“As we learn, we teach.”


Website with seminar and other information:


You Are the Answer by Michael Tamura:

Radio show: Living the Miracle with Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura:


Mar 29, 202038:11
E78 Int. Living the Miracle with Healers Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura (Part 1/2)

E78 Int. Living the Miracle with Healers Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura (Part 1/2)

If we’re lucky, we meet people in our lives who get us unstuck and help us pursue avenues to healing and growth we never thought possible. J. A. met two of those people at once, and now, it’s a pleasure to interview them on the show in part one of this two-part episode!

Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura are healers and clairvoyants who truly live the miracle. Their experiences may sound like the stuff of myth and legend, but they live their truth in an open and honest way to help others find the courage to get on their paths of healing and success.

Find out how these extraordinary teachers started on their healing paths in this life. Where did their training being? Did they ever doubt their abilities? How does a spiritual healing start? Does our intuition ever lie to us? What effect does a near death experience have on our soul? Why do we keep coming back from death?

Listen in for answers to these questions, and so much more!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Even before I was born, I was looking down at my mom…”

“I was told I was going to be a spiritual teacher when I grew up.”

“The first part of every deep healing is the letting go…detox on a psychic level.”

“Your intuition will never lie to you…it’s going to always lead you the right way.”

“Intuition is ‘having certainty in divinity…the limitlessness of spirit.”

“If somebody says, ‘This is the way it is,' it’s not.’”

“As a teacher, I’ll attract a certain kind of soul to me.”

“This [world] is for learning purposes.”

“As a soul, it’s all experience…what you learn from it is what’s important. That’s the gold.”


Website with seminar and other information:


Michael Tamura: You Are the Answer:

Tricia Barker: Angels in the OR:

Radio show: Living the Miracle with Michael Tamura and Raphaelle Tamura:


Mar 15, 202034:49
E77 A TEDx Talk and a Powerful Vision for the Ancient Concept of Nobody

E77 A TEDx Talk and a Powerful Vision for the Ancient Concept of Nobody

The concept of “nobody” has evolved on this show, and so have we! Recently, J. A. had the opportunity to speak on the TEDx stage on the idea of being nobody, and we wanted to share the experience with you! Today, we talk about a different – but ancient – vision for what nobody can be: service, mindfulness, and holding space. Nobody isn’t the absence of being somebody. It’s a broader concept of who we are, and what we can be. Hopefully this episode inspires you to expand your vision of the nobody concept, as well, to make this world a better place.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“How can I serve in this moment?”

“Nothing compares to the feeling of helping someone else.”

“No matter how senior you are at what you do…there’s always a space for space. There’s always a time to make time.”

“Everybody can get behind the idea of service, and mindfulness, and the ancientness of this concept.”

“Think of ‘somebody’ and ‘nobody’ as a yin-yang.”

“You can be any somebody on the planet, and be nobody at the same time.”

Check out for more episodes.

To see J. A. Plosker’s TEDx talk, head to this link at the 3:20:19 time mark: . All of the talks and performers are there, as well, and well worth a look!


Instagram: @japlosker and @melissaplosker

Facebook Group: The Nobody Guide to Life


Mar 01, 202014:29
E76 Replay - Mindful Yard Work Brings Mindfulness into Everyday Life
Feb 16, 202013:10
E75 Int. A Near Death Experience and Experiencing Everlasting Love with Tricia Barker

E75 Int. A Near Death Experience and Experiencing Everlasting Love with Tricia Barker

What if you died, came back, and realized that life wasn’t about judging ourselves or others but, instead, being loving? What if you realized that life was about seeing in ourselves and others all that is divine about being alive?

Tricia Barker did leave her body through a near death experience during a life-saving surgery and saw angels helping physicians operate on her. She flat lined, and she knew she was “technically dead.” Was there sorrow? No. Only a spirit of adventure, and a knowledge of the truth of kindness and everlasting love.

In Tricia's book, Angels in the OR, she shares the story of her powerful transformation. She gives us details of her near death experience and the insights she brought back from the “other side” – including a description of God, angels, and the life review.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Angels are just a reality to me now.”

“My spirit form had lifted out of my body…my back was opened up, my hip was opened up…blood was spilling everywhere.”

“Yes! We go on! I knew I was seeing the doctors. I was seeing the full room…the angels were at the foot of the bed…intelligent…profoundly caring.”

“I am this spirit form…I am this thing that continues on.”

“[While out of my body] I saw my stepfather get a candy bar, and that proves consciousness goes on.”

“I felt one with everyone walking the street [in Austin].”

“I felt God as an energy of love.”

“How can you see into the hearts of people and…spread love more?”

“I couldn’t wait to get closer to God.”



Angels in the OR: and on Audible:

The Self, The Other, & God: Poems:


YouTube Channel: YouTube Channel:



Twitter @TriciaTeacher


Feb 02, 202031:08
E74 Replay - 4 Steps to Mindful Meditation When You Can't Stop Thinking

E74 Replay - 4 Steps to Mindful Meditation When You Can't Stop Thinking

Jan 19, 202010:56
E73 Int. Caregiving and the Unexpected Blessings of Life with Linda Smith

E73 Int. Caregiving and the Unexpected Blessings of Life with Linda Smith

From a life of poverty and abuse to the glamor and celebrity of the Las Vegas Strip, Linda Smith has lived quite a life. But when her son was born with special needs, that’s when her true passion and calling kicked in and Linda made an enormous impact, raising hundreds of millions of dollars to help those in need.

Linda taught herself to dance. She found the courage to find her voice. She overcame a harrowing 17-year journey of setbacks and politics to win a victory for what was right for her son, Christopher. And, she wrote Unwanted: How a Mother Learned to Turn Shame, Grief, and Fear into Purpose, Passion, and Empowerment. Now, nothing can stop her from raising others up. Hear about a life trajectory that led to the Christopher Smith Foundation and a legacy of love and support that will last for generations.


For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“When I look back…I don’t know that I would change much, even though it was, at times, horrific.”

“You can lay down and die…or you can kick into gear.”

“We have to be kind and say nice things to people.”

“Show people what you have inside of you…believe in yourself.”

“All they want is a chance at a life we all take for granted.”

“With Chris, I went down the path that he laid out for me.”



Christopher Smith Foundation:

Opportunity Village:


Unwanted: How a Mother Learned to Turn Shame, Grief, and Fear into Purpose, Passion, and Empowerment


Jan 05, 202029:06
E72 A New Year’s 2020 Resolution Revolution – Start Small and Start with Today

E72 A New Year’s 2020 Resolution Revolution – Start Small and Start with Today

January 1, 2020 is on the way, and with it comes New Year’s resolutions. That’s right…those things we promise ourselves we’ll get to on January 1, but then leave behind on January 2. But what would happen if we focused on today instead of the year? What if we resolved to do something small that we could find a little time for each day to help us build to something bigger, instead of picking some goal that’s really big to begin with?

In this episode, we’ll share a little about what we want to do in the new year, and how we’ll be approaching resolutions a little differently. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be inspired to go small this year, right along with us!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I have never really been able to keep a New Year’s resolution myself.”

“If you’re going to join a gym, join in February, because there’s a lot more parking.”

“We set ourselves up for failure before we even start.”

“Instead of setting a New Year resolution, maybe a New Year’s Day resolution…what can I do today?”

“I pick something I can do easily…any day of the week…something that I have control over.”

“Don’t go for the biggest change.”

“Be open to the evolution of what’s best for you.”


Instagram: @japlosker and @melissaplosker

Facebook Group: The Nobody Guide to Life


Dec 22, 201914:38
E71 Food, a Tomato Incident, and the Middle Road of the Holidays

E71 Food, a Tomato Incident, and the Middle Road of the Holidays

No matter if you’re vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, or a carnivore at the holidays, this is the show for you. From school lunch trays, to two holy brothers, to Melissa chasing J. A. around with a spoonful of tomatoes, there’s something here for everyone.

It’s holiday time! And that means billions of people will have billions of different experiences of all that this season brings. But one thing that unites so many of us? Food! From ancient times, gathering around a communal meal has held tremendous power. Food can be exciting, it can be daunting, it can be nourishing, but whatever it is for you, it’s part of this time of year.

Food is a big deal in our household, and we’ve come to realize there is a way to experience this holiday season besides either strict discipline or unabashed indulgence. It’s about deciding what experience you want to have over the holidays and committing to that, while also understanding others have their own expectations.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

"Food is a big deal in this household."

"It’s not about how we look. It’s about how we feel…we want to feel calmer. We want less anxiety."

"Many of us have stories around family life or friend life that are linked to food."

"We know a lot more now about how certain foods affect our human bodies…what works for J. A. doesn’t necessarily work for me…we have fun with it."

"It’s up to you how you want to approach the holidays…and to hold space for others."


Instagram: @japlosker and @melissaplosker

Facebook Group: The Nobody Guide to Life


Dec 08, 201917:12
E70 Int. Discover Courage, Grow Bold, and Make a Move in Life with Patricia Brooks

E70 Int. Discover Courage, Grow Bold, and Make a Move in Life with Patricia Brooks

When life brought her an opportunity to live a dream, Patricia Brooks took it. And it took her far away – from the United States to the south of France. Patricia had to find the courage to walk away from her corporate job so she could take a bold new step forward. And she did.

Patricia went on to write “Live a Bold Life: Your 30-Day Mission to a Fearless Future” and host The Courage Catalyst podcast. Now, she helps inspire others to find their courage and live without regrets. Listen in and see if you can take that next step you’ve been wanting to take.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I had the dream in my heart…but I did not believe I could do it.”

“I had to get the belief that I could do it.”

“I lost 75 pounds, and that’s when everything changed.”

“There’s a lot of internal work that comes out of writing down your thoughts and feelings.”

“Decide, and then take action.”

“We do so much…we achieve so much…but we forget it.”

“My mission is to help as many people as possible…not have regrets…”



Live a Bold Life: Your 30-Day Mission to a Fearless Future:

Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life You Live:


Podcast: Discovering Courage


Nov 24, 201926:35
E69 Int. Grace, Gumption, and Living by Intuition – Living an Authentic Life with Jennifer Leigh

E69 Int. Grace, Gumption, and Living by Intuition – Living an Authentic Life with Jennifer Leigh

From hospice to cosmetics, Jennifer Leigh has done it. She followed her calling to healing, then to her garage to create a line of skin care products. But when it all went down, and she felt like she couldn’t perform for anyone anymore, Jennifer decided to get back up. She re-entered the world of consulting and became a “pitbull in a dress” and took her life in a new direction – a direction of living through inspiration, intuition, and spiritual growth to create a new life.

When we lose so much, we gain so much more. Listen to Jennifer Leigh’s journey from life performer to life embracer through development of intuition. Maybe get inspired to listen to your intuition on your life journey.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I always felt like…a loner."

"I always wanted to help people.”

“It was all about pouring love into people’s lives and helping them heal however I could.”

“It was divinely orchestrated.”

“We know we have different doors, but we don’t always take the right door.”

“I love being able to use my intuitive gifts on a daily basis.”

“The handcuffs came off one by one.”


Website and other media:

IG: @gracefulandgumption


Nov 10, 201930:47
E68 Int. From Stress to Joy in Gratitude – Real Tips for Real Life with Rozina Lakhani

E68 Int. From Stress to Joy in Gratitude – Real Tips for Real Life with Rozina Lakhani

What if you could turn stress into joy? What if there were simple techniques to lessen the pressure and tension of everyday life and overcome worry? What if gratitude could become more than just a passing idea, but a part of your everyday life – a part that can help you live a better life, right now?

Dr. Rozina Lakhani, author of Stress to Joy: Your Toolkit to Restore Peace of Mind in Minutes, has some specific steps and relaxation exercises developed from years of practice with clients in her psychiatric practice. Learn some of these techniques and take advantage of a free offer for listeners of the show.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“The W.H.O. designed stress as the epidemic of the 21stCentury?”

“I want to bring tools to people before they start suffering.”

“I see this shift in their energy…a smile comes on their face. I ask them to write them down to give them courage.”

“There’s a basic formula: ACR. A stands for ‘acknowledge’…C Stands for ‘calm down’…and R represents ‘reflection.’”

“All of us have an ‘emotional coping account.’”



Stress to Joy: Your Toolkit to Restore Peace of Mind in Minutes:

Free audiobook:



Oct 27, 201929:16
E67 Int. Mindfulness Is Critical in the Classroom…and in Life with James Butler

E67 Int. Mindfulness Is Critical in the Classroom…and in Life with James Butler

Mindfulness is such a helpful tool for adults to deal with the stresses and strains of work, parenting, and all the other responsibilities that come with life. But is it any less important for children? What if the techniques of mindfulness could be introduced earlier – to prepare children in the first stages of life to handle what will come later? And what if our calm demeanor could help a child relax or be more aware?

For James Butler, author of Mindful Classrooms and Mindfulness in a Jar, and founder of Mindful Classrooms™, getting mindfulness education into the classrooms is exactly what his mission is all about. James used mindfulness in his own life to help with some personal struggles, and now he wants to share the gift with others. Listen in as James shares his passion for mindfulness as a tool for empowerment, stress relief and self-care, and learn a powerful breathing technique for all of us to use to stay more mindful – at any stage of life.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Something clicked that my struggles were seeping into the classroom…this isn’t cool…my five- and six-year-olds don’t need my stuff as well.”

“I was able to see to the root of [my students’] behavior and not take things personally.”

“I was other to see others based on my own self-awareness.”

“[Students] were responding as opposed to reacting.”

“There was definitely a seismic shift in my classroom…it was incredible…I [thought] this stuff is magic!”

“Mr. Butler, my amygdala’s going crazy! I need to do some mindful breathing.”

“Just our calm demeanor helps our students deactivate.”

“No matter your belief system, you want your kids to relate and to get along.”


Books and products:

-Mindful Classrooms™: Daily 5-Minute Practices to Support Social-Emotional Learning (PreK to Grade 5)

-Mindfulness in a Jar®: 101 Exercises to Help Children Focus and Calm Their Minds:

-Coloring Book and Reflections for Social Emotional Learning:



Oct 13, 201928:29
E66 Int. Love Is Healing: Quantum Touch and Taking a Leap of Faith with Jennifer Noel Taylor

E66 Int. Love Is Healing: Quantum Touch and Taking a Leap of Faith with Jennifer Noel Taylor

Starting in one job and finding passion somewhere else – maybe through synchronicity or fate. Trying to make ends meet while doing work that really matters to you. Struggling to live between your job and your passion. Does any of that sound like your story? For Jennifer Noel Taylor, CEO of Quantum Touch, it was her story.

Jennifer started out in the software field, and found herself “bored, lonely, and uninspired.” She pursued her passion for touch and energy medicine after work hours and followed her intuition to the healing profession. Now, she’s spreading the message that we can do, and live, what we love.

Are you ready to follow the breadcrumb trail of your intuition to a new passion? Listen in, learn about Quantum Touch, life changes, and synchronicity – and get inspired!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation in The Nobody Guide to Life group. Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on YouTube at Find The Nobody Bible book at

Also listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I was bored, lonely, and uninspired. I basically went to work to collect a paycheck.”

“A hug can really change your attitude for the day.”

“I attended a lecture on Quantum Touch by the founder Richard Gordon, and halfway through the lecture the Universe had something else to say…‘you’re supposed to run that company.’”

“It was pretty magical to start following the heart. The Universe gives you breadcrumbs and things transform.”

“Quantum touch…operates on the core philosophy that everything in the world is energy.”

“I would say the core philosophy of all these energetic modalities like reiki and healing touch and Quantum Touch and Qi Gong…operates under this core assumption that everything is energy. The difference is the different approaches.”

“Do something you love every day.”




-Love Incorporated: The Business of Doing What You Love by Jennifer Noel Taylor:

-Spiritual and Broke: How to Stop Struggling with Money and Live Your Purpose

by Jennifer Noel Taylor:

-Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal by Richard Gordon:

-Quantum Touch 2.0 – The New Human: Discovering and Becoming by Richard Gordon:


Affiliate disclosure:

Sep 29, 201927:60
E65 New Cohost! Change Your Energy, Change the World – 3 Steps to an Energy Shift

E65 New Cohost! Change Your Energy, Change the World – 3 Steps to an Energy Shift

Our energy travels. Did you know that? What we think and do affects our energy and the energy of those around us. We’re affected by others’ energy, as well. That means we don’t have to own every feeling we have in a day. That also means you have tremendous power right now to change your life, your community, and the world, just by changing your energy. It doesn’t matter whether others in your life are on board or believe you’re experiencing a change. It matters that you know the power you have.

Through real-life examples and real talk, you’ll learn a three-step process to help you figure out how you feel, what energy you truly own, and how to change things up! It’s not theoretical, but something distilled right from the events of a real life in motion. And, you’ll meet someone new who is joining the show – someone who’s had a profound impact on the energy of my life.

If you’re ready to take control of the energy in your life, listen in!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“We know that energy travels.”

“We can know in a theoretical way that energy travels, but it’s really being aware of that and watching it happen...that’s what it’s all about.”

“It’s not some theoretical thing we read in a book. This is something that we do.”

“I’ll hold that image that makes me feel good in my mind…and I know I feel better when I do that. I know I’m raising my energy when I do that.”

“It doesn’t matter if anyone else believes you’re experiencing a change out of this.”

“The only thing we truly own is our energy.”


Sep 15, 201924:22
E64 Int. Mindful Messaging: Finding Your Voice and Mastering Your Message with Ralph Brogden

E64 Int. Mindful Messaging: Finding Your Voice and Mastering Your Message with Ralph Brogden

“You have the power to transform people’s lives for the better!” For author and Rebelpreneur Radio host Ralph Brogden, that statement fuels a life mission of mindful messaging – empowering others to find their voice in personal and spiritual growth and master their important message so they can get it out into the world.

Your ideas in personal and spiritual growth matter and they’re worth spreading. If you’re a coach, consultant, author, or simply a person who wants to tell your story – and you’re curious about better ways to spread ideas that matter and to build your confidence around your message – listen in and learn about human behavior, belief, and the best way to craft your key message.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“It’s not about selling [what] people don’t need. It’s about selling ideas that will change people’s lives for the better.”

“We can shift beliefs based on how we communicate with yourself into a mindset of defeat or talk yourself into a positive mindset.”

“Beliefs lead to behaviors.”

“What you say and how you say it can transform lives.”

“Once the message becomes part of you, you don’t give up.”

“We lack confidence because we haven’t mastered our message.”

“It’s not about selling, it’s about serving.”

Book: Irresistible Marketing: 4 Psychological Strategies for Getting People to Buy (Without You Having to "Sell" Them): or



Sep 01, 201934:34
E63 Int. Spiritual Atheist: Aligning the Heart and Mind with Nick Jankel

E63 Int. Spiritual Atheist: Aligning the Heart and Mind with Nick Jankel

“I think what we all share…is that we want inner peace. We want a sense of calm and contentment and gratitude.” Nick Seneca Jankel makes that statement on this episode, and I think most of you probably agree. 

If you’ve ever said to yourself: "I don’t know what lies beyond the five senses and the scientific, but I can’t help but feel there’s something there," or, even if you have some idea of what is there, then this episode is for you. Learn how Nick arrived at the concept of “spiritual atheism,” the steps to resolve the apparent tension between those worlds, and how it can transform your life and help you thrive.

Nick Jankel, author of “Spiritual Atheist” and “Switch On,” has advised 10 Downing Street, Microsoft, and many more, and has taught at Yale and Oxford. Hear the fascinating story of a spiritual journey that led Nick to dive into his spiritual “allergies” to find out who he is in this world – a journey into inner exploration, intense study, being one's own guru, and much more. Learn about the power shifts and influences that turned a materialist life into a life based on science, spirituality, and the synchronicities and serendipities that make life something much more deep and satisfying.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I wanted to know the answers to life, the Universe and everything.”

“I think what we all share…is that we want inner peace. We want a sense of calm and contentment and gratitude.”

“Every day I look at the newspaper and it’s like ‘Wow!” Is this really happening?’”

“Religion as I understood it was not giving me nutritious answers…it wasn’t inspiring me…I became a proper atheist in the footsteps of Richard Dawkins.”

“I was curious about spirituality, but I was allergic to…new age fads.”

“I dove in and tried to find the truth of who I am in this world.”

“We are our own gurus ultimately.”

“That has been a really important part of my journey; just reading the Bhagavad Gita, The Tao Te Ching, the Chuang Tzu…they’re so nourishing.”

“I don’t have a lineage. I’m very rare in this field…I haven’t had someone take me under their wing.”

“I never get high on my own Kool Aid.”

“I need to master the best of science…but I also want to become a master of my material life of consciousness.”




Spiritual Atheist:

Switch On:


Aug 18, 201931:60
E62 Int. Raising the Vibration with Returning Guests: Healer Howard Chait and Musician Todd Herzog

E62 Int. Raising the Vibration with Returning Guests: Healer Howard Chait and Musician Todd Herzog

What happens when two former guests team up and align their gifts? Well, we all get to raise our vibration! On this episode, returning guests Howard Chait (E4) and Todd Herzog (E8) discuss their work, and how they meshed their musical and healing visions to create an event where people can come together at the Raise the Vibration One Day Gathering.

Hear what it means to hold a vision. Learn how a simple meditation technique can help you get centered for the day and clear your energy. Discover how singing and chanting can vibrate you to your core. In this episode, you’ll gather so many tips and tools that you won’t be able to help but raise your vibration and get inspired to bring your own message to the world!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“There’s mind, body, spirit and beyond that we integrate into our lives…and when do integrate, not only is our vibration raised, but our life improves and things start getting better.”

“Like cleaning our teeth in the morning, we need to clean our energy field.”

“Do what lights you up.”

“Have a vision in the mind of the ‘optimal’…”

“Holding that picture [of heaven on earth] gets to a certain point where there’s more people holding that vision than the minority, and the shift happens.”

“Do one thing each day you love to do, and one thing that scares you.”

“Turn the TV off.”

“Non-attachment raises our vibration.”


For Raise the Vibration One Day Gathering:

For Howard Chait:

For Todd Herzog:

For information on the other speakers and musicians mentioned, head over to:


Aug 04, 201928:06
E61 Int. Tools for Stopping the Self-Sabotage Story with Nathan Segal

E61 Int. Tools for Stopping the Self-Sabotage Story with Nathan Segal

Why do we sabotage our dreams? What is it that makes us drop the ball right when we’re about to win the game? Maybe our thoughts get in the way. Maybe it’s just another chapter in a negative story we’ve been telling ourselves over and over or limiting ideas about who we think we are and what we think we deserve. It could be the result of a trauma somewhere in life that causes us to believe things about ourselves that just aren’t true.

Nathan Segal has been on a spiritual journey since age 11, and later, experienced an awakening and profound shift in his life to help him deal with PTSD and break free of self-sabotage and dissociative amnesia brought on by an early experience that shocked him into a life of sabotage that took him years to recover from.

Now, he helps others learn to live a more productive, fulfilling life free of self-sabotage. Nathan Segal’s story is one of challenge and change, and it may inspire you to reach your goals instead of giving up on them. 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“[At age 11] a question popped into my mind…where does time end?”

“I realized, ‘I am sick of this!’ … I need to change the way that I’m acting when I get a shock or a trauma.”

“Instead of having that instant reaction, I would get up and leave the room…I’d feel the pain of it in my body and my mind, but I would sit and hold the energy of it.”

“I gave myself permission to feel it without having a reaction.”

“I created a separation between the shock and the response.”

“Just be there and sit with the pain without doing anything special at all.”

“If you didn’t have the story you wouldn’t have the problem.”

“The very first step is awareness.”

“Start to be a detective in your own life.”




Books mentioned: 

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle:

Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie:

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield:


Affiliate disclosure:

Jul 21, 201928:25
E60 Int. A Sexy Brilliant Global Revolution with Devina Kaur

E60 Int. A Sexy Brilliant Global Revolution with Devina Kaur

Devina Kaur is the leader of the sexy, brilliant global revolution. After living a life filled with bodyshaming and being told she was “too fat, too loud, too ambitious,” and walking away from a corporate job to walk dogs, Devina embraced herself, and her life, and overcame struggles to find her true center and true passion. Now, she’s breaking molds, breaking boundaries, and bringing a message of joy and freedom to the world.

As Devina admits, there’s always darkness in life. But if we can take a step back from it and understand that others are going through it too, we can take that darkness and use it to help shine a light of help and hope for others. If you’re struggling today because what’s “expected” of you doesn’t feel authentic, let Devina Kaur’s sexy, brilliant message liberate you, and help you find out who you are – your own brilliance!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Too fat, too loud, too ambitious. That’s who I am!”

“I was always body shamed for being fat.”

“Those words were their words. That’s not my reality.”

“There are so many times I just wanted to end my life. There’s always darkness…but I had to take a step back from that and say, ‘There are other people going through this.’”

“You and your life purpose are both looking for each other.”

“Sexiness is not just sexual…it’s also confident, it’s also daring.”

“Emotions are neither right or wrong. They simply exist.”

“Everyone’s worthy of love, care, and professional support.”

“No matter what success you have in life…the true success is the success that we have from the inside.”

“Love your way through darkness.”




Affiliate disclosure:

Jul 07, 201930:09
E59 Int. Peace, Unity and Overcoming Spiritual Myopia with Optometrist and Author Margaret Placentra Johnston

E59 Int. Peace, Unity and Overcoming Spiritual Myopia with Optometrist and Author Margaret Placentra Johnston

If the eyes really are the window the soul, then who better to write about spiritual unity than a practicing optometrist? Dr. Margaret Placentra Johnston believes that if we only look at what our local community teaches us about religious practice the we are, in a sense, myopic. Spiritually myopic. She dives deep into this concept and provides insight into how we can get past limiting views, expand our vision, and live a more unified spiritual existence.

Listen in and widen your sight. Move beyond “spiritual myopia” and see the value in others’ practices – practices that unify our human spiritual quest to harmony.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook group at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I started to lament the way our society was proceeding – in a very nationalistic and self-congratulating way…this is so counter to spiritual development.”

“So much of our society is myopic in the way they understand religion and spirituality.”

“If you only believe what your tribe taught you, that’s spiritually myopic.”

“You don’t need to have people agree with you…they’re human and have similar goals and drives and they deserve your tolerance.”

“News – they have to focus on exceptional things in order to sell news. You hear exaggerated versions of the truth.”




Overcoming Spiritual Myopia:

Faith Beyond Belief:

Jun 23, 201925:17
E58 Int. Trekking, Tragedy, and True Giving with Philanthrotrekker Jeff Rasley

E58 Int. Trekking, Tragedy, and True Giving with Philanthrotrekker Jeff Rasley

Sometimes out of tragedy, we find hope and purpose. For adventurer Jeff Rasley, a tragedy and narrow escape during a mountaineering expedition in Nepal changed his life forever, leading him to shift his spiritual and psychological perspective and to found the Basa Village Foundation to provide support and opportunities in a remote Nepalese village.

Jeff shares his journey and talks about the profound shifts that happened during what he calls his “midlife crisis” in a way he never expected. Jeff has gone from a career in the law, to the Himalayas, to writing, and to a new way of viewing and helping the world as a “philanthrotrekker.” Hear how tragedy became transition and opportunity, and a profound spiritual and personal shift.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“I had been very happy…living in apartments, not living tied to the ground…feeling like we could move any time we wanted.”

“Being up in the highest mountains in the world awed me.”

“An avalanche occurred, and it swept [porters] away. Our porters were trapped on the other side of the avalanche, and our guide made a heroic rescue and we made it safely back…It made me re-think whether this type of adventure was really appropriate…”

“The porters were risking their lives to give us this risky adventure.”

“It was that need to become more introspective and really figure out who I was in the context of the life I was living and how what I did affected other people.”

“How are you affecting those in your world?”

“When you don’t have distractions, personal relationships are so much more important.”

“Approach life as an adventure and a work of art.”



Book: “Bringing Progress to Paradise”


Jun 09, 201926:52
E57 Int. A Journey into Ecstatic Forgiveness with Ana Holub

E57 Int. A Journey into Ecstatic Forgiveness with Ana Holub

Forgiveness. It’s something we like to talk about, but when it comes to practicing it? Well, that’s not so easy. But for Ana Holub, forgiveness is a critical part of life, and something that she teaches and embodies.

Ana shares her deeply personal journey from a single mom carrying the tremendous weight of baggage and guilt to a seeker of spirit (with Colin Tipping, A Course in Miracles, ho’oponopono and more) who was finally able to not only apply the powerful tool of forgiveness in her own life, but also to share it with others to improve their lives. 

Ana’s background in peace studies, counseling, and dispute resolution have only helped to deepen her commitment as a champion of forgiveness and the power it has to change our lives. Go beyond the playground version of, “I’m sorry,” and “It’s okay,” transcend the victim role, take control, and use forgiveness to go deep into the core of what Ana Holub calls, “ecstatic forgiveness.”

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Forgiveness can be different for each person. I feel like I was born into it.”

“I sometimes call [my approach] ecstatic forgiveness…anybody, anywhere…you can still use this process with a religion or with no religion…you need a connection with something that is bigger and kinder than our own individual sense of the mind.”

“Forgiveness is really a trade: we say to spirit, you’re vast and mysterious, but I trust that this love is real…here is my sorrow and my pain, and I’m going to breathe it out and lay it down.”



-Forgive and Be Free:

-Radical Forgiveness (by Colin Tipping):

-A Course in Miracles:

Email: info(at)anaholub(dot)com (Subject: First lesson please)



May 26, 201932:45
E56 Int. Interpreting the Soul Language to Change Your Life with Jennifer Urezzio

E56 Int. Interpreting the Soul Language to Change Your Life with Jennifer Urezzio

Does our soul speak to us? What can soul languages tell us about our life? When Jennifer Urezzio finally decided to give her life over to her intuition, she became intimately connected to a “deep sense of grace” that she says changed her life. Once she heard her soul language, she found a community that supported her and helped her get into alignment.

Jennifer will share her journey from the corporate world to intuitive and soul language interpreter, talk about her book "Soul Language," and inspire you to create a conscious connection with your soul in a way you never imagined. The language of the soul is constantly being updated and growing. Tap into it now!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“My intuition talks in movies and sci-fi…Star Trek…because that’s my database.”

“I think anyone has intuition. It’s just a matter of using it.”

“A lot of us don’t pay attention to our intuition.”

“It’s about understanding the chatter versus guidance…guidance never feels like chatter in my head.”

“I’ve learned to build trust and ask questions…I think a lot of people are afraid to listen to their soul because they’re afraid of what the answers will be. But they can ask more questions.”

“Each one of us has three core energies of soul (languages) in three different categories.”

“I can give a one-liner to every soul on this planet.”

“Soul language puts tangibility to your soul.”

“I always like for the divine to do the heavy lifting.”



Books: (Soul Language) (A little Book of Prayers)


May 12, 201931:45
E55 Int. Health, Healing, and Happiness: Living a Holistic Lifestyle with Ina Mohan

E55 Int. Health, Healing, and Happiness: Living a Holistic Lifestyle with Ina Mohan

When Ina Mohan’s parents faced cancer at the same time, Ina became curious about what a natural, healthy lifestyle could mean for people seeking good health and a happier life. Eventually, she left a high-flying career in the casino and culinary industries and devoted her life to a plant-based lifestyle and helping others reach the pinnacle of health, healing, and happiness.

Today, Ina devotes her life to her message, and does much of that work through her annual Health, Healing & Happiness Expo. Find out what Ina can teach us about living a plant-based, holistic lifestyle, as well as the art of manifesting what you really want in life.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on YouTube at Find The Nobody Bible book at

Also listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“People either make a change out of inspiration or desperation.”

“My parents got diagnosed with cancer around the same time.”

“I got so disillusioned with what conventional medicine could not do for my mom.”

“Once you open that beautiful box of opportunities and you read on natural solutions and how powerful plants are…you can literally address 90% of all debilitating disease and illness….”

“Holistic for me means to be as whole body, mind, spirit encompassing as you can be…more natural, more compassionate, more mindful, more aware of everything you do.”

“If your mindset is still in fear, it will never be a possibility to heal and be holistic.”

“You’ve got to allow yourself some little indulgences…indulge and tell yourself that the sugar isn’t going to last and it’s all continuing…”


You can find out more about Ina’s latest events at

For the lifestyle resources, visit


Affiliate disclosure:

Apr 28, 201932:37
E54 Int. The Law of Attraction and Attracting Healing with LOA and Spirituality Coach Shawngela Pierce

E54 Int. The Law of Attraction and Attracting Healing with LOA and Spirituality Coach Shawngela Pierce

When a doctor told Shawngela Pierce she had a chronic condition that would not get better, she says that created a “disconnect.” And, it changed the course of her life. She became a student of the Law of Attraction and decided to take her health and healing into her own hands. It ultimately led her to write the book, “Healing and the Law of Attraction.”

Law of Attraction and spiritual coach Shawngela Pierce’s journey is one of exploration and discovery. In this episode, she will share how she followed childhood intuitions into health and healing to a path of coaching and helping others discover what she calls “the tools of the universe” to promote a healthier, more fulfilling life. And, she’ll share how she overcame a chronic disease by following her intuition and her knowledge of those tools.

What is the Law of Attraction? How can you use the Law of Attraction in everyday life? How can more questions bring more clarity? How can you connect with source? Listen in and be inspired to raise your life vibration!


For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find the book at

Also listen on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“The power lies within you…you can use the tools of the universe to heal yourself.”

“Teaching was the first thing I was led to do…”

“I developed what doctors labeled as a ‘chronic disease.’ That was a disconnect for me….that led me to naturopathic medical school.”

“I found the law of attraction and I immersed myself into it…all my ligh tbulbs went off…I knew I couldn’t continue along the same path.”

“I just knew in my gut I could heal myself.”

“I don’t teach people to throw out every belief system there is out there.”

“We are spiritual beings in a physical body…we all have access to the non-physical…we’re creating every aspect of our lives.” 

“It can be a fun process of discovering your true power…coming home to who you are.”



Book: Healing and the Law of Attraction:  


Apr 14, 201929:59
E53 One Year! A Deep Dive into the “Nobody” Concept and the Power of Plain Paper

E53 One Year! A Deep Dive into the “Nobody” Concept and the Power of Plain Paper

The Nobody Guide to Life podcast is turning one, and we’re so grateful! Find out more about what being “Nobody” is really all about (and the incredible power in it!), and discover how the “paper” anniversary of year one is the perfect metaphor for the “Nobody” journey and the journey of personal and spiritual growth!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), or join the Facebook conversation at Simple Spirituality. Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on YouTube at Find The Nobody Bible book at

Also listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry and more!

“Over the last year, this podcast has kept me accountable as I try to live that ‘nobody’ mission – as I get to know who I could be when I’m not so convinced of who I think I am.”

“I’ve made the tool of mindfulness a major focus of my life, trying to bring that state of calm, nonjudgmental awareness to everything I do…and…of course…noticing when I fail to do that!”

“Paper is absolutely the right material to represent the journey of personal and spiritual growth – and of this show. It’s just the right thing to represent the Nobody concept.”

“Wherever you’re starting from, start from there! An open heart. An open mind. A blank slate. A willingness to be open to any experience.”


Mar 31, 201914:30
E52 Int. Getting to "Why" - Linking Passover, Easter, and Spiritual and Personal Growth with Nathan Slegers

E52 Int. Getting to "Why" - Linking Passover, Easter, and Spiritual and Personal Growth with Nathan Slegers

Passover and Easter…different holidays, but related, right? Well, according to Nathan Slegers, they are intimately connected in a way you may have never imagined. And, they may just help you discover the “why” in your own life and help you understand your own spiritual and personal practices better.

Nathan Slegers is a professor of engineering who put his analytical mind to the task of revealing the hidden narratives in the Passover and Easter story, and now he is sharing his insights into how the sister traditions of Judaism and Christianity may be even more closely linked through the Easter and Passover stories than once thought.

Learn more about Passover. Learn more about Easter. Learn more about what Nathan says are the key messages of redemption in these stories, and see if it heightens your appreciation of two holidays so closely linked and enhances your sense of the “why” in your own personal spiritual or personal growth journey.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

“Once I started taking those different stories and looking at them, all of a sudden, the purpose behind all of them seemed to align. I saw this one story behind all of them…they were all connected.”

“What is the purpose of the Passover? Really, it’s a redemption story.”

“Easter is the fulfillment of this long story of redemption.”

“The idea behind Christianity is that there is a redemption and salvation…you’re brought into a rest that was fulfilled through someone else’s work.”

“This is the purpose of redemption – to bring you into this rest, or this completed state of security.”

“Sometimes we get so familiar with things…you just take them for granted. You don’t understand the ‘why’ behind it or the significance.”

“Someone will question, ‘Why do you do this?’ and that’s an unnerving question if you haven’t really thought about it.”

“Don’t just settle for things that seem good to you…look at the reasons behind those beliefs.”

“It was like meeting Jesus again for the first time.”

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 


Book: Passover: The Story of Easter from the Beginning:


Affiliate disclosure:

Mar 17, 201928:35
E51 Int. Get Humble, Get Help, and Get Healthy with Coach and Counselor David Essel

E51 Int. Get Humble, Get Help, and Get Healthy with Coach and Counselor David Essel

David Essel was a successful entrepreneur and health coach. He has interviewed Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Suze Orman, and more. But he was also, in his words, his own worst enemy. When a life of luxury and travel succumbed to one of depression and addiction, David knew how and when he would take his own life. That led him to call psychiatrists to beg them to see him…to help him. And one did. And it saved David’s life. Today, David Essel has devoted his gift of life to inspiring millions to live life to their highest potential.

Hear David’s unique take on the Law of Attraction, why affirmations and a vision board may not be enough, and find out how you can start living the life of your dreams and why the secret may just lie in asking yourself a few simple questions – questions to take you from where you are to where you want to be. 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“I was burning out, leaning heavily on alcohol and cocaine…to sustain my life.”

“Deep depression…when we’re in it…it’s really hard to keep that image when behind the scenes you’re doing self-sabotaging behavior.”

“I knew exactly how and when I was going to take my own life.”

“It’s amazing how we can avoid out own life by distracting ourselves…we are, without a doubt, our worst enemy.”

“I have no gift that no one else who is listening doesn’t have, when it comes to healing and going inside…”

“When you don’t know what to do, ask for help.”

“If you attack your greatest weakness, your whole life will become stronger.”

“Fill your brain with things that are very powerful and potent.”




Focus! Drop the Law of Attraction:

Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life. But This Book Will:  


Affiliate disclosure:

Mar 03, 201932:59
E50 Int. Living Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success with Neville Johnson

E50 Int. Living Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success with Neville Johnson

Famed UCLA Coach John Wooden is best remembered for his sayings, including: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” He also developed the Coach John Wooden Pyramid of Success that applied to basketball, and to life. For attorney and writer Neville Johnson (aka singer Trevor McShane), Wooden’s legacy is not only a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth, but a potent construct that started a personal mission to write about – and live – this wisdom. 

Neville shares how Coach Wooden influenced him, and how he now applies John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and his philosophies to his law practice and his personal life. Neville shares stories and quotes from Coach John Wooden that may just change the way you see basketball, and life. 


For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“I was open to and found the right team to work with, because I have my strengths and deficiencies.” 

 “I found the courage to take on the powers that be.” “Everything is fundamentals.” 

“I try to be a kind, considerate person who doesn’t lose his temper and tries to have a sense of humor.” 

“The biggest thing to learn is to not get into conflagrations...don’t get into name-calling.” 

“If something bad happens, don’t sweep it under the rug. Deal with it immediately…Everybody makes mistakes all the time, no matter who they are! [But] if you don’t make mistakes, you’re never going to get ahead!”  

“What’s holding you back? Go for it!” 

“Everybody’s faced with some sort of a dilemma. You don’t need to get histrionic or hysterical…you face it head on, and you move forward.” 


Music: Law practice:  Book: Woodenisms:  

Book: The John Wooden Pyramid of Success: 


Affiliate disclosure:

Feb 17, 201930:48
E49 Int. Wounded Healer, Powerful Healer: Take Charge of Mind, Body and Spirit with Dr. Trish Murray

E49 Int. Wounded Healer, Powerful Healer: Take Charge of Mind, Body and Spirit with Dr. Trish Murray

Spirituality and health. Do you associate those words? What happens when traditional medicine meets spirit? According to Dr. Trish Murray, it’s the power to heal. Trish relates her journey from serious injury to powerful healer – a journey that took her to medical school, shamanic healing classes, and so much more.

Trish discusses her new book, “Make a D.E.N.T.™ in Chronic Disease: Your Guide to Living Pain Free Through Functional Medicine” and explains how paying attention to all dimensions of our self, in body, mind, and spirit, can lead not just to healing, but total wellness.

Trish is on the forefront of the mind, body, spirit discussion, and her insights may just motivate you to make a plan for change and to see it through. After all, the power is in your hands.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“Faced with struggles, leaps of learning occur.”

“Why are some people able to make changes in their life and some not?”

“The more I got into it, the more I realized we’re all wounded healers.”

“You can only be as good of a healer as you are healed yourself.”

“Nothing is coincidence…the Universe has your back all the time.”

“So many of us are hyper-sensitive to our environments…immune system inflammation.”

“If you get to the root cause of your imbalances…and you’re willing to start taking the steps…you have the power.”


Book: Make a D.E.N.T.™ in Chronic Disease: Your Guide to Living Pain Free Through Functional Medicine: 



Affiliate disclosure:

Feb 03, 201930:04
E48 A Big Announcement: The Challenge and Opportunities of Change
Jan 27, 201911:18
E47 Int. Bio-Touch: Healing Humanity with the Power of Touch with Paul Bucky

E47 Int. Bio-Touch: Healing Humanity with the Power of Touch with Paul Bucky


Paul Bucky’s Bio-Touch story has a magical quality. Mythical. It’s the story of how he found a healer in a small town who – through a background of thick smoke, daytime soap operas and a simple touch technique – relieved a pain in Paul that nothing else could. From that moment on, Paul knew he had to learn this technique and share it with the world. To heal the world.

Paul shares a simple tip that he says can change our lives, and all of humanity.

Listen in to Paul’s story and hear how encounters we don’t expect can lead to healing we could never imagine. Paul describes the Bio-Touch technique, tells incredible stories of how it’s helped people, and shares how it can help you today – no pretense, no symbols, no religion or belief required!

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“Why was I wishing for everyone to be happy and healthy instead of a bicycle?”

“I was so sick I was taking shots of valium.”

“When you can’t heal yourself, all of a sudden you’re not good enough…God doesn’t love you…”

“If you had a title, I stayed away from it.”

“I went out and asked him, ‘Well, what’d you do?’ And he said, ‘Eh, I just touched.’ And I said, ‘What should I expect to have happen?’ and he said, ‘I donno. Whatever.’”

“The power inherent in our own body to heal itself when given the opportunity is miraculous.”

“Just plain ol’ touch on the skin. And you didn’t have to believe in it. There were no levels. And I just said to Norman and Carol, ‘We need to get this out to the public.’”

“It didn’t matter what you believed, who you were...the technique worked regardless of anything.”

“You don’t have to believe in it. There’s no intention. It’s just taking the two fingers, reaching out, and touching somebody, and they’re affected.”

“We don’t cure cure people, we’re not slapping people on the forehead and all of a sudden they get up and everything’s fine…It’s really about relationship between people.” 





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Jan 20, 201930:28
E46 Int. Living Better Is Total BS (Body & Soul) - Creating a Life You Love with Georgia Woodbine

E46 Int. Living Better Is Total BS (Body & Soul) - Creating a Life You Love with Georgia Woodbine

Can you really live the life of your dreams? Can you really bring joy to your daily life? Yes! And Georgia Woodbine has steps to help you make your dreams a reality.

Georgia – an author, coach, and motivational speaker – has a plan for you. Her book, Total BS (Body & Soul) will help you discover ways to live healthier, get centered, and make the most of your day. Listen in and find out why you need a “why” and a vision for your life, and how having a positive mindset can do more than change your mood – it can change your life.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“There are seven habits to get fit for life.”

“Healthy habits require commitment, discipline, and patience.”

“It’s about having a positive mindset and a healthy self-image.”

“Prioritize your life. Have a mission statement for your life…everything I do has to tie in with that mission statement.”

“When you have a ‘why,’ it makes your life flow so much easier.”

“We’re all deliberate creators…every thought that we have creates an action.”



Book: Total BS (Body and Soul): 


Jan 13, 201931:24
E45 Int. Akashic Records, Spiritual DNA, Karmic Chakras and Looking in the Mirror with Sherry Hopson

E45 Int. Akashic Records, Spiritual DNA, Karmic Chakras and Looking in the Mirror with Sherry Hopson

Have you had premonitions of future events? Do you have memories of past lives? Do you see spirits or hear messages from guardian angels? For psychic medium and medical intuitive Sherry Hopson, the answer to these questions – and more – is yes! She wasn’t looking for these events and gifts. They found her. And though she didn’t ask for them, she eventually learned they were signs to her of her purpose, and she has learned to harness them to help others.

When will the next planetary shift expand our consciousness? How often do we come back in reincarnation? Listen as Sherry answers these questions and discusses exploring the Akashic records and spiritual DNA, the purpose of past lives, karmic chakras, the mirroring effect, and her gifts and life of personal growth and surrender.

However you think you understand the world of energy, see if Sherry Hopson’s insights and practical advice can’t just give you something else to consider the next time you step into the 5-sense world. Is it reflecting something powerful back to you to help you heal and grow?

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“I stuffed it away for many, many years…”

“I got shoved, pushed, and kicked down a path I didn’t want to go.”

“The harder I tried to get away from it, the more it would come down on top of me…I ran for almost 15 years before [it became] my passion.”

“You are the drop in the pond that will help to change things.”

“Everybody comes into the planet with either self-value issues or self-worth issues.”

“In order to change who you are…you have to see yourself as you desire to be…I already am that, I’m just not focused in on it.”

“The Akashic records are nothing more than our spiritual DNA.”

“Spiritual DNA is comprised of all of our experiences as a soul on this side and the other side.”

“When we have a trauma, we end up fragmenting ourselves, and that fragment creates a karmic chakra.”

“The more energy we create in the Universe, the larger the Universe becomes.”



Affiliate disclosure:

Jan 06, 201931:18
Ft. Happy New Year 2019, and Thank You So Much!

Ft. Happy New Year 2019, and Thank You So Much!

Happy New Year 2019, and thank you so much for your support of The Nobody Guide to Life!

If you've made resolutions or set goals for personal and spiritual growth in 2019, I hope they are happy and successful.

There's even more coming in 2019, so if you have ideas for the show or ideas for guests, reach out to me and let me know!

Have a happy, healthy, peaceful year! 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

Jan 01, 201901:42
E44 Int. Horses: Healing Our Trauma with Honesty and Energy with Equine Gestalt Coach Andrea Hall

E44 Int. Horses: Healing Our Trauma with Honesty and Energy with Equine Gestalt Coach Andrea Hall

What is equine gestalt coaching? According to equine gestalt coach Andrea Hall of Withers Whisper in Colorado, it’s a powerful healing modality that can help us change the neural pathways in our brain and create a different experience. 

Andrea says we can’t hide from horses – they know if we’re speaking our truth – and that horses can help us get to the root of our traumas and help us heal.

Horses have helped humans for centuries, and Andrea believes they can assist us not only on a physical level, but partner with us on the soul and energy level to help us live lives of power and freedom.

Andrea shares the process of equine gestalt coaching as well as a truly amazing story of one client’s personal healing with a horse in a way she never expected. 

Re-discover the animal-human bond and find hope for healing.

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“I went through a two-year process of healing my own self, to get to a place of completing my unfinished business.”

“We all have our own trauma, no matter if you grew up in a Leave It to Beaver family or not.”

“[Horses] are attracted to the energy of someone speaking their truth.”

“Everything has a vibration. All words have a vibration…the horse would energetically know whether or not you were speaking your truth.”

“What we do with the horses is transformational. So you actually have an experience with the horse that changes the neural pathways in the brain and they create a different experience.”

“We open up the wound, we dig deep, and find out what the root is…until you get to the root of the problem and heal it, it’s forever going to be there.”

“I have a horse that is a phenomenal chakra healer…another one holds space and has a huge heart.”

“A human being’s root chakra is connected to a horse’s third chakra.”


Find more about Andrea Withers of Withers Whisper and her books, “Living Your Joy: Living a Joy-Filled Life” and “Touched by a Horse: Equine Coaching Stories” at:

Dec 30, 201829:26
E43 Be Mindful of Both Economy and Energy – The Dual Lesson of Jesus’ Birth

E43 Be Mindful of Both Economy and Energy – The Dual Lesson of Jesus’ Birth

If your origins are in a stable, you still have the same right to personal and spiritual growth as someone decreeing a census and taxation from a palace. December brings Christmas – a celebration of the birth of Jesus for Christians around the world. But it also brings the realities of the economy and materialism. And that’s just fine. 

Maybe this time of year is a way to be more mindful about the two sides of our nature, and how it really is possible to soar to the highest heights of spiritual and personal growth while living everyday life right here, right now, right in the world of jobs, bills, and the economy. Hear the story of Jesus in a new way, and discover what it can teach us all about empowering the events of everyday life to help you not only walk the line between economy and energy, but reach the highest heights – all with the tools you have available in your stable. 

“December has come to represent something important for the spiritual and the secular among us. And really, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

 “That dual nature of the month provides us with an opportunity to learn balance…to make choices.” 

“The journey of personal and spiritual growth takes on so much more meaning when we see it in the context of where we are and where we want to be.” 

“When we realize it’s our day-to-day activities in the material world, right now, that can provide us with the experiences we need, in order to grow beyond them, that’s something special.” 

“No matter how mundane an event seems, it has the stuff of greatness built in.” 

“A candle casts the same light in a rural farmhouse as it does in a ballroom in the grandest mansion.” 

“You are a person who may have a paycheck to earn, gifts to buy, and bills to pay, but you’re also a person who has dreams to dream, enlightenment to reach, and a message to bring. And those things are not mutually exclusive.” 

“If we all have that bright spark of energy or the divine within us, then we can all have a destiny that stretches out from any humble beginning to any lofty goal.” 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 


Dec 23, 201813:19
E42 Int. Key Steps to Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul, and Finding Peace with Melanie Jatsek

E42 Int. Key Steps to Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul, and Finding Peace with Melanie Jatsek

We get mindless about eating sometimes. But what if we practiced mindful eating? What if we paid more attention to what went into our bodies? Could it change what we put out in the world? Dietitian and author Melanie Jatsek struggled with binge eating disorder and then healed into a life focused on the positives that food can bring into our lives. She credits her struggle as being one of her biggest gifts, and she’s now made it her mission to share with others the missing pieces to a world of inner harmony with food, body, and health. 

Food can either make us powerful or deplete us, and it starts with the choices we make when we sit down each day to snacks and meals. What’s your relationship to food? Do you want it to be more mindful? Listen to Melanie Jatsek and check out her book, “Missing Peace: Eleven Secrets to Restore Inner Harmony with Your Food, Body, and Health," and see if there are some changes you can make today! 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“I can’t explain it rationally…it was decided that I learned everything I needed from that eating disorder…I’m wiser, I’ve connected more with my source, and I look at it as if that was the crack that needed to happen in me to allow a light in.” 

“Now I have the label of ‘dietitian who is recovered from an eating disorder'…yet I was so ashamed of that. I didn’t want anybody to know…until I shared it and it was as if my world shifted. Finally, people could relate to me.” 

“Once I shared the story…there was this space inside of me that was unsettled…a burning desire in me that knew I had to do something more with this message…I had to take this book, this message…” 

“All of a sudden, before my eyes, flashed the words, ‘missing peace.’” 

“Holy cow! I am a piece of the divine!” “You need not seek any further for the peace that you believe is missing, because that peace is there. It’s been there all along.” 

“We all have the answers within us.” 

“When we tell ourselves we can’t have a food…you want it 100 times more. I tell people, it’s not about whether or not it’s good for you or not, you have to be able to open the food prison door and be free.” 

“What you feed your body most, it craves.” 

“Include earth foods to form a peace meal.” 






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Dec 16, 201830:46
E41 Int. Poetry’s Power to Teach Social Skills, Mindfulness, and Civility with Benjamin Farrey-Latz

E41 Int. Poetry’s Power to Teach Social Skills, Mindfulness, and Civility with Benjamin Farrey-Latz

We want kids to act in ways that we’re not always prepared to act. That’s why it’s important for all of us to learn (and re-learn!) proper social skills, civility, mindfulness, and generally how to be good people. Ben Farrey-Latz has produced a book of poetry that helps to do just that. Join Ben as he speaks about “I Can Learn Social Skills” and how – through the use of rhyme and vivid, real-world examples – children (and adults!) can get a friendly, and fun, reminder of how simple skills can transform children, classrooms, and communities. I Can Learn Social Skills is a fun, visually interesting book aimed at teaching social skills. But its mission is so much broader. Listen in and learn a little bit about a small book trying to have a big impact. 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“There’s no reason an adult can’t read this book…” 

“Calming strategies are calming strategies…there’s no reason adults can’t use them, too.” 

“I find even as a teacher in the classroom…I calm my body and let kids know it’s alright to make a mistake or be angry…it’s how you deal with the anger. I think that’s the same for adults.” 

“Going back and reminding kids about these things, it’s good if you model them yourself.” 

“Give yourself a little bit of time to calm yourself. It’s okay to give yourself time to think through something.” 

“Everybody’s coming from a different place…how can I step back and do this in a way that’s going to be respectful, and...calm?” 

Links: Website: 



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Dec 09, 201829:36
E40 Int. From Acting, to Medical School, to Finding the “And” with Coach and Doctor Penelope Hsu

E40 Int. From Acting, to Medical School, to Finding the “And” with Coach and Doctor Penelope Hsu

What would it look like for you to feel alive? Can you be artistic and a doctor? What is your “and”? Those were the questions for pediatrician and coach Dr. Penelope Hsu. After struggling to honor everyone else but herself and her creativity, she tried everything to help her get back on track: medication, therapy, church, and more. But then she met a coach who helped her find her “And,” and it changed her life. Penelope became a coach and merged that training with her practice – taking it all to a new level. Penelope found a way to honor many paths and bring the power of coaching tools, structure, and planning to her patients and her profession. Her new mission is to help others find the right Prescription for Change with honesty and courage. 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“You need a win to build confidence.” 

“The ripping off of the veil is a little uncomfortable.” 

“Everything felt dead and wrong.” 

“Quite honestly, Western medicine failed me.” 

“It doesn’t have to be ‘honor, or you’re a complete piece of crap!’ You can be artistic and a doctor and wouldn’t that be even more interesting!” 

“This concept of ‘and’ changed my life.” 


Dec 06, 201831:35
E39 Int. RESET, Roar, and Learn to Love Your Life with Jacqui Phillips

E39 Int. RESET, Roar, and Learn to Love Your Life with Jacqui Phillips

When Jacqui Phillips woke up and didn’t recognize the person in front of her in the mirror, she realized she needed a reset. And that’s exactly what she did. Jacqui shares with us a journey of broken dreams that eventually led to living the life of her dreams. In her book, RESET: 6 Essential RESETS to a Healthier Happier You, Jacqui encourages and inspires people to reset their lives and dare to dream. Hear how she awoke one day to a lion’s roar and now leads a life encouraging everyone to roar their greatness by taking stock of health, emotions, relationships, finance, appearance, and faith. You may just get the inspiration to reset your life, “turn your pain to purpose,” and understand the power of the love and kindness that you deserve in your life. 

For more information, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@nobodysview), on Instagram (@japlosker), or join the conversation at our Facebook group, Simple Spirituality ( Discover even more at or find videos and episodes on The Nobody Guide to Life YouTube Channel at Find the book, "The Nobody Bible: Uncovering the Simple Wisdom in Ordinary Life" at 

Listen to The Nobody Guide to Life podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox, TuneIn, Spreaker, Blubrry, and more! 

“I was facing several problems at the same time, and I knew I had to change. There was a real strong part of me that would have rather been dead.” 

“One day I was laying in bed…and I woke up hearing a lion roar. That’s what woke me up.” 

“What I was carrying all those years was spiritual weight.” 

“Change your dialogue with yourself. Look in the mirror and say, ‘I love you.’” 

“My mindset was my poison.” 

“It’s so important to clean up your life. It’s so important to make space for goodness…fall in love with yourself.” 

Links: Website: 




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Dec 02, 201832:54
Ft. Be Mindful as December Approaches
Nov 28, 201801:44