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WTF Should I Do W/ My Life?!

WTF Should I Do W/ My Life?!

By Jacob Sokol

No BS, real-life, street-smart conversations with some of the world's leading thinkers about how we can end the grind and create extraordinary lives. Let's face it… The world is changing and the traditional roadmap for success just isn't working anymore. So, what does it actually take for us to be happy and successful? How do we create a life of excitement and integrity, while living with a deep sense of purpose? Join us for a shockingly clear, fresh perspective on how to start living the dream.
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WTF Coach – Judgement & Criticism From Your Family

WTF Should I Do W/ My Life?!Sep 12, 2022

WTF Coach – Judgement & Criticism From Your Family

WTF Coach – Judgement & Criticism From Your Family

This is the final episode of this series, where I share some personal coaching from my "Life Coach in your Pocket" series. This episode is about coping with judgement and criticism from your family.

Sep 12, 202207:25
WFT Coach – Fear of Public Speaking

WFT Coach – Fear of Public Speaking

This is the second episode where I share some personal coaching from my "Life Coach in your Pocket" series. This one is about having fear of public speaking.

Sep 08, 202207:19
WTF Coach: How To Stop Expecting Attention From Others

WTF Coach: How To Stop Expecting Attention From Others

About a month ago, I sent an email out to the Sensophy community, basically saying, how dope would it be if you had like a Life Coach in your Pocket.  And any question that you had, BOOM, you could immediately have an answer to it. And I offered the opportunity for people to write me. And I said, for the next 48 hours, I'll be your "Life Coach in your Pocket".

And  I was thinking, what if we shared those messages that I sent to people? Here I share one of those recordings. Let's do this!

Sep 04, 202212:05
Extraordinary Relationships Panel w Dr Aziz

Extraordinary Relationships Panel w Dr Aziz

I recently spoke on a panel about how to create “extraordinary relationships”. During the talk, I shared my most cutting-edge ideas and hard earned lessons about how to create an amazing love life.

Afterwards, I asked the host, Dr. Aziz, if I could share the private event recording with you - and he said yes. Whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship… If you're looking to improve your love life, I think you may benefit from hearing the lessons that most changed my life… They may do the same for you.

Dec 10, 202101:03:12
WTF 094: Corona Coaching #5

WTF 094: Corona Coaching #5

This is the last episode where I do some deep group coaching in a community setting with people in the times of Corona quarantine and the pandemic reconfiguration of the world as we've known it.

May 22, 202001:39:24
WTF 093: Corona Coaching #4

WTF 093: Corona Coaching #4

This is an episode where I do some deep group coaching in a community setting with people in the times of Corona quarantine and the pandemic reconfiguration of the world as we've known it.

May 15, 202001:09:13
WTF 092: Corona Coaching #3

WTF 092: Corona Coaching #3

This is an episode where I do some deep group coaching in a community setting with people in the times of Corona quarantine and the pandemic reconfiguration of the world as we've known it.

May 08, 202001:17:49
WTF 091: Corona Coaching #2

WTF 091: Corona Coaching #2

This is an episode where I do some deep group coaching in a community setting with people in the times of Corona quarantine and the pandemic reconfiguration of the world as we've known it.

May 01, 202001:10:53
WTF 090: Corona Coaching #1

WTF 090: Corona Coaching #1

This is an episode where I do some deep group coaching in a community setting with people in the times of Corona quarantine and the pandemic reconfiguration of the world as we've known it.

Apr 24, 202001:16:29
WTF 089: Treat perfectionism like a criminal

WTF 089: Treat perfectionism like a criminal

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.

Here's a bit of wisdom from my earlier GRAFFITI days..

This is an excerpt from a module in my current True Path program about treating perfectionism like a criminal.

Got time? Let's do this!

With love,

Dec 05, 201905:26
WTF 088: Doing The Impossible: The Power of Commitment w/ Kelli Jackson

WTF 088: Doing The Impossible: The Power of Commitment w/ Kelli Jackson

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.

Let’s play a quick game.

Without overthinking it… ?

What’s the most inspiring story you’ve heard recently?

A story that made you pause and say *WOW!*...

And not from a sour-face place of disgust...

But from a place of “god damnnnn that shit's inspiring!"

Got one?


Today I wanna share with you a story that could be your new answer.

A story so inspiring that I’ve never told it to anyone without it blowing their mind..

A story that'll make you rethink what’s possible with your life (no matter how old you are, how much money you have, or what you think your unique limitations are.)

The story involves an unassuming middle-aged government accountant…

who with ZERO previous experience, decided she was going to…

ride a damn unicycle around the world! ?

I happened to be there when she decided over 2 years ago. And I’ve been following her journey very closely ever since!

I brought her on the WTF podcast so you could hear her tell this insane story directly as it continues to unfold right now!

This was one of the most fun interviews I can remember doing. We talk about:

This crazy story that makes everyone say “WOW!”
How to create a vision that FIRES you up
The hidden power of going “all in”
How to use your obstacles as motivation
Why it’s never too late to change your life

I’ll be bringing Kelli back on the podcast a few more times as the story continues to develop...

But for now, have a listen and let me know what you think!

Nov 30, 201801:15:30
WTF 087: I Went Bald

WTF 087: I Went Bald


That’s not something I ever thought I’d be...

But last year, I got smacked upside the head with the realization that my hair is thinning.

Like, noticeably thinning.

In the last WTF podcast episode, I spoke with my friend and mentor Pilar Gerasimo about my fear or hair loss and she explained how to get more attractive as you age.

Today I’ve got an update for you: I decided to go head-on into my fear of hairlessness and shave my e-n-t-i-r-e head.


It happened in the desert. With 70,000 people. And it did not go smoothly!

I chronicle the adventure in a podcast I just recorded.

Grab some popcorn. Kick your feet up. Come have a listen.

Somewhat smoothly,

Sep 21, 201821:46
WTF 086: How To Become More Attractive As You Age w/ Pilar Gerasimo

WTF 086: How To Become More Attractive As You Age w/ Pilar Gerasimo

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
We all know we’re gonna die…

But for our sanity, evolution must have installed some kinda "death-denial feature" in our software, because we act like we’ll live forever.

This is why death can feel so shocking. We knew death would happen one day but never really expect it.

Well, that’s been my experience with aging recently. I knew that shit would happen one day, but I thought that day was like 150 years from now.

A little backstory: I recently noticed my hairline starting to recede, so my optimistic self hit up my homey Google, knowing he’d come thru with a solution. But what I found was so contradictory, confusing, and misleading.

To cut through the chaos, I decided to reach out to another friend (and scientifically validated health revolutionary), Pilar Gerasimo. She’s the creator of Experience Life magazine (3 million+ people readership) and the co-host of The Living Experiment podcast.

When Pilar hit me back with some tough-love about acceptance, my initial response was something to the effect of: “Ah, fuck!”

I pushed back… she pushed back even more… and then she suggested I open up to my community about these personal challenges I was navigating. And so we recorded a podcast all about how to age wisely!

Come listen in and you’ll learn about:

The important difference between aging from “fear” vs “fun”
How to avoid losing your “social value” as you get older
Increasing your confidence + eliminating your “aging” insecurities
How to not become “George Costanza” and give up on looking good
Rebelling against society's anti-aging propaganda and taking your power back

I go into some p-r-e-t-t-y, p-r-e-t-t-y personal stuff in the interview.

Have a listen and then hit me back and let me know whatcha think!

The wisdom in this conversation was super helpful for me. And I hope it’s helpful for you too!

Peace yo.

Jun 15, 201857:47
WTF 085: Do You Fear Not Living Up To Your Potential?”

WTF 085: Do You Fear Not Living Up To Your Potential?”

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
Lately I’ve become a fucking warrior.

Something clicked, and I’ve entered into a completely new mode of operating:

I’m meditating every single day - 100% no skip days.
I’m taking cold showers every single day - 100% no skip days.
I stopped masturbating - as a single man, this ain’t no walk in the park.
I’m working out 6 days a week - occasionally 2x per day.
And I've been skipping down the sidewalks of New York! SKIPPING!!! ( challenge my fear of what people think of me.)

It’s like I’ve become Unleashed. And this is just the beginning…

I’m on the verge of signing up for a 10 day silent meditation retreat… or going to do martial arts… or competing in my first Spartan Race.

The craziest part about all this... IT FEELS EFFORTLESS.

And because of this powerful energy inside me, it feels like my dreams are inevitable.

So what changed? Why am I doing this? And how can you benefit from this too?

8 months ago my life was good, comfortable, and successful by most people’s standards.

Shit, it was successful even by my own standards back then.

But after some huge growth earlier in my career, I realized it was now only improving marginally. And despite my hard work ethic, I wasn’t getting to the level I really wanted to.

Looking back, I started to secretly doubt if the massive success I once dreamed of was actually possible for me. So I told myself I didn’t need anything more than what I currently had. I was using “gratitude” as a crutch for “settling”.

Thankfully, I listened to that little voice of wisdom inside which urged me to slow down and take a hard honest look in the mirror. And as I did, I got the sense that I was valuing comfort more than living up to my potential. And it was time for a massive change!

I’ll save the play-by-play details of what’s happened in the 8 months since then, but essentially, I made a series of hard, yet liberating decisions...

I pressed pause on my biz growth, ended my 4 year relationship, went offline to reinvent myself, and committed to becoming the man who’s capable of creating a “10 out of 10” life in every single area...

(impact, love life, finances, health, fun, lifestyle, family, etc.)

During that time, I traveled thru Africa, Russia, and Amsterdam in a deeply introspective state, studying cutting edge neuroscience and piecing together the secrets of human transformation.

Suddenly it hit me… “I know exactly what my next mission is!”

While researching brain-science, I realized that most personal development courses fall short of delivering lasting change because they don’t address all parts of the human operating system.

Sure, you can make some progress in one area, but without getting the complete picture of how the human operating system works, you’re living on unstable foundations. And you’re definitely not accelerating your growth at a rate that’ll bring your full potential to life.

So I decided to take on the ambitious task of creating a process that methodically takes you through the steps of unleashing your potential and transforming into the next level of what’s possible for you.

That’s why I’m excited to announce the unveiling of my new program... Unleashed... a 5-month “growth accelerator” for 12 selective bad-asses who dare to go head-on into their greatness.

By becoming Unleashed...

You’ll shatter the self-imposed limits that have stopped you from achieving more success, happiness, and freedom - and know you’re contributing to the world in a way that actually matters.

Apr 26, 201813:38
WTF 084: Using “Breathwork” To Find Your Hidden Blocks That Sabotage Your Success w/ Michelle D’Avella

WTF 084: Using “Breathwork” To Find Your Hidden Blocks That Sabotage Your Success w/ Michelle D’Avella

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.<br />
In today’s episode, Jacob interviews Michelle D’Avella.<br />
<br />
Michelle D’Avella supports women and men through their journey inward to release pain, open their hearts, and create a life they love. She is a Breathwork teacher, Desire Map facilitator, writer, and mentor. Learn more about Michelle and her work at and follow her on Instagram for daily doses of inspiration.<br />
<br />
In this podcast you will learn:<br />
<br />
How to tell the difference between intuition and fear<br />
How to know when it’s time to quit your passion project and move on<br />
What it takes to find “who you really are” and recontrust your identity based on it<br />
Why “going deep” sucks but how it can free you from feeling stuck<br />
How to do an incredibly powerful “active meditation” called Breathwork<br />
<br />
Listen now to hear more!
Aug 21, 201750:30
WTF 083: How To Make A Bigger Impact, Right Now

WTF 083: How To Make A Bigger Impact, Right Now

“I just wanna make a bigger impact, Jacob”<br />
That’s what my client said to me as we started our coaching session.<br />
<br />
And it’s no surprise, this guy is a rockstar.<br />
<br />
He owns a great business.<br />
He’s madly in love.<br />
He travels freely.<br />
He wakes up excited.<br />
He has tons of time in his schedule.<br />
<br />
Impressive.<br />
<br />
But that’s not enough.<br />
<br />
“Rockstar” also happens to have a heart of gold, and he came to our session driven to give back!<br />
So how do you coach a guy who’s already a rockstar?<br />
Listen now to find out!
Aug 03, 201713:31
How to Move Through Fear, Create Amazing Relationships and Make Meaningful Money – Jacob Sokol Interviewed on The Ellie Aaron Hour

How to Move Through Fear, Create Amazing Relationships and Make Meaningful Money – Jacob Sokol Interviewed on The Ellie Aaron Hour

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today’s episode, Jacob gets interviewed by Ellie Aaron on The Ellie Aaron Hour podcast.

In this podcast you will learn:

Why Fear isn't a problem and how we can alchemize it to move into the next phase of our life 
Why cold showers and embodiment practices are so important to get us out of our heads and into the present moment
How to calm yourself down during challenging emotions 
How to find your “soul voice” and intuition 
How our intimate relationships bring up exactly what we need to work on and heal our inner wounds 
How to maintain connection and freedom in Partnership 
Why making money will help you show up for others more 
Money being a feedback loop of goodness 
How getting into a state of abundance brings more money into our life 
How being playful is a wealth magnet

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!

Jul 10, 201701:19:57
WTF 082: How To Make Your First $10K As A Coach With Jan Broders

WTF 082: How To Make Your First $10K As A Coach With Jan Broders

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews Jan Broders.

Jan has been traveling the world together with his girlfriend and 9 month old son for more than 2 years. He is a Life & Business Coach who has coached entrepreneurs, executives, politicians, students, and other coaches. Through his mindfulness based coaching approach, Jan’s clients exceed their goals by gaining inner presence before taking efficient & very intentional action.

Jan currently offers high impact coaching sprints at with the aim to create your next $10K in revenue.

In this podcast you will learn:

- What it really means to be of “service” and how to do it you in your own authentic way.
- How to overcome the fear of “Who am I to coach? I’m not 100% ready yet.”
- Which money beliefs you need to shift to create your first $10K.

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Jun 05, 201758:27
WTF 081: Shout Out To You!

WTF 081: Shout Out To You!

A shout out to YOU!

Whether you've listened to the podcast once, or for years, the fact that we share some of the same values as far as growth, freedom, and contribution means the world to me. Thank you for allowing me into your journey.

A new opportunity is coming soon as well! If you've ever wanted to go to Costa Rica, have a transformational experience, and be around a community of people ready to support you -- make sure you are signed up for our newsletter! Sign up at

May 31, 201702:60
WTF 080: Why Aren’t I There Yet? (For everyone wanting more success.)

WTF 080: Why Aren’t I There Yet? (For everyone wanting more success.)

Does it ever feel like no matter how much you work on yourself…
…no matter how much effort you put in…
…that you still haven’t arrived “there” yet?
Yuppppp. I know, that frustrating feeling sucks!

BUTTTTT… you’re not alone. This is actually a huge trap that *everyone* falls into at times.

I recently found the perfect analogy to explain how this phenomenon works. So tune in now!

Apr 05, 201702:11
WTF 079: A Drunk Interview with Jacob Sokol and Matt D’Avella

WTF 079: A Drunk Interview with Jacob Sokol and Matt D’Avella

In this episode, Matt D’Avella – filmmaker, director, and minimalist– interviews Jacob.

They explore topics like:

How I got started out
Some of my early struggles and breakthroughs
Everything from personal finance to Matt’s sex life
Drunk life coaching
And more!

Mar 29, 201734:31
WTF 078: It Doesn’t Make Sense

WTF 078: It Doesn’t Make Sense

Reflection: Is there something that “doesn’t make sense” which you really wanna do?
Mar 22, 201701:23
WTF 077: The 4 Levels of Consciousness

WTF 077: The 4 Levels of Consciousness

No matter where you are on your personal-development journey, there’s always an opportunity to take your growth, happiness, and results to the next level. In this episode, Jacob share’s a powerful framework for doing exactly that!
Mar 06, 201721:52
WTF 076: Jacob Interviewed by Andy Drish – Train For The Challenge

WTF 076: Jacob Interviewed by Andy Drish – Train For The Challenge

In today's episode, Jacob is interviewed on the podcast Starting From Nothing with Andy Drish. Andy is an entrepreneur, speaker, and traveler. He is the CEO of The Foundation, which helps entrepreneurs help companies from scratch.

In this episode, you will learn:

The "Three Golden Principles" that shift stuckness and create clarity
What is "Inner Game" and how to get more in touch with yours
How to train yourself for the next layer of challenge.

Feb 03, 201741:02
WTF 075: The Fast-Path to Creating Clarity, Shifting Stuckness, and Destroying Self-Doubt

WTF 075: The Fast-Path to Creating Clarity, Shifting Stuckness, and Destroying Self-Doubt

In today's episode, you will learn:

- The “3 Golden Principles” that Shift Stuckness and Create Clarity

- How to Follow Einstein's Easy-To-Use Strategy For Problem-Solving

- 5 “Fast-Path Questions” to Stop Doubting Your Ideas And Start Moving Forward

- The #1 Mistake That Keeps You In Fear And Stops You From Playing a Bigger Game with Better Results.

Jan 26, 201701:17:35
WTF 074: The Big Problem With A Happy Life

WTF 074: The Big Problem With A Happy Life

Today I wanna talk about a problem that I see. And the problem is with a happy life.
I mean, we see this all the time, right? People are looking for a life of smooth-sailing and blissed-out happiness. But lemme ask you this...

What’s your biggest dream that’s deep down in your heart?
Whatever your wildest dream is, I ask you this…
Say I could make that dream a reality for you. Right now. Today. In this moment. That was your reality...

Would having what you want be easy? Or would having it force you to face challenges bigger than most challenges you’ve ever faced before?

We think that our biggest dreams will make us happy… but the reality is far from that.

So what do we actually do?

Here’s the key...

It’s not that we shouldn’t wanna follow our dreams. We should!!!
But instead of wishing for a life that’s challenge-LESS, we need to TRAIN for the challenges.
Ahead of time!!!

Are you training for the life you actually want? Or are you foolishly just wishing it’ll fall into your lap one day by doing the same things you’ve always done?

In other words… are you more focused on SURVIVING than you are on THRIVING?! Which do you think is the wisest approach?
If you’re ready to TRAIN for the life you want, that’s what I call “mastering your Inner Game”.
You want to make it so that when the challenges arise, you’re prepared so that you can seize the opportunity.

So many of us stay stuck in this loop of trying to avoid these things because we’re not training for the challenges. We’re not actually doing the deep, inner game immersion and overcoming some of those limiting beliefs and inner roadblocks. We’re not committed to upgrading our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels and evolving to go beyond that... to actually actualize our potential and to create the best version of ourselves!
Sure, success is great, but what does it actually TAKE to get there?
It’s the Inner Game.

And if you’re interested in immersing yourself with the Inner Game, I’ve created a 10-week training program to dive deep into how to become the best version of yourself.

Find out more at

Not some glorified, success-promising, make-a-million-dollars crap, but the DEEP work to remove the limiting-beliefs and blind-spots that are there.

...To overcome whatever fear is standing between you and what you want

...To master your mind, optimize your energy, and get you connected to something bigger, whatever that is.

We’ll be doing this through comfort-zone challenges and training your mind through engaging in deep practices. This is not an informational thing where I give you “7 things you should learn” or memorize. This will be *experiential*.

You’ll go out into the world, show up at your best and at the end of the 10 weeks, if you engage in the program, you’ll be in one of the best shapes that you’ve ever been in your life in ALL of these areas.

I’m beyond excited to take my best work, bring it to you with a community and be by your side as we go into the deep Inner Game to create the outer success that we’re inspired to have.

Jan 11, 201710:47
WTF 073: Wanna Challenge Your Comfort-Zone?

WTF 073: Wanna Challenge Your Comfort-Zone?

Join us in January 2017 for a free comfort-zone challenge!
If you’re up for playing, this challenge will help you…

Expand your assumptions about what you think is possible in your life
Develop the skill of asking for what you really REALLY want
Overcome your fears of rejection and develop more courage

Jan 04, 201710:53
WTF 072: What My Fear Of Being Gay Taught Me

WTF 072: What My Fear Of Being Gay Taught Me

I had a suicidal day about 6 years ago...
Yes. That’s after I started Sensophy (a life-coaching company). And no, the irony doesn’t escape me.

I couldn’t explain this at the time. But in hindsight, I was having a panic attack trying to grapple with massive amounts of uncertainty about my future… and even more scary, about who I was.

It took me 10 years to learn this excruciating lesson that I’m about to share with you. But first, let’s rewind for some real-talk about how this all started.

Growing up, I had this big shame that I wasn’t man enough. And it came from everywhere. Society. Hip-Hop. Even my pops. So I was always afraid about being seen as feminine...
But as as a teenager, I didn’t understand the difference between being feminine and being gay.
Seemed like the same thing to me. And so I would obsess over this question of “Am I gay? Am I gay? Am I gay?”

As a scared little boy trying to validate his manhood, I did everything I could to prove I wasn’t gay.

And as I grew up into my 20s, that scared “Little Jacob” was still inside of me… trying to prove his hetrosexuality by doing manly-man things like kick-boxing, racing his motorcycle through rush-hour NYC traffic, and sleeping with as many women as he could.  

But no matter how many notches I got under my belt… every so often there would still be this voice that came into my mind and said… “But you’re gay, though. Stop pretending.”

This wasn’t the voice of wisdom, intuition, or truth. It was the voice of fear. The voice of shame. The voice of “not-enoughness”. And I tried everything I could think of to make my mind shut the fuck up already.

When the external action didn’t work (kick-boxing, motorcycling, sexing), I tried to cover it up internally with standard personal-development stuff… affirmations... meditations… mantras.
But there was no amount of “self-improvement” that could make up for a lack of “self-acceptance”.
And while on my blog I was preaching about “knowledge-of-self” being the gateway to happiness... I still didn’t know (with 100% certainty) that I wasn’t gay.

It was bad. Really bad. So bad, that I considered taking my own life one day. So I pulled out a journal and listed all of the reasons not to.

The only reasons I came up with were people’s name that I cared about. But even then, I was so ashamed of what these people would think of me.

At this point, the voice in my head was pounding so loudly that I could barely hear my own thoughts. I finally decided... “Okay. Fine. If I’m gay, let me be gay.”  I thought that’d be enough to quiet my unrelenting mind that just wouldn’t stop yelling at me.

But. even. after. facing. my. worst. fear. and. leaning. into. it…

The questioning still didn’t stop!

And THAT's when I learned one of the hardest lessons ever...
It wasn’t about making peace with being gay or not… It was about making peace with the fact that I’ll never know.
When I came to accept the idea of “I will never know”, THAT’S when I found peace.

Dec 23, 201610:28
WTF 071: How To Master Your Mind Using Meditation w/ Michael Balchan

WTF 071: How To Master Your Mind Using Meditation w/ Michael Balchan

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews Michael Balchan.

Michael is a Harvard-educated commodity trader and film producer turned executive coach and peak-performance consultant. Michael's custom programs combine the most powerful methods and modalities of personal growth, psychology, performance science, physiology, wellness, and the world’s spiritual traditions. His latest book, Meditation: What, Why, and How To Meditate (Hint: Breathe in. Breathe out.) - is available on Amazon.

In this podcast you will learn:

How to use the secret power of mediation to take your life to the next level
How to increase mental clarity and reduce stress through meditation
How to upgrade your existing meditation practice
The biggest common mistakes to avoid when meditating
A simple hack to boost your willpower in under 60 seconds

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!

Dec 14, 201641:29
WTF 070: The “Integrity-Gap” Explains How To Maximize Your Happiness

WTF 070: The “Integrity-Gap” Explains How To Maximize Your Happiness

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob speaks about using our intuition and how to maximize happiness using the "integrity-gap".

In this podcast you will learn:

How to up-level your happiness while reducing anxiety
How to get action-clues from your future successful self
How to overcome fear and become more confident
Bonus: Hear Jacob say a bunch of curse words that’ll piss some people off.

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!

Dec 06, 201613:58
WTF 069: 44 Months of World Travel without Flying w/ Niall Doherty

WTF 069: 44 Months of World Travel without Flying w/ Niall Doherty

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob is interviewed by Niall Doherty.

Niall has traveled all around the world without flying and helps people get started working online. He has lived everywhere from Ireland, to Tenerife, to a trailer park in New Jersey.

In this podcast you will learn:

- How Niall got clear he would travel the world for 3+ years

- When it does (+ doesn’t) make sense to quit your job to travel

- A 3-step “threat assessment” process to overcome fear

- The 3 main components to self-sabotage

- How to uncover and retrain limiting-beliefs

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!

Nov 21, 201653:43
WTF 068: How to Live with More Authenticity – Jacob Sokol Interviewed by Bryan Teare

WTF 068: How to Live with More Authenticity – Jacob Sokol Interviewed by Bryan Teare

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob is interviewed by Bryan Teare. Yes, you read that right - the roles have reversed and Jacob is in the hot seat this time. This episode is from when Jacob was a guest on Bryan's podcast, The Quarter Life Comeback, and the two of them jam out on some really juicy topics.

Bryan is a coach, entrepreneur, and podcaster. Up until 2013, Bryan was living a comfortable, "normal" life checking all the boxes and following the rules. Until he realized that there had to be something more.

He quit his job with no plan B, did some soul searching, training and certifications, and is now helping others live better and become the best versions of themselves.

In this podcast you will learn:

- How to distinguish between wanting more and being ungrateful

- Why you don’t ACTUALLY want to travel (and what it is you DO want)

- Why the answers you’re looking for aren’t in your head

- How to live with more authenticity (plus a challenge from Jacob)

- How to make the best use of your twenties
Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!

Nov 14, 201636:49
WTF 067: Lessons From My Secret Adventures in Russia

WTF 067: Lessons From My Secret Adventures in Russia

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
I've got this huge soulful vision I'm working toward for 2017.

(I'll save the details for another time.)

I've been working toward this vision for months. But before I pour the rocket-fuel into this ship and blast it out into the cosmos, I decided it would be good to step back for some clarity and extra alignment.

In today's episode, I bring you behind the scenes of that adventure. A journey to a little place you probably never heard of called Russia.

So you ask, whyyyyyyyy Russia? Why not Bali or Japan or Hawaii?

Great question. And you'll have to listen to the episode to find that out, plus a whole lot more madness. :)

In this podcast you will learn:

- How to use "level 3 consciousness" to create more flow, clarity, and fun in your life

- The life-hack I used to save $300 and nearly die of laugher in the process. :)

- A secret trick anyone can use to create extraordinary and unexpected opportunities.

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!

Nov 07, 201625:39
WTF 066: Where Science Meets Soul w/ Harry Pickens

WTF 066: Where Science Meets Soul w/ Harry Pickens

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews Harry Pickens.

Harry is an award winning pianist, composer, and life transformation coach. He has been in an Emmy®-award winning documentary, performed for the Dalai Lama, and his first book In Tune: Lessons In Life From A Life In Music, will be released in November 2016.

Harry believes humanity is on the threshold of the most astonishing positive transformation in the whole of human history and is committed to doing his part to help usher in a new era of peace, justice, harmony, and abundance for all.

In this podcast you will learn:

- 3 exercises to find clarity through your intuition

- How to take grounded action by tapping into your Inner-GPS

- “The Great Discovery” that leads to massive freedom

- Psychological tools to align with your soul

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Oct 31, 201601:00:14
WTF 065: What Risks Are Worth Taking? w/ Jake Ducey

WTF 065: What Risks Are Worth Taking? w/ Jake Ducey

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews Jake Ducey.

Jake is a leading speaker of his generation, and a two-time published author with Penguin/Random House. He has inspired thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

In this podcast you will learn:

- The specific type of pain that is worth feeling

- How to handle rejection

- How to discern between your fear and intuition

- A powerful question to craft your vision for the next year

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Oct 24, 201636:19
WTF 064: How To Reach Your Full Potential: A World-Class Performance Coach Reveals His Secrets w/ Philippe Drolet

WTF 064: How To Reach Your Full Potential: A World-Class Performance Coach Reveals His Secrets w/ Philippe Drolet

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews Phil Drolet.

Phil is a world-class coach who specializes in taking great men to their highest levels of success. From UFC fighters to CEOs, he helps men implement daily practices to reach their highest potential and peak performance.

Phil has spoken at Stanford, UCLA, and TEDx, and has been featured in and Fast Company.

Jacob also interviewed Phil back in Episode 20 of the WTF Should I Do W/ My Life Podcast - so if you’d like to learn more about his personal story, you can dive in there.

In this podcast you will learn:

- The #1 performance mistake 95% of people make at work

- A 5-minute daily practice to unlock your work potential and move your vision forward

- An exercise to unlock YOUR unique keys to success

- How to strategically design opportunities for you to radically upgrade to the next phase of life

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Oct 17, 201650:00
WTF 063: Freeing Your Wild Soul w/ Elizabeth DiAlto

WTF 063: Freeing Your Wild Soul w/ Elizabeth DiAlto

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews founder of the Wild Soul Movement, Elizabeth DiAlto.

Elizabeth is a teacher, leader, trainer, coach, author of Untame Yourself, and host of the Untame The Wild Soul Woman Podcast. She is known for her raw, honest and grounded approach to self-help and spirituality

In this podcast you will learn:

- How to find clarity by using your body as a wise, guiding mentor

- How to “let go” so you can move on to something better

- The remedy for “self-help exhaustion”

- How to use your “feminine energy” to your advantage

- 2 important keys to increase your knowledge of self

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Oct 10, 201649:13
WTF 062: The 5 Types of Relationships – How to Create An Amazing Love Life w/ Christine Hassler

WTF 062: The 5 Types of Relationships – How to Create An Amazing Love Life w/ Christine Hassler

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interivews Christine Hassler.

Christine is a life coach, speaker and author. She has spoken to over 100,000 people at events around the world, and has been on The Today Show, CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, E! and more.

Her latest book, The Expectation Hangover, is a guidebook on how to handle disappointment on the emotional, mental, behavioral and spiritual levels. But today, Jacob and Christine talk about relationships. 

In this podcast you will learn:

- Why it’s crucial to understand the 5 types of relationships

- How to know if someone you're dating is “long-term material”

- 3 action steps for type-A women to succeed in relationships

- How to keep things exciting in a long-term relationship

- How to know when it’s time to break up, and how to process a break up

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Oct 03, 201601:03:10
WTF 061: The Inner Game Of Success w/ Greg Faxon

WTF 061: The Inner Game Of Success w/ Greg Faxon

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews business growth coach Greg Faxon.

Greg helps entrepreneurs and business owners reach their highest potential, and deeply explores the intersection of entrepreneurship and personal development.

He is the author of Don’t Let The Fear Win: How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Grow Your Business…Fast.

In this podcast you will learn:

- A “success formula” for increasing your performance

- How to overcome “creative avoidance” so you can flourish

- How to work with your fear so you can break free to the next level

- How to increase success by decreasing attachment

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Sep 26, 201640:03
WTF 060: How To Find Clarity By Experimenting w/ Pilar Gerasimo

WTF 060: How To Find Clarity By Experimenting w/ Pilar Gerasimo

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews healthy living advocate, Pilar Gerasimo. Her personal and professional passion: helping people lead healthier, happier, more sustainable lives.

Pilar is best known for her work as founding editor of Experience Life Magazine (est. 2001), but she is also the creative force behind and the author of A Manifesto for Thriving in a Mixed up World. 

After taking the top post at Huffington Post's Healthy Living division in 2013, she then went on to give up her day job to write a book on the art of being healthy in an unhealthy world.

In this podcast you will learn:

- How to find clarity through the wisdom hidden in your body

- How to use the science of “following your gut”

- How to overcome the biggest health challenges of this generation

- How to handle the days you wake up feeling like crap

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Sep 19, 201659:21
WTF 059: My Spiritual Homeboy Drops Crazy Wisdom w/ Noah Hammond Tyrrell

WTF 059: My Spiritual Homeboy Drops Crazy Wisdom w/ Noah Hammond Tyrrell

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interivews digital marketer and founder of Om Marketing Group, Noah Hammond Tyrrell.

Noah blends his spiritual side with the mind of an engineer to lead Om Marketing Group in marketing high impact, spiritual and transformational leaders. All in hopes to increase peace and prosperity.

He's reached millions of people through social media, built massive email lists, and sold millions of dollars worth of products and services across six different industries.

In this podcast you will learn:

- The 5 questions to find “your life’s PhD” also known as your greatest strengths

- A powerful 4-step process for clearing your hidden blocks

- How to learn the language of your subconscious mind

- What to do when you’ve been “cracked open” by a negative life event

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Sep 12, 201656:12
WTF 058: How To “Pivot” Your Career Path For Future Success w/ Jenny Blake

WTF 058: How To “Pivot” Your Career Path For Future Success w/ Jenny Blake

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob interviews Jenny Blake.

Jenny is an international speaker, career and business strategist, and executive coach. She worked as a Career Development Program Manager at Google for over five years.

This week is the debut of her new book Pivot.

Jenny is passionate about helping leaders, employees and entrepreneurs achieve greater clarity, engagement, fulfillment and impact.

In this podcast you will learn:

- The top 3 skills you can build to protect yourself from a disrupted job market

- The 4 stages to pivoting your career

- How to make yourself recession proof

- How to answer the question, "What's next?"

Are you "all-in" on becoming the best you?!
Then check out The Inner Game Immersion. It’s a 10-week process where a select group of people join me in playing full-out and becoming the best version of themselves.

We do that through an uncommon mixture of comfort-zone challenges, mind-training techniques, heart-opening exercises, productivity-hacking practices, energy optimization tweaks, accountability systems, and world-class coaching. You can find out more by going to

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

Also, you can leave a rating & review for WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! on iTunes. That way, it helps other peeps discover the wisdom. Finally, you can subscribe on iTunes to get all new episodes as soon as they drop!
Sep 05, 201648:16
WTF 057: Boost Your Income Strategically – An Ex-Scientist Shows How w/ Jennifer Gresham

WTF 057: Boost Your Income Strategically – An Ex-Scientist Shows How w/ Jennifer Gresham

In today's episode, Jacob interviews Jennifer Gresham, who left her career as Lieutenant Colonel and one of the top scientists in the US Air Force to reinvent herself and lead a more purposeful life.
Aug 29, 201601:01:41
WTF 056: Confidence Building Exercises w/ Dr Aziz

WTF 056: Confidence Building Exercises w/ Dr Aziz

In this episode, Jacob interviews Dr. Aziz. They discuss where confidence comes from, how men and women experience confidence differently, and the biggest myth about confidence.
Aug 15, 201643:19
WTF Beats: Jedi Mind Tricks – End of Days

WTF Beats: Jedi Mind Tricks – End of Days

In this experimental episode, Jacob infuses in some of his favorite hip hop tracks and explains how they relate to us creating better lives and living with more purpose.
Aug 01, 201620:37
WTF 054: What A Crazy Ass Week – 5 Ways To Navigate Challenges

WTF 054: What A Crazy Ass Week – 5 Ways To Navigate Challenges

In this episode, Jacob dives into navigating challenges of today's society, and shares 5 things you can do during any crazy time of your life.
Jul 11, 201641:27
WTF 053: How Do You Deal With Brexit And Other Uncertainties About The Future?

WTF 053: How Do You Deal With Brexit And Other Uncertainties About The Future?

In today's episode, Jacob discusses dealing with uncertainties about the future, and how changes and challenges in our lives don't have to be a bad thing.
Jul 04, 201618:35
WTF 052: Which Of These 7 Voices Runs Your Life?

WTF 052: Which Of These 7 Voices Runs Your Life?

In this episode, Jacob invites you to identify which of these 7 voices is in your head and running your life.
Jun 27, 201646:45
WTF 051: Wanna Be A Game Changer?

WTF 051: Wanna Be A Game Changer?

In this episode, Jacob invites you to reach your full potential and be a game changer.
Jun 20, 201607:01
WTF Coach: How Do I Overcome Times Of Low Energy?

WTF Coach: How Do I Overcome Times Of Low Energy?

In this episode, Jacob dives into how we can get through times of low energy.
Jun 15, 201622:54