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First Do No Harm

First Do No Harm

By Jami Fregeau

First Do No Harm is a podcast that brings information to the forefront of controversial issues in hopes to add the human factor to issues we all seem to be opinionated about.
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E 23: Carlos' journey to America: The True Story of A Child Immigrant

First Do No HarmJan 22, 2020

Through The Lens of Black Lives Matter: Racial Disparities In The ADHD Diagnosis

Through The Lens of Black Lives Matter: Racial Disparities In The ADHD Diagnosis

Dr. Kimberly Douglass joins this episode (originally recorded on The Neurodivergent Nurse Podcast) to discuss what is behind the difficulties of receiving a diagnosis of ADHD for Black Americans. She discusses how symptoms in Black children are ignored as we look at issues such as the school to prison pipleline, the racial and ethnic disparities across the entire healthcare spectrum, implicit bias with diagnosing Black Americans, community stigma and more. Dr. Douglass has formed an encouraging community with her presence on TikTok (drkimberlydouglass) where she shares her knowledge of all things Neurodivergence ranging from Autism to needs of executive functioning to the reminders we all need to hear that we are whole today and deserving of quality of life. 

About the CDC-Kaiser ACE Study 

School to prison pipeline 

Children left behind

If you enjoyed this information about ADHD and Mental health be sure to find The Neurodivergent Nurse on Instagram for more information and encouragement. 

The Neurodivergent Nurse also has a weekly podcast to help enlighten and discuss all things ADHD. You don't have to be a nurse to find the information useful. 

Also follow The Neurodivergent Nurse on TikTok for fun videos that I assure you will make you feel seen. 

Mar 31, 202154:03
My Bad Days As A Nurse

My Bad Days As A Nurse

Another installment of On The Road Ramblings where you get a chat before the day has it's chance to impact my thoughts and emotions. As always these episodes recorded on the road are always raw and unedited. On this episode Jami reflects back on her two worst days in her nursing career one in which she was assaulted and another that left a forever token that she carries every day into her career.
Mar 21, 202122:03
The Neurodivergent Nurse: Six Tips For Those With Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

The Neurodivergent Nurse: Six Tips For Those With Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

Episode two just dropped on the podcast, The Neurodivergent Nurse. The episode offers six quick reminders for those who struggle Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. Listen and enjoy, but don't forget to subscribe to the other podcast. They won't be played on First Do No Harm Forever (but probably until all the major platforms start playing the content! Enjoy!

Feb 26, 202108:40
The Neurodivergent Nurse: Episode 1 ADHD in Women

The Neurodivergent Nurse: Episode 1 ADHD in Women

Brand new podcast just launched today! The Neurodivergent Nurse. It is all things ADHD and my raw and funny journey as we discover what it means to be an adult (woman) with ADHD. I'm sharing the very first episode with you on First Do No Harm. If you love it then be sure to find it on your favorite listening platform and subscribe so you don't have to miss a single episode! 

Feb 25, 202125:17
On The Road Ramblings: You Are Stronger Than Your Anxiety

On The Road Ramblings: You Are Stronger Than Your Anxiety

Let's talk a bit about anxiety. 2020 was no doubt the year of the nurse. While this episode is geared towards newer nurses, it has great tips and reminders for those of us who are beginning our new career, new job, new specialty. Realize anxiety is normal, but you are stronger than your anxiety.
Feb 22, 202122:35
Nurse Papa: An Interview With A Pediatric Oncology Nurse
Feb 18, 202137:53
On The Road Ramblings: She Believed She Could So She Did

On The Road Ramblings: She Believed She Could So She Did

I read a post from Nurse_Haskins that said, "Dear NURSING students" Don't allow ANYONE to rush you to the finish line. It took ME over 20 years to go from CNA to FNP and some of those SAME PEOPLE have dropped out of the race."

This caused me to reflect back to my own journey. 10 years later I proudly wear a bracelet my mom bought me that says, "She Believed She Could So She Did."
Feb 05, 202111:15
Universal Healthcare For All
Jan 27, 202134:21
Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories

In the 17th Century the author Jonathan Swift wrote: “Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.” In the year 2020 it is apparent falsehood flies as fast as ever in our own, supposedly scientific times.

A survey by the Pew Research Center found that a quarter of U.S. adults believe that there's at least some truth to a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus pandemic was intentionally started. Others allege that the outbreak isn't as bad as reported, that a quarter-million Americans haven't died. Official narratives and figures are questioned.

The confusion that seems infectious has real and serious consequences.

For this weeks episode my guest is Thomas Bowman, a partner with Resolute Strategy, a full-service strategic consulting firm in Richmond Virginia who has been studying covid19 and the conspiracies since March of 2o2o. We chat about how his company got started in debunking the conspiracies and where they originate. We also chat about the funniest ones he has covered in his TikTok account Resolutstrat. 

Jan 04, 202152:36
OTRR: Tips For Working on Christmas Plus My One Week Vaccine Update.

OTRR: Tips For Working on Christmas Plus My One Week Vaccine Update.

As always On The Road Ramblings is a portion of the podcast recorded in the early mornings in the way to work before mind becomes polluted by the day. It is always raw and unedited. I received my COVID19 Vaccine 8 days ago and wanted to touch base about the adverse effects I experienced. I also wanted to remind you of some positive reminders if you're finding yourself working in healthcare this holiday season. Happy and safe wishes to you all
Dec 25, 202015:42
On The Road Ramblings: On The Way To Get The Covid19 Vaccine

On The Road Ramblings: On The Way To Get The Covid19 Vaccine

This miniseries is recorded as always on my way to work. It's raw an unedited. Today we briefly chat about an article of a couple who died of covid19 recently in the ICU holding hands. These people who have passed away have faces. Today at 2:20pm I am making history and getting the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Be sure to like my facebook page First Do No Harm Podcast to get all the updates of side effects and whatever may come. Let's put an end to this together. 💓
Dec 17, 202016:16
On The Road Ramblings: Being a Nurse Doesn't Change You, But it Should

On The Road Ramblings: Being a Nurse Doesn't Change You, But it Should

Being questioned, "What happened to sweet Jami" caused internal reflection. As I compare myself today to who I was 10 years ago I realized this family friend was right. I am so different and no longer seemingly timid and docile.  As I continued to reflect, I realize the change came as I grew in the world of nursing. Being a nurse doesn't change you, but it should.  If you are thinking about becoming a nurse, if you're currently a nurse, or a retired nurse tune in to see if you think these attributes are those that describe you.  Be sure to like and leave a comment on your favorite listening platform.  You can also find First Do No Harm on Instagram (First.Do.No.Harm.Podcast), Twitter (@1st_do_noharm), and Facebook page (First Do No Harm Podcast).  Feel free to drop an Email @ and subscribe at  And if you're not interested in being a patreon, you can certainly buy a coffee for my late night editing. Nurses love their coffee.

Nov 30, 202030:53
Sam's Journey with COVID19 and the Race For a Vaccine

Sam's Journey with COVID19 and the Race For a Vaccine

On this episode SAM, a registered nurse joins me to discuss COVID19 vaccines as well as her journey of contracting the coronavirus in March. The two vaccines we focus the most on are Moderna and Pfizer. We discuss the update of the two per their latest study results. We discuss our views and feelings about the vaccines as healthcare workers. Will we agree to take the vaccine when it becomes available? Tune in to find out and our reasons behind our choices.

As always don’t forget to rate, review, and share this podcast on your listening platform. Also follow First Do No Harm on Instagram, Twitter, and the Facebook page. Subscribe at to be notified of new episodes and blog entries.

If you have been affected by Covid19 and would like additional resources of support groups online please reach out to me via

If you’re not interested in becoming a patreon like Fuzail Haq, you can always buy me a coffee. As you know, nurses love their coffee.

Information about the Moderna Vaccine:

Information about the Pfizer Vaccine:

FDA and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA):

How the influenza strain is determined for seasonal vaccine:

Additional information on COVID19 Vaccines:

Nov 22, 202055:32
On The Road Ramblings: You Can Do Good Things

On The Road Ramblings: You Can Do Good Things

Is your world feeling heavy right now? Are you in fear because the potential direction of this Country? Tune in to scrape the surface together.
Nov 13, 202011:14
Through The Lens of Black Lives Matter: President-Elect Joe Biden

Through The Lens of Black Lives Matter: President-Elect Joe Biden

So, please don’t speak to me of “healing”
because you cannot know what healing means
until you know the hurt. - Adam Lawrence Dyer

Today is a monumental day as we have a new President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Unique Morgan Dunston, an activist and beautiful soul from Alabama joins the podcast today to discuss what the new administration means to her. She answers uncomfortable questions posed by those in the community of Marshall County, Alabama. Most importantly, so helps give insight on how the community of People of Color view the shift of power in the presidency. 


Facebook page: First Do No Harm Podcast 

Twitter: @1st_do_noharm

Don't forget to share the podcast, like and comment. 

Nov 08, 202023:15
Because you have lived (Jami 2.0)

Because you have lived (Jami 2.0)

A break was taken after I questioned about making a difference in the world. The last few weeks have been those of reflection and revelation. As Ralph Waldo stated, “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Let’s be successful people together.

Oct 28, 202009:30
On The Road Ramblings: You Matter Too
Sep 24, 202021:03
On The Road Ramblings: Radical or Humane?

On The Road Ramblings: Radical or Humane?

This episode is brought to you raw and unedited before my emotions are polluted by experiences of the day.
I always wanted to be seen in the best light and never wanted to make waves. After all Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers.." (Matthew 5:9) right? As I look out at the world and the bold statements people are making that minimize others I also reflect to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” -Proverbs 31:8-9

I have begun to speak out to defend those who are suffering as our country minimizes their pain. By doing so, I was most recently called a radical, a leftist, socialist, for speaking out for human rights. This caused me to ponder, am I radical? Is it radical that we all deserve to same rights as our neighbor? Is it radical to believe in our scientists, that our planet is changing and we need to protect it? Is it radical that I believe the homeless man on 3rd street deserves healthcare and the opportunity to live as long as he desires? Is it radical that when I read the Bible that "God so loved the world..." he meant the world beyond the USA? Is it radical to believe that pro-life extends outside the womb? That we should value the lives of our Muslim neighbors, our gay neighbors, our black neighbors, our trans neighbors? Is it radical to believe that giving is better than greed, that kindness and compassion are better than contempt?

When they call me radical, do they really mean humane?
Sep 16, 202028:51
Reflection of 9/11 During a Pandemic

Reflection of 9/11 During a Pandemic

9/11/2001. My facebook feed was full of stories of how people reflected on what they were doing the moment they heard or watched the attack as the planes crashed into the towers. Our country was one full of fear, full of mourning for those that died beneath the rubble. We came together, united. 2,977 lives were lost that terrible day. We welcomed the changes that came to prevent another attack that could kill a  mass amount of people again. TSA was formed. We gladly jumped through the hoops, we rolled with the changes of the early times to get to the airports, the new guidelines that would be put in place. 

9/11/2020 Our country is in the midst of a pandemic. Almost 200,000 lives have been lost so far. How are we handling the pain and devastation we are going through as a country 19 years later? 

Sep 12, 202016:51
Through The Lens of Black Lives Matter: Police Brutality
Sep 08, 202031:02
On The Road Ramblings: Seeing With The Eyes of Another

On The Road Ramblings: Seeing With The Eyes of Another

"Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another." - Alfred Adler

This segment, On The Road Ramblings is recorded (safely) bright and early on my long commute to work. These are the moments of purest thought unaffected by events of the day. This episode is also raw and unedited.

I was asked by a patient recently, "Do you understand what this Black Lives Matter is all about? I thought all lives matter?" 

Recent conversations from people in my community have had an undertone of frustration at situations and stances that are not understood. As I asked myself the causation of the frustration I kept coming back to the word "empathy." I was taught in an Ethics & Society class in college that empathy is easiest understood as the ability to understand the emotion of another person without having to experience their situation personally. 

This episode will hopefully give you encouragement on how to curb the anger you may feel with the #BLM as well as the other issues taking up space in our world and turn it into something that can benefit yourself as well as others.

I can be contacted at: 


Twitter: 1st_do_noharm


Aug 28, 202035:40
On The Road Ramblings: Perfectly Imperfect
Aug 23, 202016:49
On The Road Ramblings: My Covid19 Agenda

On The Road Ramblings: My Covid19 Agenda

So many accusations and uncertainties are flying around about this deadly virus. Many of them I personally receive as I continue to keep the general population up to date. Are they right? Do I have an ulterior motive? Tune in and find out.
Aug 14, 202013:36
You Don't Know About Life Until You've Experienced It with Dr. Dosani.
Jul 11, 202025:22
E30: Teaching During a Pandemic

E30: Teaching During a Pandemic

It seems the whole world has shut down during this pandemic. One that has certainly changed, but remains a constant is the school system and education. Today's guest, Joe Henderson is a middle school math teacher who shares his experiences with the changes that have come to pass during this pandemic. He discusses the initial changes, the good that has come from it, as well has his personal thoughts on how the system will be able to go about opening safely for students in the future. 

Don't forget to share this episode and share your thoughts! Stay strong and stay safe.

May 15, 202047:02
Pandemic Palate Cleanser: Feel Good Stories

Pandemic Palate Cleanser: Feel Good Stories

In the midst of a pandemic who doesn't need a break from the conspiracy theories and the the death and infection toll? Today's episode shares a few stories to restore your faith in humanity and find the silver lining of the pandemic. Most importantly, don't hesitate to reach out if you feel you are suffering. These are hard times, and I am here for you. 

May 08, 202012:15
E29: National Healthcare Decisions Day
Apr 16, 202022:40
Pandemic Palate Cleanser: Easter Trivia with Jami and Joe

Pandemic Palate Cleanser: Easter Trivia with Jami and Joe

Who wins the trivia trophy between Jami and Joe? Jami cleary won the dad jokes secition on the last episode, so let's find out who knew the most about Easter trivia!

We hope everyone is staying home and staying safe. Just rememer, this won't last forever. But while time is ticking, what can we do to make your day a bit brighter?

Apr 12, 202015:56
Pandemic Palate Cleanser: Dad Jokes

Pandemic Palate Cleanser: Dad Jokes

Let's take a break from all the covid19 crap and let's have a Pandemic Palate Cleanser of mindnumbing Dad jokes.  Joe joins me today and we throw 15 dad jokes at each other. Who has the best material?

Mar 28, 202009:16
E28: Limited Resources for Those on the Front Lines of COVID19
Mar 23, 202029:18
E27: Palliative Care with Adrianne Behning
Mar 12, 202001:01:08
E26: Coronavirus (CoVid-19) Part 2

E26: Coronavirus (CoVid-19) Part 2

Tune in to have your questions answered. If you get sick with CoVid-19 can you infect your pets? Do the masks help prevent the spread? Is there a vaccine?  Also, enjoy yourself with a fact or fiction game portion on the podcast. 

As always please share with your friends and feel free to reach out on social media!

Facebook: Jami Fregeau

Facebook Page: First Do No Harm Podcast


Twitter: @1st_do_noharm

Mar 08, 202026:29
E25: Novel Coronavirus (CoVid-19) Part 1

E25: Novel Coronavirus (CoVid-19) Part 1

Let’s get some facts straight. This episode we are going to hit the meat and potatoes. Part One: What is it? Where did it come from? What is it like? How is the virus spread? What can I do to prevent the spread and prepare my children and home? What type of population is most at risk?
How to get your household prepared for CoVid-19:
FAQ from World Health Organization:
Check out this episode get the first important factual information via the CDC an WHO. And first steps to take to get your home read.
On Saturday a second episode will be released to include the difference between flu and CoVid-19.
Is there a vaccine any time soon for CoVid 19?
Does it ago away when it’s warm in the spring (April)?
Facts vs. Fiction?
Exactly HOW contagious is it?
Next Episode will be the super detailed on Saturday to give you a gauge of comparison so you can decide how fearful or confident you need to be.
Get in touch with me via:
Twitter: @1st_do_noharm
Facebook: Jami Fregeau or First Do No Harm Podcast Page
Mar 06, 202031:03
E 24: Getting the Facts so YOU Can Vote

E 24: Getting the Facts so YOU Can Vote

On this episode we discuss the No-ID voter and the fact that some voters have no form of ID exclusions can apply if they have previously voted. Some states allow utility bills with current address. Federal law requires all first-time voters who do not supply information that can be verified against other state or federal databases at the time they register to show some form of ID when they vote.

The Procrastinating voter and the fact that very few states allow late or in-person same-day voter registration. The fact is most deadlines range from two weeks to 30 days before Election day and voters who fail to register by the specified date cannot cast a ballot.

The Eager Student Voter may face complications since there is a smaller proportion of students that have a driver’s license than in the 1980’s. There are a few ways for students to vote even if they don’t have a license, so parent’s LISTEN UP and help your kid exercise their right to vote.

The Working Parent Voter has difficulties in voting because they are likely not to be able to take a day off work to go vote. Plus it can go against some of our attendance records. Some states allow absentee ballots and early voting. Some do not. Learn about what some states allow and check the link below if your state participates in paid time off to cast your vote.

Lastly I discuss Felony Voters. This is the one I was completely in the dark about until about a week ago. Times are changing and those who have previously had felony charges are likely to be able to vote. While the ability between states vary (some require if convicted of a previous felony charge, one must be off probation and nothing outstanding.) Regardless, check the link below for tools to help get registered to vote if you have a previous felony conviction.

2020 Presidential election calender:

Lookup to insure you are actively registered to vote:

Check voting rights in your state:

Do you get time off to vote?:

Tools to help restore your right to vote post felony conviction:

Donate to Make-A-Wish Foundation through Stephanie Harrison’s team:

Do you need additional help or information? Feel free to send me a DM through social media.

Instagram: First.Do.No.Harm.Podcast

Facebook podcast page: First Do No Harm Podcast

Twitter: @1st_do_noharm


Feb 05, 202019:54
E 23: Carlos' journey to America: The True Story of A Child Immigrant

E 23: Carlos' journey to America: The True Story of A Child Immigrant

At 16 years old Carlos set out towards America. He took a journey towards a better life. However Carlos was detained at the border during a time the numbers of those being detained were critical. What happens to him next should have never happened to a child.  The Flu is here this season in full force. I also discuss with you the current numbers in American- how many sickness, hospitalizations and deaths that have taken it's toll on those who live in the states and what you can do to protect yourself and your family. If you would like to donate to this week's cause, Doctor's Without Borders a link is provided: Be sure to follow First Do No Harm on social media.  Snapchat: Bamaramblings Twitter: 1st_do_noharm Facebook: First Do No Harm Podcast Instagram: Also check out the page and subscribe to the blog. 
Jan 22, 202041:10
E 22: Kindness Crusader: I'm Your Dad Now
Dec 15, 201927:35
E 21: What Happened to Rodney Reed? Who Deserves the Death Penalty?

E 21: What Happened to Rodney Reed? Who Deserves the Death Penalty?

With a quick review of the case of Stacey Stites and the conviction of Rodney Reed to receive the death penalty. Lawyers faught long and hard for Mr. Reed to receive a second hearing. Why?  Tune in and find out.

Where do you stand on this case? Do you think there's enough evidence to convict and kill the man from 1996?

Voice your thoughts and opinions on the death penalty. You can even call in if you want to be heard. You can also donate to the patreon by simply clicking the button to help be sure this series remains up and running. Also for current patreons. A special episode gift will be coming your way!

Dec 09, 201926:60
E 20: Rodney Reed: True Crime & The Death Penalty

E 20: Rodney Reed: True Crime & The Death Penalty

Stacey was engaged to be married to a handsome police officer. She was found murdered early April. Her culprit convicted a year later, or so it seemed..

Tune in next week when we further explore this case and all the facts surrounding capital punishment.

Music from
"Ice Flow" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Nov 29, 201927:34
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Sleep Edition
Sep 02, 201912:42
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Animal Edition
Aug 25, 201912:58
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Food and Drink Edition
Aug 20, 201913:49
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Home Remedies

Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Home Remedies

The 4th of the mini series covering Old Wive's Tales to discover which are fact which are fiction. This episode will be covering 8 tales about home remedies. Can you guess which have been proven to be factual? Listen and find out! How did you do? 

Be sure to follow First Do No Harm Podcast page on facebook at 

Follow in Instagram at 

Follow on Twitter @1st_do_noharm 

Also, big shout out to the patreon Fuzail Haq for believing so hard in the podcast and helping sponsor!

Aug 11, 201912:33
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Health Edition
Jul 28, 201916:09
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Weather Edition
Jul 22, 201909:46
Old Wives' Tales: Fact or Fiction? Pregnancy Edition
Jul 13, 201910:30
Episode 19: Watch Your Mouth!

Episode 19: Watch Your Mouth!

 Hey Honey, sweetie, baby! 

On this week’s episode it is just you and me. I reflect back on a lesson that is taught to all those who prepare to care for those in the healthcare setting. It is the way in which we talk to and address others. I reflect back on several people who triggered me in simple conversation and what YOU and I both can do to ensure we don't make others feel such a way.

 A group of highly anxious individuals performed at least six acts of kindness a week. After one month, there was a significant increase in positive moods, relationship satisfaction and a decrease in social avoidance in socially anxious individuals. Christen and I decided to try this out for the month of July. You should too! Upload pictures with #hopeforhumankindness or simply send us pics or updates and we will send you a goodie in the mail in August!

Since this week focused so much on the impact words can have on people, I'm including the link to Chemo Angel where signing up to send a card to someone undergoing chemo can make a difference in their week. It is something I actively participate in and encourage you to do the same. 


Are you following us on social media? 



Twitter: @1st_do_noharm

Facebook: Jami Fregeau

Facebook Page: First Do No Harm Podcast

Subscribe to the webpage via Email: 

Jun 29, 201919:55
Episode 18: Chronic Pain Management Without A Prescription
Jun 22, 201953:42
Episode 17: Physician Assisted Suicide

Episode 17: Physician Assisted Suicide


“To have control of my own mind.. to go with dignity is less terrifying. When I look at both options I have to die, I feel this is far more humane.” –Brittany Maynard

Maine just became the 8th state plus Washington DC to legalize physician assisted suicide, also known as physician assisted death. It has been a topic of controversy since 1990’s. Tina from the podcast Good Nurse Bad Nurse joins the show this week to discuss how she views life and what it means to die with dignity. She also shares an experience that happened at a hospital she once worked at that included a husband who simply could not handle the suffering he witnessed his wife going through daily and an unfortunate turn of events. 

Links associated with today’s podcast:

The story of the Emerick’s:

Guidelines for physician assisted suicide by state:

How to check out Good Nurse Bad Nurse:




Listen on Apple Podcasts:

Thank You to:

Amy Carlson a Color Street consultant. Zelda_is_the_g1rl on instagram. Go check her out and have beautiful nails for the summer!

Fuzail Haq is our monthly patreon.

If you are looking for a good cause to donate to, check out Carolina Caring. My grandmother was cared for by the beautiful souls during her time in palliative care. It is a place that became home to her the last 8 months of her life and those who took such great care of her in 2012 are still our family members to this day. I encourage you to donate to a great organization. 

Donate Here:

Jun 14, 201947:08
Episode 16: Do Yourself a Favor. Get Healthy Mentally and Physically By Doing This One Thing..

Episode 16: Do Yourself a Favor. Get Healthy Mentally and Physically By Doing This One Thing..

Every single act of kindness, no matter how small has a ripple effect. 

I quizzed social media asking what one thing can (scientifically) INCREASE love, energy, happiness, pleasure and your life span. The same one thing can act as an antidepressant. It can DECREASE stress, pain, anxiety, depression and high blood pressure.

Some of our favorite guesses included pets, vacation with someone you love, being outdoors, and a couple more. 

Listen to Christen and I discuss Kindness and the ways in which we find ourselves struggling as well. 

We learned  "A group of highly anxious individuals performed at least six acts of kindness a week. After one month, there was a significant increase in positive moods, relationship satisfaction and a decrease in social avoidance in socially anxious individuals. University of British Columbia Study" We all could use improvement in our moods and satisfaction, right? We decided that the month of July we are going to take part in a challenge to perform 6 acts of kindness a week and we want you to join! More details in the podcast.  

New to season 2 of First Do No Harm is the ability to leave voicemails! It is included in the show notes of anchor. Leave us a message- ideas, fun thoughts, and reactions to the episode. 

We also want to give a big Thank You to our Patrons, Amy Carlson and Fuzail Haq for supporting us.

 This week we want to highlight  a nonprofit organization, Girls Rock! Phoenix that empowers girls through music education, creation, and performance.  Girls Rock! Phoenix links to signup to volunteer and/or donate: & 

Are you following us on social media? 



Twitter: @1st_do_noharm

Facebook: Jami Fregeau

Jun 07, 201933:57
Episode 15: Where Does Loving Others Begin?

Episode 15: Where Does Loving Others Begin?

It is no secret that it is my mission to open the eyes and minds of people that we can all begin to understand one another and in return spread kindness through our differences.

In the Season Finale of First Do No Harm we dial back to find out where it all began for me. My mom, Jan Jackson is the guest on the show (and my biggest support system with this podcast) and she and I chat on how she raised a child to see the world through loving lenses. Even though I lived it, traveling back through the memories of her taking me, her only child into the community to deliver food to the poor and hungry, befriend the "smelly" kid in class that no one liked, and the importance of loving others no matter who they are and what they've done in life left me captivated to hear the kindness pour out of her. 

I hope you are as deeply touched by this as you listen to her talk about the importance of kindness and love in today's society.

May 31, 201920:45