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Epic Vision Zone with Jane Applegath

Epic Vision Zone with Jane Applegath

By Jane Applegath

Our goal with this show and company is to bring you trailblazing women from around the globe to share their ideas, knowledge, resources and inspiration to help you transform your dreams into epic success.

The show is hosted by Jane Applegath, founder of the Epic Vision Zone.
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“Your sphere of influence is the essential ingredient in your recipe for success, respect, and a legacy." - Gary C. Laney

Epic Vision Zone with Jane ApplegathFeb 01, 2023

Kerri Hummingbird, Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, Founder of Inner Medicine Training

Kerri Hummingbird, Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, Founder of Inner Medicine Training

Indian philosopher, Jiddu wrote, “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.” Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, Kerri Hummingbird has a passion to reconnect people to the guidance of our Mother Earth. She says inside of you is a seed. Your soil needs to be fertilized so that the seed will germinate and sprout. The seed is self-love. She mentors women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth. As Founder of Inner Medicine Training, she shares potent ancient traditions from the Andes and Himalayas for owning your wisdom and living your purpose. Her books have hit the international best-selling charts, including the #1 international best-selling book Inner Medicine: Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity as well as Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound plus and the award-winning best-selling book “Awakening to Me: One Woman’s Journey to Self-Love” plus others. As the host of the Soul Nectar Show, Kerri inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. As a healer and mentor, she catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. FREE GIFT Receive the Inner Medicine Meditation Pack for free at This Pack includes: - Grounding Meditation - Shielding Meditation - Tobacco Clearing Meditation - Rattle Clearing Meditation - Bands of Protection and Power Activation - Center Yourself Meditation - Healing To Clear A Cycling Thought Meditation - What's Mine What's Theirs Discernment Meditation - What's Mine What's Theirs Clearing Meditation - Cleaning Up Ancestral Patterns Meditation LINKS







Apr 10, 202401:03:31


John Adair wrote: “Communication is the sister of leadership.” Something today’s guest knows all about. Roberta hails from the Zulu tribe in South Africa, whose foundation is ‘Ubuntu,’ which means HUMANITY - ‘I am because you are.’ Roberta spent 15 years in corporate South Africa, where she realized that technical skills can only take you so far. It was during this time that she noticed several colleagues were overlooked for promotions, despite their noticeable technical skills. Having worked in project teams that included engineers, transportation planners, environmental consultants, and urban planners, she quickly realized no one person can effectively lead such varied teams without collaboration and visionary skills. Roberta then spent a decade teaching English in South Korea. This experience opened her eyes to navigating more cultural diversity in the workplace. When she settled in the US in 2020, Roberta followed her passion and launched the Speaking and Communicating Podcast. The podcast highlights the necessary Soft Skills that professionals and entrepreneurs need to highlight their brilliance and get credit for it. Speaking and Communicating Podcast Linkedin: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Affiliate: Apple: Spotify:

Apr 01, 202459:49
Revolutionary Technology Regenerating Cartilage and Healing Naturally

Revolutionary Technology Regenerating Cartilage and Healing Naturally Television personality, model and former Paralympian swimmer, Victoria Arlen, said, “The moment when you feel like giving up is right before your breakthrough.” Today Darlene Greene shares her miraculous story of overcoming multiple health issues and caring for her husband who was diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s. From breaking free, to overcoming the odds and never giving up, Darleen discovered this new technology that dramatically improved her not only her symptoms but her husband’s as well.

A modern female warrior of sorts, Darlene has had over 26 years of experience in executive leadership and senior management positions across diverse industries. She has 20 years of military experience, where she earned her MBA and held three Commanding Officer positions, and created the Returning Warrior Weekend Workshop to help military members and spouses reintegrate successfully. Today Darlene’s mission is to help people take charge of their own health so that they can live a full and inspiring life.

After experiencing the amazing results for herself, and watching family and friends have their own miracles, Darlene is passionate about sharing a groundbreaking technology that is improving people’s well-being. A driving force for her remains, “Why didn’t I know about this two years ago… where would my husband be if we had started using this technology earlier, and who out there needs to know about this right now?” Darlene asks that when an anesthesiologist says, “This is the most significant medical breakthrough in my lifetime…” and when over 300 Olympic Athletes use the technology in the 2008 Olympics, aren’t you curious as to what it could do for you in addition to making you look and feel younger?

Mar 25, 202447:06
THE POWER OF JOY - Brandy Gillmore with Jane Applegath

THE POWER OF JOY - Brandy Gillmore with Jane Applegath

(Links below) Matshona wrote: Your mind is a reservoir of potential; your heart an ocean of strength; your soul a well of talents; and your body a vessel of power. Brandy Gillmore is a researcher and mind-body healing expert who has been captivating audiences worldwide with her groundbreaking ability to demonstrate radical healing using the power of the mind. Using medical thermal imaging, she has been able to show visual proof of incredible healing results. Her results, and case studies have been published in a prestigious medical journal. She has also been a TEDx talk presenter and featured in several documentaries. Brandy's eye-opening discoveries stemmed from her own debilitating injury. After an accident in 2003 left her disabled, in excruciating pain, and without hope of recovery. That is when she began her search for a cure. After years of exploring every avenue for healing, she discovered research that changed the course of her life with a complete recovery. In her new book, Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body, You Can Be Your Own Cure, Brandy shares the hidden research that is the key to her healing and teaches others how they too can realize life changing miracles with her step-by-step, easy to follow roadmap to thrive with optimal health! Brandy’s message: The reality is that our minds possess an extraordinary ability to heal, far beyond the placebo, and Brandy's new book provides readers with the knowledge and tools to access the hidden potential of our minds and our inner ability to live fully. Book: • Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body: You Can Be Your Own Cure • TEDx Talk: • Could This Be the Missing Link to Your Health Free: • Free Limited-Time Self-Healing Training: 90-min Masterclass

Free online Masterclass training to help people understand how to get results. • Watch “Live” Healing Under Medical Thermal Imaging: This is a video of a volunteer who is being monitored using medical thermal images. You can watch as she uses her own mind to free herself from physical pain. Course: • From Illness to Wellness: The GIFT Method deep-dive training.

4 Week-Video Course Training for self-healing/ (We are happy to provide you with an affiliate link if you would like one. Just let us know.) Podcast: • Heal Yourself. Change Your Life o Website

o Apple Podcast o Spotify Website: • Social Media: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Twitter:

Mar 12, 202401:11:01
Feng Shui Energy Mastery with Marie Diamond

Feng Shui Energy Mastery with Marie Diamond

Stefen Emunds wrote, “Always keep in mind that the strongest factor of your Feng Shui is you.” Marie Diamond is a renowned teacher and expert in Feng Shui energy mastery. She is one of the world’s top transformational leaders, star of the major network TV show Feng Shui Your Life, a global bestselling author, and expert teacher on the Law of Attraction and Feng Shui. Featured in the worldwide phenomenon The Secret, Maire has an established worldwide following of more than one million students. She is a sought-after speaker in more than 30 countries and a personal, business, and spiritual mentor and consultant to a who’s who of celebrities in film, music, C-suites, global leadership, sports and even royalty. Marie’s new book is titled “Feng Shui Your Life”, A Beginners Guide to Using Your Home to Attract the Life of Your Dreams. In it she highlights her unique Diamond Feng Shui system that combines traditional Feng Shui teachings with the Law of Attraction, neuroscience, and quantum physics to help you increase the abundant energy in your home and in your life. ● Diamond Energy Principles: ● Diamond Energy Journal: ● The Energy Number Book: ● “Global Conscious Entrepreneurs” 1 and 2: ● The Marie Diamond App: ● “The Marie Diamond Show” Podcast ● “Feng Shui Your Life” free masterclass: ● “Feng Shui Your Life” five-part program: Social Media ● Facebook: ● Instagram: ● YouTube: ● TikTok: Website ●

Feb 29, 202452:59
Mastery Unleashed - Christie Ruffino

Mastery Unleashed - Christie Ruffino

Johann Wolfgang wrote, “Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that happen, you can make anything happen.” Christie Ruffino knows all about the magic of believing in herself. As a broke single Mom, she overcame challenges that seemed impossible by nourishing her mind with a positive mindset.

Changing the words “Why me?” to “What’s next” empowered her to turn her mess into her message and help guide her into discovering her true life’s purpose. Today Christie shares her journey and wisdom with others, helping to empower women to have profitable businesses that follow their life purpose. Since 2013, she has inspired business owners, entrepreneurs, and influencers to find their “Signature Story” and build their “Signature Program” so that they can serve and support more people in less time. Now a top-rated podcast host, and a multiple best-selling author, Christie guides entrepreneurs through her signature program, Prioritize Your Purpose, and Activate Your Story. The programs show her clients how to master and harness the power of story, systems, and community to build a dynamic brand, attract more clients, and make more money.

Feb 13, 202436:16
Yvette Mannion - SF Candy Bar & YMM Wellness

Yvette Mannion - SF Candy Bar & YMM Wellness

Steven Jeffes wrote. “Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo and develop anew where few have dared to go.” In a world where creativity knows no bounds, Yvette Mannion has emerged as a trailblazer, with SF Candy and YMM Wellness, 2 ventures that blend the indulgence of confectionery buffet artistry while providing clients with the principles of balanced nutrition, digestive health and integrative health coaching. With an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit dedicated to well-being, Yvette has carved a unique niche as a candy buffet designer and health coach. Holding certifications in both design and integrative health coaching, Yvette’s candy buffets are visually stunning, bringing joy to special occasions that are experiential and unforgettable. This is where coaching comes in because she also believes that indulging in life also creates balance and joy. But the huge success of SF Candy came with a cost. Stress eventually took its’ toll in the form of a mystery illness which forced Yvette to take matters into her hands to cure herself. This was the motivation for her second venture. As a certified integrative health and digestive coach, Yvette opened YMM Wellness to empower busy working moms to make informed choices, adopt healthier habits, and embrace a lifestyle that improves their digestive health. This dual identity as a confectionery artist and health coach reflects Yvette’s belief that life’s indulgences can coexist harmoniously with mindful well-being. SFCB Website: SFCB Facebook: SFCB Instagram: YMM Wellness Website:

YMM Wellness Facebook: YMM Wellness Instagram: Published in NYC Journal - Top 30 Women to look out for in 2022 Published in Los Angeles Magazine 2023:

Feb 08, 202439:07
Dr. Monica Cox teaches individuals how to live life authentically.

Dr. Monica Cox teaches individuals how to live life authentically.

Brene Brown wrote, “Authenticity is the daily practice of who with think we are supposed to be, and embracing who we are.” Dr. Monica Cox teaches individuals how to live life authentically so that they emerge confident and whole. She is a disruptor, trailblazer, change agent, and leader who believes in living an authentic life.

Growing up in rural southeast Alabama, Monica was raised by her educator parents to persist in the face of personal and professional adversity. She is a 2020 Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Distinguished Professor of Engineering, and former department chair at The Ohio State University with over 130 publications, plus a presidential award for research and much more. As a coach, professor, and consultant, she guides clients in areas of career development, DEI, and business strategy.

Her passion is educating and guiding others on journeys that connect the core of who they are with the legacies they want to leave. In her weekly podcast, Stop Playing Diversity, Monica dives into real-world DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) topics that are often not talked about.

With her direct signature style, she presents pearls of wisdom and offers affirmations to help listeners emerge wiser, bold, and stronger in the workplace. Her unique experiences and fearless attitude make her an inspiring and informative voice in the world of academia and beyond.

Jan 05, 202440:03
Karrington Warfield - Event Strategy Coach

Karrington Warfield - Event Strategy Coach

Serena Williams said, “Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” Such is the case with Karrington Warfield, a multi-talented Event Strategy Coach with expertise in entrepreneurship, authorship, speaking engagements, and corporate event planning. As a certified meeting and event strategist and coach, her success in corporate event planning includes organizing executive-level leadership retreats, launches, employee morale events, and much more. With a master’s in business administration, specializing in Project Mgmt, Karrington’s passion is helping coaches and entrepreneurs succeed at event planning so that they reach their business goals, and target audience, while elevating band awareness.

She says it’s everything you need to know pre-event, during the event, and post- event to convert leads into clients. Karrington is a co-author of "Your Virtual Events Guide to Creating an Engaging Experience." She has been featured in Canvas and SpeakerCon magazines and serves as an executive contributor for Brainz magazine. Plus, she has been a keynote speaker at SuccessFest 21, a panel participant at Black Woman Confidential, Success Woman on Fire 2.0 and more. Think Tank Strategy Session: Karrington Warfield: Coach K’s Pre-Event Consultation:

Dec 14, 202346:07
Becky Burroughs - Come Back Home To You

Becky Burroughs - Come Back Home To You

Melinda Gates wrote: “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult. Author, Speaker, Life Leadership Coach, and Strategist, Becky Burroughs spent most of her life setting high expectations, driving herself into the ground, denying her feelings and hiding her fears.

Then she experienced a full-blown identity crisis when both parents died, her marriage ended, and her job changed within a short span of time. Facing multiple major life transitions simultaneously, she began a quest to learn how to navigate them so she could enter the next chapter of her life in a healthy way. A champion for others, Becky now empowers women to find their true identity, know their worth, and use their voice. She shares what she has learned so that others find their clear calling, a strong passion and a definite purpose that will withstand each chapter of life. She is a best-selling author for her book: Come Back Home to You – Navigating Life’s Transitions & Embrace Next Chapter Living, as well as her collaborative book: Elevate Your Voice.

Nov 30, 202301:01:23
Ardeshir Mehran - Emotional Peak Performance Architect

Ardeshir Mehran - Emotional Peak Performance Architect

The 13th-century poet Rumi wrote, “You are not a drop in the ocean, but the entire ocean in a single drop". Dr. Ardeshir is a psychologist, psychoanalyst, transformation expert, and leadership coach who has helped organizations revitalize their culture, drive employee and customer engagement, and develop the next generation of leaders. With 30+ years of research and innovation in emotional health and human behavior, Dr. Ardeshir is also an Emotional Peak Performance Architect, and Author of a groundbreaking new book titled “You are Not Depressed. You are Un-finished, Use Feelings of Depression and Anxiety to Fuel a Soaring Life.” With a Ph.D. and M. Ed from Columbia University, Organizational Counseling, Quantitative Psychology, and more, the subject of emotional wellness is a reality and priority for Dr. Ardeshir. In addition to personally experiencing depression and anxiety while in a key leadership role, he has heard firsthand as a coach how it impacts the performance of high achievers. Known as a performance motivator across multiple industries, and a gifted researcher, Dr. Ardeshir uses keen observations, and direct influencing skills to help global leaders, star performers, and corporate teams’ step fully into their roles as leaders, while harnessing opportunities to inspire change. He lives in the Bay Area with his wife, son, and Lucy (family golden retriever). His passions include running, hiking, swimming, biking, reading, photography, poetry, and music (any music with great guitar, beat, and lyrics). Book: You're Not Depressed, Your Un-Finished:

Nov 08, 202301:09:29
Dr. Doreen Downing: Find Your Voice, Change Your Life

Dr. Doreen Downing: Find Your Voice, Change Your Life

You can download Doreen’s 7 Secrets to Fearless Speaking at: Website: Podcast: Dianna Hardy said, “It only takes one voice at the right pitch to start an avalanche.” Dr. Doreen Downing is a psychologist and an expert on how to overcome public speaking. Her passion is helping people find their voice by tapping into their authentic core strength so that they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear. Having once suffered from stage fright and conquering it, she discovered being connected to your authentic self is the key to relaxed and confident speaking. Her career journey led her to realize that at the core of social problems were communication and relationship issues. From this knowledge she found her calling; to facilitate personal and professional transformation by helping people recover their vibrant inner spirit so they can speak with confidence. Doreen now teaches others how to dissolve stage fright forever through Private Coaching Speaking Circles®, Fearless Speaking Workshops, and Self-Guided E-Courses. In addition to coaching and online courses, she is author of The 7 Secrets to Essential Speaking: Find Your Voice, Change Your Life, a book that teaches you how to transform your anxiety with mindful presence and genuine connection. Course website: Other website: Linkedin: Facebook Profile: Facebook Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest: YouTube: Training Director, Speaking Circles International:

Oct 17, 202345:58
Aelie Swift, Founder Hello Amino

Aelie Swift, Founder Hello Amino

Malcolm Forbes wrote, “Food may be essential as fuel for the body, but good food is fuel for the soul.” Aelie Swift has been in the food industry since 2008 creating delicious, gluten-free meals catered to those with food allergies. Her passion has been inspiring women over 40 to get fit and eat more protein. After 5 years in the fitness industry, Aelie noticed how women struggle to eat enough protein and how they would constantly food shame themselves, feeling guilty for enjoying a little indulgence. Aelie saw an opportunity to create a solution that allowed women to get back to eating pancakes on the weekend and baking cookies with their kids while getting the protein they need. She became the Founder of Hello Amino, a company that introduced high protein, gluten free baking mixes and yummy teas. Their protein packed mixes allow customers to enjoy the foods they love while getting the protein they need. All Hello Amino recipes are chef-crafted and created by Aelie and her husband, Mclain, who is the chocolate lover in the family, creating the protein brownies and pudding mixes.

Sep 26, 202334:23


According to Dr. Noah St. John there is an INNER game and an OUTER game and to succeed you need to master BOTH. Join Dr. St.John as he teaches you the skills you need to become a 7-Figure Expert. His passion is teaching others how to create a life of more impact, influence, and financial freedom. “It’s the “Inside Out Way” of looking at your expert business that turns your knowledge into recurring revenue – which is the GOLD-STANDARD for any expert.” Working with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, and professional athletes, Noah is famous for helping people make more in just 12 WEEKS than they made in the last 12 months, while winning their lives back. New book FREE?: Coaching Programs:

Sep 20, 202345:57
Dana Earhart transforms overwhelmed and overworked business owners into THRIVING 7+Figure CEOs

Dana Earhart transforms overwhelmed and overworked business owners into THRIVING 7+Figure CEOs

Our guest today, Dana Earhart says, “You must be willing to work more intentionally on yourself than you do anything else or you risk being the biggest limitation in your business.”

With 25+ years in consulting, Dana has built teams from the ground up and led teams of 2 to 100 across multiple continents. It was almost 11 years ago, with a toddler in tow, when she took the leap, leaving a 20-year career in corporate consulting, to launch her own business. Today, as a Business Growth Strategist and the CEO of Dana Earhart Consulting, Dana helps transform “overwhelmed and overworked” 6 & 7-figure business owners into THRIVING 7+Figure CEOs, without the grind of being workaholics. By blending business strategy with personal growth and development, Dana delivers a holistic approach for business owners ready to optimize their way to 7+figure revenues creating more money, more free time, and more JOY! Website: My Complimentary Gift: How to Build a 7-Figure Business Guide (Without Being a Workaholic): Complimentary Business Growth Optimizer Call: LinkedIn Profile: LinkedIn Newsletter: Optimize Your Way to 7+ Figures LinkedIn Newsletter: Facebook Profile: Facebook Business Page: Facebook Group: Optimize Your Way to 7-Figures: Instagram Profile:

Sep 12, 202301:07:25
Aug 21, 202355:02
Rags to Riches - Karen Pudetti

Rags to Riches - Karen Pudetti

She’s built a multi-million beauty business from the ground up, created a highly successful clothing line (ba Bad Ass Clothing Inc), authored a book titled Rags to Riches: How Beauty Icons Made It Big, and leads a course Rags to Riches in Action, guiding leaders to financial abundance. Coming straight out of college to land a highly successful accounting career in the corporate world, Karen’s desire to be her own boss in the beauty industry inspired her to go back to school, get her esthetic license and more, and become a stay-at-home Mom working 2 ½ days a week. A venture that skyrocketed to an annual income over $100K. The purchase of a small salon became the springboard for her Luxe Salon Spa and Laser, and ultimately her title as one of the nation’s leading salon and beauty business consultants. Karen’s commitment to help others who dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur in the beauty or retail industry, moved her to write Rags to Riches: How Beauty Icons Made It Big, where she not only interviews some of North America’s leading icons in the beauty industry, but shares concrete guidance from her own experience. Book: Rags to Riches: How Beauty Icons Made It Big Free Gifts Struggling to Keep Your Spa Open Free Report Rages to Riches Roadmap Consultations and Discovery Calls Book a Discovery Call: Course: Rags to Riches in Action Course: Karen Pudetti Social Media: Personal Business Facebook Page: Instagram: LinkedIn: Luxe Social Media Facebook: Instagram: Website: BADASS Clothing Social Media BADASS: BA Facebook:

BA Instagram:

Aug 09, 202345:19
Jul 21, 202357:31
How to Leverage the 4 FocusFactors for More Wealth and Happiness with Dr. Noah St. John

How to Leverage the 4 FocusFactors for More Wealth and Happiness with Dr. Noah St. John

Dr. Noah St. John’s The 7-Figure Life: How to Leverage the 4 FocusFactors for More Wealth and Happiness is available on for $19.95 and from Kindle for $14.98.

Go to: to get $300 in FREE Bonus gifts when you buy The 7-Figure Life.

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

DR. NOAH ST. JOHN is known as "The Father of AFFORMATIONS." Working with Hollywood celebrities, he is renowned as the “The Mental Health Coach to The Stars.” Noah’s twenty-two books have been published in nineteen languages worldwide, including his NEW book, "The 7-Figure Life: How to Leverage The 4 Focus Factors for More Wealth and Happiness."

Working with 8-figure CEOs, professional athletes and trailblazers, Noah is famous for helping entrepreneurs make more in just 12 WEEKS than they made in the last 12 months, all while winning their lives back.

His sought-after advice is known as the “secret sauce” to business and personal growth.

His mission is to eliminate not-enoughness from the world. He is internationally known for his signature coaching services and facilitating workshops for companies, teams, and organizations across the
globe. Noah delivers private workshops, virtual events, and online courses that his audiences call “MANDATORY for anyone who wants to succeed in life and business.”

He appears frequently in the news worldwide, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Entrepreneur, SUCCESS Magazine and much more.

Jul 11, 202301:01:07
Crush It With Kris

Crush It With Kris

Kris Bryant:
Social Media expert, Kris Bryant is a Public Speaker, Content Creator and Visibility Magnifier. Her passion is empowering entrepreneurs to become more visible so that they cash in on their message while bringing their highest contribution to the world.
Living proof that her strategies work, Kris has amassed an engaged audience of over 115K on social media. Her extraordinary online success is the reason Kris attracts audiences and clients who want to learn how they too can THRIVE online and on podcasts.
Skilled at content creation, Kris works closely with her clients to help them create valuable ideas for their followers and podcast viewers.

Her effective but simple strategies are all about showing clients how to make money online and how to level up their impact with podcast bookings, which includes helping you get booked on 5-15 podcasts per month.
Kris’s natural ability to teach clients what to say, where to post it, and how to get seen is the reason she is known as the Visibility Multiplier. And I can’t wait to share her knowledge with you.

Jun 22, 202342:47
Lanette Pottle: Non-Fiction Book Coach + Publishing Mentor + Indie Publisher

Lanette Pottle: Non-Fiction Book Coach + Publishing Mentor + Indie Publisher

Non-Fiction Book Coach + Publishing Mentor + Indie Publisher |
Lanette Pottle is on a mission to help women channel their unique wisdom into compelling books that captivate readers, showcase their expertise, and create lasting impact.
A Business Strategist turned Transformation Book Coach and Publishing Mentor, Lanette is a multi-book Amazon International Best-Selling Author, the founder of Positivity Lady Press, and the driving force behind the International Bestselling LIGHTbeamers Book Series.
Her extensive book writing knowledge and expertise have led her to work with renowned media outlets such as Hay House Radio, Authority Magazine, Next Advisor, and much more.
With guest appearances on numerous podcasts, a TEDx talk, and even sharing the stage with New York Times #1 best-selling author Jack Canfield, she continues to grow her influence to inspire others.

A steadfast advocate for women, Lanette is dedicated to helping women amply their voices so that they can spur positive change and make a difference in the world.
Her energetic and inspiring process has made her a trusted guide for women authors, encouraging them to shine through her She Gets Published brand, including the podcast she hosts by the same name.

Jun 08, 202301:02:18
Felicia Searcy - The Impact Multiplier

Felicia Searcy - The Impact Multiplier

Free Gift -

Meet Felicia Searcy, AKA The Impact Multiplier. A four-Time Award-Winning Transformational Coach, International Speaker, author, and minister, Felicia reveals the secrets to leapfrogging your struggles and LIVING BIG while   Breaking the Cycle of “Almost There” in all areas of Your Life.

Felicia’s purpose is her passion: to empower you to discover and express your extraordinary life…the one that rockets your impact personally and for others!

As The Impact Multiplier, she has helped thousands create a path for living their dream life full out which means…fully connected, fully joyous, and fully prosperous. Her proven “dream activation code” helps multiply peoples’ results to create a richer, more fulfilling life.

For more than 20 years, Felicia has worked with people from all walks of life who seek the spiritual component that accelerates success.

As a highly sought-after international speaker, she has shared the stage with powerhouse leaders like international speaker Mary Morrissey; founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork Sandra Yancey; and international motivational speaker Les Brown.

She has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox.



Free Gift




· email to schedule your breakthrough call.


· To Book Felicia: Contact:, 615-476-6054

Social Media

· Facebook:

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May 22, 202301:03:47
LEARN TO BECOME THE PILOT OF YOUR LIFE… AND SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS. Pamela Horton is a Leadership, Success, Spiritual Coach, Founder of the BusinessofYOU™ Coaching.

LEARN TO BECOME THE PILOT OF YOUR LIFE… AND SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS. Pamela Horton is a Leadership, Success, Spiritual Coach, Founder of the BusinessofYOU™ Coaching.

Pamela has extensively studied neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, employee engagement, mind-training, stoicism, the human bio energy field, spiritual knowledge and techniques with original research that includes close to 30 years of practice and expertise. Her focus is on The BusinessofYOU™ with a specialty in self-mastery, leadership development, life-work harmony, well-being, performance, results and success, however you define it. She has the unique ability to challenge you, empathize with you and strengthen you at the exact moment needed to move you and your position forward. She helps people navigate through unexpected personal and professional challenges successfully and in a way that would not have been possible on their own. She offers customized recipes for your fulfillment with digestible practices and is there to help you make your next move with confidence. Pamela Horton Coaching: LinkedIn: Youtube: Instagram: Facebook:

Apr 27, 202347:29
Chris Nolan - The greatest REVELATION YOU NEED NOW: Vuca Max

Chris Nolan - The greatest REVELATION YOU NEED NOW: Vuca Max

VUCA vs. VUCA MAX: (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity is now on steroids. It's Massive. Accelerating and eXponential change moving faster than we can think.

VUCA MAX is a PIVOTAL MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY –– a fork in the road between two futures  ––  incomprehensible danger or unparalleled opportunities. And the future we create depends upon us.

To preorder the book: VUCA MAX:The Future of Leadership and Peak Performance Coaching. Four Tools to Change Your LIfe and the World.

Or for more information on the VUCA MAX program go to:

⁠⁠ or contact Chris at ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠

Chris Nolan is a multiple Emmy Award-winning director, creative director, marketing strategist, branding story expert and author. He brings 25 years of branding, writing, directing and production experience in both entertainment and marketing to his content production company, 90,000 Feet –– working for clients such Disney, Google and Toyota.

He recently directed and co-wrote with Mike Schindler, the documentary “It’s VUCA: The Secret to Living in the 21st Century”. Chris and Mike have followed up the film with a book and an extensive leadership and executive coaching program called VUCA MAX.

90,000 Feet is an award-winning production studio and full-service agency that creates groundbreaking original brand-storytelling content for the most innovative brands in the world.

Apr 10, 202301:03:01
Suzanne McColl - Licensed Professional Counselor, an EMDR Expert, Professional Keynote Speaker

Suzanne McColl - Licensed Professional Counselor, an EMDR Expert, Professional Keynote Speaker

Workplace Anxiety Relief Toolkit.-  

Reclaiming Self-Worth  


Through interactive, motivating, and inspiring discussions, Suzanne's  work is known for producing sustained and life altering results, leading  to success, fulfillment, and happiness in all areas of life.   

As founder of Sound Health & Wellness and Suzanne McColl LPC, LLC,  Suzanne’s passion is helping women overcome limiting beliefs, gain  confidence, and lead an authentic life so that they can reach their  highest potential both personally and professionally to not just survive  but thrive.   

As author of Reclaiming Self Worth, The Five-Step Method to Releasing  Limiting Beliefs and Feeling Worthy, Suzanne asks and answers the  question: “If you could release all the limiting beliefs about yourself  that hold you back, what might your life look like?”  

She says if you  know you have so much more to offer the world, now is the time to make a  mindset change.

#authenticity #transformation #confidence #girlpower #success #feelingmyself #confidence #yourbestlife #womensupportingwomen #womenentrepreneurs #firstimpressions #lifetransformation #shemeansbusiness #herbusiness #self-worth #girlbosslife #girlbosslifestyle #billionairemindset #passiontoprofit #successfulwomen #ceochick #selfimprovement #femaleentrepreneur #lovethelook #becreative #yourvoice #womenwhohustle #bossbabe #ladyboss #womenofinfluence

Mar 02, 202346:25
“Your sphere of influence is the essential ingredient in your recipe for success, respect, and a legacy." - Gary C. Laney

“Your sphere of influence is the essential ingredient in your recipe for success, respect, and a legacy." - Gary C. Laney

Endorsement Video by Kevin Harrington, Shark Tank:

Our guest today, Gary C. Laney says, “Your sphere of influence is the essential ingredient in your recipe for success, respect, and a legacy."

Gary Laney is a 2X bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, former high-tech executive, CEO of Success Masters, and a dynamic speaker who has inspired tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, and business and sales professionals with personal and professional success training.

His national best-selling book, The Power of Strategic Influence, delivers powerful insights and wisdom on the value and need for human influence.

Packed with treasured stories that bring to life his visionary spheres of leadership, relationships, perspective and more, his book will inspire and influence you to live your greatest life.

To learn more about his book, visit:

Samples from a recent keynote and in-person podcast
Recent In-Person Podcast:

Feb 01, 202301:04:14
Spiritual & Ambitious with Whitney McNeill
Jan 25, 202356:00
Ellia Harris - Chief Innovation Coach

Ellia Harris - Chief Innovation Coach


Join Ellia for the free "Brainstorming Blueprint" masterclass for secrets, tips & tools you can use immediately to lead brainstorming that takes team ideating from ‘boring’ to ‘brilliant!’. January 25th 2023, 12pm (PST). To register, go to

The course Light Bulb Moments™ 

“Beta Places are still available for Light Bulb Moments™ at a greatly reduced price.

The guide “What’s Stifling Creativity in Your Organization?”

“The Potential Center’s guide What’s Stifling Creativity in Your Organization? can help you see where the creative blind spots are in your team or organization.

Innovation Coach Ellia Harris is CEO of The Potential Center. Ellia trains and coaches relatively new managers in management skills and facilitating creative problem-solving with their team. As a result, managers become more effective leaders, and their teams are more productive and produce more effective solutions.

Ellia believes that solving problems with creativity is the most effective way to address business, social, and global issues. She is on a mission to simplify the creative problem-solving and innovation process, and make inspiration more systematic and accessible so that big changes can be made more quickly and elegantly.

You can learn more about Ellia Harris at and schedule a free 30-minute strategy session.








Jan 19, 202345:55
Anne-Marie Simak is a transformational style and confidence coach.
Jan 04, 202334:28


Dec 19, 202257:09
Social Media Strategist - Shannon Giordano

Social Media Strategist - Shannon Giordano

Free 30 min consultation:

2 Free Gifts: Social Media Masterclass (video) and a Hashtag Guide:

Shannon Giordano will tell you she’s not a digital native but she loves social media when it's used for good: to connect us, to share authentically, and to build relationships. 

She is passionate about helping women business owners and entrepreneurs build a strategy to authentically share their products and services online with the goal of getting the best return on investment from social media marketing. 

What gets her out of bed in the morning, other than her 4-year-old Chinook, Gracie, and the need to get her kids up for school, is helping business owners and entrepreneurs build the social media community they dream of.



Dec 05, 202248:39
Dawn Marie Apuan is an expert copywriter and funnel strategist

Dawn Marie Apuan is an expert copywriter and funnel strategist

Dawn Marie Apuan is an expert copywriter and funnel strategist. Former  pastor and non-profit Executive Director, her mission now is to help  entrepreneurs sell out even their most expensive offers with messaging  that brilliantly captures their voice to attract dream clients - without  costing them time and energy creating it.   

Her unique ability to craft words into wealth has helped hundreds of  clients get results in 24 hours or less, and some clients make five  figures overnight without sales calls!  


Social media:  




TicTok: @dawn.copyqueen

Nov 16, 202243:60
“Ignite the Power of WOMEN In Your Life: A Guide for MEN” - Simon T. Bailey

“Ignite the Power of WOMEN In Your Life: A Guide for MEN” - Simon T. Bailey

Simon T. Bailey is the author of “Ignite the Power of WOMEN In Your Life: A Guide for MEN,” the book destined to spark a worldwide movement. In fact, Simon has committed to a life of purpose that sparks individuals and organizations to lead countries, companies, and communities differently. This current mission caps an illustrious career as a Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker and renowned advisor to companies in diverse industries.

Book:  Ignite the Power of WOMEN In Your Life: A Guide for MEN

Available on for $25 in hardback. It is also available on Kindle for $11.20 and Audible for $7.

Additional Books & Ebooks By Simon T. Bailey

Be The Spark: Five Platinum Service Principles for Creating Customers for Life Success is an Inside Job

Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the World Shift Your Brilliance: Harness the Power of You, Inc.

Brilliant Living: 31 Insights to Creating an Awesome Life

Releasing Leadership Brilliance: Breaking Sound Barriers in Education co-written with Dr. Marceta F. Reilly Meditate on Your Personal Brilliance

Meditate on Your Professional Brilliance


Online Learning:

Free Weekly Newsletter and Gift:


Social Media LinkedIn: @simontbailey

Instagram: @simontbailey 

YouTube: @SimonTBaileyIntl 

Facebook: @simontbailey Twitter: @simontbailey

Book Simon to Speak: 407-970-1113

Nov 01, 202253:37
Dr. Rima Bonario is a Dream Weaver, Soul-Coach and Wild-Heart Healer

Dr. Rima Bonario is a Dream Weaver, Soul-Coach and Wild-Heart Healer

Oct 25, 202201:07:09
Meri McCoy-Thompson - Empower People to Lead Transformational Change

Meri McCoy-Thompson - Empower People to Lead Transformational Change

The We Are Resilient™ approach helps us manage stress, create more authentic relationships, and reclaim joy!  We have training opportunities, videos, books, and free resources on


As an Irish-American cisgendered feminist who has lived and worked with nonprofits on four continents, Meri is on a lifelong journey of discovering the many layers of our Cultural Patterns. 

As COO of Dovetail Learning, she was co-developer of We Are Resilient as well as guides our strategic planning and organizational effectiveness. Previously, she served as Director of Strategic Partners with The Gratitude Network; Executive Director, the Human Needs Project, Kenya; and has worked in Beijing, New Delhi, and Washington, D.C. 

Early in her career, she was on faculty at Georgetown University, where she served as Project Director for the first edition of Bright Futures. Meri received her AB from Stanford University and her master’s from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. Meri’s primary Centering Skill is Finding Gratitude: “Every day is a gift and we are blessed to have life and each other.”

Oct 25, 202240:07
VUCA - Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Adaptability - Michael J.R. Schindler

VUCA - Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Adaptability - Michael J.R. Schindler

The VUCA Principle uses both evidence-based and battle proven strategies and training developed by top think tanks and The Army War College, to improve team resiliency and leadership in the exponential challenges of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity of the 21st Century.

Mike Schindler is a US Navy veteran, author of two highly endorsed books, the national podcast host of The Military Wire, which features interviews with some of America’s most elite men and women who have served this country, and CoExecutive Producer of IT’S VUCA: The Secret to Living in the 21st Century documentary that features 15 of our nation’s top experts on how to navigate
chaotic times. 

He has been featured in USA Today, CBS Radio, Entrepreneur Radio, the Lars Larson Show, the Boston Globe, Q13 FOX, Yahoo Finance, and others. Mike is known throughout the US as a subject matter expert on leadership development, negotiation secrets, and veteran transition issues. 

Since 2012, he has helped local, state, federal agencies as well as Fortune 500 companies improve team morale and retention. His “Prepare, Plan, & Execute with Purpose and Passion” has helped well over 10,000 individuals realize their true mission, purpose, and identity in life, leading to happier families and more solid financial standings.

Mike is a guest writer for several national publications and the author of two books: “U.S. Veterans in the Workforce: Why the 7% are America’s Greatest Asset” and “Operation Military Family” - which is endorsed by retired General Tommy Franks and retired General Peter Chiarelli.


Oct 12, 202201:07:26
The Three Pillars of Creating Change - Teresa de Grosbois

The Three Pillars of Creating Change - Teresa de Grosbois

Harriet Tubman wrote. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

In this heartfelt interview, Teresa de Grosbois talks about the roots of change, from your internal thoughts to your ability to create global shifts. Whether you’re just looking to change your life or the world at large, this paradigm shifting interview will leave you with new insights and inspiration to get into action.

You will learn

  • The three pillars of creating change and why it’s important to understand their balance
  • Why following your heart leads to both greater influence and abundance
  • The key factor in using your influence to find opportunities to create change

Teresa de Grosbois (Say - duh grow bwa) is the #1 international bestselling author of Mass Influence – the habits of the highly influential, which has been a bestseller in 7 countries for several years. The book is an innovative exploration into the key elements for influencing change by creating vital “wildfire word-of-mouth epidemics.”

As the founder and chair of the Evolutionary Business Council, Teresa leads an international, invitation only council of speakers and influencers who work to create world-wide grass roots change in communities and businesses. Dedicated to the principals of success, EBC is a groundbreaking community of changemakers, thought leaders and influencers, committed to making positive global change by leading new advances in business influence, transformation, and wellness.

Teresa believes we can shift the thinking of society by understanding how to balance the forces of money and influence to create more impact in the world.

Special Offers

Teresa’s complimentary 30 Day Influence Challenge (if it’s mentioned on the call)  -

For listeners who want to find out more about EBC join us for an upcoming enrollment call to get your questions answered:

Sep 28, 202246:53
America's Joy Magnet - Shari Alyse - Author of “Love Yourself Happy & Joy Guide
Sep 13, 202239:51
Transformation & Prosperity Coach - Allyson Chavez

Transformation & Prosperity Coach - Allyson Chavez

Subscribe to Youtube channel:    

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Jane Applegath - Epic Vision Zone Links:    

Vision Play Sheet FREE Download:    

Creative Power FREE Download:

See Allyson Chavez Link at bottom of page:

Writer, Creator, LeAura Alderson wrote, move in with the mindset of the life you want to live.

Allyson Chavez is a prosperity & success coach for ambitious, God-centered women. She teaches women how to get phenomenal results with ease and grace, achieve their goals without hustle or grind, & reshape their reality in feminine energy.

Allyson says when we learn how to manage our thoughts and energy, and connect to our highest frequency, we stop living a life of doubt and overwhelm and discover how to consistently live a life of joy, love, and prosperity. Her motto: Experience success without the struggle.

A sought-after speaker on mindset, prosperity, universal laws and success strategies, Allyson is the bestselling author of The Prosperity Approach. Her work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and hundreds of nationally syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.

Allyson believes that challenge is necessary on your success journey--but the struggle is not! Her mission is to end the struggle and bring joy to the lives of millions of women around the globe.

5-Day Workshop September 12-19, 2022

Freebie: Prosperity Guide--52 ways to let go of doubt and overwhelm and live a life without struggle

-Listen to Allyson's podcast, The Prosperity Approach, at

-To learn more about Allyson visit

-DM Allyson on IG at allysonchavez_

-DM Allyson on FB at Allyson Chavez

-Join her Facebook Group, Success Without Struggle at


-Join Allyson’s free LIVE online workshops at

Sep 01, 202253:20
Anna Scott is a transformational coach. She points people to who they are and shows them what gets in the way of their magnificence.

Anna Scott is a transformational coach. She points people to who they are and shows them what gets in the way of their magnificence.

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Buddha wrote: “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.” Today’s guest will reveal just how powerful you truly are.

Anna Scott is a transformational coach. She points people to who they are and shows them what gets in the way of their magnificence, and genius.

From entrepreneur to corporate executive, to coaching entrepreneurs, Anna is passionate about personal development across topics ranging from Somatics to the power of thought.

Guiding Fortune 500 companies and emerging startups, Anna honed her skill set in the fields of leadership and somatics at the Strozzi Institute, with complementary study in energy and philosophy.

Inspired by Sydney Banks and others, Anna is a Three Principal Coach. Through her own journey of discovery, she developed an aspiration to coach executives, creatives, and entrepreneurs for one simple reason: to help kind and driven individuals discover how to tune into their energy and feel empowered to make change.

Anna is also a contributing author in the book titled, Stories from the Muses, Become a Better Writer. Unique as its’ title, this book introduces the reader to 7 muses who lead you on a journey of self-discovery through writing.

She holds a black belt in the Japanese martial art of aikido, which teaches defense without injury and promotes peaceful resolution to conflict.    

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Vision Play Sheet FREE Download:    

Creative Power FREE Download:

Aug 26, 202246:03
THRIVE Fitness & Adventure Retreats - Katie Sampayo

THRIVE Fitness & Adventure Retreats - Katie Sampayo

B.K.S. IYENGAR wrote, “Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”   
Such  is the story of today’s guest, Katie Sampayo, who in 2014 discovered  the transformative world of yoga, a practice that opened her heart,  mind, and body to a new life and a new way of being.

In December  2015 Katie left behind the corporate world to pursue her passion of  helping others live a happy, healthy, and holistic life through personal  training, group fitness classes and luxury Thrive Retreats.

Today  Katie is the Founder of THRIVE Coaching- A high-level Holistic Health  and Life Coaching program, the owner THRIVE Fitness & Adventure  Retreats, a #1 Bestselling Author of “Eat to Thrive: The Anti-Diet  Cookbook, a Certified Personal Trainer, 200 Hour Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga  Instructor, and former T.V. show host of “Eat Right, Live Well " on ABC.

Since  2018, Katie has been traveling the world full-time, living a life  filled with adventure, connection, and transformational experiences. Her  tagline "Focus the mind. Tone the body." conveys her philosophy on how  to live a healthy, happy, and holistic life, from the inside out.

#1 bestselling cookbook, Eat to Thrive: The Anti Diet Cookbook:




𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥:  

𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧-𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫/𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬:  

𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝:  

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝:

Aug 17, 202201:00:45
A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution - Julie Phillips Hatch

A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution - Julie Phillips Hatch

Matthew Jacobsen wrote: “Behind every young child who believes in himself or herself is a parent who believed first.”

Julie Phillips Hatch has a passion for helping kids. A Mom, a parenting expert, holistic health, and pediatric nurse practitioner, she is a traditional western medicine practitioner turned alternative holistic specialist.

After years working in pediatric intensive care, then in neonatal intensive care, Julie’s focus shifted to the realm of eastern medicine and holistic health. She attained a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, encompassing acupuncture, herbal medicine, & mind-body-spirit practices.

In conjunction to a thriving holistic healthcare and acupuncture practice, Julie coaches’ parents on alternative methods of parenting that honor a child’s inner spirit and nature. Four years ago, she started her parent counseling business “Mums on a Mission – Consciously Connecting With our Kids.” Her mission is to help kids find the emotional, mental, and physical health they all deserve. And that, she says, starts with the parents.

She also hosts the parenting podcast called “Julie Hatch – Mums on a Mission” and today, Julie is here to talk about her new Amazon #1 bestselling book “A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution – Raising Resilient, Responsible, Compassionate Kids from the Inside Out.”

Learn More


· A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution: Raising Resilient, Responsible, Compassionate Kids from the Inside Out

· for $15.99 and also on Kindle.




· To learn more about Julie’s powerful parenting programs and one-on-one counseling sessions


Podcast and Blog

· To hear podcast episodes and see Julie’s blog


Social Media

· Facebook:

· Facebook:

· Instagram:

· You Tube:

Aug 10, 202247:56
Globally recognized profitability coach and inventor of the Predictable Success Method - Susie Carder

Globally recognized profitability coach and inventor of the Predictable Success Method - Susie Carder

4-Day FREE Challenge:  August 15th - 18th, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pacific daily

Michael Gerber said, “Great businesses are not built by extraordinary people, but by ordinary people doing extraordinary things.”

After a life filled with setbacks and obstacles, our guest today, Susie Carder, is an extraordinary person doing extraordinary things.

A self-made millionaire, you’d never guess behind Susie Carder’s multi-million-dollar success, best-selling author title, and fire engine red lipstick, that she grew up with a quite different set of numbers: 9 siblings, 3-bedroom home, poverty-level neighborhood.

Starting out as a low paid hairdresser working to support her 2 little girls, Susie quickly decided she wasn’t going to live her life working for anyone but herself. Over the years she has founded and sold three profitable companies, the last of which sold for eight figures.

Her core genius is the ability to simplify complicated issues by creating simple systems that will ignite growth and sustainability for any company.

She has helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs increase their revenues by more than 3000% and worked with top business moguls including John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Steve Harvey, Doug Carter, and Paul Mitchell.

When a serious car accident took her away from her business, Susie’s business not only stayed afloat but expanded tenfold.

The systems she had created empowered her staff to successfully carry on without her- so while she healed her business thrived and that is the freedom, she is passionate to bring to business owners everywhere.

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Susie Carder Information:

Aug 03, 202201:06:48
Soulfluent® Leadership: Now is the time to Lead From Your Soul - Priscilla Stephan

Soulfluent® Leadership: Now is the time to Lead From Your Soul - Priscilla Stephan

Pablo Picasso wrote: The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Priscilla Stephan is an Intuitive Business Strategist and Creator of the Soulfluent® Leadership Archetypes and the amazing Soulfluent Leadership Business Guide.  A Columbia University graduate with a master’s degree in International Affairs Priscilla spent two decades working with environmental leaders, only to find herself burnt out, lost, and wondering if she’d ever find her calling.

After a year-long sabbatical, and soul-searching she came upon the Akashic Records, AKA The Book of Life, and discovered her gift: Providing intuitive business and leadership guidance so people can work in their zones of genius, live their purpose profitably & make an impact in the world their way.

Rooted in the principle that the path to a successful, purpose-driven business starts from within, Priscilla shows you how to achieve the extraordinary in life and business by helping you get clear on your soul’s vision for leadership first. This, she says, is the key to creating more impact and profits with grace, joy and ease.

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Priscilla Stephan Information:

Jul 27, 202201:01:37
Founder/CEO of Smart Vas and Host of The Master Delegator Podcast - Kristy Yoder

Founder/CEO of Smart Vas and Host of The Master Delegator Podcast - Kristy Yoder

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Somewhere along the way we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others.

Kristy Yoder is the Founder/CEO of Smart Vas and Host of The Master Delegator Podcast show where she teaches entrepreneurs and leaders how to grow their business by delegating and hiring virtual assistants.

Kristy’s passion is helping stressed and overwhelmed ambitious entrepreneurs get their time, freedom, and life back while running a successful business. Her objective is to empower you to use delegation as a tool that carries you towards your vision, versus a simple hack to get things off your plate.

A multi-skilled leader, Kristy worked her way from being a freelance virtual assistant and digital marketer to becoming her own boss and CEO. She has since built and trained a team of more than 70+ Vas based in the Philippines to help business owners scale their businesses while living a freedom-filled lifestyle. 

Kristy has served more than 200 businesses and grown her business to 7-figures in revenue. Her unique skills not only help entrepreneurs scale their businesses, but they also empower them to live a freedom-filled lifestyle with peace of mind and prosperity.

Subscribe to Epic Vision Zone Youtube channel:

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More of the Epic Vision Zone:

Vision Play Sheet FREE Download:

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Kristy Yoder Information:


Jul 20, 202255:23
How to Impact Millions with Leadership Skills for a Positive Change - Reiner Lomb

How to Impact Millions with Leadership Skills for a Positive Change - Reiner Lomb

Conventional wisdom says that emotions have no place in business or leadership. Our guest today will tell you that is a fallacy.

Leadership expert, activist, and executive coach, Reiner Lomb, knows that to address the issues of our time we need to come together and collaborate.

Reiner’s mission is to mobilize and develop innovative leaders who will create a more sustainable and positive future by showing us how to come together and collaborate to create a vision for a new aspirational future.

With a 30-plus year career in technology, starting and growing software businesses, and forging leadership development, Reiner works with changemakers in start-ups, and multinationals, to non-profits, local communities, entrepreneurs, and more to create positive change.

Today Reiner is here to offer wisdom from his new book ASPIRE: Seven Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change, No Matter Where You Are.

In it, he addressed the seven critical emotions you must master to become an effective leader who aspires to positively influence key stakeholders, build trust, lead with optimism, ride the waves of negative emotions, mobilize people to take action, and choose resiliency in the face of setbacks.

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Reiner Lomb Links:

● Aspire: Seven Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change, No Matter Where You Are
● Aspire is available on for $14.99 and also on Kindle for $9.99.
● The Boomerang Approach, Return to Purpose, Ignite Your Passion
Coaching—Individual and Group
● Reiner’s leadership coaching and signature group programs
● To ascertain Reiner’s availability for speaking, coaching or workshops
Social Media
● LinkedIn:
● Twitter:

Jul 18, 202201:08:51
The Intimate Journey in the Desert - Dr. Chris Sopa and Amy Dini

The Intimate Journey in the Desert - Dr. Chris Sopa and Amy Dini

The Intimate Journey in the Desert Workshop

Are you tired of feeling not worthy?

Are you tired of hiding yourself?

Do you have a negative self body image?

We have the most amazing experience to offer you!

Explore the limitations that are holding you back from loving yourself as you truly are!

See the link below for all the details!

Marianne Williamson wrote, “Feminine power isn’t something we go out and acquire; it’s already within us. It’s something we become willing to experience. Something to admit we have.

Dr. Chris Sopa is fascinated by the world and our place in it. An Industrial Organizational Psychologist and avid researcher, Dr. Sopa’s passion is inspiring people not to be afraid of change…but to embrace it.

Known for her ability to reveal an individual’s unique human potential, it’s no surprise that over the last 20 years she has coached hundreds of executives, served as a corporate consultant and keynote speaker, and led leadership workshops across the country.

Her expertise is making clients see that they can change the direction of their life and then showing them how.

The key, she says, is to identify the disempowering thoughts and behaviors stopping you and then reframing them to empower you to boldly choose to live the life of the dreams.

A multi-award-winning photographer, Amy Dini calls herself a pretty simple girl who is hugely feminine.

She loves lace, wine, flowers, vintage everything and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Having spent 10 years as a psychiatric nurse, Amy now owns The Intimate Story, a place where intimate artistic boudoir portraits are beautifully curated to allow women to feel as beautiful as they really are.

Amy says her studio, her art, is her happy place and an empowering place for every woman looking to positively change the way she thinks about herself.

The why behind her passion of tasteful boudoir photography, is to give women the ability to reevaluate their worth and that change comes not from the body, she says, but from the mind.

That Amy proclaims, is the true power of boudoir and an experience you will never regret.

Jul 13, 202258:46
Emotional Intelligence Master Trainer - Joie Seldon

Emotional Intelligence Master Trainer - Joie Seldon

Our guest today says “Trying to lead without Emotional Intelligence is like trying to drive with your parking brakes on. You can do it, but you’re not going to get very far.”

Joie Seldon is an Emotional Intelligence Master Trainer, dynamic speaker, author of the book, EMOTIONS: An Owner’s Manual, and the creator of EMOTIONS AT WORK online course.

With a master’s degree in Somatic Psychology, plus her experience as an entrepreneur, professional actor, acting and improv teacher, Joie brings together mind, emotions, and creativity to show clients how to successfully manage their emotions for career and personal success.

Understanding human motivation and behavior, she has taught 1000’s of executives, creative professionals and women not satisfied with the status quo, showing them how to fulfill their ambitions with actionable concepts and tools to bring about life-changing results.

Her fun and interactive EMOTIONS AT WORK course has not only garnered rave reviews but students from around the world. Joie wants us all to harness the most underutilized yet powerful resource we have – our emotions.

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Joie Seldon Links:

Jun 29, 202246:43
Shayna Stockman w Jane Applegath

Shayna Stockman w Jane Applegath

Shayna Melissa Stockman, aka the World Wellness Expert, went from heart failure and failing English to helping heal herself without meds, and becoming a #1 International Best-Selling Author of Overcoming Life Obstacles. As a Holistic Healer known as the BioHackNP, a Nationally Board-Cert. NURSE Practitioner, and more, Shayna is a multi-talented individual with a mission to show millions how to take charge of their lives. As a diversified health expert Shayna’s mission is to empower her patients. Instead of feeling hopeless and helpless and over-using prescription drugs she shows them a healthier way to heal, often without any meds. at all Known as the Holistic Healer, Shayna fuses her knowledge in the Naturopathic, Alternative, Holistic, BioHacking, and Integrative fields to create synergistic results, re-verse dis-order, rid symptoms, reduce or eliminate meds and create happier clients. As a bestselling author Shayna brings audiences the stories of individuals who have overcome life difficulties. In her international bestseller titled Overcoming Life Obstacles-Real People, Real Stories, inspirational contributing authors share their secrets to success. Her Motto: Turn obstacles into steppingstones to elevate yourself and uplift others. or Social media & quick links: Links: Join her new private community Burnout to Blissful: Like her Facebook page about my #1 International BestSeller Book: Like 1 of her Facebook wellness pages: or Facebook, personal: LinkedIn: Linktree: Twitter: YouTube: New website: Offered at: FREE Burnout to Blissful Challenge FREE BioHacker Tracker, BioHacking Self Assessment tool & BioHAcking 101 Manual FREE personalized, signed book & 2 week supply of Shayna's favorite delicious & nutritious ENERGIZING drinks by sharing this post (interview)-the more shares, the better the chance to win
Jun 22, 202235:58
Emerge Triumphant: Thrive through Uncertainty: Eliana Gilad with Jane Applegath - Epic Vision Zone

Emerge Triumphant: Thrive through Uncertainty: Eliana Gilad with Jane Applegath - Epic Vision Zone

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Shiri Appleby wrote: Once you start to listen to your voice, you start to feel the power in it (that.)

Eliana Gilad is a two-time TEDx presenter, motivational speaker, healing voice mentor, therapeutic singing trainer, composer/performer, and founder of Voices of Eden Ancient Wisdom and Healing Music Institute.

Born in the United States, Eliana left for France in 1991 and then moved to Israel where she held herself at peace despite bombings during three Middle East Wars, using healing empowering techniques she now teaches.

Eliana’s work revives the conscious use of voice and rhythm as natural healing instruments, just as in the ancient matriarchal times. Today her wordless sound modality helps people find their authentic voices and connect to their inner calm during change.

Through her Institute, Eliana researches and teaches the principles of thriving through uncertainty via online trainings and live retreats. She certifies healing professionals in the therapeutic singing model that is clinically proven to reduce anxiety and foster creativity as fuel.

Her new international bestseller, Emerge Triumphant: Thrive through Uncertainty helps readers understand that when they give their inner voice the ability and power to shine, limiting barriers can be broken and people can become their own leaders, opening themselves up to a world of new possibilities.

Jun 16, 202243:13