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The Artifact

The Artifact

By Java Brains

A podcast helping software developers grow, get better and be happier.
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Everything Spring Framework (with Dan Vega)

The ArtifactSep 24, 2023

Everything Spring Framework (with Dan Vega)

Everything Spring Framework (with Dan Vega)

Dan Vega is a Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. Dan is also a prolific YouTube content creator, course creator, and has spoken in several conferences. He also hosts the Spring Office Hours show and podcast weekly.

In this episode, I talk to Dan about his journey to being a Spring Developer Advocate and what his job actually entails. We also chat about all things Spring - the scope of the framework, how to go about learning it, the release cadence and how to keep up. We also discuss some key choices facing Spring developers today - AOT, Reactive vs Virtual threads, Spring Cloud, Kubernetes and more! Links: Dan's website: YouTube channel: Spring Office Hours (hosted by Dan with DaShaun Carter): Tanzu Developer Center:

Sep 24, 202301:26:29
Testing architecture with ArchUnit (with Roland Weisleder)

Testing architecture with ArchUnit (with Roland Weisleder)

Roland's LinkedIn profile: Devoxx talk: I happened to see a Devoxx talk a month ago, which was titled Unit Test, your Java Architecture by Roland Weisleder. And I found that to be super interesting because unit testing is something that I've always attributed to code, something more objective. And architecture has always been a little more subjective in my mind. Roland was kind enough to join me and share his experiences with ArchUnit and how it can help with architecture for Java codebases

Aug 27, 202301:01:19
Event driven architectures (with Jonathan Schabowsky)

Event driven architectures (with Jonathan Schabowsky)


Get a Solace Cloud account:  

Spring Cloud Stream code lab:  

Jonathan's LinkedIn profile:  

Event driven microservices are gaining a lot of traction these days due to their ability to decouple different systems while at the same time, keep interactions realtime and dynamic. In this episode of the Artifact, I talk to Jonathan Schabowsky, field CTO at Solace.   Solace enables enterprises to build powerful real time event driven applications with products like event brokers, event portals and a cloud platform for events. Jonathan has a long and rich experience working with Event Driven architectures, so I was super excited and grateful when he agreed to talk with me. This interview was actually recorded way back in early 2022, but due to various personal reasons (entirely my own fault), I haven't been able to publish this, or really any other Artifact episode. But it's finally here, and if you are even a little bit interested in event driven services, you have to watch or listen to this. I ask Jonathan about the benefits of event driven architectures, the benefits, drawbacks, the mental model versus request response, and so much more! I hope you enjoy this episode and learn as much from it as I did.

Jan 09, 202301:17:31
The job search process with Madeline Mann (Ep 7)

The job search process with Madeline Mann (Ep 7)

Madeline's website:

Self Made Millenial YouTube channel: 

In this episode of The Artifact, I talk to Madeline Mann, who is a career and job search coach. She is the creator of the Self Made Millenial. She has a coaching program and a Youtube channel with some amazing content with a lot of value. 

In this interview, I talk to Madeline about job search as it applies to software developers. Are there any things we should be doing differently? What is the importance of soft skills when searching for a job that requires you to code all the time? Do cover letters matter? How about referrals? Connections? In this interview, we cover all these topics and more. I hope you get as much value and learning as I did from this episode of the Artifact.

May 22, 202242:18
Microservices and patterns with Chris Richardson (Ep 6)

Microservices and patterns with Chris Richardson (Ep 6)

Microservice patterns website:

Chris' consulting website: 

It's really simple. When you think microservice patterns, you think Chris Richardson. Chris is a very popular and authoritative voice in the microservice space - he runs the website: which is a go-to resource for anyone trying to architect microservices and needs to learn common patterns. He's also the author of the book Microservice patterns. So, you can guess what i talk to him about in this interview.  

At the end of the interview, Chris kindly agreed to speak with me another time to answer any of YOUR questions. So, wherever you are watching or listening to this episode, drop your questions on microservices and microservice patterns in the comments, and i'll pick the best ones to ask Chris in a follow up interview.   

Okay, without any further ado, here's my interview with Chris richardson in this episode of the Artifact.

Apr 10, 202251:15
Java dev productivity report, Java 18, Google cloud pricing and other news (Ep 5)

Java dev productivity report, Java 18, Google cloud pricing and other news (Ep 5)

JDK 18 is released, there's controversy over Google Cloud's price increase, a new look for MDN, a mysterious npm package that does nothing but has over 700 thousand downloads. And a walk through of the Java developer productivity report from JRebel. All this and more in this episode of the Artifact.

Java 18 is here

MDN and MDN plus

JavaOne 2022

Mystery empty npm package

Google cloud pricing updates

JRebel developer productivity report


Mar 27, 202244:42
On becoming a software architect with Lee Atchison (Ep 4)

On becoming a software architect with Lee Atchison (Ep 4)

There's a point in every software engineers career, where they think "What's next?" Do they consider the role of an architect? Do they make a switch to a managerial role? Or deep dive into an individual contributor role? 

In this episode, I talk to Lee Atchison, who's not only an author and a video course trainer, he has been in the architect role for 20 years!  I pick his brain on questions that I've heard many people ask: What is a good next step for an experienced software engineer? How do they choose between a managerial role and an architect role? And if someone wants to be an architect, what do they have to do?   

All this and more in this episode of The Artifact.

Lee's website:

LinkedIn Learning course (Software Architecture: From Developer to Architect Online Class):

Mar 12, 202255:42
Multicloud vs polycloud, Jakarta EE and other news (Ep 3)

Multicloud vs polycloud, Jakarta EE and other news (Ep 3)

Jakarta EE 10 is coming up. GitHub codespaces is becoming fast, like really fast! Dynamo DB turns 10. There is a library that I recommend for faking data. And what the heck is the difference between multicloud and poly cloud? Welcome to episode three of the artifact. This is a solo episode. We don't have a guest here that I can interview, but I have a lot of good stuff for you to share, including the "Learn from the news" section where we are not just going to report the news. We are also going to learn from it!

JakartaEE updates:

Codespaces update:

DynamoDB turns 10:

Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise update:

Library of the day (Data Faker):

Mar 05, 202228:16
Learning cloud technologies with Ranga Karanam (Ep 2)

Learning cloud technologies with Ranga Karanam (Ep 2)

Getting started in the software industry as a backend Java developer used to be about learning a programming language and a couple of frameworks to build applications. And you were all set. These days, it's no longer the case. With the rise of DevOps, and more importantly, the cloud, the learning journey that a new software developer has to go through has gotten more and more exansive. In this video, I talk to someone who has been teaching thousands of students for more than a decade. Ranga is the founder of in28minutes, You cannot be a backend Java developer using Udemy and not have seen at least one of his courses. He's a powerhouse course creator on Udemy and he's also a good friend. In this episode of the artifact, I talk to him about his journey into the software industry, teaching, and I ask some important questions on his current focus area of cloud technologies. 

This is the Artifact. A podcast that aims to help software developers grow, get better and be happier.

Feb 24, 202258:56
Introducing The Artifact (Ep 1)

Introducing The Artifact (Ep 1)

What is the Artifact? Setting aside the general meaning of the word artifact, in software world, an artifact is anything that's a byproduct produced during the development of software. A build or an executable is an artifact. A design document is an artifact. A packaged library is an artifact. All these are artifacts, but when you are developingf software for many years as many of us have, there's another important byproduct that's produced. That's experience. That's expertise. That's ideas and perspectives. Now based on the definition, those are artifacts too. And that's the kind of stuff that you don't learn in a coding bootcamp that churns out college grads with cookie cutter skills. It's mostly not taught in colleges. You either learn it from a good mentor if you are fortunate enough to have one. Or you do it the hard way - and learn from your own experience. 

I want to try and fix that. The artifact is a podcast that brings to you perspectives and experiences from me and from the people who I talk to. Some are popular Youtubers that you might recognise. Some might be authors. Some might be neither of those and have a story to tell. I am going to learn from them, and I invite you to join me and learn with me. Also, a large part of being a software developer is keeoing yourself up to date with the news and updates to technology, and I plan to bring them to you and keep you updated as well.

The Artifact is available at That's the podcast homepage where you can find all podcast episodes that have been published so far. All episodes are also available on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, and most other podcast aggregation services. 

Feb 08, 202206:57