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Get Copywriting Clients

Get Copywriting Clients

By Jay White

Welcome to the Get Copywriting Clients podcast, where we dive into the latest and most effective ways to market yourself as a freelance writer and copywriter. Your host, Jay White, is a 20 year veteran of copywriting and a leading authority on copywriter marketing. His AWAI course, Email Copy Made Easy, is one of their perennial best sellers and Jay has coached and mentored dozens of copywriters using the very same marketing techniques you'll hear inside. Come join us!
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Case Study: The "Weird" Niche Where This Copywriter Will Almost TRIPLE His Income in Just 1 Year...

Get Copywriting ClientsDec 09, 2022

Case Study: The "Weird" Niche Where This Copywriter Will Almost TRIPLE His Income in Just 1 Year...

Case Study: The "Weird" Niche Where This Copywriter Will Almost TRIPLE His Income in Just 1 Year...

Cris is a member of my Get Copywriting Clients Masterclass who's really "gone after it". And in his first year of marketing himself using the methods I reveal inside the Masterclass, he's set to almost triple his previous year's copywriting income. 

But here's the weird part...

The niche he's chosen is, to put it lightly, is just flat-out STRANGE. Not something you'll hear the big copywriter training programs touting as a big-time opportunity. But he's generating income--and lots of it--by tapping into this hidden gold mine...

Listen in to find out where Cris is making all this newfound bank (and how you can do the same)...

Dec 09, 202219:55
The Game Changer: How to Get Off the "Just One More Course" Merry-Go-Round and Start Getting Paying Copywriting Clients NOW...

The Game Changer: How to Get Off the "Just One More Course" Merry-Go-Round and Start Getting Paying Copywriting Clients NOW...

Sharon couldn't stop buying copywriting training courses. Like many of us, she dumped wads of cash into learning the next "big thing". But what she WASN'T doing was getting clients. And she was stuck in an endless (and outright desperate) loop of "just one more course" while moving farther and farther away from her goals...

Plus (as if that wasn't bad enough) she was dealing with a bad case of Imposter Syndrome. Could she ACTUALLY do this? Would people really pay her to write for them?

What she needed was a blueprint to break out of this loop and start getting clients. So we started working together. And as she so eloquently put it--"IT WAS A GAME CHANGER!"

Listen now to hear her story inside...

Apr 07, 202119:11
Case Study: From Zero Clients to a Retainer Deal with Just ONE Email...

Case Study: From Zero Clients to a Retainer Deal with Just ONE Email...

Marie was destitute to find clients. She knew she had the talent to succeed, but she was stuck on the marketing aspect. Then we started working together using my Done For You Marketing program. And literally on the FIRST day of our marketing efforts, she's hooked a MONSTER fish! Listen in now to discover the details behind how this happened (and how it can happen for you)...

Oct 13, 202018:54
Case Study: How a Burned Out Lawyer-Turned-Copywriter Landed Her First Client in Record Time...

Case Study: How a Burned Out Lawyer-Turned-Copywriter Landed Her First Client in Record Time...

Evan came from a law background. And to say she was dissatisfied would be a VAST understatement. But when we started working together and I plugged in my Done For You Marketing services to help her kick-start her copywriting career, she quickly went from burned out to ON FIRE, nabbing her first client faster than she ever expected. Get the whole story inside...

Mar 06, 202022:04
Case Study: How a Confused Copywriter Became a Client Generating Machine in Just 2 Weeks...

Case Study: How a Confused Copywriter Became a Client Generating Machine in Just 2 Weeks...

Cindy was stuck. She knew she had the goods to become a successful copywriter, but was bombarded by shiny object syndrome, analysis paralysis, and plain ol' FEAR of failure (sound familiar?). Then we started working together in my Done For You Marketing and Coaching program. And in just days, Cindy was talking to SIX potential clients who were ready and eager to pay for her services. How did we do it? Tune in to find out more...

Feb 19, 202019:50
Case Study: How to Land a Mega Client in ONE day (using just one simple 78 word email)

Case Study: How to Land a Mega Client in ONE day (using just one simple 78 word email)

Steffi nearly choked with laughter when I told her that we should target this niche for prospective clients using my Done-For-You Marketing. But then we sent a simple 78 word email...and BAM! Instant response from arguably the BIGGEST client in this niche! Find out the whole story inside...

Feb 12, 202020:20
Case Study: How to Get 6 New Copywriting Client Prospects in the Next 24 Hours

Case Study: How to Get 6 New Copywriting Client Prospects in the Next 24 Hours

Ron was discouraged. He had done the Upwork thing and was frustrated to no end with low ball rates and insulting offers. Then we started working together...and the flood gates opened. In fact, Ron was talking with SIX potential new clients after only one outreach. SIX! And the best part? One of those niches was something he had ZERO experience in! Listen in now to hear his story...

Feb 07, 202020:57
Case Study: How to Land a Client in 10 Days (With Me Doing All the Work for You)...

Case Study: How to Land a Client in 10 Days (With Me Doing All the Work for You)...

Kristine had worked with another copywriting coach, but felt like she was "one of a hundred people he sold the course to". (Sound familiar?) 

Then she discovered my program and Done-For-You Marketing system. 10 days later, she's signing an agreement with a new client--and that's just for starters! Listen in now to get all the juicy details...

Feb 06, 202021:55
Case Study: How an Introvert Newbie Copywriter Suddenly Became Inundated with Client Prospects in Just ONE Day...

Case Study: How an Introvert Newbie Copywriter Suddenly Became Inundated with Client Prospects in Just ONE Day...

Ana was terrified of marketing herself. But after we plugged in my DFY Copywriter Marketing System, she had so many client prospects pounding on her door, she had to pause her marketing FOUR different times to catch up on all their "let's talk" inquiries! Hear the whole story inside...

Feb 05, 202015:36
The 2-Word Subject Line That Gets 60% Open Rates...

The 2-Word Subject Line That Gets 60% Open Rates...

For years, I've been using a secret little subject line that's been getting INCREDIBLE open rates for my copywriting students' cold email marketing campaigns. In fact, one of them recently got a jaw-dropping 60% of her emails opened!

But the most amazing thing? This subject line consists of only TWO SIMPLE WORDS. That's right--just 2 words are blowing conventional email open rates out of the water and getting potential clients to open and read my student's emails (as opposed to other freelance copywriters). 

Wanna know what they are? Listen to find out...

Dec 02, 201916:33
Thinking Out Loud: How Ed Sheeran Can Make You a Better Copywriter

Thinking Out Loud: How Ed Sheeran Can Make You a Better Copywriter

What's Ed Sheeran's journey to superstar status have to do with your copywriting and marketing skills? More than you think--take a listen and see for yourself...

Sep 18, 201918:27
17 Words That Can 2X Your Copywriting Business...

17 Words That Can 2X Your Copywriting Business...

Here's a little bit of marketing goodness that we all know about, but rarely execute properly. Give it a listen and watch the new clients come rolling in FAST...

Aug 29, 201921:26
Instant Copywriting Clients: How More Poles in the Water Means More Cash in Your Pocket...

Instant Copywriting Clients: How More Poles in the Water Means More Cash in Your Pocket...

I recently came upon a Dan Kennedy quote that aligned perfectly with my "fishing for clients" proactive marketing strategy. And in this episode, I'll break it down and show you how it can transform your prospecting efforts FOREVER.  (Plus, I'll reveal why I've been a little out-of-pocket recently...)

Aug 22, 201922:19
3 Ways to Turn Negative Copy into Positive Sales...

3 Ways to Turn Negative Copy into Positive Sales...

I never dreamed that going through my old report cards would end up inspiring a podcast--but here you go. Check out these 3 easy ways to stay on the plus side when writing your features and benefits...

Aug 12, 201918:09
"Just 30 Days in and I'm Already Talking to 6 Potential Clients..."

"Just 30 Days in and I'm Already Talking to 6 Potential Clients..."

Want to know how some copywriters are having "hire me" conversations with big time prospects in their favorite niches FAST? Cindy knows--and she's going to reveal her secret inside today's podcast...

Jul 31, 201919:07
How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your Contact Page (4 of 4)

How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your Contact Page (4 of 4)

As we draw this series to a close, I reveal exactly what you need (and what you don't need) on your contact page, along with why other popular page choices for copywriters and freelance writers are a complete waste of time--don't miss it!

Jul 18, 201924:36
How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your Samples (part 3 of 4)

How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your Samples (part 3 of 4)

Nothing sells you better than some stellar copy examples--and I'll show you EXACTLY how to create samples that showcase your talents and cause prospects to contact you immediately...

Jul 17, 201921:35
How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your About Me Page (part 2 of 4)

How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your About Me Page (part 2 of 4)

Want to INSTANTLY boost your chances of getting hired regardless of experience level? Here's my sneaky little web page trick to help make that happen...

Jul 16, 201923:02
How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your Home Page (1 of 4)

How to Create the Perfect Copywriter's Website: Your Home Page (1 of 4)

I hear it all the time from my copywriting students: "What do I put on my website?". So this week, I'm going to tackle the 4 must-have pages you need as a copywriter and how to develop these as quickly and easily as possible. 

Jul 15, 201924:32
5 Quick Easy Ways to Instantly BOOST Your Copy...

5 Quick Easy Ways to Instantly BOOST Your Copy...

Here's a little copywriting technique I learned from my many years writing for catalogs and still use to this day. Warning--you're going to get VERY hungry listening to this one...

Jul 08, 201928:01
3 Easy Ways to Get Copywriting Clients

3 Easy Ways to Get Copywriting Clients

Having trouble marketing yourself as a freelance writer? Here's 3 tips to help you get past your roadblocks and in front of people who are ready to hire you NOW...

Jul 02, 201924:13
The #1 Biggest Mistake I Ever Made as a Copywriter...

The #1 Biggest Mistake I Ever Made as a Copywriter...

I had an epiphany yesterday during--of all things--a teeth cleaning. And it reminded me of the biggest mistake I ever made as a copywriter. Take a listen and PLEASE don't do what I did...

Jun 28, 201922:02
Bob Deserved Better: How Stranger Things Can Help You Get More Copywriting Jobs

Bob Deserved Better: How Stranger Things Can Help You Get More Copywriting Jobs

While binge watching Stranger Things it hit me--there's a great copywriter marketing lesson to be taught here. Listen now to find out exactly what that is...

Jun 24, 201924:09
2 Quick, Easy Words That INSTANTLY Make Your Copy Better...

2 Quick, Easy Words That INSTANTLY Make Your Copy Better...

As copywriters, we're always looking for something to help "bumps things up" a bit. And these 2 words NEVER disappoint. In fact, I'd say they're in every piece of copy I've written over the past 20 years. Listen now to find out what they are...

Jun 20, 201918:05
Ditching the Niche: Why Today’s Most Popular Marketing Strategy May Be KILLING Your Freelance Writing Business...

Ditching the Niche: Why Today’s Most Popular Marketing Strategy May Be KILLING Your Freelance Writing Business...

Boy am I EVER going to ruffle feathers with this one...but it's gotta be said. If you're niching yourself right out of the gate as a copywriter, you're doing it wrong. And here's why...

Jun 14, 201923:30
7 Words That Instantly Launched My Seven Figure Copywriting Career…

7 Words That Instantly Launched My Seven Figure Copywriting Career…

Sometimes a life-changing opportunity can appear when you least expect it...  THIS was one of those times. Please listen, enjoy, get inspired, share, and comment.  

Jun 12, 201918:40
Topping It Off: How An Oil Change Shop Can Help You Get More Copywriting Clients

Topping It Off: How An Oil Change Shop Can Help You Get More Copywriting Clients

As a copywriter, sometimes you never know when you’re going to be hit with inspiration. Here's 3 valuable lessons I learned from a simple trip to the oil change shop...

Jun 06, 201922:36
Pop Star Profits: How I Got a Valuable Copywriter Marketing Lesson from a Teeny-Bop Princess…

Pop Star Profits: How I Got a Valuable Copywriter Marketing Lesson from a Teeny-Bop Princess…

Copywriters: Here's how an ear-splitting teeny bop concert once changed my entire perspective on how to market yourself as a freelance writer...

May 27, 201915:33
Cash Money: The Pawn Stars School of Copywriting Success

Cash Money: The Pawn Stars School of Copywriting Success

Copywriters: Want bigger conversion rates? Here's a cool little trick (courtesy of the Pawn Stars crew) that will have even your most stubborn prospects buying anything you're selling without a second thought...

May 23, 201914:07
Puppy Dog Copywriting: How to Instantly Build Relationships Through Cuddly Copy

Puppy Dog Copywriting: How to Instantly Build Relationships Through Cuddly Copy

Copywriters: Want to build better relationships with your prospects and customers? Here's 3 quick tips that will accelerate your success in a BIG way...

May 21, 201913:42
The Secret To Making Your Email Subject Lines “Pop”…

The Secret To Making Your Email Subject Lines “Pop”…

Needing to get more opens for your (or your client's) emails? Here's 3 quick and easy tips to help that happen...

May 17, 201917:23
Eliminating the Eye Stutter: My Secret to Writing Silky Smooth, Easy-To-Read Copy…

Eliminating the Eye Stutter: My Secret to Writing Silky Smooth, Easy-To-Read Copy…

 Ever wonder why some of your copy flows smoothly while other pieces are clunky and hard to read? THIS could be the reason... 

May 14, 201915:07
As Easy as ABC: 3 Simple Ways for Email Copywriters to Get More Clicks

As Easy as ABC: 3 Simple Ways for Email Copywriters to Get More Clicks

One of my favorite movies features a little gem of brilliance that can literally mean the success — or failure — of the emails you write for your clients. Listen now to find out what that is...

May 09, 201914:17
Email Copywriters: Here’s the #1 Factor That Determines Whether Your Email Gets Read or Deleted…

Email Copywriters: Here’s the #1 Factor That Determines Whether Your Email Gets Read or Deleted…

Are your client's emails getting trashed immediately after opening? THIS is probably the reason why...

May 06, 201915:53
“So How Much Do You Charge?” Here’s the Secret To Instantly Getting the Highest Copywriting Fees…

“So How Much Do You Charge?” Here’s the Secret To Instantly Getting the Highest Copywriting Fees…

Getting the highest fees as a copywriter is all about ONE thing...  And inside, you'll discover what that is. You ready to stop getting robbed and start getting PAID? 

May 03, 201918:44
Hook, Line, and Sinker: How to “Fish” For More Copywriting Clients

Hook, Line, and Sinker: How to “Fish” For More Copywriting Clients

 Getting more copywriting clients can be as easy as going fishing. Here's how to crank up your marketing efforts this summer and land some lunker gigs! 

May 01, 201917:25
"Dude, You Write Like a GIRL..."

"Dude, You Write Like a GIRL..."

I know it sounds a little funky. But that one weird little remark literally launched my 7-figure freelance career and changed my life forever. Here's the whole story...

Apr 29, 201916:50
7 Words That Can Instantly Add $1000 — Or More — To Your Copywriting Fees

7 Words That Can Instantly Add $1000 — Or More — To Your Copywriting Fees

Negotiation can make the difference between success or failure for a new copywriter. But today I’m going to give you a secret little tip that can add up to $1,000 or more to your copywriting fees…and all you have to do is say 7 simple words.

Apr 26, 201918:14
How to Get More Copywriting Clients in Just 20 Minutes a Day

How to Get More Copywriting Clients in Just 20 Minutes a Day

Copywriting gig prospects running dry? Don't know where to start? Here's an easy way to get as many copywriting clients as you want in just 20 minutes a day...

Apr 24, 201926:31
From Worst to First: How To Set Yourself Apart from Other Copywriters In Your Job Search

From Worst to First: How To Set Yourself Apart from Other Copywriters In Your Job Search

Having trouble landing copywriting gigs? Here's 3 quick tips to help you stand out from other applicants and get more copywriting jobs FAST!

Apr 22, 201918:59
Copywriters: Here’s How to Get as Many Clients as You Want in the Next 30 Days…

Copywriters: Here’s How to Get as Many Clients as You Want in the Next 30 Days…

Copywriting career at a standstill right now? I'll bet one of these 3 Client Killers is holding you back from success...

Apr 17, 201917:17
Inquiring Minds Have to Know: How Celebrity Can Skyrocket Your Email Open Rates…

Inquiring Minds Have to Know: How Celebrity Can Skyrocket Your Email Open Rates…

Let's face it--we all love the scoop, the skinny, the gossip about our favorite celebrities. And I've found a sneaky little trick to using this celebrity fixation to help you get TONS more opens in your email. Check it out!

Apr 15, 201915:26
Get More Client-Generating Emails Opened with These 2 Simple Subject Line Strategies

Get More Client-Generating Emails Opened with These 2 Simple Subject Line Strategies

Using email to market your copywriting services? Here's 2 quick, easy tips to help you get more opens (and job offers)...

Apr 12, 201915:28
Wax on, Wax off: How the Karate Kid Can Help You Sell Without Selling in Your Emails

Wax on, Wax off: How the Karate Kid Can Help You Sell Without Selling in Your Emails

Is your email copy getting deleted instantly? Here's my sneaky little trick for sucking your client's prospects into the message and getting more opens, more read-throughs, and more click-throughs. I'll even show you part of an email that I wrote for a client that absolutely KILLED it. Check it out now...

Apr 11, 201914:39
But Wait, There’s More! – How Billy Mays Can Instantly Boost Your Email Copywriting...

But Wait, There’s More! – How Billy Mays Can Instantly Boost Your Email Copywriting...

Want to instantly improve your copy? Here's 5 quick tips, courtesy of the late Billy Mays, that can help...

Apr 10, 201918:12
19,755 Businesses are Looking For Copywriters Right Now–And This is How You Find Them…

19,755 Businesses are Looking For Copywriters Right Now–And This is How You Find Them…

Having trouble finding copywriting clients? I'll show you where almost TWENTY THOUSAND businesses are desperately looking for you right now--and how you can help to secure these gigs faster and easier...

Apr 09, 201914:34