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Butterfly Effect: A Spiritual Evolution Podcast

Butterfly Effect: A Spiritual Evolution Podcast

By Jesse Bax

Your decisions and experiences of the past and present create ripple effects to your future. Explore your spiritually and how it creates the depth of connection to your souls purpose, emotional healing, and deepest state of alignment in your ever evolving timeline. As a Butterfly, you can cocoon for 10 days to 7 years and the lifespan of a butterfly can be from 2-4 weeks. We are constantly evolving, shedding, cocooning, & opening our wings to fly. Now lets spread out beautiful butterfly wings, flirt, flutter and flow into each episode. Evolved Podcast: From Healing Within & Let's Chat
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[ #34 ] Dating Apps

Butterfly Effect: A Spiritual Evolution Podcast May 31, 2021

[ EP #4 ] Sisterhood, Allowing Yourself To Be Seen, & Womb Healing
Sep 29, 202323:40
[ EP. 3 ] How To Become An Energetic Match To Your Desires

[ EP. 3 ] How To Become An Energetic Match To Your Desires

Inside we open the flood gates to your desires.

Your desires are powerful, and becoming an energetic match to call them in - is what will allow you to attract them to you with ease.

Tools Inside:

  • Defining Your Desire
  • Energetic Match Tool
  • The 4 Step Process To Align To Your Desires

Start your Alignment journey inside Alignment Program, my 8 week 1:1 energy healing program to call in your desires with ease and step deeper into your aligned journey. Message me "Alignment Podcast" on Instagram, @jesse.bax , to get a discount to start your journey within.

Sep 22, 202320:19
[ EP. 2 ] The Stages Of The Butterfly: What Stage Of Life Are You In?

[ EP. 2 ] The Stages Of The Butterfly: What Stage Of Life Are You In?

Inside we dissect the 3 parts of the butterfly - caterpillar, cocoon, and butterfly.

Each phases is important in your spiritual life and allows you to create movement, change and evolution on your aligned path towards your desires.

Ask yourself the questions within this episode and allow yourself to embrace the phase that you are in as you step deeper into your journey of Self.

Sep 15, 202317:29
[ EP. 1 ] Burning Man aka Mudding Man 2023

[ EP. 1 ] Burning Man aka Mudding Man 2023

Welcome to Butterfly Effect : A Spiritual Evolution Podcast

Yo - I am Jesse Bax and I guide women to their deepest spiritual alignment. Inside our first episode of Butterfly Effect Podcast series, we dive into how Burning Man 2023 went - the experience of my first time, the mud, and some lessons that came through. 

Inside: How I got to the burn, people I met, the mud, how I got my playa name, and lessons the Burning Man gave me.

Sep 08, 202328:44
Butterfly Effect: A Spiritual Evolution Podcast Trailer

Butterfly Effect: A Spiritual Evolution Podcast Trailer

Your decisions and experiences of the past and present create ripple effects to your future. Explore your spiritually and how it creates the depth of connection to your souls purpose, emotional healing, and deepest state of alignment in your ever evolving timeline.  

Because as a butterfly, you can cocoon for 10 days to 7 years and the lifespan of a butterfly can be from 2-4 weeks. We are constantly evolving , shedding, cocooning, and opening our wings to fly. Now lets spread out beautiful butterfly wings, flirt, flutter and flow into each episode.

As we evolve from Healing Within with Jesse & Liz and Let's Chat with Jbax - this is the evolution. Welcome

Sep 07, 202301:33
[ #111 ] Trusting Yourself & Your Purpose - Come Home to Yourself with Petia Kolibova Burns
Jul 05, 202335:38
[ #110 ] Communication, Perceptions & Projections - how we perceive people in relationships and tips to communicate more fully
May 24, 202341:15
[ #109 ] Solo Traveling - you're never really alone, being in a relationship while traveling, and spontaneity
May 17, 202338:15
[ #108 ] Self love and how investments that you make lead you to deeper self love
May 10, 202334:38
[ #107 ] Vulnerability & Intimacy opens doors to deeper connection with yourself & others
May 03, 202338:35
[ #106 ] Goal Setting - The Untraditional Way & Finding Your Why
Apr 26, 202333:42
[ #104 ] Imposter Syndrome which leads to Comparisonitis and gets in your own way
Apr 19, 202337:13
[ #103 ] The Stories We Tell To Ourselves : Are You Creating Negative Or Positive Ones?
Apr 12, 202328:40
[ #102 ] Shedding The Old Versions Of Self - Purge That Sh*t
Apr 05, 202337:09
[ #101 ] The Beginning - Who We Are & How This Podcast Is Going To Aid In Your Growth

[ #101 ] The Beginning - Who We Are & How This Podcast Is Going To Aid In Your Growth

Healing Within has gotten a ReVAMP - and we have invited a beautiful soul, Liz, onto this adventure with us!

Join us in this episode as we dive deeper into Liz's story and touch base on a deeper level with Jess's. Connect with us as we open this podcast door to unleash value and NEWNESS to YOUR journey. From our stories to a little insight of what's to come [ spiritual awakenings, psychedelics, etc ] and get cozy with us as we open the flood gates to deepening this healing journey with you.

Mar 29, 202332:59
[ #100 ] My Bad Mushroom Trip

[ #100 ] My Bad Mushroom Trip

I had a bad mushroom trip - and here is what came out of it.

When we keep ourselves in the same loop, we get the same results. This inspired a massive shift and change, and I am grateful for it.

If you liked this, send this to a friend who could use this. If you really like this, a dm on IG would really make me smile. @jbaxmindset

Feb 09, 202317:17
[ #99 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 10 : Surround Yourself With Likeminded Souls

[ #99 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 10 : Surround Yourself With Likeminded Souls

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 10.

Congratulations, you DID IT. You made it to day 10 of this self love course.

Today, we are talking about the last part of self love > Surrounding yourself with likeminded souls.

When we find a community and surround ourselves with likeminded souls, we are able to constantly feel free to love ourselvdes and grow in so many ways. We grow deeply. We expand. And we can share ourselves so freely. Allowing ourselves to become a beacon of self love, abundance, and feel free.

Something you DON'T want to miss is within this episode, i'll see you in my DMs soon :)

Jan 18, 202309:10
[ #98 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 9 : Mirror Work

[ #98 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 9 : Mirror Work

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 9.

Today we are talking about mirror work - and this is probably my favortite day and the most important day.

All my clients i work with do this, so if you wanted a sneak peak into some mindset coaching, especially when it comes to self love, here is your in.

If you liked this episode, share it with a friend and send me a message on IG!

Jan 17, 202307:44
[ #97 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 8 : Boundaries

[ #97 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 8 : Boundaries

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 8.

Today we are talking about boundaries - because for you to love yourself deeply, your boundaries are one of the first things that come with it.

Send this to a friend and message me on Instagram after this epsiode, share with my your biggest takeaway!

Jan 16, 202308:08
[ #96 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 7 : Self Dates

[ #96 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 7 : Self Dates

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 7.

Today we are diving into self dates within your self love journey.

Listen in for how to and 4 benefits that come with self date!

If there is anything you want to share with me or connect deeper on - send me a message on instagram at jbaxmindset.

Jan 15, 202309:44
[ #95 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 6 : Journal Prompts

[ #95 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 6 : Journal Prompts

Welcome back to 10 Days of Self Love and welcome to day 6!

Today we are going to journal together. We can listen to courses and audios like this, write down a question and not come back to fully answer it. So now is your time.

Journaling about the love you have for yourself is so so important. It opens the door to a lot of things that you haven’t said to yourself. Listen in for 4 types of self love journaling and affirm yourself in a meditation.

If you enjoyed today's episode, share this with a friend and message me on Instagram sharing what you took away from day 6.

Jan 14, 202311:07
[ #94 ] 10 Days of Self Love : Day 5 : What Get's In The Way Of Self Love
Jan 13, 202309:30
[ #93 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 4 : Rituals & Routines

[ #93 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 4 : Rituals & Routines

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 4. Today we are going to talk about rituals / routines that will increase your self love.

Rituals are important parts of our days and when we lean into the rituals that give back to OURSELVES, we are able to cultivate a space of deep love within.

If you enjoyed day 4, send me a message on instagram or share with a friend who needs it most!

Jan 12, 202311:01
[ #92 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 3 : Love Letters

[ #92 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 3 : Love Letters

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 3. Today we are going to do an activity that will probably bring up some emotions. It may make you smile, cry, laugh, or just connect deeper with yourself.

Toady - we are talking about love letters. You have the ability to connect deeper into the love that is within. 

If you liked this episode, send me a message on Instagram : jbaxmindset : and share with me your biggest take away from day 3.

Jan 11, 202308:02
[ #91 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 2 : Complimenting Yourself

[ #91 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 2 : Complimenting Yourself

Welcome back to 10 days of self love - and welcome to day 2! 

Today we are going to talk about the power of complimenting yourself

It can be difficult to compliment ourselves or receive compliments from others. There can be times where we brush it off or deny a compliment. Open your mind as you lean into the art of complimenting yourself to open yourself to more self love.

If you liked this episode, send me a message on Instagram, and let me know what you took away from day 2!

Jan 10, 202308:03
[ #90 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 1 : Deepen Your Self Love

[ #90 ] 10 Days of Self Love: Day 1 : Deepen Your Self Love

Welcome to this 10 day course on self love. I am grateful to share this 10 days of self love with you.

Each day, you will learn a little bit more about self love and how to give that love to yourself. I will be sharing tips, suggesting things to try, and will be guiding us through a short meditation each day. This is your opportunity to let go of the past and the future and tune into yourself for 10 minutes every day for 10 days. To give yourself the love you are seeking. And be here with yourself. 

Your higher thanks you for giving yourself this space and embarking on this journey into your self love.

Welcome to Day 1! 

Jan 09, 202309:14
[ #89 ] Loving Myself First Made Me A Better Partner

[ #89 ] Loving Myself First Made Me A Better Partner

A spontaneous episode after reflecting on deep self love.

What you'll hear in the episode:

> “ I hate you “ “ You’re not enough “ “ You look awful “ “ I cannot believe you said that to him “ “ you won’t ever find love that you desire “ > 

"The man I was dating at the time, did something behind my back where I inevitably ran face to face with it."

> "I then met someone who allowed me to show him the corky sides of myself, the raw, the free. I saw someone who allowed me to love deeply and freely. In my purest form.

This one isn’t the end of the story though."

> "Then I met him."

> "When you are happy with yourself, you have true love for yourself. And when you love yourself - you can love deeper in every way."

Jan 09, 202311:36
[ #88 ] New Years Resolutions & How To Stick To Them
Dec 30, 202210:27
[ #87 ] Anxiety Over The Holidays
Dec 23, 202216:29
[ #86 ] My Healing Journey

[ #86 ] My Healing Journey

A glimpse into my healing journey from 2020 until now. I share how it started, the highs, the lows, the patterns [ that my life coach would love to hear ] and where I am today on my healing journey.

From my vulnerability to yours - here is to healing within.

Send me a message on IG after you listen and share some takeaways

Dec 16, 202224:32
[ #85 ] 4 Minute Gratitude Meditation

[ #85 ] 4 Minute Gratitude Meditation

Take this time to be present and express gratitude in these 4 minutes.

Dec 09, 202204:16
[ #84 ] Masculine Vs Feminine Energy

[ #84 ] Masculine Vs Feminine Energy

Energy is within all of us. We are humans filled with energy. Now there are a lot of energies out there - but as we zoom in and look at masculine and feminine - they serve us in many ways.

Masculine vs feminine energy is more than just - thats a dude and thats a woman. It’s deeper than that. Masculine is structure and Feminine is Flow. Listen to learn more about balancing and how to activate each.

If you like this - send me a message on Instagram, would love to hear what you took away from this episode!

Nov 25, 202217:08
[ #83 ] Astrophysical Meditation

[ #83 ] Astrophysical Meditation

This meditation is to help you remove yourself from your human mind and connect deeper with your soul. In this meditation, you will find yourself in the soul realm. Here you will be guided to connect with the soul energy of a person who you feel that you have been holding a lot of emotional energy for.

This means - if you have been waiting for someone to reach out, such as a friend, parents, interviewer, or client if you are a coach. This will allow you to release what you cannot control, and have a conversation, soul to soul, with that person to release the hold of your physical body and human mind.

This is one of the most intimate and spiritual meditations I have ever wrote and shared. Thank you for opening yourself up to this space and the possibilities of this release.

Once you complete this meditation, send me a message and let me know what you experienced.

This meditation is a great one to come back to if you feel that you are holding energy that is not serving you with another person. You are in control of your own thoughts, emotions, and energy. Use this meditation to release the connection and take back your power while empowering the soul you connect with each time.

Nov 18, 202211:07
[ #82 ] Unlock Your Worthiness

[ #82 ] Unlock Your Worthiness

In this episode, I walk you through an activity to unlock your worthiness. Drop in and connect with the worthiness within so you can unlock this feeling ANYTIME you need it.

Please let me know how this was for you - send me a message on IG and share your experience!

Oct 20, 202209:03
[ #81 ] Visualization Meditation

[ #81 ] Visualization Meditation

Open the door to all that you are and spend time visualizing, feeling, and manifesting your desires.

Send me a message on instagram : jbaxmindset : and share your experience with me.

Sep 30, 202214:47
[ #80 ] CLIENT TESTIMONIAL : Steph Sparrow : " I had my awakening during this time "
Sep 19, 202207:11
[ #79 ] Being vs Doing

[ #79 ] Being vs Doing

In this episode, I chat about how doing can lead us to anxiety, worry, and take us out of the present moment. Doing - leads to this sense of always needing to do more and we get caught up in this productivity loop. Leaning into BEING - creates space and lessens control. You feel freer to exist just as you are. Being leads to action - which is doing - without the strings attached.

Send me a message on IG : jbaxmindset : after you listen and let me know your 1-3 takeaways from this epsiode!!

Sep 08, 202214:27
[ # 78 ] Building Lasting Confidence : Step 5 : Activate
Jul 14, 202207:22
[ #77 ] Building Lasting Confidence : Step 4 : Comparisonitis
Jul 12, 202207:11
[ # 76 ] Building Lasting Confidence : Step 3 : Projection
Jul 10, 202206:50
[ #75 ] Building Lasting Confidence : Step 2 : Talking to Others
Jul 08, 202206:04
[ # 74 ] Building Lasting Confidence : Step 1 : The Self
Jul 06, 202207:28
[ #73 ] Affirmation Meditation

[ #73 ] Affirmation Meditation

Calm yourself and soak in these affirmations. 

Grateful to have you receive these. 

Jun 23, 202204:19
[ #72 ] Affirmations for Confidence Meditation

[ #72 ] Affirmations for Confidence Meditation

 Get showered with affirmations for confidence. 

Peace & Love

Jun 16, 202209:43
Self Love Meditation
Jun 08, 202208:04
[ #71 ] 3 Minute Stillness Meditation
Jun 01, 202203:40
[ #70 ] Your Energy After A Hang Out

[ #70 ] Your Energy After A Hang Out

How is your energy after you hang out with someone? On a scale of 1-10 - rate it.

Send me a message on IG @jbaxfit

Follow me on TikTok @jbaxmindset

May 31, 202204:45
[ #69 ] Habits & Routines

[ #69 ] Habits & Routines

Your routine is going to change your life - prioritize it.

Join our Mindfulness Connection call on May 28th at 10am PST and walk out with a 30 day plan to your routine and habits. [ It's FREE babyyy ]

Send me a DM on IG! @jbaxfit 

May 27, 202205:54
[ #68 ] Bruh - are you PROJECTING?
May 26, 202204:32
[ #67 ] 12 Months From Now
May 25, 202203:35