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Unconventional Marketing

Unconventional Marketing

By Jeremy Salem

Where entrepreneurship meets online marketing (... and everything in between). Lessons, ideas, experiments, and more.
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I Never Would've Imagined This Ad Would Do Well

Unconventional MarketingJan 07, 2021

Here's Some Tough Love For All Entrepreneurs

Here's Some Tough Love For All Entrepreneurs

Sometimes I speak with entrepreneurs, and I realize their goals and what they are willing to put into their business DO NOT align. I explain in this "tough love" episode. 

May 13, 202103:33
A Sneaky Way to Product New Content

A Sneaky Way to Product New Content

More content, less work. Here's how...

May 10, 202103:57
Do This to Get More Clicks

Do This to Get More Clicks

Want more clicks on your ads, emails, and blog posts? Here's the solution! 

May 06, 202105:51
The WORST Mistake You Can Make in Business

The WORST Mistake You Can Make in Business

There's a LOT of mistakes you can make in business, but when it comes to strategy and your tactical approach, I think THIS is the worst.

May 03, 202106:14
Wealth is Created in One of These Three Markets

Wealth is Created in One of These Three Markets

Saw an interesting tweet recently, and I share a great takeaway it had about creating wealth in your business!

Apr 29, 202106:18
How to Clear Your Mind & Become a Happier Entrepreneur

How to Clear Your Mind & Become a Happier Entrepreneur

In my decade of running my own business, I've learned there are good times, bad times, stressful times, anxious times, and so on. It's just the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship. Due to that experience, I've also learned the best ways to deal with it, that have worked for me. I share a simple one in this episode. 

Apr 26, 202105:29
Don't Fall For This!

Don't Fall For This!

Ever watched a documentary or read a book about a successful person? Or maybe heard them give a speech about their path to success? If so, you're led to believe there was certain linear events that led them to the place they are today. This is flawed thinking and can get you into trouble if you don't realize it. 

Apr 22, 202106:41
This is Crazy! Facebook Knows You So Well...

This is Crazy! Facebook Knows You So Well...

Ever heard someone say "Facebook ads are dying"...? Lol, me too. In this podcast episode, I'll explain why FB ads are so effective, and how their platform may know you better than your own spouse. 

Apr 19, 202106:26
Why You SHOULDN'T Strive to Be the Best

Why You SHOULDN'T Strive to Be the Best

Being the Lebron James, Tiger Woods, or Jeff Bezos of your industry is an admirable goal. But what if I told you being the best SHOULD NOT be your goal? What if there was a more probable path to success in life and business?

Apr 15, 202106:20
A Lesson I Learned From Sabri Suby

A Lesson I Learned From Sabri Suby

Just like GOOD information can take you in the right direction, BAD information can take you in the wrong direction. I explain this concept and how a recent video I watched made me think about it. 

Apr 12, 202105:54
Valuable Lessons You Didn't Realize Were Valuable

Valuable Lessons You Didn't Realize Were Valuable

I can almost guarantee you there are things you're doing TODAY that are a direct reflection of valuable lessons you've had from the past. Here's the kicker... I bet at the time, you had no clue those lessons were valuable. In this episode, I give an example from my very first job out of college, and how there are skills I learned that are benefiting me TODAY. 

Mar 29, 202105:48
Do This and Watch Your Sales SKYROCKET

Do This and Watch Your Sales SKYROCKET

What if you could take your product or service, and just by changing the words you use to describe it, could make sales skyrocket? This is indeed possible, and in this episode, I show you how. 

Mar 25, 202105:10
How Big of a Business Do You Want to Grow?

How Big of a Business Do You Want to Grow?

Most everyone says they want to "scale" their business. But there's TWO factors you need to keep in mind, that could prevent you from scaling, or make you not want to scale. After listening to this episode, you may change your answer.

Mar 22, 202106:35
What Does Facebook REALLY Want From Advertisers?

What Does Facebook REALLY Want From Advertisers?

Ever get frustrated with the constant FB ad changes, ad account disablements, and more? Well... if you take a moment to TRULY understand what Facebook wants from advertisers, you may be able to alleviate some of these problems. 

Mar 18, 202106:28
How to Benefit From "Aftereffects"

How to Benefit From "Aftereffects"

Any time something new or novel is created, there are aftereffects that others can benefit from. For example, if a new neighborhood is built, savvy entrepreneurs can build a nearby restaurant to take advantage of the new population. In this episode, I give more examples, and how you can use this concept to find products to sell in your business. 

Mar 15, 202105:46
See One, Do One, Teach One

See One, Do One, Teach One

In this episode, we dive into a phrase commonly used in the medical world. We discuss what it is, why it's used, and how it can apply to marketing and business. 

Mar 11, 202104:39
Use This Google Ads Strategy TODAY

Use This Google Ads Strategy TODAY

In this episode, I share an effective Google Ads strategy you can use in your business, and also tell you the first two Google campaigns you should setup, and what Facebook has to do with them.

Mar 08, 202105:34
How to Create Your Ideal Default State

How to Create Your Ideal Default State

We all go through the motions sometimes, doing things without giving them much thought. Brushing your teeth, driving to the office, making the bed. Things you don't have to actively remind yourself to do, you just do them. So what if we took that concept, and began CREATING ideal default states in our life and business? I discuss in this episode :)

Mar 04, 202106:03
The Circle of Failure (... and How to Avoid It)

The Circle of Failure (... and How to Avoid It)

Have you ever set out to accomplish something and thought to yourself, "This probably won't work." If so... without realizing it, you've just set in motion the "circle of failure." In this episode, I explain what it is... and more importantly, how to avoid it.

Mar 01, 202106:21
The Only Time I Multi-Task

The Only Time I Multi-Task

We've heard it before... multi-tasking is BAD for your business. But... I've identified one time where multi-tasking is GOOD, and helps me be more efficient and productive. I share what it is in this episode. 

Feb 25, 202106:18
Should You Start a Business or Buy a Business?

Should You Start a Business or Buy a Business?

We get asked this question a lot, so today I wanted to break down the pros and cons of starting a business, versus buying an existing one. 

Feb 22, 202106:12
An Amazing Resource For Headlines

An Amazing Resource For Headlines

Want better headlines for your ads, emails, and landing pages? In this episode, you'll learn an amazing resource to find headlines you can use for inspiration. 

Feb 18, 202105:15
You Have to See it to Believe It

You Have to See it to Believe It

Many times in life and business, we don't think something is possible, simply because we've never seen it before. In this episode, I go into some examples of this, and why once you SEE something you previously thought wasn't possible, a whole new world of possibilities open up. 

Feb 15, 202105:10
A Different Way to Assess the Performance of Your Ads

A Different Way to Assess the Performance of Your Ads

Most people track the performance of their ads the same way. They look at individual campaigns, ad sets, and ads. But what if there was a different way, that was less overwhelming? It may not be appropriate at all times, but it's definitely an option you may want to consider. 

Feb 11, 202106:08
What Just Happened There?

What Just Happened There?

Awhile back, I had a mindset shift that made me a much better marketer. It all started with a question I began asking myself in two specific situations. I share what the question is, and what the situations are in this episode. It'll make you a better marketer. 

Feb 08, 202106:23
Get Out of the Way, Get More Done

Get Out of the Way, Get More Done

I was recently revisiting a book and wanted to share the main lesson with you. If you want to accomplish more, work less, and have the work done better than you could do it yourself, listen to this episode. 

Feb 04, 202105:11
Don't Run Another Ad Before Doing This

Don't Run Another Ad Before Doing This

How can two people run ads to the exact same product, yet get completely different results? There could be many reasons, but in this episode, I shed light on one of the most common ones. Make sure to listen before setting up your next campaign.

Feb 01, 202106:46
How to Relieve Stress & Save Tons of Hours Per Week (My Secret!)

How to Relieve Stress & Save Tons of Hours Per Week (My Secret!)

Ever feel like there's not enough time in the week? Ever feel stressed? I have a little "secret" that can help with both of those things. It's something I've been practicing for about 15 years now. Listen in for the details :).

Jan 28, 202105:50
The Peter Principle

The Peter Principle

I was recently reading an article and came across the Peter Principle. Ever heard of it? If not, you'll wanna listen to this episode!

Jan 25, 202105:53
Mark Cuban Says the Customer ISN'T Always Right

Mark Cuban Says the Customer ISN'T Always Right

On a recent episode of Shark Tank, Mark Cuban said something very interesting. In this episode, I share how listening to customers can actually be BAD for your product or service. 

Jan 21, 202106:14
A Quote I've Been Thinking About

A Quote I've Been Thinking About

What if I told you the past was subjective? Meaning what happened in the past may be different TODAY than it was yesterday? I know this sounds wonky, but I recently read a quote that helped me recognize how I see certain events, and might do the same for you.

Jan 18, 202107:21
Create a Straight and Simple Path

Create a Straight and Simple Path

As business owners and marketers, we sometimes feel we need to overdeliver to our prospects and customers. That's not always a bad thing, but sometimes it can create overwhelm and prevent progress. We discuss in this episode, and why straight and simple generally works best, even if it doesn't 'feel' like the best thing. 

Jan 14, 202106:10
What to Know About iOS 14 and Other Updates

What to Know About iOS 14 and Other Updates

A few weeks back, the iOS 14 update rolled out,  which can impact FB advertisers. In this episode, I give some thoughts on how people misunderstand social media platforms and data, and if you should worry about these updates and future ones.

Jan 11, 202110:04
I Never Would've Imagined This Ad Would Do Well

I Never Would've Imagined This Ad Would Do Well

Sometimes the best ideas are so simple, we never imagine they'll work. In this episode, I share an ad strategy I never thought would perform well, but it's bringing us leads and consultations daily. 

Jan 07, 202108:05
How to Hit Your Goals in 2021

How to Hit Your Goals in 2021

The first episode of a new year is here, and we're discussing what you need to do to hit your goals this year. Have a pen and a sheet of paper ready :).

Jan 04, 202108:17
Correlation = Peak Results

Correlation = Peak Results

If you understand the concept of correlation, you can position different products and services in your business to maximize revenue from customers. This is a concept I learned from the world of Daily Fantasy Sports. I explain what it is, how it works in fantasy sports, and how it applies to business. 

Dec 31, 202008:20
Chunking Up & Chunking Down

Chunking Up & Chunking Down

Chunking up and down is one of the most proven and effective marketing methods a business can use. It's a way to position your product or service in a more enticing way to the end consumer. We discuss how it works in this episode, how to use it, and examples. 

Dec 28, 202011:20
It's Amazing How Success Normalizes

It's Amazing How Success Normalizes

A special Christmas Eve edition of the podcast! Today we're talking about success and how quickly it normalizes. It's amazing how we have big goals, but when we hit those goals, it becomes our new "normal." It doesn't impress us anymore, until we hit a new milestone. The flip side of this is that failure can normalize too if you aren't careful. We discuss in this episode, and give some examples. 

Dec 24, 202006:18
Why I LOVE Content Marketing

Why I LOVE Content Marketing

Take a step back and ask yourself... how do you like being marketed to? In other words, when you make a buying decision, what led to it? What made you feel good about your decision? For me, I love when I discover awesome content! I'll read it and then naturally search more into the company/person/product it came from. Because of this (and because of my love of writing), I've made content marketing a big piece of my business. In fact, it's the primary way we get clients. I discuss in this episode and what you need to know. 

Dec 21, 202005:55
Peeling the Onion = More Specific Advertisements

Peeling the Onion = More Specific Advertisements

With our clients, I always use the phrase, "peel the onion." It's a metaphor for how to approach advertising your product or service to a specific audience. When you peel the onion correctly, someone will see your ad and think, "WOW, this is just for me!" I go over this concept in this episode, and share how to apply it. 

Dec 17, 202006:40
Visit This Website AT LEAST Once a Week

Visit This Website AT LEAST Once a Week

There's one website every marketer and business owner should be visiting at least once per week. It's one of the most valuable websites for anyone advertising online. Do you know what it is? I share in this episode. 

Dec 14, 202005:01
How to CREATE Winning Products

How to CREATE Winning Products

Two people can try to sell the exact same product to the exact same audience, but get completely different results. Why is that? Well... most people try to FIND winning products, but what if I told you it's possible to CREATE one by learning how to advertise properly? We discuss how in this episode. 

Dec 10, 202007:28
What Value Does a Dropshipping Business Provide to Customers?

What Value Does a Dropshipping Business Provide to Customers?

We got this question recently inside our coaching community, and I thought it was worth sharing the answer in a podcast episode. Here it is!

Dec 07, 202007:20
"Pain Point" Marketing

"Pain Point" Marketing

One of my favorite companies to follow is "Grow and Convert,"  a content marketing agency. They talk about a concept called "Pain Point SEO," and how it drives conversions for businesses, compared to regular types of content. We discuss in this episode, and how this type of marketing can drive big results for YOU. 

Dec 03, 202004:41
Convexity: A Unique Concept You Need to Explore

Convexity: A Unique Concept You Need to Explore

I've become fascinated with philosophy over the years, and I recently read a book that eloquently explained how to look at risk and uncertainty in our lives and businesses. I'll share how it applies to eCommerce and online business in general. 

Nov 30, 202008:45
An Experiment For You to Try

An Experiment For You to Try

FACT: Most people complicate marketing. In this episode, I discuss this, a potential solution, and an experiment for you to try and report back on. 

Nov 27, 202004:17
Today's Problems Are Yesterday's Goals

Today's Problems Are Yesterday's Goals

As you grow your business, new challenges will ALWAYS present themselves. The ironic part? They're problems you created yourself! I explain in this episode, and give an example from a client I'm working with. 

Nov 23, 202004:25
You Should Stop Dropshipping

You Should Stop Dropshipping

Did the episode title surprise you? If it did, you should listen to the actual episode for clarity on what that statement means. Dropshipping is an awesome way to start and run an online store, but there comes a time when you should consider moving past it. 

Nov 19, 202004:53
My New Favorite Shopify App

My New Favorite Shopify App

I've been playing around with a new Shopify app and INSTANTLY seen a big increase in revenue. I share what the app is in this episode, and why I love it. 

Nov 16, 202004:48
Sell Pickaxes During a Gold Rush

Sell Pickaxes During a Gold Rush

No... today's episode isn't about mining for gold. It's just an analogy for ways to spot HUGE opportunity in your business. I share examples, and I think this will really change how you look at opportunities in your business. 

Nov 12, 202007:11