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Down is Up! - with Jill Joe

Down is Up! - with Jill Joe

By Jill Joe

The world has gone mad. Down is Up! Let’s talk about the crazy and other things in this vapor we call life.

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Episode 19 - Is it really going to get better??

Down is Up! - with Jill JoeSep 30, 2022

Episode 19 - Is it really going to get better??

Episode 19 - Is it really going to get better??

Things are rocky but don’t buy into the hopium!
Sep 30, 202226:17
Episode 18 - The Queen, Elections, and Big Brother

Episode 18 - The Queen, Elections, and Big Brother

Queen Elizabeth II has died. Mid-term elections and what we must do. Big Brother mayhem.
Sep 09, 202228:46
Episode 17 - I’m back! A little bit of change to the program.

Episode 17 - I’m back! A little bit of change to the program.

Magazines have been a huge part of my life. Artistically and otherwise. I had a great surprise reading one of my faves today.
Jul 29, 202214:09
Episode 16. -Jeffrey Prather give Down Is Up Examples! God IS in Control! Fear Not!

Episode 16. -Jeffrey Prather give Down Is Up Examples! God IS in Control! Fear Not!

Today I hijack my own podcast using a newsletter from Jeffrey Prather. I also discuss a little about a lot of things like “The Plan” and election stuff and why I am a terrible podcaster. It’s good stuff! I truly appreciate you listening to and sharing this podcast and hope you are having a blessed holiday season!!
Nov 30, 202143:58
Episode 15 - Yes, the world Is still upside down!

Episode 15 - Yes, the world Is still upside down!

Today let’s delve into the news! First thing that hit my world this morning was that passports will now have a gender designation of “X”. Wow! How can we use this to our advantage?
Oct 27, 202135:01
Episode 14 - Down is Up. Special Guest. How far will the evil go

Episode 14 - Down is Up. Special Guest. How far will the evil go

The Covid cult has gotten way out of control. How much farther will we allow it to get? A special message from a special friend of mine. #goodvsevil #jeffreyprather #downisup #racism
Sep 10, 202151:56
Episode 13 - Mother’s Day and Mandates

Episode 13 - Mother’s Day and Mandates

I got to go out into a FREE world for Mother’s Day! It was amazing to go to a celebration with so many people and love and laughter and hugs and smiles you could SEE!!! There IS hope!! Don’t give up!!
May 11, 202147:41
Episode 12 - An Outing with Pops and My Plan for Saving the World

Episode 12 - An Outing with Pops and My Plan for Saving the World

So I went on an "outing" with my Dad this week... it was interesting to say the least.  We were in search of a campsite and I was worried about the ride over and back because we would have to discuss the "state of the world" and such.  It was interesting..... did I mention it was interesting?

I have also determined there is only one way this nightmare we are living in will end... and I have a plan.  I reveal it here.

And just as proof of the crazy in the world, I read a few headlines - the good, bad and the ugly of the chaotic world where Down is Up!!

Please share this far and wide.  And remember May 6 is the National Day of Prayer!!! 

Be blessed,


Down is UP!

May 01, 202156:48
Episode 11 - I really am going to try. Freedom is worth it!

Episode 11 - I really am going to try. Freedom is worth it!

I’m a conflict adverse person. But until we all get over ourselves and start SPEAKING UP FOR OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS we are not going to have them. But, are they already gone???
Apr 09, 202157:55
Episode 10 - Border Crisis and World Crisis

Episode 10 - Border Crisis and World Crisis

The Biden Regime has lost control of the border. And the world has lost control of itself. How do we regain simple life when everything is in chaos?
Apr 01, 202158:32
Episode 9. Question EVERYTHING in Down is Up world. Why wouldn’t you? That’s how we LEARN!

Episode 9. Question EVERYTHING in Down is Up world. Why wouldn’t you? That’s how we LEARN!

Oh my it’s been a long 15 days to slow the spread huh?? What kind of country have we become? I truly never thought businesses would just cower to “the man” and obey the ridiculous “mandates”!?! WTH??? I have completely determined that Biden is not President. Listen and learn. But question everything- even me!!
Mar 23, 202157:27
A message to Monica Matthews. With love!

A message to Monica Matthews. With love!

Monica beat up on someone I admire. I admire Monica, too. I have some suggestions.... Call if food for thought in Down is Up world.
Mar 15, 202151:38
My Cousin and I Grow Weary!

My Cousin and I Grow Weary!

What makes a person weary? Let me list the ways! Teach your children how to deal!!! And Hope Springs Eternal!!
Mar 11, 202145:38
Tiny Little Cave ins lead to big ones!!!

Tiny Little Cave ins lead to big ones!!!

Go Texas! How did America cave to the lies of the mandates and shut down?! That’s not the freedom fighters I expected!!
Mar 08, 202140:52
Wacky Wednesday on a Friday!

Wacky Wednesday on a Friday!

Let’s discuss Dr Seuss and the thought process of how someone goes from software to insanity.
Mar 05, 202157:31
Down Is Up World - an E-Ticket Ride / I have figured out why Down is up.

Down Is Up World - an E-Ticket Ride / I have figured out why Down is up.

Just glance at the headlines and you’ll see things you would never have thought possible just two years ago. Also, I’ve figured out why everything is so crazy!!! Listen and learn how Down is Up world came to be!!!!

Link to the article:

Mar 03, 202148:48
Cancel Cancel Culture!!! And... Check Yer Pants!

Cancel Cancel Culture!!! And... Check Yer Pants!

CPAC 2021 started and the theme is Cancel Culture. The so-called “Equality Act” and HR1. Maricopa declares the law LEGAL! Thank Heavens!!
Feb 27, 202147:34
Can you sweep an elephant under a rug? Elderly Fatality Rate Suddenly Rises? #DownIsUp

Can you sweep an elephant under a rug? Elderly Fatality Rate Suddenly Rises? #DownIsUp

Today #JaySekulow really chapped my hide with something he said! Good guy - bad counsel! Article from Natural News with lots of info on sudden rise in elderly deaths - after just getting the vaccine??? Oh my.....
Feb 24, 202136:16
Episode 1 - Down is Up. The Great Wall and the firey furnace??

Episode 1 - Down is Up. The Great Wall and the firey furnace??

Hello to the world of podcast people. A brief discussion on why down is up and what are we going to do about it!?!
Feb 23, 202126:50