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Joshua Ministries

Joshua Ministries

By JoshuaWayneMiller

This podcast is about teaching the word of God and discovering who Jesus is and how He relates to us and our lives.
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Ep. 107 An Appeal to Heaven

Joshua MinistriesJul 04, 2023

Ep. 107 An Appeal to Heaven

Ep. 107 An Appeal to Heaven

Declare your independence from the tyrants and appeal to God for help

Jul 04, 202301:13:51
Ep102 Food Shortage is Deliberate

Ep102 Food Shortage is Deliberate

A compilation of food processing plants damage and food shortages.

Jun 07, 202320:26
Food Shortages Are REALLY Coming

Food Shortages Are REALLY Coming

A compilation of American Farmers warning of the Food Shortage that will be here this year due to the incompetence of puppet Biden.

Apr 19, 202310:36
BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film
Apr 19, 202324:08
Luke 11:21, We are Being Poisoned with Chemtrails

Luke 11:21, We are Being Poisoned with Chemtrails

Jesus talks about the 2nd Amendment, Biden says we will have a second Pandemic, Chemtrails are poisoning us.

Apr 01, 202323:01
The Truth Has Come out Joshua 1:9

The Truth Has Come out Joshua 1:9

Dan Bongino explains ‘my worst decision’ to get Vaccinated… Vera Sherav, 75th anniversary of the Nuremburg Code

Aug 27, 202201:06:25
Child Trafficking Across the Border is out of Hand! Micah 3

Child Trafficking Across the Border is out of Hand! Micah 3

I found an interview with Savannah Hernandez and an MVM Inc whistleblower that claims they are handing thousands of kids a week to total strangers! Micah 3, God calls out the wicked princes, prophets, and judges for misleading and destroying the people.


Aug 27, 202254:55
The Plan, Are vaccine deaths on purpose?

The Plan, Are vaccine deaths on purpose?

A compilation of vaccine deaths and Yoval Noah Harari blaspheming against God Almighty.

Aug 27, 202212:07
CNN Claims Christians are Imposters, Let the facts speak for Themselves

CNN Claims Christians are Imposters, Let the facts speak for Themselves

CNN Article claims Christian National Imposters are threatening democracy. IN this podcast I lay the facts and historical documents that Glenn Beck had comprised in a rough draft. The truth is we are a Christian Nation and CNN is the imposter.

Aug 27, 202202:04:51
FBI Raided Mar-A-Lago, Micah 2

FBI Raided Mar-A-Lago, Micah 2

The enemy is ramping up it's attack. With the arrest of Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, The show trial of Alex Jones (Truth Tellers). If this wasn't enough the FBI Raided President Trump's house!

Aug 27, 202259:22
Micah ”Who Is Like Yahweh?”

Micah ”Who Is Like Yahweh?”

We are starting a study in Micah about the warning from God to corrupt political leaders taking advantage of His people. Also media headlines that prove the Devil is behind the chaos.

Aug 27, 202256:44
GA Guidestones Explode by The Hand of God

GA Guidestones Explode by The Hand of God

I compare the Georgia Guidestones to the altars of Israel. 2 Chronicles 14, 20. The idols must be torn down from the high places. 

Jul 09, 202259:51
The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

We will learn through this parable that help comes from the most unlikely places.

Jul 02, 202225:49
Hebrews 9 Part 2 The New Covenant

Hebrews 9 Part 2 The New Covenant

This is part 2 of Hebrews 9 comparing the old way with the new way. Jesus completed the sacrifice of any kind with his shed blood on the cross and offered us redemption for our sins, but we must accept.

Jul 02, 202223:57
13 Folds of the Flag and What they Mean, Heb 9 Part 1

13 Folds of the Flag and What they Mean, Heb 9 Part 1

Do you know what the folds of our flag mean? We don't need a Tabernacle now with the new covenant in Jesus Christ.

Jul 02, 202228:01
Roe vs Wade Overturned, Antifa Shows up to DC

Roe vs Wade Overturned, Antifa Shows up to DC

Trouble is coming. Antifa and Jane's Revenge are out to start fires and vandalize pro-life centers and churches after the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs Wade after 50 years of murder (63,000,000 babies murdered). Protect your church on Sunday.

Jul 02, 202249:24
Independence Day, John Adams, Declaration of Independence

Independence Day, John Adams, Declaration of Independence

I read the Declaration of Independence, John Adams propositions dramatized by Michael Ernst. 

Jul 02, 202239:29
What Are We Up Against?

What Are We Up Against?

Spiritual Wickedness in High Places. Eph 6

Apr 19, 202242:03
The Great Reset

The Great Reset

A brief word from the ones who want to control you mindless, soul-less animals.

Apr 19, 202207:02
Jesus Promised To Never Leave Us

Jesus Promised To Never Leave Us

Reflection at the end of the day.

Apr 19, 202204:03
Corruption In Disney, The Short ''Out''

Corruption In Disney, The Short ''Out''

The corruption is real, Disney actively grooming children. Matt. 18, 1Corinthians 6, Jude.

Apr 19, 202201:12:34
Child Sex Trafficking, It's Real

Child Sex Trafficking, It's Real

I tell my personal experience with Child Sex Trafficking.

Apr 19, 202236:14
The Resurrection of Jesus According to the Gospels

The Resurrection of Jesus According to the Gospels

The Resurrection of Jesus According to the Gospels.

Apr 19, 202230:02
The Crucifixion of Jesus According to John

The Crucifixion of Jesus According to John

4 of 4 of the crucifixion of Jesus according to the gospels. 

Apr 19, 202216:43
The crucifixion of Jesus according to Luke

The crucifixion of Jesus according to Luke

3 of 4 of the gospels, the crucifixion according to Luke. 

Apr 19, 202217:25
The Truth about Remdesivir According to The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr.

The Truth about Remdesivir According to The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr.

I read an excerpt from ''The Real Anthony Fauci'' by Robert Kennedy Jr. and more. 

Apr 19, 202243:27
The Crucifixion of Jesus According to Mark

The Crucifixion of Jesus According to Mark

2 of 4 on the Crucifixion of Jesus according to the gospels.

Apr 19, 202215:03
The Crucifixion of Jesus According to Matthew

The Crucifixion of Jesus According to Matthew

This is part one of 4, the synoptic gospels describing the crucifixion of Jesus and the events leading up to it.

Apr 19, 202220:09
A Ruler is Not a Terror to Good Works Rom 13. An Interview with The Sacred Musician

A Ruler is Not a Terror to Good Works Rom 13. An Interview with The Sacred Musician

Guest host Brian Miller from the Sacred Musician Podcast. We discuss what real leaders are like based on God's word and current Governor that leading with biblical principles.

Apr 19, 202201:00:36
Your Kids Are Going To Die, Dr. Bryan Ardis

Your Kids Are Going To Die, Dr. Bryan Ardis

I quote Dr. Bryan Ardis and give some insite on what is happening now with our food supply. 

Mar 24, 202226:31
Updates on podcast, YouTube deleted my channel.
Mar 12, 202203:44
Let's lock down the Southern Border

Let's lock down the Southern Border

We have too many high risk potential terrorists, and I mean real terrorists not soccer moms or grandmas, but terrorists that like to kill people crossing our Southern Border in the millions. This has to stop.
Feb 19, 202223:47
I Am A Terrorist? Thanks DHS

I Am A Terrorist? Thanks DHS

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland
The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation. While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; (2) continued calls for violence directed at U.S. critical infrastructure; soft targets and mass gatherings; faith-based institutions, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques; institutions of higher education; racial and religious minorities; government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement and the military; the media; and perceived ideological opponents; and (3) calls by foreign terrorist organizations for attacks on the United States based on recent events.
Feb 12, 202236:05
Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested again (5th time in last 365 days)

Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested again (5th time in last 365 days)

Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested again (5th time in last 365 days) Police allege that he has committed the offence of mischief under $5,000 by participating at the Milk River protest, in support of the Coutts protesters who are blocking the border.

Feb 09, 202209:55
Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022
Feb 09, 202212:51
Volunteer Fire Department brings fuel to Truckers

Volunteer Fire Department brings fuel to Truckers

Freedom Convoy, FreedomConvoy2022, 1 Corinthians 15:55-58.

Feb 09, 202207:34
Joshua 1:9 Be Strong and Courageous, Tow Truck Operator Refuses to Assist in Removing Trucks from the Border.

Joshua 1:9 Be Strong and Courageous, Tow Truck Operator Refuses to Assist in Removing Trucks from the Border.

#freedomconvoy #freedomconvoy2022 Pocket Constitution with Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights
1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,
2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.
4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.
5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.
7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.
8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Feb 03, 202234:05
Freedom Truckers, FACL, Freedom Med, resources.

Freedom Truckers, FACL, Freedom Med, resources.

Pocket Constitution with Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights

I want to give you resources and info to build you up to resist this tyrannical government. The Freedom Truckers  have set  GOOD EXAMPLE. I went to Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership training to learn how to be politically feared by RINO'S. I learned of a group that supports those that have loved ones in the death camps we call HOSPITALS, Freedom Med Chat on Telegram. 

Freedom Convoy

Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership Training

Jan 30, 202225:29
YouTube deleted my Sermon!

YouTube deleted my Sermon!

Pocket Constitution with Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights

We are fighting a spiritual battle.

Jan 28, 202202:42
My People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge. Hosea 4:6

My People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge. Hosea 4:6

Pocket Constitution with Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights

We are in a spiritual battle between good ans evil, God and Satan. Satan wants to condemn yo to hell, but God wants you to enjoy eternal life that He has provided to you for free through His Son Jesus Christ. Many are being destroyed for lack of knowledge on this subject.

Jan 26, 202231:01
A Stand on Biblical Sexual Morality: A challenge to Pastors to Stand

A Stand on Biblical Sexual Morality: A challenge to Pastors to Stand

 This is National Religous Freedom Day, I am eager to support our Canadian brothers and to preach on biblical sexual morality on January 16, and I invite you as a faithful pastor to do the same. Our united stand will put the Canadian and the U.S. governments on notice that they have attacked the Word of God. We are all well-aware of the evil power and destructive influence of the homosexual and transgender ideology. Our government is bent on not only normalizing this perversion, but also legalizing it, and furthermore criminalizing opposition to it.

Jan 16, 202201:29:13
A Challenge to Stand For Biblical Sexual Morality (Pastor John Mcarthur)

A Challenge to Stand For Biblical Sexual Morality (Pastor John Mcarthur)

On December 22, Pastor John Mcarthur received an email from Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. You will remember that he was recently imprisoned for keeping his church open during COVID-19 lockdowns. James is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary and co-author (with Dr. Nathan Busenitz) of an excellent new book—God and Government (to be released March 2022). James’s recent email gave John Mcarthur insight into the Canadian government's decision to pass Bill C-4, which “directly comes against parents and counsellors who would seek to offer biblical counsel with respect to sexual immorality and gender.” James indicates that it could be used to “criminalize evangelism.” To clarify the bill, James forwarded this email from Pastor Andrew DeBartolo:

Jan 14, 202230:27
Things That Don't Change (From The Archives Series) Hebrews 13:8

Things That Don't Change (From The Archives Series) Hebrews 13:8

This is one of many of my sermons that I gave as I ministered to various local churches in South Carolina.

Dec 17, 202146:54
Muslims see Jesus in Dreams ans Visions! I refer to a video of Dinesh D'Souza Joel 2:28

Muslims see Jesus in Dreams ans Visions! I refer to a video of Dinesh D'Souza Joel 2:28

Many Muslims are converting to Christianity through dreams and visions of Jesus Christ on Asia and Africa. Australians are being persecuted and put into concetration camps! 

Dec 12, 202118:06
Are your Convictions real? Religious Exemption, Bishop Shane Vaughn

Are your Convictions real? Religious Exemption, Bishop Shane Vaughn

I want to let you know about a religious exemption that you may use for your work. I would like to know if your conviction are real. The world has lacked those with REAL convictions. That is why we are in the situation we are in now. I hope you can use what I discuss in this podcast to help you in your relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Nov 30, 202125:07
Action Action Action, SpartCAN

Action Action Action, SpartCAN

Spartanburg Christian Action Network. Sherrriff Chuck Wright, Dr. Hovis, BONAFIDETRUTH.TV, Pastor Mark Burns running for 4th district in congress. 

Nov 20, 202153:50
YouTube deleted my VIDEO

YouTube deleted my VIDEO

I made a video corresponding to the podcast jab stories a d YouTube deleted it because it violates WHO CDC guidelines.
Nov 19, 202101:35
Patriot Alliance, Stand for Freedom

Patriot Alliance, Stand for Freedom

I speak on the patriot movement and the actions we are taking locally, and mention patriots Dr. Robert Jackson, Rev. Mark Burns who is running for congress in the 4th district SC, Eric Corcoran, and Karen Giorno who was Donald Trumps campaign advisor. 

Nov 16, 202120:57
Send me your JAB stories.

Send me your JAB stories.

I would love to hear from you if you or a loved one was wounded or know someone that has died from the jab. Either through interview or send me your story via email.
Oct 30, 202103:10
Pilot dead mid flight, What's behind the Southwestern Airline delay/cancellations?

Pilot dead mid flight, What's behind the Southwestern Airline delay/cancellations?

Reports from Dr. Jane Ruby and others, details from insiders on the Southwestern airline cancellation and delays. One pilot dead mid flight.

Oct 12, 202112:12