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Joy Church Fernley, Nevada Messages

Joy Church Fernley, Nevada Messages

By Joy Church Fernley, NV

Weekly Sermons/Messages from Joy Church in Fernley, Nevada
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Yield the Right of Way

Joy Church Fernley, Nevada MessagesSep 05, 2021



Today's message from Gabby Stone helps us to understand what it means to abide in Christ as we go through life on our Christian journey. Abiding is about accepting Jesus’ warm invitation to a deep and personal relationship filled with love, trust, and friendship. Just like vines cling to a branch for support, abiding in Jesus means relying on Him, trusting Him, and staying connected to Him. When we abide in Jesus, we receive the spiritual ‘nourishment’ we need to thrive and bear fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Abby encourages us to consider what the world would be like if we abide in Christ individually and as a church.

Jun 09, 202426:38


In our world and in our lives there are all kinds of sources and types of authorities competing for our minds. Good and evil, pleasant and unpleasant, right and wrong, even light and dark can coexist, but only one can rule. There's only one authority at any given moment. Who or what is the authority in your life? Our message today encourages each of us to walk in the power of Holy Spirit and to make Him the ultimate authority in our lives and to lean on Holy Spirit to help us navigate the spiritual warfare that is all around us.

Jun 02, 202444:02
Identity - Who Are You?

Identity - Who Are You?

Today we welcome Debi Taylor to the pulpit. She has a great message for us about identity and how important it is to have a true understanding of who we are in Christ. She shares Scriptures and personal experiences to help us to see ourselves from the perspective of our Heavenly Father. Our true identity is not defined by our past accomplishments or the labels society gives us, but by our connection with God. Debi encourages each one of us to accept our identity as cherished, chosen and adopted children of God. Come along as we discover the life changing impact of understanding who we are in Christ.

May 26, 202420:37
Praying Beyond Just Enough

Praying Beyond Just Enough

Today we welcome to the pulpit Jamie Brown. Jamie takes us on a dive deep into the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25. Jamie talks about being prepared and committed and sharing the gospel message. We are encouraged to examine our relationship with God, our actions, and our readiness to spread His light in the world. Join us for an interactive and inspirational message filled with testimonials, insights, revelations, and a call to be fully committed to God's kingdom.

May 19, 202449:29
Lit Part 2

Lit Part 2

Today, we continue to explore the role of being "Lit" or connected with the Holy Spirit. Our focus this week is on immersing ourselves in scripture and trusting the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to us and help us find the personal transformation we need to live a meaningful and satisfying life. We must learn to slow down, take our time, and read the Bible carefully, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding and develop in us a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Pursuing righteousness helps us overcome issues, hurts, habits, hang-ups, and addictions, transforming ourselves, our families, our workplaces, and communities for the better.

May 06, 202452:24


Today we explore the idea of staying spiritually "lit" or deeply connected and fueled by Holy Spirit. To keep our “light” bright we need to avoid conforming to the world and instead focus on connecting with God through prayer and scripture. If we neglect our spiritual life, our inner flame flickers and dims. Are you shining the light of Christ's love in all you do, or have life’s challenges dimmed your light? Everyday we need to focus on reigniting our spiritual fire and spreading His light. We are encouraged to open our hearts to be transformed by God’s grace and love, and to live fully lit by Holy Spirit.

Apr 28, 202439:22
Weakness Power

Weakness Power

Living in a culture that values self-reliance, it may seem counterintuitive to us to think of weakness as a positive thing. However, the Bible makes it clear that true strength and power come from God. When we acknowledge our frailty and vulnerability, put our trust in God and depend entirely on Him, He will provide the power we need in this life and transform us in the process. Jesus was the perfect example of this, as He chose to rely completely on God's strength rather than His own, particularly during His times of suffering. In order to receive God’s power, we have to reject self-centered traits like self-reliance and self-protection. Our mission is to submit ourselves to God and kingdom ways in all areas of our lives. We will then be equipped and empowered to serve out our destiny in the way God intended from before time began.

Apr 21, 202428:27


In a time when our nation desperately needs renewal, we are reminded that revival begins with each one of us. Revival in our nation starts when we each earnestly seek the Kingdom of God and live out His righteousness in our daily lives. The pursuit of righteousness involves diving deep into the scriptures and drawing ever closer to the Holy Spirit. Pursuing righteousness also means being in close communion with fellow believers, encouraging and strengthening one another. Join with us as we seek to deepen relationships and transform ourselves, our families and our nation.

Apr 14, 202451:07


Today, we take a look at the 40-day period Jesus spent on Earth after His resurrection and before ascending to heaven. Unlike His life before the crucifixion, filled with miracles, signs, and wonders, this period highlights something even more important - relationships and personal transformation.

Jesus made many appearances during this time. But, more than anything, these 40 days were about Jesus connecting deeply, teaching, and preparing His followers for a new, revolutionary way of life that would challenge the world's systems and draw them into a loving relationship with the Father.

This message is an invitation to everyone who wants to understand the heart of Jesus. This is a personal invitation to each one of us to walk side by side with Jesus into an "exodus" or era of change that our communities, families, and nations so desperately need.

Apr 07, 202425:50
Resurrection Life

Resurrection Life

In this, our Easter Message, we take a look at the important role played by Mary Magdalene. We look at Mary's transformation from a woman immersed in the darkness of demon possession to one healed, empowered, and entrusted with a life-changing message to the disciples and to all the world. Like Mary, we too have been delivered from darkness, healed, empowered, and given a new identity in Christ. We too have an important, God-given message to share with others and the world. We are called to step out in faith and to share the grace, the truth, and the power of Christ with those around us.

Mar 31, 202431:20
Baptized - Phase 2 - Life

Baptized - Phase 2 - Life

Today, we dive into the second part of our sermon series on Baptism. Last week, we looked at 'Phase 1' of baptism, which represents death. This week, we explore 'Phase 2' of baptism, which represents new life and resurrection. When a person comes back up out of the water, they are baptized into the power of Holy Spirit. All kinds of wondrous and powerful things happen. When we are baptized, we are submerged into union with the spirit of holiness. Jesus ignites the kingdom life within us, filling us with Holy Spirit, changing us from the inside out. Jesus places everything true in its proper place before God. Everything that is false, he puts out with the trash to be burned.

Mar 24, 202434:15
Baptized - Phase 1 -Death

Baptized - Phase 1 -Death

In our message today, we dive into the topic of baptism. We first take a look at Jesus' baptism. Though Jesus was sinless, He chose to be baptized to 'fulfill all righteousness.' In order to share in Jesus' righteousness, we too must be baptized. Baptism for us symbolizes the death of our old sinful nature and rebirth as a new creation. Baptism is an affirmation of Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and it is a demonstration to the world and to ourselves that we have aligned ourselves with the heavenly realm and joined the insurgence of God’s endless kingdom.

Mar 17, 202431:46
His Presence

His Presence

God longs for us to spend time with Him in His presence, not just for a few minutes in the morning, but throughout the day. Our guest speaker, Debi Taylor, shares with us how God has given her strength and hope to get through some very difficult times in her life. She shares practical tips for starting to spend time with God as well as ways to stay focused and not get distracted. Debi recommends Bible and devotional reading, prayer, and journaling. Recording things for which she is grateful as well as answered prayer has given her a written record of God's goodness and faithfulness. Whether you already spend time in God's presence each day, or know you should, this message is sure to inspire you to connect more deeply with God and His Holy Spirit each and every day.

Mar 10, 202415:18
Abide in the Bible

Abide in the Bible

This week, we're diving into the spiritual discipline of Bible reading. The Bible is alive. It's filled with "living water" and divine treasures that God wants very much to share with us. Reading the Bible is about more than reading - it's about experiencing God's presence and allowing His Word to shape our lives. The Bible isn't just a book. It is a revelation of Jesus Christ. When we read, it's important to partner with the Holy Spirit. Ask Him, "What do you want me to learn? How do you want to reveal Jesus to me today?" Let the Holy Spirit guide your reading and understanding. At the same time, we need to avoid what John Poundstone calls "Bib-olatry" - idolatry or worship of the Bible itself. We should not read the Bible for our own satisfaction or to prove our own point of view by taking verses out of context.

This week, consider what is keeping you from the Bible and if you're a regular reader, ask yourself why Bible reading is important to you.

Mar 03, 202432:54


Our message today is about Communion. In the final hours leading up to His crucifixion and death on the cross, there were many things that Jesus could have spent His time doing. What He chose to do was to spend His last hours sharing a meal with His disciples, washing their feet, and connecting closely with them. This is the context for the first Communion. Today, as we take the bread and wine and remember His sacrificial death on the cross, we too can draw close to Jesus, connect with him deeply and receive the strength that we need to live our lives in service to Him and His kingdom.

Feb 25, 202431:05


In today's message, Senior Leader John Poundstone, shares a message on the importance of "abiding as branches." We need to stay connected to Jesus, "the vine", in order to bear fruit. God shares His glory by putting inside of us through His Holy Spirit. We must nurture this piece of God's glory within each other, fan the flames of God's presence, and support one another in our Christian walk. We need to be mindful of our words and actions , so that we can uplift and encourage one another and not diminish God's glory. We must leave the "pruning" to God, the "vine dresser."

Feb 18, 202425:23
Focus 40

Focus 40

In the upcoming week, beginning Wednesday, February 14th, we will begin the 40-day period of time preceding Easter. Some churches call this period "Lent." We will be calling it "Focus 40". During this 40-day period, we will focus on some spiritual disciplines such as fasting, worship, prayer, frugality, and self-sacrifice that will draw us closer to Jesus as we approach Resurrection Sunday.

Feb 11, 202429:28
Hunger and Thirst

Hunger and Thirst

Our message today dives into the concept of hunger and thirst, not just for physical food and drink, but for righteousness and closeness with God. Spiritual hunger can show up in our lives in many different ways. Satisfying spiritual hunger and thirst in the wrong ways and places can be destructive and is at best a temporary fix. There is only one true source of satisfaction and that is intimacy with Jesus. If you've ever felt that inner longing or found yourself seeking fulfillment in temporary fixes, this message is for you.

Feb 04, 202427:37


In our message today Senior Leader, John Poundstone introduces the word "abide". Abide is not just a concept, but a tangible, actionable verb that followers of Christ are called to live out. We explore the deep intimacy and closeness with God that enables us to find divine joy and a transformed way of living. Join with us as we explore what it means to truly abide in Christ and to embrace the love and presence of God in a whole new way.

Jan 28, 202423:30


Today we look in awe and wonder at the life of Jesus, his earthly ministry, his intimate relationship with the Father, and his example for believers to follow. Senior Leader John Poundstone unpacks important moments in Jesus' journey, from his baptism to his triumph over spiritual warfare in the desert. Get ready to be challenged and inspired as we reflect on our own identity and relationship with God and what it means to truly follow in the footsteps of Christ.

Jan 21, 202427:17
Pillar 4 - Followhood

Pillar 4 - Followhood

If we truly want to become more Christ-like we need to immerse ourselves in scripture, rely upon the Holy Spirit, and spend time in connection and communion with other believers. Most importantly we must learn to surrender. Surrendering means realizing that life is not centered around us. Surrendering means letting go of our agendas, beliefs, egos, passions, failings, faults, cares, concerns, successes, anxiousness, and more. Living a life of self sacrifice focused upon the glory of God will lead us to discover true life, peace and joy.

Jan 15, 202435:30


As we begin a new year, we focus on the idea of kingdom leadership. Senior Leader, John Poundstone shares his personal reflections and experiences from high school and the cultural challenges he witnessed during the late 1960s and early 1970s. John teaches from the Book of Mark about the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the disciples who radically chose to leave everything behind to follow Him. John encourages us to begin a new year of discipleship that doesn’t necessarily begin with "inviting Jesus into our hearts" but instead accepting Jesus' invitation to come into His heart.

Jan 07, 202433:29
Advent Love

Advent Love

At the heart of everything is one love. The love that gave birth to all creation is the same love that was born on that first Christmas morning in Bethlehem. The light that shone in the darkness, that same love is being born in you each day without ceasing. So open yourself to this light and celebrate the coming of God into this world, into your darkness. Christmas is not long ago and far away but here and now, today and every day. May we open our spirits, our hearts, our souls, our minds, our strength. Let's choose risk. Let's let God in fully. Let our love be radical, undefeatable, interconnected and forever attached. Let's wait expectantly for it.

Dec 24, 202346:30


The Third Sunday of Advent is known as the "Sunday of Joy." In our message today, we learn that true joy comes from God. Living in joy means finding and receiving joy, then maintaining it despite life's challenges. We need to seek intimacy and closeness with God in order to live righteously, experience His peace, and to be filled with divine joy. During this season of Advent, we expectantly await Jesus' joy just like the psalmist, the apostle Paul, Jesus himself, Simeon, Anna, and so many more. We also prophetically activate heavenly joy as we prepare for 2024.

Dec 17, 202323:56
Hope Peace

Hope Peace

Over the last several years, we have experienced monumental cultural, economic, and technological "storms" and "quakes" in our world. These changes have rocked our lives in ways we might never have imagined. In order to find peace, hope, and stability in a changing world, we need to seek Holy Spirit's proximity and presence. We must stop relying on our own strength, talents, gifts, and abilities and instead reach out to God. There will be nothing more important in the next year than the presence of God in our lives. That is the key to peace. We need to walk in God's peace and find His hope and then model it and live it out in our marriages, personal lives, families, and workplaces. When we become people of hope and peace, we begin to influence the culture and the world around us.

Dec 10, 202327:30
Diane Buice - With God Nothing Is Impossible

Diane Buice - With God Nothing Is Impossible

Diane Buice shares her touching personal stories that demonstrate the profound presence of God in our lives, especially during times of darkness and struggle. Diane shares stories of finding comfort and guidance through divine signs, such as seeing repeated appearances of cars bearing the license plate "Luke 137". She reminds us of the message that "with God, nothing is impossible," offering strength and courage to those facing struggles. Diane recounts experiencing God's orchestration of encounters and conversations with friends in need of forgiveness and nearing the end of life. She emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the regret of not pressing the forgiveness issue further with her loved ones.

Dec 03, 202341:30
Peace Unshakeable

Peace Unshakeable

How can we find true peace in a world filled with negativity, strife, and spiritual unrest? We need Shalom, God’s supernatural peace. Shalom is absolute wholeness, completeness, and certainty that can only be found in the divine presence of God. Join us as we draw nearer to God, realign our priorities, and embrace a life lived fully in Christ's presence.

Nov 26, 202324:32
Soul Storm

Soul Storm

No matter the storms that our souls face, God's presence remains a constant source of comfort.  Our souls face many challenges in today’s tumultuous times. Whether it is  mental health struggles, questioning our identity or experiencing wavering confidence, it's clear that our inner selves are under siege. Despite the negativity and doubts that may surround us, we're encouraged to find strength in our spiritual faith. When we feel lost or shaken, we can always turn to God for peace and certainty. We need to stand firm in our faith, embrace our position as God's children, and find solace in His eternal love and victory over all of the tribulations of the world.

Nov 19, 202345:35
The Cross

The Cross

Today's message is about seeing the cross and the crucifixion of Christ in a new and profound light. It's a reminder of the immense love and sacrifice Jesus made for us—to conquer evil, to bring forth God's kingdom, to connect us with the Father, and to empower us with the Holy Spirit. The cross is not just a symbol but a gateway to experiencing Christ's reign in our hearts and lives. Let's embrace the resurrection, hold onto truth, and discover our true identities through Christ. Every time we see a cross may we more deeply and truly find and follow this wonderful Jesus, His way, His truth, and His life.

Nov 12, 202323:30
Head On

Head On

This week, we examine Jesus' role as the 'head' or the ultimate authority over the church and our lives. Many of the world's problems arise from a lack of proper headship or leadership. Jesus provides the direction we need and serves as the source of our strength. As our faith deepens, we are reminded that we are betrothed to Christ and will become His bride at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. This journey from being Christ's body to becoming His bride requires complete submission to Christ on the part of the church.

Nov 07, 202343:19
Who are you proclaiming?

Who are you proclaiming?

The Holy Spirit draws, attracts, and captivates us, inviting us to willingly and joyfully follow a Holy Lord. Sadly, we can just as easily be attracted, captivated, and ensnared by unholy or demonic influences. As humans, we can be influenced by both God's Holy Spirit and the demonic realm, but we can also be influencers. Our words, behaviors, habits, and patterns can either proclaim or promote these unseen realms. We possess the ability to elevate ourselves and others toward God and the heavenly realm, or drag ourselves and others down into the unholy demonic realm. Who are you proclaiming?

Oct 29, 202325:50
Just Pray

Just Pray

When it comes to prayer, it's easy for us to focus on "religiosity" and to get hung up trying to sound spiritual or worry about things that might prevent God from hearing and answering our prayers. The good news is that nothing keeps God from hearing our prayers. He is relatable, touchable, tangible, and accessible. He always responds to prayers, even if it's not in the way we would like or expect. The most effective prayers are always simple and originate from our authentic selves. Regardless of how your prayer sounds, God accepts it without judgment. So, "just pray," trusting that God will listen and respond out of his goodness and love.

Oct 23, 202329:31


Over the past couple of weeks we have explored the Beauty of our creator and also the beauty of God’s creation - Us!  This week we look at the idea of “OI” - “original intelligence, original identity and original identity”.  This is the image, the intelligence, and the identity that God had in mind when he created each one of us.  You were predestined by God. You were designed.  You are one of a kind. God put his mark upon you and called you. God has a purpose and a destiny for you.  God knew all about you before you were born, and he destined you from the beginning to share the likeness of His Son, Jesus.

Oct 15, 202331:34
Beauty - Part 2

Beauty - Part 2

As we continue exploring the concept of ‘beauty’, our focus turns to the beauty of God’s own creation – us. Each of us is a unique masterpiece, formed by His divine hands. We are living testimonies of His deep and unconditional love, demonstrated through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. The world often leads us to believe that our worth is dictated by physical beauty. But as followers of Christ, we must remember that our true beauty, as seen through God’s eyes, is not skin-deep. It stems from a heart that seeks Him, a spirit that is humble before Him, and a life lived in love and service.

Oct 08, 202333:02


Today, we explore the awe-inspiring beauty of Christ, His character, His love, and His creation. His beauty is a beacon, drawing us closer to Him. It is within this beauty that we find wholeness, harmony, and ‘shalom’, that connecting us deeply with Him. Psalm 24:9-17 reminds us that our deepest desire should be to live in God’s presence and be awed by His grace and glory. As we allow ourselves to be captivated by His magnificent beauty, we come to realize that Jesus is all we need. This is a simple truth: Christ embodies beauty, and it is this beauty that brings meaning and fulfillment to our lives.

Oct 01, 202324:44
Leaving Gerazim

Leaving Gerazim

Gerizim holds special significance for the Samaritans as a holy mountain where they went to worship God. Through Jesus’ conversations with the Samaritan woman at the well and with Nicodemus, we gain a different understanding of the nature of true, genuine, and heartfelt worship. Gerizim represents all of the traditions, rituals, cultural practices, and distractions that divert our attention away from true worship in spirit and truth. We should instead seek a deep connection and intimacy with God through His Holy Spirit.

Sep 24, 202328:26
Good News Family Gathering

Good News Family Gathering

John Poundstone introduces a refresshing new approach to Joy Church's Sunday Worship services. Imagine a joyous celebration, a friendly gathering where we learn and share the life changing message of God’s Kingdom. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re welcome. Our focus will be on the message that Jesus’ sacrifice paves our way to heaven and transforms our lives when we embrace a personal relationship with him. We’ll explore the Kingdom of God and the gospel in an authentic way without sugarcoating anything. After all, the gospel is great news, and God is more wonderful than we can imagine. Come as you are and leave transformed!

Sep 17, 202324:37
Embrace Wilderness

Embrace Wilderness

“Wilderness seasons” are life-altering circumstances characterized by hardship, struggle, uncertainty, and confusion. These challenging chapters of our lives often arise from situations such as financial difficulties, medical conditions, addiction, relationship problems, emotional issues, or mental health concerns. God utilizes these “wilderness seasons” to guide us towards personal and spiritual growth by testing our ability to endure and overcome adversity. These seasons challenge the notion that “God will never give you more than you can handle”. Trials that surpass our ability to cope are essential for growth. We can take comfort in the fact that God is always present, supporting us through these trials even when His presence isn’t immediately apparent.

Sep 10, 202340:37
Repentance's Reward

Repentance's Reward

“Metanoia,” or repentance, is more than simply turning away from sin. It is a spiritual journey away from darkness to the Kingdom of God. Pride leads to exile, but repentance is the path back home. It is a shift from limitation and death to abundance and life. Repentance is a process that brings great rewards: the presence, peace, purity, priorities, power, and perspective of God.

Sep 03, 202350:34
Pride Part 2 - How to Know and What to Do

Pride Part 2 - How to Know and What to Do

In today’s message, we continue our exploration of pride and how to recognize it in our lives. We explore the deceptive nature of pride and how it can show up in different areas of our lives, like work, church, and family. We also look at biblical stories, such as Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, and the Tower of Babel, to understand the consequences of pride and idolatry. We can be assured that God always provides a way for us to abandon our pride and return to His love, mercy, and grace. So, press into the Holy and learn some practical things that we can do to increase our humility and overcome pride in our lives. 

Aug 27, 202351:52


Guest preacher, Matt McCreary, helps us to see the danger in pride. Many people let their pride guide their actions, and they make choices based on their own sense of right and wrong. These choices often go against what Jesus taught. Even supposedly wise people make this mistake and foolishly ignore God, following their own prideful path to their downfall. This foolishness comes from “spiritual deafness” - ignoring God’s word or calling His word offensive. It is important to read the Bible with humility and try to understand God and His word better. We should aim to live according to God’s will. We can trust that God will succeed and truth will win.

Aug 20, 202356:13


Today we focus on Communion and finding a deeper understanding and a more transformative experience of this sacrament. Communion is about rediscovering the unity that exists amongst us through our faith and making an opportunity to reunite with God and to experience His power, beauty, majesty, Grace, Mercy, and Truth. We are called to live out this unity in our daily lives.

Aug 13, 202337:34
Don't Do Ask

Don't Do Ask

In today’s message, John Poundstone talks about discipleship and the cycle of conversion, healing, deliverance, equipping, empowerment, and service. We are encouraged to find healthy ways to express our emotions and to trust in God when we are facing difficulties and suffering. John shares five things we should avoid during challenging times so that we don’t make hasty or regrettable decisions. He encourages us to prioritize our relationship with God and focus on His presence, peace, and purity when making decisions.

Aug 06, 202351:57
Finding Joy in Submission

Finding Joy in Submission

In today’s message, we learn that submission is not a sign of weakness or defeat, but rather a pathway to joy. We can willingly submit to God because His leadership is humble, loving, and trustworthy. God is always good and never not good. Learning to submit to God and connect with Him involves seeking His presence, peace, purity, priorities, and power. This is how we discover that total freedom, joy, and victory are beautifully disguised as submission.

Jul 30, 202337:49
Mob Story

Mob Story

In the message today we learn about being empowered and ready for service in God’s kingdom and in the church. The backdrop for this message is the story of the Gerasene demoniac from Mark 5:1-20.  Some Bible translations give the demon possessed man the name “Legion” while others call him “Mob”.  For this message we refer to him as “Mob”.

Through Mark 5:1-20, we get a front row seat as Jesus miraculously transforms demon possessed “Mob” into empowered evangelist “Mob” (“Mobe”).  This story illustrates how Jesus longs to transform each of us and empower us to serve in His kingdom and to share our own powerful testimony. We also take a look at the things that hold us back such as our past experiences that still affect our thoughts and stop us from progressing on our spiritual journey. We delve into understanding who we are in Christ, identify the barriers blocking our purpose, and discover what hinders us from reaching our full potential as God has planned for us.

Jul 16, 202340:37


God invites us to learn more about Him, His Kingdom and His ways by asking questions. The more questions we pose, the closer we can draw to Him and the ultimate, highest possible good that He has for us. We often want God to give us answers that align with our own preconceived notions, but the Bible cautions us against trying to confine God within our own understanding or to mold Him according to our own desires. We should not hesitate to ask God questions, but rather look to Him to help us to understand and experience all that He has in store for us.

John Poundstone encourages and challenges us to daily, weekly or monthly ask these questions of God:

  • What are You really like?

  • What do you really think of me?

We are also encouraged to ask the following questions about the Kingdom of God:

  • What is the story?

  • Why does it matter?

  • What is my part?

Jul 09, 202343:43


In our modern world, filled with busyness, stress, striving, and overindulgence, it’s easy for our souls to become spiritually ‘dehydrated’ - depleted, dry, and withered. We need to ‘hydrate’ our souls by seeking the ‘living water’ that God makes available to us at all times. Instead of trying to be more fruitful through our own efforts, we need to remember that it is God who provides the life force we need to nourish and replenish our souls. Our responsibility is to remain connected to Him and align ourselves with His kingdom, His ways, and His thinking. When we return to Him and spend time in His presence we will find peace and refreshment for our souls.

Jul 02, 202349:32


Are you struggling to find unity in today’s fractured and divided world and church? In this week’s Joy Church Message, John Poundstone discusses the importance of unity. Unity doesn’t begin and end with the church. Unity is universal. We don’t need to pray for unity to come, but rather realize that unity is available to us now. To experience unity, we only need to step into the truth in God’s kingdom. God builds unity from diversity. God has designed each of us to be different with unique skills, talents, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. We were designed by God for a purpose. Like instruments in a symphony, God has designed each of us to play a different part. We are called to be in community and to be tightly connected to others. Satan hates the church and he delights in disunity in the church. Satan desires to weaken the church by dividing it and getting people to focus on their differences rather than focusing on Jesus. God is transforming each one of us into the Holy of Holies, his dwelling place through the power of the Holy Spirit. God is fitting each of us together like perfectly fitted stones of the temple to lay a foundation for the church.

Jun 26, 202340:13
The Father Path

The Father Path

In our message today, we celebrate Father’s Day and honor all fathers and father figures who have played a significant role in our lives. We also celebrate Jesus, who has provided a path to our Heavenly Father. It is through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection that we can see the Father. Because of Jesus, we can hear Him and have a direct one-on-one relationship with Him. The Father is knowable, seeable, touchable, and findable because of Jesus. Jesus is the master, the architect, the originator, and the genesis of inclusion. There is no greater thing, reward, benefit, or treasure in life than to know the Father and to be known by the Father.

Jun 18, 202327:25
Seek Bible Treasure

Seek Bible Treasure

In our message today, John Poundstone invites each of us to catch “Bible-fever” and to embark on a constant, unquenchable quest to find the treasure within God’s Word, the Bible. Through Bible reading, we can discover Jesus and the Father. We can find the way, truth, and life that the Bible promises. We can explore the righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit found in the kingdom of God. We can learn about the ways and the culture of heaven. 

Each of us possess an innate desire and curiosity to know God deeply. The Bible helps us to find answers to our deepest questions: “Who really is God? What is He really like? What does He think of me? Why am I here?”

John offers practical tips for making Bible reading enjoyable and not some form of legalism. He debunks some common myths about the Bible and provides tips for finding the best Bible translation for studying and personal reading. 

Reading the Bible is an adventure with no right or wrong approach. God would love for us to get to know Him even more deeply by engaging with His Word.

Jun 11, 202349:54