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Just Breathe with Eileen Fein

Just Breathe with Eileen Fein

By Eileen Fein

Welcome to Just Breathe with Eileen Fein, where I take listeners through guided Breathwork meditations that help you be still, be mindful, be kind to yourself and bring healing and wholeness into your life. Visit The Tiny Balcony - - to learn more and book a private session with me.
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How to Spark Joy in Your Life with Breathwork

Just Breathe with Eileen FeinSep 15, 2021

How to Get More Positive Energy with Breathwork

How to Get More Positive Energy with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about getting more positive energy. Even if you love what you do, where you live, your kids, your partner, your neighborhood, your dog - life happens! The secret to bouncing back from a bad day and getting more positive energy is learning how to move through it. How you respond can mean the difference between a quick recovery or going into a spiral. That’s where your breath can save you. Through the power of deep, focused breathing you can switch your nervous system from a state of stress to one of relaxation.

So let’s breathe together and help you experience how to get that positive energy flowing and stop the loop before it starts. 

Apr 30, 202310:55
How to Fall Asleep With Breathwork

How to Fall Asleep With Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about falling asleep.  Peaceful sleep is something we all wish to have. Through this podcast, I teach how to let go of the day's stress, fall back into the strength of your breath and unlock a moment of love in your life.  In this moment of love, you will let go of fear and fall peacefully asleep. 

Apr 23, 202309:17
How to Manage Chronic Pain with Breathwork

How to Manage Chronic Pain with Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about chronic pain. Chronic pain is a very real condition that plagues not only the body itself but also the mind, as it puts the mind into a state of constant stress – which becomes a cycle that feeds into pain. Stress feeds pain, pain feed stress.  In this Breathwork meditation you will quite you mind and in doing so address both the stress of pain and pain itself. Always talk to your healthcare professional before doing anything related to your health. 

Apr 16, 202309:11
How to Start the Day with Intention - A Morning Breathwork Meditation

How to Start the Day with Intention - A Morning Breathwork Meditation

Today’s breathwork meditation is about starting your day with intention and the morning sun. When life is as chaotic as it is these days, it’s easy to fall into a habit of just pushing through and reacting to everything that’s thrown at you. But as you know, this approach is exhausting. It takes your time, energy and focus away from the things that matter to you – your family, your loved ones, you own well-being – and throws your life off balance. What mindfulness, and the gift of your breath can do is put things back in balance by creating a space to step back, observe what’s happening and decide how you want to react to it. You have that power! You can decide if and where you want to put your focus, energy, and time. And the greatest time to do that is in the morning – before the day has started.  So let’s breathe together.

Apr 09, 202309:21
Celebrating the Full Moon in Libra with Breathwork

Celebrating the Full Moon in Libra with Breathwork

The full moon in Libra is a special time to rest, reflect, and reset. It’s a chance to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with your inner self. This full moon is especially powerful because it takes place in Libra. Libra is an air sign that emphasizes balance, harmony, and justice. By working with this energy, you can create more peace and stability within yourself. This week on the Just Breathe with Eileen Fein podcast we will celebrate the full moon in Libra with reflective writing and breathwork to rest and reset for the month ahead.

Mar 29, 202310:03
Supporting the Inner Child with Breathwork

Supporting the Inner Child with Breathwork

In today's breathwork class, you'll create a safe space for your inner child to express their needs, fears, and dreams. Through the power of your breath, you learn how to support each of these aspects with love. Bring a pen and paper for a pre-meditation reflective writing exercise.

Mar 22, 202311:09
Celebrating the New Moon in Aries with Breathwork

Celebrating the New Moon in Aries with Breathwork

The new moon in Aries is a special time for setting intentions and reflecting on the things that matter most to us. It’s an opportunity to take a step back from our day-to-day routines and focus on creating meaningful change in our lives. On this week’s Just Breathe with Eileen Fein podcast we will celebrate this momentous occasion by engaging in reflective writing and Breathwork.

Mar 15, 202310:15
Practicing Radical Self Acceptance with Breathwork

Practicing Radical Self Acceptance with Breathwork

Breathwork is a powerful way to transform your life as it helps you connect with your shadow self – the part of you that holds your fears, doubts, and insecurities - and free yourself from self-criticism and negative self-talk. In today's Breathwork meditation we will breathe to bring love and radical self acceptance into your life for all part of you.  Bring a pen and paper for a pre-meditation reflective writing exercise.

Mar 08, 202310:36
Celebrating the Full Moon in Virgo with Breathwork

Celebrating the Full Moon in Virgo with Breathwork

The full moon is an incredibly powerful time, and when it happens in Virgo, the energy that is created can be used to positively shift our lives. This full moon brings a heightened focus on our minds, giving us the opportunity to assess our thoughts and intentions. This week on the Just Breathe with Eileen Fein podcast we are celebrating the full moon in Virgo with reflective writing and breathwork, so we can learn how to better manage our thoughts, emotions, and stress levels.

Mar 01, 202309:56
Reframing Old Stories with Breathwork

Reframing Old Stories with Breathwork

Old stories can hold us back from living our best lives. In today's Breathwork meditation we will build new, healthier thought patterns and create new beliefs that will support your health and well-being! Bring a pen and paper for a pre-meditation reflective writing exercise.

Feb 22, 202310:53
Celebrating the New Moon in Pisces with Breathwork

Celebrating the New Moon in Pisces with Breathwork

The New Moon in Pisces is an especially powerful time for reflection and renewal. The energy of the New Moon in Pisces is all about surrendering to what is, letting go of control, and being receptive to what the universe has to offer us. This cosmic event can help bring a sense of peace, clarity, understanding, and emotional balance into our lives. We can use this energy as an opportunity to re-center ourselves and gain a greater connection with our higher selves. In this week’s Just Breathe with Eileen Fein podcast we will practice some reflective writing and breathwork to bring renewal into our lives.

Feb 15, 202310:41
Setting Boundaries with Breathwork

Setting Boundaries with Breathwork

If you're looking for a way to support growth and connection to your true self, today's Breathwork class will help you set boundaries that support you in focusing on the people, places, and things that bring love into your life. Bring a pen and paper for a pre-meditation reflective writing exercise.

Feb 08, 202311:32
Healing the Mother Wound with Breathwork

Healing the Mother Wound with Breathwork

I'm excited to begin this new year and season of Just Breathe! This year, I'll be sharing a reflective question and writing practice to set the container for our Breathwork Class. Today we are focusing on the Mother Wound. We all carry wounds of varying degrees that were caused by our mothers or people in our lives that were mother figures, whether it be conscious or unconscious. Healing the mother wound is essential for us to become fully functioning and balanced adults. Today, let’s explore how reflective writing and breathwork can help heal the mother wound.
Jan 25, 202314:16
How to Grow Patience with Breathwork

How to Grow Patience with Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about patience – and getting more of it.  Most of us feel 10 minutes behind or 10 seconds away from doing or saying something that is going take us WAY off the path of our journey.   In this Breathwork meditation you will use your breath to quite your mind and create a still place where you can grow the strength of patience.  

Dec 08, 202209:06
How to Manage Workplace Stress with Breathwork

How to Manage Workplace Stress with Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about workplace stress. As Bob Dylan sings, you're gonna have to serve somebody. Office politics, and other people’s agendas and neurosis can make it hard to stay sane and be present, even when you are not at work. Today you will breathe and switch your definition of serve from a something that is taken from you to that which is the best of you that you can offer. Breathe and serve without surrendering.  

Nov 10, 202210:57
How to Be a Mindful Parent with Breathwork

How to Be a Mindful Parent with Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about  being a mindful parent – this definitely requires every breath in your body some days. Being a parent is the greatest gift and greatest challenge at the same moment. It brings to life the principle of Yin and Yang - that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. Being a mindful parent is about being present not perfect, and that requires letting go off fear. This Breathwork meditation is an exercise to flip off your fears so your children can take the steps of their journey without the burden of your fears.  

Oct 13, 202210:13
How to Do Micro Mini Breathwork Meditations

How to Do Micro Mini Breathwork Meditations

Today's Breathwork meditation is a Micro Mini version for those who have no time. My Breathwork meditations are typically about 10 to 15 minutes long because I know that time is a rare commodity and giving yourself time is the hardest thing to do.  But I also know that sometimes life doesn’t give you time - even 15 minutes! Sometimes you are right in the middle of a situation and you need to decide right then how you are going to act. That decision is going to keep you on or throw you off your life's journey.  For those times, this is your Micro Mini Breathwork Meditation because one breath is all you need to stop thinking and start listening to the answer you already know.  

Sep 08, 202202:10
How to Have More Fun with Breathwork

How to Have More Fun with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about how to have more fun. A recent study found that we actually have more fun when we are spontaneous versus when we schedule fun time - but that means letting go of control and we all know how hard that can be!  Today, let's breathe together and open a space for connection, creativity, and fun to enter our lives. 

Aug 11, 202211:54
How to Let Love In with Breathwork

How to Let Love In with Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about letting love in. We all wish to be seen and accepted. Yet our primal brain that protects us from anything it thinks will hurt us, is quickest when it detects the power of love. Love demands vulnerability, like a rose demands a bent knee to reach its essence. And fear does not take well to bending. But you will bend today though the power of your breath. Then just wait and see as the universe rises up to meet you in this state of love, what or who shows up soon!  

Jul 14, 202209:36
How to Give Forgiveness Through Breathwork

How to Give Forgiveness Through Breathwork

Today’s meditation is about giving forgiveness so you can create a space for all the moments of love, joy and peace. When you forgive, you accept what happened – you don’t condone it, you just accept it and surrender what you wished could have been different. And in this surrendering you are not a victim or a prisoner of the past anymore. You are free. Free to live in this moment and all it holds for you. So breathe, and through your breath give forgiveness so you can be free.   

Jun 09, 202207:18
How to Let Go of the Week with Breathwork

How to Let Go of the Week with Breathwork

Today's Breathwork meditation is about letting go of the week. In these times of uncertainty, we have all come to realize how important this is. Letting go so you can create a space for all the moments of love, joy and peace that will come across your path.  I like to think of letting go as a form of surrendering – not giving up but giving it up to a higher being to take care of it. Letting go of the rope we call control and falling back into the flow of life with mindfulness.  

May 05, 202207:24
How to Set Boundaries with Breathwork

How to Set Boundaries with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about setting boundaries. To set boundaries you first have to know what is important to you so you know what to say yes to and what to say no to, and where to find compromise - in your work life and personal life. So what is important to you? What do you value? What are your life’s intention?  Let's breathe together today to find your answers and set the boundaries that will support them. 

Apr 14, 202209:18
How to Welcome Spring and New Beginnings with Breathwork

How to Welcome Spring and New Beginnings with Breathwork

Today, let's use our breath to welcome Spring and new beginnings and create an open space for growth and self-care.  

Mar 23, 202207:51
A Body Affirmation Breathwork Meditation

A Body Affirmation Breathwork Meditation

Today we are going to use the gift of your breath to heal your relationship with your body and sense of self-worth. Our bodies carry us all day, every day and are the vessels for our spirit. Yet we are often crueler to ourselves – especially the way we see and think about our bodies -  than we would be to a stranger. You will use affirmations and the gift of your breath to create an open space where healing can begin and self-love can grow.

Feb 14, 202211:09
How to Build Self-Compassion into Your Life with Breathwork

How to Build Self-Compassion into Your Life with Breathwork

One of the most powerful benefits of meditation is that it helps develop the part of your brain that’s responsible for empathy and compassion and balancing emotions. This naturally leads to a decrease in judgmental behavior toward yourself and toward others. But cultivating non-judgment also needs to be a conscious practice. So, let’s breathe together today and start this year from a clean and open place that is free from judgement.

Jan 19, 202208:30
How to Give Yourself the Gift of Loving-Kindness

How to Give Yourself the Gift of Loving-Kindness

Today's Breathwork meditation is about giving yourself the gift of Loving-Kindness. This simple loving kindness meditation is a wonderful way to give loving-kindness to yourself through the capacity of kindness that lives in your heart. The kindness you give so readily to others but hold back from yourself. As you work through this loving kindness meditation notice any resistance that comes up. Breath into that resistance with a caring and gentle heart. 

Nov 19, 202106:06
How to be Mindful with Breathwork

How to be Mindful with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about living mindfully through the gift of your breath. With just one breath we can gently hold our experience with patience and compassion and choose which thoughts and feelings we wish to hold onto and which ones we wish to let go of. In this one breath we can be mindful and present to what this moment is looking to give us.

Oct 13, 202106:20
How to Spark Joy in Your Life with Breathwork
Sep 15, 202111:48
How to Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care with Breathwork

How to Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about self-care and how to give it to yourself without feeling selfish. 

Aug 11, 202109:44
How to Find Inspiration through Breathwork

How to Find Inspiration through Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about finding inspiration. Although the term "follow your passion" seems to be the newest answers to finding your purpose, I believe the secret to finding you purpose is connection. Connection is what makes us feel alive. So, let’s breathe together now and help you experience how to be inspired by the very thing that keeps you alive each day.  

Jun 16, 202112:34
How to Find Happiness with Breathwork

How to Find Happiness with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about happiness and getting more of it. I like to think of happiness as a journey not a destination that is led by moments of joy along the way. It is these moments of joy that fill your heart and remind you of the happiness, the safety, the unconditional love from which you originally came and are still connected to, if you just choose to recognize that you are not separated from it – how can you be when it lives inside you and keeps your heart beating? 

Today, you will breathe and reconnect with joy and the happiness that lines the path of your journey. 

Apr 14, 202109:38
How to Recharge from Mental Exhaustion with Breathwork

How to Recharge from Mental Exhaustion with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about recharging from mental exhaustion. We are going to breathe to recharge and quiet your mind, because although the mind is the king of the senses, the breath is the king of the mind! 

Mar 17, 202110:59
A Breathwork Meditation for Kids

A Breathwork Meditation for Kids

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about how to teach your kid how to meditate and be mindful. Breathwork meditation is a wonderful meditation technique for kids because it doesn’t require they do anything accept breathe.   Join my membership for unlimited access to livestreaming classes and mindful meditation for the whole family!

Feb 18, 202109:05
How to Live Mindfully with Breathwork

How to Live Mindfully with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about living mindfully with Breathwork meditation. With just one breath we can gently hold our experience with patience and compassion, and choose which thoughts and feelings we wish to hold onto and which ones we wish to let go of. In this one breath we can be mindful and present to what this moment is looking to give us. 

Jan 14, 202111:17
How to Jump Start Creativity with Breathwork

How to Jump Start Creativity with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about how to jump start creativity. I believe that creativity is one of the greatest channels of the power of connection. Through creativity we can connect with our true self and connect to other people and how they think, feel and act. Collectively our creativity can change the world.  

Nov 12, 202008:44
How to Stop Feeling Like a Bad Mom with Breathwork

How to Stop Feeling Like a Bad Mom with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about how to stop feeling like a bad mom. Oh, this is a big one because “bad” means different things to different people who serve as moms in a child’s life. But the end feeling is pretty similar. Heartbreaking disappointment in one’s self. A reconfirmation of no to the questions – Am I worthy of this child? Of their love? It is one of the biggest fears I believe we all have.  Though the power of your breath today you will give yourself the gift of forgiveness and the strength of accountability and honesty so you can in turn give it to your children.   

Oct 14, 202009:30
How to Stop Self Sabotage with Breathwork

How to Stop Self Sabotage with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about how to stop self-sabotage. Some people may be blessed to not have this monster living in their closet, but most of us do. It’s the push back you give when you feel that you do not deserve the love you are receiving, when you shatter what could be easily fixable, or when you do something to make yourself feel even worse than you already do because bad just isn’t bad enough for you. This is self-sabotage and it is fed by fear. Through the gift of your breath, you have the ability take a step back and create a space of stillness where fear cannot live because your breath is telling you that you are safe. In this safe still space, you can be mindful of what you are feeling, and with each breath, let go of what fear has told you is true and let in the real truth in - that you are worthy, that you are lovable, that you are whole.   

Sep 16, 202010:13
How to Reconnect to Your Instincts with Breathwork

How to Reconnect to Your Instincts with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about reconnecting to your instinct with Breathwork. Through the gift of your breath, you have the ability to still your mind from all the chatter of information that comes at you each day and hear the one voice that is your instinct. The answer that has been living inside you just waiting for you to ask the right question.   

Aug 12, 202011:16
How to Reduce Stress with Breathwork

How to Reduce Stress with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about how to reduce and let go of stress. Our minds are negatively wired – this isn’t a good or bad thing - it's just our physiology. Because of this, we can become overloaded with so much information technology provides.  Through the gift of your breath, you have the ability to still your mind and let go of stress. In this still space there is no fear, no expectations, no deadlines, only clarity and the ability to rise above stress.  

Jul 15, 202008:53
How to Let Go of People with Breathwork

How to Let Go of People with Breathwork

Today’s Breathwork meditation is about letting go of people that are no longer healthy to have in your life. This is a tough one but very important because having people in your life that are not supportive, not giving as much as they are taking or not listening to your needs is toxic.  So breathe, and know what you are already whole without these people and that you already have everything you need, waiting inside of you. 

May 13, 202008:31
Welcome to Just Breathe with Eileen Fein

Welcome to Just Breathe with Eileen Fein

Welcome to Just Breathe with Eileen Fein, where I take listeners through guided Breathwork mediations that you help you be still, be mindful, be kind to yourself and find healing and wholeness.

In these uncertain times, there’s a simple technique that can ease your overstressed mind and body – breathing. Even though breathing is something you do all day, every day without thought – thank goodness – you probably aren’t tapping into this incredible resource as much as you should.

When you focus your awareness on your breathing and breathe deeply from your belly, you tap into the Vagus nerve that sits behind your diaphragm. This switches your body’s nervous system from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic (fight or flight to relaxation).

When the parasympathetic nervous system is switched on, it can help you relax, sleep better, feel more positive, and even reduce depression. It can also help you reduce your blood pressure, improve heart health, and slow the aging process.

On each episode of Just Breathe I’ll show you how to increase joy and positive energy, set boundaries and stop self-sabotage, address chronic pain, and give yourself the gift of self-care. All through the power of your breath.

So now it’s time to be still, be mindful, be kind to yourself and breathe.  Let's begin. 

Aug 07, 201902:01