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Learn Chinese with Kaela Kaela的中文广播

Learn Chinese with Kaela Kaela的中文广播

By Kaela

For learners of Chinese
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EP29 考驾照 P1 getting a driving license in China

Learn Chinese with Kaela Kaela的中文广播Jan 20, 2020

【Preview】EP 64 放开The Opening Up of China

【Preview】EP 64 放开The Opening Up of China

【For full episode please go to】
For this episode I talked about three topics:
1. What caused the opening up of measures towards COVID?
2. What time did the opening up start? What happened during the whole process?
3. What's the situation now in China? What has this opening up brought to our life?
Jan 22, 202301:59
【Preview】EP63 网飞 Netflix

【Preview】EP63 网飞 Netflix

【For full episode please go to】For this episode I talked about Netflix. Why is it forbidden here? What Netflix shows are popular in China? Come listen to this episode and find out.

Nov 17, 202202:14
【Preview】EP62 在中国教英语 Teaching English in China

【Preview】EP62 在中国教英语 Teaching English in China

【This is a preview. For full episode please go to  】For this episode I talked about teaching English in China. As we all know, English teacher is the first choice people from english speaking countries would do in China. If you'd like to plan your future with teaching English in China, what should you mentally and physically prepare? Listen to this episode and find out.

Sep 30, 202202:56
【Preview】EP61 从“社恐”变成“社牛” Overcoming Social Phobia

【Preview】EP61 从“社恐”变成“社牛” Overcoming Social Phobia

【For full episode please go to 】For this episode I talked about my own experience of overcoming social phobia. I was one who's frustrated every time when I had to socialize with people. But look at me now, I am able to stand in front of a group of people telling jokes in a second language. How to overcome social phobia? Listen to this episode and find out.

Aug 16, 202204:22
声明 announcement Find me here:

声明 announcement Find me here:

Hello everyone this is kaela. Thank you for your support all the time to learn Chinese with Kaela Since 2018 Learn Chinese with Kaela has been offering free Chinese listening practice for everyone who would like to learn Chinese. Yet from  today fifth of August 2022, learn Chinese with Kayla  won’t be offering free podcast after the 60th episode. the First 60 episodes will be free and you can still search them on Spotify or anchor.  But the episodes after 60 can only be paid to listen to on For here I'll post the preview and clips on Spotify and Anchor. Thank you for your support all the time

Aug 05, 202202:02
EP60 抑郁症和自我疗愈 Depression and Self-healing

EP60 抑郁症和自我疗愈 Depression and Self-healing

Nowadays more and more people suffer from depression, I was one of them. I created this episode sharing my own experiences of having depression and how I recovered from it. It's difficult, but I did it. Just want to say you're not alone and you can do it.

Aug 05, 202218:48
EP59 摇摆舞 Swing Dance

EP59 摇摆舞 Swing Dance

For this episode I talked about my personal experiences of joining swing dance parties and learning experiences. In my opinion it's a very delightful activity. Hope you can find out more in this episode!

Jul 20, 202212:56
A Level SP5 十二生肖 Traditional Twelve Zodiac Signs

A Level SP5 十二生肖 Traditional Twelve Zodiac Signs

For this episode I talked about Chinese traditional twelve zodiac signs. It includes four questions in it - also answers some common questions people have in Zodiac signs. Listen to this episode and find out the answers!

Jun 21, 202210:36
EP58 双语脱口秀演员 采访范英雄 Bilingual Comedian Interviewing Donnie Fan

EP58 双语脱口秀演员 采访范英雄 Bilingual Comedian Interviewing Donnie Fan

Now many of us have been learning a second or even a third language. What's like to develop a career or a hobby in a second language? What's the difference between doing comedy in Chinese vs. in English? Let's listen to some funny stories Donnie had during his comedy career in two languages.

Jun 07, 202238:27
A Level SP4 用餐礼仪 Dining Etiquette

A Level SP4 用餐礼仪 Dining Etiquette

Welcome back! In this episode I talked about the etiquette we should follow on a Chinese dining table. Have you ever been confused about how to behave politely on a Chinese table? Listen to this episode and find out what to do!
May 25, 202209:37
EP57 上海 Shanghai

EP57 上海 Shanghai

Lately Shanghai has been a hot topic around the world. What's going on in this one of the most developed cities? What led to all of the chaos here? Listen to this episode and find out!

Apr 19, 202218:07
A Level SP 3 养宠物 Getting a Pet in China

A Level SP 3 养宠物 Getting a Pet in China

For this episode I talked about how getting a pet in China is like. From this episode I came up with this new idea for helping listeners better prepare for their tests by putting the questions ahead. Listen to this episode and see if you can find all of the answers to the questions.

Apr 05, 202211:16
A Level SP2 中式送礼 Giving a present in China

A Level SP2 中式送礼 Giving a present in China

Lots of friends asked me what to give a present in China- here you find the answers. Also there’re some taboos you need to avoid. Find it out!
Mar 23, 202206:59
A-Level SP1 素食主义者 Vegetarian
Mar 15, 202208:41
EP55 约会软件 Dating Apps

EP55 约会软件 Dating Apps

Dating apps are getting super popular lately, Do people in China use them a lot? What would people’s opinions about it? Listen to this episode and find out!
Mar 09, 202212:26
EP54 LGBT 🏳️‍🌈在中国 LGBT🏳️‍🌈in China

EP54 LGBT 🏳️‍🌈在中国 LGBT🏳️‍🌈in China

LGBT has already become a very popular topic and activity in the globe- in a sexual conservative country like China, what’s people’s attitude about LGBT 🏳️‍🌈? Listen to this episode and find out!
Jan 15, 202231:26
EP53 2021年度十大关键词 2021 Top Ten KEY Words

EP53 2021年度十大关键词 2021 Top Ten KEY Words

Another is about to go to the end- what happened this year? What have people been talking about for this year in China? Listen to this episode and find out!
Dec 19, 202128:50
EP52 女权还是女拳?Are we twisting Feminism?

EP52 女权还是女拳?Are we twisting Feminism?

It’s been a long time! In this episode I talked about a very popular topic- feminism. Feminism is a worldwide topic nowadays, but are we twisting it sometimes? Women and men should equal, neither of us should be above another. Listen to this episode and get into this topic!
Nov 10, 202128:50
EP51 鱿鱼游戏 Squid Game

EP51 鱿鱼游戏 Squid Game

This episode is about the latest super popular TV show Squid Game. What has this 📺 show brought to us? Why is it so popular? Are there any similar TV shows in China? Listen to this episode and find out!
Oct 18, 202120:44
EP50 “快乐教育” Should education be “happy”?

EP50 “快乐教育” Should education be “happy”?

Lately in China the government has brought up a new rule called “ double minus” aimed at reduce the academic burden on students. What will this bring to the current education or even the future? Listen to this episode and find out!
Sep 09, 202123:47
EP49 奶茶文化 Milk Tea Culture

EP49 奶茶文化 Milk Tea Culture

Long time! First episode after two months- thanks to the heatstroke I’ve just got better few days ago. This episode I got to talk about a popular drink- milk tea! Why is it so popular? Where did it come from? Listen to this episode and find out!
Aug 15, 202131:21
EP48 桂林 Guilin

EP48 桂林 Guilin

This epidode is about the place I've been to last week-Guilin. People say it's the most beautiful place all over, and it's true! Listen to this episode and find out what's so special about this place
Jun 04, 202130:38
EP47 中文学习方法II Strategies for Studying Chinese

EP47 中文学习方法II Strategies for Studying Chinese

This episode is a review of the last episode. Since one of my students mentioned to me that the content was hard in the interviewing episodes, so I make one reviewing of the last episode also I'll put down the script on Patreon. Feel free to follow up and practice
Apr 26, 202128:30
EP46 学中文的方法—采访Yoshi Strategies for studying Chinese— interviewing Yoshi

EP46 学中文的方法—采访Yoshi Strategies for studying Chinese— interviewing Yoshi

For this episode I invited one of my friends who speaks advanced Chinese to share his strategies for studying Chinese. Also attitude is an important thing! Listen to this episode and find out what his strategies are!
Mar 21, 202141:31
EP45 单口相声 Stand Up Comedy

EP45 单口相声 Stand Up Comedy

This episode is about the activities I’ve been on lately — stand up comedy. It’s a totally new experience for me. What made me want to do this? What have I got from this new experience? Listen to this episode and find out!
Mar 01, 202131:05
EP44 宠物 —采访晓娇 Pets— interviewing XiaoJiao

EP44 宠物 —采访晓娇 Pets— interviewing XiaoJiao

What’s the current situation of raising pets in China? We have a slogan saying “Adoption instead of purchasing”, are we really doing it? Listen to this episode and find out!
Feb 19, 202126:22
EP43 腊八节 LaBa Festival

EP43 腊八节 LaBa Festival

Yesterday was LaBa Festival. What’s the origin of the festival? What do we do for the festival? Listen to this episode and find out!
Jan 21, 202118:29
EP42 冰城哈尔滨—采访Sue The City of Ice Harbin —interviewing Sue

EP42 冰城哈尔滨—采访Sue The City of Ice Harbin —interviewing Sue

So for the Christmas holiday we’ve been to Harbin! It was freezing cold but an amazing experience. Listen to this episode and find out what’s so good about Harbin
Dec 29, 202039:31
EP41线上教师 Being an Online Teacher

EP41线上教师 Being an Online Teacher

Current era has offered us more job opportunities- being an online teacher is one of them. What are the pros and cons of being an online teacher? Listen to this episode and find out!
Nov 29, 202015:14
EP40 点亮心中奇梦 Shanghai Disneyland

EP40 点亮心中奇梦 Shanghai Disneyland

So this time I’ve been to Shanghai Disneyland! Spent an amazing day there. What’s so good about it? Listen to this episode and find out!
Nov 15, 202014:06
EP39 姑苏城外寒山寺 SuZhou- the Eastern Venice

EP39 姑苏城外寒山寺 SuZhou- the Eastern Venice

So for the short vacation I have been to Suzhou for a trip. It’s a typical southern city in China. What’s it like- listen to this episode and find out!
Aug 20, 202015:54
EP38 飞吧,姐姐! You know you can fly, big sis!

EP38 飞吧,姐姐! You know you can fly, big sis!

Feminism has become a top topic of the whole world. Currently it’s the same in China? What are we doing to support the ladies? Listen to this episode and find out 👩🏻🙆🏻‍♀️
Aug 01, 202017:13
EP37 夏季元素大集合!Elements about SUMMER~!

EP37 夏季元素大集合!Elements about SUMMER~!

Summer is coming. What do we do for summer? Listen to the episode and find out!
May 23, 202017:39
EP36 生肖 Chinese Zodiac Signs

EP36 生肖 Chinese Zodiac Signs

For this episode we talked about Chinese Zodiac signs. What’s the story behind all those animals? Listen to this episode and find out!
Apr 25, 202012:12
EP35 抗击新冠 what do we do to fight with Coronavirus?

EP35 抗击新冠 what do we do to fight with Coronavirus?

Here we talk about the nasty Coronavirus again. Why should we wear masks? Why should we stay at home? Listen to this episode and find out 🦠
Mar 20, 202021:15
EP34 Music丨中国摇滚乐 Rock Music in China

EP34 Music丨中国摇滚乐 Rock Music in China

People are familiar with the western rock music or even Japanese rock music. So how is the development in China? Listen to the podcast and find out!
Mar 12, 202014:32
EP33 对冷暴力说不 Say No to Emotion Abuse

EP33 对冷暴力说不 Say No to Emotion Abuse

Have you ever suffered from emotion abuse? This episode is based on my own experience. You are not alone.
Feb 29, 202014:32
EP32 《西游记》Journey to the West

EP32 《西游记》Journey to the West

This episode is about the most famous Chinese novel - Journey to the West. Full of fabulous adventures and wonderful fairy tales. Come and listen to it!
Feb 23, 202029:54
EP31 蠢梦成真 A girl’s stupid dream comes true

EP31 蠢梦成真 A girl’s stupid dream comes true

So I finally realized my dream ! Listen to what it is!
Feb 09, 202026:27
EP30 新型冠状病毒 Coronavirus

EP30 新型冠状病毒 Coronavirus

There will be a day when we could take off our masks 😷😷
Jan 27, 202016:42
EP29 考驾照 P1 getting a driving license in China

EP29 考驾照 P1 getting a driving license in China

Getting a driving license might be different when in China. Listen to my latest podcast and find out the difference!
Jan 20, 202013:31
EP28 2019网络流行语 Internet catchphrases in 2019

EP28 2019网络流行语 Internet catchphrases in 2019

It’s about to be the new year. So in 2019 what have we been talking about online? Hear and hear!
Dec 28, 201917:43
EP27 女权在中国 Feminism in China

EP27 女权在中国 Feminism in China

All around the world people have been talking about feminism. So what’s the current situation of feminism in China? Let’s hear and talk. ✨
Dec 06, 201922:47
EP26 网络成语 Idioms of new Internet Era

EP26 网络成语 Idioms of new Internet Era

Modern Chinese idioms!
Oct 30, 201912:36
EP25 Movie丨听说 Hear me

EP25 Movie丨听说 Hear me

Sign language
Oct 07, 201913:54
EP24一周年快乐 Happy One-Year Anniversary

EP24一周年快乐 Happy One-Year Anniversary

Thank you for your support! I’ll keep going!
Sep 12, 201912:19
EP23 青岛TsingTao

EP23 青岛TsingTao

My trip to TsingTao
Sep 01, 201909:20
EP22 鸭都南京 Nanjing, the Duck City

EP22 鸭都南京 Nanjing, the Duck City

❗️Dirty words inside. This episode is about my hometown,Nanjing
Aug 17, 201926:27
EP21 Music丨周杰伦 Jay Chou
Jul 31, 201928:12
EP20 Movie丨海角七号 CapeNo.7

EP20 Movie丨海角七号 CapeNo.7

A movie about the relationship between Taiwan and Japan
Jun 30, 201921:07