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Holistic Wealth With Keisha Blair

Holistic Wealth With Keisha Blair

By Keisha Blair

The Holistic Wealth Podcast with Keisha Blair – is hosted by Keisha Blair, award-winning, bestselling author of HOLISTIC WEALTH: 32 Life Lessons To Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity and Happiness and Founder of the Institute on Holistic Wealth. This weekly podcast features celebrities, influencers, CEO's, and everyday experts. The show will also showcase various experts on the key pillars of holistic wealth such as financial wellness, physical health, emotional wellness, and spiritual health.

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Better Sex Through Mindfulness with Dr. Lori Brotto

Holistic Wealth With Keisha BlairSep 12, 2022

How to Transition from a Toxic Job for a Life of Travel and Remote Work with Becca Siegel of Half Half Travel

How to Transition from a Toxic Job for a Life of Travel and Remote Work with Becca Siegel of Half Half Travel

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “How to Transition from a Toxic Job for a Life of Travel and Remote Work”, with special guest Becca Siegel, co-founder of Half Half Travel. In this episode we explored Becca’s journey from a toxic work environment to a life filled with freedom, adventure, and purpose. Becca shares her story of recognizing the detrimental effects of her corporate job on her well-being, making the courageous decision to pursue remote work, and embracing a lifestyle that has taken her around the world. In this episode Becca also highlights the pitfalls and dangers of news headlines that glamorize the nomadic lifestyle and overnight success. In this episode, we discussed the pitfalls to avoid when transitioning from a toxic job as well as practical tips to avoid common mistakes.

Becca Siegel is a digital content creator who co-founded Half Half Travel with her husband Dan. Together, they share travel destination guides, photography, travel advice and remote work tips with their audiences around the world. She loves sharing her experiences in topics ranging from world travel, remote work, and starting and maintaining a business, her journey in minimalism and personal finance, and becoming a parent. Join us as we delve into Becca's personal experiences, the challenges she faced, and the invaluable lessons she learned along the way. This episode is packed with practical advice for anyone feeling trapped in a job that no longer serves them, and it offers a roadmap for creating a fulfilling life aligned with your passions and values. Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated Book, emphasizes the importance of creating a life that prioritizes purpose, well-being and balance as well as the importance of meaningful experiences and travel.

Resources Used In This Episode: Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  •  How to identify the physical and emotional impacts of a toxic job. Becca's personal experiences and red flags that signaled it was time for a change.
  • Practical steps Becca took to transition from a traditional office job to remote work.
  •  Tips for finding remote job opportunities and building a side hustle. Strategies for overcoming the fear of leaving a stable job.
  •  Mindset shifts that helped Becca navigate uncertainty and embrace new opportunities.
  • The joys and freedoms of living a life of travel and remote work. Challenges faced on the road and how Becca manages them.
  • How Becca and her partner created Half Half Travel and grew their online presence. The importance of community and networking in a remote work lifestyle.
  • Practical advice for those looking to start their own journey towards remote work and travel.
  • Becca’s Personal Financial Identity and how it helped her in building a life of travel (Based on Keisha Blair’s Personal Financial Identity Framework).
May 27, 202428:37
Tips for Sinus Complication Relief

Tips for Sinus Complication Relief

In this special wellness series with special guest Dr. Ken Redcross on the Holistic Wealth podcast, our topic is “Tips for Sinus Complication Relief”. Approximately 37 million Americans have sinusitis at least once each year. In Canada 3.5 million adults suffer from acute rhinosinusitis annually.Studies that have compared chronic sinusitis to other chronic conditions such as asthma, back pain congestive heart failure, and arthritis have demonstrated that chronic sinusitis has a more severe impact on quality of life than the other conditions. It is also one of the leading causes of absenteeism from work and expenditures for medications.Whether you’re battling seasonal allergies, sinusitis, or other sinus-related issues, understanding holistic approaches to relief can significantly impact your quality of life. Join us as we explore natural remedies, lifestyle adjustments and mindfulness practices to help you find relief and achieve holistic wellness. 

Our special guest, Dr. Ken Redcross is the author of “Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor,” and founder of a unique concierge service providing patient-first treatment through Strategic Health Services. As one of the first full-service concierge, personalized medical practices in the United States, Dr. Redcross’ patient portfolio includes executives, athletes, and entertainers, as well as individuals from all walks and stages of life. Dr. Redcross frequently shares his expertise in managing everyday health challenges embracing both natural and alternative methods of healing.

Subscribe and tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast. Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book, also offers a comprehensive framework for achieving well-being in all aspects of life, including health and wellness. 

Resources Used In This Episode:

 Dr. Ken Redcross’ Sinus Complication Relief Tips

  1. Drink plenty of water. Hydrating can help thin the mucus in your cavities and decrease the pressure in your sinuses. You can also try drinking warm liquids if you are experiencing discomfort in your throat. 
  2. Try using steam. Try taking a hot shower so the steam can thin out the mucus in your passageways and reduce inflammation. 
  3. Use warm facial packs. You can soak a towel in warm water and place it on your nose or forehead to find comfort from the pain and relieve inflammation. 
  4. Control allergies. When exposed to allergens your body increases mucus .....
May 13, 202414:26
Wellness Tips to Help Prevent or Relieve Seasonal Allergies with Dr. Ken Redcross – Holistic Wealth Podcast Wellness Series

Wellness Tips to Help Prevent or Relieve Seasonal Allergies with Dr. Ken Redcross – Holistic Wealth Podcast Wellness Series

In this special wellness series with special guest Dr. Ken Redcross on the Holistic Wealth podcast, our topic is “Wellness Tips to Help Prevent or Relieve Seasonal Allergies”. More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year, and one in every four Canadians suffer from seasonal allergies. That’s a lot of people who are feeling miserable! But you don’t have to be one of them. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, we’re sharing a few simple tips to help you remain sniffle-free the next time allergies strike. In this episode we explore lifestyle adjustments as well as natural remedies that can alleviate symptoms and enhance overall well-being. Seasonal allergies impacts our holistic wealth by influencing our physical health, mental well-being and overall quality of life. 

Our special guest, Dr. Ken Redcross is the author of “Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor,” and founder of a unique concierge service providing patient-first treatment through Strategic Health Services. As one of the first full-service concierge, personalized medical practices in the United States, Dr. Redcross’ patient portfolio includes executives, athletes, and entertainers, as well as individuals from all walks and stages of life. Dr. Redcross frequently shares his expertise in managing everyday health challenges embracing both natural and alternative methods of healing.

Subscribe and tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast. Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book, also offers a comprehensive framework for achieving well-being in all aspects of life, including health and wellness. 

Resources Used In This Episode:

Dr. Redcross’ Wellness Tips to Help Prevent or Relieve Seasonal Allergies

  1. Clean Regularly. Many allergens are in your home so be sure to clean your carpets, rugs, floors and curtains regularly. A HEPA vacuum cleaner can help as it has a special filter to trap very fine dust and allergen particles.
  2. Reduce Clutter. There could be places in your home where dust, pet dander and other things are collecting. Reducing the unnecessary items can lessen the amount of hard-to-reach places dust can collect. 
  3. Wash your sheets and liners. Wash your linens weekly with hot water to keep down pet dander and dust mites. 
  4. Use air and window filters. This extra layer of protection can screen out dust and pollen. 
  5. Reduce mold. Clean your shower curtains, trash cans, and damp areas with a mix of water and chlorine bleach.
May 06, 202415:26
7 Practical Ways to Overcome Anger – Holistic Wealth Podcast with Keisha Blair

7 Practical Ways to Overcome Anger – Holistic Wealth Podcast with Keisha Blair

In this special episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “7 Practical Ways to Overcome Anger”. We’re rounding out this month long celebration of Global Holistic Wealth Day and Global Holistic Wealth Week 2024 throughout the entire month of April, it's fitting to delve into a topic that resonates deeply with our journey toward holistic wealth: overcoming anger. In a world often marred by negativity and strife, mastering our emotions is paramount to achieving inner peace and true prosperity. April, a month marked by transitions and rejuvenation, symbolizes the perfect opportunity to reflect on the significance of addressing anger in our lives. With the chaos and challenges prevalent in today's world, from social unrest to high inflation and a cost-of-living crisis, environmental concerns, the need to cultivate emotional resilience is more crucial than ever. It's imperative to recognize that true abundance encompasses not only material prosperity but also mental and emotional well-being. Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book, has several chapters to help you master the art of recovery from disruption including dealing with negative emotions. The Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook is also a great resource. Subscribe and tune into this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast. 

What is anger?

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that usually arises in response to a perceived threat, insult, or injustice. Recognizing the gap between expectations and experiences (current situation) can help manage anger. This gap often triggers frustration when reality doesn’t meet our hopes and desires. It is crucial to recognize that the root cause of anger is internal rather than external. Often anger stems from unprocessed emotions from childhood leading to adult emotions that are disproportionate or inappropriate to the situation.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anger: 

Healthy Anger: Motivates action against injustices such as poverty, and inequality. 

Unhealthy Anger: Manifests through destructive outbursts or suppression, causing personal stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems including high blood pressure. 

Resources Used In This Episode:

Apr 29, 202427:50
Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024 Massive Success: Going Viral Around the World (Let the Celebration Continue)

Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024 Massive Success: Going Viral Around the World (Let the Celebration Continue)

Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024 and Global Holistic Wealth Week were hugely successful, going viral in some parts of the world. In this special episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024 Massive Success: Going Viral Around the World (Let the Celebration Continue)”. As we continue celebrating Global Holistic Wealth Day and Global Holistic Wealth Week 2024 throughout the entire month of April, let us embrace the profound interconnectedness of our lives while recognizing the abundance available in every moment. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, we recap Global Holistic Wealth Day and highlight some special ways that schools, educational institutions, companies (including Fortune 500 companies), non-profits, organizations and communities can continue to celebrate and prioritize Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024 and prioritizing overall Holistic Wealth. The global holistic wealth movement has touched the lives of over 50 million people globally – a testament of the impact of the global holistic wealth movement. Global Holistic Wealth Day went viral in some countries including India, the UK, Canada and several other countries and was celebrated in over 80 countries in 2024. Join us as we explore the successes and impact of this movement across different corners of the world.

 Resources Used In This Episode:

 Transformative Impact on Businesses and Organizations:

Employee Well-being Initiatives: Companies worldwide are recognizing the importance of prioritizing employee well-being as part of their holistic wealth strategy. By offering wellness programs, flexible work arrangements, and mental health support services, organizations have seen a significant increase in employee morale, productivity, and retention rates. Employees feel valued and supported, leading to a positive work culture and better overall performance.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs:
Businesses are incorporating holistic wealth principles into their CSR initiatives by investing in community development projects, environmental conservation efforts, and social justice causes. These initiatives not only contribute to the greater good but also enhance the company's reputation and brand loyalty among consumers who prioritize ethical and sustainable practices. The Holistic Wealth Development Index developed by Keisha Blair in the Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated Book, provides a framework for organizations and companies to apply a Holistic Wealth lens to their policies and practices

Incorporating Holistic Wealth into Culture and Operations:
Leadership Buy-In and Commitment: Leaders play a crucial role in driving holistic wealth initiatives within organizations....

Apr 15, 202427:29
Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024: A Celebration of the Global Holistic Wealth Movement with Founder, Keisha Blair

Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024: A Celebration of the Global Holistic Wealth Movement with Founder, Keisha Blair

Happy Global Holistic Wealth Day! In this special episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024: A Celebration of the Global Holistic Wealth Movement”. As we celebrate Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024, let us embrace the profound interconnectedness of our lives while recognizing the abundance available in each and every moment. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, we explore Global Holistic Wealth Day and highlight some special ways that people are celebrating Global Holistic Wealth Day 2024 and prioritizing their overall Holistic Wealth, including a Global Holistic Wealth Day Workshop in taking place in Vancouver today led by our Canadian Global Holistic Wealth Day Ambassador, Paige Brettle, and other experts including celebrity trainer Paul Vincent (Star Wars, Black Panther and Mission Impossible), sharing his thoughts about Global Holistic Wealth Day. The global holistic wealth movement has touched the lives of over 50 million people globally – a testament of the impact of the global holistic wealth movement. 

 Resources Used In This Episode:

 On Global Holistic Wealth Day on April 9th, it's also crucial to shine a light on the often-hidden threats to our collective holistic wealth. In 2024, despite the growing awareness and emphasis on holistic wealth, several hidden threats continue to pose challenges to our overall well-being. Here are some of the hidden threats to holistic wealth in 2024:

 Digital Overload: The pervasive influence of technology and digital devices can lead to information overload, constant distraction, and a disconnect from real-world experiences. Excessive screen time can negatively impact mental health, hinder authentic human connections, and erode our ability to be present in the moment.

 Work-Life Imbalance: The blurring of boundaries between work and personal life, exacerbated by remote work arrangements and always-on connectivity, can lead to burnout and diminished overall well-being. Striking a healthy balance between professional responsibilities and personal pursuits is essential for holistic wealth.

 Financial Stress: Despite efforts to redefine prosperity beyond financial metrics, economic insecurity and financial stress remain significant concerns for many individuals. Rising living costs, debt burdens, and economic uncertainty can take a toll on mental and emotional health, affecting our overall sense of well-being.

 Environmental Degradation: The ongoing environmental crisis, including climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction, threatens not only the health of our planet but also our holistic wealth. Environmental degradation can undermine our physical well-being, disrupt communities, and erode the natural resources essential for sustainable living.

Apr 09, 202419:08
Global Holistic Wealth Week Kickoff: A Journey to Abundance In All Forms with Founder, Keisha Blair

Global Holistic Wealth Week Kickoff: A Journey to Abundance In All Forms with Founder, Keisha Blair

It’s Global Holistic Wealth week! In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “Global Holistic Wealth Week Kickoff: A Journey to Abundance in All Forms”. As we begin this week-long celebration of holistic wealth, let's take a moment to reflect on what it truly means to live abundantly. It's about more than just financial prosperity; it's about nurturing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It's about finding balance and fulfillment in every area of our lives.

 So, how can we make the most of Global Holistic Wealth Week? Each day presents an opportunity for us to focus on different aspects of our holistic well-being and take actionable steps toward greater abundance. Here's a breakdown of our daily call to action:

 As we approach Global Holistic Wealth Day on April 9th, it's crucial to shine a light on the often-hidden threats to our financial well-being: overspending and mindless spending. 

 Resources Used In This Episode:

 So, how can we make the most of Global Holistic Wealth Week? Each day presents an opportunity for us to focus on different aspects of our holistic well-being and take actionable steps toward greater abundance. Here's a breakdown of our daily call to action:

 Day 1: Mindful Monday

Start the week with intention by practicing mindfulness. Dedicate time to quiet reflection, meditation, or yoga to center yourself and set positive intentions for the days ahead.

Day 2: Transformation Tuesday – Global Holistic Wealth Day

On Global Holistic Wealth Day, identify one area of your life where you'd like to see growth or improvement. Whether it's personal or professional development, take proactive steps to initiate positive change and transformation.

Day 3: Wellness Wednesday

Prioritize your physical health by nourishing your body with nutritious foods, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise. Consider trying a new fitness class or cooking a healthy meal from scratch.

 Day 4: Gratitude Thursday

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by reflecting on the blessings in your life. Take time to express appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

 Day 5: Financial Freedom Friday

Take charge of your financial well-being by reviewing your budget, setting savings goals, or exploring new opportunities for generating income. 

 Day 6: Soulful Saturday

Nurture your spiritual side by engaging in activities that bring you peace and connection. Whether it's spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, or attending a religious service, find ways to feed your soul.

Apr 08, 202415:19
How To Get Over Yourself: Lead and Delegate Effectively for Success with Dave Kerpen

How To Get Over Yourself: Lead and Delegate Effectively for Success with Dave Kerpen

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “How To Get Over Yourself: Lead and Delegate Effectively for Success” with special guest, Dave Kerpen. With the rise of remote work, the gig economy, AI, and social media, the boundaries between work and home are dissolving, leaving workplace leaders with less time for themselves than ever before.

Dave Kerpen’s new book “Get Over Yourself: How to Lead and Delegate Effectively for More Time, More Freedom, and More Success” presents time tested strategies to growing a successful business and leading a team—without sacrificing your personal life.

 Dave Kerpen is a serial entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and global keynote speaker. He is the cofounder and co-CEO of Apprentice, a platform connecting entrepreneurs with top college students, and is the author of several bestselling books, including The Art of PeopleLikeable Social Media, and Likeable Business. Dave Kerpen is the executive chairman of The Nursing Beat and the cofounder and CEO of Remembering Live.

 As we approach Global Holistic Wealth Day on April 9th, it's crucial to shine a light on the importance of work-life balance and how we can incorporate holistic wealth principles at work for more effective teamwork and organizations. Subscribe and tune in to listen to this episode.

Resources Used In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom

Get Over Yourself: How to Lead and Delegate Effectively for More Time, More Freedom, and More Success

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • How to embrace delegation as a strategy for long-term growth and success.
  • How to avoid common challenges faced by small business owners and corporate leaders.
  • Tips on choosing the right people for your team and encourage a workplace of trust and autonomy.
  • How to create a healthy, sustainable work-life balance in today's dynamic work environment.
  • How to fundraise and build a business that serves your life, not a life that serves your business.

Global Holistic Wealth Day

Global Holistic Wealth Day celebrated every year on April 9th is a time to reflect on what it means to be truly ‘wealthy’ and how we can embody the transformational power of living with purpose, collecting experiences, engaging in meaningful work, cultivating your health and well-being, and creating emotional and spiritual connections with others, all while continuously working to build financial stability. As we observe Global Holistic Wealth Day, it's essential to reflect on work-life balance and how we empower ourselves to live, healthy, balanced lives.

Mar 25, 202417:24
How To Avoid Common Spring Spending Traps: A Holistic Wealth Approach

How To Avoid Common Spring Spending Traps: A Holistic Wealth Approach

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “How To Avoid Common Spring Spending Traps: A Holistic Wealth Approach”. As the season changes and spring emerges, so do opportunities for renewed spending habits. The allure of warmer weather, outdoor activities, and seasonal sales can often lead us astray from our financial goals. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, we explore how to navigate these common spring spending traps with a focus on personal financial identity, mindful spending, and spiritual self-renewal and how it impacts overall Holistic Wealth. As we approach Global Holistic Wealth Day on April 9th, it's crucial to shine a light on the often-hidden threats to our financial well-being: overspending and mindless spending. In this episode, we'll delve into why embracing your Personal Financial Identity is also key to financial authenticity and genuinely and helps to educate those around you about your financial values and goals.


Resources Used In This Episode:


Why Advertisers Rely on Mindlessness

Advertisers often rely on a state of mindlessness to encourage spending. They use persuasive tactics to appeal to our emotions and impulses, leading us to make purchases without fully considering their long-term impact on our finances.

Money Trauma and Unplanned Spending

Money trauma, such as feelings of guilt or shame related to money, can lead to unplanned spending as a way to cope with these emotions. By addressing and healing from money trauma, you can avoid the cycle of emotional spending and make more conscious financial decisions.

The Importance of Spiritual Self-Renewal

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, making it the perfect opportunity to focus on your spiritual well-being. By engaging in practices such as meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and self-reflection, you can renew your sense of purpose and keep your financial goals in focus.


The Value of Personal Financial Identity Framework

Your personal financial identity is a crucial aspect of your overall well-being. It encompasses your beliefs, values, and behaviors related to money. By understanding and embracing your financial identity, you can make more informed decisions about how you spend and save during the spring season. Furthermore, the framework emphasizes the importance of financial literacy and education, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to recognize warning signs and protect their holistic wealth. In a world where financial vulnerabilities are often exploited, the Personal Financial Identity Framework enables empowerment and resilience. There’s an entire chapter on the Personal Financial Identity framework in the Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book. The free Personal Financial Identity quiz is available on the Institute on Holistic Wealth website.


The Role of Budgeting and Mindful Spending

Budgeting is a powerful tool for managing your finances, especially during times of increased spending temptation. By creating a budget that aligns with your financial goals and values, you can avoid overspending and stay on track towards holistic wealth.

Mindful spending goes hand in hand with budgeting. It involves being present and intentional with your purchases, rather than succumbing to impulse buying. By practicing mindful spending, you can make purchases that truly align with your values and bring you lasting satisfaction.

Mar 11, 202427:50
Financial Infidelity vs Financial Abuse Plus a Florida Woman Lost Everything to Her Husband's Betrayal

Financial Infidelity vs Financial Abuse Plus a Florida Woman Lost Everything to Her Husband's Betrayal

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “Financial Infidelity vs Financial Abuse Plus a Florida Woman Lost Everything to Her Husband's Betrayal”. In this episode, we explore the concept of "Financial Infidelity vs Financial Abuse", their warning signs and how they impact Holistic Wealth. As we approach Global Holistic Wealth Day on April 9th, it's crucial to shine a light on the often-hidden threats to our financial well-being: financial infidelity and financial abuse. We'll also delve into the cautionary tale of a Florida woman who tragically lost everything due to her husband's financial infidelity. In this episode, we'll delve into why embracing your Personal Financial Identity is also key to financial authenticity and genuinely and helps to educate those around you about your financial values and goals.

Defining Financial Infidelity:

Financial infidelity refers to the act of hiding financial matters from a partner, such as secret accounts, undisclosed debts, or covert spending. Hiding assets, investments, even side hustles, and various forms of income also fall under financial infidelity.

Defining Financial Abuse:

Financial abuse involves controlling or manipulating a partner's finances to gain power and control in the relationship. This can include restricting access to money, stealing funds, or coercing financial decisions.

Differences and Warning Signs:

While both financial infidelity and financial abuse involve deception, they differ in intent and impact. Financial infidelity often stems from individual issues, such as shame or a desire for autonomy. Warning signs include unexplained expenses, secretive behavior, or reluctance to discuss finances. In contrast, financial abuse is characterized by a pattern of control and manipulation, with warning signs including restrictions on financial autonomy, coercion, and threats.

 Resources Used In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom

Certified Holistic Wealth Consultant Program

Trauma of Money Certification program

Holistic Healing Certification program

The Value of Personal Financial Identity Framework and Financial Infidelity/Financial Abuse:

The Personal Financial Identity Framework is invaluable in safeguarding individuals against the detrimental effects of financial infidelity and financial abuse. By fostering open communication and transparency in financial matters, the framework helps build trust and mutual respect in relationships. It empowers individuals to assert their financial independence and make informed decisions, reducing the risk of financial manipulation or coercion. Furthermore, the framework emphasizes the importance of financial literacy and education, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to recognize warning signs and protect their holistic wealth. In a world where financial vulnerabilities are often exploited, the Personal Financial Identity Framework enables empowerment and resilience. There’s an entire chapter on the Personal Financial Identity framework in the Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book.

The free Personal Financial Identity quiz is available on the Institute on Holistic Wealth website.

 What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • The definitions of financial infidelity and financial abuse
  • How financial infidelity and financial abuse differ in intent and impact
  • Warning signs of financial infidelity and financial abuse
  • The case study of a Florida woman who lost everything due to financial infidelity
  • The impact of financial infidelity and financial abuse on holistic wealth
  • The importance of Global Holistic Wealth Day in raising awareness of financial issues
  • The role of the Financial Identity Framework in preventing financial abuse and infidelity
  • How you can foster financial transparency and authenticity in your relationships...
Feb 26, 202424:58
Holistic Wealth: A Deep Dive into Loud Budgeting with 50 Practical Examples

Holistic Wealth: A Deep Dive into Loud Budgeting with 50 Practical Examples

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “Holistic Wealth: A Deep Dive into Loud Budgeting with 50 Practical Examples”. In this episode, we explore the concept of "Loud Budgeting" and its profound connections to the framework of Holistic Wealth. In this episode, we'll delve into why embracing your Personal Financial Identity is also key to practicing loud budgeting authentically and genuinely and helps to educate those around you about your financial values and goals.

Defining Loud Budgeting:

Loud budgeting aligns with the principles of Holistic Wealth laid out by Keisha Blair and is very much aligned with the “Art of Recovery from Disruption”. Loud Budgeting goes beyond the traditional confines of traditional budgeting. It's a dynamic approach that not only allows you to vocalize your constraints around spending, it also helps you to track expenses but also aligns with your core values and beliefs. Loud budgeting is a TikTok trend writer and comedian Lukas Battles started. He explained that loud budgeting is a “way to say no when friends, and family, invite (or pressure) you to spend money you don’t want to”.

The loud budgeting movement is about financial authenticity and financial transparency. Loud budgeting empowers you to say, “No thanks, that’s not aligned with my current goals.” Loud budgeting helps you to enforce and vocalize your boundaries when it comes to managing your money. This podcast episode serves as a guide, providing 50 practical examples to help keep you accountable to your budget with resonance and purpose.

Resources Used In This Episode: Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom Certified Holistic Wealth Consultant Program Trauma of Money Certification program Holistic Healing Certification program

The Value of Personal Financial Identity Framework and Loud Budgeting:

The Personal Financial Identity Framework gives you the tools to budget out loud. Embracing your personal financial identity is invaluable for communicating your money goals and values authentically. This self-awareness not only enhances your financial decision-making but also serves as a guide for others to comprehend your money values. There’s an entire chapter on the Personal Financial Identity framework in the Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book. The free Personal Financial Identity quiz is available on the Institute on Holistic Wealth website.

Feb 12, 202433:28
 Mastering Holistic Wealth: Insights from Global Holistic Wealth Day Ambassador Paige Brettle, Institute on Holistic Wealth Rising Star

Mastering Holistic Wealth: Insights from Global Holistic Wealth Day Ambassador Paige Brettle, Institute on Holistic Wealth Rising Star

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, on “Mastering Holistic Wealth” our special guest is Certified Holistic Wealth Consultant and Global Holistic Wealth Day Canada Ambassador, Paige Brettle. Paige Brettle is on track to becoming a Master Consultant with the Institute on Holistic Wealth, having completed three certification programs with the Institute including the Certified Holistic Wealth Consultant Program, the Trauma of Money Certification program, and the Holistic Healing Certification program. As a Global Holistic Wealth Day Ambassador for Canada, Paige outlines how Keisha Blair’s Holistic Wealth books have transformed her journey as a financial advisor working in the field with women and finances.

In this interview, Paige outlines how the certification programs designed by Keisha Blair, Mother of Holistic Wealth, founder of Global Holistic Wealth Day, and founder of the Global Holistic Wealth movement, have impacted her career journey and her life in general. To date, the Institute on Holistic Wealth has launched ten 10 certification programs related to Holistic Wealth and Holistic Living that allow learners to apply them in their careers and businesses for ongoing growth and transformation. Paige’s journey highlights the successes of the Institute on Holistic Wealth and the profound impact of Keisha Blair’s pioneering work in the field.

In Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book, the issues of income inequality, high debt, and high levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout are heavily discussed. Tune in to listen to this amazing episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with special guest Paige Brettle.

Resources Used In This Episode: Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom Certified Holistic Wealth Consultant Program Trauma of Money Certification program Holistic Healing Certification program

Feb 05, 202429:07
The Way We Live in The United States Is Not Normal (Why We Are Buying Land in Italy), With Former CNN Political Analyst, Kirsten Powers

The Way We Live in The United States Is Not Normal (Why We Are Buying Land in Italy), With Former CNN Political Analyst, Kirsten Powers

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our special guest is former CNN Senior Political Analyst, Kirsten Powers. In this interview, Kirsten discussed her popular essay “The Way We Live in The United States Is Not Normal (Why We Are Buying Land in Italy)”. In her essay, Kirsten outlines that “something is deeply wrong with the United States, and I don’t want to live here anymore”. Kirsten outlines several moments of clarity that something was off in the country of her birth, including a moment on a flight home where she sat next to a Danish woman. In her essay, Kirsten states:

“Another clarifying moment occurred on a flight home from the 2016 New Hampshire primary. I was seated next to a Danish woman, a former mayor who was part of an international contingent observing American democracy in action.

People in Denmark are often ranked the happiest in the world. I asked her if this was true. She said she didn't know if they were the happiest, but that they were happy. She ascribed this to the fact that their basic needs were met. Nobody worried about running out of money for retirement or whether they could attend college or afford health care. Because education was free and life was affordable, people chose careers based on their passions rather than on earning potential. Yes, they paid 50% in taxes but didn't worry about having what they needed. Nobody graduated from college, saddled with the debt of a small nation”.

Capitalism Has Gone Off The Rails

Kirsten’s essay also points to hyper-capitalism that now exists with an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor:

“When I was growing up, the United States was a capitalistic country, but there were guardrails. They were not necessarily explicit, but they were understood to exist. Those guardrails are gone. Call it hyper-capitalism or late-stage capitalism, or whatever you want: there is no longer even the slightest sense of decency.

Now there is no shame in making 800 million times more than your average worker at your company, who you would lay off in a heartbeat if it were to your financial benefit—in fact, these people are often glorified as the epitome of the American Dream”.

“Meanwhile, the rest of America is drowning in credit card debt and running their bodies into the ground, chasing success and stability. Because everything is so expensive and our hyper-capitalist culture tells you your value and happiness are derived from your level of career accomplishment and acquisition of material goods, it starts to almost make sense that people would work so hard to achieve this identity for themselves”.

“The more we acquire, the more we achieve, the less happy we are. Only now, you also have the problem of cratering mental health and often some sort of chronic illness. We are not designed to live this way, and our bodies are here to remind us of this fact”.

In Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book, the issues of income inequality, high debt and high levels of stress, anxiety and burnout are heavily discussed. Kirsten’s substack essay illuminates the fact that holistic wealth is so critical – and that we need holistically wealthy societies. Tune in to listen to this amazing episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with special guest Kirsten Powers.

Resources Used In This Episode (Get a Copy of Both Books): Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom Saving Grace: Speak Your Truth, Stay Centered, and Learn to Coexist with People Who Drive You Nuts

Jan 22, 202432:25
Better Sex During Perimenopause with Dr. Lori Brotto (From The Pleasure Principle Series on NetFlix)

Better Sex During Perimenopause with Dr. Lori Brotto (From The Pleasure Principle Series on NetFlix)

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our very special guest is Dr. Lori Brotto. Dr. Brotto shares advice and tips on how to have better sex during perimenopause. Sexual health and well-being are part of our overall physical, mental and emotional health and is therefore important to overall holistic wealth. As a matter of fact, there are very practical ways of integrating your sex and relationship goals as part of your overall holistic wealth. Navigating perimenopause is a transformative journey that transcends the physiological changes experienced by women; it significantly influences the holistic wealth of individuals.

Holistic Wealth extends beyond mere financial prosperity, encompassing emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Perimenopause, often accompanied by a myriad of physical symptoms and emotional shifts, demands a holistic approach to navigate its complexities. Addressing the challenges of perimenopause requires more than just medical interventions; it necessitates a deep understanding of how hormonal fluctuations impact overall well-being. By embracing holistic wealth practices, individuals can navigate this transitional phase with resilience, focusing on mental and emotional health, nurturing physical vitality, and fostering fulfilling connections. Recognizing the interconnectedness of hormonal health and holistic wealth underscores the importance of a comprehensive, well-rounded approach to well-being, empowering individuals to thrive holistically during this significant life transition.

Dr. Lori Brotto is a Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health. She is also the Executive Director for the Women’s Health Research Institute—one of only three institutes in Canada devoted to advancing research in women’s health and maintains an active practice as a Registered Psychologist. Dr. Brotto was recently featured in the Netflix series The Principles of Pleasure and is the author of Better Sex through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire and the forthcoming The Better Sex through Mindfulness Workbook: A Guide to Cultivating Desire.

Through her numerous treatment studies, Dr. Brotto has taught women how to practice the present moment, and non-judgmental awareness to cultivate desire and sexual satisfaction. Mindfulness meditation trains the brain to stay in the here and now, and not get trapped in the allure of distractions and negative self-judgement. Skills such as mindfulness teach the brain to connect more completely with the body, allowing the practitioner to experience all of the sensations of sex.

In this podcast episode, we will discuss several reasons for sexual problems during perimenopause such as fatigue, stress, hormonal changes, multi-tasking and previous trauma as well as long-standing myths about sexuality. We will walk you through effective strategies to make your sexual health an important part of your overall holistic wealth.

In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair

Better Sex through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire By Dr. Lori Brotto

Jan 15, 202421:06
PERIMENOPAUSE: Signs and Symptoms and Sexual Intimacy with Dr. Lori Brotto

PERIMENOPAUSE: Signs and Symptoms and Sexual Intimacy with Dr. Lori Brotto

In this exciting two-part series of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our very special guest is Dr. Lori Brotto. Dr. Brotto shares advice and tips on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of perimenopause and revitalize sexual intimacy. Sexual health and well-being are part of our overall physical, mental and emotional health and is therefore important to overall holistic wealth. Dr. Brotto, the Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health, provides strategies to revitalize intimacy during perimenopause, so you can reclaim and redefine your connection with your body and your partner, fostering a holistic sense of well-being. Join us as we delve into the often overlooked and misunderstood phase of perimenopause, where Dr. Brotto sheds light on the signs and symptoms, including crucial insights into hormonal changes like estrogen fluctuations. This enlightening conversation will empower you with knowledge, helping you navigate this transitional period with grace and understanding.

Dr. Lori Brotto is a Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health. She is also the Executive Director for the Women’s Health Research Institute—one of only three institutes in Canada devoted to advancing research in women’s health and maintains an active practice as a Registered Psychologist. Dr. Brotto was recently featured in the Netflix series The Principles of Pleasure and is the author of Better Sex through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire and the forthcoming The Better Sex through Mindfulness Workbook: A Guide to Cultivating Desire.

Through her numerous treatment studies, Dr. Brotto has taught women how to practice the present moment, and non-judgmental awareness to cultivate desire and sexual satisfaction. Mindfulness meditation trains the brain to stay in the here and now, and not get trapped in the allure of distractions and negative self-judgement. Skills such as mindfulness teach the brain to connect more completely with the body, allowing the practitioner to experience all of the sensations of sex.

In this podcast episode, we will discuss several reasons for sexual problems during menopause such as stress, multi-tasking and previous trauma as well as long-standing myths about sexuality such as sexual desire should be spontaneous. walk you through effective strategies to make your sexual health an important part of your overall holistic wealth. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair Better Sex through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire By Dr. Lori Brotto

Jan 08, 202419:58
How To Opt into Holistic Wealth in 2024 with Keisha Blair, Mother of Holistic Wealth

How To Opt into Holistic Wealth in 2024 with Keisha Blair, Mother of Holistic Wealth

Welcome to the very first episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast of 2024, with your host and The Mother of Holistic Wealth, Keisha Blair. As we step into the new year, it's the perfect time to explore actionable strategies for opting into holistic wealth in 2024. Join us for invaluable tips to optimize your well-being, finances, and overall life satisfaction. In 2023, many people suffered the loss of loved ones, experienced grief and tragedy, and many others suffered from chronic illnesses or the breakdown of a relationship. With rising inflation in 2023, many people also suffered from financial hardships. Whatever your "white plastic bag moment", (i.e. a moment of significant setback in life), this episode provides tips and strategies to bounce back and build Resilience by opting into Holistic Wealth in 2024. 

  What are "White Plastic Bag Moments"? 

 Keisha Blair coined the term 'White plastic bag moments' in a profoundly moving context that resonates with the depths of life's unpredictability. In her viral article, she vividly recounts the heart-wrenching experience of losing her husband just three hours after entering a hospital. Three hours later she walked out of the hospital gripped by grief and holding a white plastic bag that the nurses gave her, containing his belongings, she emerged into a world forever altered. This pivotal moment, occurring only eight weeks after the birth of her second child became the catalyst for Blair's concept. 'White plastic bag moments' encapsulate those transformative instances when life, abruptly and irreversibly, takes an unexpected turn, leaving individuals grappling with the profound realization that their existence will never be the same again. 

 Resources In this Episode:

 Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover from Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom by Keisha Blair 

Jan 01, 202425:07
Navigating Cold and Flu Season with Dr. Ken Redcross: A Holistic Wealth Podcast Special

Navigating Cold and Flu Season with Dr. Ken Redcross: A Holistic Wealth Podcast Special

In this special two-part series of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our special guest is Dr. Ken Redcross and we are sharing tips and strategies to navigate cold and flu season. In Part 1 of this two-part series, we focussed on adults, and specifically people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and those undergoing cancer treatment during cold and flu season. In Part 2 – we are focussing on kids – and how families and parents can protect their kids during cold and flu season. Children’s hospitals across North America have reported significant surges in patients, which led many to cancel major surgeries to redeploy staff to help in overcrowded emergency departments and intensive care units. The situation is exacerbated by low and sometimes non-existent supplies of children’s pain and fever medications.

In this episode, Dr. Redcross also outlined that there are more than 50 different species of cockroaches and in urban areas like New York City many urban dwellings have homes with cockroaches and they can also cause respiratory illnesses. Cockroach droppings, saliva, and decomposing bodies have proteins that can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. On inhalation, the proteins from the cockroaches can inflame and constrict the airways, leading to wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Tune into Part 2 of this transformative special featuring Dr. Ken Redcross, where we delve into essential strategies and tips to not only prepare but thrive through the upcoming cold and flu season. Dr. Ken Redcross is the author of “Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor,” and founder of a unique concierge service providing patient-first treatment through Strategic Health Services. As one of the first full-service concierge, personalized medical practices in the United States, Dr. Redcross’ patient portfolio includes executives, athletes, and entertainers, as well as individuals from all walks and stages of life. Dr. Redcross completed his medical training at the prestigious Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. He then transitioned to the renowned Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, where he received the Man of Valor Award from the NAACP Youth Council for excellence in medicine. In the face of an anticipated "syndemic" this winter, the importance of preparation and holistic health precautions takes center stage.

What You Will Learn:

Understanding the Intersection of Cold and Flu:

· Dr. Redcross sheds light on the intersection of the flu, colds, and other health challenges. This episode provides a comprehensive guide to navigating these interconnected health threats, ensuring you are well-prepared for the winter ahead.

Strategies for Preparation and Thriving:

1. Immune-Boosting Nutrition:

· Dr. Redcross explores the crucial role of nutrition in supporting the immune system. Learn about foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can fortify your body's defences against winter ailments.

2. Holistic Lifestyle Practices:

· Discover holistic lifestyle practices that contribute to overall well-being. From adequate sleep, reducing inflammation and stress management to regular exercise, these practices are fundamental for resilience during cold and flu season.

3. Homeopathic Remedies:

· Delve into the benefits of homeopathic remedies with Dr. Redcross. Learn about natural and alternative approaches that can complement traditional medicine, providing additional support for immune health.

Dec 18, 202317:14
Navigating Cold and Flu Season with Dr. Ken Redcross

Navigating Cold and Flu Season with Dr. Ken Redcross

In this special two-part series of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, Dr. Ken Redcross shares valuable insights and strategies to navigate the anticipated "syndemic" winter, marked by a surge in respiratory viruses. The podcast covers:

Understanding the Intersection of Cold and Flu:

  • Dr. Redcross discusses the interconnected health threats of flu, colds, and other challenges, offering a comprehensive guide for winter preparedness.

Strategies for Preparation and Thriving:

  1. Immune-Boosting Nutrition:
  2. Holistic Lifestyle Practices:
  3. Homeopathic Remedies:

Special Focus on Chronic Illness:

  1. Tailored Strategies for Chronic Conditions:
  2. Medical Guidance for Chronic Patients:

Preparation and Precautions for Cold and Flu Season:

  1. Hygiene Practices:
  2. Environmental Considerations:

As the prospect of a syndemic winter looms, the podcast emphasizes the importance of preparation and holistic health measures. Listeners are encouraged to implement these strategies into their daily routines to fortify the immune system and protect overall well-being.
**Resources Mentioned In This Episode:**
- *Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom* by Keisha Blair
- *Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor* by Dr. Ken Redcross
Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor by Dr. Ken Redcross
Featured on the Show: 
· Check out Dr. Ken Redcross’s website: and (for resources mentioned). Follow Dr. Redcross on Instagram @drkenredcross 
· Check out our websites for more information:
· Order the book, Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, also mentioned as a resource in this episode. 
· Visit and subscribe. Check out our FREE financial identity quiz and online courses at the Institute on Holistic Wealth. Check out our signature program, and become a Certified Holistic Wealth Consultant and help people build a life of Holistic Wealth. 
· Order the award-winning, bestselling book Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons To Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity and Happiness, and the Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook.
· Follow Keisha Blair on Instagram and Twitter – and ask me your questions related to holistic wealth!

Dec 11, 202319:39
How To Have a Money Date Night

How To Have a Money Date Night

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on how to have a money date night. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of nurturing our relationship with money. To help you cultivate a healthy financial mindset, the Holistic Wealth Podcast is excited to delve into the concept of "Money Date Nights."

Statistics show that 80% of couples have different money mindsets so it's critical to have ongoing money date nights. Your Personal Financial Identity is a cornerstone of your money date nights and should be integrated throughout. In this episode, I will walk you through effective tips and strategies on how to have a successful and meaningful money date night with your spouse or partner. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose, and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

How To Have A Money Date Night

Setting the Scene:

1. Choose a Cozy Setting: Create a comfortable and inviting space for your money date night. Whether it's a quiet corner of your favorite coffee shop or the coziness of your living room, make sure the environment promotes open and honest conversation.

2. Prepare a Light Meal or Snacks: Keep the atmosphere relaxed by preparing a light meal or snacks. Sharing food can foster a sense of togetherness, making your money discussions more enjoyable.

Money Talks:

3. Reflect on Financial Goals: Begin your money date night by reflecting on your individual and shared financial goals. Discuss short-term objectives, such as saving for a vacation, and long-term goals, like retirement planning.

4. Review Budgets Together: Take a look at your budgets and financial plans. Discuss any necessary adjustments or celebrate achievements. The Holistic Wealth Podcast emphasizes the importance of aligning your spending with your values, and this is the perfect time to ensure your financial choices reflect your priorities.

5. Explore Investment Opportunities: Delve into the world of investments together. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned investor, share your thoughts on potential opportunities and learn from each other's perspectives.

Mindfulness and Connection:

6. Practice Gratitude: Express gratitude for your financial journey, acknowledging the achievements and lessons learned along the way. Gratitude can shift your mindset towards abundance and prosperity.

7. Vision Boarding for Finances: Embrace the power of visualization by creating a financial vision board. Cut out images and words from magazines or printouts that represent your financial goals and aspirations. Display it in your home as a visual reminder of your shared dreams.

Action Steps:

8. Set Actionable Steps: Before concluding your money date night, establish actionable steps to move closer to your financial goals. This could include setting a monthly savings target, exploring new investment opportunities, or creating a debt-repayment plan.

Dec 04, 202327:14
How To Protect Your Family From Online Scams

How To Protect Your Family From Online Scams

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we're discussing the rising trend of online scams, in particular those aimed at teens, including nude photo online scams targeting teenage boys. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, a sextortion scam aimed at boys is causing emotional trauma. Rates of suicide have been increasing in teen boys. If you're a parent, guardian, teacher, social worker, coach, or counselor, you don’t want to miss this episode.

In today's interconnected world, where social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat dominate the digital landscape, it's crucial to be aware of the increasing threat posed by online scams. Unfortunately, one demographic that has become a prime target for these scams is teenage boys. On this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, we delve into the rising tide of online scams, exploring their tactics, and providing valuable insights on how to protect our teenagers from falling victim to these malicious schemes.

The Digital Playground: Instagram and Snapchat

Social media platforms have become an integral part of the lives of teenagers, providing a space for self-expression, connection, and exploration. However, with these benefits come significant risks, especially when it comes to online scams. Instagram and Snapchat, popular among teens, have seen a surge in scams targeting unsuspecting users, with teenage boys being a specific focus. Tune in to listen in to this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Holistic Wealth: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. Best Book of 2023 Award Winner (Self-Help: Motivational Category)

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

Understanding the Scams

• Fake Investment Schemes: Scammers often lure young boys with promises of quick and easy financial gains through fake investment opportunities.

Understanding the red flags and promoting financial literacy is crucial in preventing them from falling into these traps.

• Impersonation and Catfishing: The anonymity of the internet allows scammers to create fake profiles, posing as someone the teen knows or admires. We discuss the signs of impersonation and how to verify online identities to avoid falling for catfishing schemes.

• In-App Purchases and Hidden Costs: Some scams involve enticing users with free trials or in-app purchases that lead to hidden costs. Empowering teens with knowledge about responsible online spending is key to avoiding these financial pitfalls.

Empowering Teenagers and Parents

• Open Communication: Fostering an environment where teens feel comfortable discussing their online experiences and concerns.

• Digital Literacy Education: Integrating digital literacy education into school curricula and at-home conversations to equip teens with the skills to navigate the online world safely.

• Parental Controls: Exploring the use of parental control tools and monitoring apps to help parents stay informed about their teen's online activities.

Taking Holistic Action

• As we explore the rise in online scams targeting teens, our goal is not just to highlight the risks but to empower our audience with knowledge and actionable steps to create a safer online environment for the younger generation. Join us on this eye-opening episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, where we strive to promote holistic well-being in all aspects of life, including the digital realm.

Nov 27, 202325:54


We're thrilled to share that the Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book by Keisha Blair (Forward by Actress Kelly Rutherford) is the WINNER of the Self-Help Motivational category in the Best Book Awards 2023 sponsored by the American Book Fest. We are grateful for the support of thousands of podcast listeners and readers across the globe from over 25 countries including Canada, the US, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Hungary, the UK, the Caribbean, Africa and many more. In this exciting episode, we are also outlining some strategies with lessons from the book (Holistic Wealth) on how to get unstuck in life.

Life's journey can sometimes feel like a complex maze, with obstacles that leave us feeling trapped and unmotivated. Whether it's a dead-end job, a stagnant relationship, or just a sense of unfulfillment, getting unstuck is a universal desire. Today, we're exploring actionable strategies to help you break through those barriers and reignite the spark within. In this episode, important concepts were highlighted including “mind mapping” and how it impacts getting unstuck in life and building our overall resilience. As the Holistic Wealth Podcast continues to provide valuable insights into holistic well-being, the episode serves as a reminder of the power of the art of recovery from disruption. Keisha Blair's holistic wealth philosophy practices come together to guide individuals toward a life filled with balance, purpose, and the strength to overcome life's challenges. Tune in to listen in to this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom by Keisha Blair. WINNER OF THE BEST BOOK AWARD 2023

Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook by Keisha Blair

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:           

  • Explanation of common reasons people feel stuck in life.
  • Insights into the significance of self-awareness in identifying and understanding the root causes.
  • Exploration of the power of “mind mapping” and goal-setting in overcoming obstacles. 
  • Tips on how to break down larger goals into manageable tasks.
  • Strategies for embracing change even when it feels uncomfortable.
  • Practical advice on how to reach out for support when feeling stuck.
  • Overview of holistic living principles and their role in overcoming stagnation.

Other Related & Helpful Episodes of the Holistic Wealth Podcast

Gratitude and Overcoming Life-Altering Setbacks with Kelly Rutherford

How to Live a Purposeful Life with Kute Blackson

Keys To Unlocking Your True Potential in Life with Keisha Blair

Unleashing the Power of Intuition with Keisha Blair

The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold

Nov 14, 202320:02
The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold

The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold

Life is a series of ebbs and flows, filled with unexpected twists and turns. It's a journey that often demands resilience and adaptability to navigate successfully. The Holistic Wealth Framework (developed by Keisha Blair) has long emphasized the importance of finding emotional, spiritual, and financial well-being even in the face of adversity and is referred to as the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our special guest is Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal. Dr. Taryn Marie is the Founder and Chief Resilience Officer of Resilience Leadership Institute. Her mission is to positively impact the lives of 1 billion people, by enhancing hope, healing, and health as well as increased consciousness and enhanced leadership through the practices of resilience. She also serves as Chief Product Officer and Chief Happiness Officer for Wicked Happy, a global aspirational apparel brand that promotes positivity and possibility through inspirational messages.


Her book entitled The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold is a #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller. Global Gurus have recognized Dr. Taryn Marie as a Top 30 Thinker in Leadership, she is a Marshall Goldsmith Top 100 Coach Globally, and was a finalist for the Tony Hsieh Award focused on people who are leading progressive and innovative change in the area of human capital. Her work has been featured by Fox and NBC News, Bloomberg Business, Thrive Global, and Forbes. Her TEDx talk entitled

“How Resilience Breaks Us Out of Our Vulnerability Cage” has been viewed over 1 million times.


In this episode, important concepts were highlighted including the “vulnerability bias” and how it impacts resilience, performative vs “genuine vulnerability” as well as the concept of risk and opportunity and why it’s so important in building resilience. As the Holistic Wealth Podcast continues to provide valuable insights into holistic well-being, the episode serves as a reminder of the power of resilience and the art of recovery from disruption. Keisha Blair's holistic wealth philosophy and Dr. Stejskal's resilience practices come together to guide individuals toward a life filled with balance, purpose, and the strength to overcome life's challenges. Tune in to listen in to this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast with special guest, Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal.


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold.

What is Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to challenges, and recover quickly from setbacks. It's the capacity to withstand and effectively navigate difficult situations, stressors, or traumatic events while maintaining psychological and emotional well-being. Resilience is not a fixed trait; it can be developed and strengthened over time through various strategies, such as building healthy coping mechanisms, seeking professional help when needed, cultivating a support network, and fostering a growth mindset. It plays a significant role in helping individuals navigate life's challenges and maintain their overall well-being. Holistic Wealth is frequently referred to as “The Art of Recovery from Disruption”.

Sep 11, 202327:11
8 Steps To Building a Timeless Brand Legacy (Including Building A Global Movement)

8 Steps To Building a Timeless Brand Legacy (Including Building A Global Movement)

In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, were exploring the essence of creating a lasting brand legacy (including building a global movement). For entrepreneurs and professionals, leaving a meaningful imprint on the world requires more than just financial success. It demands purpose, passion, and a profound understanding of the steps needed to build an enduring brand. A holistic wealth approach is key for building a lasting brand legacy because it goes beyond just financial prosperity and focuses on creating value and a positive impact in all aspects of business and life. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Building A Timeless Brand Legacy”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair

Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook by Keisha Blair

The Certified Holistic WealthTM Consultant Program


Step 1: Define Your Mission/Purpose

A holistic wealth approach encourages entrepreneurs to define a higher purpose for their brand beyond profits. When a brand's mission aligns with its customers' values, it establishes a deep emotional connection that fosters loyalty and long-term relationships. Start with your “story of self” and craft a message and narrative that aligns with your mission and purpose. At the heart of every great brand lies a clear and compelling purpose. Begin your journey by asking yourself, "Why does my brand exist? What difference do I want to make in people's lives?" Align your business goals with a higher purpose that transcends money. Your purpose will serve as the guiding star during challenging times, inspiring both your team and customers to rally behind your cause.


Step 2: Focus on Building Relationships

While financial success is essential, building meaningful relationships are equally valuable. Cultivate a community around your brand by engaging with your audience on a personal level. Building genuine relationships fosters trust and loyalty, transforming customers into brand advocates.


Step 3: Embrace A Holistic Wealth Mindset & Consistency is Key

Consistency is the glue that holds your brand together. From your visual identity to your messaging, ensure that every touchpoint reinforces your brand's essence. This consistency cultivates a sense of familiarity and reliability, making your brand a dependable presence in the lives of your audience.


Step 4: Craft Your Holistic Wealth Portfolio - Innovate and Evolve

To create a lasting brand legacy, your Holistic Wealth Portfolio is key. Every entrepreneur and career professional should have a Holistic Wealth portfolio. The Institute on Holistic Wealth can help you craft a Holistic Wealth Portfolio that is unique to your business and career. It is also necessary to be willing to adapt and innovate. The world is constantly changing, and staying relevant requires an openness to new ideas and opportunities. Continuously assess your brand's relevance and make necessary adjustments to align with the evolving needs and desires of your customers.

Aug 01, 202327:05
Keys To Unlocking Your True Potential in Life

Keys To Unlocking Your True Potential in Life

Deep within each one of us lies a wellspring of untapped potential, waiting to be unlocked. The journey of self-discovery and personal growth leads us to unveil the boundless possibilities that reside within. Embracing this process not only brings us closer to our dreams but also allows us to live a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we will explore essential steps to unlock your true potential and unleash the best version of yourself. In this episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to unlock your true potential in life. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair


1. Obey The Calling On Your Life

The first step towards unlocking your true potential is obeying the call on your life through self-reflection. Take the time to understand your strengths, passions, values, and beliefs. Reflect on your life experiences, both positive and negative, and learn from them. Ask yourself questions like "What am I truly passionate about?" or "What brings me a sense of fulfillment?" This introspective journey will help you gain clarity about who you are and what you want to achieve in life.

2. Set Clear Goals – Create Your Holistic Wealth Portfolio

Once you have a better understanding of yourself, it's time to set clear and achievable goals. Identify both short-term and long-term objectives that align with your passions and values. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps to create a roadmap for your personal growth. Setting goals provides a sense of direction, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment as you progress. The Institute on Holistic Wealth can help you design your Holistic Wealth Portfolio that’s unique to you.

4. Overcome Fear and Embrace Change

Fear and resistance to change often hold us back from reaching our full potential. Embrace the mindset that growth comes through stepping outside of your comfort zone. Face your fears, take calculated risks, and be open to change. Remember that failure is a natural part of the process, and it provides invaluable lessons for growth.

5. Cultivate Resilience and Positivity

Life is full of challenges and setbacks, but resilience is the key to bouncing back stronger. Cultivate a positive attitude towards life, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Practice gratitude and mindfulness to develop resilience in the face of adversity. A positive outlook will not only keep you motivated but also attract positive opportunities and experiences into your life.

6. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you in your journey. Connect with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and aspirations. Seek guidance from mentors or coaches who can offer valuable insights and encouragement. Having a supportive network can make a significant difference in your pursuit of unlocking your true potential.

7. Take Care of Your Well-Being

Physical and mental well-being are vital components of unleashing your true potential. Prioritize self-care, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest. Practice mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga to nurture a calm and focused mind. When you take care of yourself, you'll find it easier to tackle challenges and stay on track toward your goals.

Jul 24, 202320:08
The Teen Mental Health Crisis: What Parents Can Do To Help

The Teen Mental Health Crisis: What Parents Can Do To Help

In today's fast-paced world, the mental health of our teenagers has become a critical concern. The rising prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues among teenagers necessitates a holistic approach to promote their well-being. Results from a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey add to the evidence that teen mental health is in crisis, with particularly concerning numbers surrounding teen girls. The survey found around 1 in 3 high school girls in the U.S. have seriously considered attempting suicide and more than half of teen girls, 57%, reported feeling "persistently sad or hopeless" — a record high. In contrast, 14% of high school boys told the 2021 survey that they had seriously considered attempting suicide, up from 13% in 2011. 

In this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, we delve into the teen mental health crisis, exploring its root causes, the challenges faced, and effective strategies for fostering mental wellness. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:              Understanding the Teen Mental Health Crisis:

In this episode, we’re shedding light on the various factors contributing to the teen mental health crisis. From social media influence to bullying, childhood grief and increased societal expectations, teenagers often find themselves overwhelmed and struggling to cope. By understanding these underlying causes, we can better address the issue and provide the necessary support.

                   How to Create Safe Spaces for Expression: Teens need safe spaces where they can openly express their emotions without fear of judgment or reprisal. We explore the importance of creating supportive environments at home, in schools, and within communities. Encouraging open dialogue, active listening, and empathy empowers teenagers to share their challenges and seek guidance when needed.

                   How to Empower Teens with Coping Mechanisms:

Equipping teens with effective coping mechanisms is essential for their mental well-being. We explore holistic approaches such as mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and self-care routines. By introducing these tools early on, we empower teenagers to develop resilience and navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease.

                     How to Foster Connection and Social Support:

Loneliness and isolation can exacerbate mental health issues among teenagers. We delve into the importance of building meaningful connections, both offline and online, to combat these feelings. We discuss the role of supportive friendships, mentorship programs, and community involvement in fostering a sense of belonging and emotional support.

                     The Role of Parents, Educators, and Society:

We discuss the significance of destigmatizing mental health, raising awareness about available resources, and advocating for comprehensive mental health education in schools. By addressing mental health openly and collaboratively, we create an environment where teenagers feel validated and supported.

As the teen mental health crisis continues to grow, it is our collective responsibility to take action. By approaching mental health holistically, we can nurture the well-being of our teenagers and empower them to lead fulfilling lives.

Jun 26, 202330:01
Unlocking Financial Freedom: Navigating ADHD and Personal Finances with Brooke Schnittman

Unlocking Financial Freedom: Navigating ADHD and Personal Finances with Brooke Schnittman

In our pursuit of holistic wealth, it's crucial to address the diverse challenges individuals face when managing their personal finances. Today, we are thrilled to bring you a transformative episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast, on navigating ADHD and personal finances with special guest, Brooke Schnittman, who shares her expertise as a coach specializing in ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). In a recent interview that has captivated audiences worldwide, Trevor Noah, the brilliant comedian and host, courageously opened up about his personal struggles with depression and ADHD. With vulnerability and authenticity, Trevor shared his experiences, shedding light on the intersection of mental health and ADHD. His willingness to discuss these challenges on a public platform has sparked important conversations, breaking down stigmas and fostering understanding. Join us as we explore the dynamic intersection of ADHD and financial management, and discover empowering strategies to achieve financial freedom. Brooke Schnittman is an expert in the field of ADHD management and support, renowned for her unwavering dedication to empowering individuals with ADHD to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

Brooke's personal journey, being diagnosed with ADHD later in life and marrying into a family of ADHDers, has provided her with profound insight and empathy for her clients. Beyond her coaching practice, Brooke actively contributes to the ADHD community through various initiatives. She is the mastermind behind ADHDEdCamp, a platform that fosters education and collaboration within the ADHD community. Additionally, Brooke co-hosts the popular ADHD PowerTools podcast and hosts the SuccessFULL with ADHD Podcast, where she shares valuable insights and strategies to help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve success. Join us in this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast as we discuss navigating ADHD and personal finances.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

CWB ADHD Probability Self Test for Adults

Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook by Keisha Blair

The Personal Financial Identity Quiz by Keisha Blair


Understanding ADHD and Its Impact:

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It presents unique obstacles when it comes to managing personal finances. The symptoms of ADHD, such as impulsivity, distractibility, and difficulty with organization, can significantly impact one's financial habits, leading to challenges in budgeting, saving, and staying on top of financial responsibilities.

Jun 19, 202326:26
Surrogacy at 63 Years Old Plus the Science of Getting Rich for Women with Sara Connell

Surrogacy at 63 Years Old Plus the Science of Getting Rich for Women with Sara Connell

In this compelling episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, our special guest is Sara Connell, bestselling author and Founder of the Thought Leader Academy. Sara opted for surrogacy after her 63-year-old mom offered to carry her baby. In this episode, we also discussed money trauma and The Science Of Getting Rich for Women. Sara Connell is a bestselling author and founder of Thought Leader Academy where she helps coaches, writers and entrepreneurs become successful, published authors and TEDx/ in-demand speakers. Sara has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The View, FOX, TEDx, and Katie Couric.  During our conversation, Sara shared accounts of the challenges she encountered while navigating infertility and miscarriage.

At the heart of today's episode is the extraordinary story of Sara Connell's mother, who defied societal norms and carried Sara's baby at the age of 63. This incredible act of love and determination challenges conventional expectations and reminds us that age is just a number. We dive into the emotional journey, the hurdles they faced, and the ultimate joy that transcended all boundaries.

As the founder of The Thought Leader Academy, Sara Connell has dedicated her life to empowering individuals to share their unique voices with the world. We explore the inspiration behind creating this platform and the transformative impact it has had on countless thought leaders, helping them cultivate their messages and make a meaningful difference.

Sara Connell's latest book, "The Science of Getting Rich for Women," dives into the principles of abundance and prosperity. Drawing upon her extensive research and personal experiences, she unveils the mindset shifts, practical strategies, and actionable steps that can lead anyone toward a life of true wealth. We discuss the key insights from her book and how they can be applied to achieve abundance in various aspects of life.

Unveiling Money Trauma: Sara Connell courageously shares her personal journey of unravelling the money trauma that had its roots in her Catholic upbringing. We explore how societal and religious conditioning can contribute to the formation of negative money stories, fostering a scarcity mindset and limiting beliefs around abundance. By becoming aware of these patterns, Sara embarked on a transformative path toward healing.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom by Keisha Blair.

The Science of Getting Rich For Women by Sara Connell

The Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook by Keisha Blair

The Trauma of Money Certification Program – Institute on Holistic Wealth

Jun 12, 202325:00
Surviving Mass Casualty Incidents and Making Bold, Courageous Moves: A Conversation with Master Corporal (Ret’d) Vickie M Lanthier

Surviving Mass Casualty Incidents and Making Bold, Courageous Moves: A Conversation with Master Corporal (Ret’d) Vickie M Lanthier

In this compelling episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, we had the privilege of hosting retired master corporal Vickie M Lanthier, who shared her remarkable journey of survival and the importance of making bold, courageous moves in the face of adversity. With her extensive experience in handling mass casualty incidents, Vickie's insights and resilience serve as an inspiration to us all. Although Vickie broke several bones in her face during a tank accident and faced many obstacles and trauma during her military career, she’s developed healthy coping mechanisms that have kept her mentally and physically fit. Vickie is a big proponent of preventative therapy and also discussed her new book in progress on adversity and well-being.

Vickie Lanthier's career as a master corporal in the armed forces exposed her to the harsh realities of mass casualty incidents. Whether it was in war-torn regions or disaster-stricken areas, she faced situations that most of us can only imagine. Through her first-hand experiences, Vickie witnessed the fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit.

During our conversation, Vickie shared accounts of the challenges she encountered while navigating chaotic and life-threatening circumstances. She emphasized the critical importance of preparedness, both physically and mentally, in dealing with mass casualty incidents as well as building in “buffers” for each dimension of our lives. From staying calm under pressure to making quick decisions, she stressed the significance of training and maintaining a focused mindset during such emergencies.

Surviving mass casualty incidents requires more than just physical endurance; it necessitates the courage to make bold decisions in the face of uncertainty. Vickie discussed how she had to summon her inner strength and take risks in order to save lives and ensure the safety of her team. These moves were often instinctual, requiring her to think on her feet and act swiftly.

However, Vickie's lessons in boldness and courage extend far beyond her experiences in the field. She highlighted the importance of embracing courage in our everyday lives, empowering listeners to step outside their comfort zones and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination. Vickie shared her personal finance journey and how she made difficult financial decisions in her 40s to improve her financial well-being. Vickie's personal journey serves as a testament to the incredible things that can be achieved when we are willing to take risks and make bold moves.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.


Jun 05, 202318:09
Empowering Black Women's Health: A Conversation with Dr. Monique Rainford (Author, Pregnant While Black)

Empowering Black Women's Health: A Conversation with Dr. Monique Rainford (Author, Pregnant While Black)

Black women in many countries, including the United States, face higher rates of maternal mortality, preterm birth, low birth weight, and other pregnancy complications compared to their white counterparts. Black women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White women. In an article in the New York Observer, entitled “What is Causing The High Maternal Death Rate Among Black Women in America?”, I highlighted that “in the U.S., Black expectant mothers are 243 percent more likely to die from childbirth-related causes than white women. Black women are also 49 percent more likely to deliver prematurely than white women, while black babies are twice as likely to die before reaching their first birthday”. These disparities are influenced by a complex interplay of socioeconomic factors, systemic racism, healthcare inequities, and implicit biases within the healthcare system.

Our guest on this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast on empowering Black women’s health is Dr. Monique Rainford. Dr. Monique Rainford is a board-certified OBGYN and Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medicine.  Dr. Rainford is the author of the new book Pregnant While Black: Advancing Justice for Maternal Health in America. Dr. Rainford received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and her medical degree from Harvard Medical School. She is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair we take a deep dive into Black women’s health and in particular maternal mortality. Understanding and addressing these disparities is crucial to ensure that Black women receive the care and support they need for healthy pregnancies and positive birth outcomes. Reproductive health and maternal health are also critical to holistic wealth. Also check out our previous episode with guest Dr. Uche Blackstock on Advancing Health Equity. The issue of maternal mortality was also discussed in the new Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book.

Key Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Pregnant While Black: Advancing Justice for Maternal Health in America by Dr. Monique Rainford

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial freedom by Keisha Blair

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

Understanding Black Women's Health Disparities

  • The definition and explanation of health disparities affecting Black women during pregnancy
  • The factors contributing to these disparities (e.g., socioeconomic, systemic racism, unconscious bias and implicit biases in healthcare)
  • Statistics and research findings on Black maternal health outcomes

Navigating Healthcare Systems

  • Challenges Black women face when seeking prenatal care and navigating the healthcare system
  • Addressing the issue of implicit biases and stereotypes in healthcare encounters
  • Sharing practical tips and strategies for Black women to advocate for themselves during pregnancy

Maternal Mortality and Advocacy

  • The alarming rates of maternal mortality among Black women 
  • Empowering Black women to engage in advocacy and activism for improved maternal health outcomes  
  • The importance of community and support networks for Black mothers

May 29, 202329:23
Black Women and Burnout with Kelley Bonner, Host of the Black Girl Burnout Podcast

Black Women and Burnout with Kelley Bonner, Host of the Black Girl Burnout Podcast

May 22, 202328:43
Unleashing the POWER of INTUITION

Unleashing the POWER of INTUITION

Intuition is a powerful and often overlooked tool that can guide us in decision-making, problem-solving, entrepreneurship and creative endeavours. It manifests in various forms, including gut feelings, instincts, and insightful thoughts. These different forms of intuition complement each other and provide unique insights that can benefit us in different situations.

Examples and personal anecdotes demonstrate the power of intuition in real-life scenarios. From a business owner trusting her gut feeling to avoid a disastrous partnership to an artist finding creative inspiration through intuitive insights, intuition has proven to be a valuable resource.

Several practical strategies and techniques can be employed to nurture and strengthen intuition. These include mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing, intuitive journaling, engaging in creative pursuits, paying attention to physical sensations, and respecting initial intuitive reactions. Creating a quiet space for reflection and drawing from past experiences also contribute to the development of intuition.

Mindfulness, self-awareness, and inner reflection are essential in connecting with our intuition. Mindfulness practices help us clear our minds and recognize intuitive signals, while self-awareness allows us to distinguish between genuine intuition and external influences. Inner reflection fosters self-discovery and aligns us with our true selves, enhancing our intuitive abilities.

Exercise and activities can help individuals tap into their intuition. These include focusing on breath during meditation, intuitive journaling, body scan meditation, contemplating symbols, mindful walks, and engaging in artistic expression. It's essential to approach these exercises with an open mindset and trust the unique insights that arise.

Intuition plays a significant role in decision-making and problem-solving. It enables faster decision-making, provides a holistic perspective, integrates tacit knowledge, stimulates creative problem-solving, aligns with emotions and values, and aids in risk assessment. It should be balanced with rational thinking to create a robust decision-making process.

Regarding creativity and innovation, intuition enhances idea generation, encourages unconventional thinking, helps recognize opportunities, facilitates problem-solving, enhances the creative process, embraces risk and uncertainty, and promotes empathy and user-centric innovation. By trusting our intuitive impulses, we can tap into our creative potential and drive innovation in various areas of life.

Something to note, intuition is a powerful inner guidance system that, when tapped into and trusted, can lead to better decision-making, personal growth, and creative expression. By recognizing the different forms of intuition, nurturing and strengthening our connection to it, and applying it in various aspects of life, we can unlock its potential and live a more fulfilling and authentic existence.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

⁠Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.⁠ By Keisha Blair

Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook by Keisha Blair

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

• Forms of Intuition 
• Power of Intuition 
• Cultivating Intuition 
• The difference between Active vs Dormant Intuition
• Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Inner Reflection 
• Role of Intuition in Decision-Making and Problem-Solving 
• Enhancing Creativity and Innovation 
• Trusting Intuition

May 15, 202332:49
Laura Belgray Made Her First Million At Age 50 And Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way, Plus Her New Book “Tough Titties”.

Laura Belgray Made Her First Million At Age 50 And Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way, Plus Her New Book “Tough Titties”.

In this exciting episode of the Holistic ,Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our very special guest is Laura Belgray, award-winning founder of Talking Shrimp and Co-Creator of The Copy Cure with Marie Forleo. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, we discuss how Laura Belgray earned her first million at age 50 plus her new book Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F-Ing Worst (now available for preorder). She's written TV spots for clients like NBC, Fandango, and Bravo, and now helps entrepreneurs and creatives get paid to be 100% themselves. Laura mentioned on the Holistic Wealth podcast that this pivotal conversation that she also outlined in her book, made her think twice about her “fit” in the corporate world:

"All I do in my career is move up and up and up. It's like every time I walk into the office, I get promoted."

“We were at dinner with our friend's new girlfriend, a dewy-faced, 29-year-old Conde Nast worker.

Shaking her head "no" to the server's offer of bread, she added, "I'll probably be publisher in the next couple of years.

I remember thinking (as I smeared butter on a second sourdough roll, thank you), I'm ten years older than this young thing and have never in my life moved "up and up and up." I'm so behind!”

That was more than a decade ago. For years, my "feeling behind" only got worse”.

As Laura discussed on the podcast “it's easy to feel behind when you scroll Instagram and see young influencers raking in billions from lip gloss, or overhear 20-something tech kids in line at Starbucks, talking about their Tesla collections and early retirements”. This podcast episode is for the late starters and late bloomers, who think they’re behind. With high inflation and high cost of living, fears of a looming recession, and increasing debt, many people are wondering how to deal with their personal finances. Money mindset and money beliefs are critical to achieving financial freedom and are therefore important to overall holistic wealth. On the Holistic Wealth podcast as well as in the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated; 36 Life Lessons To Help Your Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, the entire book is dedicated to this topic as well as mindset and mental health. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair

Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F-Ing Worst by Laura Belgray

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

·         Learn how Laura Belgray earned her first million at age 50 (and why she wouldn’t have it any other way)

·         Learn how to hone your passions and set goals that are authentic to you

·         Learn why its important to know who you are especially if you’re an entrepreneur and not follow the crowd

·         Learn about Laura’s new book Tough Titties, why she wrote it and why she wrote a book so different from what everyone thought she would write.

·         Learn some tips to “own your space” and stand out as a woman at work and in business.

May 01, 202324:37
Holistic Wealth is the Antidote to Burnout with Bestselling Author Keisha Blair

Holistic Wealth is the Antidote to Burnout with Bestselling Author Keisha Blair

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast were discussing Holistic Wealth as the antidote to burnout and the burnout crisis. According to a recent article in CNBC, burnout is on the rise worldwide, especially among women and younger workers. More than 10,000 workers were surveyed in six different countries and over 40% indicated they were burned out.

What Is Burnout?

The World Health Organization defines burnout as increased mental distance from one’s job, energy depletion and increased negativity. Burnout can be seen as a misalignment with our values and what we are currently doing because it often arises when we are overworking or overextending ourselves in areas that do not align with our core values or personal goals. When we continuously engage in activities or tasks that are not meaningful or fulfilling to us, we begin to experience a sense of disconnection or dissatisfaction, which can lead to burnout. For example, if someone values spending quality time with their family but works long hours and has little time to spend with loved ones, they may experience burnout as they feel disconnected from their values and goals. Similarly, if someone values creativity and self-expression but works in a job that does not allow them to utilize their creative skills, they may feel unfulfilled and experience burnout as a result. The NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom (now available ) emphasizes the art of recovery from disruption and has tips and strategies for managing burnout. The Holistic Wealth framework, developed by Keisha Blair and outlined in this book is the antidote to burnout.

When we experience burnout, it is often a sign that we need to re-evaluate our priorities and make changes in our lives that align with our values and personal goals. This may involve setting boundaries, saying no to certain activities or commitments, or even changing careers or lifestyles to better align with our values and priorities.

By aligning our actions with our values, we can create a sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives that can help prevent burnout and promote overall well-being. When we engage in activities that align with our values, we are more likely to feel a sense of satisfaction, motivation, and joy, which can help us maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout.

Racism and microaggressions at work can contribute to burnout by creating a hostile work environment and causing chronic stress for employees of color. Racism refers to the systemic and institutionalized practices that disadvantage people of certain races or ethnicities, while microaggressions are subtle and often unintentional acts of discrimination or prejudice that can have a cumulative impact on the recipient's mental and emotional well-being.

When employees experience racism and microaggressions at work, it can lead to a range of negative health outcomes, including anxiety, depression, and burnout. The constant exposure to discriminatory attitudes and behaviors can create a sense of hypervigilance and stress, which can trigger the body's stress response system and lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

Employees who experience racism and microaggressions at work may also feel a sense of isolation and lack of belonging, which can further contribute to burnout. When employees feel like they are not valued or respected in their workplace, it can undermine their motivation and sense of purpose, making it more difficult for them to stay engaged and productive on the job.

Apr 24, 202335:25
Today (April 9th) Is Global Holistic Wealth Day. Here’s Why It’s So Crucial.

Today (April 9th) Is Global Holistic Wealth Day. Here’s Why It’s So Crucial.

Today we celebrate Global Holistic Wealth Day, observed every year on April 9th. This is a very special episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast. It’s also Easter Sunday, and we wish you all a very blessed and joyful Easter. In celebration of Global Holistic Wealth Day, the First Edition of Holistic Wealth (ebook) is marked down to just $3.99.

What is Global Holistic Wealth Day?

From the Institute on Holistic Wealth: Founded by Keisha Blair, international best-selling author of Holistic Wealth, Global Holistic Wealth Day is a celebration of a life well lived that takes place annually on April 9th. Global Holistic Wealth Day is a time to reflect on what it means to be truly ‘wealthy’ and how we can embody the transformational power of living with purpose, collecting experiences, engaging in meaningful work, cultivating your health and well-being, and creating emotional and spiritual connections with others, all while continuously working to build financial stability. Keisha Blair created the Holistic Wealth movement and her life’s mission is ensuring everyone around the globe hears this message. April 9th is now commemorated as Global Holistic Wealth Day. 

Global Holistic Wealth Day is a day dedicated to celebrating wealth in all aspects of our lives, not just financial wealth. This day encourages individuals to take a step back and assess their overall well-being, including their physical, mental, and emotional health, relationships, career, and financial stability. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you live a holistically wealthy lifestyle.

Why Is Global Holistic Wealth Day Important?

Global Mental Health Crisis: Around the globe, we are faced with a mental health crisis. According to the World Health Organization, around 450 million people currently struggle with mental illness, making it the leading cause of disability worldwide. In Canada, it affects more than 6.7 million people. One in two Canadians have—or have had—a mental illness by the time they reach 40 years of age. In the United States, a recent CNN/KFF survey revealed that  90% of adults think the country is experiencing a mental health crisis. From 2015 to 2019, prescriptions for anti-depressants rose 38% for teenagers compared to 15% for adults.

A Global Financial Well-Being Crisis: According to CNBC, total credit card debt reached a record $930.6 billion by the end of last year. “More consumers are leaning on credit cards to afford increasingly expensive necessities such as food and rent. At this rate, households are nearing a “breaking point,” according to a separate study by WalletHub”. Financial illiteracy is still a huge global problem. Across all age groups, the average estimated money loss reported due to lack of personal finance knowledge was $1,389.06. Financial illiteracy is estimated to have cost the United States more than $352 billion in 2021.

Global Health Crisis: Skyrocketing rates of illness and disease including cancer (including, prostate and breast cancers and others), as well as chronic illnesses such as diabetes on the rise and long COVID.

Social Justice/Gun Violence/Racial Crisis: The social fabric of our communities is threatened by increasing gun violence and racism. More than 50 American municipalities and three states have formally highlighted racism as a public health crisis.

Apr 09, 202329:38
How To Live a Purposeful Life with Kute Blackson

How To Live a Purposeful Life with Kute Blackson

Living with purpose is one of the most important aspects of a fulfilling and happy life. When we have a sense of direction and meaning, we are more likely to feel satisfied and content. Our guest on the Holistic Wealth podcast, Kute Blackson, is a renowned transformational teacher, speaker, and author who has helped people all around the world find their purpose and live a more meaningful life. Kute grew up the son of a respected spiritual leader.
By age 8, Kute was speaking to his father’s congregations of over 3,000 people. By 14, Kute was tapped to follow in his father’s footsteps. But Kute knew this wasn’t the life he was meant for. So at age 18, Kute disobeyed his parents’ expectations and moved to America. 
Living with purpose means having a clear sense of what we want to achieve in life and how we want to contribute to the world. It involves aligning our goals and actions with our values and beliefs. Kute Blackson emphasizes the importance of finding our true calling and living a life that is authentic to who we are.

How to Live with Purpose:

To live with purpose, we must first discover our passions and interests. We can do this by exploring different areas of our lives and trying new things. It's important to be open to new experiences and to listen to our inner voice, which can guide us toward our true calling.

Once we have discovered our purpose, we must take action to make it a reality. This may involve making changes in our lives, such as pursuing a new career or starting a new hobby. It may also involve facing our fears and taking risks in order to achieve our goals.

Kute Blackson emphasizes the importance of living in alignment with our purpose, which means making choices that are in line with our values and beliefs. This may involve saying no to opportunities that don't serve our purpose or making difficult decisions that may not be popular with others. Living with purpose also involves cultivating a sense of gratitude and compassion towards ourselves and others. It means recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and understanding that we are all part of a larger whole.

Living with purpose is essential for a fulfilling and holistic life. By discovering our passions and aligning our actions with our values and beliefs, we can live a life that is true to who we are and make a positive impact on the world. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Suggested Resources (Related to this Episode):

The Magic of Surrender by Kute Blackson

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom by Keisha Blair.


What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

•  Why most human beings will not fulfill their purpose and destiny in this lifetime.

•  Learn some tips and strategies for finding your purpose in life and live a meaningful life.

•  Learn why embracing your purpose in life is critical to reducing stress and finding more meaning.

•  How to live more intentionally and fully embrace your authentic values.

Mar 27, 202324:53
How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome (5 Critical Steps) With Keisha Blair

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome (5 Critical Steps) With Keisha Blair

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on how to overcome imposter syndrome (5 critical steps). Studies show that up to 80% of all human beings have suffered from imposter syndrome in their lifetime. Feelings of lack, inferiority, scarcity, and unworthiness can cause imposter syndrome. Even highly successful people and the very wealthy can suffer from imposter syndrome, even with stellar accomplishments and accolades. In organizations, a lack of diversity, equity and representation can foster imposter syndrome. In this episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to cope with imposter syndrome. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, to Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you overcome imposter syndrome. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is defined as a psychological pattern of one’s doubts about their life, accomplishments, and goals. Many people feel like frauds despite the evidence of their competence and success. It very often stems from the need for external validation through social media validation, community, workplace achievement, and entrepreneurial success. Imposter Syndrome can lead to career, business and relationship problems. Imposter syndrome can also lead to self-destruction, anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and fear. Imposter syndrome also has a spiritual component, and it’s critical to recognize and practice spiritual self-renewal daily. There are several ways to overcome imposter syndrome and we will outline 5 critical ways in this episode of the holistic wealth podcast.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Here is a quick list of some strategies to help you overcome imposter syndrome (Listen to the full episode of the holistic wealth podcast):

1.     Become Self-Aware – Notice the mental, emotional physical symptoms that you feel as a result of imposter syndrome and what feelings of lack/unworthiness you feel (what causes it?)

2.     Heal Your Inner Child/Silence Your Inner Critic – Try to confront any childhood fears, and feelings of unworthiness.

3.     Be Intentional By Design – an intention represents a commitment to embracing your own authentic values and your own markers of success – which helps with overcoming imposter syndrome.

4.     Focus on Spiritual Self-Renewal - Regular and sustained mindfulness, prayer, and yoga has been shown to improve attentional control, increase awareness of internal and external experiences and reduce imposter syndrome.

5.     Embrace the Holistic Wealth Method – Think of all your decisions as either a depletion or an addition to your holistic wealth bank account – and focus on activities that enrich you.

6.     Positive Self-Talk - can stop the catastrophic mind chatter and negative self-talk that fuels and lights the fire of imposter syndrome.

7.     Find Your Purpose (Your Why) – You are uniquely made to manifest a certain purpose in life. Remember your “why” and embrace your mission and purpose (refocus and re-energize).

         Visit and subscribe. Also, check out our FREE financial identity quiz and online courses at the Institute on Holistic Wealth. Check out our signature program, and become a Certified Holistic WealthTM Consultant and help people build a life of Holistic Wealth.

Check out the Trauma of Money Certification program.

Mar 20, 202327:42
How to Manifest Money: 8 Practical Tips for Attracting Financial Abundance
Feb 13, 202323:23
10 Weekly Habits to Boost Your Financial Confidence

10 Weekly Habits to Boost Your Financial Confidence

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on 10 weekly habits to boost your financial confidence. We’re in the midst of a high-inflation period, with rising gas prices, rising food prices and rising interest rates. Research shows that women tend to be less financially confident than men, but also outperform their male counterparts when it comes to investments and savings, according to Fidelity Investments. According to a survey by Fidelity, 80% of women hold back from talking about money with family and friends, yet 92% of women want to learn more about financial planning. Furthermore, 80% of couples have different money mindsets and different approaches to financial decision-making, which can also impact money confidence. It’s critical to know your personal financial identity in order to boost financial/money confidence. In this episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to boost your financial confidence. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

The Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook

The Trauma of Money Certification Program, Institute on Holistic Wealth

What is Financial/Money Confidence?

Financial Confidence comes from knowing that you are in control of your finances. If you make the most of your money, that helps you make the most out of life. However, financial anxiety and unresolved money trauma can erode financial confidence as well as not knowing your personal financial identity. Overcoming financial trauma, knowing how to rewrite your own personal money story as well as mastering your money mindset is a critical part of boosting financial confidence and achieving holistic wealth. Many experts now realize that teaching financial literacy without teaching money mindset mastery is a recipe for failure. On the Holistic Wealth podcast, we have had some amazing guests who have shared their own money mindset struggles, as well as tips and strategies to overcome financial trauma, improve money mindset and overcome money blocks ( including ancestral money blocks).

Jan 30, 202327:44
12 Ways to Cultivate Inner Strength During Hard Times with Keisha Blair

12 Ways to Cultivate Inner Strength During Hard Times with Keisha Blair

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on cultivating inner strength during hard times. The pandemic has caused us all to look more deeply at our lives to examine the direction we want our post-pandemic lives to take. In this episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to cultivate inner strength. Global Holistic Wealth Day will be celebrated on April 9th 2023 (it is celebrated on April 9th every year), and we invite you to become an official partner or sponsor and celebrate with us this year. Partners and sponsors help spread the message in their organizations and communities across the globe.

In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

What is Inner Strength?

Psychologists use the term “finding inner strength” to refer loosely to the wide range of mental and emotional resources (behaviours, skills, and attitudes) that keep us stable and adaptable in life. The source of our inner strength comes from within.

Jan 23, 202320:21
Lessons on Finding Your Purpose from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with Bestselling Author Keisha Blair

Lessons on Finding Your Purpose from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with Bestselling Author Keisha Blair

Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day. In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on how lessons from the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In the very first section of the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, I discussed developing a Life Purpose PortfolioTM. In this episode, we discuss lessons from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and discuss strategies for you to find your purpose and achieve your goals.

“You have the power to achieve purpose”. – Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In his, “I have a dream” speech he stated: “We have come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to take the tranquillizing drug of gradualism – now is the time to make real the promise of democracy. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice”.  In my interview with Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper, also recently published, I outlined “5 Tips for Facing Giant Life Obstacles with Power and Grace”, which are also very instructive for finding your purpose, including honouring your values, facing your “dry bones” and spiritual self-renewal, as well as holistic growth – which includes building wealth in all aspects of our lives—including mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual— which is paramount. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair

The Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook by Keisha Blair

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

• Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther Kind Jr on finding your life purpose.

• Why it’s so important to honor your values and your purpose.

• Learn some tips and strategies for authentically defining what success means to you

• Learn why embracing your purpose in life is critical to finding more meaning.

• Learn why having a Life Purpose PortfolioTM is critical to achieving your goals. The Institute on Holistic Wealth can help you craft your Life Purpose PortfolioTM (based on Keisha Blair’s book Holistic Wealth).

Jan 16, 202324:08
How To Define Success On Your Own Terms with Bestselling Author Keisha Blair

How To Define Success On Your Own Terms with Bestselling Author Keisha Blair

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on how to define success on your own terms. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, I discussed this in Chapter 5 entitled “The Incomparable You”. Holistic Wealth was highlighted as the Book of the Week by Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper, and a quote from Holistic Wealth was highlighted, which is also very relevant to this episode:

“Chasing after the highest paid position is pointless. Service to humanity is the highest calling”. – Keisha Blair, Holistic Wealth

In my interview with Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper, also recently published, I outlined “5 Tips for Facing Giant Life Obstacles with Power and Grace”, which are also very instructive for defining success on your own terms including honoring your values, facing your “dry bones” and spiritual self-renewal, as well as holistic growth – which includes building wealth in all aspects of our lives—including mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual— which is paramount. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you define success on your own terms, and master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Jan 09, 202321:54
How To Cope with Holiday Stress With Bestselling Author, Keisha Blair
Nov 21, 202214:36
How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Bestselling Author, Keisha Blair

How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Bestselling Author, Keisha Blair

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on how to set healthy boundaries. Many families are dealing with grief from the loss of a loved one. We’re also in the midst of a high-inflation period, with rising gas prices, rising food prices and rising interest rates. The pandemic has caused us all to look more deeply at our lives to examine the direction we want our post-pandemic lives to take. In this episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to set healthy boundaries in every aspect of your life. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom,there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Saying No”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

What are Healthy Boundaries?

Setting healthy boundaries is the practice of openly communicating and asserting personal values as way to preserve and protect against having them compromised or violated. As discussed in this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, setting healthy boundaries allows for:

Ø Self-Awareness

Ø Self-Advocacy, and,

Ø Self–Preservation

Knowing your personal financial identity can also help you to establish effective financial boundaries for overall well-being. Take the Personal financial identities quiz available on the Institute on Holistic Wealth website.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. Now Available. E-book now available for just .79 Cents on, and .99 cents on

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

• What are healthy boundaries? Why is it so important?

• Why its so important to identify your values and personal mission? Why is that critical to the act of setting boundaries?

• Learn some tips and strategies for setting healthy boundaries and being intentional by design.

• Learn why embracing your purpose in life is critical to reducing stress and finding more meaning.

• How the Holistic Wealth Method (developed by Keisha Blair and outlined in Holistic Wealth) helps you to effectively manage stress and anxiety.

Nov 14, 202218:08
My Interview with CNN Anchor Laura Coates Plus Recession Money Moves To Make Before 2023

My Interview with CNN Anchor Laura Coates Plus Recession Money Moves To Make Before 2023

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, we have an exciting solo episode on recession money moves to make to plan for 2023 plus my interview with CNN Anchor Laura Coates on the Laura Coates Show. On a previous episode of the Laura Coates Show, I discussed the economy, rapidly increasing inflation and employment. Many people have been asking me to reshare that interview. Around the globe, over 6 million people have lost their lives to COVID-19. We’re also in the midst of a high-inflation period, with rising gas prices, rising food prices and rising interest rates. The pandemic has caused us all to look more deeply at our lives to examine the direction we want our post-pandemic lives to take. In this episode, I will walk you through effective recession money moves to make as we plan for 2023. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

• My previous interview with CNN Anchor Laura Coates on the Laura Coates Show on the economy, high inflation and employment.

• What are some important recession money moves to make now – and how to implement them before 2023.

• Why it’s so important to identify and deal with any previous unresolved money trauma as we head into 2023.

• Learn some tips and strategies for coping with financial anxiety such as mindfulness, and being intentional by design.

• How the Holistic Wealth Method (developed by Keisha Blair and outlined in Holistic Wealth) helps you to effectively manage stress and anxiety.

Oct 24, 202224:05
How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck and Achieve Holistic Wealth With Bestselling Author, Keisha Blair

How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck and Achieve Holistic Wealth With Bestselling Author, Keisha Blair

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode on how to stop living paycheck to paycheck and achieve holistic wealth (with Keisha Blair). It’s estimated that 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck and in Canada, almost 60% live paycheck to paycheck. Many people are feeling stretched thin with the ability to control their financial situation out of their control.

We’re also in the midst of a high-inflation period, with rising gas prices, rising food prices and rising interest rates. The pandemic has caused us all to look more deeply at our lives to examine the direction we want our post-pandemic lives to take. In this episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to stop living paycheck to paycheck and achieve holistic wealth. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you achieve holistic wealth and master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

What Is Paycheck to Paycheck?

According to Investopedia, the term “Paycheck to paycheck” is an expression describing an individual who would be unable to meet financial obligations if unemployed. Those living paycheck to paycheck predominantly devotes their salaries to expenses. Living paycheck to paycheck may also mean living with limited or no savings and refer to people at greater financial risk if suddenly unemployed than individuals who have amassed a cushion of savings.

Generational poverty, financial insecurity, financial guilt, and financial abuse can also lead to money trauma. The Trauma of Money Certification program at the Institute on Holistic Wealth is also designed with strategies to cope with money trauma and develop a new relationship with money.

Oct 17, 202222:33
How To Conquer Your Money Mindset and Money Beliefs

How To Conquer Your Money Mindset and Money Beliefs

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our very special guest is Andrea Owen. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, we discuss how to conquer your money mindset and money beliefs. Learn how Andrea Owen paid off $60,000 worth of debt in just five years. With high inflation and high cost of living, fears of a looming recession, and increasing debt, many people are wondering how to deal with their personal finances. Money mindset and money beliefs are critical to achieving financial freedom and are therefore important to overall holistic wealth. On the Holistic Wealth podcast as well as in the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated; 36 Life Lessons To Help Your Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, the entire book is dedicated to this topic as well as mindset and mental health.

Andrea Owen is an author, global keynote speaker, and professional certified life coach who helps high-achieving women maximize unshakeable confidence, and master resilience.

She is the author of How To Stop Feeling Like Shit: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back From Happiness which has been translated into 19 languages and is available in 23 countries, as well as Make Some Noise: Speak Your Mind and Own Your Strength . In this podcast episode, we will discuss how to conquer your money mindset and money beliefs. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair

Make Some Noise: Speak Your Mind and Own Your Strength By Andrea Owen

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

· Learn how Andrea Owen paid off $60,000 worth of debt in just 5 years

· Learn how to conquer your money mindset and money beliefs

· Learn how to transform your relationship with money and improve your personal finances

· Learn some tips and strategies for coping with stress such as mindfulness, and being intentional by design.

· Learn some tips to “own your space” and stand out as a woman at work and in business.

· How the Holistic Wealth Method (developed by Keisha Blair and outlined in Holistic Wealth) helps you to effectively manage stress and anxiety.

· Andrea Owen’s Personal Financial Identity (Based on the Personal Financial Identity Quiz developed by Keisha Blair).

Oct 03, 202225:32
Why Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Wireless Radiation could be bad for Us & How to Protect Your Family and Kids

Why Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Wireless Radiation could be bad for Us & How to Protect Your Family and Kids

In this exciting episode, our very special guest is Tim Sanders. Tim Sanders returned from a 6-year stint in Singapore to London in 2018 and shortly after found himself at a conference in South Africa listening to a scientist declare that he had the solution to all the radiation problems in the world.

Afterward, he took home this new product that harmonizes phone radiation, did some tests, and was impressed by the results that he built a brand around this technology: the Omnia Radiation Balancer was born. According to Tim, “we are electrical beings and we respond electrically to the things we touch, especially other electromagnetic fields (EMF). Our energy field gets compromised by the imbalanced energy field of wireless radiation”. In this episode we discussed:

· The truth about radiation fields and why phone radiation causes biological effects in our bodies.

• Why is it necessary to protect ourselves from EMF /Wireless Radiation Fields?

• Why does no one realize that EMF from Wireless Radiation could be bad for us?

• What proof is there that EMF from Wireless Radiation are bad for us?

• If EMF Wireless Radiation is bad for us, why don’t we feel anything? And what can we do about it?

• What is the risk to children of exposing them to excessive wireless radiation?

Resources Used In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

· What is wireless radiation from cellphones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers etc. doing to our bodies?

• Are the effects of EMF worse for children?

• Why is the topic of wireless radiation and 5G so important today?

• What are the key risk factors that determine whether I’m being harmed?  What is the big deal about 5G?

• What are the key biological studies to be aware of and what biological effects are they showing are produced by EMF?

• What testing has the phone industry done to ensure our safety, and is it good enough?

• Why don’t we hear about this subject on the news anymore?

• What are the new revelations about the science of the radiation field and how does this help us?

What can be done long-term now that wireless devices are an integral part of our lives?

Sep 26, 202222:52
The Racial Wealth Gap and The Legacy of Colonialism

The Racial Wealth Gap and The Legacy of Colonialism

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our special guest is Danté Stewart, we discussed the racial wealth gap and the legacy of colonialism in light of recent events such as the death of Queen Elizabeth II. We also discussed the issue of reparations (what is needed and why) and the Black Maternal Health crisis. Danté Stewart is an award-winning writer, speaker and author of Shoutin' In The Fire: An American Epistle. The Georgia Writers Association named Danté as "Georgia Writer of the Year” 2022 (Memoir); The Center for American Progress as one of "22 Faith Leaders to Watch in 2022"; and Religion News Service as one of "Ten Up-And-Coming Faith Influencers," his work has appeared in The Atlantic, New York Times, the Washington Post, TIME, ESPN's Andscape, Oxford American, Sojourners, NPR, CNN, Parents, and more.

Today, Black Americans make up roughly 13% of the U.S. population but hold just 3% of the country’s wealth. The median net worth of a White family in the United States in 2019 was $188,200, as compared with $24,100 for a Black family. The racial wealth gap is large, persists across income groups, and has not changed in over a century. We discussed issues such as reparations, the breadth and scope needed to really affect change as well as the history of financial barriers faced by Black people in securing vital loans.

Wealth matters because it is a fundamental determinant of health. Health equity strategies that fail to address the racial wealth gap will be ineffective. In particular Black Maternal health crisis continues to persist. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair and special guest, Danté Stewart.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Shoutin In The Fire: An American Epistle

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
  • Danté’s amazing journey, as a writer, minister and Faith Leader and how spiritual self-renewal intersects with oppression and racism.
  • The racial wealth gap and the legacy of colonialism (especially in light of the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II).
  • Reparations – why they are important and why they need to be holistic in nature to cater to all needs in order to properly address trauma and oppressive systems.
  • Danté’s personal story and moving essay on on Black Maternal Health.
  • Danté’s thoughts on thriving in oppressive systems and advice on how to take care of your mental well-being.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Sep 19, 202238:59
Better Sex Through Mindfulness with Dr. Lori Brotto

Better Sex Through Mindfulness with Dr. Lori Brotto

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our guest is Dr. Lori Brotto. Dr. Brotto shares advice and tips on how to have better sex through mindfulness. Sexual health and well-being are part of our physical, mental and emotional health and are therefore important to holistic wealth. As a matter of fact, there are very practical ways of integrating your sex and relationship goals as part of your overall holistic wealth.

Dr. Lori Brotto is a Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health. She is also the Executive Director for the Women’s Health Research Institute—one of only three institutes in Canada devoted to advancing research in women’s health, and maintains an active practice as a Registered Psychologist. Dr. Brotto was recently featured in the Netflix series The Principles of Pleasure and is the author of Better Sex through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire and the forthcoming The Better Sex through Mindfulness Workbook: A Guide to Cultivating Desire.

Through her numerous treatment studies, Dr. Brotto has taught women how to practice the present moment, and non-judgmental awareness to cultivate desire and sexual satisfaction. Mindfulness meditation trains the brain to stay in the here and now, and not get trapped in the allure of distractions and negative self-judgment. Skills such as mindfulness teach the brain to connect more completely with the body, allowing the practitioner to experience all of the sensations of sex.

In this podcast episode, we will discuss several reasons for sexual problems such as stress, multi-tasking, and previous trauma as well as long-standing myths about sexuality such as sexual desire should be spontaneous. walk you through effective strategies to make your sexual health an important part of your overall holistic wealth. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. By Keisha Blair

Better Sex through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire By Dr. Lori Brotto

Sep 12, 202228:22
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Making Mental Health A Priority

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Making Mental Health A Priority

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode entitled “Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Making Mental Health A Priority”. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month —a time to raise awareness of this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic. On the Holistic Wealth Podcast with Keisha Blair, we’re using this month to prioritize mental health, spread hope and share information with people affected by suicide. World Suicide Prevention Day is also celebrated on September 10, 2022.

During COVID-19, we’ve seen increasing rates of suicide (even among celebrities and millionaires), record mental health issues, loneliness, and anxiety rates increase in teens and children plus a host of health disorders. We have also seen a new awareness surrounding work-life balance, overall wellness, and achieving meaningful lives. People are no longer accepting that stress and burnout have to be the norm.

According to the World Health Organization, someone around the globe dies by suicide every 40 seconds. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Canadians under 25 years old. 79% of all people who die by suicide are male. Although more women than men attempt suicide, men are 4x more likely to die by suicide. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10–14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among people aged 15-24 in the U.S. Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death overall in the U.S. 46% of people who die by suicide had a diagnosed mental health condition - but research shows that 90% may have experienced symptoms of a mental health condition.

Connecting and openly communicating

Connecting and openly communicating with those who have had suicidal thoughts or those who have lost loved ones to suicide is essential in the effort toward suicide prevention. Since many people are unable to express and discuss their feelings due to the fear of being stigmatized, we hope that this message will help those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or have lost a loved one to suicide to know that there is help available to support them in their journey towards healthier and more meaningful lives.

In this podcast episode, I will walk you through effective strategies to prioritize your mental health, sharing lessons from previous holistic wealth podcast episodes focusing on mental health. In the NEW Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated: 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom, there are many strategies throughout to help you master the “Art of Recovery From Disruption”. Tune in to listen to this episode of the Holistic wealth podcast with Keisha Blair.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated): 36 Life Lessons To Help You Recover From Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose and Achieve Financial Freedom. Now Available.

Sep 05, 202231:42