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A 25 Year Look Across the Spectrum with Kelly Bermingham & Jen Lucero

A 25 Year Look Across the Spectrum with Kelly Bermingham & Jen Lucero

By Kelly Bermingham

Kelly (McKinnon) Bermingham, MA, BCBA has 25+ years in the field of helping adults and children with autism. Kelly and Jennifer, mom to Dylan (with ASD age 21) share their experiences and talk about different topics related to supporting and living with autism. Kelly was the 1,368th BCBA in the world. Listen to her experience shared with Jenn and learn how they combine research topics with real-life experiences in these quick and easy to listen episodes. Providing Help and Hope!
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A Retrospective Look Across the Autism Spectrum

A 25 Year Look Across the Spectrum with Kelly Bermingham & Jen LuceroOct 14, 2020

The Dreaded Blood Draw
May 20, 202428:21
Assume That I Can: Including Assent, Caregivers and Clients, Toward Socially Meaningful Work

Assume That I Can: Including Assent, Caregivers and Clients, Toward Socially Meaningful Work

Kelly and Jen do I deep dive into the video, Assume That I Can, released on World Down's Syndrome Day, and talk about how our ethics code, 2.09, Involving Clients and Stakeholders and this video intersect into preference assessments for the purpose of assent and goal development.

Apr 22, 202429:08
Measuring Quality of Life as an Outcome of ABA Services
Apr 08, 202431:01
QOL Measured by Happiness Indices in Recreational & Leisure Events
Apr 01, 202425:29
The Group Experience
Mar 18, 202424:38
Helping Behavior Therapists/RBT's with Burnout: Let's Get Real

Helping Behavior Therapists/RBT's with Burnout: Let's Get Real

Kelly and Jen talk with long-time RBT's Stephanie and Salvador about how they have managed to stay in the field for so long, and the real ways BCBA's and families can help support and prevent burnout. It's pretty real concrete and not rocket science.

Feb 26, 202431:55
Parent-Led ABA......Hmmmm
Feb 19, 202430:38
A BCBA and a Caregiver Talk ABA Hours Fulfillment

A BCBA and a Caregiver Talk ABA Hours Fulfillment

Kelly and Jen talk about each of their perspectives regarding fulfilling the recommended hours of authorization. Some ABA companies often refer a family there to another agency if they do not commit to being able to use all of the hours. What do you think?

Jan 29, 202425:46
Weeding Through Evidenced-Based and Alternate Therapies

Weeding Through Evidenced-Based and Alternate Therapies

Families raising a child on the autism spectrum are faced with many different types of therapy and alternative options to try and help their child. Most are not evidence-based, some may even be harmful, while others may have a different, yet positive outcome than intended. Kelly & Jen talk about how families may make decisions and how BCBAs can follow their ethics code with kindness to help support and make decisions. Sponsored by: Cite Pro
Jan 13, 202429:19
Got Ethics?

Got Ethics?

Kelly discusses the history of the development of the BACB ethics code and her journey with ethics for the last 28 years with Maria Sasaski Solis, owner of the Sasaki Behavioral Group, APBA Board Member, and Co-Moderator of the Ethics Sig for CASP.

Sponsored by CitePro Cite Pro

You can find the Dear Don Casp Ethics Webinar here:

Dear Don Ethics Panel (Nov 2023) - recorded - Council of Autism Service Providers (

Dec 09, 202328:15
Autism and Divorce
Nov 06, 202330:37
ABA & ADHD: From a Caregiver & BCBA Perspective
Oct 16, 202332:33
Cyber Safety & Autism
Oct 09, 202329:41
Considering the Behavior Therapists Perspective
Sep 16, 202332:46
The Benefits and Challenges of Exercise with Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum

The Benefits and Challenges of Exercise with Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Jen & Kelly talk about the benefits of exercise. Did you know that exercise has been proven to increase flow to the brain, help with concentration, and improve sleep? With devices taking over, children and adults are exercising less. Kelly & Jen talk about all of the benefits and programs Special Olympics has to offer including both team and individualized programs that may be more fun and effective. Kelly & Jen also talk about ways to use simple ABA strategies to get kids moving in an effective and fun way. Check out Special Olympics here to find one in your state. Special Olympics Use their Young Athletes program for kids ages 2-7. Young Athletes ( Sponsored by Cite Pro
Sep 02, 202330:31
Considering Medical Needs as Behavior Analysts and Caregivers
Jun 05, 202326:57
Moving on After Your Child with Autism has Been Aggressive Toward You

Moving on After Your Child with Autism has Been Aggressive Toward You

Kelly & Jen get deep and talk about how Jen copes when her severely impacted son with autism is aggressive toward her, and suggests ways BCBAs can support caregivers after those moments. Sponsored by
May 09, 202326:32
Joint Attention is a Behavior Cusp Skill
Apr 09, 202325:22
To use Extinction or to not use Extinction
Mar 19, 202328:16
How do you Connect with a Person Severely Impacted on the Autism Spectrum
Feb 27, 202326:15
Neurodiverse and Severe Autism: Can't We All Get Along?
Feb 16, 202329:11
We Feel Like Frauds Today
Jan 23, 202324:25
Dinosaurs of ABA

Dinosaurs of ABA

Kelly is joined by Amanda Ralston, founder of Non-binary Solutions. Home | NonBinary Solutions.  Kelly has been certified by the BACB for over 20 years, and Amanda since the turn of the century! They discuss their journey in the field including the changes that have happened in the field; working without any formal code of ethics until 2014 and being 2 women in a field dominated by men. The future indicates that while we are still a young field with much to accomplish, technology, compassionate care, and quality-of-life indicators seem to be leading the way.  

Proudly sponsored by: Cite Pro

Jan 11, 202329:27
The real holiday tips! Tips beyond the basic tips!
Dec 20, 202229:56
Understanding the cycle of grief, guilt and joy raising a child on the autism spectrum
Dec 12, 202239:36
Got sleep? Not likely if you are raising a child with ASD
Nov 29, 202228:24
A Call for a Discussion on Stereotypic Behavior
Nov 08, 202232:08
Compassionate Collaboration & Ruling out the Medical Stuff
Oct 24, 202225:30
What caregivers want from their BCBA
Oct 04, 202229:15
Climbing Back up the Cliff
Sep 06, 202233:29
Acknowledge Him as a Person
Aug 24, 202234:05
One Perfect Day with Surfer's Healing
May 23, 202228:20
The Great Resignation is NOT Over, and it is Hurting the People That Need Us Most

The Great Resignation is NOT Over, and it is Hurting the People That Need Us Most

This last year saw major changes in the field of ABA and other fields supporting children and adults with autism. Employers struggled to support team members remotely. People had major events happen in their lives after a year+ of pandemic life and many walked out and quit. Left behind are the families. Kelly and Jen talk about how difficult this has been as an employer and as families living with autism. On a positive note, Dylan and many others learned how to accept changes more smoothly!  What are you doing to adjust to this?

Apr 25, 202227:31
April is .....What Month?
Apr 11, 202226:51
Taking Risks and Making Change is HARD. But it is the Key to Moving Forward

Taking Risks and Making Change is HARD. But it is the Key to Moving Forward

Kelly & Jen talk about the risks and change they have done to move their children forward in life. Kelly describes the steps she and her husband took to take the risk of having their daughter move out on her own. The same type of steps applied to Jen trying to buy a new bed and furniture for Dylan. These risks are hard. Change is hard. It is the path forward. 

Mar 28, 202224:60
Transition into adulthood or falling off a cliff?

Transition into adulthood or falling off a cliff?

Jen & I talk about the process, and Dylan's experience of graduating high school with a certificate, entering a high school transition program until he was 22, graduating to an adult day program, oh wait. No, he didn't.  Covid partly to blame, but the system failed him, and as of right now he is home, bored, sad and starting to regress. We won't take this- but this could happen to you!  Listen to our story. 

Mar 07, 202238:52
Just Because it is Evidenced-Based Doesn't Mean You Apply the Strategy: Don't Forget the Analysis

Just Because it is Evidenced-Based Doesn't Mean You Apply the Strategy: Don't Forget the Analysis

Kelly speaks with Kristine Rodriguez, Chief Clinical Officer at Autism Learning Partners, and Co-lead of the CASP Client Outcomes SIG, breaking down the concepts of evidenced-based treatment and the importance of individual analysis before applying strategies in intervention.

Slocum, T. A., Detrich, R., Wilczynski, S. M., Spencer, T. D., Lewis, T., & Wolfe, K. (2014). The Evidence-Based Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis. The Behavior analyst37(1), 41–56.

Lechago, S. A., & Carr, J. E. (2008). Recommendations for reporting independent variables in outcome studies of early and intensive behavioral intervention for autism. Behavior modification32(4), 489–503.

Geiger, K. B., Carr, J. E., & Leblanc, L. A. (2010). Function-based treatments for escape-maintained problem behavior: a treatment-selection model for practicing behavior analysts. Behavior analysis in practice3(1), 22–32.

Grow, L. L., Carr, J., & LeBlanc, L. (2009). Treatments for attention-maintained problem behavior: empirical support and clinical recommendations. Journal of Evidence-based Practices for Schools, Vol. (10), 70-92

Tiger, J. H., Hanley, G. P., & Bruzek, J. (2008). Functional communication training: a review and practical guide. Behavior analysis in practice1(1), 16–23.

Ferraioli, S., Hughes, C., & Smith, T. (2005). A model for problem solving in discrete trial training for children with autism. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 2(4), 224-246.

Brodhead, M. T., Quigley, S. P., & Wilczynski, S. M. (2018). A Call for Discussion About Scope of Competence in Behavior Analysis. Behavior analysis in practice11(4), 424–435.

Mar 01, 202228:45
How do you know a good behavior therapist when you see one?

How do you know a good behavior therapist when you see one?

Behavior therapists are the backbone of ABA services for children and adults. While certifications such as the RBT certification help as a starting point for quality care, what are the "soft skills" that make a really good behavior therapist. Kelly gets Jen's perspective, as a parent, on what a parent is looking for in therapists coming into their home. 

Feb 21, 202231:43
Got toothbrush? The struggle is real: getting your child to brush their teeth and go to the dentist!
Feb 07, 202230:26
Caregiver Collaboration Not Parent Training. Making Collaboration Effective.

Caregiver Collaboration Not Parent Training. Making Collaboration Effective.

Kelly & Jen are back with Heather O'Shea, BCBA-D and Bianca Ancona, mom and manager of team Jack to talk about collaboration: the process of two or more people working together to complete a task or goal. It neutralizes the power differential in the relationship. It's about the BCBA saying, "What can we do to help improve the quality of life for you and your family" and the two coming together to form a team do just that.

Jan 24, 202234:35
What's in a name? Parent Training or Caregiver Collaboration
Jan 17, 202232:35
The Practice of Treating Others with Compassion, Dignity & Respect. BACB 2022 Ethics Code Core Principle #2
Dec 31, 202158:03
Transitioning Therapists the Right & Ethical Way

Transitioning Therapists the Right & Ethical Way

In this podcast, Kelly & Jen tackle the topic of the current high turnover rates in the ABA therapy world and what that impact had on the clients and the families.  Hear the best ways you can do this from a parent perspective, and hear how badly it can go when not done properly, including leading children to become aggressive toward themselves and others. Includes new Ethic Code points 3.16 Appropriately Transitioning Services (see 1.03, 2.02, 2.05. 2.10). 4.12 Appropriately Terminating Supervision (see 1.03, 2.02, 3.15)

Dec 06, 202127:29
Going Into the Holidays.......

Going Into the Holidays.......

As we go into the holidays, are you going to use this time to completely relax, to maintain skills, try and learn a new skill you focus on or go to the website and make sure you are prepared?  Listen to Kelly & Jen speak from experience on this topic and hear how Dylan has made many gains during his holiday breaks! As ABA providers we owe it to our families to review and help them organize how to spend their holidays. 

Nov 24, 202123:13
Autism & First Responders
Nov 14, 202134:45
Bullying stories from a young man with autism

Bullying stories from a young man with autism

Kelly & Jen speak with Thomas, a 28 year old man with autism and hear about his experience being bullied, and how him mom helped train the schools and get a teacher advocate. Want to know what that is? Give us a listen. 

Nov 01, 202130:46
It's National Anti-Bullying Month. How Does this Affect the Child with ASD?
Oct 18, 202125:16
The September26th project discussion with its co-founders

The September26th project discussion with its co-founders

Kelly, co-chair of the September 26th project speaks directly with Maysoon Salah and Lubna Lana Salah about the September 26th project that turns tragedy into a wonderful legacy to remind families of children affected with autism, as well as a call to ABA providers to focus on the importance of safety preparation and practice. Safety is at the core of all individuals. Go to the website, use the checklists and resources to prepare yourself for safety and how to evacuate in the event of an emergency. As families and ABA providers we should unite toward this cause.

Oct 11, 202141:21
Covid, anxiety and be better for our kids

Covid, anxiety and be better for our kids

On this short episode, Kelly & Jen talk about how are current state with COVID feels so much more stressful for our kids and their families with the constant changes, and how angry and polarizing this has become for everyone. We all have to be better for our kids.

Oct 01, 202119:46
Being fire safety ready with the September26th project. CALL TO ACTION

Being fire safety ready with the September26th project. CALL TO ACTION

Kelly & Jen talk with John Merager, Fire fighter and Fire Prevention/Patrol Forest service and dad to a child on the autism spectrum to continue work of the September 26th project. The project is call to families to set their calendar for an annual reminder using our fire safety checklists. September 26th Project.  As BCBA's we have so much time assessing and working with families this checklist should be used in our parent clinical interview to determine their safety needs and readiness, and to help families develop an exit plan, a meeting place, a designated family member to get the child with autism out and to the meeting place. Use visual strategies, behavioral rehearsal and reinforcement procedure to practice your child respond to "Emergency, go with me now" SD. Support your family to go to the fire station and meet their team. See if they need training and support. Include fire safety and exit plan in the IEP instead of avoiding the sound. 

Sep 24, 202128:48