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Mindful Conversations with KAY

Mindful Conversations with KAY

By Kidding Around Yoga

Mindful Conversations with KAY is a podcast for parents, teachers, counselors, or anyone who works with children. We will talk about using research based tools and strategies to help increase mindfulness, self-awareness, connection, self-regulation, and peace in your home or classroom. Join hosts Kristi Fischer and Kelly Winkler, Kidding Around Yoga trainers, moms, and educators for some fun and insightful conversations where we take a deep dive into all things kids yoga and mindfulness.
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Mindfulness on the Road: tips for travel (Rerelease)

Mindful Conversations with KAYMar 02, 2023

Yoga, Spirituality, and Self-discovery: A conversation with Lisa Schreiber
Dec 07, 202332:15
Music Saved My Life: An Interview with Miss Julieann
Nov 30, 202340:14
RE-RELEASE - A Gratitude Practice: What it is and how it can help to manage stress and overwhelm

RE-RELEASE - A Gratitude Practice: What it is and how it can help to manage stress and overwhelm

Today we are reminded of the importance and power of giving thanks. In this re-release episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kristi and Kelly dive into the profound impact and significance of expressing gratitude.

They shed light on the gratitude practices implemented in their households and classrooms, aimed at helping children acknowledge and appreciate the abundance of blessings that surround them on a daily basis

As yoga teachers, classroom teachers, and moms, Kelly and Kristi feel a strong sense of responsibility toward raising children who are grateful. (Don't we all?) They embrace the concept of Aparigraha⁠⁠, a Sanskrit ⁠term that signifies "greedlessness" and "gratitude," a fundamental principle in yoga. However, expressing gratitude goes beyond mere words like "Thank you." The true aim is to foster and ignite sincere appreciation towards the individuals and circumstances that enable us to embrace our identity and cherish our blessings.

Tune in for more including:

  • What is gratitude, really?
  • How gratitude practices are actually stress-management tools
  • The role of the Reticular Activating System in attention and focus
  • Practices for modeling gratitude
  • Examples of weaving simple gratitude practices into your daily routine
  • Avoiding the pitfall of toxic positivity

--> Check out our favorite song and game: Orange You Grateful!

For further learning, visit our blog for more on gratitude.

Four Yoga Practices to Teach Gratitude

Practice Daily Gratitude with the Family

Gratitude: More than a Feeling

Nov 23, 202321:53
A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy
Nov 16, 202340:01
Trauma Informed Practices: An Interview with Kathleen Egan

Trauma Informed Practices: An Interview with Kathleen Egan

Nov 15, 202336:34
Self-Care: Permission to Say No
Nov 09, 202311:12
Shame: How this complex emotion effects the body and mind
Nov 02, 202319:09
The Benefits of Tapping and Shaking for Children
Oct 19, 202324:24
Somatic Experiencing-Re-Release

Somatic Experiencing-Re-Release

In this episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY, Kelly & Kristi continue the conversation about physical responses to emotions with a re-release of Episode 31: Somatic Work.

Our bodies have evolved with a primal response system to perceived threats, known as the fight, flight, or freeze response. This response is a natural survival mechanism that activates when we encounter danger or stress — whether we choose it or not! By exploring the fight, flight, or freeze response, we can better understand and regulate our emotional experiences.

Somatic work is an approach that recognizes the mind-body connection and focuses on integrating physical experiences to release emotions. By paying attention to bodily sensations, we can gain insight into our emotional experiences and initiate healing from within.

Tune in as Kelly and Kristi dig into this fascinating topic by exploring questions like:

  1. What, exactly, is somatic experiencing?

  2. How can we use physical movements to get mentally/emotionally “unstuck”?

  3. How can we instill mindful awareness of physical cues in children?

  4. How do we become 'Body Detectives'?

  5. How can we integrate somatic work into our Kids Yoga and Mindfulness classes?

Healing begins within the body, and by cultivating mindfulness and exploring somatic work, we can embark on a transformative journey toward emotional well-being. Join us!

This episode is part of a series. Be sure to tune in all month for thoughtful conversations about physical responses to feelings and emotions and helpful ways to manage and process them for both adults and children.

For further reading & learning:

Tilt Parenting Podcast

Peter Levine, PhD

Physical Responses to Emotions

Social Emotional Learning

Pranayama and the Power of Breathing

Oct 12, 202331:20
Physical Responses to Emotion

Physical Responses to Emotion

In this episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY, Kelly & Kristi begin a new month-long series on physical responses. They kick off the conversation by diving deeper into what emotions are, how they manifest in our bodies, the impact they can have on our overall well-being, and the role yoga and mindfulness play in understanding and processing them.

Throughout this episode, Kelly and Kristi cover the following thought-provoking topics:

  1. The negative 'side effects' of not acknowledging or expressing emotions

  2. The importance of accepting and honoring all emotions, both positive and negative

  3. Exploring the ways our bodies communicate our emotions

  4. Examining the ways in which our emotional states can influence our physical states through sensations, illness, and behaviors

  5. Discovering how the practice of mindfulness can help us cultivate awareness of our bodily sensations and deepen our understanding of our emotions.

This episode is part of a series. Be sure to tune in all month for thoughtful conversations about physical responses to feelings and emotions and helpful ways to manage and process them for both adults and children.

For further reading & learning:

Feel Better with KIDS YOGA!:

Yoga and the Bad Day:

Poses to Ease Children’s Emotional Pain:

The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD:

Oct 05, 202320:22
 A conversation with Deven Sisler, author of The Yamas in Pajamas

A conversation with Deven Sisler, author of The Yamas in Pajamas

Deven Sisler has been teaching yoga and meditation to children and families internationally since 2005 as well as offering kids yoga teacher trainings since 2016. She loves sharing the tools of yoga with people of all ages and believes that everyone can benefit from investigating kindness, honesty, generosity, wisdom, and self-liberation.

Deven joins Kristi and Kelly on this week's episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY to discuss her new book, The Yamas In Pajamas: A Guide to Yoga for Kids and Their Adults, which dives deeper into the first limb of yoga for kids in a fun and accessible way. Each chapter includes reflections, guided meditations, breathing exercises, journal prompts, some activities, and mindful movements or body shapes for each Yama, so kids and their adults can experientially explore these concepts. Listen in as Deven shares more about:

  1. Her personal journey with yoga and meditation

  2. Her background in theater, circus, and clowning

  3. Shifting her approach to teaching yoga to kids

  4. Her inspiration for her book and plans for her next one

  5. Her experience bringing the practice of yoga into schools and adjustments to make it suitable for all environments

Deven reminds us that the practice of yoga is available anytime, anywhere...even in our pajamas!

The Yamas in Pajamas is available at Target and Amazon, or purchase a signed copy directly from her website.

Connect with Deven:



For further reading and learning:

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships, by Marshall Rosenberg

The Secret Power of Yoga, by Nischala Joy Devi

Sep 28, 202337:07
Relationships - Part 3 Adult-child

Relationships - Part 3 Adult-child

“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it's our job to share our calm, not join their chaos.” ~L.R. Knost

From the moment they’re born, children need safe, consistent, and responsive relationships with the adults around them. Most often, the primary relationship is with a parent, however other adults, such as grandparents and teachers, play a crucial role in a child's overall development and well-being.

Through stable relationships with caring adults, children are able to develop a sense of trust and safety in the world around them. They learn to regulate their emotions, foster positive relationships with others, and develop a strong sense of self.

In this week's episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly & Kristi continue the conversation about mindful relationships with a focus on adult-child relationships.

Tune in as Kelly & Kristi dive deeper into the topic, including:

  1. practicing mindfulness in our reactions

  2. how behavior is most often a communication of a need

  3. the importance of co-regulation to support children during challenging moments at home and in the classroom

  4. releasing the ideal of the "perfect' parent or teacher

  5. the role of repair

This episode is part of a series. Be sure to tune in all month for thoughtful conversations about relationships.

For further reading & learning:

Nurturing Healthy Relationships in Children through Yoga and Mindfulness:

Whether you are a parent, caregiver or educator, you can introduce the power and peace of traditional mindfulness practices into daily routine.

Parents, check out Mindful Parenting:

Teachers, check outEduKAY Online:

Sep 21, 202325:56
Mindful Relationships Part 2- Friendships

Mindful Relationships Part 2- Friendships

If you think back over the course of your life, you can probably name different friends from different periods of your life. You may even have certain friends that you rarely see but, when you do, it seems like no time has passed at all. And, if you're lucky, you are still in contact with a childhood best friend. Through school, sports, our neighborhoods, and more, we'll cross paths with many people and these people will have a tremendous impact on our wellbeing. This week, we continue our series on relationships with a focus on another influential relationship: friendships.

Friendships are an important part of childhood and growing up. They build a child’s sense of belonging and significance in their world, make a child feel cared for and cared about, and in turn teach them how to care for others. Healthy friendships play a key role in a child’s emotional growth and their development of important life skills.

Tune in this week as Kelly & Kristi discuss the importance of connecting with others and how we can support and nurture meaningful friendships for our children, such as:

  1. Exploring new interests through friendships

  2. Exposing children to different people through different activities

  3. Accepting that friendships ebb and flow and using that space to create new relationships

  4. Encouraging children to make in person connections with the prevalence of text messaging and electronics

  5. Helping children understand what a good friendship looks and feels like in themselves and others

This episode is part of a series. Be sure to tune in all month for thoughtful conversations about relationships.

For further reading & learning:

Building Friendships through Yoga:

Social Emotional Learning – Yoga and Emotional Intelligence"

Sangha: A Community of Yoga Kids:

Introduce the power and peace of traditional mindfulness practices into your family's daily routine with our course, Mindful Parenting:

Sep 14, 202324:04
Relationships Series Part 1: Connection to Self

Relationships Series Part 1: Connection to Self

This week, we kick off a new series on relationships and the role of mindfulness in relationships. Kelly and Kristi begin the conversation with the most important relationship: the one we have with ourselves.

Self-connection means knowing and accepting who you truly are, including strengths and weaknesses. It's about being in tune with your emotions and thoughts without judgment. It means developing self-compassion, self-acceptance and allowing growth. Young or old, having a deep relationship with oneself is vital to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Tune in this week as Kelly & Kristi share their personal experiences with self-connection and offer suggestions including:

  1. Encouraging children to be curious and try new things

  2. Giving children the space to make choices, and mistakes

  3. Being careful not to label, but rather focus on effort and the ability to be brave

  4. How a yoga and meditation practice can support our self-connection at any age

  5. The important of understanding and accepting ourselves to build strong , meaningful relationships with others.

This episode is part of a series. Be sure to tune in all month for thoughtful conversations about relationships.

For further reading & learning:

Yoga Builds Self Esteem:

Modeling Self Care:

Building Self-Confidence Through Yoga and Mindfulness:

Introduce the power and peace of traditional mindfulness practices into your family's daily routine withour course, Mindful Parentig:

Sep 07, 202321:51
Mindful Transitions Part 4 - High School

Mindful Transitions Part 4 - High School

Transitioning to high school is a big change for teens. As they enter another new building, with new teachers and peers, they'll gain greater independence and access to a wider range of classes and activities. They'll also be faced with more academic and social pressure as well as pressure to start thinking about the future (...ready or not!).

Like the previous school transitions, you can expect feelings of both excitement and anticipation. As parents and caregivers, there are many steps we can take to help kids adjust to the new school environment and academic standards. In this episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY podcast, Kelly and Kristi conclude the conversation about mindful transitions with the final move to high school.

Listen in as the discuss:

  1. How high school presents a time for growth and exploration

  2. Tips and techniques for practicing mindfulness — even when there's resistance

  3. Emphasis on encouraging kids to trust their gut

  4. The importance of staying grounded and present for both kids and caregivers

  5. The balance between staying connected but also providing space

This episode is part of a series so be sure to listen Part 1: The First School Experience, Part 2: The Start of Kindergarten and Part 3: Middle School for more engaging conversations and suggestions.

For further reading & learning:

Meditation in the High School Classroom:

Reconnecting to your Family with Yoga:

Intuition: Learning to listen to our inner voice as a guide:

To gain more knowledge and practical skills to teach yoga and meditation to this age group, check out Teen KAY:

Aug 31, 202319:52
Mindful Transitions Part 3 - Middle School

Mindful Transitions Part 3 - Middle School

The transition to middle school is a big step on the road to maturity. Regardless of what specific grade marks the beginning of middle school in your community, your child may be feeling both excited and afraid. (And you, too!) The transition is often complex. As young adolescents are changing school buildings they are also changing hormonally, mentally, and physically, but like all transitions, with some advance planning and open discussions, you can substantially ease your child's mind and ensure a smooth shift into this new space.

In this episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY podcast, Kelly and Kristi continue the conversation about transitions with the 'big leap' from elementary to middle school. Listen in as the discuss:

  1. Being your child's mentor and sounding board

  2. Supporting your child's independences and boosting their sense of responsibility

  3. Understanding potential concerns your child may be having

  4. Establishing a yoga practice to support the physical changes

This episode is part of a series so be sure to listen Part 1: The First School Experience & Part 2: The Start of Kindergarten for more thoughtful conversations and suggestions.

For further reading & learning:

Connecting with Teens through Yoga:

Social Emotional Learning - Yoga and Emotional Intelligence:

Virtual Workshop: Pre-Teen Yoga: How to Adapt a Kids Yoga Class for Growing Yogis:

To gain more knowledge and practical skills to teach yoga and meditation to this age group, check out Teen KAY:

Aug 24, 202321:23
Mindful Transitions Part 2- The Start of Kindergarten
Aug 17, 202322:49
Mindful Transitions: Part 1 The First School Experience

Mindful Transitions: Part 1 The First School Experience

Change is hard regardless of age, but children particularly struggle with transitions. Especially the big ones like heading off to preschool for the first time. They may be leaving you for the first time and entering a new space with a whole new set of rules and expectations. Exciting? Yes. Scary? Of course! As parents and caregivers, there are many steps we can take ahead of time to make this transitions as smooth and tear-free as possible.

In this episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY podcast, Kelly and Kristi kick off a new series on age-based transitions and share simple mindful strategies and techniques for transitioning to preschool:

  1. Preparing ourselves as caregivers by staying present and regulates

  2. Validating our child's experiences and exploring both emotional and physical feelings

  3. Establishing a "Goodbye Routine" for connection... don't "sneak" out!

  4. Visualization practices to ease feelings of the unknown

  5. Tools for the ride to school to keep them present and engaged

For further reading & learning:

Anxiety in our Children:

Calming Anxiety in Children with Yoga:

Yoga in the Car Line:

Creating Space For Children to Regulate Their Energy and Emotions:

Find many more mindful strategies like these for this age group in our course PreKAY.

Aug 10, 202321:17
A Mindful Writing Process with Author Laura Bean

A Mindful Writing Process with Author Laura Bean

Laura Bean, writing specialist, educational wellness consultant, and creator of Write to the Core curriculum, which integrates social-emotional learning with reading and writing joins Kristi and Kelly on this episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY.

During this thoughtful interview, Laura shares more about her work which promotes self-reflection, empathy, compassion, and creativity while addressing Common Core Standards.

Listen in as they discuss:

  1. How Laura’s mindfulness practice developed

  2. The role of mindfulness in fostering a compassionate learning environment

  3. Using writing as a means of self-discovery

  4. Tips for teachers to integrate mindfulness within their curriculum

  5. The importance of supporting our students and helping them to stay regulated throughout the day

  6. Why we must do our own work and have our own personal practice

Laura lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and teaches English Language Development and mindfulness to high school students. She shares powerful poems and writings from her students.

Connect with Laura!

Learn more:




For further reading and learning opportunities:

Amy Saltzman,

Go With the Flow – Let Creativity Clear the Path:

Compassion Through Yoga:

Yoga as a Social-Emotional Tool:

Bring yoga & mindfulness into your school with our EduKAY School Workshops. Learn more:

Jun 29, 202334:08
A Fun and Rewarding Career: The Business of Kids Yoga

A Fun and Rewarding Career: The Business of Kids Yoga

Jobs can be fun and rewarding. How do we know? Because we teach kids yoga!

On this week's episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly & Kristi discuss the business of kids yoga and their personal journeys offering yoga and mindfulness to children in a variety of settings.

Tune in as they dive deeper:

  1. The different places they've successfully shared kids yoga

  2. Steps to becoming a kids yoga teacher

  3. What it looks like to teach kids yoga 'full time'

  4. Investments if transitioning into teaching yoga to kids

Is it possible to find a job you're passionate about? Kristi sums it up perfectly: "Bottom line, this is the greatest job ever."

Be sure to follow Kelly & Kristi on social media to see all the ways they share kids yoga and mindfulness in their communities and worldwide.

For further reading & learning opportunities:

Starter’s Guide to Teaching Kids’ Yoga: Business Edition:

Get certified!

Virtual Workshop: How to Make Money Teaching Kids Yoga:

KAY Yoga Card Deck:

Play Games With Your Yoga Card Deck:

Episode 53: Fun-Ways-to-Use-Yoga-Cards:

BeYogi Insurance:

Jun 22, 202320:50
Mindful Moment: Soaring High Breath

Mindful Moment: Soaring High Breath

or today's Mindful Moment, we will practice Soaring High Breath. This is a great breathing technique to refocus attention, get a full body stretch, and to encourage deep breathing. Let's try Soaring High Breath.

Find a place to stand where there's enough room to raise your arms straight out to the sides and above.

Begin by standing with the feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth with your arms hanging down at the sides of your body.

Then, on the next inhale, allow the arms to slowly float up, straightening the legs, and going up on tiptoes. Exhale as you float your arms back down, bending at the knees and bringing the heels back to the ground. Repeat this several times.

As you practice, you can imagine what kinds of bird are you. Where are you flying? After a few Soaring High Breaths, you can write a story about your bird's adventures.

Thank you for practicing Soaring Hig Breath. We hope you enjoyed today's Mindful Moment!

Jun 19, 202301:24
Exploring Mindfulness with Author Maria Moore

Exploring Mindfulness with Author Maria Moore

Happiness looks and feels different for everyone, but how we get there is often quite similar: through a deep connection with ourselves.

Maria Castelluci Moore, entrepreneur, writer, and mother of 4, joins Kristi and Kelly on this week's episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY. Their engaging interview dives deeper into the unique experience of happiness and how slowing down and paying attention to our surroundings can lead to a new, fresh perspective — at any age.

Listen in as they discuss:

  1. Maria's personal journey into a mindfulness practice

  2. Maria's inspiration to write Vivienne in Paris

  3. How Maria instills mindfulness in her home with her family through simple "rituals"

  4. Supporting children with focusing on their senses and tuning into the present moment

More about Maria:

Entrepreneur, first-generation American, writer, and mother to four children, Moore strives to bring passion and enthusiasm to all her endeavors. A lover of all things European, Moore has found great passion through her travels to Paris, Italy, Spain, and South America. Her affection for winemaking, foreign languages, the arts, ballroom dancing, and traveling has given Moore a unique and grateful perspective on life. Her love for her family and helping others through charitable giving has enabled Moore to thoughtfully curate purposeful life adventures. Moore resides in Napa, California, with her husband and four young children.

Purchase Vivienne in Paris directly from her website: Also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and wherever books are sold.

Connect with Maria Moore on Facebook or Instagram:

For further reading & learning opportunities:

Bringing Mindfulness To Our Everyday Tasks: Find Joy in being present:

The 5 Senses: An Autumn Experience:

Mindfulness Exercises:

Mindful Parenting:

Jun 15, 202327:28
Mindful Moment: Eye To Eye Meditation

Mindful Moment: Eye To Eye Meditation

To practice, we will focus very closely on a single object and let all of our other senses turn off and rest.

Find a partner and sit facing each other. Look into each other's eyes very deeply. Blink when you need to but keep staring.

Notice the colors that you see, the shapes and movements. We're going to keep looking into our partner's eyes for a few moments. Be still and quiet. Let the whole world disappear as you keep looking into your partner's eyes.

After a few minutes, you can start to blink. Sit quietly right where you are and ask them to notice how they feel. How do you feel?

Take a nice, big, deep breath in, and let your body completely relax. See if you notice anything interesting during your eye to eye meditation.

Enjoy this mindful moment and tune in again next week for more.

Jun 12, 202301:38
Children's Yoga Techniques to Teach the Control of Physical and Emotional Responses
Jun 08, 202319:07
Mindful moment - Plant Peace

Mindful moment - Plant Peace

In today's mindful moment, we will be planting peace. In this exercise, we will be growing our empathy, our emotional regulation and our self-control. Let's try it!

What happens if you plant a tomato seed? Hopefully, you'll grow a tomato. And if you plant a sunflower seed, you'll grow a sunflower. The same works in your brain. Imagine your mind is like a garden planted with many different kinds of seeds. Seeds of joy, peace, mindfulness, undertsanding, and love. Seeds of craving, anger, fear hate, and forgetfulness can grow in your mind garden, too. Both wholesome and unwholesome seeds are always there, sleeping in the soil of you of your mind, waiting to be watered. The quality of your life depends on the kinds of seeds you choose to water. If you water a seed of peace, peace will grow. When the seeds of happiness in you are watered, you will become happy. Water the seeds of anger and you will become angry. The seeds that are watered regualry will grow strong.

How do you water seeds? If you think positive thoughts and you act in kind ways, you will water the good seeds, and while you are watering the healthy seeds, the seeds of anger, sadness, stress, and pain don't get watered and as a result, they stop growing.

Which seeds have you been watering lately? Maybe you can imagine the positive seeds you are growing are literally fruits and vegetbale and flowers.

What fruit would the seed of joy grow?

What about patience? Or health?

Explain why you think that fruit, vegetable, or flower represents that emotion.

Jun 05, 202302:21
Turning Mistakes into Milestones: Empowering Children to Learn and Grow

Turning Mistakes into Milestones: Empowering Children to Learn and Grow

Let’s face it, mistakes don’t feel good, but they are a natural and important part of life. We often view mistakes negatively, however, they provide the opportunity to learn and grow, to try something new, or view something from a different perspective.

Learning to handle a mistake gracefully and using it to your advantage is a valuable life skill. So, what can we do to help our children and students embrace their mistakes and reframe failures as opportunities for growth? How can we help them discover there are benefits to making mistakes?

Join Kelly and Kristi in this week's episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY as they discuss how making mistakes can be a tool for growth. They dive deeper into the best ways to talk to our kids about making mistakes including:

  1. Acknowledging that we don't expect perfection

  2. Reminding them our love is unconditional

  3. Pointing out growth in specific areas

  4. Not 'rescuing' and allowing kids to 'screw up'

  5. Acknowledging our own mistakes and sharing them with or kids.

And as Kelly points out, we are all a work in progress!

For further reading & learning opportunities:

Kids’ Yoga Grows Leaders:

The Lotus Flower Lesson

The Right Way to Do Yoga

Art and Mindfulness: a conversation with Dr. Pravesh Bhoodram:

Effects of Ability and Effort Praise on Children’s Failure Attribution, Self-Handicapping, and Performance:

Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg:

Jun 01, 202325:17
Mindful Moment - Relieve Tension and Stretch with Cat / Cow Pose

Mindful Moment - Relieve Tension and Stretch with Cat / Cow Pose

In today's mindful moment, we will be doing a yoga pose called Cat and Cow. These poses are great for relieving tension and stretching your upper body. They can be done either seated or on hands and knees on the floor.

Let's try it!

If you are seated in a chair, start by sitting tall, bring your hands together, and interlace your fingers. Turn your palms out and extend your arms straight to the sky. Inhale as you arch your back and tip your chin up. You're like a cow with a big belly!

Now, exhale as you slowly pull your belly in and round your shoulders, pushing your spine toward the back of your chair. Bring your arms back down, stretched out in front of you, and tip your chin toward your chest. You're like a scary cat!

Continue to flow back and forth between both positions several times. Feel free to make cat and cow sounds as you move through the poses or you can make a hissing sound on the exhale to release more tension.

On all fours, you'll do the same thing. If you're on your hands and knees, let your belly fall to the floor as you lift your chest and tail and you look up toward the sky in Cow pose. As you exhale, press the floor away with both hands, draw your belly in and arch your back up toward the ceiling like a Halloween cat. Continue through this motion several times.

May 29, 202301:50
Building Self Confidence Through Yoga and Mindfulness
May 25, 202323:07
Mindful Moment - Guided Meditation

Mindful Moment - Guided Meditation

For today's mindful moment, we're going to take a journey in our imagination to our Peaceful Garden. This script works well in the classroom and is designed for children sitting at desks, but could be modified for lying down. Be sure to listen in for the full meditation.

Find a comfortable place to rest, close your eyes, or gaze down. Squeeze all of the muscles in your body, then relax. Repeat this one more time.

Take a deep breath in, fill your belly, hold, then release.

Imagine your desk becomes a magic carpet.

What do you see? Buildings? Birds? Clouds?

Who do you see? Friends?

What do you feel? A cool breeze?

Gently land in your garden. Spend some time exploring and decorating your garden.

What do you hear?

What's the temp?

What do you smell?

Now rest peacefully in your garden, then climb back on your magic carpet and return to your desk. Take a moment to remember how peaceful and happy you felt in your garden. Keep this feeling with you throughout your day!

May 22, 202303:46
Flexible Thinking: A Life Skill For All Ages
May 18, 202319:49
Fun Ways to Use Yoga Cards
May 11, 202319:12
Minful Moment: Full Body Breath

Minful Moment: Full Body Breath

In this Mindful Moment, we will practice Full Body Breath. This grounding breath activates our relaxation response and stretches our back.

Let's try it! This practice requires four full breaths. Begin in Mountain pose.

On the first breath, look up at the ceiling, lift your heart and stretch arm up like a "Y".

On the second breath, allow your body to melt forward toward your shoes as if you are a ragdoll. Dangle there for a full inhale and exhale.

On the third breath, feel your whole body as you reach for the ceiling again. Feel your feet on the floor, ribs stretch and fingers reach.

Do one more full breath standing tall with energy and power. Now your ready for your day!

You can also practice Full Body Breath from a seated position - which way feels better for you?

May 08, 202302:38
A Conversation with the Author of The Yoga of Parenting, Sarah Ezrin

A Conversation with the Author of The Yoga of Parenting, Sarah Ezrin

We show up to parenting without much formal training, however, our practice 'on the mat' can be applied to parenthood in many ways. Sarah Ezrin, author, world-renowned yoga educator, content creator, and mama based in the San Francisco Bay Area, joins Kristi and Kelly on this episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY. Kelly and Kristi's engaging interview with Sarah inspires us to bring the wisdom of yoga into the parenting journey.

Listen in as they discuss:

  1. How Sarah discovered yoga during college 'by accident'

  2. Her lifelong goal of writing a book and how her 'aha moment' in the shower lead to her writing The Yoga of Parenting

  3. Yoga's role in developing our intuition and trust as parents

  4. Sarah's favorite story from her book about Leah Kim, former Nike Global Ambassador

  5. The importance of yoga and mindfulness in schools and how it can benefit the entire family system

Connect with Sarah:

Purchase Sarah's book for 30% off with code YP30:

Other links:

For further reading & learning opportunities:

Creating Space For Children to Regulate Their Energy and Emotions, EP. 44:

The Intimacy of Family Relationships:

Create a Calm Down Box:

Yoga in the Classroom

Benefits of Yoga for Kids:

Kidding Around Yoga for Educators

May 04, 202334:09
Mindful Moment: Affirmations

Mindful Moment: Affirmations

In this Mindful Moment, we will focus on Affirmations. Affirmations are a great form of self-care and stress management. They help us to focus on positive thinking. When we experience angry or upsetting thoughts, we often feel tired or sluggish. Positive or happy thoughts can energize us. Through the practice of affirmations, we can change worried thoughts into positive thoughts.

Affirmation begins with an "I am" statement and includes the opposite emotion to the upsetting thought. For example, if you are nervous about a test, you can affirm: "I am smart and prepared to do great." We can even have a large selection of affirmations available when we need a pick-me-up or a thought change. Choose from the box or jar, read it, and repeat it several times.

May 01, 202301:15
Intuition:  learning to listen to our inner voice as a guide

Intuition: learning to listen to our inner voice as a guide

Whether your inner voice is loud and clear or more of a whisper, listening to it can be a great source of guidance when you need it most. And in order to hear and trust that voice, adults and children alike need to be able to slow down, pause and notice the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that are coming up when making a choice or decision. In this episode of Mindful Conversation with KAY, Kelly and Kristi discuss intuition and 'turning up the volume' of our inner voice. Listen in as they discuss:

  1. Why it's important for parents and children to tune into their intuition

  2. How yoga and mindfulness can support children in developing their intuition

  3. Asking helpful questions such as "What does it feel like in your body" and "Tell me more..." to encourage children to explore their feelings

  4. How we may unknowingly pass on the message to children to not trust their feelings

  5. Fun and engaging ways to teach children to pause, think, and develop confidence in the choices and decisions they make

For further reading:

A Sense of Belonging:

Yoga Builds Self Esteem:

Children's Yoga and Mental Health:

Learning Opportunities:

Yoga for Families:

Virtual Workshop: Engaging Yoga Games For School-Aged Kids:

Kids Yoga Game Bundle:

Apr 27, 202327:29
Mindful Moment - Chair Pose

Mindful Moment - Chair Pose

In this Mindful Moment, we will practice Chair pose. This pose is great for exercising your legs, energizing your body, and stimulating your heart and abdominal organs.

Let's try it! Stand with your legs together, bend your knees, and reach your bottom back and your back straight like you are sitting on an invisible chair. Reach arms long overhead, keeping your heart lifted.

Can your chair get low to the ground like a seat for a kindergartner? Or maybe rise tall and become a high chair? Can you chair balance on tiptoes? What would happen if one of the legs broke? Lift one leg and balance, then the other.

Apr 24, 202301:15
The Power of Yoga Nidra for the Entire Family
Apr 20, 202316:27
Mindful Moment: Listen Closely

Mindful Moment: Listen Closely

In this Mindful Moment, we will practice Listen Closely. Listen Closely is a calming mindfulness practice that improves focus and listening skills.

Try it! Find a comfortable seat, sit tall, close your eyes and take a deep breath. First, listen to the furthest sound you can hear. Maybe a car or an airplane. Next, listen to something closer. Maybe something in the room like a ticking clock. Finally, listen to something within your own body like your heartbeat.

Apr 17, 202301:42
Bringing Mindfulness To Our Everyday Tasks:  find joy in being present
Apr 13, 202319:12
Mindful Moment: Square Breathing

Mindful Moment: Square Breathing

In this Mindful Moment, we will introduce Square Breathing. This calming practice improves focus and reinforces motor skills. Grab a piece of paper and pencil or simply use your finger in the air or a desk and draw a square. 

Try it! Inhale as you draw a straight line, exhale and draw a connecting perpendicular line, inhale and draw the third line of the square, exhale and finish the square. Repeat as many times as you’d like.

Apr 10, 202301:06
Creating a "Ripple"- an interview with children's book author and yoga teacher Jesse Bennett
Apr 06, 202328:56
Mindful Moment: Turtle Time

Mindful Moment: Turtle Time

In this mindful moment episode, we will introduce Turtle Time. This calming practice improves focus, and imagination and reminds us that like sea turtles we have the power to go with the flow.

Try it! Pretend to get into your shell, make yourself comfortable then take 3 slow deep breaths. Next, relax your body, allow your muscles to melt, and float in the ocean like a sea turtle.

Apr 03, 202301:46
Intuition: helping our children use their inner voice as a guide
Apr 01, 202327:29
RERELEASE - Music: A Mind and Body Experience

RERELEASE - Music: A Mind and Body Experience

Listening to music is more than an auditory task - it is a full body (and full mind) experience! In this episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly and Kristi discuss the power of using music in our homes and classrooms. Join the conversation as they talk about:

-Music's physiological effects on the brain and body

-The link between academics and music

-Rhythm and movement as part of the musical experience

-How music encourages creativity and shifts energy

-Using music to reset an anxious mind

-How music is a full sensory experience

-Mindfully Incorporating music into your home and/or classroom

-Why consistency is key

-Musical brain breaks

BONUS! Get a free download of a popular Kidding Around Yoga song

Put on your listening ears and warm up your dancing muscles because this episode will surely put you in the mood for some tunes!

Mar 30, 202323:23
Mindful Moment - Bunny Breath

Mindful Moment - Bunny Breath

In this mindful moment episode we will introduce Bunny Breath. Benefits: energizes, aids in breath retention, stretches upper body, refocuses attention

Try it! Sit up tall. Inhale 3 short sips of air through your nose and then one long exhale through your mouth. Repeat 3-5 times.

Mar 27, 202301:13
What Fills Your Heart? deepen your family's gratitude practice

What Fills Your Heart? deepen your family's gratitude practice

What fills your heart episode

Mar 23, 202322:00
Mindful Moment - Ragdoll Pose

Mindful Moment - Ragdoll Pose

In todays mindful moment episode we introduce RAGDOLL pose.

Benefits: relieves stress, re-energizes the brain, settles nervous energy

Try it! From standing, fold forward and let your head, shoulders, and arms dangle toward the floor. Bend your knees and sway. Let everything be soft.

Mar 20, 202301:05
Meditation as a Path to Acknowledging Feelings
Mar 16, 202326:49
Mindful Moment - Line Drawing

Mindful Moment - Line Drawing

In this mindful moment episode we will practice a line drawing meditation.  This practice can bring our awareness to our breath, help us to focus, and feel more calm.  All you need is a piece of paper and a wrting utensil.  Practice along with us and see how your breath can guide your drawing.  

Mar 13, 202301:28
The Power of Brain Breaks:  giving the brain a rest allows for increased learning
Mar 09, 202324:32