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History of Asia

History of Asia

By Kristof

We try to make sense of Asian culture and politics by exploring the continent's history. We start in the present, then methodically travel back in time. Best listened to in proper order.

Season 1: Arabia
Season 2: Iran
Season 3: Iraq and Syria
Season 4: ?

Notice a mistake? Be so kind as to let me know. Suggestions, questions and encouragements are appreciated: or Spotify questionnaire.

Sources can be found on Facebook

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1.14. What did we learn? The history of Arabia in a nutshell

History of AsiaFeb 20, 2022

3.8. The sick man and his strong medicine

3.8. The sick man and his strong medicine

This episode is about the later stages of the Ottoman period, with the focus on Syria and especially Iraq.

Most important sources for the episode (for more specific info you can e-mail me):

Yitzhak Nakash - The Shi'is of Iraq

TRIPP C. Irak: een geschiedenis ANSCOMBE F.F. State, faith, and nation in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Lands BAYLY C.A. The Birth of the modern world 1780-1914.

DALE S. The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals MCDOWAN D. A modern history of the Kurds MCHUGO J. Syria a recent history. SIMONS G., BENN T. Iraq: from Sumer to Saddam.

Apr 21, 202437:26
3.7. The Mandatory Period. Original sin.

3.7. The Mandatory Period. Original sin.

We discuss the history of Iraq and Syria in the first half of the 20th century.

Mar 07, 202449:47
3.6. How has it come to this? And why does it matter?

3.6. How has it come to this? And why does it matter?

A long overdue explanation why this podcast narrates history backwards.

Feb 12, 202430:48
3.5. Syria and Iraq in the 50s and 60s. In a state of nature?

3.5. Syria and Iraq in the 50s and 60s. In a state of nature?

We discuss the 50s and 60s. What explains the turbulence of this period, as opposed to the longevity of the Assad- and Saddam-regimes?

Sorry if the audio is leaky sometimes: there is something wrong with my microphone. I'll have it fixed.

Jan 20, 202451:29
3.4. 1970-90s, Saddam and Assad. In a state of terror.

3.4. 1970-90s, Saddam and Assad. In a state of terror.

If we say the Iraq war was a mistake, we must consider the alternatives. What would Iraq be like with Saddam or his son still in power? We now discuss the rule of Hafez al-Assad and Saddam Hussayn. We compare their strategies and ask whether Machiavelli would have approved of them.

Dec 12, 202357:08
3.3. Mission Accomplished. The Iraq War, and its aftermath.

3.3. Mission Accomplished. The Iraq War, and its aftermath.

We talk about the Iraq war, its immediate consequences, and its effect on Syria.

Nov 12, 202354:27
3.2. The Arab Winter

3.2. The Arab Winter

This is the story of the Arab Spring in Syria and Iraq, and how it turned to another Long Winter.

Oct 14, 202345:00
3.1. Iraq and Syria today

3.1. Iraq and Syria today

In our third series, we set out to discover Syria and Iraq. We tavel by podcast so it's perfectly safe. And free. Enjoy.

Sources for the series (others may be added to later episodes):

The Oxford history of Islam The New Cambridge History of Islam HARDY R. The Poisoned Well. Empire and its legacy in the Middle East SIMONS G., BENN T. Iraq: from Sumer to Saddam. HOURANI A. De geschiedenis van de Arabische volken KADRI A., MATER L. Syria: from national independence to proxy war SCHWARTZ S. The Other Islam. Sufism and the road to global harmony ANSCOMBE F.F. The Ottoman Gulf: The Creation of Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, and Qatar STONE N. De beknopte geschiedenis van Turkije TRIPP C. Irak: een geschiedenis VALTER S. La construction nationale syrienne : légitimation de la nature communautaire du pouvoir par le discours historique VAN DE MIEROOP M., A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000 - 323 BC MARR P. The Modern History of Iraq ANSCOMBE F.F. State, faith, and nation in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Lands MCDOWAN D. A modern history of the Kurds MCHUGO J. Syria a recent history BAYLY C.A. The Birth of the modern world 1780-1914 BODANSKY Y. Secret History of the Iraq War ROBERTSON J. Iraq: a history BOURKE S. Het Midden Oosten. Van de prehistorie en het Babylonische koninkrijk tot de opkomst van de islam BRYCE T. Ancient Syria. A three thousand year history CHARLES RIVER EDITORS. The Greatest Civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia CHARLES RIVER EDITORS. The Sassanid Empire: The History and Legacy of the Neo-Persian Empire Before the Arab Conquest and Rise of Islam DALE S. The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals NYDELL M.K. De Arabische cultuur leren kennen en begrijpen.

HEIRMAN MARK, Oosterse dagen, Arabische nachten.

LEWIS B. Het Midden-Oosten: 2000 jaar culturele en politieke geschiedenis.

HOLLAND T. Het vierde beest: God, de strijd om de wereldmacht en het einde van de oudheid. DULMERT R. Bonbons voor mevrouw Assad: achter de linies van het Syrische regime.

PAUWELS L. Geschiedenis van de Koerden: de strijd van een volk voor een eigen staat

CORNILIE B. In de schaduw van Saddam: het Koerdische experiment in Irak.

SCHUTTEN H. De val van Saddam

GALBRAITH P. Het einde van Irak: hoe Amerikaanse incompetentie een oorlog zonder einde teweeggebracht

LESCH D. The new lion of Damascus: Bashar a-Asad and modern Syria

NAKASH Y. The Shi'is of Iraq

DUMAS V. Syrië en de hyena's van Damascus STERN J. ISIS: the stat of terror DE BRABANDER L. Het Koerdisch Utopia If you want more specific notes, you can e-mail me.

Sep 28, 202322:49
2.21. Elam. In search of mad kings

2.21. Elam. In search of mad kings

In this last episode on Iran, we talk about one of the most important peoples you probably never heard of: the Elamites.

Sep 02, 202329:19
2.20 A convenient "Truth"

2.20 A convenient "Truth"

"Power doesn't come from a badge or a gun. Power comes from lying... lying big and getting the whole ×××× world to play along with you." (Quote from sin city)How does that work? Check out this episode and find out...

Jul 29, 202352:18
2.19 The Achaemenid Persians: The evil empire (?)

2.19 The Achaemenid Persians: The evil empire (?)

The Persians, and especially the Achaemenids, have for centuries been presented as the ultimate "other". Corrupt, decadent, freedom-hating...

In this episode, we look how accurate these stereotypes fit the real thing. The episode owes a large debt to professor Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones' excellent work (and several others), which takes many new findings and weaves them into a fascinating new narrative. I advise you all to buy it, of course. Other sources are on my Facebook page.

Jun 29, 202355:33
2.18 4th Century BCE. Invading hell, becoming the devil.

2.18 4th Century BCE. Invading hell, becoming the devil.

We talk about Alexander the Great, and how he (may have) conquered the Achaemenid Persian empire.

May 25, 202301:06:12
2.17. Your own, personal, Alexander

2.17. Your own, personal, Alexander

In the next episode, we'll talk about how Alexander the Great managed to conquer the Persian empire.

In this one, we'll see why we will probably never know that.

May 04, 202335:36
2.16. An ancient civil world war

2.16. An ancient civil world war

We discuss how Seleucus managed to win the "funeral games" after the death of Alexander the Great, and found the biggest empire of his time: the Seleucid dynasty.
Apr 30, 202301:01:42
2.15. Iran since the 200s BCE. The Parthians

2.15. Iran since the 200s BCE. The Parthians

We talk about the predecessors to the Sasanian empire. Their approach was completely different, but in a way, perfectly adopted to the lands of Iran.

Mar 07, 202345:48
2.14. The Sasanians

2.14. The Sasanians

Omnipresent magic. Religiously sanctioned inbreeding. Extreme decadence. Lots of war elephants. A royal family that commits genocide on itself. Welcome to the world of Sasan.

Feb 08, 202356:23
2.13. The land of the Magi

2.13. The land of the Magi

Today, we discuss the religion that dominated Iran until the Muslim Conquests: Zoroastrianism. As we shall see, this faith bears many resemblances to Twelver Shiism, the sect that would be embraced by the Buyid dynasty soon after it emerged, and not long after the Islamization of Iran really got underway. These similarities may not be entirely coincidental. Zoroastrianism also left a mark on other world religions. It had many followers in Arabia during the lifetime of the Prophet Mohammed. After the Muslims conquered Persia, both religions would co-exist there for centuries. That was bound to leave a mark.

Jan 07, 202346:23
2.12. The Paradox of Shiite Rule. Every day is Ashura.

2.12. The Paradox of Shiite Rule. Every day is Ashura.

Don’t you just hate politics? As Manu Chao sang, and as anyone watching House of Cards will confirm: Politic kills. politic needs cries, politic needs ignorance, politic needs lies… Many religions have thrived by cozying up to the establishment of their day. There are few that consistently hold politics in contempt the way Shiism does. This may well be a big part of its appeal. But what would happen, if such a creed became state religion itself? Wouldn’t that be a fun experiment…

Dec 10, 202252:39
2.11. Iran since the 10th century. The Assassin’s creed

2.11. Iran since the 10th century. The Assassin’s creed

In today’s episode, we talk about the legacy of the period before the advent of the Safavids, and the transformation of Iran into a Shia state. Among other things, we discuss the rise of Sufism, the resilience of Persian culture and the “Shiite century”. We also give ample attention to the fascinating cult of the Assassins: if you are writing a fantasy novel, you may want to include these people.

Nov 19, 202201:05:32
2.10. Rise of the Safavids. How Iran became Shiite (after 1500).

2.10. Rise of the Safavids. How Iran became Shiite (after 1500).

In the last episode, we talked about the fall of the Safavids, the most important Muslim dynasty Iran has ever had. Today, we shall discuss their rise. It was they who turned Iran into a Shiite state, and not through kind persuasion.

Oct 17, 202254:60
2.9. There is something rotten in the state of Iran. Starting in the 1600s.

2.9. There is something rotten in the state of Iran. Starting in the 1600s.

During most of modern history, Iran was a rather weak player on the world stage. It was constantly taken advantage of. Before the Safavid’s sudden collapse in the early 18th century, however, Persia was not a country that you would want to mess with. Only a few other states in the world could match their power. Iran went from hero to zero in no time. In this episode, we ask ourselves how and why this happened.

Sep 19, 202241:23
2.8. The nadir of Iranian history: the 1700s

2.8. The nadir of Iranian history: the 1700s

In the 18th century, Persia was the playground of cruel warlords, who attempted to rule through fear and blood. You had the Afghan rebel turned Shah, the Persian Napoleon Nadir Shah, and even a eunuch-king! It was one of the worst periods in the country's history: the population fell from 9 to 6 million. It was the Qajars who finally ended the era of civil war.
Aug 30, 202250:44
2.7. Persia since the 19th century. t is from us what befalls us?

2.7. Persia since the 19th century. t is from us what befalls us?

In the Qajar era, Persia went through a period of decline and humiliation at the hands of foreign powers. The experience makes clear why Reza Khan had the priorities he had, and why Europe is still regarded with suspicion in Iran (although there are other reasons for that too).
Aug 12, 202255:01
2.6. Brave Little Persia. Iran since the 20th century.

2.6. Brave Little Persia. Iran since the 20th century.

Today we talk about the rise, the policies, the downfall and the legacy of Reza Khan, the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty. Under his rule, Iran was irrevocably transformed. Many of these changes still resonate today. Perhaps his most enduring legacy, is the struggle between Mosque and State, especially over the issue of the chador, or hijab. This is a matter of worldwide controversy to this day, and this episode in Iran's history may teach us valuable lessons about its nature. It also illustrates just how difficult it is to tackle such issues. The episode starts and ends with a world war: while the first brought Reza Khan to power, the second brought him down. For the Iranian population as a whole, these were two traumatizing experiences. They make the enduring mistrust of the outside world more understandable. And they bring some more nuance of our idea of World War II as being a fight between Good and Evil.
Jun 29, 202249:45
2.5. Mossadeq and the Shah. Iran since the 1950s

2.5. Mossadeq and the Shah. Iran since the 1950s

Many features of the current Iranian system can be seen as responses to misgivings about the former one, that of the Pahlavi dynasty. Many of these “solutions” have become problems themselves. "Independence" became isolation and confrontation, "islamization" has led to alienation... Nevertheless, the Islamic Republic has also, in many respects, built on the foundations of that bygone era. Today, we discuss what Iran was like under the last dynastic ruler: Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi. We also discuss how the occurrences in this era explain the antagonism between Iran and the USA. And we talk about the nationalization of oil, a dramatic story of hybris and betrayal, with as protagonist, a frail aristocrat in pajamas.

May 26, 202255:55
2.4. Khomeini's Iran

2.4. Khomeini's Iran

Today we discuss the aftermath of the 1979 revolution: the ascent of Ruhollah Khomeini, the capture of the US embassy, the First Gulf War, the fatwa against Salman Rushdie and much else. All events with major repercussions today. And not just in Iran.

Apr 30, 202249:19
2.3. Where power lies. Iran since the 1990s

2.3. Where power lies. Iran since the 1990s

The 90s were a very interesting time in Iran, in which the democratic and authoritarian faces of its Janus-head clashed. The story shows where the current disillusionment and confrontation comes from. It also suggests that this was far from inevitable, and that it need not stay that way forever.

Apr 09, 202246:16
2.2. Dealing with the devil. Iran since the 21th century.

2.2. Dealing with the devil. Iran since the 21th century.

For multiple reasons, this will be a very timely episode. While everyone watches the tragedy in Ukraine unfold, the situation around Iran is also spiralling out of control. And as we'll see, there are many connections between them. The consequences of a war in Iran might be equally catastrophic as what is currently happening on the Eastern borders of Europe. 

Today's "story" is about how Iran and America stepped away from the brink, only to turn around once again. No one knows how it will all end. But a little context certainly wouldn’t hurt.

My heart goes out to all the innocent people involved in the tragedy that we're witnessing. 

Mar 23, 202235:05
2.1 Iran today. Land with two faces.

2.1 Iran today. Land with two faces.

Introduction to our new series.

When it comes to Iran, there is irony wherever you look. And it so happens that I love irony. So I'm certainly gonna love the upcoming series. I hope you do to.

Mar 10, 202239:27
1.14. What did we learn? The history of Arabia in a nutshell

1.14. What did we learn? The history of Arabia in a nutshell

A super-quick recap of our long voyage through Arabian history. Counter-clockwise, of course. 

Feb 20, 202223:40
1.13. Womb of Islam. Arabia from pre-history up to the time of the Prophet.

1.13. Womb of Islam. Arabia from pre-history up to the time of the Prophet.

Islam is a universalist religion, but at the same time, it is rooted in ancient Arabian culture. Understanding that historical context can bring another level of understanding. I hope. Judge for yourself: in this episode, we cover Arabia's past from pre-history up to, and including, the time of Prophet Muhammed.

Jan 25, 202201:27:57
1.12. Arabia since the 6th century. Setting the scene for the Great Arab Expansion.

1.12. Arabia since the 6th century. Setting the scene for the Great Arab Expansion.

We continue the discussion on the reasons behind the success of the Early Arab Expansion. We focus on the timing of the Muslim attack: was it a coincidence that this took place when Persia and Byzantium were at their weakest? We also focus on the momentous consequences of these years: had it gone differently, the Middle East would not be ethnically Arab, Arabic speaking and Islamic.

Dec 29, 202101:09:40
1.11. Rags to riches. The Early Muslim Conquests (part 1/2)

1.11. Rags to riches. The Early Muslim Conquests (part 1/2)

In this episode, we discuss why the Arabians could take over the Middle-East right after they accepted Islam.

Also comes up: 

- Snoop dog's appeal

- practicing soccer skills

- recognizing pornography 

- the Stanford prison experiment 

- wisdom from Tarantino...and GOT.


Nov 27, 202157:14
1.10. Geography's revenge. Arabia since the 9th century.

1.10. Geography's revenge. Arabia since the 9th century.

Arabia is one of only a handful of regions that were never colonized (with the exception of Aden). Not because it's impossible to unlock, but because nobody really bothered. There were only two periods in history when Arabia was of global importance: the last time was due to the discovery of oil, the first time was the result of the emergence of Islam. During the millennium in between these short periods, its unhabitable environment condemned Arabia to obscurity. Only the coastal regions were in regular contact with the outside world. In the isolated mountains of Yemen and Oman, like in the barren deserts of central Arabia, unorthodox movements flourished: hyper-conservative Sunnism, Ibadism and Zaydism.

We try to explain their emergence by focussing on their environment. 

The episode is named after an influential book by Robert Kaplan.

Nov 02, 202101:21:11
1.9. Non-fossil fuels. Slavery in Arabia since the 16th century.

1.9. Non-fossil fuels. Slavery in Arabia since the 16th century.

The show discusses to what extend the historical practice of slavery resonates in today’s Arabia. We shall focus on a part of the peninsula that usually doesn’t get the attention it deserves: Oman. The Omanis used to have a maritime empire that stretched all the way from Somalia to Mozambique. Its most important economic activity was the slave trade.

Used works will, as always, appear on Facebook.

Oct 06, 202154:11
1.8. The rise of Wahhabism. Arabia since the 18th century.

1.8. The rise of Wahhabism. Arabia since the 18th century.

In today’s episode, we’ll explore the origins of the puritanical form of Islam, commonly known as Wahhabism. We’ll see that the bond between the Wahhabis and the Saudis goes back a very long time. We also place these topics in a broader context: the rise of the West, and the ways the rest of the world adapted to it.

Sep 17, 202145:38
1.7. Now it's personal!

1.7. Now it's personal!

Bonus episode. A short recap of the previous episodes, looking at 20th century Arabia through a different lens: the "big man" theory of history. Napoleon made history, but he was also a product of history himself. So too with the Saudi kings and the Bin Ladens.

Aug 16, 202134:10
1.6. The Founding Father of Saudi-Arabia. Beginning of the 20th century

1.6. The Founding Father of Saudi-Arabia. Beginning of the 20th century

This time we focus on the first half of the 20th century. We discuss the founding of Saudi-Arabia. We also see why Oman and North Yemen would become tempting targets in the Arab cold war. And we contemplate an alternative history in which Arab lands were undivided. 

Jul 31, 202126:33
1.5. The Arab Cold War. Arabia since the 50s

1.5. The Arab Cold War. Arabia since the 50s

Why are some places rich, while others are poor? Why is Abu Dhabi rich, and Aden poor? You cannot answer such questions simply by looking at geography, culture or the economy. History is a necessary part of the explanation. And today's story is a perfect illustration. For around 1950, Abu Dhabi was poor, and Aden's port was prospering. In the subsequent decades, they changed places. That is the story of this show. 

Our focus will be on the east and south of Arabia for a change. We'll see how the stability of Yemen was undermined by forces such as decolonization, Arab nationalism and the Cold War. Out of the civil war emerged two very different Yemens, both of them instable. This served as a warning for the states on the east coast. They did manage to consolidate and prosper.

Jul 04, 202149:29
1.4. Arabia since the 70s. Rise of the oil sheiks

1.4. Arabia since the 70s. Rise of the oil sheiks

We discuss the oil crisis, its causes and aftermath.

Jun 03, 202131:30
1.3. Annus Horribilis: 1979.

1.3. Annus Horribilis: 1979.

We discuss how Saudi-Arabia responded to the crises of 1979. We also talk about the unification of Yemen. In both cases, the result was a bizarre, highly unstable alliance. The Gulf War woud put them both to the test.

May 18, 202129:17
1.2. Arabia after 9/11

1.2. Arabia after 9/11

This time, we discuss the situation in Arabia after the 9/11 attacks.

May 09, 202127:46
1.1. Arabia today

1.1. Arabia today

In this episode, we take a look at the current situation in Arabia (Saudi-Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait & Bahrain). In the upcoming episodes, we shall see how it came into being.

May 02, 202141:08
A short introduction

A short introduction

What is this podcast all about?

Apr 17, 202106:09