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Heart Work with Lauren Stackpole

Heart Work with Lauren Stackpole

By Lauren Stackpole

Have you ever felt like you were doing all the right things, but still weren't seeing the results you want? Oftentimes we show up to do the hard work but don't get to our goals unless we also do the HEART work. My mission is to help you stop going through the motions, do the inner work, develop your mindset, and become the person you were made to be!

For more content or to work with me, visit my website
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Gut Health Conversation with Abby Tweeten

Heart Work with Lauren StackpoleApr 27, 2024

Gut Health Conversation with Abby Tweeten

Gut Health Conversation with Abby Tweeten

Gut health impacts every area of our health and has become an increasingly popular topic. Hear the basics of what gut health is, symptoms signaling it may be poor, and how to improve yours with Registered Nurse and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Abby Tweeten!
IG: @tweeten_nutrition

Key Points:
-Eat real foods with fewer ingredients
-Limit your intake of processed food, sugar, and alcohol
-Add pre and probiotics through food or supplements
-A quality supplement is 3rd party tested, so look for that
-Start small and stay consistent--you don't have to be perfect
Apr 27, 202435:31
Let the Love In

Let the Love In

A quick mindful moment to remind you how loved you are!
Apr 19, 202406:23
Riff on Being Intentional

Riff on Being Intentional

Choose to be intentional with how you spend your time, energy, and attention. Pour into the people who are important to you. Focus on your health and well-being so you can continue to grow and move forward.

If you want to go through my Spring Cleaning for Life training, the outline is basic and free. The full training has video/audio from me, affirmations, journal prompts, and resource links to go deeper (only $17 currently).

Apr 07, 202412:39
How I Use Mindfulness + Meditation for Letting Go
Mar 23, 202415:23
For Caregivers / Spring Cleaning for Life

For Caregivers / Spring Cleaning for Life

Some inspo for caregivers, followed by the info for my Spring Cleaning for Life group.

Mar 13, 202412:59
Mindset, Accountability, and Food Freedom Excerpts

Mindset, Accountability, and Food Freedom Excerpts

This week ended my 3 weeks of intentionally focusing on healthy habits. Listen to hear how it has helped me. I also share how you can learn these day to day practices to incorporate in your own life with my Heart Work Course, which is currently 50% off.

Lastly, I share clips from the Food Freedom Workshop I hosted. This received great feedback, so we will do more. As I compile the trainings, that will also be available on my website in the future as a bundle.

Heart Work Course:

Feb 23, 202426:08
Accountability Update

Accountability Update

I have committed to spending 3 weeks of intentionally showing up for myself and doing the daily heart work habits that keep me feeling good, inside and out. In today's episode, I share how things are going during week one of this.

Feb 10, 202414:30
Let the water boil

Let the water boil

What if we approached our goals with the same certainty that we do when we put a pot of water over heat. We know it will boil if we keep the heat on. If we continue to show up for our goals, we will reach them.

If February is the month you want to start being consistent, have someone cheer you on, help you feel motivated on the tough days--join my 3 weeks of accountability coaching. You deserve to feel confident in your plans and supported on your journey. Simply send me a message @yourcoachlauren or email at to claim your spot.

Feb 04, 202409:41
Welcome to 2024

Welcome to 2024

Let's start this year being gentle with ourselves. Let's spend time getting clear--on who we want to be, how we want to feel, and what we want to do. It's going to be a great year!

If you need support through the process, I'll be opening coaching spots for this year. I'm just an email away.

Jan 31, 202409:02
Mindset Coaching Exerpts
Nov 18, 202307:55
For Those Starting Again

For Those Starting Again

If you find yourself starting again like I am... whether it is your health and fitness journey, a relationship, a job, etc... let's begin this journey with gratitude, tenacity, and a realistic perspective. You are capable of amazing things and I am cheering you on!

In the month of November, I am hosting an accountability group for all things healthy lifestyle. If you'd like to join us, send me a message on Instagram @yourcoachlauren or an email at, and I will get you the link!

Nov 01, 202308:09
Fall - A Time for Rest

Fall - A Time for Rest

We are cyclical beings who are not meant to be in “go mode” constantly. Give yourself permission to rest, and ask yourself what you need in order to do that.

Meditation starts at 3:38

Oct 20, 202309:07
The Power of ‘No’

The Power of ‘No’

Learning to say an empowered, intentional ‘No’ helps us set boundaries, operate in alignment, and keeps our priorities intact. Listen in to hear who struggles with taking on too much, why this happens, and how to avoid being spread too thin! Ask yourself the following: 1) Am I the best person for this? 2) Do I have the time, space in my schedule, and energy to take this on? 3) Will doing this allow my priorities to remain intact?
Mar 19, 202313:17
Transition to Genuine Joy with Danielle Noall

Transition to Genuine Joy with Danielle Noall

Today’s episode shares Danielle Noall’s story from burnt out to burning brightly!

Find her @danielle_noall ; ;

Here’s what we learned from our conversation:

Our bodies give us physical signs when we are operating out of alignment. Listen to them before they are screaming! You don’t have to wait until you’re completely burnt out to make changes.

Draw boundaries so you have more time and energy to spend on what’s most important to you.

You have options! You can do what makes you happy. Seek that out.

To discover who you are and what you want, take time to journal, brain dump, pray, listen to your intuition, cry. Let go of some of the logic. Look for themes in what comes up and start researching.

Periods of transition take a lot of emotional energy. Give yourself extra rest and self care! Don’t beat yourself up for not “doing it all” in those seasons.

Your identity is separate from anything external. You are not your career, job title, salary amount, etc. You are. End of sentence.

Are you hurting anybody else? No. Are you happy doing what you’re doing? Yes. That’s probably what you should be doing. If your answers are otherwise, you need to reassess.

Aug 01, 202234:19
Sit With Yourself

Sit With Yourself

Our world is so noisy and stressful. Take a few moments to check in with yourself!

If you want to share anything, feel free to email me:

Jul 27, 202212:18
Intellect and Alignment with Kristen Lippert

Intellect and Alignment with Kristen Lippert

Here's what we learned from our conversation with Kristen Lippert:


Don’t burn yourself out trying to please everyone else. If you feel out of alignment, you are. Your body and mind give you warning signs that you need to make changes, so listen to them! 

Seek guidance from professionals, family/friends you trust, and God. Let yourself explore, and stay curious while you learn what your options are. The next step will become clear. Have faith in that.

Set boundaries with your time and relationships to create space emotionally and physically for the next phase. Learn to say “no” when you need to.

Learn lessons along the way. There is purpose to every season—the pieces will fit together and even if they don’t, they’ll make good stories.

Get clear on your values and your why. Make choices that stay true to them.

Learn to listen effectively to connect, heal, and create genuine community.

Stay curious, stay kind.

Jul 19, 202230:55
Two Minutes of Calm

Two Minutes of Calm

Find time for peace even in the most hectic days! Take 2 minutes for yourself today to calm down those stress hormones to promote healing, inside and out.

Jul 16, 202203:03
My Own Recent Reset

My Own Recent Reset

I recently found myself in need of a reset, and here are the steps I took:

Focus on WHO you want to be and WHAT you want.

ADD small actions to your routine to build toward your goal.

Plug into community or a partner to support you and hold you accountable.


Want to learn healthy habits of your own? Have a goal you want to work towards? Go to my website or email me--I'm here for you!

Jun 27, 202209:49
Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement

Today I'm sharing some words we don’t hear enough. Don’t forget to praise yourself for all you do!!
I encourage you to take a moment today to write a few affirmations of your own down. Display them where you will frequently be reminded of what it is your heart needs to hear.
Jun 18, 202202:04
Finding Calm in Chaos

Finding Calm in Chaos

1) Unplug: turn off the noise 

-take scheduled time to be away from external input: turn off TV/radio/playlists, log out of social media, or put your phone on airplane mode/another room

2) Listen to yourself (for a change)

Think through or journal out:

-What is causing me so much unrest?

-What is hard about that?

-Why do I feel this way?

-What do I need now?

3) Ask for guidance

Seek support and help from other resources. Pray, journal, meditate, talk to those more knowledgeable.

Love yourself enough to work on yourself!

Meditation starts at 10 minutes if you want to refer back to it.

To share/ask questions/request topics: Email me at Feel free to share this episode with someone who may need to find a sense of calm today

Mar 25, 202217:02
Heart Check

Heart Check

Take a few moments to check in on yourself.

How would you rate your emotional, mental, spiritual, and social health on a scale of 1-5?

Why did you give yourself that score?

For the areas that are low, what would you prefer to feel instead?

What activities/places/people make you feel that way?

How can you incorporate those things into your routine?

Plan 1 item or action into your schedule.

Use this tool as often as you need to check in with yourself. Give yourself permission to prioritize your health, inside and out!

For any questions/concerns/topics you'd like more on, email me at

Here for you!

Nov 20, 202107:26
Importance of Sleep

Importance of Sleep

Sleep impacts our health in many ways—cognition, emotions, reaction time, hormones, etc. Adults need 7-9 hours per night. We can do this by going to sleep earlier, napping, and having evening routines. Avoiding tobacco, limiting caffeine, turning off screens 2 hours before bed, exercising, and getting outside daily can help improve sleep.
Nov 06, 202110:11
Head Above Water to Gratitude

Head Above Water to Gratitude

So many of us live in survival mode-- take a moment to check in with yourself. How are you TRULY doing with your physical health (sleep, hydration, nutrition, physical activity), mental health (emotions, spirituality), and environmental health (professional life, relationships, finances, etc). What area needs work and where can you improve?

To move from a state of stress to gratitude, take time to feel thankful for your life--both the big and small things.

Oct 09, 202106:16
Social Media Break
Sep 05, 202108:23
Thoughts & Emotions + Meditation for Joy & Love

Thoughts & Emotions + Meditation for Joy & Love

Thoughts and emotions trigger chemical reactions in our body that impact our health! Choosing positive feelings and thoughts can improve our health! Let's choose higher vibrations today :)

Jun 16, 202115:52
Why Mindset Work?

Why Mindset Work?

Want to dive deeper? Check out my website

or email me

I'd love to connect to help you create a life you love!

Jun 08, 202106:13
Fuel Well to Feel Well

Fuel Well to Feel Well

Have you ever heard the phrase "you are what you eat?" Well, our cells constantly regenerate. They are made up of nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids--which come from the foods we consume. When you fuel well, you feel well. Educate yourself about proper nutrition so you can be at your best! 

May 16, 202107:16
Coming Home to Yourself

Coming Home to Yourself

Discovering who you are is a process. Give yourself grace as you unlearn the patterns that got you here. You get to decide what you take with you from this point forward.

1) Slow down and tune in.

2) What do I need to forgive from my past? Both of myself and others.

3) Accept all parts of you, even the broken ones.

4) Release what is no longer serving you

Less doing, more BEing.

mindset course and mentorship programs can be found on my website 

May 06, 202107:50
For Those Caring for Others

For Those Caring for Others

Take out a journal and write out these prompts--see what comes up for you!

-When have I felt my best?

Who was I with?

What was I doing?

Where was I?

What activities make me feel that way? How can I incorporate these into my day-to-day?

Without external labels of my job or family, who am I?

What do I enjoy, lights me up, and brings me joy?

If you want to go deeper or work closely together on these topics and more, I am taking 1:1 clients! Fill out the form on my website or schedule a discovery call!

Apr 28, 202119:06
Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Fixed vs Growth Mindset

I am embarrassed to admit how limited my mindset used to be. A fixed mindset is limited, avoids challenges, gives up easily, ignores feedback, and fears failure. A growth mindset is expansive, offers freedom, embraces challenges, accepts feedback, and consistently builds on abilities. Hear my experience through shifting from a fixed to growth mindset and how it positively impacted my life!

For more free training, join my Heart Work Community 

Want to learn more about setting goals and mindset practices? 

My Heart Work Course teaches my best practices!

Apr 21, 202108:09
Mindset for Manifestation

Mindset for Manifestation

This is a brief insight into the manifestation process!

To learn more mindset practices and connect with others, join my Heart Work Community 

Want to learn more about setting goals and mindset practices? 

My Heart Work Course teaches my best practices!

Apr 14, 202110:28
Embodying Feminine Energy

Embodying Feminine Energy

Feminine energy helps us receive abundance in a state of ease and flow instead of a forceful feel of the hustle & grind. Women like Gina DeVee and Amanda Frances inspire and motivate me to be authentically myself. I hope to inspire others, but most importantly my daughters to dream big knowing they can accomplish anything!!

I will be accepting new clients into my mentorship for April!

Email me at or visit my website to learn more and schedule a call.

Apr 07, 202108:38
Mid Week Meditation

Mid Week Meditation

Take a moment for yourself to check in, relax, and heal. 

Also, I will be accepting new clients into my mentorship for April! 

Email me at or visit my website to learn more and schedule a call.

Mar 31, 202111:45
Living In Alignment-- a conversation with Ashley Yankana

Living In Alignment-- a conversation with Ashley Yankana

I'm excited to share this empowering conversation with Ashley Yankana (highvibeash) all about living in alignment! Ashley's IG: @highvibeash For more free training, join my Heart Work Community Want to learn more about setting goals and mindset practices? My Heart Work Course teaches my best practices!

Mar 24, 202140:16
Busy vs Productive

Busy vs Productive

Tips to be more productive

1) Prioritize

2) Schedule your time

3) Eliminate distractions

4) "Eat that Frog"

5) Incentivize yourself with a reward

6) Ask for help/deligate

7) Set boundaries/say no

Remember--you are in control of your schedule and everything on it. Choose a life that leads you where you want to go!

For more free training, join my Heart Work Community

Want to learn more about setting goals and mindset practices? My Heart Work Course teaches my best practices!

Mar 16, 202111:28
Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated

Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated

To put it simply: to get motivated to start you need to be clear on WHAT your goal is. To stay motivated to continue, you need to know WHY this is important to you! Free Community:  Heart Work Course:

Mar 03, 202108:53
Routine Training

Routine Training

Do you want to feel more balanced in your life? Setting up simple routines can help you feel in control despite chaos!

For more free training, join my Heart Work Community

Feb 24, 202109:13
The Time Is Now
Feb 19, 202106:51
Let's Talk About Investing!

Let's Talk About Investing!

Can you remember the last time you invested in yourself? You will show up more fully and better for those you love, your work, and your life overall when you fill your cup first!

So, I ask you-- where do you spend your time, money, attention, and effort? Are these aligned with your values? 

Check in. Invest in you. You're worth it!!

And if you ever needs more support, just reach out! @yourcoachlauren

Free Heart Work Community:

Feb 10, 202109:12
Comparison Trap

Comparison Trap

Tips to avoid comparison:

1) Remind yourself of what you're great at!

2) Set boundaries

3) Limit social media use/only follow accounts that uplift you!!

Free Heart Work Community:

Heart Work Bootcamp:

Feb 03, 202115:15
Meditation for Calm

Meditation for Calm

Meditation doesn't have to be complicated or hard. Simply tune into your body, focus on your breathing, and be present in the moment! Listen to this as often as you need to release stress and feel a sense of calm! 

For free content, join my Heart Work Community on Facebook! Link below: 

Ready to see real, lasting change in your life? My Heart Work Bootcamp kicks off February 8th! Over 50% off through the end of the month!

Jan 27, 202109:33
Waiting for results...

Waiting for results...

There is a waiting period between when we start something and when we see the outcome we want. We want to have that immediate reasult and can get frustrated when it feels like it's not working.

Trust the process.

Stay consistent.

It working and you're learning as you go!

Want to dive deeper?

Free Heart Work Community:

Heart Work Bootcamp:

Jan 20, 202108:26
Everything is overflow

Everything is overflow

To all the high achievers out there--You are enough just as you are! Everything else is overflow.  Want to dive deeper?  Free Heart Work Community: Heart Work Bootcamp:

Jan 13, 202107:28
Intention Setting for the New Year

Intention Setting for the New Year

This is a recording of the call I hosted with my accountability group to walk through how to set intentions in the new year. We focus on how we want to FEEL. There is a meditation to start and end this call. Take time to journal as we go through the prompts. I hope you find it therapeutic and productive.  Please share your WORD or PHRASE of the year with me-- I'd love to hear your intentions. And as always--reach out if you have questions. I'm here for you! -Your Coach Lauren Free Heart Work Community: Heart Work Bootcamp:

Jan 06, 202139:06
Healthy Habits Training Day 3: Sustainable Lifestyle

Healthy Habits Training Day 3: Sustainable Lifestyle

Today will take you through how to implement healthy habits in a way that is sustainable! It's better to start simple and slowly than burn yourself out changing tons of things at once. I believe in real, lasting change. I do not advocate quick fixes or fad diets. You have to put in the work, and it'll be worth it for how you grow along the journey. Focus on YOUR journey. Give yourself grace. Set goals specific to you. Decide you get to reach your goals. Enjoy the process. 1) What goal do you have for yourself now? 2) What benchmarks can you celebrate along the way to this goal? How will you reward yourself? 3) What community can you plug into for support? Who can help keep you accountable? 4) What is your definition of success during this phase of your life and in these circumstances? If you want to dive deeper, I'd be happy to work with you 1:1. I have 3 spots available this month for those that want to get clear on their goals, work on their mindset, build habits, and overcome fears/limiting beliefs that have held them back in the past. My Life Coaching Clients Receive: 1:1 calls with me (amount varies for the time frame we will work together) Unlimited email support Video Trainings Journal Prompts, Affirmations, Meditations My Morning Routine Journal Personal Development Book (relevant to your needs) Fill out the form or Schedule your Discovery Call on my website. I can't wait to help you live a life you love! You deserve to reach your goals. Your dreams are there on purpose. It's time to take action. -Your Coach Lauren Free Heart Work Community: Heart Work Bootcamp:

Jan 03, 202112:53
Healthy Habits Training Day 2: Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits Training Day 2: Healthy Habits

Today let's focus on the actions that will build a healthy, fulfilling life. Health involves many areas; today we'll cover mental health, hydration, nutrition, exercise, and rest. 1) What area of your health needs to be a priority for you in this season? 2) What small action can you take today in this area that you KNOW you can successfully complete? 3) When will you add this new habit to your routine? Schedule it now so it is an appointment with yourself. 4) Tell someone in your life what you're committing to! (or in our Fit Club if you're in our community) Or simply tell me! Accountability is key. ___ If you could benefit from having extra fitness and nutrition resources, I'd be happy to get you set up with what you need! Fill out my form on so I can recommend what would be a good fit! ___ Tomorrow we will discuss creating a lifestyle that is sustainable. I'm excited to keep learning and growing together! -Your Coach Lauren

Jan 02, 202120:13
Healthy Habits Training Day 1: Mindset

Healthy Habits Training Day 1: Mindset

Welcome to  the NEW YEAR! I know how many of us have been waiting on this for quite some time. A fresh start feels healing and beautiful; it is much needed. Let's focus on MINDSET for day one of this training. Mindset topics are beyond my favorite to teach because these daily practices have created impactful shifts in my life!! 

After listening, ask yourself: 

1) How would you currently rate your mindset in regards to your health and life overall? (1=terrible; 10=extremely positive) 

2) What thoughts, ideas, realizations did you notice while meditating? '

3) What are you grateful for today? 

4) What affirmations does your heart need today? 

If you'd like to use a hard copy of the Morning Routine Journal I created, here is the link to order:

Jan 01, 202115:10
Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety

These are the small things that have helped me deal with anxiety this year:

1) Slow, counted breathing

2) Movement

3) Fueling well

4) Sharing with others

What works for you?

Free Heart Work Community:

Heart Work Bootcamp:

Dec 02, 202006:56
Power of Community

Power of Community

As humans, we are MADE for community. Who we surround ourselves with makes a huge impact on who we are becoming!  Audit which 5 people you spend the most time with/energy on.  Question if this needs to change or be restructured? Plug into spaces that light you up. 

If you want to dive deeper, 

Free Heart Work Community:

Heart Work Bootcamp:

Nov 25, 202007:52
Turning a Negative into a Positive

Turning a Negative into a Positive

This is the process I use to move through hard things: 1) Feel the feelings 2) Ask empowered questions 3) Moving forward with productive action 

If you want to dive deeper, 

Free Heart Work Community:

Heart Work Bootcamp:

Nov 18, 202007:18