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Future-Focused with Christopher Lind

Future-Focused with Christopher Lind

By Christopher Lind

Join Christopher as he navigates the diverse intersection of business, technology, and the human experience. And, to be clear, the purpose isn’t just to explore technologies but to unravel the profound ways these tech advancements are reshaping our lives, work, and interactions.

We dive into the heart of digital transformation, the human side of tech evolution, and the synchronization that drives innovation and business success.

Also, be sure to check out my Substack for weekly, digestible reflections on all the latest happenings.
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From Skill Development to Dream Job with Knowledge Officer

Future-Focused with Christopher LindDec 04, 2020

Weekly Update | Reddit AI Chaos | OpenAI Safety & New Model | AI Safety Assessment | AI Kill Switch

Weekly Update | Reddit AI Chaos | OpenAI Safety & New Model | AI Safety Assessment | AI Kill Switch

The days may feel long, but the weeks quickly fly by, and this week is no exception. It's hard to believe we're already putting May in the rearview mirror. As usual, there were far too many updates to cover in a single episode; however, I'll be covering some of the ones I think are most notable.

Thanks also to all of you who send feedback and topics for consideration. Keep them coming!

With that, let's hit it.

  • Reddit Chaos - I'm not a big fan of "told you so" moments, but there is a subtle satisfaction that comes when they arrive. When it comes to connecting Reddit to GenAI, it didn't take long for that moment to show up. As predicted, the lack of data cleaing practices and validation criteria went as expected and there has been a slew of crazy responses. Check them out if you want a good laugh (or cry).
  • OpenAI Safety & New Model - GPT-What?! That's right, OpenAI has officially announced it has started training the successor of GPT-4. While we still don't have an official name, speculation on what we can expect to see is well on its way. Whatever is cooking, it must pack a punch since alongside that announcement came the announcement to formalize a new Safety Board. While it no doubt was influenced by the recent safety execs, it's a step in the right direction.
  • Stanford Transparency Index - How much do we really know about how the AI sausage is made? According to a six month study by Standford, not a lot. Their Transparency Index highlights that while there has been improvements since Oct 2023, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Add to that, the "improvements" can be a bit misleading if you look beneath the surface.
  • Google Safety Framework - Google has shared its safety framework, outlining the process they'll be following to assess when their models approach pre-defined risk thresholds, triggering mandatory mitigation planning. While it's good to have a well defined process, it's hard to know how effective it will be when it's not quite clear what exactly crosses the line.
  • AI Kill Switch - When a global group of the largest, privately-held AI providers get together and universally agree on a "kill switch," you can't help but ask yourself "what kind of monster have we created?" Another step in the right direction that reveals a lot about where we are on the tech journey. And, I can't help but wonder what it really will take to "put down" one of these Leviathans.

Show Notes:

In this weekly update, Christopher spends dedicates a large portion of this update to AI safety and governance. Key topics include the missteps of AI's integration with Reddit, concerns sparked by the departure of OpenAI's safety executives, and Stanford's Model Transparency Index. The episode also explores Google's safety framework and global discussions on implementing an AI kill switch. Throughout, Christopher emphasizes the importance of transparency, external oversight, and personal responsibility in navigating the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

00:00 - Introduction

01:46 - The AI and Reddit Cautionary Tale

07:28 - Revisiting OpenAI's Executive Departures

09:45 - OpenAI's New Model and Safety Board

13:59 - Stanford's Foundation Model Transparency Index

24:17 - Google's Frontier Safety Framework

30:04 - Global AI Kill Switch Agreement

38:57 - Final Thoughts and Personal Reflections

#ai #cybersecurity #techtrends #artificialintelligence #futureofwork

May 31, 202447:31
Aligning Technology and Morality in Business: Balancing Profit and Principles with Dave Burrill

Aligning Technology and Morality in Business: Balancing Profit and Principles with Dave Burrill

How do businesses navigate the fine line between technological advancement and ethical integrity?

That's the topic of conversation this week as I talk with Dave Burrill, managing director at Bridging Business with IT, about the critical role of ethics in digital transformation. Given technology's prominent role in reshaping our professional landscapes, an ethical framework is essential in preventing moral oversights that could have long-lasting repercussions.

We'll be unpacking the tangible impacts of ethical decisions in technology integration, sharing insights from real business scenarios where the balance of moral values and business efficiency was put to the test. Our conversation sheds light on the strategies companies can employ to align technological innovations with core ethical principles, ensuring that progress does not come at the cost of values.

No fluff—just a straightforward dialogue on how businesses can foster a culture of ethical responsibility while embracing digital innovation. So, listen in to gain a deeper understanding of how to embed ethical considerations into your business strategy, ensuring that your company remains both innovative and principled.

Show Notes:

In this episode, Christopher engages in a deep dive with Dave Burrell, Managing Director of Bridging Business with IT, exploring the critical intersection of business, technology, and the human experience in the context of digital transformations. They discuss the often overlooked ethical considerations in business and technology, emphasizing the importance of aligning technology with human values and business needs rather than just focusing on profits. The conversation sheds light on common pitfalls in digital transformations, such as failing to properly understand and integrate the needs of the business, the limitations of human communication in conveying expertise, and the necessity of iterative planning. They also cover the societal impacts of these challenges, highlighting stories from companies like Nestle and methodologies like agile and waterfall, to illustrate the broad implications of getting digital transformations right for businesses, individuals, and society at large.

00:00 - Introduction: Bridging Business and Technology

01:45 - Meet Dave Burrell: From Construction to Tech Visionary

09:05 - The Evolution of Technology in Business

11:34 - The Pitfalls of Digital Transformation

21:00 - The Ethical Implications of Business Practices

28:48 - Rethinking Project Management for Success

35:50 - Unlocking Team Potential Through Visualization

36:48 - The High Cost of Miscommunication in Leadership

39:37 - The Importance of Diverse Perspectives in Business and Technology

41:22 - The Evolution of the CIO Role and the Need for Business Acumen

52:28 - The Power of Iterative Planning and Business-First Approaches

01:01:36 - The Ethical Imperative of Understanding Human Behavior in Business

01:06:48 - Concluding Thoughts on Improving Business and Society

#digitaltransformation #ethics #futureofwork #leadership #AI

May 28, 202401:08:43
Weekly Update | AI Adult Content (Pt 2) | OpenAI Safety Team | OpenAI & Reddit | DEI vs. Inclusion

Weekly Update | AI Adult Content (Pt 2) | OpenAI Safety Team | OpenAI & Reddit | DEI vs. Inclusion

I hope you've had another fantastic week. To all my US-based folks, I hope you have some exciting plans for the Memorial Day weekend. And, regardless of what you're celebrating this weekend, what better way to kick it off than catching up on the latest happenings at the intersection of business, tech, and human experience. With that, let's jump right into it: AI Adult Content (Part 2) - I've been caught off guard by people's responses to things I say many times over the years, but the reaction to my warning about OpenAI's exploration of using its tech for "responsible use" in adult media was exceptionally surprising. The craziest part was the vast majority of the reactions weren't directly to anything I said but what people assumed was implied by what I said. So, I thought I'd take the opportunity to set the record straight. OpenAI Dissolves Safety Team - Did the chicken or the egg come first? Jan and Llya's recent departure from OpenAI and the related dissolusion of the long-term safety team seems like a similar debate. While there's a lot of hype over draconian HR policy and public statements about the long-term conflict between exec members, what's really happening under the surface is a tale as old as time. OpenAI + Reddit = ? - Unfortunately, my days of teaching middle school math won't be much help in solving that equation. However, the deal between OpenAI and Reddit has no shortage of risks and considerations as we think about how these LLMs will make decisions and ultimately influence people in what they think and how they behave. Goodbye DEI; Hello Inclusion - As a Pheonix rises from the ashes, so inclusion seems to be rising from the remains of DEI. However, what does that really mean and what are the implications on workplace practices and policies? While the DEI train lost its way in an effort to make the workplace a better place for everyone, I'm not convinced that completely decoupling diversity and equity from the larger DEI-train is the right move.

Show Notes:

In this weekly update, Christopher unpacks several critical topics at the crossroads of business, technology, and human experience. The episode begins with a reflection on the backlash received over Christopher's concerns about OpenAI's potential venture into adult entertainment. He responds to criticism, clarifies his stance from a biblical worldview, and discusses the broader societal implications of adult media, challenging both religious and secular perspectives. Shifting gears, the discussion moves to OpenAI's recent controversies, including the public exits of two key executives due to safety concerns, and a new partnership with Reddit. Christopher addresses the potential dangers and benefits of this partnership, emphasizing the importance of individual responsibility in navigating AI's evolving landscape. Finally, the episode touches on the shifting narrative in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), highlighting the rise of 'inclusion' as the new focus. Christopher encourages listeners to engage respectfully with differing viewpoints and underscores the importance of individual discernment in these complex issues.

00:00 - Introduction

01:06 - Addressing the Backlash

04:52 - Navigating Criticism and Misunderstandings

08:26 - The Impact of Adult Media

18:32 - AI in Adult Entertainment

24:16 - OpenAI's Leadership Shake-Up

27:29 - Navigating AI Ethics and Safety Concerns

30:00 - The Business Pressures on AI Development

32:48 - Personal Responsibility in the Age of AI

35:46 - OpenAI's Deal with Reddit

43:03 - The Evolution of DEI to Inclusion

#ai #OpenAi #ethics #DEI #futureofwork

May 24, 202451:19
AI & The Future of Work: Navigating the Impact of AI on Organizations & Employees

AI & The Future of Work: Navigating the Impact of AI on Organizations & Employees

Can we really measure how skilled we are in a world that's constantly changed by AI while simultaneously preparing for the future?

This week I'm digging into this big question and much more with Kian Katanforoosh, founder of Workera and DeepLearning. Together, we explored the impact AI already having on the way work is happening and what it means for employee skills. We also unpack how this whole shift is fundamentally shaking up the way we approach skill development and measurement.

Regardless of where you are, this conversation will hopefully help you understand the real impact of AI on our work and skills while helping you up.

Show Notes:

In this episode, Christopher leads a comprehensive discussion on the practical ways AI is revolutionizing the workplace. Joined by Kian Katanforoosh, CEO and founder of Workera, the conversation explores how AI is changing organizational landscapes, the skills necessary for future-proofing careers, and the challenges faced in implementing AI. They discuss the importance of literacy in AI across different layers of organizations, the rapid evolution of skills due to AI, and the emerging roles of AI agents in business contexts. Key insights include the differences in AI adoption between tech and non-tech industries and strategic actions that companies can take to successfully integrate AI. The conversation concludes with a look at the future of jobs and productivity enhancements driven by AI.

00:00 - Introduction: Navigating AI in the Workplace

05:24 - The Four Tiers of AI Literacy and Their Impact

10:19 - AI Integration: From Strategy to Execution

20:35 - The Changing Landscape of Skills in the AI Era

24:57 - AI's Acceleration of Skill Half-Life and Organizational Learning

27:46 - Navigating Professional Evolution in a Disruptive Era

28:32 - The Importance of T-Shaped Skills and Learning Velocity

29:52 - Adapting Communication in the Age of AI

31:58 - AI's Impact on Jobs: AI, Automation, and New Job Creation

44:13 - Strategies for Successful AI Integration in Organizations

52:37 - Exploring the Potential of AI Agents in the Workplace

01:00:06 - Concluding Thoughts

#ai #artificialintelligence #futureofwork #skills #skilldevelopment

May 21, 202401:01:20
Weekly Update | Pollution Vacuum | OpenAI GPT-4o | Google Project Astra | AI Universal Basic Income

Weekly Update | Pollution Vacuum | OpenAI GPT-4o | Google Project Astra | AI Universal Basic Income

Happy Friday Everyone! Congratulations on making it through another week, and what a week it has been. I've got another significant round of updates, and I'd encourage you to make sure you're sitting down. It takes a lot to give me pause, and this week's updates did just that. 

Also, as always, thanks to those of you who send along topics and questions. I do these updates for the benefit of the community, so don't hesitate to send things along if you want them added to the list.

With that, let's get into it:

  • Pollution Vacuum - If greenhouse gas is such a problem, why don't we just suck it out of the sky? While waving your Dyson in the air on your driveway might result in your neighbors calling the cops, it may not be as crazy of an idea as it sounds. While Iceland's "Mammoth" is an encouraging step in reducing our carbon footprint, we need to be careful we don't end up creating more problems than we solve.
  • OpenAI GPT-4o - If you've followed previous updates, you've heard me say we may be approaching the top of the logarithmic graph of LLM advancement. I will officially take this opportunity to eat my words. Just when you think we've hit a ceiling, you realize any perceived ceiling is the floor of a new level of capability. While it may seem like some insignificant changes at first glance, there's more than meets the eye.
  • Google Project Astra - I resisted the urge to do a deep dive into the full scope of Google's Project Astra since an 8-hour update probably wouldn't trend well. However, amidst a tidal wave of capabilities, there's a powerful undercurrent that will radically shift the world of work. To anyone holding tightly to the activities that currently occupy your workday, I'd highly recommend you loosen that grip or risk being dragged to the bottom of the sea.
  • Universal Basic Income - With the forecasts of significant job disruption and the relentless march forward of AI capability, it's no surprise there's a rise in conversations about what we do to support people through the change. Sam Altman has been in the news recently for his talking points on the potential of AI-funded Universal Basic Income. While it's a far more complex and nuanced concept that is often treated, we'd be wise to avoid taking shots across the political bow about the merit of the idea and dig into what we realistically can do to support people through the inevitable disruption that's coming.

Show Notes:

The episode opens with a highlight on a new large-scale pollution vacuum developed by Climeworks in Iceland, signifying a step towards reducing atmospheric carbon. The narrative then shifts to the advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly GPT-4o by OpenAI and Google's Project Astra, forecasting the transformative impact on personal and professional life. Key topics include the rapid acceleration in AI capabilities, the integration into daily activities through conversational and visual AI, and potential implications for employment and societal adjustment. The host wraps up with a thoughtful take on universal basic income as a potential strategy to mitigate AI-induced economic disruptions, urging a balanced and unified approach to navigating the complex future landscape.

00:00 Kicking Off with Future-Focused Updates

01:32 Exploring the World's Largest Pollution Vacuum

10:49 Diving into OpenAI's GPT-4.0 Release and Google's Project Astra

25:59 The True Cost of 'Free' AI Tools

28:48 Exploring Google's Project Astra

31:46 The Future of Work in an AI-Driven World

39:32 Universal Basic Income: A Solution to AI Disruption?

46:49 Concluding Thoughts on AI, Work, and Society

#AI #ClimateChange #AIAgents #OpenAI #Google #UBI

May 17, 202451:28
AI, Careers, and the New Workplace: Navigating Career and Skills in the Age of AI Integration Mark Herschberg

AI, Careers, and the New Workplace: Navigating Career and Skills in the Age of AI Integration Mark Herschberg

Will your technical skills be enough to navigate the AI revolution?

This week I'm sitting down with with Mark Herschberg, author and fractional CTO, who brings a unique flavor of technical expertise combined with career development and skill enhancement. Mark has walked the road from MIT to the forefront of AI innovation, yet he highlights how being a top-notch engineer is only part of the equation. Together, we dig into the crucial, often-overlooked skills that drive success in today's rapidly evolving workplace.

We also explore how AI is reshaping the job landscape, automating routine tasks, and elevating the importance of strategic roles. We discuss the rise of "centaurs" in the workforce, where human creativity and AI precision combine to outperform either working alone.

Regardless of whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, you will find valuable insights into the skills and strategies that will keep you ahead in a world where technology and human expertise intersect more than ever.

Show Notes:

This episode explores the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market and the necessary skills for navigating a technology-driven future. Christopher talks with Mark Herschberg, a CTO with a background in AI and career development, shares insights on the importance of technical and non-technical skill development amidst rapid technological change. The conversation covers the evolution of job roles with AI integration, the misconception of prompt engineering as a career, the shift towards continuous education, and the importance of having a career plan. The discussion also emphasizes the significance of applying knowledge through action rather than just acquisition, highlighting the need for a balance between enhancing technical competencies and developing timeless, human-centric skills for success in today's dynamic work environment.

00:00 - Introduction

01:08 - Mark Hirschberg: From MIT to AI Expertise

04:32 - The Evolution of Technical Skills and AI's Impact

09:23 - Legal and Healthcare: AI's Transformative Role

17:07 - AI Adoption Challenges and the Future of Work

26:31 - The Centaur Model: Blending Human Insight with AI

29:56 - Unlocking Career Success with Timeless Skills

33:42 - The Gap in Academic Education

37:18 - The Evolution of Job Requirements

44:43 - Continuous Learning: A New Model for Career Development

46:12 - Practical Career Planning Advice

52:14 - Leveraging Your Network for Career Planning

58:07 - Concluding Thoughts on Continuous Development

#skills #careerdevelopment #careercoaching #ai #futureofwork

May 14, 202401:01:34
Weekly Update | OpenAI Adult Content | UHC Ransomware | Med-Gemini & AlphaFold 3 | Job Satisfaction

Weekly Update | OpenAI Adult Content | UHC Ransomware | Med-Gemini & AlphaFold 3 | Job Satisfaction

With the pace of change, I never struggle to find topics for my weekly update, but this week may have been one of the hardest to winnow down the list. At the end of the day, I landed on four, and they ended up being a formidable mix of enthusiasm and disappointment.  

Thanks as always to the community that sends potential topics and questions. Without further ado, here we go.

OpenAI Adult Content - With many topics, I can highlight pros and cons and find opportunities even with the most difficult situations. OpenAI announcing it will be exploring the possibility of opening its technology for use in creating adult content is not one of those situations. I am extremely discouraged, concerned, and disheartened to see one of the biggest players in the space already considering the use of its technology for this purpose.

UHC Massive Hack - The good news? Ummm....2/3's of Americans may not have been affected by the ransomware attack on United Healthcare? With our personal and healthcare data being more valuable than gold, it's tragic when a hack of this magnitude occurs. However, it shines a light on how important even basic security measures by every individual can be. Not only could it have potentially prevented the event, but it would dramatically decrease the negative impact.

Med-Gemini & Alphafold 3 - On a much brighter note, there have been two major announcements from the Googlesphere that have major implications on the advancement of healthcare. Med-Gemini has the potential to radically transform diagnostics, healthcare operations, and the quality of patient care. Alphafold 3 has the potential to not only radically compress timelines for treatments but open doors to solving formerly impossible challenges.

Job Satisfaction Data - A recent survey shows nearly 63% of employees are "satisfied," but what dose that really mean? While it's an encouragement to much of the doom and gloom media about the state of employment, a deeper dive into the data highlights there remains significant room for improvement. Add to that, it's clear that certain segments of the population are more satisfied than others. 

Show Notes:

This week's episode provides a weekly update of the biggest happenings, the first is exploring significant concerns regarding OpenAI's venture into generating adult content with its generative AI technology. Christopher expresses deep apprehension about the moral and societal implications of augmenting such content with AI, emphasizing the negative impacts on human dignity and relationships. The discussion shifts to the recent hack of UnitedHealthcare, impacting one-third of the U.S. population, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity measures like multi-factor authentication. The episode also covers advancements in AI-driven healthcare solutions through Google's MedGemini and AlphaFold3, illustrating their potential to revolutionize disease diagnosis and treatment. Lastly, it delves into workplace satisfaction, referencing a significant study that reveals the highest satisfaction rates since 1987 but notes discrepancies in the data. The discussion emphasizes the value of leadership quality and organizational culture over compensation in employee satisfaction, with hybrid work environments showing promising engagement levels.

00:00 - Welcome to the Future Focused Weekly Update

01:21 - The Controversy of Open AI in Adult Content

03:19 - The Ethical Dilemmas and Societal Impacts of AI-Generated Adult Content

19:29 - Personal Stories and the Call for Action Against AI in Adult Media

23:06 - The UnitedHealthcare Hack: A Wake-Up Call for Digital Security

28:05 - Understanding HIPAA and Protecting Your Health Data

30:39 - Google's MedGemini and Alpha Fold 3: AI's Role in Healthcare

46:13 - Employee Satisfaction: Insights and Analysis

#ai #ransomware #healthcare #employeeexperience #futureofwork

May 10, 202455:12
The Next Generation of Spatial Computing: AI's Role in the Evolution of XR with Sven Bruner

The Next Generation of Spatial Computing: AI's Role in the Evolution of XR with Sven Bruner

Despite what skeptics may say, XR Tech, better known as spatial computing, isn't going anywhere.

This week, I'm talking with Sven Brunner of Sphere to explore the transformative impact artificial intelligence (AI) is having on extended reality (XR). We'll be discussing how AI can address XR's content challenges by providing greater context and enhancing user experiences.

We'll also connect the dots on where XR fits in the future of work and how it can create new opportunities and efficiencies.

Show Notes:

In the episode, Christopher explores the intersection of Extended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With insights from Sven Bruner of Sphere, the discussion explores how XR and AI work together to address each other's challenges, offering enhancements in manufacturing and healthcare, among other fields. It covers the historical context of technology replacing older jobs while creating new opportunities, emphasizing the importance of adapting to technological advancements with optimism. The conversation also highlights the significance of regulatory measures for AI, the dynamic changes in employment due to technological progress, and the potential for these technologies to transcend traditional limitations, making way for unprecedented possibilities.

00:00 - Introduction

01:16 - Sven Bruner: A Journey from Switzerland to Silicon Valley

04:43 - The Evolution of XR: From HoloLens to Spatial Computing

11:53 - From ChatGPT to Purpose-Driven Technology

29:07 - Integrating AI with XR for Real-World Solutions

33:25 - Addressing the Fear of Job Loss with AI Integration

36:30 - The Global Challenge of Skilled Technician Shortages

41:05 - Crossing Language and Cultural Barriers with AI

44:38 - AI and XR Creating New Opportunities

48:23 - The Role of AI in Training and Knowledge Transfer

56:47 - AI and XR: A Synergy Solving Each Other's Limitations

01:00:18 - Embracing Technological Advancements for a Better Future

#ai #spacialcomputing #xr #futureofwork #skills

May 07, 202401:05:48
Weekly Update | AI Is Alive?! | Big Tech Office Elimination | Deepfake Tragedy | AI Gene Therapy

Weekly Update | AI Is Alive?! | Big Tech Office Elimination | Deepfake Tragedy | AI Gene Therapy

Hey there! Congratulations on making it through another week, and what a week it has been. I continue to be surprised by just how much comes up over the course of seven days and this week is no exception.

Thanks to the community for your active engagement and participation in these episodes. It's one of my favorite things. And, if this if your first time listening and you have a question or topic you'd like me to cover, send it on over. With that, here's what's up this week.

The End is Near? - I'll admit it's creepy when a humanoid robot responds to your question with "be careful what you wish for" and "that will keep you up at night." However, it may be far less surprising of a response than the headlines want you to believe when you really break it down. That said, there are some underlying concerns we shouldn't ignore.

Bye-Bye Offices! - That office real estate with an ocean view feels a lot less luxurious when you can't seem to get anybody to show up to it. Unfortunately, while this reality has big tech companies re-evaluating where they build their offices, it's still not getting through that maybe the office itself is the problem.

I Didn't Do It! - There's nothing worse than being accused of something terrible that you didn't do. It's even worse when someone tries to prove it with fabricated evidence. While a thing of popular crime media, I think we're going to see a lot more of it as AI deepfakes make it easier and easier to create compelling "evidence" for things that never happened, and the tragedy with the Baltimore principal is just one tragic example.

AI Gene Therapy - Why stop at AI fabricating media when it can play a leading role in fabricating your DNA sequences? What could possibly go wrong? In all seriousness, while it's actually a perfect AI use-case for improving health outcomes, there are some legitimate concerns we all should be taking into consideration when it comes to AI + Health advancements.

Show Notes:
This episode offers a comprehensive overview of the latest happenings at the intersection of technology, business, and human experience. Christopher discusses the misconceptions and hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly focusing on notable incidents involving humanoid robots and AI bots on social media, and the misunderstandings about AI's capabilities and potential sentience. Additionally, the dialogue touches on the role of big tech companies in the evolution of office spaces in response to economic pressures and changing work cultures. Another significant topic covered is the ethical, social, and technological implications of deepfake technology, illustrated through a real-life example where deepfake audio caused significant harm, highlighting the urgent need for greater awareness and skepticism in the digital age. Lastly, the discussion moves to the potential and challenges of combining AI with gene therapy, stressing the need for careful consideration of unintended consequences, the risk of overconfidence, and the socio-economic divides that such advancements might exacerbate. Overall, it is a call for mindful progress in technology, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, ethical considerations, and the impact of technological advancements on society.
00:00 - Introduction
02:05 - Exploring the Hype and Reality of AI Capabilities
04:29 - The Misconceptions and Realities of Generative AI
12:42 - Big Tech's Office Space Strategy and the Future of Work
19:59 - The Dangers of Deepfake Technology and Misinformation
28:50 - AI and Gene Therapy: Innovations and Ethical Considerations
40:29 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement

#ai #deepfake #genetherapy #remotework #generativeai
May 03, 202440:51
From Economics to Algorithms: The AI Effect on Jobs and the Global Economy with Bill Conerly

From Economics to Algorithms: The AI Effect on Jobs and the Global Economy with Bill Conerly

What is the future of work in an AI-dominated world, and how will economies adapt and change?

This week I'm talking with economist Bill Connerly to explore the intricate balance between technological advancement and economic stability, job creation, and the shifting landscape of employment. We'll unpack the complexities of AI's role in shaping industries, questioning the balance between innovation and the displacement of traditional jobs.

This discussion isn't just about predicting the future; it's about understanding the steps we can take today to prepare for a tomorrow where technology and human ambition coexist harmoniously. You'll be challenged to think beyond the immediate impacts of AI, considering broader economic implications and opportunities for personal and professional growth in a future that seems increasingly automated.

I hope this conversation will provide you with a clearer vision of where the world is heading and how technological advancements could reshape not just the economy but the very fabric of society.

Show Notes:

In this episode, Christopher is joined by economist and consultant Bill Connerly to discuss the current economic climate, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in business, and the future of work. They explore how AI is affecting customer experience and operational efficiencies, emphasizing the importance of adapting and prioritizing based on organizational mission and principles. The conversation acknowledges the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, including job disruption and the need for a continuous learning and adaptation mindset in the workforce. Despite the rapid advancements in technology, the dialogue reassures listeners that economic fundamentals remain consistent, and the economy's resilience is stronger than perceived. The episode aims to demystify fears around AI and economic changes, highlighting that, with strategic consideration and adherence to core values, businesses and individuals can navigate the uncertainties of the future.

00:00 - Introduction

03:17 - The Value of Economic Insight for Business Leaders

05:32 - Navigating Economic Uncertainty and Decision Making

09:16 - Consistency and Change in Economic Factors

22:41 - The Impact of AI on Business and the Economy

30:07 - Exploring the Practical Use of AI and ChatGPT in the Workplace

31:08 - The Challenge of Integrating AI into Corporate Strategies

33:48 - AI's Role in Streamlining Jobs and Enhancing Efficiency

39:09 - Economic Perspectives on AI and the Future of Work

49:34 - Adapting to AI: The Need for Flexibility and an Entrepreneurial Mindset

57:04 - Strategic Implementation of AI: Balancing Innovation with Core Values

#economics #ai #futureofwork #change #economy

Apr 30, 202401:00:51
Weekly Update | 6-Day Workweek | Meta Llama 3 | Google Gemini Agents | AI Persuasiveness Research

Weekly Update | 6-Day Workweek | Meta Llama 3 | Google Gemini Agents | AI Persuasiveness Research

Congratulations on making it to the end of another week. To celebrate this milestone, I've got another round of updates for you on what's happening at the intersection of business, tech, and human experience. As always, thanks to the community of you who contribute to the list.

Samsung 6-Day Workweek - Despite the EU's extensive data on the success of a 4-day workweek, Samsung is opting to experiment with effort in the opposite direction. As they wrestle through some business challenges, they recently mandatory 6-day weeks for their execs. While there's a lot to unpack here, I have a sneaking suspicion they won't get the results they're hoping for.

Meta Llama 3 - While Winamp was known for whipping Llamas, this week Meta's Llama 3 hit back like a truck. If you haven't heard, Meta is making waves in the GenAI news with their recent release of Llama 3. While their earnings may have dampened some of the energy, this release is impressive. And, it's not just benchmarks that had their hair blown back. Humans are equally impressed.

Google Gemini Agents—The AI agents are coming! Google made some big announcements at this year's Google Cloud Next event, and one of them was their advancement in AI agents. While I don't see it as the human labor ender that some do, the days of being frustrated with a chatbot that can't answer any of the real questions you have or do anything, even if it does, may soon be behind us.

Anthropic AI Persuasiveness Research - If you're confident you won't be influenced by AI, think again. While I'd still argue AI itself isn't persuasive, the data is clear that it's reaching a point where its ability to create persuasive content is at and soon surprising the average person. This is especially concerning as we think about the rapid rise of misinformation and deepfakes. Here's a teaser for you, the best defense isn't a technological solution.

And with that, have a wonderful weekend.

Show Notes:

In this episode, Christopher discusses various topical themes related to technology, AI, and workplace culture. He begins by addressing Samsung's new mandate for executives to work six days a week, voicing concerns about burnout and the effectiveness of such practices in a time of economic uncertainty. Lind then explores Meta's launch of Llama 3, an AI model which impresses with its abilities in image generation and language processing, and hints at the potential shifts in the AI landscape. The conversation shifts to Google's advancements in AI agents, pointing to a future where these agents could significantly impact professional and consumer interactions through their advanced problem-solving capabilities. Lastly, Lind delves into a study by Anthropic on AI persuasiveness, warning of the potential risks and emphasizing the need for deeply held beliefs to navigate the complexities and deceits possible in the age of artificial intelligence. Throughout, Lind advocates for careful consideration of how technology is advancing and its implications for human work, experience, and ethics.

00:00 - Welcome to the Future Focused Weekly Update

01:49 - The Samsung Six-Day Work Week Controversy

09:32 - Meta's Leap Forward in Generative AI with Llama 3

16:54 - Google's Game-Changing AI Agents

27:17 The Persuasive Power of AI: A Deep Dive

35:51 Closing Thoughts on Truth in the Age of AI

#samsung #genai #influence #chatbot #ai

Apr 26, 202442:26
Innovate or Stagnate: Reinventing Ourselves in the Shadow of AI with Sid Mohasseb

Innovate or Stagnate: Reinventing Ourselves in the Shadow of AI with Sid Mohasseb

Where do we draw the line on holding tightly to the core things that make us who we are while letting go of things anchoring us to complacency?

This week, I'm diving into the world of innovation and self-reinvention with a special focus on the shadow AI casts over our personal and professional landscapes. To do this, I'm joined by industry leader and thinker Sid Mohasseb to have a conversation about the necessity of reinventing ourselves in the face of AI's transformative power.

We'll be shedding light on how we can not just survive but thrive by embracing change and leveraging AI to our advantage. We'll tackle the real strategies for innovation, the importance of a growth mindset, and the indispensable value of human creativity and resilience in an increasingly automated world.

No jargon, no buzzwords – just straight talk on navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by AI. Whether you're looking to lead the way or find your path in this new era, this conversation aims to equip you with the insights and inspiration to innovate rather than stagnate.

Show Notes:

In this discussion, Christopher engages with Sid Mohasab, renowned as the entrepreneur philosopher, to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing landscape of work. Sid shares his inspiring journey from immigrating to the US at 16 to becoming an influential figure in entrepreneurship and innovation, highlighting the importance of mindset, embracing change, and the power of making intentional choices. They dig into how AI and automation are reshaping the professional world and the concept of nervousness as a catalyst for growth. Through personal anecdotes and a philosophical lens, this conversation urges listeners to rethink their relationship with change, advocating for a proactive approach to life and career in the face of uncertainty.

00:00 - Introduction

01:29 - Sid Mohasab's Journey: From Immigrant to Entrepreneur Philosopher

07:50 - Defining Entrepreneurship and Embracing Change

15:30 - The Role of AI in Shaping Our Future: A Discussion

21:38 - Overcoming Challenges and Leveraging AI for Growth

27:52 - Reinventing Yourself in the Age of AI

30:31 - Rethinking the 'Thinking Outside the Box' Metaphor

31:08 - Embracing Change and the Power of Choice

31:47 - The Impact of AI on Creativity and Work

32:31 - Navigating the Fast Lane: Cars, Bikes, and Life Choices

51:55 - The Value of Discomfort and Nervousness in Growth

54:57 - Experimentation: The Key to Breaking Boundaries

01:00:20 - Living in the Present: Making Choices for Tomorrow

#change #ai #artificialintelligence #business #futureofwork

Apr 23, 202401:02:24
Weekly Update | Apple Robotics | Top Skill | AI Making Movies | Hiring Bias | Human Exoskeletons

Weekly Update | Apple Robotics | Top Skill | AI Making Movies | Hiring Bias | Human Exoskeletons

It's been another wild week at the intersection of business, technology, and human experience. The pace of change is showing no signs of slowing, and this week's updates highlight why that can be both a great and a not-so-great thing.

Apple Robotics - Following its announcement to shut down investment into automotive, it has set its sights on personal robotics. While it's still too early to know exactly what Apple means by "personal robotics," there's no shortage of speculation. However, if you're thinking Rosy the Robot will be serving you dinner by 2025, you might want to slow your roll.

Top Skill of The Future - Autodesk did a recent and robust survey across a diverse spectrum of industries to assess the impact of AI on employees, and its findings were both encouraging and not completely surprising. The top skill for professionals was almost universally one's ability to work with AI. The encouraging news there is the word "with." The survey highlights how the future is continuing to show a tight partnership between humans and machines, not a replacement of one by the other.

AI-Generated Cinema - TCL is launching what it claims to be the first AI-generated romance film this summer. If the trailer is any indication of what we can expect to see, you won't need to buy your tickets in advance. You'll likely also have plenty of room to put up your feet, lean back, and store snacks in the seats around you. That said, people are already following AI influencers, so who knows, it may be the smash hit of the summer.

Data on Hiring Bias - The data is back on what may have been one of the most extensive studies on hiring bias, and it's an encouraging milestone while highlighting we still have room to grow. While there remains notable bias in selecting candidates, it's not as widespread as you may think. Granted, this shouldn't have us taking our eye off the target, but it's an encouraging milestone in our journey toward more equitable work.

All-Terrain Exoskeletons - If you've weaseled your way out of a mountain hike or backpack adventure due to bad knees or being out of shape, you might want to start noodling on some new excuses. DNSYS is launching an all-terrain exoskeleton for under a grand with a 15-18 mile range that might put scaling Everest back on your bucket list.

Show Notes:

This episode delves into a variety of future-focused topics, starting with Apple's shift from car production to personal robotics, examining both the opportunities and challenges this presents. It discusses the fast-paced advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and its integration into different industries, noting Apple's strategic position in the AI landscape. The conversation moves to the concept of personal robotics, exploring the potential and current limitations of such technology in everyday life. Additionally, the episode covers a recent report on the top skills for the future, emphasizing the importance of working with AI, alongside a critique of an AI-generated movie, questioning its quality and impact. The discourse also addresses a study on hiring bias, revealing a preference for white candidates in some companies, and concludes with an overview of an innovative all-terrain exoskeleton device designed to enhance human mobility and strength.

00:00 Welcome and Introduction

02:01 The Evolution of Apple: From iCars to Personal Robotics

10:12 Mastering AI: The Essential Skill for Future Success

17:04 AI in Entertainment: The First AI-Generated Movie

24:50 Addressing Hiring Bias: Insights and Progress

34:35 Innovations in Mobility: The All-Terrain Exoskeleton

39:52 Closing Thoughts and Farewell

#ai #skills #hiring #apple #robotics

Apr 19, 202439:60
Directing a Synthetic Cast: Examining AI's Expanding Role in Video Production with Alex Uspenskyi

Directing a Synthetic Cast: Examining AI's Expanding Role in Video Production with Alex Uspenskyi

With video representing a media specifically designed to represent a view into reality, what role does AI play in its creation?

This week, I'm digging into that question with Alex Uspenskyi, Founder of, to peel back the layers of AI's role in video production. We'll be talking about why AI is at the front of video tech, sharing how simple text prompts are transforming into full-blown, eye-catching videos.

We're getting real about what this tech revolution means for creativity, diving into the heart of the debate: Can AI preserve the soul of storytelling? We'll dissect the balance between leveraging AI for innovation and ensuring the essence of human creativity isn't lost in translation.

We also tackle the ethics of AI in creative fields, pondering the fine line between efficiency and authenticity. From the implications for content creators to the broader societal impacts, this chat's about more than just tech—it's about navigating the exciting yet daunting world AI presents to the creative industry.

Join us as we explore the potential of AI to redefine storytelling and confront the challenges of keeping our human touch in a digital-dominated age.

Show Notes:

This conversation explores the advancements and practical applications of AI in content creation, focusing on AI's role in transforming learning and educational content within organizations. The discussion delves into how AI facilitates the generation of engaging, accessible, and customized content. It highlights the journey from traditional learning materials to AI-generated videos, touching on real-time avatars and interactive AI agents. The conversation also addresses the adoption curve of AI technology, emphasizing its potential to enhance creativity and efficiency in content creation.

00:00 - Welcome to Future Focused: AI for Content Creation

01:24 - Introducing Alec Uspenskyi: From Engineering to AI Video Generation

01:58 - The Evolution of AI in Content Creation

17:43 - Exploring the Capabilities of AI in Voice Cloning and Video Generation

24:56 - Navigating the Ethical Landscape of AI Voice and Video Cloning

31:26 - Exploring Video Avatars and Lip Sync Technology

33:05 - The Evolution of Avatar Technology

34:06 - The Rise of AI Influencers and Content Authenticity

35:30 - Navigating the AI Content Creation Landscape on YouTube

40:13 - The Future of Learning and Educational Content with AI

47:01 - Real-Time Avatars and Interactive Learning Experiences

50:51 - Market Adoption and the Future of AI in Content Creation

57:44 - Reflecting on AI's Role in Enhancing Creativity and Content Production

Apr 16, 202401:00:53
Weekly Update | AI's Coming For Influencers | Paid Commute | Tesla Robotaxi | AI To End Human Labor

Weekly Update | AI's Coming For Influencers | Paid Commute | Tesla Robotaxi | AI To End Human Labor

Congratulations! You've made it through another week, and what a week it's been. To celebrate, here's another round of updates on the latest happenings at the intersection of business, tech, and human experience.

As always, thanks to those of you who contributed topics and articles!

AI Influencers - What if that catchy TikTok of Jenny sitting in her car telling you how much she loves AG1 never really happened? Well, you may ask to see her birth certificate before you sign up for a monthly subscription. AI is coming for influencers, and I'm still trying to decide whether their followers don't know or don't care.

Paid Commuting - More people are willing to return to the long as they get a nice check to cover the expense. Employees have found a new way to push back against employers demanding them come to the office to take their Zoom meetings by pressing on the financial nerve. Despite my distaste for forced RTO, I think this path creates more problems than it solves.

Tesla RoboTaxi—I can't wait to schedule an autonomous ride just to see AI try to navigate our driveway, and according to Elon, I won't have to wait long. He's on record claiming robotaxis will be dominating the streets as soon as August of this year. Analysts disagree, but I guess we'll see if he lives up to his sterling track record of predictions.

AI Ends Human Labor - As if we don't have enough apocalyptic news, Open AI board member Larry Summers stated publically he anticipates AI will eliminate humans from all labor in the future. While I fundamentally disagree, Larry is hitting on some truth about some of the significant short-term economic risks that will come to fruition if we're not careful.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

1:25 - AI Influencers

10:41 - Paid Return-to-Office

18:34 - Tesla Robotaxi

26:40 - End of Human Labor

Apr 12, 202441:56
Silicon Shackles: Breaking Free from Tech Dependence with David Adeoye Abodunrin

Silicon Shackles: Breaking Free from Tech Dependence with David Adeoye Abodunrin

Are we the masters of technology, or have we become its unwitting servants? Furthermore, what risks are we exposing ourselves to as we become exponentially connected?

This week, I'm exploring the heart of our modern dilemma: the pervasive overreliance on technology and the risks of constant connection. As we navigate through the digital age, the fine line between leveraging technology for our benefit and being ensnared by it becomes increasingly blurred.

To help me navigate the dialogue, I'll be joined by cybersecurity expert David Adeoye Abodunrin. We dig into the exponential rise of connectedness and how our focus on security has not kept pace. You'll learn how this seemingly innocuous problem can have catastrophic consequences. It's not a matter of if you suffer the consequences but when.

That said, we wanted to do more than scare people straight. We laid out clear and actionable steps that will have a meaningful impact that doesn't include throwing away all your tech and moving off the grid. There's no escaping the exponentially rising tech in the air, but we can learn how to safely swim in it.

So, join us as we dissect the intricate web of digital dependence and discuss actionable strategies to reclaim our autonomy, enhance our real-world interactions, and find a harmonious balance in a tech-saturated world. Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

8:21 - The Risks of Overdependence

19:25 - Importance of Cybersecurity Today & Tomorrow

30:24 - Vulnerabilities of Modern Connected Systems

41:06- Importance of Cyber Inclusion

44:20 - The Need for Media Awareness

52:58 - Addressing Diversity in Cybersecurity

Apr 09, 202401:06:01
Weekly Update | $100B Stargate AGI | Death of DEI | TikTok Troubles | AI Chatbots for Mental Health

Weekly Update | $100B Stargate AGI | Death of DEI | TikTok Troubles | AI Chatbots for Mental Health

March is in the rearview mirror and April is officially here. While some of this week's updates may sound like April Fool's topics, I promise they aren't. It's another wild and unpredictable week at the intersection of business, tech, and human experience.

As always, thanks to all of you who sent along links and topics. I wish I had enough time to cover them all.

And, without further ado, here's what's top of mind this first week of April.

$100B Stargate AGI - Can we stop with the sci-fi apocalyptic terminology already? It's not helping ease people's nerves. That said, Microsoft and OpenAI are aligned to spend an estimated 100 Billion dollars to build the data center required to continue the AGI race. People thought Sam Altman was nuts when he predicted $3 Trillion to see it all through. Not so crazy anymore, huh?

Death of DEI? - University of Florida made lots of headlines for their decision to eliminate DEI positions and appointments, and it's another trend I'm seeing where we seem to be going backwards. That said, I think there's more to the story and because I don't have all the details on the "why" and "what's next," my reaction is nuanced and complicated, as it so often is.

TikTok Troubles - "Because.....because....China!" isn't a terribly convincing argument for why we should be banning one of the top social media platforms from the US. It also doesn't help when companies doing the exact same thing are conveniently lining up behind the witch hunt. That said, I have some legitimate concerns as should you, but it's not limited to the Tok.

GenZ Mental Health Bots - I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry that one of the growing attempts to solve the mental health crisis, largely exacerbated by technology, is more technology. And look, I'm not saying there's zero potential, but unless our goal is more mental health issues and greater emotional fragility, a chatbot may not be the wisest go-to solution.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Intro

1:42 - $100B Stargate AGI

9:03 - Death of DEI

19:00 - TikTok Troubles

27:19 - AI Chatbots for Mental Health

Apr 05, 202435:01
The Paradox of Leadership: Balancing People and Performance with Nick Hobson, PhD

The Paradox of Leadership: Balancing People and Performance with Nick Hobson, PhD

Can leaders truly balance the drive for high performance with the human need for purpose and connection in the workplace?

This week I'm talking with Nick Hobson, a PhD and Managing Director of North America for Influence at Work. We delve into the intricacies of behavioral science and its practical applications in the workplace.

It's a discussion on the evolution of work and the human desire for purpose, autonomy, and collaboration, a deep dive into understanding human behavior and motivation.

A key theme is the research and science behind paradoxical leadership, balancing people and performance, and the necessity of self-awareness and reflection for leaders. This puts to bed the false dichotomy between focusing on people or performance, advocating for a both-and approach to leadership.

Our conversation also touches on the research-backed benefits of diverse and inclusive teams, the power of pausing to gain perspective, and the potential of experimentation within organizations.

This conversation will be valuable for any leader seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern workforce balancing both satisfaction and productivity.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Introduction

14:37 - Rise of Behavioral Science

19:12 - Evolution of Work & Human Behavior

27:12 - False Dichotomy of Performance & People

34:16 - Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivators

45:21 - Balancing Performance & People

52:04 - The Power of Pause

1:04:09 - Importance of Experimentation

Apr 02, 202401:07:26
Weekly Update | Mind-Control Chess | Pay Transparency Backlash | Deathbot Research Learnings

Weekly Update | Mind-Control Chess | Pay Transparency Backlash | Deathbot Research Learnings

Dropping this week's update a day early, but that's not due to a lack of content. In fact, there was so much to say on this week's updates that I pushed a couple to next week. As always, thanks to those of you who pass things along. I sincerely appreciate hearing from you. And with that, here are some of the latest happenings at the intersection of business, technology, and the human experience. Nueralink Patient Plays Chess - "The Force" is no longer limited to Obi Wan and Luke, which may be a little terrifying when considering what happened when it was used by the Dark Lord. Jokes aside, there continues to be exponential progress with the merging of humans and machines, but what are we not considering? Pay Transparency Backlash - Mandating pay ranges be made publically available. What could possibly go wrong? I guess it depends on your definition of "going wrong," but let's just say there's no shortage of chaos recently. It's a complicated situation and unfortunately oversimplified solutions rarely work well for the complex. Deathbot Research Findings - Grief isn't easy to deal with, so maybe throwing AI at it will fix it? The research is coming out, and it's not looking good for AI. However, I anticipate that won't stop the exponential growth of an industry built around leveraging technology to deal with grief. Perhaps we consider a more robust solution. Show Notes: 0:00 - Introduction 2:07 - Mind-Control Chess 14:15 - Pay Transparency Chaos 27:36 - Deathbot Research Findings

Mar 28, 202441:35
The Art of Digital Storytelling: Building Trust in the Age of AI with Zenobia Godschalk

The Art of Digital Storytelling: Building Trust in the Age of AI with Zenobia Godschalk

How do you influence others in the digital age, especially when there is so much noise and distrust?

This week I'm exploring that question and more with Zenobia Godschalk, Head of Communications at Hedera. Together we explore the critical role storytelling plays in technology and everyday life. You'll learn why conveying the 'why' behind the tech is as important as the 'what,' especially in an era where trust in digital narratives is paramount.

With a unique background, Zenobia shares how her start as an aspiring journalist to tech communications expert, has highlighted the need for simplicity and human connection in tech storytelling.

Our conversation also touches on the challenges of establishing credibility and trust in a landscape where technology can fabricate extremely convincing falsehoods. All this emphasizing the importance of integrity in storytelling and the responsibility of both storytellers and consumers in discerning truth.

Whether you're a storyteller or story consumer, you'll want to check it out.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Introduction

2:07 - Zenobia's Story

12:12 - Evolution of Tech Storytelling

21:21 - Role of Simplicity in Storytelling

27:43 - Building Trust through Authenticity

43:00 - The Power of Humanity in Storytelling

47:59 - Advice for Story Consumers

59:24 - Conclusion

Mar 26, 202401:00:48
Weekly Update | Video Call Gaff | Chip Wars | Apple AI | YouTube AI Tagging | Humanoid Robots | Remote Work

Weekly Update | Video Call Gaff | Chip Wars | Apple AI | YouTube AI Tagging | Humanoid Robots | Remote Work

It's been another wild week at the intersection of business, technology, and human experience. While the headlines tell one story, the story under the surface seems to give indications of where things are heading. Needless to say, 2024 is on track to be a year to remember.

Thanks to those of you who shared things. Always enjoy connecting with the community.

Video Call Gaff - It's disruptive when tech tools roll out an update and you discover it at an unfortunate time. Apple is catching some major flack because of its OS update, which was designed to humanize video calls. Candidly, I think we'd all benefit from lightening up. Life is too short.

Chip Wars - I'm not talking about a summer picnic gone wild. There is an arms war with AI chipsets, and there are a lot of folks determined to make sure we don't hit another tech winter. Nvidia famously made headlines this week with Blackwell, but they're not the only player making waves. The government is looking to give Intel a boost.

Apple AI - Almost as headline-worthy as Jim and Pam finally getting together, Apple and Google made headlines by possibly teaming up to bring GenAI to the iPhone. However, there's a lot more to the Apple AI story than meets the eye, and I predict it's an indication of where AI is going.

YouTube AI Tagging - The honor system has a place, but I'm not sure keeping people informed about AI-generated content is that place. That said, YouTube requiring creators to tag any content that incorporates AI-generated video is a start toward greater transparency.

Humanoid Robots - The Jetsons had Rosie in 2062, but we may not have to wait that long. The race for humanoid robots continues and the progress in 2024 alone is mindblowing. If you're working at Mercedes, you may even be able to sneak a selfie in on the shop floor.

Remote Work - Another disappointing week of backwards progress in the remote work world with Dell dropping a bomb that very well could land them in court. However, Tom Hunt is bucking the trend and letting his teams know he trusts them.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

2:28 - Video Call Gaff

6:07 - Chip Wars

14:38 - Apple AI

23:29 - YouTube AI Tagging

27:34 - Humanoid Robots

35:09 - Remote Work

Mar 22, 202443:28
Nurturing Skills in the Modern Workplace: The Journey to Professional Mastery with Nick DeWilde

Nurturing Skills in the Modern Workplace: The Journey to Professional Mastery with Nick DeWilde

Feeling like the world of work is spinning faster than you can keep up? You're not alone.

This week I'm cutting through the noise with Nick DeWilde, Co-Founder of Exec, to talk about what it really takes to keep your skills game strong in today's whirlwind of change.

I really appreciated his experience in the trenches, from scrappy startups to shaping the future of skill development. Together we cut straight to the point on the skills that matter most, how to learn them, and why being human is your trump card in a digital-first world.

We also explore the real deal on adapting, growing, and staying ahead without the buzzwords or the fluff. Whether you're leading the charge or charting your course, I hope this conversation helps you make sense of the madness and come out on top.

Show Notes:

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 10:30 - From Institutionalized Learning to Practical Skill Development
  • 17:55 - The Role of Human-Centered Skills
  • 25:20 - Personalization in Learning
  • 32:10 - The Role of Technology
  • 39:45 - Identifying and Developing Durable Skills
  • 47:30 - The Evolving Role of Coaches
  • 54:20 - Closing Thoughts
Mar 19, 202401:01:55
Weekly Update | End of Remote Work? | GenZ and Millenial Loyalty | AI vs. Law | AI Resurrection | LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report

Weekly Update | End of Remote Work? | GenZ and Millenial Loyalty | AI vs. Law | AI Resurrection | LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report

Congrats on making it through another week. Is it just me, or does that feel like an accomplishment by itself? To celebrate, I've got another round of updates on what's been happening at the intersection of business, technology, and human experience.

As always, thanks to everyone who has contributed to the running list.

And with that, here we go!

End of Remote Work? - Opening this week's on a spicy note. This one continues to leave me shaking my head. Despite the overwhelming data, many executive leaders seem set on forcing their employees into their familiar box. Check out why this one in particular gets me feisty.

GenZ & Millenial Loyalty - There's a rise in commentary discussing the dwindling loyalty of GenZ and Millenial employees, but they conveniently fail to tell the whole story. While it drives clicks and soothes execs struggling with dismal retention, I'd encourage people to considering the bigger picture.

AI vs. The Law - While tragic, it's not completely surprising to see an exponential rise in teens abusing AI to bully their peers. Kids do stupid stuff and often fail to consider the implications. Unfortunately, the lack of legal accountability seems to only be making matters worse.

AI Resurrection - If you could bring back a dead loved one with AI, would you do it? It may sound like science fiction, but there's a growing number of people who are going for it. I've got all sorts of mixed feelings here.

LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report - When the largest professional social platform in the world reports its findings on what's happening, it's worth paying attention. This week, LinkedIn reported its latest findings on what's happening in employee skill development, and it has implications for business leaders, learning professionals, and employees alike.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

2:00 - End of Remote Work?

8:26 - GenZ & Millenial Loyalty

15:33 - AI vs. The Law

21:50 - AI Resurrection

29:00 - LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report

Mar 15, 202437:52
Making Sense of the Tech Tangle: Strategies for Managing Digital Overload with Andrej Safundzic

Making Sense of the Tech Tangle: Strategies for Managing Digital Overload with Andrej Safundzic

In a world where the constant buzz of technology can overwhelm all our senses, how do we find clarity amid the chaos?

This week, I unpacked this question and more with Andrej Safundzic, Founder & CEO of Lumos. Together, we explored the jungle of digital overload, sharing stories, insights, and strategies to navigate through. Andrej brought his unique journey from edtech in East Africa to shaping the future of govtech, highlighting the transformative power of technology when harnessed correctly.

We also discussed the evolving landscape of IT, which has interesting connections to every professional role. This led to our focus on the critical role of adaptability in today's fast-paced world and how AI can be a tool for empowerment rather than a source of distraction.

Curious how you can turn the tide of tech overload into a force for positive change in your life? Check it out!

Show Notes:

  • 00:00 - The Digital Deluge
  • 06:45 - Charting the Course
  • 12:30 - Philosophy of Risk
  • 19:20 - The IT Evolution
  • 27:50 - Adapting to Change
  • 34:40 - AI as a Catalyst
  • 42:15 - Overcoming App Overload
  • 49:30 - Empowerment Through Technology
  • 56:00 - Looking Ahead:
Mar 12, 202401:05:47
Weekly Update | 80's Deepfake | Anthropic Claude 3 | AI Cracks Fusion | Chief Ethics Officer | AI > Humans?

Weekly Update | 80's Deepfake | Anthropic Claude 3 | AI Cracks Fusion | Chief Ethics Officer | AI > Humans?

Another wild week of change at the intersection of business, technology, and human experience. This week has brought with it a number of new developments and changes that have a lot more to them than meets the eye.

Also, thanks to all of you who have sent things along to keep my agenda relevant to you. Always appreciate the engagement.

McDonald's Deepfake - A classic 80's dude smoking a cigarette while pounding a quarter-pounder may seem harmless enough, but the flurry of noise it created begs a deeper question. When does AI fabrication cross the line from harmless fun to harmful misinformation?

Anthropic Claude 3 - Will our AI subscriptions soon look like our streaming subs? The GenAI wars are in full swing as Anthropic drops their latest release, crushing the benchmarks of their competition. Should everyone jump on the bandwagon or will this become another Apple vs. Android / AMD vs. Nvidia debate. Time will tell.

AI Cracks Fusion - This update should light up your day, figuratively and possibly literally. AI has been trained to solve a huge problem in fusion power, tearing mode instabilities. Now, that may not mean much to you but it's an interesting development in both the clean energy and AI discussion.

Chief Ethics Officer - As if companies don't have enough C-suite execs, will 2024 be the year of the CEO2? While there's definitely value in a greater focus on ethics and morals as we move into an AI-drive world, is a new top exec at the table the right move? Maybe, maybe not.

AI > Humans - AI is more creative than humans, according to the University of Arkansas. Before you throw in the towel and prepare to submit to your machine overlords, you may want to read the fine print. While AI may have crushed it competition in some specific ways, that shouldn't be surprising and it doesn't mean AI beats humans in a head-to-head least not yet. Show Notes: 0:00 - Introduction 1:25 - McDonald's Deepfake 7:05 - Anthropic Claude 3 13:35 - AI Cracks Fusion Problem 18:44 - Chief Ethics Officer 24:32 - Humans vs. AI

Mar 08, 202432:27
Sustainability as a Competitive Strategy: Leveraging Technology for a Better Future with Ricky Marton

Sustainability as a Competitive Strategy: Leveraging Technology for a Better Future with Ricky Marton

Is sustainability the secret sauce to outperforming your rivals in business, or are we trapped by our narrow definition of what it really means?

This week I'm talking with Ricky Marton, Founder of Koru, to clearly define what sustainability means and debunk the myths that often leave people seeing it as a nice-to-have. And, we don't just talk; we reimagine the whole spectrum of sustainability.

As you'd expect, we talk about the role tech plays in sustainability and how it has the potential push your business not just towards a better future but also into a realm of innovation and efficiency like never before. However, getting it right means more than seeing tech as an easy button to a complex problem.

While there are no shortage of hurdles, we explore how looking beyond the conventional boundaries and challenges of sustainability can be the competitive edge you never knew you needed. Ready to turn what you thought you knew about sustainability on its head? Let's go!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Introduction to Sustainability and Technology

11:35 - Demystifying Sustainability

22:50 - The Intersection of Technology and Sustainable Business Practices

34:20 - Overcoming Misconceptions and Practical Steps Forward

45:40 - Technology as a Force for Sustainable Innovation

57:10 - Looking Ahead: The Future of Business and Sustainability

1:02:30 - Closing Reflections and Call to Action

Mar 05, 202401:07:15
Weekly Update | Wonka Fiasco | 4-Day Work Week | Apple EV | GenAI Gone Mad | Robot Apocalypse

Weekly Update | Wonka Fiasco | 4-Day Work Week | Apple EV | GenAI Gone Mad | Robot Apocalypse

I sometimes wonder if I'll ever get to the end of the week and go, "huh, there's nothing to talk about" but that won't be happening anytime soon. This week was a mix of humor and nervous laughter looking at what's happening at the intersection of tech, business, and human experience.

Five things made this list this week. (Special thanks to those of you who send stuff my way). Wonka Fiasco - Take a look, and you'll see...a world of pure disappointment. AI is a great tool for enhancing what you already can do relatively well, but it's not a magician as an event group discovered in Glasgow. It may be able to make some dynamic and wonderful marketing materials, but people don't respond well when the real experience falls flat. 4-Day Work Week - There's been growing interest in the question of whether a 4-day work week could actually work. 61 companies in the UK committed to it and after over a year, it turns out it's netting some really positive results. So, should everyone jump on the bandwagon? Maybe not, but there's some interesting insight to take from the trail.

Apple EV - If you had your eyes set on buying an iSedan in the future, I hate to let you down. While many may not have even known Apple was exploring electric vehicles, they were....until this week. As they refocus their resources on GenAI, it's an indication that AI isn't going anywhere and will be the electricity or Internet of our day.

GenAI Gone Mad - How would you react if Gemini responded to your prompt for a picture of the founding fathers with a Black George Washington or a prompt for CoPilot to brainstorm was met with a demand to worship or face severe consequences? Probably not well, as many people did not. But what's really going on here? Should we build a bunker? I don't think so, but you'll have to hear why.

Robot Apocalypse - While we're probably fine with Skynet as a Texas Internet Provider, I'm guessing society isn't quite ready for robots to show up at your front door, especially if its AI is having a bad day like OpenAI's was last week. Well, they may show up much sooner than you realize. If you haven't heard of, they're making waves as all the big tech is throwing money at their humanoid robots. Maybe now we should build a bunker....or at least start making robot-friendly casseroles. Show Notes: 0:00 - Introduction 2:18 - Wonka Fiasco 8:15 - 4-Day Work Week 15:00 - Apple Electric Vehicle 18:04 - Generative AI Gone Mad 29:38 - Robot Apocalypse #GenAI #Robotics #ai #artificialintelligence #futureofwork

Mar 01, 202438:13
The Future of Content is Multilingual: AI's Role in Global Content Accessibility with Anuja Dhawan

The Future of Content is Multilingual: AI's Role in Global Content Accessibility with Anuja Dhawan

How often do we take for granted the power of understanding every word we hear or read?

This week, I'm chatting with Anuja Dhawan from Dübverse to dive into how AI is making the world a more inclusive place through content accessibility. It's not just about reaching more people; it's about truly connecting with them, no matter where they are in the world.

For many of us, navigating content in English is a breeze, but imagine hitting a wall of text in a language you barely understand. This is the daily reality for countless individuals, impacting their work and their ability to engage with content that matters.

In the past, bridging this gap meant pouring endless hours and significant resources into translations, often with mixed results. Now, AI is shifting the landscape, making it simpler and more efficient to bring content to everyone, in a language they can understand.

This episode is more than a discussion; it's a practical look at how we're moving forward, breaking down barriers and making sure that when it comes to content, no one is left behind. So join us as we map out this journey towards a more inclusive world of content, powered by AI.

And, if you don't get a chance to listen to full episode, be sure to subscribe to the cliff-notes version on Substack:

Show Notes:

00:00 - 05:00 - Introduction

05:01 - 15:00 - Understanding the Challenge

15:01 - 30:00 - AI to the Rescue

30:01 - 45:00 - The Human Experience in Digital Content

45:01 - 55:00 - Breaking Down Barriers

55:01 - 01:03:01 - Looking Ahead

Feb 27, 202401:03:52
Weekly Update | End of Humanity? | Nueralink Mind-Control | Chatbot Mishap | OpenAI Sora - Text to Video | Risks to Flexible Working

Weekly Update | End of Humanity? | Nueralink Mind-Control | Chatbot Mishap | OpenAI Sora - Text to Video | Risks to Flexible Working

A lot has happened since last week's update, with some major developments in tech. This is a clear indication that the pace of change is not slowing.
This week I've got five things that were brought to my attention this week. (Special thanks to those of you who send stuff my way).
End of Humanity - A listener shared an article about Eliezer Yudcowski's lastest predictions, suggesting humanity could end as early as 2 years from now. I don't adhere to the doomsday narrative; however, there is some wisdom in what's driving the prediction.
Nueralink Success? - The headlines are saying patients are now successfully controlling a computer with their minds. Regardless of how you feel about it, we're moving into a new age of people mixed with machines. This means you'll need to be prepared to make decisions on how far we're willing to go.
Air Canada Chatbot Chaos - "The AI Did it!" It was only a matter of time before AI did something a company didn't like and the solution was to throw it under the bus. However, the law isn't in favor of an AI scapegoat, which should be an encouragement for what's ahead. Open AI Sora - The progress in advanced AI content creation marches on, and if you haven't seen Sora's ability to turn a simple text prompt into an incredible, realistic video, check it out. However, it's not in everyone's hands and that's a good thing. Is society ready for what this brings? I don't think so. Risks to Flexible Working - As if proximity bias wasn't already a problem, the latest fears around AI may present some new and heightened risks to flexible working. While I hope I'm wrong on this one, it's a risk we should all be prepared to address. Show Notes: 0:00 - Introduction 2:09 - End of Humanity 6:20 - Nueralink Success? 10:26 - Air Canada Chatbot Chaos 17:06 - Open AI Sora 23:15 - Risks to Flexible Working

Feb 23, 202428:13
{Special Episode} Insights from the Global Sentiment Survey: What's Happening at the Intersection of Learning & Technology with Donald H Taylor

{Special Episode} Insights from the Global Sentiment Survey: What's Happening at the Intersection of Learning & Technology with Donald H Taylor

Are we leveraging technology to its fullest potential when it comes to the learning and development of employees?

This week I'm releasing a special episode with Donald H. Taylor, Lead Researcher for the Global Sentiment Survey, in preparation for the release of the report.

In our conversation, we not only explore some of the key insights that come from the report but what they mean. As you can imagine, artificial intelligence plays a dominating role but perhaps not how you'd expect.

We discuss the rapidly evolving role of AI as well as what it means for employees and emerging professionals alike, connecting the changes we're seeing today to historical transformations like electricity and the smartphone. At a time when it feels like everything is changing, this may help calm the nerves of folks feeling justifiably overwhelmed.

Furthermore, we get into some of the challenges that lay ahead and what we can do to mitigate the risks associated with those challenges. Making these shifts will not only serve as a benefit to those looking to leverage technology but will also serve as a guiding light to staying relevant and valuable in an organization.

If you're curious how to navigate the rapidly changing of learning and technology, this is a conversation you won't want to miss.

You can access the survey here:

And, if you don't get a chance to listen to full episode, be sure to subscribe to the cliff-notes version on Substack:

***Show Notes***

0:00 - Introduction

03:45 - Introduction to Donald H. Taylor and the Global Sentiment Survey

12:17 - The Role of AI in L&D:

24:53 - Historical Transformations and Learning

37:08 - Successfully Navigating The Changes

49:32 - Addressing & Mitigating Challenges

58:26 - Looking Ahead

Feb 22, 202401:04:11
The End of Dyslexia: How AI is Overcoming Cognitive Disorders with Dr. Coral Hoh

The End of Dyslexia: How AI is Overcoming Cognitive Disorders with Dr. Coral Hoh

In a world currently flooded with daunting headlines about AI, I hope today's conversation will stand as a beacon of positive innovation. Can technology truly help someone overcome an overwhelming cognitive disorder? This week I'm sharing an inspiring conversation I had with Dr. Coral Hoh, the founder and inspirational leader behind Dysolve. Together we explore how, when used properly, AI is not just a tool of convenience but a transformative force in accessibility and equity, offering new hope for individuals with dyslexia and cognitive disorders. This episode isn't just about the mechanics of innovative echnology; it's a testament to the power of AI in radically transforming what as formerly impossible. Amidst the cacophony of AI skepticism, we shine a bright light on the potential for technology to dramatically enhance human capability and bring about a future where cognitive challenges are no longer barriers to success. Tune in for an uplifting journey into the future of education and neurodiversity.

And, if you don't get a chance to listen to full episode, be sure to subscribe to the cliff-notes version on Substack: Show Notes: 00:00 - Introduction 07:35 - Impact of Cognitive Disorders 15:27 - Unpacking the Technology 24:46 - Brain Plasticity and AI 33:58 - The Importance of Empathy 41:03 - Looking Ahead:

Feb 20, 202443:07
Weekly Update | OpenAI's 7 Trillion Ask | AI Driving Layoffs | BS in AI | LinkedIn In-Demand Skills

Weekly Update | OpenAI's 7 Trillion Ask | AI Driving Layoffs | BS in AI | LinkedIn In-Demand Skills

Staying future-focused in no easy task, especially with the pace of change, largely driven by advanced technology. This week is no exception, but hopefully this weekly update will help you stay ten steps ahead. Four things in particular came to my attention this week. (Special thanks to those of you who send stuff my way). Open AI Chipset? - Sam Altman is trying to rise 7 Trillion (yes, Trillion with a 7), so OpenAI can break its way into the chip (and I'm not talking doritos) industry. And, this move is more than just a diversifying the portfolio move. Is AI Driving Layoffs - It's a question on everyone's mind and all the news of companies going through round after round of layoffs isn't helping the situation. While AI has a role, it's probably not a simple as it is often presented. A BS in AI? - The new trend in higher education is to roll out new degree programs in the field of artificial intelligence. That's leaving many professionals and parents wondering if it's the right move to get ahead. You may want to listen to my response before filling out your FAFSA. LinkedIn In-Demand Skills - Despite all the hype around AI and technical capabilities, the skills companies are most in dire need of right now won't show up on the BS in AI curriculum. Does that mean we can just keep doing what we've always done and be fine? Not quite.

Show Notes 0:00 - Introduction 2:05 - OpenAI 7 Trillion Ask 7:19 - AI Driving Layoffs 14:52 - BS in AI? 21:00 - LinkedIn In-Demand Skills

Feb 16, 202429:27
Preparing the Next Generation: The Importance of Cross-Generational Collaboration on AI and Tech Skills with Ayush Prakash

Preparing the Next Generation: The Importance of Cross-Generational Collaboration on AI and Tech Skills with Ayush Prakash

In a world rapidly changing in response to technology, how crucial is cross-generational collaboration in guiding the next generation through the labyrinth of the digital age?

This week I chatted with Ayush Prakash, a Gen Z author & podcast host from Montreal, to explore the vital role of cross-generational collaboration in equipping the next generations with AI and technology skills. Our conversation covers the challenges and opportunities this digital era presents, and how youth can navigate and harness these changes for their future.

We delve into the assumptions about Gen Z as digital natives, the profound impact of social media, and the necessity of guiding them in a world increasingly shaped by technology. We also discuss the importance of older generations' wisdom in complementing the adaptability and tech-savviness of the youth.

This episode is essential for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of the digital age and the collaborative efforts required to prepare future generations for success in a tech-driven world.

For a summary of the discussion, visit my SubStack:

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

7:57 - The Misconceptions of Gen Z as Digital Natives

15:05 - The Impact of Social Media on Youth and Community Values

24:23 - Navigating Technological Changes and Their Psychological Effects

34:08 - The Role of Cross-Generational Collaboration in Tech Adaptation

42:04 - Addressing the Challenges of Identity and Self-Perception in the Digital Age

50:55 - Empowering Gen Z with AI and Tech Skills for a Better Future

1:02:42 - Inspiring a Healthy, Forward-Thinking Perspective in the Digital Era

Feb 13, 202401:07:05
Weekly Update | Foldable iPhone | Google Gemini | Congress vs. Big Tech | Meta AI Content Tagging |

Weekly Update | Foldable iPhone | Google Gemini | Congress vs. Big Tech | Meta AI Content Tagging |

There is a whole lot happening at the intersection of tech, business, and human experience this week, but there were a few things in particular that made it to the top of my list.

Foldable iPhones - Out of the four, this is the lightest in terms of topics. In short, Apple is looking to get into the foldable device space, which leaves this question on my mind. Why?

Google Bard is now Gemini - OpenAI is probably the most prominent generative AI name out there, but they aren't the only big dog. This week Google has done some major work on Bard. So much so, they've completely rebranded it to Gemini, and what they've done is a lot more than slap on a fancy new name.

Congress vs. Big Tech - We often don't consider the longer-term and less obvious repercussions of major changes, and social media is no exception. We didn't really know how powerful of a tool we were handing out to the massess when it hit the main stage, and now we're seeing some of the longer-term effects. The question everyone seems to want answered is "who's to blame" but perhaps that's the wrong question to be asking.

Meta AI Content Tagging - While we may not be able to stop people from creating fake content with AI, we can hopefully help them be more informed by making them aware it was produced by AI. However, it begs the question, what is truly generated by AI, and what is AI-assisted? We we move into age of mistrust, these are important questions that need to be answered.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

2:06 - Google Bard is Gemini

12:59 - Big Tech vs. Congress

22:00 - Meta AI Content Tagging

Feb 09, 202430:12
Experience is the Best Teacher: AI-Driven Simulations and Experiential Learning with Mike Vaughan

Experience is the Best Teacher: AI-Driven Simulations and Experiential Learning with Mike Vaughan

Will 2024 usher in a new era of learning through AI and simulations?

This week I'm talking with with Mike Vaughan, CEO of The Regis Group, to delve into how AI-driven simulations are reimagining the possibilities for skill development. We explore the transition from traditional knowledge architecture to immersive, AI-enhanced simulations, offering a hands-on approach to skill development.

In our conversation, we talk candidly about the evolution of simulations, highlighting the historical challenges while unpacking how tech has increased accessibility and cost-effectiveness, making them a viable option for a broad range of organizations. We also get into the nitty gritty AI's expanding role in personalizing learning experiences and preparing individuals for real-world scenarios.

But we got beyond just about the technology. We discuss the challenges professionals face in adapting to this new landscape, emphasizing the need for a mindset shift away from content and toward experience. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of education and work, where AI is not just an aid but a central player in the human development.

And, if you want to clif-notes version, visit my SubStack:

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction

5:12 - Evolution and Accessibility of Simulations

19:23 - AI's Impact on Personalized Learning

31:10 - Challenges to Professional Mindset

39:02 - Integrating AI into Simulation

51:09 - Future of Education & Learning

Feb 06, 202401:01:14
Weekly Update | Remote Worker Promotions | Job Loss to AI | Neuralink Successful Human Implant

Weekly Update | Remote Worker Promotions | Job Loss to AI | Neuralink Successful Human Implant

This week I've got three topic for the weekly update. One comes directly from a listener/viewer, so keep them coming.
Remote Worker Promotion - Some disappointing news for remote workers. You're less statistically less likely to get promoted than your in office peers with the remote stigma standing strong. I've got some strong opinions on this one.
Job Loss to AI - Good news for employees. AI is still a less financially viable option than human workers. In fact, many companies that dove headfirst into robots and AI are now recognizing just how important people are.
Neuralink Implant in Humans - Don't expect to be controlling your smartphone or thermostat with your mind anytime soon, but this week we crossed a significant milestone in connecting humans to machines. What the future holds is going to be interesting.
Show Notes
0:00 - Introduction
2:22 - Remote Worker Promotion
8:46 - Job Loss to AI
16:02 - Neuralink Implanted in Human Brain

Feb 02, 202420:26
Revolutionizing Business Intelligence with AI: Transforming Data Analytics Across Industries with Steve Wasick

Revolutionizing Business Intelligence with AI: Transforming Data Analytics Across Industries with Steve Wasick

Are we on the brink of a narrative revolution in AI analytics? This week I had a conversation with Steve Wasick, Founder & CEO of infoSentience, where we explore the intersection of AI, storytelling, and data analytics. Unlike the conventional approach of large language models (LLMs) like GPT, we explored world of 'conceptual automata', a game-changing technology that redefines how we perceive and generate narratives from complex data sets.

We touched on the challenges that traditional LLMs face in maintaining accuracy and context, especially when dealing with large volumes of data. We also highlighted the unique flexibility and customization capabilities of conceptual automata, which allow for more accurate, interactive, and context-aware reporting – akin to having an intelligent, data-savvy journalist at your fingertips.

But, this wasn't just about the tech as is true with all my discussions. We hit on the future of AI in business, the ethics of AI-generated content, and most importantly, the irreplaceable value of the human element in interpreting and strategizing from AI-provided insights. For anyone intrigued by the potential of AI to transform not just how we analyze data but how we narrate and understand it, you'll want to check it out.

And, be sure to read the complete summary on SubStack:

Show Notes:

00:00 - Introduction AI in Reporting and Analytics

13:56 - InfoSentience's Unique AI Approach

28:09 - AI's Impact on the Role of Analysts

32:09 - Human Behavior and Psychology in Tech

38:15 - Adapting to Technological Shifts in Professional Roles

46:04 - Customization and Data Modeling in AI Solutions

50:16 - Content Creation and Transparency in AI

57:40 - Limitless Potential of AI in Business Intelligence

Jan 30, 202401:03:48
The Art of Productivity: Hacks and Strategies for Peak Performance with Brian Nelson-Palmer

The Art of Productivity: Hacks and Strategies for Peak Performance with Brian Nelson-Palmer

Productivity isn't just about doing more – it's about creating a life that's more purposeful, balanced, and fulfilling.

This week we're going beyond the ordinary, diving into the heart of true productivity. To navigate that with me, I'm joined by Brian Nelson-Palmer, the founder of Productivity Gladiator, who is committed to revolutionizing the productivity landscape in people's personal and professional lives. In our discussion, we'll explore strategies and life hacks, honed from years of experience and success. Brian brings with him a wealth of knowledge from his diverse background, including his roles as a fitness instructor and rock band drummer. This episode isn't just about ticking off tasks on a to-do list; it's about redefining what productivity means in your life. Together we'll explore the secrets of effective time management, how to achieve a harmonious work-life balance, and the practical steps you can take to enhance your everyday productivity. This won't just be about ticking off tasks on a to-do list; it is the key to redefining what productivity means in your life. I'm confident everyone will find something in here for them.

And, be sure to read the complete summary on SubStack: Show Notes 00:00 - Introduction 08:45 - Brian's Journey to Productivity 17:30 - Balancing Life and Productivity 26:10 - Effective Planning Strategies 34:55 - The Power of Saying 'No' 43:20 - Leveraging Technology for Productivity 52:35 - Closing Thoughts

Jan 30, 202401:02:09
Weekly Update | Employee Etiquette Training | Return to Office | DEI Decline | Apple Vision Pro

Weekly Update | Employee Etiquette Training | Return to Office | DEI Decline | Apple Vision Pro

This week there are four items top of mind on the weekly update. Three of the suggestions come from viewers/listeners, so keep them coming.
Employee Etiquette Training - That's right, as employees are coming back to the office, some employers aren't too keen on the habits they've picked up in the remote world. Naturally, the response is to send people to etiquette school. Wait, what?! Return to Work Craziness - The fanfare continues as companies go to great lengths trying to convince their employees the office is a wonderful place to be. However, are these comical, sometimes downright ridiculous efforts causing more damage than good? DEI on the Decline - A recent report shows hiring of DEI roles is down almost 50%, so should we conclude that DEI is no longer a priority? I think there's more to the story, but you'll have to check it out. Apple Vision Pro - Preorders are sold out, so should we expect to run into people on the street walking into streetlamps as they try and stay current on their favorite shows? Probably not, but what does this mean for XR tech? Show Notes
0:00 - Introduction 2:06 - Employee Etiquette Training
7:33 - Return to Work Craziness
17:13 - DEI on the Decline
25:35 - Apple Vision Pro

Jan 26, 202431:32
Elevating Digital Customer Strategy: Scaling New Heights in Customer Education with Steven Cornwell

Elevating Digital Customer Strategy: Scaling New Heights in Customer Education with Steven Cornwell

Is best-in-class education a key pillar of your product strategy? If not, it should be.

This week I talked with Steven Cornwell, SVP of Customer Education Strategy at Gainsight, about the critical importance education plays in driving a successful product strategy. While often treated as an afterthought or nice to have, done right it has the capability to transform your business.

However, it's more than haphazardly scheduling some webinars, having your existing staff "train" people when they see fit, or populating a website with digital content. It's an intentional focus on understanding the customer's biggest challenges and architecting solutions that meet customers where they are rather than pulling them somewhere else.

While this opportunity area has room for improvement, there have been significant strides in the attention it receives from business leaders and advancement in technology designed to optimize the capability.

So, if you have any involvement in driving product or service strategy and are curious what the future holds, you'll want to check out our conversation.

And, be sure to read the complete summary on SubStack:

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction to Customer Education and Experience

6:18 - Evolution from Traditional Training to Digital Platforms

18:32 - The Future of Customer Experience and Education Integration

28:38 - Innovations and Challenges in the B2B Software Industry

39:57 - Expanding Career Opportunities in Customer Education

49:57 - The Role of AI in the Future of Learning and Education

57:43 - Closing Remarks and Future Outlook

Jan 23, 202401:00:24
Weekly Update | Reaction | DOAC with Steven Bartlett | Impact of AI on Humanity | Yuval Noah Harari

Weekly Update | Reaction | DOAC with Steven Bartlett | Impact of AI on Humanity | Yuval Noah Harari

This week is a slight divergence from the usual weekly update. Steven Bartlett recently had a conversation with Yuval Noah Harari on Diary of a CEO on the state and future of artificial intelligence.

You can find the original conversation here, but if you listen to my intro, I encourage discernment before consuming:

Yuval brought an interesting perspective as a historian, and after listening to the conversation, I wanted to share some of my thoughts and reactions to the dialogue.

Despite our different worldviews, there were many points of mutual agreement as well as wisdom and insight worth considering. At the same time, I felt there were a few missed opportunities to go deeper or provide an alternative point of view.

Finally, the discussion was rather heavy and esoteric, so I brought some practical and individual actions everyone could take without feeling overwhelmed by what is largely an inevitable future many have little influence over.

I'll be back next week with the usual commentary. I've had a few people share some topics already, so I've got the agenda lined up. However, if you have additional topics, feel free to send them along.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Introduction & Initial Reactions/Consideration

4:03 - Big Picture Highlights

5:04 - The Pace of Change

11:15 - Human & Tech Intersection - The Complexity of the Human Mind

16:02 - Will AI Take Free Will

21:32 - Forging Human Relationships

27:18 - The Pursuit of Amortality

34:40 - Exploitating of the Vulnerable

38:02 - AI Created Systems

44:32 - AI Impact on Jobs & Skills

52:30 - Practical Applications

59:45 - AI is not for Relationships

1:01:42 - Build Human Relationships

1:03:51 - Read You Bible

1:08:13 - Evaluate AI Promises Carefully

1:12:33 - Know Your Why

Jan 19, 202401:16:24
AI for Job Seekers | Humanistic Robotics | Tech & Transhumanism | Weekly Update | Future-Focused

AI for Job Seekers | Humanistic Robotics | Tech & Transhumanism | Weekly Update | Future-Focused

January 2024 is well on its way, and the pace of change isn't slowing any time soon. With the couple weeks off work, I had some added time to spend time researching and reflecting on some interesting and thought-provoking topics. Here's this week's update on the three that are top of mind for me.
AI in Job Applications - Ethical Considerations: Revisiting the growing trend of AI-assisted job applications and my reflections on the diverse public reactions. Is it fair to consider it "cheating" when using AI for job applications? Perhaps we need to reevaluate how we view technology's role in efficiency and effectiveness.
Advancements in Robotics - The Tesla Optimus Case Study: If you're not familiar with the Optimus project, you should be. It's quite the evolution of humanistic robotics. We are getting much closer to more human-like robots. I've got mixed feelings on the rapid progress and potential implications of these developments.
Transhumanism - The Future of Human Augmentation: That word means a lot of different things to lots of different people, so I'll define it and focus on the ethical and practical aspects of augmenting human capabilities with technology. From AI cochlear implants to Neuralink's brain-chip experiments, I'll touch on the potential benefits and risks of these innovations, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of ethical and moral dimensions.
Show Notes
0:00 - Introduction
2:20 - AI for Job Seekers
11:02 - Humanistic Robots
17:40 - The Onset of Transhumanism

Jan 12, 202427:31
Tech-Enabled Behavioral Alchemy: Transforming Knowledge into Measurable Behavior Change with Chris Taylor

Tech-Enabled Behavioral Alchemy: Transforming Knowledge into Measurable Behavior Change with Chris Taylor

What does it take to transform knowledge into actionable behavior change and how is technology changing that?

This week I dug into this with Chris Taylor, Founder & CEO of Our conversation explores the intersection of technology, behavior, and learning, unraveling the intricacies of how behavioral analytics can not only measure but significantly enhance the transfer from knowledge to skill.

We deep dive into the critical difference between enjoyable experiences and those that fundamentally change behaviors. It also highlights the pivotal role of AI in analytics, which emerges as a beacon of hope, offering insights into individual and collective learning patterns and driving the evolution of sound practices.

But it's not just about technology. We also touch on the human elements - the challenges inherent in altering behaviors, the importance of setting clear, achievable objectives, and the need for a consultative approach that values incremental progress and empowers employees.

This episode is crucial listening for anyone invested in harnessing the power of knowledge to create real, measurable change in both personal and professional landscapes.

And, be sure to read the summaries on SubStack:

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Interplay of Technology and Behavior Change

10:26 - Misconceptions of Behavior Change and the Knowing-Doing Gap

20:08 - Technology’s Role in Enabling and Measuring Behavior Change

32:08 - Setting Clear Goals for Learning Programs

41:00 - Personalization in Learning and Behavior Change

50:38 - Data Analytics and AI in Learning: Present and Future

01:02:16 - Closing Thoughts: Harnessing Technology for Better Learning Outcomes

Jan 09, 202401:06:45
Weekly Update - AI's Dual Impact on Job Market | Rise of Quantum Computing | Technology & The Power Crisis

Weekly Update - AI's Dual Impact on Job Market | Rise of Quantum Computing | Technology & The Power Crisis

We are into the first week of January and there are already lots of exciting things to watch in 2024. This week's future-focused weekly update hits on three that are top of mind for me.

  • AI's Dual Impact on Job Market: It's a complex world when you explore AI's role in job displacement and creation. There are conflicting reports and projections highlighting the need for cautious and discerning leadership in navigating AI's impact on employment. As leaders, we need to engage in open dialogues and proactive strategies to stay ahead in an era of uncertainty and disruption.
  • Quantum Computing's Leap Forward: I hit the basics of quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize processing power. With predictions of quantum computing hitting the mainstream in 2024, we need to consider the implications for AI, pharmaceuticals, finance, and business optimization. When it lands, it will amplify technological advancements, posing exciting opportunities and new risks.
  • The Power Crisis in Tech Advancement: We can't ignore the energy demands of rapidly advancing technologies like AI and quantum computing. It's easy to forget the significant electricity consumption by data centers and tech giants, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable power solutions. I'm optimistic given the developments in fusion energy, a potential game-changer for clean and efficient power generation, and the evolving landscape of renewable energy sources.

And, don't forget to share your thoughts. Also, if there are topics you're curious about, let me know. I'll continue sharing my thoughts in this rapid-fire addition to Future-Focused content. Have a great week!

Jan 05, 202422:25
Diagnosing Disease in a Cough: Unlocking the Potential of AI in Healthcare with Kitty Kolding

Diagnosing Disease in a Cough: Unlocking the Potential of AI in Healthcare with Kitty Kolding

Can a simple cough reveal the hidden story of your health? In this eye-opening episode, we delve into the groundbreaking intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare with my guest, Kitty Kolding, Co-Founder & CEO of RAIsonance.

Discover how AI is transforming a common human cough into a sophisticated diagnostic instrument. Kitty sheds light on the challenges, skepticism, and breakthroughs in integrating AI into the healthcare sector, and how this technology is increasing diagnostic efficiency and democratizing healthcare access globally.

This conversation is not just about technology; it's about a paradigm shift in healthcare – a leap towards more accessible, equitable, and personalized medical care. Whether you're a healthcare professional, tech enthusiast, or simply someone intrigued by the future of medicine, this episode offers crucial insights into how AI is reshaping our approach to disease diagnosis and management.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Journey to Innovation

20:06 - RAIsonance Unveiled

24:51 - Affordability and Accessibility

30:10 - AI and Disease Patterns

45:55 - Beyond Diagnosis

51:20 - Future of AI in Imaging

Jan 02, 202401:02:12
Weekly Update - Managing 2 Full-Time Jobs?! | Digital Twin Technology is Growing | The Rise of Custom AI Bots

Weekly Update - Managing 2 Full-Time Jobs?! | Digital Twin Technology is Growing | The Rise of Custom AI Bots

Lots of exciting things are happening, so this week's future-focused weekly update hits on three of the ones top of mind for me.

  1. The Rise of Dual Employment: Allegedly, there are more people working two full-time jobs, and organizations seem to be responding in unhelpful ways. Is remote work threatening employee loyalty and commitment? Does forcing them into the office help? Is it even a problem?

  2. Digital Twinning in Training and Operations: I'm excited about the rise in digital twinning, an innovative approach to creating digital replicas of real environments for training and operational excellence. I'll unpack how it's revolutionizing experiential learning and operational efficiency, enabling more focused experimentation and cost-effective solutions.

  3. From Generic to Custom AI Bots: As we embark on 2024, we're going to transition from generic generative AI to highly specialized AI bots. I'll share my initial thoughts on the potential and pitfalls of these customized solutions, emphasizing the need for cautious optimism and legal discernment in this rapidly evolving field.

And, don't forget to share your thoughts. Also, if there are topics you're curious about, let me know. I'll continue sharing my thoughts in this rapid-fire addition to Future-Focused content. Have a great week!

Dec 29, 202323:18
Reimagining Reading Proficiency: Preparing the Next Generation for the Future of Work with Dr. Phil Hickman

Reimagining Reading Proficiency: Preparing the Next Generation for the Future of Work with Dr. Phil Hickman

Is our education system truly preparing children for the rapidly evolving world of tomorrow? I sit down with Dr. Phil Hickman, CEO of PlaBook and innovator at the forefront of educational technology, to explore how AI is transforming the way we approach learning and reading proficiency.

We dive into the stark realities of current educational challenges, where a significant portion of children struggle with reading—a skill foundational to all future learning and success. We discuss how AI designed right can revolutionize reading education by not only enhancing the learning experience but also personalizing it, catering to the unique needs of each child.

From there we highlight the criticality of reading proficiency into the future of work and how skills like critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving are becoming indispensable. We address the resistance to technological advancements in educational settings and how overcoming this resistance is key to equipping the next generation for a future filled with jobs that don't yet exist.

Dec 27, 202301:05:24
Weekly Update - Holiday Layoffs | Citigroup WFH | AI Sniffing AI Job Applicants

Weekly Update - Holiday Layoffs | Citigroup WFH | AI Sniffing AI Job Applicants

It's my final day before taking some much-needed time off work for the holidays, and it's got me a little spicy. You'll hear the spice as I talk through some of the latest things happening at the intersection of business, tech, and the human experience. Layoffs Right Before the Holidays: Layoffs are in the air, but are they really saving companies money? Furthermore, when it comes to timing, there's no good time, but could companies be more human-centered when they are the only option? CitiGroup Letting Employees WFH: We're almost four years post-pandemic and companies letting their office employees work from home is still making the news. AI Sniffing Out AI Use in Job Applicants: AI can be a really helpful way to identify and hire great candidates, but as expected, there's no shortage of foolish use. The latest is trying to sniff out candidates that "cheated" on their application with AI. And, don't forget to share your thoughts. Also, if there are topics you're curious about, let me know. I'll continue sharing my thoughts in this rapid-fire addition to Future-Focused content. Have a great week! ****Show Notes**** 0:00 - Introduction 1:05 - Layoffs Right Before the Holidays 7:42 - CitiGroup Let's People WFH 11:34 - AI Sniffing AI-use in Job Hunting

Dec 22, 202319:35
2023 Workplace Chronicles: Preparing for a Thriving 2024 with Ben Eubanks

2023 Workplace Chronicles: Preparing for a Thriving 2024 with Ben Eubanks

Are we truly prepared for the seismic shifts in the workplace that 2024 promises to bring?

This week I reconnected my good friend Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer at Lighthouse Research and Advisory, to unpack some of the latest workplace data of 2023 and deconstruct how it fits into the evolving landscape of the modern workplace and the pivotal role of AI in shaping our professional futures.

We dove into the crucial gap between employer wellbeing initiatives and employee realities, the shifting dynamics of career mobility, and the impactful role of AI in reshaping leadership and talent acquisition.

This conversation is vital as we consider the nuances of employee engagement and the balance between AI efficiency and human leadership in the future of work. Listen in for an insightful discussion that offers valuable perspectives as we all prepare for navigating work in 2024 and beyond.

Show Notes:

00:00- Introduction and Key Research Findings

20:37 - AI in Leadership and Management

35:02 - Personalization and Workplace Belonging

45:20 - Leadership Selection and Development

54:12 - Career Mobility and Employee Preferences

1:01:50 - Closing Thoughts and Future Outlook

Dec 19, 202301:02:30
Weekly Update - AI Gone Wrong at Sports Illustrated

Weekly Update - AI Gone Wrong at Sports Illustrated

Have you heard the recent uproar surrounding Sports Illustrated's use of AI-generated content and fictitious authors? As we stand at the crossroads of technology, business, and human integrity, this incident opens up Pandora's box of ethical questions and challenges in modern journalism. In this week's update, I'll navigate the complex layers of this scandal, exploring how AI is reshaping the landscape of content creation and the implications it has for authenticity and trust in media. I'll share my candid thoughts on the heart of this dilemma, where the lines between human creativity and machine intelligence blur. Your views, comments, and debates are welcome.

Dec 15, 202320:10