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或多或少有点姬 more or less kinda queer

或多或少有点姬 more or less kinda queer

By Lesley Luo

More or Less kinda Queer is a Mandarin-speaking podcast that focuses on LGBTQ+ community through queer women's lens. We talk about sexual orientation and gender diversity as well as queer culture in the transnational context. We want equality and inclusion.
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#07 LGBT电影姬片混谈:从烧女图开始 Lesbian cinema: make the lesbian romance more diverse and inclusive

或多或少有点姬 more or less kinda queerOct 12, 2020

#12 游戏中的性别角色:落难少女与酷儿表达 Gender Roles in Video Games: Damsel in Distress and Queer Representation

#12 游戏中的性别角色:落难少女与酷儿表达 Gender Roles in Video Games: Damsel in Distress and Queer Representation

游戏中的性别形象会影响玩家对性别的看法。很多游戏中的女性形象仅仅是对剧情起辅助性作用,有些甚至是丰满性感,满足玩家的好奇与猎奇心态。这期播客从《刺客信条》到《模拟人生》,讨论一些游戏中的落难少女和酷儿表达。Genders are portrayed in games can influence players' perception of gender role. This episode will discuss some media tropes such as "damsel in distress" and "go make me a sandwich", as well as queer representation in video games like "Assassin's Creed: Origin" and "The Sims 4".

Apr 08, 202116:09
#11 性别是流动的,身份是交叉的:佩吉从艾伦变成艾略特 Gender is fluid and identity is intersectional: from Ellen to Elliot Page

#11 性别是流动的,身份是交叉的:佩吉从艾伦变成艾略特 Gender is fluid and identity is intersectional: from Ellen to Elliot Page

本来播客做完第十期就要好好规划一下的,今早一起来看到我的少年偶像Ellen Page变成了Elliot Page。所以借此热度来说说我的感受,性别是流动的,身份是交叉的,做自己就好。 “Hi friends. I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot.” This is how Elliot Page wrote on his social media platforms. In this episode, I will talk about my reflection on Elliot Page's new identity and queerness.

Dec 02, 202009:43
#10 萨福梦幻岛,罗曼蒂克的畅想 Dreaming Sappho: romance of lesbian women

#10 萨福梦幻岛,罗曼蒂克的畅想 Dreaming Sappho: romance of lesbian women

本期分享姬佬的精神始祖,莱斯珀斯的萨福。借用《碧利提斯之歌》中的两首小诗:“我的女儿,我的骨肉,你说,当你睁开眼睛,你要平原或城市,山岭或月亮,或众神的白色仪队。"也只有女人才懂得爱的艺术,留在我们身边,碧利提斯,一定要留下来。如果你有真正的热情,你就会看到你的美貌,就像你的情人们身体上的玻璃一样。" 我们都是萨福的女儿。 This episode will talk about Sappho, a Greek poet from the island of Lesbos. More, I will share some literature and essays about being a lesbian woman.

Nov 19, 202014:59
#09 台湾特辑:不太完全的报告 The special: queering Taiwan

#09 台湾特辑:不太完全的报告 The special: queering Taiwan

本集中,我和小张一起讨论了台湾的婚姻平权,酷儿多元文化,性别与身份,流行音乐和电影。以姬佬的眼光构想台湾。Zhang jumps into the discussion with me and we are seeing Taiwan in our queer eyes. On May 17th, 2019, same-sex marriage is officially legalised in Taiwan, which is a milestone for the Asian LGBTQ+ communities. In this episode, we talk about pop culture, music and films, multiculturalism in Taiwan, and how they construct people's understanding and acceptance toward LGBTQ+ equality and queer culture.

Oct 28, 202033:02
#08 姬佬反思:无处不在的消费主义和新身份 Consumerism, pinkwashing and queer culture.

#08 姬佬反思:无处不在的消费主义和新身份 Consumerism, pinkwashing and queer culture.

本期邀请到桃子,从消费文化和极简生活的角度来讨论了酷儿身份。作为两个姬佬,一起聊聊是自己是如何被生活中的无处不在的消费话术影响到生活的。新文化和新身份的产生似乎也刺激了新的消费。而消费主义见缝插针,生活和身份又如何不被商品化呢? Consumerism affects queer culture. Some people think that consumerism and pinkwashing will bury the politics of the LGBTQ+ rights movement while some others think that it can increase the queer visibility. This episode invited a queer woman Taozi, who is working in the live commerce industry to discuss that if our identity is reconstructed by consumerism?

Oct 20, 202038:47
#07 LGBT电影姬片混谈:从烧女图开始 Lesbian cinema: make the lesbian romance more diverse and inclusive

#07 LGBT电影姬片混谈:从烧女图开始 Lesbian cinema: make the lesbian romance more diverse and inclusive

这次小Wann跟我整理了各自喜欢的LGBT电影。然后发现,我们喜欢阿黛尔,我们喜欢蓝色,我们喜欢电影里某个生活化的细节,我们分享各自的感受,讨论银幕上快感与美的迷影。桑塔格描述柏拉图洞穴理论为:人们通过投影和反射了解自身与周围。从《燃烧女子的肖像》,《阿黛尔的生活》到《新女友》等等,酷儿身份得到放松和解脱的瞬间,或许是LGBT影像反射加工后,一颗从银幕上蹦出来的小小爆米花。With Wann, this episode discusses our favourite lesbian films, and how the image of the ideal lesbian representation is built up. From Portrait of a Lady on Fire and Blue is the Warmest Colour to Saving Faces, as well as Below Her Mouth, we talk about what a diverse and inclusive lesbian film should be, as well as our opinion on homonormality from visual representation.

Oct 12, 202052:51
#06 姬佬的生活互相交织成像: Lesbian Nostalgia: the chemistry on screen build up our memory and identity

#06 姬佬的生活互相交织成像: Lesbian Nostalgia: the chemistry on screen build up our memory and identity

本期跟YC一起聊了作为姬佬对童年和青春期的印象,那些透过电影电视和流行文化了解世界的时光。通过小小平方的一块屏幕,影视作品如何反射出姬佬怀旧(lesbian nostalgia)?我们也聊到了一个词,胶片相机的“chemistry of the moment”,一瞬间光影的定格不仅仅是胶片成像的化学反应,更是我们感情的化学反应,反射身份的化学反应。In this episode, I invited YC to discuss how the films and TV series construct our identity. Also, how does our expectation reflect and resonate with the image from the screen? We re-explain the phrase: chemistry of film, in which we develop the film and the process of reflecting our identity from the screen.

Sep 23, 202001:04:00
#05 姬佬青春期之尴尬的大姨妈 #NoPeriodShame: queer women must make period visible

#05 姬佬青春期之尴尬的大姨妈 #NoPeriodShame: queer women must make period visible

最近月经羞辱这个词的再现也让我忍不住回顾自己作为一个姬佬,从小遇到的关于跟月经有关的尴尬经历。做这期播客只希望以姬佬的视角讨论下月经,然后normalise月经。希望月经只是一个小事情,而不是一个小情绪。希望所有姐妹所有姬崽都Just be proud. Most of the time for women from Asia, talking about period is not a forbidden topic, but it’s neglectful and full of stereotypes. For some butch lesbians or tomboys, what do they feel about having period in adolescence? Also for many people, including cisgender women and men, transgender and genderqueer people, what we should know from period to gender equality?

Sep 02, 202017:34
#04 姬圈暗号:姬佬才懂的笑点和梗 Lesbians secret handshake, meme and media tropes

#04 姬圈暗号:姬佬才懂的笑点和梗 Lesbians secret handshake, meme and media tropes

一个在澳洲墨尔本,一个在南非约翰内斯堡。两个南半球姬过着反季节的生活终于凑在一起聊了聊姬圈梗和姬佬暗号,lesbian secret handshake?还是说meme or pun?诸如此类的gaydar或者燃烧女子的肖像。This episode invited my friend, Stella in Johannesburg to jump into the conversation. Stella and I both live in the southern hemisphere. As cyberqueer inhabit the digital network, we share our idea about some lesbian secret handshake, memes and troops: gaydar, gesture and language.

Aug 25, 202038:29
#03 自述:身份与生活,旧金山的《城市故事》 Myself: queer woman of colour from China, belonging and reflection of Tales of the City

#03 自述:身份与生活,旧金山的《城市故事》 Myself: queer woman of colour from China, belonging and reflection of Tales of the City

忘记给大家做自我介绍了,这期播客就来说说为什么想要创立这个频道。一些关于姬佬的生活想法,希望大家都可以听到自己的声音,然后发出自己的声音。In this episode, I will talk about my own story as a Chinese lesbian. When I watch the miniseries Tales of the City, how do I reflect my identity, sexuality and life experience to the story from the screen?

Aug 19, 202020:23
#02 姬佬永恒的话题:出柜以及论其成功的条件 The never-ending topic: come out story

#02 姬佬永恒的话题:出柜以及论其成功的条件 The never-ending topic: come out story

邀请到频繁经历身边人出柜成功的Morry,一起来讨论下属于姬佬们永恒的话题:如何出柜,以及如何让出柜成功。告诉大家一个小tip:如果你是纯姬,千万不要出成bisexual。In this episode, I invited my friend Morry, a genderqueer YouTuber who has come out to her family recently. As a new-emerging vlogger, Morry will talk about her gender identity and sexuality with me. The conversation brings a never-ending question: is it really necessary to come out to the family?

Aug 12, 202039:35
#01 难道朱莉安摩尔阿姨后悔出演姬佬了?The clickbait: Julianne Moore, the appropriation of queer casting

#01 难道朱莉安摩尔阿姨后悔出演姬佬了?The clickbait: Julianne Moore, the appropriation of queer casting

受人爱戴的姬圈阿姨朱莉安·摩尔最近出了一条假新闻,说她后悔曾经出演一个姬佬角色,这当然不是真的咯。正好趁着这个新闻,我想来聊聊LGBTQ影视文化中的一个热门话题:顺性别直人该不该出演LGBTQ角色? As the first episode, it discusses a piece of recent news on the actress, Julianne Moore. Moore talked about her experience when casting the lesbian comedy-drama film, The Kids Are All Right. Let’s think if it’s appropriate to invite straight people to play a lesbian role? Similarly, cisgender people for transgender characters?

Aug 05, 202011:16