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The Lionboar Podcast

The Lionboar Podcast

By Torrey Zimmerman

If conflict is getting you down, we've got great news! Adding a few new skills to your toolbox and choosing to see things differently can radically change your life for the better.

That’s what this podcast is all about.

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There's Something to Be Said for a Lengthy Engagement

The Lionboar PodcastNov 01, 2020

Is the Wait Worth It?

Is the Wait Worth It?

Whether we're waiting for a new job, a new relationship, a move to a new and better place, or some other goal or desire, waiting is hard! And waiting sometimes leaves us so frustrated, that we are tempted to settle for less.

Is it possible to wait well? And if so, how do we do that? And are there important things to be learned or gained through waiting? We'll answer these questions and more, on today’s episode of The Lionboar Podcast.

Jan 30, 202126:08
The Path to Peaceful Living, Part 2: Positive Relationships

The Path to Peaceful Living, Part 2: Positive Relationships

There are strategies we can use in the moment to move a particular conflict toward resolution. But living a peaceful life requires a little  more work over "the long haul." Think of it as a journey—a path we  have to learn to walk, one steppingstone at a time. And some of those  steppingstones might surprise you!

This week’s episode will focus on the second steppingstone—POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS. Our relationships can contribute a lot to our quality of life. And it’s no secret that they can also be one of our greatest sources of stress.

So, what does it take to build positive relationships that really work? That's our focus on this episode of The Lionboar Podcast.

Jan 21, 202124:52
The Path to Peaceful Living, Part 1: Personal Responsibility

The Path to Peaceful Living, Part 1: Personal Responsibility

There are strategies we can use in the moment to move a particular conflict toward resolution. But living a peaceful life requires a little more work over "the long haul." Think of it as a journey--a path we have to learn to walk, one stepping stone at a time. And some of those stepping stones might surprise you!

In today's episode, we'll talk about the first Stepping Stones on the path to living more peacefully.

Jan 13, 202127:10
Choose A Positive Lens

Choose A Positive Lens

Choosing to view others with suspicion or in a negative way by default, might allow you to detect danger before it occurs. But seeing the world through a negative lens also means, almost certainly, that you will struggle to find real friendship and security.

We'll recommend one possible solution in this Lionboar Minute!

Jan 04, 202101:55
Add Before You Divide to Multiply What You Take Away

Add Before You Divide to Multiply What You Take Away

When we’re arguing or fighting with someone, our emotional instinct is to guard everything we have with our lives! Sure, we might be willing to take the high road, and discuss possible solutions to our conflict.  But we are very likely to try to hold on to what we have, with the hopes of getting more in the process. Sometimes, though, we really do have to give something to get something!

In this episode, we'll share a three-step process for working through difficult, emotional conflict, toward a resolution you can live with.

Jan 03, 202122:57
The Lionboar Minute: Give of Yourself This Christmas

The Lionboar Minute: Give of Yourself This Christmas

For some, loneliness is a reality that is especially painful around the holidays! In this Lionboar Minute, we'll touch on one way to minimize the pain, and maximize the gain.

Dec 21, 202001:41
I Doubt It

I Doubt It

Doubt, when it is objective and realistic, can protect us from danger and disappointment. But it can also prevent us from fulfillment if we persistently use self-doubt as an excuse not to try. In this episode, we’ll talk about some strategies you can use to recognize and silence unhealthy self-doubt, and to learn to take well-informed risks.

Dec 20, 202026:33
The Lionboar Minute: Forgiveness

The Lionboar Minute: Forgiveness

In this week’s Lionboar Podcast, we talked about the power of an authentic apology—one that recognizes that harm has been done, takes responsibility for it, works to restore hope and envision resolution, and makes it clear that there is a plan in place to make things right.

The other half of the equation is forgiveness. What is authentic forgiveness? Find out in this Lionboar Minute!

Dec 14, 202001:51
The Armor-Piercing Olive Branch

The Armor-Piercing Olive Branch

Emotions play a critical role in negative, personal conflict, which can result in real harm. But nothing takes the wind out of an argument like an authentic apology!

Dec 13, 202026:42
The Lionboar Minute: We All Make Mistakes

The Lionboar Minute: We All Make Mistakes

When we make poor choices or embarrassing mistakes, our first instinct may be to hide. But in this Lionboar Minute, we'll share a better idea! 

Dec 07, 202001:53
Who Wouldn't Want A Bigger Pie?

Who Wouldn't Want A Bigger Pie?

Most disagreements focus on something that has a specific size or value. And like a pie, that "thing" can be sliced into different-sized pieces. But no matter what you do, under normal circumstances, the sum of the slices will never be more than the whole pie. But what if they could?

In this episode, we'll explore the attitude changes and actions needed to make it possible for everyone in conflict to get more of what they need and want--enlarging the pie. After all, Who wouldn't want a bigger pie?

Dec 06, 202024:27
The Lionboar Minute: Don't Forget the Reason!

The Lionboar Minute: Don't Forget the Reason!

Despite spending, on average, over 700 Billion dollars per year on gifts during the Christmas Season, Americans are less satisfied than ever. So, what's the cure for our chronic dissatisfaction? We'll touch on that in this episode of the Lionboar Minute.

Nov 30, 202001:51
Great Expectations!

Great Expectations!

Some disappointments are minor—like not getting what you wanted for Christmas, or experiencing rainy weather when you were hoping for a nice day. Other disappointments can actually impact us deeply and change the course of our lives. But what causes disappointment? And is there anything we can do to avoid its emotionally crippling effects? We’ll address these questions and much, much more in this episode of The Lionboar Podcast.

Nov 29, 202025:30
The Lionboar Minute: Sharp Edges

The Lionboar Minute: Sharp Edges

If your family is like mine, divisive topics occasionally come up in conversation around the holiday dinner table. Politics comes to mind, but there are certainly others. And like knives, if we're not careful with them, these issues (which I like to call "Sharp Edges") can cut deeply and divide us.

How can you handle these Sharp Edges at your family gatherings? Tune in to to this Lionboar Minute to find out!

Nov 23, 202001:26
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

The Holiday season is supposed to be one of celebration! And yet, ironically, this time of year has a way of magnifying discontentment that can shred our joy, if we let it. What can we do to defeat discontentment? We're glad you asked!

Learning to choose Gratitude can make all the difference! In this episode, we’ll share some practical tips to keep your holidays happy!

Happy Holidays, from The Lionboar Podcast!

Nov 22, 202025:28
The Lionboar Minute: What in the World Is a Lionboar?

The Lionboar Minute: What in the World Is a Lionboar?

In case you’ve been wondering, “What in the world is a Lionboar,” this Lionboar Minute is for you.

Nov 16, 202001:29
It's Not About the Couch!

It's Not About the Couch!

When we are in conflict and feeling weak, we tend to project our real wants and needs on what I’ll call, “tokens.” I’ve seen it happen a hundred times. A man who wants his business partner to recognize his contributions, tries to hold up the building of a new office. A teenager who wants desperately to be seen and heard by his parents, deliberately fails classes at school. We’ll talk about my favorite token in this episode as we discover that, in most cases, “It’s Not About the Couch!”

Nov 15, 202025:37
The Lionboar Minute: First Things First

The Lionboar Minute: First Things First

Bite-size strategies and tips for better living. This is The Lionboar Minute!

In this episode, we offer a valuable piece of advice suitable for any conflict situation. And we serve it up to you in a very short format that is specially-designed for busy people. Practical tips you can take "to-go."

Nov 10, 202001:28
Humility Is by Far My Best Quality!

Humility Is by Far My Best Quality!

Many believe that being humble means being quiet, meek, or being a "doormat" others can walk over. But that's not true humility. Rather, one author defined humility as, "...redirecting your powers...for the sake of others."

In this episode, we will discuss how and why that brand of humility can be a complete game-changer in your conflict situations!

Nov 08, 202024:23
There's Something to Be Said for a Lengthy Engagement

There's Something to Be Said for a Lengthy Engagement

It’s not unusual to look at the conflict in your life and ask, “How do I resolve this?” But if you focus only on RESOLUTION, you can miss out on some of the most important takeaways and benefits! In this episode, we’ll explain why “ENGAGEMENT” is a better focus than “resolution,” when dealing with conflict.

Nov 01, 202026:14
The Lionboar Podcast

The Lionboar Podcast

From difficult conflict with others, to the experiences and emotions that turn our personal lives upside-down. If it disrupts your sense of peace, we will take it on. Welcome to The Lionboar Podcast!
Oct 17, 202000:40