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By Lisa

Forming Apostles for the Great Evangelization
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Human Maturity and the Mystery of Who You Are

EvangeliNationJul 02, 2020

Am I Fruitful? Applying the Parable of the Sower and the Seed

Am I Fruitful? Applying the Parable of the Sower and the Seed

Today, as we celebrate the great feast of the conversion of Saint Paul, we take a look at the Parable of the Sower and the Seed, that enigmatic story of Jesus that promises an abundant life to those who hear it and are able to apply this wisdom in their day lives. So, what are you waiting for? Find out how to be rich soil that bears fruit--30, 60 or 100-fold!

Jan 25, 202448:29
When Bad Things Happen But God Seems Silent

When Bad Things Happen But God Seems Silent

What do you do when you pray and pray and it just seems that God is not listening or is not sending you the solution you so ardently desire?

Let’s take a look at this universal human experience of (seemingly) unanswered prayer from a few different perspectives, always relying of course on sacred scripture, the inspired Word of God, and the historical events of salvation history that are recorded in the Bible.

So, what do you do when you pray and it seems that your prayers are not being answered? This is the topic of our episode today.

Jan 19, 202437:08
The Baptism of Jesus & What It Means for Me

The Baptism of Jesus & What It Means for Me

In this episode, we explore the mystery of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John, and we do this with an eye to understanding what it all means for us in the modern world today.

Here are some of the texts referenced in this episode:

Mark 10:38

Matthew 28:19

Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6 (miracle of loaves & fishes)

Mark 15:39 (Centurion's profession of faith)

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 1225

John 3:5

Jan 11, 202435:57
Trifold Topic for the New Year 2024
Jan 02, 202434:46
Patriotic Rosary for Our Nation

Patriotic Rosary for Our Nation

Join me in praying the Patriotic Rosary for the conversion of our nation and the souls within it.

If you are unfamiliar with the Rosary as a form of prayer, please search for and listen to my podcast "The Rosary is Scriptural" to understand more about this powerful means of spiritual battle.

Jul 05, 202351:54
Pauline Theology: The Abundant Riches of His Grace
Feb 15, 202330:13
A 2022 July 4th Freedom Week Reflection
Jul 07, 202239:39
St. Mary of Egypt + Prepare for the Warning

St. Mary of Egypt + Prepare for the Warning

Do you know who St. Mary of Egypt is? Find out about this obscure saint and how her story is super important for everyone on the planet today!

Jun 03, 202225:46
How the Feasts of the Church Came to Be

How the Feasts of the Church Came to Be

Don't miss the deep insights revealed in today's retreat reflection, featuring a reading from Chapter XII of Mystical City of God: The Coronation. In this reading is revealed the inception and reason for the feasts of the Church. You will have a greater appreciation and reverence for them after listening to this episode.

May 27, 202231:11
Why EvangeliNation?

Why EvangeliNation?

Why EvangeliNation? Why now? Here are a few things to consider.

May 18, 202223:28
Personal Integrity + 3 Essential Attributes of a Christian
May 05, 202228:06
HOLY WEEK 2022 SPECIAL EDITION: Which Apostle Am I Most Like?

HOLY WEEK 2022 SPECIAL EDITION: Which Apostle Am I Most Like?

This is the first ever "double episode" produced in honor of the Easter Triduum. Come away on a fisherman's boat into the waters of sunny reflections.

At the time of this recording, Holy Week has begun for Christians all over the world. So, today, we are talking about the 12 Apostles that gathered around Jesus for His Last Supper, the Passover ("Seder") meal that He shared with His Apostles before He laid down His life for His friends . . . and for all of us in a mystical reality that is no less pertinent and profound today than it was back then. Isn't that an extraordinary thing to say? 

The meal He shared with His friends was like everything else He did: it had long-lasting phenomenal consequences for the whole world. Who can comprehend the mystery and beauty of even one moment like that shared with the God-Man, Jesus Christ? If we could get even just a little taste of it, I think it would change who we are today forever. I guess that is the aim of this episode. Enjoy. 

May you have a holy and blessed Pesach / Pascha / Pascua / Easter Triduum.

Apr 14, 202257:50
RECEIVE THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD for Protection from AntiChrist
Apr 08, 202224:56
Our Lady's Rules for Prayer Group Members (1983)

Our Lady's Rules for Prayer Group Members (1983)

In 1983, a prayer group was started in Medjugorje. 

LISTEN TODAY to hear Our Lady's rules for the voluntary members of this group. 

These rules will help you grow in your spiritual life.

Mar 24, 202231:07
Words from Heaven: Medjugorje Messages Jul-Dec 1986

Words from Heaven: Medjugorje Messages Jul-Dec 1986

Today's podcast is devoted to sharing Our Lady's weekly messages to the parish of Medjugorje from July through Christmas Day of 1986. These apparitions and messages are 100% approved by the magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Our Lady Queen of Peace has been appearing on earth since 1981 to visionaries from the little town of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. This podcast gives a brief overview of how this started and offers resources you can use to delve more deeply into this great and powerful gift God has given to the world. 

The gift of Medjugorje is, first of all, a great display of our Blessed Mother's love for all humanity. She as been visiting the earth tirelessly for 40 years to lead us out of darkness into the wonderful light of Her Son. He who became Incarnate in Her as the Word of God Made Flesh is permitting Her to come to us, to undertake by the power of the divine love flowing through her Immaculate Heart the visitation of Her children like never before in human history. Have we not been very lazy and weak in our response to this great gift? Let's change that! Now is Her time to crush--with Her Son--the head of the ancient serpent.

Mar 18, 202231:29
Words from Heaven: Medjugorje messages from Jan-Jun 1986

Words from Heaven: Medjugorje messages from Jan-Jun 1986

Join me today to drink in Our Heavenly Mother's messages from Heaven! 

As a Church, as a nation, as a world, we are very late in listening to our mother's pleas from Medjugorje. They are pleas for us to open ourselves to God in prayer, so that we can love, experience joy, happiness, and live in peace. These messages are dated from Jan-Jun 1986 and are 100% approved by the Church. Next week, we will meditate upon messages given during the second half of 1986.

Mar 10, 202227:08
Winter Appeal to Help Married Couples + Become a PCSJ Member!

Winter Appeal to Help Married Couples + Become a PCSJ Member!

Today's message is a poetic winter appeal for the Pauline Community of Saint Joseph and especially the new marriage and family ministries we are launching this year! (To "submit the form below" just click on the link that says "CLICK HERE" below.)

To join us in evangelizing the nation, CLICK HERE to become a PCSJ | EvangeliNation MEMBER and collaborate with others in the spiritual works of mercy! Your donation supports PCSJ outreach to hurting marriages, families, and seekers of instruction and counsel. Learn more about PAULINE COMMUNITY OF SAINT JOSEPH, INC. and how you can be a part of PCSJ | EvangeliNation's mission of "people helping people" in response to the call of the Gospel. 

Since 2017, PCSJ has been serving people all over the world from Venezuela, Rome and the Philippines, to Africa, Asia and the Middle East, from Europe, Ireland, and India to Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Together, PCSJ has been lifting up the Good News with people like you through works of mercy that declare the power, purpose, and passion of Jesus Christ, Who is the Way, Truth, and Life, the Lord who heals you and empowers you to RISE to NEW LIFE. Now is the time to join us, and don't forget to SIGN UP for ARISE! 7 SATURDAYS TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE.

Feb 24, 202221:21
Fresh Rendering of Psalm 91 + 7 Saturdays to Stop Harming & Start Healing in Your Marriage!
Feb 18, 202214:15
What are you waiting for? Salvation is Now!

What are you waiting for? Salvation is Now!

Join me today for a mini-retreat featuring reflections from Saint Jerome Emiliani and our dear Founder, Blessed James Alberione! Just take a break from the concerns of the work-a-day world and let God's power and presence wrap around you like a cozy, warm blanket as you enter into today's prayerful retreat into His Presence.

Feb 10, 202221:24
What is Salvation Anyway?
Feb 03, 202225:50
New Year 2022 - Retreat to Believe

New Year 2022 - Retreat to Believe

Welcome to the first live podcast of 2022! This year will bring powerful opportunities for community members and friends to strengthen their "belief muscles" in live Q&A faith discussions, bible studies, and studies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Stay tuned for details on how to take advantage of these opportunities! 

If you want to visit the website of Blessed Carlo Acutis referenced in this podcast, visit: and select your preferred language. The information there is in several languages. Take time to "retreat" with this website and also with me in next week's retreat podcast. 

To receive free retreats delivered directly to your inbox, visit here and click on the text next to the image of SAINT JOSEPH.

Thank to everyone who supports this ministry!

Jan 27, 202236:15
Winning the Game vs Storing Up Treasure in the Kingdom

Winning the Game vs Storing Up Treasure in the Kingdom

At the beginning of the new year, it is a good idea to reflect upon how the ordinary pursuits of our lives can become extraordinary--if only we make a small change in our hearts and minds. St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us!

Jan 13, 202227:46
Banish Anxiety and Find the Way to Peace and Hope
Dec 10, 202110:04
St. Andrew Christmas Novena -- Special Version in Petition for HEALING OF THE SICK

St. Andrew Christmas Novena -- Special Version in Petition for HEALING OF THE SICK

Play and pray along with me this special novena for healing of the sick. 

Dec 03, 202110:35
The Right Way to Pray the Christmas Novena + Mary, Hope of the World and Fra Bartholomew's Miraculous Fresco

The Right Way to Pray the Christmas Novena + Mary, Hope of the World and Fra Bartholomew's Miraculous Fresco

Dec 03, 202122:53
Thanksgiving Day Message 2021 - You'll Never Guess What I'm Grateful For

Thanksgiving Day Message 2021 - You'll Never Guess What I'm Grateful For

This Thanksgiving message is just not like other Thanksgiving greetings. Tune in and you'll understand why.

If you would like to contact me, email me at or message me on Facebook at Pauline Community of St. Joseph. I want to hear from you. Blessings and peace be yours today and always!

Nov 25, 202121:30
Heaven on Earth: In the Home at Nazareth + 3 Types of Daily Prayer for Every Believer
Nov 11, 202127:17
Losing and Finding Jesus + St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

Losing and Finding Jesus + St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

Join us for today's mini-retreat reflection on the mystery of Jesus' choice to stay in the Temple while his parents anxiously sought Him. We also take a look at St. Alphonsus' life and love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Queen. We are continuing to read from Bl. Alberione's book titled Mary, Hope of the World.

Become a Catholic Evangelist! Visit

Reach out! You can send feedback, reviews, questions, or concerns to

Oct 22, 202120:18
Blessed Alberione on the Flight into Egypt + Dante Alighieri
Oct 14, 202119:04
Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp + The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp + The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Today we continue our reading of Blessed James Alberione’s book Mary, Hope of the World. 

We know that the whole world was waiting on the other side of Mary's “yes” to God’s invitation to bring forth the Eternal Word to the world. The same is true for you and me! There are people waiting on the other side of our obedience to the call to evangelize others. 

If you feel a calling to get better at articulating the faith and bringing life-saving truths to others, people are waiting for you to be obedient to that call, to listen and respond, to say “yes, Lord, here I am” and to become a disciple capable of being sent out as an apostle on a mission to bring the Word to the world. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, where Simeon and Anna joyfully encountered Him for the first time. Let's give that same joy to others waiting to know the power and the promise of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Learn to evangelize! Sign up for Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp.

Did you know that you can support this ministry with a monthly recurring donation or one-time gift? It's an easy way to earn the reward of an evangelist. :-) Just click here and scroll down to select the "support" button.

Oct 07, 202124:12
"The Adoration of the Magi" from Bl. Alberione's book Mary, Hope of the World + Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp

"The Adoration of the Magi" from Bl. Alberione's book Mary, Hope of the World + Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp

Today's episode is a reflection on that glorious moment of Christ's birth and infancy, when after being visited by the poor and humble, was next visited by the rich and powerful, the wise and learned of the east, who followed a star to the place where he dwelled in the arms of His Mother and under the protection of his foster-foster St. Joseph. So, follow the wise men today, and seek the face of the Christ. Bend your knee before Him. Worship and adore Him as your Lord and King. It was Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who evangelized these visitors from the east. She explained to them the deep mysteries of His incarnation and His mission to save humanity. Today, let us also, go to Mary, to ask her to teach us more about Her Divine Son. 

Additionally, as we turn the corner of the year and move steadily toward Christmas, I’d like to invite you to consider joining me in a deep study of what we believe and how we share what we believe in cooperation with our baptismal call to announce the Good News of the One who has saved us and to bring to others a reason for the hope we have in Him. You see, we are all called to evangelize by virtue of our baptism into Christ as members of His Body.

That's why you are invited to join us in Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp. Here in 2021, this bootcamp is starting next week, October 5 & 6, with live sessions being conducted every Tuesday and Wednesday, and recordings available for people with busy schedules who want to learn on demand. So, check it out at the Pauline Community of St. Joseph website. That’s and when you get on the website, click on the tab that says “Learn” and then select Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp. There you will find more information about this evangelism boot camp and you will be able to register to dive right in with us in our two-fold purpose of examining how the Creed intersects with popular ideas being consumed by us and our loved ones today, and then we will study how we can fulfill our baptismal call to holiness by reaching out to those who have fallen away from the faith in order to bring them back to Jesus Christ, who alone has the answers to all our problems. He is the Face of the Father Almighty, come to us in small human appearance. He walked among us, performed miracles so powerfully, that now more than 2,000 years later, everyone knows them and talks about them. He has changed the course of history, even for the most secular historian, and He has risen from the dead, which no one else in history has been able to do, and He truly is the Messiah and Savior of the world. He has opened up for us the possibility of eternal bliss and happiness after this earthly life of toil and testing, and so, I want you and everyone to enjoy that everlasting fulfillment and beatitude, that happiness for which you were created and conceived of from the foundation of the world. So, join us as we raise up Catholic evangelists for our age. The time has come, people. 

Here's the link to register:

Sep 30, 202124:39
Become a Catholic Evangelist! + Mary, Hope of the World (Nativity of Jesus)

Become a Catholic Evangelist! + Mary, Hope of the World (Nativity of Jesus)

All creation awaits the revelation of the children of God. And who are the children of God? They are united in communion with the Son, the Eternal Son of the Eternal Father, the heir to the royal kingdom. We have no inheritance in eternity, or in that kingdom, save through the One Heir, the One royal Son of the Almighty. It is in HIM that we inherit sonship, that we are able to be called “children of God.”

And so, why am I sharing all this with you? Because the time has come to choose, and not only to choose for ourselves, but to apply all our God-given talents and resources to do all in our power to bring souls back to the Father's House via the Way of Christ. This is especially to help those who are fooling themselves into thinking that they can make up their own Gospel Way, that they can pick and choose what are the points of the deposit of faith handed down for centuries that they will accept. It's a high bar, but the deposit of faith is like a tapestry. Everything about it is interconnected to create a portrait of Christ Himself and His Way. And to remove any one part of that is to diminish Christ and is a false portrait of Christ.

So, the big news is that I am embarking right now on an initiative to activate Catholics like you everywhere to rescue others who have fallen away from the bedrock principles of the faith. It's CATHOLIC EVANGELISM BOOTCAMP. Register today, as spaces are filling up! This "boot camp" training experience is laser focused on the deeper meanings of the Creed that we profess and how those meanings inform our life in modern society. We are drowning in a lot of confusion and false notions about what life and hope is all about, precisely because we have allowed the popular culture of the day to overwhelm us with a false gospel. So, join me and others like you who want to get clear on the intelligent way to bring our loved ones-- family members, friends, and acquaintances--back to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic faith of our fathers.

Here's the link to register: 

See you at Bootcamp!

Sep 23, 202130:47
Go to Joseph + Mary, Hope of the World -- all in service to Our Lord

Go to Joseph + Mary, Hope of the World -- all in service to Our Lord

We all struggle about something. Is this a bad thing? Absolutely not! Challenges make us more fully human, more fully who we are created to be when we choose to overcome our problems with grace and with the majesty of personal integrity. This is a sign that we are sons and daughters of a royal household, representatives of the family of God, a royal family of dignity, intelligence, wisdom, hope, and goodness. Step away from your struggles today in this podcast retreat and offer up your troubles with others tuning in as we pray together and also reflect on the unique revelation of the power of God manifest in the event of Mary's visit to Elizabeth. To follow the text of our Mary, Hope of the World, chapter 6, click here to get a copy on Amazon.

Will you also make an offering to support this ministry? Your support is vital! May you be richly rewarded for your generosity, as together we build the Kingdom of God wherever we are.

ALERT: Sign up now for the Catholic Evangelism Bootcamp -- 7 weeks of training in Catholic evangelization! Starts October 5, just in time to share your faith during the holidays.

Sep 09, 202129:01
Rosh Hashanah + Mary, Hope of the World, Ch. 5

Rosh Hashanah + Mary, Hope of the World, Ch. 5

With September upon us, I want to share with you about a special High Holy Day in the Jewish calendar: Rosh Hashanah, which begins September 6 this year. Why is this important? Well, tune in today to find out! We will also be continuing our reading in Bl. Alberione's book Mary, Hope of the World. Be sure to connect today because you will have a little spiritual homework to do tomorrow and over the course of the next week, as we join together all over the globe in an effort to reconcile ourselves with God, bringing our relationships, our Church, our nation, and our world back to the Almighty God, Who is and Who was and Who ever shall be, forever and ever, Amen!

Sep 02, 202125:55
Mary, Hope of the World - Ch. 4 - Mary's Espousals

Mary, Hope of the World - Ch. 4 - Mary's Espousals

It is always amazes me when I encounter a Christian that dismisses Mary, as if Mary, the Mother of Jesus, were just some random woman used as a birth mother for the Messiah, and then she became irrelevant to His story and ministry thereafter. I mean it’s really a silly and thoroughly unchristian and inhuman notion that the Mother of our Lord would be thus treated by Jesus, Her most devoted Son--or by any of us, who are called to be the "Body of Christ." There is no Body of Christ, save that which has drawn its flesh and blood from the person of Mary! In this sense, Mary is our mother too, for we are the Body of Christ, and to be born again in Spirit and in Truth in Him requires Mary's assistance, as it is she whose role it is to give birth to the Messiah by the express will of the Eternal Father. Bringing this Word Made Flesh to the world is the role of an evangelizer, what all the baptized faithful are called to be. Let us, like Mary, bring Christ into the world today in all we do and think and say. 

Aug 26, 202129:34
Mary, Hope of the World: Mary's Youth

Mary, Hope of the World: Mary's Youth

This is a podcast about the richness of the Gospel message for our nation and for our world, and today we are delving deeply into the Gospel behind the scenes, taking a look at the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was conceived of and formed by God to be the Mother of the Messiah--that great and blessed role that many women of Israel hoped to fulfill! (That was one of the reasons why becoming a mother was so highly esteemed. It was thought that one day, one of those mothers would give birth to the coming Messiah in fulfillment of the prophecies.)

So, the Blessed Virgin Mary was chosen and, in fact, conceived of from all eternity for this purpose. Think about it, whether the Fall of mankind was necessary or not, from all eternity, God wanted to be with His creation in a profoundly intimate way. And so that is indeed what we have with the Blessed Virgin Mary’s life. She is like Jacob’s ladder to heaven, connecting us to the Father through the Son and the Spirit.

In today's chapter -- Chapter 3 of Mary, Hope of the World -- we take a look at Mary’s youth. Now, this is based on oral tradition, passed down from Mary to the apostles and to the early church fathers-- presumably from John the Apostle with whom she lived as a true mother to a true son after the death, resurrection and glorious ascension of Her Son, Jesus Christ. There is also another figure that knew Mary well and sought to imitate her, and so listen to the end to find out who this is!

Aug 05, 202122:57
Mary, Hope of the World, part 3: A Look at Mary's Life on Earth

Mary, Hope of the World, part 3: A Look at Mary's Life on Earth

The Blessed Virgin Mary followed God's Way all her life. Even when she was given parental authority over God Incarnate, she elected in her humility to follow Her Son as His best follower and His most passionate supporter. Truly, she became Queen of All Apostles by nurturing those sent by Her Son into mission of any kind for the sake of the Gospel. For this reason, the Church rightly honors her and looks to her for guidance, intercessory prayer, and wisdom so that we can find the Way that leads to Life in every circumstance of our lives.

In this podcast, we continue reading and reflecting upon Blessed Alberione’s book Mary, Hope of the World. I invite you to settle in, relax, and enjoy the excerpts for today, taken from the beginning of Part 2: Mary’s Life on Earth. And don’t you want to know about that? Let’s see what Bl. Alberione has to say about this topic.

We begin on page 43 of the Saint Paul edition published by the Daughters of Saint Paul.

Jul 29, 202130:49
Mary, Hope of the World, part 2: Types and Symbols of Mary in the Hebrew Bible
Jul 15, 202126:45
Reflections on "Mary, Hope of the World" by Blessed James Alberione, SSP

Reflections on "Mary, Hope of the World" by Blessed James Alberione, SSP

It's time to reflect on Mary, the Mother of our Redeemer! Tune into this episode of EvangeliNation to listen to excerpts from Blessed James Alberione's book, Mary, Hope of the World. How well do you know the Mother of Jesus and our own loving Mother?

Jul 08, 202133:38
Beatitudes, Part 2

Beatitudes, Part 2

Today's podcast continues our reflections on the portion of the Sermon on the Mount known as "the beatitudes." Open up to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5 and follow along. I also encourage you to read contextualizing framework around the verses we are considering today, which include the last four beatitudes. If you missed part 1 of this talk, go back to last week's podcast to hear an introduction to this topic and some reflection on the first four beatitudes.

As always, you are invited to support this ministry, and you can do this a number of ways:
1) Click the "Support" button at and follow the prompts.
2) Give securely online at:
3) Send an email to to share your feedback and inquire where to send a physical check.
Thanks so much! With new ministries on the horizon, now more than ever, we could use your support. Together, we can engage in the spiritual works of mercy at the heart of EvangeliNation. Blessings!

Jul 01, 202125:51
The Beatitudes: Anchor of Human Happiness, part 1

The Beatitudes: Anchor of Human Happiness, part 1

Today's mini-retreat takes a walk in the sunny glade of enlightenment given us in the Beatitudes, those wisdom sayings given to the world at the beginning of Christ's Sermon on the Mount (cf. Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5). Take a walk with me and other listeners today, as we ponder the riches of The Beatitudes! 

If you are feeling adrift on the waters of discontent about now, grab hold of these Messianic teachings as your anchor for human happiness.

To support this ministry, click on the "Support" button, or donate at May God bless you for your generosity and faith.

Jun 23, 202137:14
Am I Storing Up Treasure in Heaven?

Am I Storing Up Treasure in Heaven?

How hard do you work in life? What are you working for and are you storing up treasure in heaven? Tune in today for some fresh considerations on how your temporal and eternal affairs might intersect. 

To all you EvangeliNation supporters out there: Thank you for your moral and financial support! When you give, you "pay it forward" for others to keep receiving for free these mini-retreats and other gifts of spiritual and temporal value associated with PCSJ ministries. May the Lord richly reward you for your service to His people in collaboration with these humble works of evangelization and peace. 

Jun 17, 202127:47


After a month-long podcasting hiatus while on "domestic mission," I'm back in the recording studio to reflect with you anew on the Christian Life.  Join me today as we take a look at what makes us more fully human and more fully alive than anything else in the world. 

And by the way, I've contracted a head cold, so if my voice sounds a bit raspy, thanks for overlooking it!

Jun 10, 202118:53
Virtues #13: Prudence for Today!

Virtues #13: Prudence for Today!

In modern times, prudence has gotten a bad wrap; however, it is more needed now than ever! Maybe that is because so few are taught to value it. Prudence is a critical virtue, an essential "skill" really for living in the world today and for reaching the perfection of your human potential for happiness. This mini-retreat reflection on prudence is for every person in all stages and states in life, and especially for those young people trying to figure out what to do with their lives.

As promised, here are a several links related to the 10 institutes of the Pauline Family mentioned in this podcast:

Apr 29, 202143:58
Virtues #12: The Virtue of Justice
Apr 22, 202145:41
Virtues #11: Justice = Ecclesia + Polis

Virtues #11: Justice = Ecclesia + Polis

Christianity is not just a list of beliefs you either intellectually assent to or not; it is a lifestyle that brings about the extraordinary transformation of persons, relationships, families, communities, states, regions, nations, and indeed, the whole world! Its power to do this for the good is so ubiquitously evident that people sometimes "can't see the forest for the trees." It's up to you and to me to make the Gospel reach the ends of the earth and to allow it to soak into our very bones and into the bones of our relationships and society. We need to do this so that people living on earth can truly be free, so that we can experience justice, which is one of the cardinal virtues and which is the common cry for every person and society throughout all time since Cain killed Abel.

The United States of America was founded because the British colonists living here were deprived of justice. After many long years of trying to negotiate for just and equitable laws, courts, and governance, the leaders of the people determined that they needed their own government--but not more of the same kind of tyrannical governance that had ruled peoples mercilessly for thousands of years. No, the new American government would be different, an exception to history. They knew that there was only one way to do that: to found a nation on Biblical principles and to teach the people who would govern the nation by themselves to live upright, moral, and religious lives; and that is precisely what they did. Tune in to learn more.

Apr 15, 202133:44
Passover, Maundy Thursday, & the Way of Virtue

Passover, Maundy Thursday, & the Way of Virtue

In this Holy Week podcast, we consider how the celebration of the Lamb's Supper on Holy Thursday, the New Passover, can be lived out in our lives in a practical way. Holy Thursday isn't just the little prelude to Good Friday and Easter Sunday; the entire Gospel is announced on Holy Thursday! So, let's settle in for a mini-retreat on how to live the Last Supper in our lives every day. May you have a blessed Holy Week . . . in the sense of the French blessé, which means "wounded." Yes! May our hearts be wounded together with His by the darts of love's passionate charity for others.

Here's is the link to the video I mention in this podcast:

Apr 01, 202125:45
Virtues #10: The Annunciation as Template for Human Life

Virtues #10: The Annunciation as Template for Human Life

Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to the teenaged Hebrew girl Maryam (Mary) that she was to conceive and bear a child who would be "Son of the Most High" and "Emmanuel" or "God with us." She humbly accepts God's Will, saying "Amen" or "So be it."

This event known as "The Annunciation" is a TEMPLATE for HUMAN LIFE. If you want to be happy and successful, this is the blueprint. Tune in to hear more. 

Mar 25, 202124:15
Virtues # 9: The Virtues of St. Joseph

Virtues # 9: The Virtues of St. Joseph

Here in the season of Lent in the Year of St. Joseph and on the eve of the Feast of St. Joseph, it is truly appropriate to reflect today on the virtues of St. Joseph. It was Jesus Himself who inspired and also imitated the perfection of virtue in St. Joseph, and we are called to likewise imitate the virtues of this foster father of Jesus and our own foster father--He who is the tender-hearted image of the Eternal Father--Holy Joseph, the Just and the Chaste.

Mar 18, 202134:60
Virtues #8: Fortitude & the Vow of Poverty + A Dream I Had + Akita, Japan

Virtues #8: Fortitude & the Vow of Poverty + A Dream I Had + Akita, Japan

Today's mini-retreat topic is a continuation of the treatment of the cardinal virtue of fortitude, and it takes what might be a surprising twist for you. Take out your Bible and turn to the Gospel of Matthew so you can look at chapters 6 and 24 together with me.

Thanks to all who follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit to freely to support this ministry! May you be richly rewarded with faith, hope, love, and endurance to the end.

Mar 11, 202141:02