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By Christy Towns

Livelihood: a means of supporting one's existence; the state of being lively.

Most people will stay in soul-sucking careers for the rest of their lives.

But not you.

You understand what it means to have a well-lived life, and you want a career that doesn't just pay the bills. It also makes you feel alive.

Here on Livelihood, we'll dive into all the reasons why your dream career deserves to be a reality. Learn practical design methods to start creating, and build the mindset that makes it possible.

Welcome to your Livelihood.
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Guaranteed Success

Livelihood May 25, 2021

Ep. 20: Being Realistic Is Killing Your Career
Jun 29, 202218:41
Ep. 19: Resumes Are Wasting Your Time
Jun 15, 202225:48
Ep. 18: The Great Resignation: What the Pandemic Revealed About Our Careers

Ep. 18: The Great Resignation: What the Pandemic Revealed About Our Careers

The pandemic has been a global time of adversity. It has upended our ways of life as we know it and that includes our careers. Working from home, having no social life, and the threat of a deadly virus have revealed to us some incredibly important values that we might not have realized or have been too stuck in our ways to live by.

In this week’s episode, we talk about why the pandemic has forced us to change the way businesses and employees work and what that means for our careers.

Visit to sign up for a free career strategy session with me.

Follow me on Instagram @christyltowns

May 31, 202225:20
Ep. 17: Why Not Asking For Help is Stalling Your Career or Business

Ep. 17: Why Not Asking For Help is Stalling Your Career or Business

Why is it that we love helping people when they’re down, stuck, or lost? But when we’re the ones that need help–we don’t ask for it.

This week, we talk about why asking for help is imperative to having a successful career and business.

Visit to sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Follow me on Instagram @christyltowns

May 17, 202221:02
Ep. 16: How Doubting and Questioning Will Improve Your Career

Ep. 16: How Doubting and Questioning Will Improve Your Career

What if doubting your career was actually good for your career? And what if not questioning your career choices was working against you?

In this episode, we talk about how even I, a Career Coach, doubt and question my career path and how I use it to propel my career and business forward.

Visit to sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Follow me on Instagram @christyltowns

May 06, 202221:13
Why Society's Definition of Success is Affecting Your Career
Nov 03, 202117:34
How I Quit My Successful Career to Travel the World and Create My Dream Career

How I Quit My Successful Career to Travel the World and Create My Dream Career

How do you leave an already successful career to go chase your dreams?

In this episode of Livelihood, I want to share with you exactly how I left behind my successful career with my perfectly constructed life in San Francisco to step into the unknown and go after my lifelong dreams. I'll take you through the fears, doubts, and dysfunctional beliefs that I had to overcome along the way and how I became a better, truer, more confident, and more authentic self because of it. Join me on this journey and spiritual awakening through the lens of your career to becoming the person you've always been. 

Find out more about Christy at or on Instagram at

Sign up for a free Strategy Session at

Oct 13, 202133:22
Toxic Gratitude

Toxic Gratitude

You have a successful career. You get paid, you get good benefits, you even get paid time off. You have it pretty damn good, right?

But what happens when you know how good you’ve got it and you’re still unhappy, unfulfilled, and frustrated with your career?

Should you be grateful?


You know how fortunate you are to have a job during a global pandemic; a successful career even. You still have the ability to pay your bills, and continue to make money during a time when so many people struggling to pay their bills and going out of business or losing jobs.

But knowing your blessings doesn’t mean you have to love your job and it doesn’t mean you have to stay in your career. And wanting to leave doesn’t mean you’re being ungrateful.

Real gratitude is the antidote to dissatisfaction. But toxic gratitude is when you use it against yourself. It’s when you deny how you really feel about your career and attempt to shame yourself into feeling real gratitude.

Toxic gratitude is a rejection of negative emotions and keeps us stuck in careers that don’t allow us to design a career that makes us feel alive. And no amount of shaming will ever make anyone feel better about their career.

Listen to this week’s Livelihood podcast to learn how giving yourself radical permission to feel ungrateful leads to real feelings of gratitude and how to utilize this practice so that you can design a more fulfilling, joyful, and aligned work life.

Sep 28, 202123:29
Is Resentment Controlling Your Career?
Sep 06, 202129:53
Negativity Bias At Work

Negativity Bias At Work

Viewing your career through rose-colored lenses isn't something that comes naturally to us. It takes work.

Most of the time, we view our careers, work, and jobs through some pretty smudgy lenses that obscure the reality that's right in front of us. And it's ruining our lives and crushing our happiness. 

In this episode, we'll learn about what negativity bias is and how it distorts our perceptions and causes us to make rash decisions that we later regret.

Aug 30, 202121:38


Does accepting your career trigger some resistance? What would it mean if you accepted where you are, who you are, and what you want? 

In this episode, we'll explore the myths around acceptance and what it actually means to accept yourself and your career.

Learn how true acceptance is the key to moving forward and finding meaning and fulfillment in any career. 

Connect with me at or on Instagram @christyltowns.

Aug 23, 202121:33
How to Be Certain

How to Be Certain

When so much is riding on a big career decision, how can you be certain that you're making the right decision?

What if I told you that you don't need to be certain and in reality, your NEED to be certain is actually holding you back from realizing your dream career.

In this episode, we'll talk about how to recognize the behaviors that are keeping you stuck and how to let go and trust when you can't find certainty. 

Aug 16, 202122:46
When Life Happens
Jul 24, 202111:51
Guaranteed Success

Guaranteed Success

Most of us know what we would if success was guaranteed.

But what would you do if you knew that success was NOT guaranteed? 

Because that's the reality--there are no guarantees.

Not in life, not in careers, not in success. There is never any promise that things will work out and stay that way.

So how do you deal with the uncertainty of success? 

That's what we'll be diving into on this episode. Learn why you don't need your dream career to be "successful" in order to be a success. 

Visit to sign up for a free career strategy session with me.

Follow me on Instagram @christyltowns.

May 25, 202116:07
Embracing multiple passion to create passionate careers with Caitlin Ryan

Embracing multiple passion to create passionate careers with Caitlin Ryan

Do you have too many passions to follow?

Can’t choose one to create your dream career?

Why choose one when you can choose them all?

On this episode, I’m talking to yoga instructor, book enthusiast, shark conservationist, and mermaid, Caitlin Ryan about what it means to be multi-passionate and how having too many passions has actually served her career and made her uniqueness stand out among a sea of sameness.

Connect with Caitlin on Instagram @sharkysugar

Find her in San Francisco at

Glow Yoga SF

It’s Yoga Kids

Studio Mix Gym

About Caitlin

Caitlin is a 500hr E-RYT yoga teacher and sound bath practitioner in the Bay Area and teaches a variety of styles from vinyasa to kids and brings lightheartedness and play to her classes with an emphasis on alignment and making classes accessible for anyone with chances to challenge or modify based on each student's needs.

Get more from

Sign up for the 4-day goal-setting training at and follow me on Instagram @christyltowns

May 18, 202140:46
Facing Fear

Facing Fear

Can you feel fear and design your dream career anyways?
In this week’s episode, we’ll talk about why feel fear isn’t something to be afraid of.

It’s all a part of the process.
Learn why fear isn’t the reason that’s keeping you from your dream career and how a few Brazillian bull riders overcome their fears on a daily basis to follow their dreams.
May 12, 202115:12
See it to believe it: how to visualize your dream career into existence

See it to believe it: how to visualize your dream career into existence

They say seeing is believing. But what if the thing you need to see isn't in existence yet? How can you see something before it ever manifests in real life?

Your dream career doesn't exist yet because you haven't created it yet. And all creations start with a vision.

Learn why visualization is the key to turning your dream career into a reality, and how to use it effectively when designing your dream career.

May 04, 202115:39
How to naturally find your dream career through play with Andrea Towns

How to naturally find your dream career through play with Andrea Towns

Have you ever wondered how people get into careers they’re passionate about?

For instance--how does one decide that they want to use lasers to etch crystals for a living? And then how do they make that passion their full-time livelihood?

That’s what we’ll be discussing on this week’s podcast with one of my most favorite people in the whole world, my sister, Andrea Towns.

Andrea is the owner of Fractalista Designs and inventor of laser etched crystals.

Ten years ago, Andrea left the corporate world to go on her own journey to find her dream career and livelihood. And she has never looked back.

We talk about what it was like to make the decision to follow your bliss and the determination it takes to stick to that decision.

Learn how she found her passion naturally through play and was able to nurture and cultivate that passion into a thriving business.

Come to understand the mindset anyone who is designing and building their dream career has to have to stay in the game and stay inspired.

There are so many amazing nuggets of wisdom in this episode on what the path from career misery to dream career looks like that you’ll want to make sure you take notes!

This episode is not to be missed.


Andrea Towns is the Owner and Creative Visionary of Fractalista Designs, a unique art, home decor, and gift company that engraves crystals with spiritual symbols, beautiful artwork, and intentional phrases.  She graduated from the University of California, Irvine in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in Film & Media studies. After 1 year of working in a corporate environment, she quickly realized she was not meant for the "office life" and set out to discover her truest joys in life. She committed herself to finding her bliss and making THAT (whatever it was) her full life and career. In 2013, Andrea created Fractalista Designs in 2013 with the desire to manifest the magnificence of the ethereal realm into tangible tools to enhance one's environment and connection to the Divine. Since then, her company has been featured in multiple metaphysical subscription boxes and over 150 brick-and-mortar boutiques around the world.

Find her at: and Instagram @fractialista 

Apr 27, 202148:45
Upgrade Resistance

Upgrade Resistance

Have you ever waited until something was COMPLETELY unusable before replacing it? In the process, you endured a ton of annoying issues and headaches before you were forced to replace it.

Have you ever wanted something simply because you wanted it, despite having something else that works just fine?

Whether you want to upgrade your queen-size bed to a king or your just-fine career to the dream career, we're going to be talking about what happens when we resist our desire to upgrade our lives.

We'll explore what it looks like to simply want something better and why making decisions from this place is the best way to design your dream career. 

Apr 20, 202119:48
What is Livelihood?
Apr 12, 202118:30