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A Literary Cornucopia

A Literary Cornucopia

By Luisa Morales-Molina

Poems, essays, micro stories, and book reviews.
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Episode 73: Ghosts in the Attic

A Literary CornucopiaDec 03, 2022

Episode 102: Christina Rossetti: A Woman of her Time

Episode 102: Christina Rossetti: A Woman of her Time

Much has been said about this poet. I can only add that after re-reading her poetry, I realize how unique she was not only as a poet but as a woman of strength in many ways. The Victorian Period produced two notable poets: Elizabeth Barrette Browning and Christina Georgina Rossetti. Each had her own style but of the two, Christina has left an indelible mark in my soul. ~~LMM

Apr 28, 202405:34
Episode 101: April-National Poetry Month

Episode 101: April-National Poetry Month

In keeping with April as National Poetry month, I revisited Episode 3 to listen to my poem inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "A Dream Within Dream." Poe both as a writer and as a poet is definitely in a category by himself. I've always been attracted to his narratives but his poems hold a special place in my heart. After nearly two centuries, why does his body of work appeal to so many? Is it due to the mystery that surrounds his personna?

You can check his poetry out at

Apr 01, 202402:14
Episode 100: The Twin's Night Out

Episode 100: The Twin's Night Out

Celebrating the 100th episode with flash fiction, a very short and sweet story. Loosely based on a true event from a long time ago. Care to share your own? You may send yours to ~~LMM

Mar 17, 202401:52
Episode 99: The Sub

Episode 99: The Sub

If you had your choice, would you rather deal with 5-year old kids or teenagers? Pick your poison because of the two groups, it might not be easy. This story deals with a young woman who might not be able handle either group.

Mar 03, 202404:50
Episode 98: Love and Hate on the Playground

Episode 98: Love and Hate on the Playground

The month of February brings back childhood memories. Can a child have romantic feelings towards another? The answer may not be so simple. How can a child handle an emotion that he (or she) doesn't fully understand?

Feb 13, 202402:60
Episode 97: Adriana and Mia: Heavenly Thoughts

Episode 97: Adriana and Mia: Heavenly Thoughts

This episode includes the conversation between Adriana and Mia and their observations during the first days back in the English class. The group started off with discussions on heaven and in particular the main character’s encounter with five people in his heaven. All in all it was an emotional beginning of the new semester. 

Feb 10, 202403:39
Episode 96: Another New Year (Resolutions)

Episode 96: Another New Year (Resolutions)

Resolutions: How good are you at keeping them? Only time will tell. Will 2024 be different?

Jan 08, 202402:36
Episode 95: The Ghosts of New Year's Eve

Episode 95: The Ghosts of New Year's Eve

I'm ending the year 2023 and Season #4 with a mystery story. Coming up with a plot for a mystery is a challenge but the process can be fun. I hope to add more for the new year 2024 and Season 5.

If you have any comments, please email me at

Dec 31, 202305:49
Episode 94: Revisiting We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Episode 94: Revisiting We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Sometimes when we read a novel for the second (or maybe a third) time, we see things in a different light. Events looked at through a different lens become more clear or we as the reader might not mind the mystery behind them. It's always about perspective with Shirley Jackson's novel.

Dec 27, 202302:21
Episode 93: Classroom Chronicles Advanced on Gothic Literature

Episode 93: Classroom Chronicles Advanced on Gothic Literature

A Literary Cornucopia podcast shares from the Classroom Chronicles Advanced podcast part one of the unit on Gothic literature. The CCA is a podcast project dealing with topics discussed in the 11th grade advanced level course in English. Gothic literature is a topic not often dealt with in a Christian school but is one that should be included for the benefit of all English language learners. This episode should be a treat for all Gothic lovers.

Nov 11, 202312:19
Episode 92: "The Judge's House" Radio Drama: Reactions

Episode 92: "The Judge's House" Radio Drama: Reactions

Three students from the 11th grade English class react to the ghost story after they listened to it. Judging by what they said, the story left a mark.

Oct 30, 202309:38
Episode 91: Bram Stoker's "The Judge's House" - A Radio Drama

Episode 91: Bram Stoker's "The Judge's House" - A Radio Drama

If you want to sleep well at night, this ghost story must be read during the daytime. Bram Stoker has a way of drawing the reader or listener into a world few are familiar with. This radio drama uses all the techniques to make the listener feel he is right there! You will feel the Judge staring right at you, just as the protagonist did.


Oct 28, 202315:09
Episode 90: Scary Toys

Episode 90: Scary Toys

Ever have a toy you weren’t fond of? Maybe it was a doll that you didn’t want to cuddle. As children we sometimes react to toys that mystify our parents. Our actions defy logic, don’t you think? Listen to these accounts and decide.


Oct 26, 202305:26
Episode 89: A Taste of Gothic

Episode 89: A Taste of Gothic

Gothic Literature is a genre to be enjoyed, especially at this time of year. Check out this brief summary of one of my favorite genres. ~~LMM

Oct 25, 202303:22
Episode 88: Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austen’s Universal Truths

Episode 88: Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austen’s Universal Truths

I’ve read this novel several times at different stages of my life. I always learn something about human psychology.
Sep 29, 202304:26
Episode 87: "The Giver" by Lois Lowry - Reviewing a Dystopian Novel

Episode 87: "The Giver" by Lois Lowry - Reviewing a Dystopian Novel

Can you imagine not having memories? No emotions, no colors, everything is the same. A dreary existence, right? If you're a fan of dystopian novels, you might want to check this one out. It has a deep message for all ages.
Sep 10, 202303:37
 (Bonus) Episode 86: Students' Endings to "An Old-Fashioned Knight and a Damsel in Distress" (12-Nil)

(Bonus) Episode 86: Students' Endings to "An Old-Fashioned Knight and a Damsel in Distress" (12-Nil)

These students listened to Episode 72 and had to come up with their own unique ending to this tale. I enjoyed listening and was impressed with their creative imaginations.

Sep 03, 202312:52
Episode 85: Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief: A Review

Episode 85: Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief: A Review

Mythology in the modern world, three youngsters out to save the world, what's not to like? With its twists and turns, it's a roller coaster of an adventure.

Aug 27, 202303:21
Episode 84: The Chronicles of Narnia: A Review

Episode 84: The Chronicles of Narnia: A Review

The first installment was a delight to read; a very straightforward tale. Adults and children alike will enjoy the journey into the land of Narnia. I've seen the movies but nothing compares to the C. S. Lewis' narrative. His vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling immerse readers in the world of Narnia, making it feel as real as any other fantastical realm.

Aug 13, 202303:46
Episode 83: The Scent of Orange

Episode 83: The Scent of Orange

Memories of food can pop up anytime you're hungry. It's human nature. Oftentimes a scent can trigger the memory of a favorite meal or dessert. Mine was of an original orange cake my mom often baked. The scent of orange coming from an oven will always remind me of her.

Jul 10, 202303:47
Episode 82: Upon Closing the School Year 2022-2023

Episode 82: Upon Closing the School Year 2022-2023

How can one close what has been such a difficult school year? This past year came with a set of circumstances that almost knocked me over! The two songs alluded to in the episode describe it perfectly: Queen and David Bowie's "Under Pressure" and Elton John's "I'm Still Standing"! I worked constantly under pressure but remained standing. My sincerest gratitude to those students who kept me going!

Jun 24, 202303:28
Episode 81: Tuesdays with Morrie: On the topic of money

Episode 81: Tuesdays with Morrie: On the topic of money

So many topics were discussed in this novel. One of the most interesting conversations Mitch Albom had with Morrie was on this very universal topic of money. No matter how old a person is, it's always an issue. No matter the amount, it's usually not enough. It's all a matter of perception.

Possessing many material things or a great deal of money won't mean much if one doesn't know what to do with it. If a person only takes and doesn't give back to society, of what use is having so many material goods?

Apr 10, 202302:25
Episode 80: The Empty Chair

Episode 80: The Empty Chair

I had nightmares for many weeks after the event. Slowly they began to subside but every time graduation time rolls around I think back and still wonder why it happened. Why some humans do what they do is a mystery. The human mind is a mystery in itself, a universe into its own.

Apr 10, 202303:05
Episode 79: The Twins

Episode 79: The Twins

Tales about twins abound in literature. Usually they entail an element of mystery. Why do you suppose that is? Probably just humans being human. When something is difficult to understand we speculate about its origin. With this story, what theory could we come up with? 

Feb 17, 202307:37
Episode 78: The People in Our Lives (a reflective essay)
Jan 29, 202302:01
Episode 77: The Time Keeper Game Show (Group 3)

Episode 77: The Time Keeper Game Show (Group 3)

As a requirement for the 12th-grade English course, students were required to select a certain portion of Mitch Albom's The Time Keeper to present to their classmates. This particular group chose to present their work as a game show.  They decided on a podcast theme to discuss sections 25 through 36 of the novel.


Jan 28, 202308:09
Episode 76: The Twelfth Hour

Episode 76: The Twelfth Hour

A new year brings a new set of challenges.  For the young couple in the story, it will be doubly challenging. 

Jan 04, 202302:20
Episode 75: Upon Closing Season 3

Episode 75: Upon Closing Season 3

Season 3 was an eventful one. I shared a number of stories with the students which I thoroughly enjoyed producing. I'm looking forward to creating and sharing many more. I expect Season 4 to be just as eventful in a good way!

Dec 27, 202201:12
Episode 74: A Matter of Time
Dec 26, 202202:16
Episode 54: Living 'la vida' with Tech (essay)

Episode 54: Living 'la vida' with Tech (essay)

I thought it fitting that I end season 2 and the year 2021 with a topic that has impacted our lives in so many ways: technology.

Ricky Martin's song "Living la Vida Loca" inspired this piece. I referenced it to the topic. This past year 2021 has been no picnic and if it weren't for the advances we've made in technology, we might not have made it to December. Technology has its advantages but it also has its drawbacks. Let's just hope that in 2022 we will be in a much better place in many respects despite Covid-19. 

Dec 26, 202203:26
Episode 73: Ghosts in the Attic

Episode 73: Ghosts in the Attic

Can a ghost give off a scent? If you believe, maybe it could. Some memories can simultaneously evoke pain and warm feelings. In this episode, a young boy is trying to adjust to the loss of a parent.
Dec 03, 202208:40
Episode 72: An Old-Fashioned Knight and a Damsel in Distress

Episode 72: An Old-Fashioned Knight and a Damsel in Distress

Medieval legends abound in literature. All a person needs is a bit of imagination and some time on his hands to weave one.  Could this turn into a legend? You decide. 

Sep 26, 202202:37
Episode 71: The Sands of Time in Mitch Albom's The Timekeeper

Episode 71: The Sands of Time in Mitch Albom's The Timekeeper

Who doesn't want to stop the hands of time? Even if it's just for a little bit. If you stop them too often, you may miss out on other moments. Life has to be lived fully in order to enjoy it. Both the good times and the not-so-good must be lived. 

Sep 06, 202202:10
Episode 70: Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Views on Jews
Jul 19, 202202:47
Episode 69: Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived in the Castle: A Review

Episode 69: Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived in the Castle: A Review

Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" and her novel We Have Always Lived in the Castle have several elements in common. The hostility men can show towards others is just one. Fear is another. Both result in tragedy. The Blackwood family are subjected to both. 

The actions of all involved give us insight into the mind of some very disturbed people.

Jul 12, 202202:55
Episode 68: What should a Viking Warrior be able to do?
Jul 01, 202206:23
Episode 67: Upon Writing a Viking Tale

Episode 67: Upon Writing a Viking Tale

Writing a tale of adventure is no easy task. When it involves something historical, even more so. I looked up names to use in my tale, such as Arne (the young Viking), Sif and Birger (the parents), and Astrid and Frode (the grandparents). It was interesting to research the names and discover the meanings attached to each. I discovered that the girl's name Astrid means "divinely beautiful." The Norse origin name can also mean "impulsive." Can some girls with the name have a little of both?  I know a few who do. 

I'm still trying to work out details for a battle scene. That's going to be a real challenge!  How will the tale end? We shall see.  

Comments or recommendations will be most welcome. Mail them to  

Jun 20, 202203:35
Episode 66: Wrapping Up Another School Year with Speeches

Episode 66: Wrapping Up Another School Year with Speeches

How do you wrap up an unusual school year? With speeches, of course.  Not your cup of tea? Well, for many, it usually isn't. Delivering a speech can be intimidating but with the right tools and a strong sense of purpose, it can be done effectively. It's just a matter of controlling one's nerves. Easier said than done. Right?

May 01, 202203:59
Episode 65: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Fifth Person

Episode 65: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Fifth Person

Both our time and place on this planet are chosen. What we do with each is on our shoulders.

Feb 26, 202202:34
Episode 64: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Fourth Person

Episode 64: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Fourth Person

Love has many shapes and forms. What is love for one person may be something else for another. Some people may not be able to recognize it and let it pass by, thus losing the opportunity to experience it.   

Feb 26, 202203:51
Episode 63: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Third person

Episode 63: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Third person

We say and do so many things out of anger. We let it consume us because we don't want to let it go. As human beings it's difficult. A strong person makes it look easy.

Feb 26, 202204:55
Episode 62: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Second Person

Episode 62: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The Second Person

We can sacrifice so many things...time, money, precious heirlooms. The value of each varies from person to person.  

Feb 26, 202202:27
Episode 61: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The First Person

Episode 61: Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven - The First Person

As children we are totally unaware of what we do that might affect another person. Later on in life we might realize that our acts can be a life-changing event for another. 

Feb 26, 202204:23
Episode 60: Treasured Times

Episode 60: Treasured Times

Remembering those people who were a significant part of your past is a bittersweet moment. You would like to go back and talk to them but know that it's no longer a possibility. I guess just the memory will be enough for the time being.

Feb 13, 202205:30
Episode 59: I'm only dreaming

Episode 59: I'm only dreaming

Dreaming has long fascinated the human mind or at least that's what I've read. There must have been a time when Man must have questioned how our minds work during sleep cycles. Here is my take on the matter. What's yours?

Feb 07, 202203:48
Episode 58: Reflections on the Topic of Resolutions Part Two

Episode 58: Reflections on the Topic of Resolutions Part Two

Another group of students who reflected on resolutions for the new year. Is there hope for this generation? Let's listen to find out. 

Jan 19, 202211:14
Episode 57: Reflections on the Topic of Resolutions Part One

Episode 57: Reflections on the Topic of Resolutions Part One

There was a diversity of thoughts on resolutions for the new year 2022. Listen in on what these students had to say on the topic. 

Jan 19, 202210:04
Episode 56: Resolutions: A Fruitless Effort? (opinion)

Episode 56: Resolutions: A Fruitless Effort? (opinion)

Well, it's that time of the year again. A time when we can make a fresh start. Who doesn't want that? To be able to do something different for a new year and turn into a nicer version of the old self. Some will make it through hard work, others will try but give up the struggle. Oftentimes it better to leave well enough alone. Do you agree?

Jan 08, 202203:42
Episode 55: Broken English (memoir)

Episode 55: Broken English (memoir)

Sometimes you look back and have to readjust your view of the significant people in your life. Amy Tan's essay on "Mother Tongue" did just that for me. 

Jan 01, 202202:38
Episode 53: Lovebirds in the Rain (memoir)

Episode 53: Lovebirds in the Rain (memoir)

Ah, love! The heart flutters when affected by a sensation that's difficult to describe. Can a person dodge Cupid's arrow? How does one know when love is real? It's an age-old question that can only be answered by an all-powerful being.  It's most definitely beyond the scope of the human mind.

Dec 24, 202103:51