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World of Indonesia

World of Indonesia

By Madia Patra Ismar

This podcast is about the World of Indonesia that I experience mainly about the culture, oral traditions, performing arts, and dance
Currently playing episode

Focus Group Discussion Bidang 3 Riset Inovasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat IKJ

World of IndonesiaAug 09, 2023

Focus Group Discussion Bidang 3 Riset Inovasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat IKJ

Focus Group Discussion Bidang 3 Riset Inovasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat IKJ

Bincang-bincang dalam FGD Balet Indonesia dan Estetika Nusantara tanggal 8 Augustus 2023 dengan Ditta Miranda penari balet dari Indonesia yang sukses di Jerman, Chendra Panatan penari balet, koreografer dan produser acara budaya lulusan Ilmu Koreografi dari Australia dan Inggris, Dr. Julianti Parani Tokoh Balet Indonesia, koreografer, ahli sejarah tari, Dewi Hafiyanti M.Sn dosen tari dan koreografi di prodi Tari IKJ. Pelaksana Tim RIPKM Rektorat Institut Kesenian Jakarta Dr. Madia Patra Ismar, Romauli S.Sn, Wili Sandra M. Sn dan Santi Ardianti S.Sn mahasiswa S2 Pascasarjana IKJ
Aug 09, 202301:53:28
Seminar HKI Institut Kesenian Jakarta 10-Oktober 2022 di Pds HB Jassin

Seminar HKI Institut Kesenian Jakarta 10-Oktober 2022 di Pds HB Jassin

Narasumber 1. Suzy Heranita, M.H, dari DJKI, 2. Mila Rosa, SE, M.M dari LMK PAPPRI, 3. Dr. Lucky Wijayanti M.Sn, Kepala Unit Sentra HKI IKJ. Moderator Dr. Madia Patra Ismar S.Sn, M. Hum
Oct 11, 202259:59
Webinar presentation on the 1st of March on Forms and Functions of Dance in Indonesia, with a University in the Phillipines

Webinar presentation on the 1st of March on Forms and Functions of Dance in Indonesia, with a University in the Phillipines

This is a recording from a webinar presentation to an audience in the Philippines on the Topic Forms and Function of Dance in Indonesia. 400 Participants were Dance Scholars, Dance Practitioners, Educators, and Choreographers from the Philippine Regions.
Mar 11, 202203:31:51
A Meeting of Minds in IKJ, on the Topic Applied Ethnomusicology 26 July 2021

A Meeting of Minds in IKJ, on the Topic Applied Ethnomusicology 26 July 2021

Discussions on Exchanging Ideas and Experiences Dr. Mohd Amin Abdullah MA, M.Sn, Dr. Mayco Santaella, Dr. Madia Patra Ismar, Dr. Julianti Parani
Jul 28, 202137:28
A Reading From Dr. Suhardi's research on the Guritan; An Effort To Sustain The Besemah Oral Traditions in South Sumatera

A Reading From Dr. Suhardi's research on the Guritan; An Effort To Sustain The Besemah Oral Traditions in South Sumatera

This is a text reading by me Madia Patra Ismar, from the late Dr. Suhardi's excerpt of his dissertation. This short reading from his abstract and Introduction is a tribute and form of respect to Dr. Suhardi who recently passed away. He spent many years on this study of the Besemah Oral Traditions as a direct translation from his dissertation. Any mispronunciation of words or hesitance in the readings is caused by my own shortcomings as I am an Indonesian and not a native English speaker. 

Through this podcast episode, I hope to contribute to building further awareness and knowledge about the cultures of Indonesia and its researchers, who are cultural scientists that are Indonesian and are activists in the Oral Tradition Society (ATL). 

Jun 16, 202120:57