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Beyond the Box Learning

Beyond the Box Learning

By Marianne Sunderland

Educating and encouraging parents and teachers of kids who learn differently, author, blogger, and veteran homeschool mom of seven of her own outside the box learners Marianne Sunderland teaches honestly from her many years educating her own kids with dyslexia and ADHD. Marianne asks the hard questions about what is really important as we educate our kids encouraging parents to step beyond the box of traditional education to meet the real needs of their kids. With a unique blend of research and practical experience, Marianne will help you gain the confidence you need to teach your kids.
Currently playing episode

How to Unschool: An Interview With Sue Patterson

Beyond the Box LearningJan 21, 2023

Spelling & Dyslexia: What to Know & What to Do

Spelling & Dyslexia: What to Know & What to Do

For kids with dyslexia, learning to read takes specific methods and time. Spelling is no different except that it takes even longer to master.

In this episode we talk about what to expect when teaching spelling to kids with dyslexia and what to do to best teach them.

Read the post here:

You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.


My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

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Jun 07, 202409:14
How Accepting Your Child’s Learning Differences Changes Everything
Mar 16, 202406:54
Why Your Kids With Dyslexia Resist Reading Instruction and What to do About It

Why Your Kids With Dyslexia Resist Reading Instruction and What to do About It

Is your dyslexic child resisting reading instruction?

Honestly, I would be surprised if they weren’t.  

Learning to read as a child with dyslexia is HARD!

This episode will cover the most common reason dyslexic kids resist learning to read and what you can do about it.


Link to this article.

You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Mar 08, 202415:15
Motivating the Struggling Learner

Motivating the Struggling Learner

Are your kids bored and uninterested in learning? Do they procrastinate getting started and finishing assignments? You're not alone!

This episode is full of ways to motivate your struggling learners.

This episode is the recording of a post, Motivating Struggling Learners, on my website,


My website,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Jan 23, 202411:32
Overcoming Homeschool Burnout
Jan 16, 202439:32
Self-directed Learning with Blake Boles

Self-directed Learning with Blake Boles

If you've ever questioned the value of interest-led learning or want to learn more about how self-directed learning works, this episode is for you.

Blake Boles is a self-directed learning advocate and expert and the author of the book: Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School: The case for helping them leave, chart their own paths, and prepare for adulthood at their own pace.

In this interview we talk about what self-directed learning is and why it is a powerful method for teaching all kids, not just kids with learning differences.


My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Nov 10, 202347:11
My Homeschool Success Formula
Nov 06, 202308:47
Building Internal Motivation in Kids With Learning Struggles with Gina Riley PhD
Oct 11, 202348:37
Homeschooling Middle School Aged Kids With Dyslexia
Sep 19, 202319:31
8 Homeschool Expectations to Let Go of This Year
Jul 31, 202309:46
8 Things You Need to Know if You Homeschool Your Kids With Dyslexia
Jul 21, 202308:32
3 Kinds of Dyslexia Support Groups and Why You Need Them

3 Kinds of Dyslexia Support Groups and Why You Need Them

Do you feel alone on your homeschooling with dyslexia journey? You don't have to do this alone!

This podcast is a recording of the post 3 Kinds of Dyslexia Support Groups and Why You Need Them

You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.


My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Jun 27, 202305:00
Summer Learning Options With Dyslexia
Jun 19, 202311:37
How to Help Your Child With Dysgraphia
Mar 27, 202324:28
How to Teach Kids About the Power of a Growth Mindset

How to Teach Kids About the Power of a Growth Mindset

Kids with a growth mindset are more engaged and motivated learners. Here are some ideas of how to teach a growth mindset.

This episode is the recording of a post on my website, Homeschooling With Dyslexia.

You can see the post,  How to Teach Kids About the Power of a Growth Mindset, and access the links, downloads, and videos by clicking here.


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Mar 11, 202309:29
Motivate Your Kids by Teaching Them to Have a Growth Mindset

Motivate Your Kids by Teaching Them to Have a Growth Mindset

If you have kids who shut down when learning gets hard, you'll love this episode on how teaching kids to have a growth mindset can motivate them to press through those difficulties.

This episode is a recording of a post, Motivate Your Kids by Teaching Them to Have a Growth Mindset on my website: Homeschooling With Dyslexia. You can find that post here.


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Mar 11, 202308:17
What Learning to Read and Spell Looks Like for Kids With Dyslexia

What Learning to Read and Spell Looks Like for Kids With Dyslexia

This episode is a recording of the blog post: What Learning to Read and Spell Looks Like for Kids With Dyslexia.

I hear from so many parents who are worried and anxious about the slow progress their kids with dyslexia are making with reading. This post/episode will help you understand what is normal for a child with dyslexia and how to be confident you are doing the best you can to meet their real needs in this area.


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Feb 25, 202311:09
10 Things You Need to Know About Homeschooling High School With Dyslexia

10 Things You Need to Know About Homeschooling High School With Dyslexia

This episode is a recording of the blog post: 10 Things you Need to Know About Homeschooling High School With Dyslexia

You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Feb 25, 202305:48
A Day in the Life of a Non-Traditional Homeschool

A Day in the Life of a Non-Traditional Homeschool

This episode is a recording of a post on my web site, Homeschooling With Dyslexia.

I’ve been sharing here and there how we are homeschooling our non-traditional 9th grader this year. I’ve had quite a few questions about what our day looks like so today I’m sharing a typical day in the life of our non-traditional homeschool.


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Feb 04, 202311:27
How to Unschool: An Interview With Sue Patterson

How to Unschool: An Interview With Sue Patterson

If you have ever been interested in how to unschool full-time or even temporarily (sometimes referred to as deschooling) you will want to listen to this interview with the amazing Sue Patterson from Unschooling Mom 2 Mom.

Resources mentioned:


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Jan 21, 202301:16:24
Unschooling the Struggling Learner

Unschooling the Struggling Learner

Learn about what unschooling is and why it can be beneficial for struggling learners.

Read the post on the blog:

Resources for Unschooling

Here are some of my favorite unschooling resources:

[Book] Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom by Kerry McDonald. Lots of research about unschooling but very readable.

[Website] Unschooling Mom 2 Mom: This is Sue Patterson’s site. She has a ton of articles and other resources on how to best unschool kids of all ages.

[Website] A great list of resources from Denelle at Weed ’em and Reap


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Jan 21, 202309:16
Heavy Work Activities That Improve Learning
Jan 05, 202306:32
How to do a Kid's Homeschool Assessment

How to do a Kid's Homeschool Assessment

Do your kids like homeschooling?

Here's how to find out!

This episode is a recording of a post, Kids Homeschool Assessment, on my website Homeschooling With Dyslexia.

You can find the original post with all of the links and resources here.


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Dec 19, 202203:34
How to Explain Dyslexia to Friends and Family

How to Explain Dyslexia to Friends and Family

There can be a lot of misunderstandings among family members and friends about our kids' learning struggles and delays. This episode shares simple and effective ways to explain dyslexia to friends and family members.

This episode is a recording of a post on my website Homeschooling With Dyslexia. You can find that post and all the links and resources contained in it here:

Other resources mentioned in this episode:

Read this post for more information on teaching kids to self-advocate.

If you’re new to the world of dyslexia, visit the START HERE page on this site for links to more basic information.

Get educated by taking one of my parent education courses.

Read more about labeling kids with dyslexia here.

Read more about talking to your kids about dyslexia here.

Read more about how to teach kids to self-advocate here.

Use my children’s book, What is Dyslexia? A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Kids About Dyslexia to give your kids a simple yet powerful understanding of dyslexia.

The IDA has a variety of Fact Sheets that are great for printing up to share with others. You can access the IDA Fact Sheets here.

I Like this Fact Sheet called Dyslexia Basics.

Download this printable list of signs of dyslexia.


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Dec 14, 202209:56
Building Confidence in Kids With Dyslexia
Dec 13, 202217:17
The Elementary Years With Dyslexia

The Elementary Years With Dyslexia

This is a recording of a blog post on the Homeschooling With Dyslexia site.

You can read that post here:

More resources for teaching in the elementary years:

Take my Homeschool Essentials Course for Elementary School


You can find all the links and resources mentioned in the post by clicking through to the article at the link above.

My web site,, exists to both encourage and educate parents and teachers of kids who learn differently. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently.

Read my latest book, No More School: Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids With Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.

Like this info? Sign up for my weekly newsletter for teaching tips, product reviews, and encouragement for your journey.

Sign up here!

Dec 13, 202205:28