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By bar marisa


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#63 Food Safty in Japan is ... no clue / マーガリン、ニセ砂糖、フッ素は人体に安全なのか

ゆっくり政治とプライバシーPodcast Nov 09, 2022

#70 some Harvard president is a scam. part 1

#70 some Harvard president is a scam. part 1

Harvard president Claudine Gay has resigned. but this story goes into deeper and deeper. I used to have some respect for colleges in general, but not anymore. I am so ashamed I even believed in these scam organizations. / ひっそりとやっているこのポッドキャストも、以前にやっていたエピソード50個を合わせると、70エピソードになりました。今回はアメリカの上院議会の公聴会で弾劾され、辞任に追い込まれたハーバード大学の学長クローディンゲイについて話します。日本で言う不正とは次元が違いすぎる。ほとんどウソなんじゃないかと思える話が多いですが、実際にライブストリーミングで見ていたので、事実だとしか言いようがない。
Jan 18, 202402:10
#69 Privacy 2023 Christmas. Privacy is NOT Security/ プライバシーとセキュリティは違う。2023年のクリスマスを思い。

#69 Privacy 2023 Christmas. Privacy is NOT Security/ プライバシーとセキュリティは違う。2023年のクリスマスを思い。

Privacy is NOT Security. I learned this concept from Rob Braxman. he is a privacy minded guy in USA. in this episode, I brelifly talk about digital contents too.
Dec 09, 202305:58
#68 パレスチナハマスを支援するアメリカスタバの労働組合の一部や反アメリカ思想の左派リベラルを考える / Anti-American workers union in America.

#68 パレスチナハマスを支援するアメリカスタバの労働組合の一部や反アメリカ思想の左派リベラルを考える / Anti-American workers union in America.

some workers union of American Starbucks support Hamas terrorist and got accused by Starbucks. some students of Harvad Univercity did the same thing. Harvard threatened those students to oust. this is very interesting. Starbucks and Harvad were fully against Russia, but fully for Isral. I am a Japanese, and i don't have positions here. I do have personal preference. I don't like Ukraine or nor Palestine or as a countries. I just feel they are sketchy. I support America and Japan.
Oct 23, 202302:26
#67 海外のゲームレビュー会社がゴミな理由 / American Game Journalism is real trash.

#67 海外のゲームレビュー会社がゴミな理由 / American Game Journalism is real trash.

海外のゲームレビューサイトか限度を超えてひどすぎるのはなぜか。ニンテンドーに脅迫したり、多数の犯罪行為。コータク、ヴァイス、バズフィードなどが瀕死なのは理由がある。 / kotaku, buzzfeed and vice might be facing bankrupt. kotaku sent death threat to nintendo and promoted illegal rom site. it’s utterly nonsense. what they have done is a crime by most developed countries standards.
Jun 19, 202301:59
#66 minimalism is scammy / ミニマリズムがマルクス主義に乗っ取られている

#66 minimalism is scammy / ミニマリズムがマルクス主義に乗っ取られている

minimalism is scammy. it fell into totalitarianism and collectiveness again. / 敵が資本主義であるとか、消費は悪であるという主張。経済を停滞破壊し、文化文明を劣化させるマルクス主義のプロパガンダにミニマリズムは乗っ取られている。現代アートもいつからかマルクス主義に乗っ取られ、技術を磨いたり歴史を否定することが高尚であると勘違いをしているぜ。
Apr 14, 202302:13
#65 Authorities are dead / 権威の死

#65 Authorities are dead / 権威の死

no one trust academics, government, doctors anymore. why we ended up like this ? Corruption of supposedly intellectual people is a very deadly to civilization.
Feb 12, 202303:49
#64 need English to get information of international affairs. / 日本語で海外情勢は収集するのは不利すぎる

#64 need English to get information of international affairs. / 日本語で海外情勢は収集するのは不利すぎる

this is NOT bashing Japanese language or culture. NO ! i am simply saying it is necessary to use English for collecting information about international affairs regardless we like or not.
Dec 04, 202203:09
#63 Food Safty in Japan is ... no clue / マーガリン、ニセ砂糖、フッ素は人体に安全なのか

#63 Food Safty in Japan is ... no clue / マーガリン、ニセ砂糖、フッ素は人体に安全なのか

trans fat, fake sugar are not really proven to be safe for human body in Japan. but somehow, so many sketchy organizations are pushing the narrative they are safe. as far as i understand, these safty are not researched enough. scientism is prevailing in Asia along with western countries. scientism is not a science. it's the opposite of science.
Nov 09, 202203:04
#62 importance of free speech / 他者の言論を検閲封殺するべきではない

#62 importance of free speech / 他者の言論を検閲封殺するべきではない

たとえどれほど馬鹿げた話であっても、他者の言論を検閲封殺するべきではない。一時期は妥当だと思われたことが、時間の変遷により妥当ではなくなることはよくある。 / recently more and more people are accusing others of conspiracy theorists. it's true that some statements are so obsurd that most people will agree that is conspiracy, such as Australia doesn't exist, the earth is flat. However, i wanna stress that even those opinions, how ridiculous those sounds, shall not ne silenced. that is freedom of speech. when someone says that is conspiracy, that means that person is lack of intelligence.
Oct 16, 202202:00
#61 Tiktok を使った政府広告や勧誘の危険性について / Government ads by Tiktok is just bad and riskey

#61 Tiktok を使った政府広告や勧誘の危険性について / Government ads by Tiktok is just bad and riskey

Japanese government may use Tiktok which is Chinese app for their propaganda. do not install Tiktok on your phones or whatever devices. Tiktok is data harvesting pot for Chiinese government. not beneficial for other countries. and i suspect most of engagements there are fake by bots accounts.
Sep 16, 202202:19
#60 Dog meat problems go into further scary story / 犬の肉を食べる食習慣について

#60 Dog meat problems go into further scary story / 犬の肉を食べる食習慣について

i have never eaten dogs, and will not in the future. and this is NOT racial seems like eating dogs are wide spread eating customs mostly in mainland china along with korean and vietnamn. However, people whose age is younger 60, will probably not eat dogs at all. i understand every region has its own food culture. but this dog meat issue goes into further scary problem which i didn't even imagine. #エピソード1〜50は別のプラットフォームにあります。
Aug 05, 202202:04
#59 (9) 捏造系切り抜き動画について / some Kirinuki/summaries clips are misleading and fake

#59 (9) 捏造系切り抜き動画について / some Kirinuki/summaries clips are misleading and fake

Kirinuki clips mean summarized clips made by other people by permissions of general usage and monetization. that itself is no problem, but this goes into further. some of kirinuki clips are misleading and pretty much fake. i will explain why.
Jul 14, 202204:12
# 8 GeoFencingIsJustBad. Turn off most of them / ジオフェンシングを使うアプリ基本的には悪質

# 8 GeoFencingIsJustBad. Turn off most of them / ジオフェンシングを使うアプリ基本的には悪質

ジオフェンシングを知っていますか。位置情報によるデータ狩りに対抗するために、オフにしておくべきスマホとアイパッドの設定を話します。 / Geofencing is mostly bad for users. block unnecessary app to access our locations and keep accumulating. *エピソード1〜50は別のチャンネルにあります。
May 31, 202203:11
#7 Metaverse will hunt your data with facial expressions/ フェイスブックのメタバースは表情などの生体データを狩るので危険すぎる

#7 Metaverse will hunt your data with facial expressions/ フェイスブックのメタバースは表情などの生体データを狩るので危険すぎる

i didn't sign up facebook's metaverse for any kind. think about why they got partially blocked by Apple. they don't care of user's privacy. i would not say Apple or Google is clean, but at least, they are better than Facebook. Apple and Google are accumulating our data, but data will be inside USA. however, facebook is like... i see Chinese Government to be honest. just be cautious about metaverse. dont give your biological or genetic data to others. -bgm by Maoudamashii
May 07, 202203:09
#6 陰謀論なんて存在しない。ただ諸説あるのみ / Conspiracy is often just another trap for censorship on others.

#6 陰謀論なんて存在しない。ただ諸説あるのみ / Conspiracy is often just another trap for censorship on others.

Mar 02, 202202:48
#5 カナダのテュルドーの二日天下と、トラックドライバーが闘う理由 / Canada Trudeau's dictatorship has ended in 2 days.

#5 カナダのテュルドーの二日天下と、トラックドライバーが闘う理由 / Canada Trudeau's dictatorship has ended in 2 days.

Feb 27, 202203:01
#4 カナダのジャスティンテュルドー(2)。もはや民主主義でも自由国家でもない / Canada is a fascistic authotarian country now.

#4 カナダのジャスティンテュルドー(2)。もはや民主主義でも自由国家でもない / Canada is a fascistic authotarian country now.

test. Canad fell into authotarian tyranny. it's not free country.
Feb 24, 202204:12
#3 批判的人種理論(CRT) はニセ学問であり、ただの洗脳である / Critical Race Thory is a fake academic topic

#3 批判的人種理論(CRT) はニセ学問であり、ただの洗脳である / Critical Race Thory is a fake academic topic

Feb 20, 202204:51
#2 投票用紙狩りショート / bollot harvesting in USA

#2 投票用紙狩りショート / bollot harvesting in USA

about bollot harvesting.
Feb 20, 202200:49
#1 カナダのジャスティンテュルドーは独裁者なのか / Trudeau (canadian PM) is behaving like a dictator

#1 カナダのジャスティンテュルドーは独裁者なのか / Trudeau (canadian PM) is behaving like a dictator

this is still testing.
Feb 20, 202203:48
フリーのポッドキャストアンカーのテスト1 / this is a test episode.

フリーのポッドキャストアンカーのテスト1 / this is a test episode.

このポッドキャスト作成アプリはフリーです。 ok my channel got suspended but resumed. i have no idea what is goin on. i just published one test episode....
Apr 27, 202105:53