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By Ghostman Radio Version 2

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The Wonderful Wizard Of OZ Chapter 23 -Chapter 24


Varney The Vampire or The Feast Of Blood Chapter 11

Varney The Vampire or The Feast Of Blood Chapter 11

Varney The Vampire or The Feast Of Blood Chapter 11

Jun 05, 202416:13
The Twilight Zone 1959 S5 E 32 Mr Garrity And The Graves

The Twilight Zone 1959 S5 E 32 Mr Garrity And The Graves

In 1890, traveling salesman Jared Garrity visits the town of Happiness, Arizona offering to resurrect the dead and reunite the townsfolk with their departed loved ones out of the goodness of his heart for hefty prices.

Jun 05, 202415:57
The Outer Limits 1963 S1 E30 Production And Decay Of Strange Particles

The Outer Limits 1963 S1 E30 Production And Decay Of Strange Particles

While experimenting on subatomic particles, physics researchers start a chain reaction that seemingly controls the researchers themselves. Scientist after scientist is consumed, turned into nuclear 'zombies' by what seems to be a form of sentient particle from another dimension. The reaction grows towards a terrible climax. The survivors fear they may be powerless to stop it. Just as the ever-expanding particles are about to engulf the lab and explode into an atomic cataclysm that could destroy the world, the head of the research facility calculates a formula that reverses the effects of the reaction, incorporates a random element, and neutralizes the new lifeform.

Jun 05, 202416:54
The Dweller In The Darkness

The Dweller In The Darkness

The Dweller In The Darkness

Jun 05, 202423:59
Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll Part 3

Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll Part 3

Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll Part 3

Jun 05, 202418:40
Tales From The Bungalow The Witches Come At Midnight

Tales From The Bungalow The Witches Come At Midnight

Tales From The Bungalow The Witches Come At Midnight

Jun 02, 202407:11
Tales From The Bungalow The Glistening Death

Tales From The Bungalow The Glistening Death

Tales From The Bungalow The Glistening Death

Jun 02, 202408:26
Tales From The Bungalow The Dead Who Walk

Tales From The Bungalow The Dead Who Walk

Tales From The Bungalow The Dead Who Walk

Jun 02, 202425:20
Tales From The Bungalow Death Has Many Tongues

Tales From The Bungalow Death Has Many Tongues

Tales From The Bungalow Death Has Many Tongues

Jun 02, 202405:27
Tales From The Bungalow City Of The Living Dead

Tales From The Bungalow City Of The Living Dead

Tales From The Bungalow City Of The Living Dead

Jun 02, 202409:28
Tales From The Bungalow Giants Of The Unknown

Tales From The Bungalow Giants Of The Unknown

Tales From The Bungalow Giants Of The Unknown

Jun 01, 202417:09
Tales From The Bungalow The Affair Of Room 1313

Tales From The Bungalow The Affair Of Room 1313

Tales From The Bungalow The Affair Of Room 1313

Jun 01, 202408:15
Tale From The Bungalow Back To Yesterday

Tale From The Bungalow Back To Yesterday

Tale From The Bungalow Back To Yesterday

Jun 01, 202412:51
Still Game 2002 s8 E 6 The Fallguy

Still Game 2002 s8 E 6 The Fallguy

Isa gets reacquainted with a long-lost companion while Boabby attempts to learn to drive and Mick enrolls in an online course.

Jun 01, 202422:24
Servant 2017 S1 E9 Jericho

Servant 2017 S1 E9 Jericho

Leanne acts out at Dorothy after learning the truth about baby Jericho.

Jun 01, 202415:33
Red Dwarf s 11 e2 Samsara

Red Dwarf s 11 e2 Samsara

Lister and Rimmer are playing a game of "Mineopoly" to settle a bet, with Lister secretly cheating using stashed cards. It comes down to the wire, only for Rimmer to roll a losing 2 and a 1, which he rolls again several more times. Meanwhile, as Red Dwarf nears an ocean moon, Kryten receives a message from a woman on board an escape pod in orbit which is cut off. Bringing the pod aboard reveals its two occupants, Professor Rachel Barker and Colonel Jim Green, reduced to ash. Looking into the escape pod logs, Kryten reveals that Barker was a computer specialist whilst Green was the mission director, and both were married but not to each other. He also identifies the spaceship the pod belongs to, Samsara, and locates it crashed on the ocean moon. The crew take Starbug down to investigate.

When the crew arrive, they discover skeletons of the former crew engaged in various sexual positions, eventually deducing they all died in a mass orgy with the ship's captain being violently strangled in the midst of the chaos. They split in pairs, with Lister and Cat heading-off to the cafeteria and Rimmer and Kryten discovering the ship's "karma drive", which manipulates reality to deal out rewards or punishments in accordance with its programmed code of conduct; Rimmer voices his objection to this concept, citing society's everchanging views on morality. Lister manages to get his dreadlocks caught in a garbage disposal, whereafter Cat saves Lister by cutting off the stuck dreadlock. The machine spits the knife back out, landing directly into Cat's foot.

Eventually, the Samsara loses its power and slowly begins to fall off the cliff its perched on. With no solutions to think of, a frustrated Rimmer insults Kryten, which leads into the ship regaining power. The two deduce the karma drive has been reprogrammed to reward negative behavior. When they manage to get back to Lister and Cat, Kryten immediately reacts by repeatedly punching Lister, telling him not to be kind to him, as they have figured out what happened.

It is revealed through flashbacks that Barker and Green boarded the Samsara with the intention of resuming an affair they had begun at a previous posting. However the karma drive soon began to punish them by making their living conditions intolerable. Eventually the ship's captain confronts them about their unethical behaviour, and tells them that as long as they stop the affair on board the ship, the drive will leave them alone. Barker however convinces Green to give her access into the karma drive mainframe so that she could reprogram it for one night, thereby rewarding the unethical and punishing good behaviour. This quickly backfires and causes anarchy on board the ship. The two fled on board the ship's escape pod, resting in stasis until they came across another ship. Due to Barker's attempt at warning the crew, she and Green were vaporized, as their tampering led the karma drive to have its influence stretch past even the ocean moon and to everything in its vicinity.

As Lister laments at how two people's love brought down an entire ship, the crew decide to head back to Red Dwarf as unethically as they can. At this point, Lister accidentally drops one of his Mineopoloy cards and an angry Rimmer storms after him.

Jun 01, 202422:51
Blackadder s3 The Cavalier Years

Blackadder s3 The Cavalier Years

Sir Edmund Blackadder must protect, and later rescue, King Charles I from the Roundheads.

Jun 01, 202401:40
Baby Reindeer 2024 s1 e 7

Baby Reindeer 2024 s1 e 7

For the first time in his career, Donny feels like he's getting somewhere. Until he makes one careless decision that allows Martha to explode back into his life.

Jun 01, 202417:59
Varney The Vampire Or The Feast oF Blood Chapter 10

Varney The Vampire Or The Feast oF Blood Chapter 10

Varney The Vampire Or The Feast oF Blood Chapter 10

May 30, 202412:46
The Twlight Zone 1959 s5 e 31 The Encounter

The Twlight Zone 1959 s5 e 31 The Encounter

Digging through his attic, an American World War II veteran named Fenton finds an old katana sword. A young Japanese American named Arthur Takamori comes in looking for work, on a tip from a neighbor.[1][2] Fenton is gruff yet cordial, and invites Takamori to share a beer with him in his cluttered attic. Fenton makes a remark about the incongruity between his first name and his obvious ethnicity.[3] Arthur takes offense at first. But when it becomes apparent that Fenton meant no harm he admits that he changed his name from Taro. Fenton shows Takamori the sword and says he took it off a Japanese soldier whom he killed during the war 20 years earlier.[1] When Fenton leaves to fetch more beer, Takamori takes hold of the sword and says to himself in an astonished way "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him. Why?"[3]

Fenton says he has repeatedly tried to sell, give away, or throw out the sword, but it always comes back. He has had the inscription on it translated: "The sword will avenge me".[3] Seemingly despite himself, Fenton sometimes speaks in a racially offensive manner, such as addressing Takamori as "boy." But he often apologizes for it and says he was “just kidding around”.[3] Still, Takamori grows more uneasy and more confrontational to match Fenton's increasing hostility. They have brief heated exchanges that cool but then reemerge. While recounting how he got the sword, Fenton appears to suffer a post traumatic flashback. They assume an adversarial posture, and Takamori challenges Fenton with the sword. This tension, too, subsides, though Takamori, seeming to gain some kind of supernatural insight from the sword, says Fenton killed the Japanese soldier after the soldier surrendered. Fenton challenges the accusation, but then admits to it while saying he was acting under orders to not take prisoners.[1] Intensely uneasy now, Takamori tries to leave but the door to the attic won't open for either him or Fenton, even though it doesn't have a lock.[3]

In response to an insult from Fenton, Takamori describes his experience as a small child at Pearl Harbor. His father was a construction foreman who helped build the harbor. Takamori watched as the planes bombed the harbor, and his father with it. He first states his father tried to alert sailors to the attack, but then confesses that his father was actually a traitor who directed where the planes should drop the bombs.[1][2][3] Seeing Takamori's guilt, Fenton tries to offer some comfort. The sword, however, appears to be dictating the course of the conversation, and soon Takamori accuses Fenton of being a murderer because he killed an unarmed man. Fenton defends himself by saying his orders were to take no prisoners.

In a sudden depression, Fenton admits that he is unhappy with himself and what he has done. He has lost his job, his wife is leaving him, he is consumed with hostility and bigotry, and he coaxed Takamori into conversation because he does not want to be left alone.[3] But Takamori, now thoroughly under the controlling influence of the sword, poises to kill Fenton. Fenton seizes him by his sword arm and overpowers him, and the samurai sword is dropped, wedging into the table supports, pointing upward. Going down to the floor to retrieve it, Fenton is then fatally impaled on the sword when Takamori pulls at his feet. Takamori takes the sword, shrieks "Banzai!" and jumps out the attic window, presumably to his death.[3]

Moments later, the first floor door slowly opens on its own.

May 30, 202414:16
The Outer Limits 1963 s1 e 29 A Feasibility Test

The Outer Limits 1963 s1 e 29 A Feasibility Test

The inhabitants of a typical suburban street find that they've been abducted by a diseased alien race, which wants to discover if humans will make suitable slaves for them.

May 30, 202416:41
Tales From The Bungalow Empty House

Tales From The Bungalow Empty House

Tales From The Bungalow Empty House

May 30, 202404:60
Tales From The Bungalow The Creekmore Curse

Tales From The Bungalow The Creekmore Curse

Tales From The Bungalow The Creekmore Curse

May 30, 202408:56
Tales From The Bungalow The Spectre Of Dread House

Tales From The Bungalow The Spectre Of Dread House

Tales From The Bungalow The Spectre Of Dread House

May 30, 202408:15
Tales From The Bungalow The Affair Of The Ferrick Phathom

Tales From The Bungalow The Affair Of The Ferrick Phathom

Tales From The Bungalow The Affair Of The Ferrick Phathom

May 30, 202407:42
Stay Tuned For Terror Lizzie Bowden Took An Axe

Stay Tuned For Terror Lizzie Bowden Took An Axe

Stay Tuned For Terror Lizzie Bowden Took An Axe

May 30, 202408:57
Holsworthy Extra True Ghosts Of History

Holsworthy Extra True Ghosts Of History

Holsworthy Extra True Ghosts Of History

May 30, 202402:19
Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll Part 2

Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll Part 2

Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll Part 2

May 30, 202424:49
The Witch Cat Of Salem

The Witch Cat Of Salem

The Witch Cat Of Salem

May 27, 202408:18
The Vampire Prowls

The Vampire Prowls

The Vampire Prowls

May 27, 202409:04
Still Game 2002 s8 e5 Pie

Still Game 2002 s8 e5 Pie

. Whilst Navid's new automatic bar-code scanner confuses his elderly customers there is pandemonium at the local butcher's shop when a fight breaks out to claim the last steak pie. Meanwhile Tam's friendship with ninety-year old Maggie leads to false gossip regarding her will.

May 27, 202420:55
Servant `2019 s1 e8 Boba

Servant `2019 s1 e8 Boba

Tobe and Leanne go out bowling, while Sean and Dorothy go out to a news awards gala. Julian is tasked with babysitting at the house, but is avoid-ant of the nursery, repeatedly flashing back to the day of Jericho's death when he saw something traumatic there.

May 27, 202412:44
Red Drawf S11 E 1 Twentica

Red Drawf S11 E 1 Twentica

The Dwarfers find themselves in an alternative version of America where modern technology is prohibited, making Rimmer and Kryten illegal. The Dwarfers infiltrate the tech savvy underground and try to bring down the authoritarian regime.

May 27, 202421:01
Holsworthy Extra Celtic Superstitions

Holsworthy Extra Celtic Superstitions

Holsworthy Extra Celtic Superstitions

May 27, 202401:23
By The Light Of The Lantern

By The Light Of The Lantern

By The Light Of The Lantern

May 27, 202403:40
Blackadder S26 Chains

Blackadder S26 Chains

n the throne room, Blackadder informs Queenie and Nursie of an unspecified incident that saw Blackadder insulting the unidentified individual before he pulled up his tights and jumped out of the privy window. Melchett arrives, telling Queenie that his former tutor's son has been kidnapped and begs for her to pay the hefty ransom. Queenie consults Lord Blackadder on the matter – he tells her to tell Melchett's tutor's son to "get stuffed", stating that "only an idiot" would be so foolish as to be kidnapped. However, literally seconds later, after he has left the room, Blackadder meets two men, one of whom asks him something while another hits Blackadder over the head and knocks him unconcious with Melchett suffering the same fate after he has convinced Queenie to pay the ransom. The two then awaken in a damp cell in a dungeon accompanied by a deranged Spanish torturer. Blackadder does not speak Spanish, so after Melchett has translated that he is to be tortured, Blackadder and the torturer engage in a lengthy game of charades to determine the exact insults, threats, and mode of torture. Prince Ludwig the Indestructible, a German pretender to the throne with poor English skills, intervenes just as the torturer is about to get started on Blackadder, stopping the other man with his whip. When Edmund does not recognise him, Ludwig reveals that he was once disguised as "Big Sally", a waitress at a pub in Dover that Blackadder frequented while meeting a black marketeer named Otto. Blackadder is horrified as he had an affair with Big Sally, unaware that it was Ludwig in disguise. Ludwig and Blackadder also trade insults, Blackadder loses his patience and rants about Ludwig's voices, with Ludwig snapping, telling Edmund to be quiet. After that, Ludwig reveals he has sent Queenie a message and that she has a week to pay up, with Blackadder confidently believing Queenie will do so.

At Ludwig's request, Lord Melchett is dragged in by Ludwig's two guards, screaming. Melchett does not recognise Ludwig, until Ludwig tells him that he once impersonated Flossie, a sheep at a monastery in Cornwall. Melchett is also aghast, having unknowingly had a sexual encounter with the madman, with an amused Ludwig adding in a "Baaa". Ludwig departs the dungeon with his two guards, laughing evilly, as Blackadder and Melchett remain in the dungeon. Percy then reads a message back to Queenie, informing her she only has a week to decide as to who will be freed: Melchett or Blackadder. At Queenie's suggestion, with Baldrick's help, Percy plays a quick singing game to help influence Queenie's decision.

A week later, Ludwig returns with the message from Queenie, which reveals that she has decided to spend the requested ransom money on "a big party" instead. Ludwig reads it out to Blackadder and Melchett, with Blackadder left shocked at her decision. Ludwig agrees to imprison them for life instead of killing them, in exchange for information on how to get into the palace during the costume party, Blackadder and Melchett also agreeing to betray Queenie. Sometime later, Ludwig returns to bid farewell to his prisoners, but his temper emerges when Blackadder points out he was bullied at school, Ludwig even revealing he was given the embarrassing nickname of "Shorty Greasy Spot-Spot". When he leaves, Blackadder and Melchett, working together manage to eventually overpower the two guards who have come to deliver food and escape, returning to England, arriving just in time for the party. Queenie is dressed as her father Henry VIII, while Baldrick is a pencil case. Edmund promptly stabs "Nursie", who is revealed to be Prince Ludwig masquerading as Nursie dressed as a cow, just as the real Nursie arrives. Ludwig reveals he and Queenie have met before, Queenie greeting Ludwig by his nickname, which enrages him. Vowing to return and wreak his revenge, Ludwig flees, heading for the door, cackling manically. Not wanting history to repeat itself, Blackadder throws a dagger at Ludwig, which hits him off-screen, causing him to cry out in pain. When asked how he knew the cow was Ludwig, Blackadder informs the group Ludwig was a master of disguise so his costume would always look highly impressive while Nursie – a "sad, insane old woman with an udder fixation" – would be wearing a more ridiculous looking costume filled with udders, and that Blackadder knew he had to kill the one who looked like a cow. Everyone then asks if Blackadder missed them. He tells Percy he wished it was him who was being tortured instead with Percy sobbing and embracing Edmund. To Baldrick he says he was not missed at all, and as for the Queen, he states that life without her is like "a broken pencil"; she asks him to explain, and he replies "pointless".

After the credits have rolled, the characters are shown lying dead on the floor, with Ludwig, disguised as Queenie, standing over them holding a blood-soaked dagger in his right hand, implying he used it to kill them. Ludwig then claims that impersonating the queen is a role he will enjoy – if he can "just get the voice right."

May 27, 202417:48
Baby Reindeer 2024 s1 e6

Baby Reindeer 2024 s1 e6

Martha finds new ways to get to Donny: by hurting the people he loves. With frustration building as the police fail to intervene, he riskily takes matters ..

May 27, 202421:57
The Haunted Hoard

The Haunted Hoard

The Haunted Hoard

May 25, 202404:26
The Painted Grave

The Painted Grave

The Painted Grave

May 25, 202405:03
Still Game 2002 s8 e4 South Africa

Still Game 2002 s8 e4 South Africa

Jack and Victor discover that shop-keeper Navid has a caravan at a fixed site and persuade him to let them stay there - with Winston tagging along. They are soon bickering and the decision to send Winston to buy drinks proves to be unwise. The weekend is rounded off with a bizarre game of oneupmanship and the discovery of a terrible mistake.

May 25, 202422:54
Stay Tuned For Terror The Bogey Man Will Get You

Stay Tuned For Terror The Bogey Man Will Get You

Stay Tuned For Terror The Bogey Man Will Get You

May 25, 202411:39
Red Dwarf s10 e 6 The Begining

Red Dwarf s10 e 6 The Begining

Hiding in an asteroid, surrounded by a Simulant Death Ship and its fleet of Annihilators, the Dwarfers wonder if this is the beginning of the end. Only one man can save them. Unfortunately, that man is Arnold J. Rimmer.

May 25, 202420:44
he Horrible Toys

he Horrible Toys

he Horrible Toys

May 25, 202405:08
Doctor Who The Power OF Kroll Part 1

Doctor Who The Power OF Kroll Part 1

The Fourth Doctor and Romana have arrived on the third moon of Delta Magna, searching for the penultimate segment of the Key to Time. They find themselves caught in the middle of a dispute between the crew of a methane refinery and the natives (known as 'Swampies'). The Swampies claim that the crew have disturbed the waters, and will incur the wrath of their god, Kroll. Kroll is revealed to be a giant squid, which surfaces to feed every few centuries and is the source of the abnormally large amount of methane being mined. Originally a normal size squid, Kroll ingested the fifth segment of the Key to Time and began to grow, becoming a god-like figure to the Swampies and their descendants.

After Kroll awakens and begins to attack both the Swampies and the refinery indiscriminately, the Doctor uses the tracer to retrieve the segment of the Key, which destroys Kroll and instigates cellular regeneration within the creature to produce hundreds of normal-sized squid. This process not only saves the planet's inhabitants but removes the source of methane from the refinery. The Doctor and Romana return to the TARDIS and set off on their next adventure.

May 25, 202423:23
Blackadder s2 e 5 Beer

Blackadder s2 e 5 Beer

Blackadder finds himself hosting a drinking competition on the same night he is entertaining his puritanical relatives.

May 25, 202418:31
Varney The Vampire Or The Feast Of Blood Chapter 9

Varney The Vampire Or The Feast Of Blood Chapter 9

Varney The Vampire Or The Feast Of Blood Chapter 9

May 22, 202412:09
The Twilight Zone 2024 Reception

The Twilight Zone 2024 Reception

The Twilight Zone 2024 Reception

May 22, 202405:12
Servant 2019 S 1 E 7 Haggis

Servant 2019 S 1 E 7 Haggis

Dorothy throws a tense dinner party. Sean entrusts Leanne to help keep a secret.

May 22, 202414:11
Fallout 204 S1 E 8 The Beginning

Fallout 204 S1 E 8 The Beginning

Two hundred years have passed since the beginning of the apocalypse. Leaving the atomic shelter that protected them will pave the way to an unknown world that will unleash a war for survival.

May 22, 202425:59
Baby Reindeer 2024 s1 e5

Baby Reindeer 2024 s1 e5

Liz learns the truth about Martha and asks Donny to move out of the house. It is looking like a fresh start for him and Teri, but his persistent memories are stopping them from getting truly close.

May 22, 202421:34