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Beyond Leadership

Beyond Leadership

By Mark Kalin

Beyond Leadership is a podcast that connects the business world with academia and provides a platform for entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, students, and everyone willing to learn and share their best practices and life stories about leadership. Going Beyond.

Founder and owner: Mark Kalin
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"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 3. del"

Beyond LeadershipJan 31, 2022

Saška Rihtaršič, Generalna direktorica podjetja Danfoss Trata - "Inženirka strojništva, ki vodi podjetje z dodano vrednostjo več kot 100.000 eur na zaposlenega."

Saška Rihtaršič, Generalna direktorica podjetja Danfoss Trata - "Inženirka strojništva, ki vodi podjetje z dodano vrednostjo več kot 100.000 eur na zaposlenega."

Saška Rihtaršič je vodenje Danfoss Trate iz rok Aleksandra Zalaznika prevzela aprila 2023. Del Danfossa je že več desetletij, kar 24 let. Inženirka strojništva se je podjetju pridružila leta 1999 kot koordinatorka skrbovalne verige, na novo delovno mesto pa je vstopila z mesta podpredsednice področja daljinska energetika. Skupaj z vodstveno ekipo se podpisuje pod razvojno strategijo in povečane investicije v razvoj digitalnih izdelkov, z namenom pohitritve zamenjave generacij in izboljšave dobavljivosti. Ob prevzemu vodenja je poudarila, da se obraz vodenja resda spreminja, a smernice in razvojno naravnana kultura podjetja ostaja enaka: »Še naprej naši nosilni stebri ostajajo inovativnost, učinkovitost in zavzetost zaposlenih. V času, ko sta energetska učinkovitost in trajnostni pristop v ospredju kot še nikoli, v Danfoss Trati  želimo biti vodilni. Gradimo na konkurenčni strategiji, utemeljeni na digitalizaciji in sistemskih rešitvah za ogrevanje in hlajenje stavb z minimalnim ogljičnim odtisom. Danfoss Trata ostaja prepoznavna v globalni korporaciji kot kompetenčni center na področju razvoja novih izdelkov, digitalizacije proizvodnje in razvoja poslovnih modelov. Hkrati se zavedamo vpetosti in pomena delovanja v lokalnem okolju. Nadaljujemo aktivno sodelovanje z izobraževalnimi ter raziskovalnimi institucijami in ostajamo zavezani razvoju talentov ter spodbujanju mladih za inženirske poklice.«


O podjetju Danfoss Trata

Začetki podjetja Trata segajo v leto 1937, Danfoss kot vodilno mednarodno podjetje na področju ogrevanja, hlajenja in sistemov regulacije pa je leta 1995 postal večinski lastnik Trate. Danfoss Trata je z bliskovitim razvojem nato zasedla mesto kompetenčnega centra za razvoj in proizvodnjo komponent za daljinsko ogrevanje v Sloveniji, kjer deluje na dveh lokacijah, v Ljubljani in Kamniku. Danfoss Trata je danes uspešno razvojno, proizvodno in prodajno podjetje na področju izdelkov in aplikacij za zagotavljanje energetske varčnosti, ki ponuja rešitve za učinkovito spopadanje s podnebnimi spremembami. Gre za razvojno konkurenčno organizacijo, vodilno pri rešitvah za daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje. Število zaposlenih je z Danfossovo vizijo inženirjev prihodnosti v tem obdobju zraslo s 160 na 600 zaposlenih, promet se je povečal kar 30-krat: s 5 milijonov na skoraj 150 milijonov EUR (v letu 2022). Tudi po ustvarjeni dodani vrednosti se Danfoss Trata umešča med prvake slovenskega gospodarstva: s preko 100.000 EUR na zaposlenega skoraj dvakratno presega slovensko povprečje.


Najljubši citat: Počasi se daleč pride.

Najljubša knjiga:  zelo so mi všeč turški pisatelji. Rada berem Elif Shafak in Orphan Pamuka. Zadnja njegova zelo dobra je Istanbul. Od Elif pa lahko omenim roman, ki je zelo presunljiv – Čast. Od slovenskih pisateljev mi je najbolj pri srcu Drago Jančar. Ena lepših knjig mi je To noč sem jo videl, pri srcu mi je tudi In Ljubezen tudi, sploh vse njegove knjige so res sam bralni užitek.

Najljubša serija: Doc Martin angleška nadaljevanka o »čudaškem« zdravniku, ki pride iz mesta na podeželje in se sooča z vaškimi posebneži.

Hobiji: Rada športam, in sicer tečem ter plavam in tudi plešem standardne plese. Rada vrtnarim in predvsem zadnja leta uživam v svojem cvetličnem vrtu in na koncu je moja strast tudi kuhanje.

Najljubša hrana: Sem ljubiteljica gob v različnih oblikah. Druga najljubša sestavina so morski sadeži.

Najljubši podjetnik: Michelle Obama

Najljubši app: Garmin smart watch app

Zaključni nauki za naše poslušalce:

·       živite v tem trenutku in se osredotočite, na tisto, kar je v vaši moči, da lahko spremenite na bolje

·       ne nalagajte si večjega pritiska, kot ga zmorete, ter verjemite vase in lastne sposobnosti

·       razvijajte svoj potencial in dosegajte rezultate skozi druge in skupaj z drugimi.

Mar 15, 202401:05:41
Luka Pregelj, direktor in ustanovitelj Quantifly - "Ustanovitelj podjetja ni samo kapetan, ampak je pravzaprav ladja."

Luka Pregelj, direktor in ustanovitelj Quantifly - "Ustanovitelj podjetja ni samo kapetan, ampak je pravzaprav ladja."

Luka Pregelj je svojo kariero začel kot pravnik pri CMS Law & Tax ter pozneje ustanovil agencijo za pravno in poslovno svetovanje Lex Lucas Consulting. Zbrano znanje in izkušnje je pretvoril v lastno zagonsko podjetje, ki je razvilo platformo za organizacijsko diagnostiko Quantifly in bilo nominirano za startup leta 2023.


Fun facts: »Baje sem bil deloholik že kot otrok; moj idol je bil Gasilec Samo, največ sem se o managementu naučil v rock bandu.«

Najljubši citat: Idea is worth its weight in gold. Until manifested, it’s worth nothing.

Najljubša knjiga: Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making:: Fadell, Tony

Najljubša serija: The Silicon Valley

Najljubši hobiji: Kite surfing in drugi vodni športi, Brazilski jiu-jitsu, fitness, kitara

Najljubša hrana: Doma pripravljen steak

Najljubši podjetnik: Elon Musk

Najljubša aplikacija: Chat GPT

Zaključni nauki:

·      Če prekineš stik z ljudmi izgubiš stik z realnostjo;

·      Sistemi skozi čas razvijejo svojo lastno voljo, interese in osebnost;

·      Founder je ladja, ne le kapitan.

Feb 11, 202401:24:28
Marko Podgornik Verdev, CEO MIKRO+POLO d.o.o., inovator in mentor - "Podjetnik in voditelj, ki je pogosto (pre)drzen."

Marko Podgornik Verdev, CEO MIKRO+POLO d.o.o., inovator in mentor - "Podjetnik in voditelj, ki je pogosto (pre)drzen."

Svojo poslovno pot je začel že kot dijak pri stricu. Z delom je nadaljeval tudi med študijem, ki pa ga je zelo hitro opustil. Pri stricu se je redno zaposlil leta 1994, kot referent v komerciali. Leta 2001 je prevzel vodenje nabave in logistike, leta 2003 pa je postal komercialni vodja prodaje. Zase pravi, da je zaradi lastne samopodobe potrditev iskal drugje. Začenjal je namreč dvomiti vase; sem res sposoben ali imam strica? Tako se je leta 2005 zaposlil v trgovini IKEA v Gradcu, kjer je bil odgovoren za prodajo poslovnim uporabnikom. Vključen je bil v program izobraževanj za vodilne kadre pri IKEI, a po 13. mesecih ga je poklical stric s povabilom, da prevzamem vodenje podjetja. Od septembra 2006 je direktor družbe MIKRO+POLO. Od leta 2015 je podjetje na na evropskih trgih prisotno z lastno blagovno znamko laboratorijskega pohištva in specialne opreme, pod imenom LAB INTERIOR, ki ga v celoti proizvajajo v Mariboru. Leta 2022 so prvi na svetu predstavili pametno (digitalizirano) laboratorijsko pohištvo.


Naj quote: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. Therefore is called 'the present'."

Naj knjiga: Alamut, Vladimir Bartol

Naj serija: Big Bang Theory

Hobiji: klavir, smučanje, fitnes

Najljubša hrana: maline

Naj app: Tesla

Zaključni nauki za naše poslušalce:

1.    Življenje je kratko in je samo moje.

2.    Uspeha ne moreš dobiti, lahko si ga samo spodiš.

3.     Posel ni tekmovanje ampak neskončna igra.

Jan 16, 202446:02
Maja Brelih Lotrič, Generalna Direktorica LOTRIČ Metrology - "10 podjetij, 8 držav, 180 strokovnjakov in sprememba vodstva: nova Generalna Direktorica."

Maja Brelih Lotrič, Generalna Direktorica LOTRIČ Metrology - "10 podjetij, 8 držav, 180 strokovnjakov in sprememba vodstva: nova Generalna Direktorica."

Maja Brelih Lotrič je zaključila magisterij iz poslovne administracije na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in od decembra 2022 dela kot generalna direktorica v podjetju LOTRIČ Metrology. Skupina LOTIRČ Metrology združuje 10 podjetij iz 8ih držav ter 180 strokovnjakov. Je članica nadzornega sveta ACS in članica upravnega odbora Regionalne zbornice Gorenjske. Močno verjame v nenehen napredek z učenjem, zato se še naprej razvija, izobražuje in dela na področjih, kot so trajnostne strateške transformacije, oblikovanje strategij in novih poslovnih modelov. V preteklih letih je bila najbolj aktivna na področju prodaje in vodenja projektov za kupce in notranje projekte na področju trajnosti.


Lotrič Metrology ima med referencami več kot 20.000 podjetij. Njihove certifikate je danes mogoče najti v več kot 50 drugih državah. Lani so uspešno vstopili tudi na trg Savdske Arabije.


Najljubši quote: Živi in pusti živeti

Najljubša knjiga: vsaka ki jo preberemo skupaj z otrokoma

Najljubša serija: Brooklyn 99 in The Office

Hobiji: Veliko dobre kuhinje

Najljubša hrana: Hrana za dušo.

Najljubši podjetnik: oče Marko Lotrič

Najljubša app: vsaka aplikacija ki me reši v danes trenutku.

Zaključni nauki:

·       Govorica je lahko vir nesporazumov. V podjetništvu se včasih srečam z ljudmi, ki imajo tako željo po izstopanju, da preprosto niso pristni. Ali pa niso pozorni na nianse v govorici sebe in drugih.

·       Zanesljivost je za okolico pomirjajoča in varna. V vodenju daje ljudem zaupanje.

·       Ne se bati biti drugačen.

Nov 27, 202347:41
Anže Herbst, Partner in Direktor poslovnega razvoja - "Agilen način poslovanja – v družbi 11 najboljših podjetij na svetu."

Anže Herbst, Partner in Direktor poslovnega razvoja - "Agilen način poslovanja – v družbi 11 najboljših podjetij na svetu."

Anže Herbst je že pri 21 letih postal vodja blagovne znamke Jägermeister, kar je anj predstavljalo veliko prelomnico in hkrati veliko odgovornost. Jägermeister je bila najbolj prodajana žgana pijača na glavo prebivalca na svetu med njegovim vodenjem znamke. Spoznal je tudi lastnika, ki je bil nečak ustanovitelja Kurt Masta. Skupaj z ekipo so bili uspešni pri izvajanju projektov in doseganju prodajnih rezultatov v Sloveniji in regiji. Takrat se je še dodatno prepričal, da ga delo z znamkami izpolnjuje in da si želi to početi v prihodnosti.


Želja po ustanovitvi lastne marketinške agencije se je začela oblikovati nekaj let pred ustanovitvijo AM Agencije, kar je bilo leta 2016 skupaj s sodelavcem Gregorjem. Na začetku sta svoje delo opravljala v njegovi dnevni sobi, vendar se je zgodba hitro razvijala. Zaradi prepoznavnosti kakovosti njihovih storitev s strani naročnikov, se je njuna ekipa hitro povečevala in v regiji so organizirali številne dogodke, promocije, konference, zabave in druge marketinške aktivnosti. Zaradi naraščajočega povpraševanja po digitalnih storitvah so ustanovili tudi beglobal agencijo.


Leta 2022 so se odločili za združitev AM agencije in beglobal, tako da danes v agenciji deluje štiriglavo vodenje. Ponosni so, da so prva marketinška agencija v regiji, ki je vzpostavila agilen način poslovanja v družbi 11 najboljših podjetij na svetu (Agile Consortium) kot so Vodafone, Cap Gemini, British petroleum, News UK, RHB Banking group, etc , letos pa so začeli s širjenjem svojih dejavnosti tudi na Hrvaški in Srbski trg.


Naj Quote: The only Way is Up.

Naj Knjiga:  Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike / Nike - potovanje k boginji zmage

Naj serija: House of cards, Suits, 2 and a Half Man, Everybody loves Raymond

Hobiji: Šport - Košarka, kulinarika v poveza vi z vinsko kulturo, Potovanja, Texas holdem

Najljubša Hrana: Pizza v vseh oblikah in velikostih :)

Najljubši podjetnik: Jeff Bezos, Aleksander Čeferin (kot v vlogi podjetnika in kot Predsednik UEFE).

Naj App: Linkedin, Optim Trader, Google Calendar, Tripadvisor, Whatsapp, Slack, click up

Nauki za poslušalce:

- Poslovna mreža, ki jo boš zgradil tekom svojega podjetništva ti daje moč, stabilnost, potrditev, trdnost in večnost. Velik poudarek bi dal na to.

- Iz majhnega zraste veliko. :) Volja, odrekanje in vztrajnost. Poleg odlične ideje, ki jo imaš, kot podjetnik je to ključ do uspeha.

- Kljub vsemu na poti uživaj, naj bo tudi pot tvoj cilj. Najlepše je iz svojega passiona narediti biznis, kar pa ne pomeni, da ne bo vsak dan kak izziv, ki ga boš moral preskočiti.

Nov 06, 202358:38
Tip of the Week 58 - "Beware a Culture of Busyness"

Tip of the Week 58 - "Beware a Culture of Busyness"

Too many teams overvalue busyness, fostering cultures of long work hours, meeting overload, and chronic multitasking. But our obsession with staying busy is misguided—and it can actually come at the expense of productivity. It can cause organizations to overload their employees, base their incentives on the amount of time they put in, and excessively monitor their activities, all of which undermine productivity and efficiency, research shows. Meanwhile, reducing work to manageable levels can actually enhance them. Here’s how to reverse the destructive trend.


·      Reward output, not just activity. Recognize and promote employees who work efficiently and produce the highest-quality work—not just those who log the most hours.


·      Eliminate low-value work and foster deep work. Conduct an audit on your team to determine how much time per week they spend on shallow tasks versus the time they spend deeply focused on high-value tasks. If the results are skewed toward low-value work, help them reprioritize, delegate, and eliminate the busy work that’s getting in the way of real productivity.


·      Nudge people off the clock. If you want your employees to truly thrive, you need to allow time for their minds to wander. Encourage them to sign off earlier, work less on weekends, and (crucially) actually use their allotted vacation time.


·      Model the right behavior. The boldest leaders aren’t those who burn the midnight oil; they’re the ones who set the norm by taking a pause. When you show that your own busyness isn’t a prerequisite for success, others are more likely to follow suit.


The famed UCLA basketball coach John Wooden once said, “Never mistake activity for achievement.” Yet companies keep falling into that trap, despite considerable evidence that increased work doesn’t necessarily lead to increased productivity. Businesses and leaders must step up to take a stand against the busyness epidemic so that we can begin to create not only more sustainable organizations but also more sustainable jobs.


What does your team’s culture look like?

Do you reward output and not activity?



Waytz, A. (2023, March-April). Beware a Culture of Busyness. Organizations must stop conflating activity with achievement. Harvard Business Review.

Sep 25, 202304:25
Gregor Kosi, ustanovitelj GREAT Leadership Solutions in bivši CEO Lidl Slovenija - "Od vodenja 2.000 zaposlenih in 500 milijonov evrov prometa do ustanovitve novega podjetja."

Gregor Kosi, ustanovitelj GREAT Leadership Solutions in bivši CEO Lidl Slovenija - "Od vodenja 2.000 zaposlenih in 500 milijonov evrov prometa do ustanovitve novega podjetja."

Gregor Kosi je univerzitetni diplomirani pravnik, ki je po zaključku študija na Fakulteti za varnostne vede v Ljubljani in Pravni fakulteti v Mariboru 5 let delal kot svetovalec v javni upravi, nato pa ga je pot zanesla v korporativni svet.

Leta 2005 se je zaposlil v Lidlu, še preden je ta 2007 odprl prve trgovine v Sloveniji. Po krajšem obdobju nabiranja delovnih izkušenj v tujini je leta 2006 najprej postal direktor prodaje, leta 2009 pa generalni direktor družbe Lidl Slovenija.


Njegov osebni moto “Bodi v navdih in svet te bo navdihnil!”


Nekaj znimivosti:

·       ustanovitelj GREAT Leadership Solutions, ki se ukvarja z ekskluzivnimi storitvami na področju poslovne odličnosti, razvoja človeških potencialov in voditeljstva

·      13 let CEO Lidl Slovenija

·      finalist za mladega managerja in nominiranec za managerja leta,

·       začel kot eden izmed najmlajših direktorjev in se uspel obdržati kot eden izmed direktorjev z najdaljšim mandatom v zgodovini Lidla,

·      vodil 2000 zaposlenih,

·       Lidl Slovenija je s svojo ekipo popeljal iz 0 na 500 milijonov prometa,

·       Lidl Slovenija se je v času njegovega mandata redno uvrščal med najboljše zaposlovalce v Sloveniji, bil večkrat nagrajen za kadrovske prakse, družbeno odgovornost, marketinško odličnost in celo več let zapored prejel nagrado za najboljšo revijo za kupce na svetu.


Najljubši citat: “Bodi v navdih in svet te bo navdihnil!”

Najljubša knjiga: Meditacije, Mark Avrelij, The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

Hobiji: Slikanje

Najljubša hrana: Sočen steak

Najljubša aplikacija: Medium

Zaključni nauki:

·       Nič na silo!

·       Vse je zgolj igra! Bolj boš spoznal pravila igre, boljši boš v njej!

·       Sveta ne vidimo takšnega, kot je, ampak takšnega, kot smo sami. Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš svet.

Sep 04, 202359:24
Tip of the Week 57 - "6 Science-Backed Ways to Improve Your Well-Being at Work"

Tip of the Week 57 - "6 Science-Backed Ways to Improve Your Well-Being at Work"

Employee well-being is an organizational issue, not just an individual one. Many factors impact and influence it, including your workload and flexibility, your manager, and the culture within your team. When it comes to improving your well-being at work, small habits make a big difference, especially, if you practice them consistently. Here are six to prioritize in your daily work-life.


·       Check in with yourself. Ask yourself: How am I doing today? How am I feeling? Don’t judge your answers or immediately try to “fix” anything. Just become aware.


·       Take a few short, quality breaks. The key word here is “quality.” This means doing something that helps you disconnect from work, refuel, and recharge (i.e., not scrolling social media, reading the news, or knocking out an item on your to-do list).


·       Practice acceptance of stressful circumstances, and focus on what you can control. This involves two steps: First, acknowledge the situation with clarity, focusing on the facts. Second, identify one action you could take to move forward with more comfort.


·       Make micro-connections with colleagues. Make it a point to greet your colleagues with genuine enthusiasm when you’re on a call or when you see them for the first time during the day. Be intentional about reaching out to a colleague to just check in, without focusing your conversation on work.


·       Be grateful. A daily gratitude practice can be as simple as writing down three things you appreciate every morning or in the evening. By practicing gratitude, you ask your brain to broaden its perspective and focus its attention on things that are positive, meaningful, or comforting.


·       Recharge after work. It’s important to spend time doing things you love in your personal life. Invest in a hobby; for example, dedicating time to reading or gardening, or trying a new creative activity. The key is to do something that fuels your energy and nurtures your non-work self.


Do you practice well-being at work?

Do you often feel stressed and anxious?

Kogan, N. (2023, July). 6 Science-Backed Ways to Improve Your Well-Being at Work. Harvard Business Review.

Jul 17, 202304:26
Tilen Sotler, izvršni direktor podjetja Dewesoft d.o.o. - "Dewesoft, podjetje, ki osvaja svet in ima že preko 80 lastnikov med zaposlenimi."

Tilen Sotler, izvršni direktor podjetja Dewesoft d.o.o. - "Dewesoft, podjetje, ki osvaja svet in ima že preko 80 lastnikov med zaposlenimi."

Tilen Sotler je izvršni direktor visokotehnološkega podjetja Dewesoft. Podjetje izdeluje inovativne merilne sisteme, ki jih najdemo v najnaprednejših inštitutih in razvojnih oddelkih sveta. Posebno je tudi v načinu lastništva, Dewesoft je trenutno v lasti že preko 80 zaposlenih.


Tilen Sotler je po izobrazbi diplomirani inženir računalništva in informatike, trenutno zaključuje MBA študij na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Velik del kariere je namenil razvoju aplikacij za svetovno znana imena, kot so SpaceX, MAN, Kawasaki, Honeywell, Bosch, Hyundai, Daimler, Thales Alenia Space Center, Rimac itd. Skozi različne stopnje razvoja njegove kariere so ga aktivno začeli zanimati vodenje in procesi v podjetju, organizacija, lastniški modeli podjetij, globalno poslovno okolje in ekonomski sistemi. Odlikuje ga poznavanje delovanja specifičnih področjih različnih industrij sveta - vesoljske, avtomobilske, industrije zelenega prehoda in mnogih drugih. Ima 18+ let izkušenj iz sveta merilne tehnike.


Direktorsko funkcijo razume predvsem kot mentorski proces. Vodi ga prepričanje, da je znanje potrebno prenašati na naslednje generacije, to je gonilo razvoja in predpogoj za uspeh. Njegov vsakdan v podjetju bi z lastnimi besedami opisal kot: “Neskončen projekt učenja, spreminjanja in razvoja.”


Najljubši quote: “Vsak je svoje sreče kovač.”

Najljubša knjiga: Andrew S. Grove, High Output Management

Najljubša serija: Breaking Bad

Hobiji: Tek, Fotografija Najljubša hrana: Pizza & Burger (at) Pop’s place

Najljubši podjetnik: Andrew S. Groove

Najljubša aplikacija: Google Calendar, Huckleberry

Zaključni nauk: Sprememba je edina stalnica v življenju.

Jul 03, 202354:32
Tip of the Week 56 - "7 Ways to Make Employees Feel Respected"

Tip of the Week 56 - "7 Ways to Make Employees Feel Respected"

Treating everyone with respect is the foundation of good leadership. Employees who feel disrespected are more likely to also feel excluded or even inferior. The authors offer seven behaviours, based on their analysis of data collected from more than 4,500 employees, that lead to a demonstration and feeling of respect. These include valuing diversity, staying in touch with individuals’ issues and concerns, building trusted, resolving conflicts, balancing results with a concern for others, encouraging open discussion, and giving honest feedback. But what does respectful leadership actually look like in practice? Here are some behaviours to prioritize.


·       Build trust. This requires three factors: developing positive relationships, sharing knowledge and expertise, and being consistent in how you treat people.


·       Value diversity. Hire team members from diverse backgrounds, check your unconscious biases, encourage perspectives that challenge the status quo, and, of course, treat everyone equally.


·       Stay attuned to your employees’ emotions. You can’t be aware of everything your team members are going through in their personal and professional lives. But you can—and should—convey that you’re there for them should they want to discuss sensitive issues or concerns.


·       Balance compassion and accountability. Establish a culture that supports work-life balance and make it clear that productivity shouldn’t come at the cost of your employees’ well-being.


·       Resolve conflicts. Don’t take a hands-off approach when tensions arise on your team. A respectful leader willingly engages in conflict resolution.


·       Give constructive feedback, productively. Be direct and honest about your employees’ strengths and weaknesses. Ignoring or minimizing either is ultimately unkind, counterproductive, and disrespectful.


·       Encourage open discussion. The simple act of asking another person for their opinion is a powerful way to communicate respect. You can further enhance respect by actively listening to opinions that are contrary to yours. This conveys, “I’m open to a different way of thinking and I want to understand more” and “I hold you in high regard even though we may have differing views.”


Great leaders are well respected, but more importantly, they take deliberate, thoughtful steps to show respect for their employees.


Do you consider yourself to be a great leader?

Do you practice these 7 way to make employees feel respected?

Zenger, J. & Folkman, J. (2023, June). 7 Ways to Make Employees Feel Respected, According to Research. Harvard Business Review.

Jun 26, 202304:43
Matija Šenk, član Uprave Generali zavarovalnica d.d. - "Začetek zavarovalnišva v Sloveniji in osvajanje novih trgov"

Matija Šenk, član Uprave Generali zavarovalnica d.d. - "Začetek zavarovalnišva v Sloveniji in osvajanje novih trgov"

Matija je svojo kariero pričel v akademskih vodah, kot profesor matematike. Po 6ih letih poučevanja pa se je soočil z novo priložnostjo, vzpostavitvijo Generali zavarovalnice v Sloveniji. Leta 2002 je postal član in kasneje tudi predsednik Uprave Slovenice, leta 2006 je postal član uprave in namestnik predsednika uprave pri Adriatic Slovenica zavarovalni družbi d.d. Leta 2007 se je pridružil KD Življenje kot predsednik uprave. Skozi kariero je zasedal vodilna področja v različnih zavarovalnicah. Leta 2020 se je pridružil Generali zavarovalnici d.d. kot svetovalec uprave in v septembru istega leta postal tudi član uprave.


Svojo izobrazbo je stalno nadgrajeval in tako tudi postal pooblaščen aktuar, kjer je od leta 2000 pa do 2007 bil podpredsednik Slovenskega aktuarskega društva. Od leta 2013 je tudi namestnik predsednika Sveta Slovenskih zavarovalnih združenj.  Od Leta 2015 do 2017 je bil tudi predsednik Nazdzornega sveta Gea Collega-a.


Med drugim je Matija tudi redni predavatelj na Gea Collegu. Je predstavnik SAD  v izobraževalnem komiteju GC (Evropsko aktuarsko združenje) in izobraževalnem komiteju IAA (Svetovno aktuarsko združenje).  Je tudi predsednik Advisory Boarda, član Strategic Boarda Evropske aktuarske akademije. Je avtor učbenika, predavatelj in član izpitne komisije pri licenciranju zavarovalnih zastopnikov in posrednikov v Slovenskem zavarovalnem združenju.


Zelo zanimivo pa je, da je bil Matija tudi član slovenske bridž reprezentance na uradnih tekmovanji. Ima tri otroke in je srečno poročen.


Naj quote: Sky is the limit.

Naj knjiga: Saul Bellow: Herzog, Günther Grass: Pločevinasti boben, Siegfried Lenz: Nemška ura, Jean-Paul Sartre: Gnus

Naj serija: Bridshead revisited (Vrnitev / Vnovič v Bridshead) starejša nadaljevanka z Jeramyjem Ironsom, Grlom u jagode (Na vrat na nos)

Hobiji: Bridge, plavanje, tek na smučeh, sprehodi s psi

Najljubša hrana: Italjanska (testenine), »na žlico«, od res vrhunske pa čim bolj svež jastog na žaru

Najljubši podjetnik (domači in tuji): Richard Branson, pokojni Matjaž Gantar

Naj app: BBO (Bridge Base Online)

Zaključni nauk: skromnost – ponižnost – vztrajnost: torej, veliko je boljših, pametnejših, hitrejših… vseeno, bori se, daj vse od sebe.

May 29, 202347:43
Tip of the Week 55 - "You Survived a Layoff. Here’s What to Do Next."

Tip of the Week 55 - "You Survived a Layoff. Here’s What to Do Next."

In today’s world, there is a lot of uncertainty, especially with unstable financial markets, rising of the interest rate. A lot of companies are therefore downsizing.

While layoffs are devastating to those who lose their jobs, their impact also extends to those who remain at the company in the aftermath. They can disrupt a company’s culture, lower team morale, and rupture any semblance of psychological safety for the workers who remain. Here are four ways to navigate your career if you’re left behind.


·      Take time to process your emotions. You can experience relief about keeping your job and grief for those who were impacted simultaneously. It’s not selfish to feel grateful, and it’s not wrong to feel a sense of loss. And remember, there’s no call for guilt; the layoffs were not your fault. If you’re able to, ask to postpone any non-urgent meetings and focus on the parts of your work you find most rewarding.


·      Reach out. Once you’ve taken time for yourself, show support for your peers and friends who’ve been let go. On a professional level, a sure way to support someone is to help them find a new role, so offer them assistance if you can.


·      Clarify your responsibilities. It’s likely that you’ll be expected to take on new work in the absence of your former colleagues. To avoid burnout, set up a meeting with your manager to understand what your new job responsibilities look like.


·      Think about your future. Even though you kept your job, ask yourself whether you still want to work at your company considering all the changes that have taken place. Give yourself permission to reconsider your future.


Layoffs are often a reminder that job security should not be taken for granted. That is why, we must always have a plan and re-evaluate our priorities, goals, and vision.


Are you working on your goals, vision, priorities?

Have you ever had an experience where you got let go?


Davisson, A. & Strober, H. (2023, April). You Survived a Layoff. Here’s What to Do Next. Harvard Business Review.

May 15, 202303:60
Andrej P. Škraba - "Svet inovacij, novih tehnologij, kriptovalut in Web3ja skozi oči izkušenega CMOja"

Andrej P. Škraba - "Svet inovacij, novih tehnologij, kriptovalut in Web3ja skozi oči izkušenega CMOja"

Andrej je zelo izkušen CMO, strokovnjak za blockchain in predavatelj z močnim poudarkom na načelih vodenja ter trženju produktov in storitev digitalnih valut. Ima bogate izkušnje v sektorju rudarjenja bitcoinov, pa tudi v sektorju DeFi in NFT, z več kot desetletnim sodelovanjem v visokotehnološki industriji. Andrej je trdno prepričan, da je Bitcoin prihodnost izmenjave vrednosti med neodvisnimi in svobodnimi posamezniki.


Andrej se je v svoji poklicni marketinški karieri posvečal trženju visokotehnoloških izdelkov in storitev. Je natančen opazovalec človeških interakcij, vedno si prizadeva povečati učinkovitost ljudi in zagotoviti, da je njegova ekipa danes boljša kot včeraj. Andrej se zelo osredotoča na izgradnjo izjemnih v izdelke usmerjenih ekip in kulture rasti, ki temelji na analitiki, KPI-jih, številkah, nenehnem testiranju in povratnih informacijah uporabnikov za izboljšanje izdelkov in storitev.


Andrej je tudi ustanovitelj portala, ki mladim pomaga pri učenju matematke. Profesionalno se ukvarja z marketingom, in je v preteklih letih vodil marketinške oddelke v uspešnih slovenskih podjetjih kot so EKWB in NiceHash, danes pa deluje kot svetovalec podjetjem v kripto in NFT industriji. ima že preko 2500+ brezplačnih video razlag. Andrej je tudi član zasedbe podkasta Dialog, kjer s Klemnom Selakovičem in Janijem Pravdičem razpravljajo o vseh področjih življenja.


Naj citat: "Na tem svetu obstajata le dve tragediji. Ena je ta, da dobimo to, kar želimo, druga pa, da tega ne dobimo." - Oscar Wilde

Naj knjiga: Carl Sagan - Svet demonov

Naj serija: Friends

Hobiji: avtomobilizem, gaming

Najljubša hrana: Steak

Najljubši podjetnik (domači ali tuji): Peter Florjančič // Toto Wolff

Naj app: Google Maps

Tvoji trije nauki za naše poslušalce:

1. Sleep well.

2. Eat well.

3. Buy Bitcoin.

Apr 24, 202357:11
Tip of the Week 54 - "A New Approach to Building Your Personal Brand"

Tip of the Week 54 - "A New Approach to Building Your Personal Brand"

In today’s world, everyone is a brand, for better or worse. Whether you’re applying for a job, asking for a promotion, or writing a dating profile, your success will depend on getting others to recognize your value therefore you need to get comfortable marketing yourself. This process will not only allow you to better control your image and the impact you have on the world but also help you uncover and share the unique abilities you have to offer it. These seven steps will help you better manage your image and the impact you have on the world.


·       Define your purpose by exploring your mission, passion, and strengths. What difference do you want to make to the people you care about? And how?


·       Audit your personal brand equity by cataloguing your credentials, doing a self-assessment, and researching how other people view you.


·       Construct your personal narrative by identifying memorable, resonant stories that will best convey your brand and then tell those stories.


·       Embody your brand by paying attention to the message you’re sending in every social interaction.


·       Communicate your brand through speeches, social media, the press, and other channels.


·       Socialize your brand by getting influential people (influencers, promoters, groups, and clubs) to share your stories.


·       Re-evaluate and adjust your brand by doing an annual audit to find deficits to fix—and strengths to build on.


The personal branding process takes work. But we know from research and experience that it will allow you to better control your professional and personal image and thus the success and impact that you can have in the world.


Are you working on your personal brand?

Have you identified what are your strengths, credentials and main experience?

Avery, J. & Greenwald, R. (2023, May-June). A New Approach to Building Your Personal Brand. Harvard Business Review.

Apr 21, 202303:30
Jaka Gornik, ustanovitelj in CEO podjetja Confiva Global - "Digitalizacija event industrije skozi oči profesionalnega DJa in guruja event managementa"

Jaka Gornik, ustanovitelj in CEO podjetja Confiva Global - "Digitalizacija event industrije skozi oči profesionalnega DJa in guruja event managementa"

Jaka Gornik je obiskoval Univerzo v Ljubljani kot študent in kasneje kot občasni predavatelj na področju upravljanja dogodkov in poslovne etike. Med svojo kariero je njegovo podjetje prejelo veliko mednarodnih nagrad za izjemne dosežke v industriji dogodkov.


Jaka je tudi ustanovitelj enega najbolj cenjenih butičnih agencij za organizacijo dogodkov v Adriatik regiji. Več kot dve desetletji se je globoko vključeval v event industrijo skozi podjetje FM Agencija in njegove stranke ga opisujejo kot zelo kreativnega in strastnega človeka, ki vedno išče nove stvari, hkrati pa je zanesljiv in dosega želene KPI-je.


Jaka Gornik je ustanovitelj in CEO podjetja Confiva Global, ki pomaga podjetjem ustvarjati dodatni dohodek s pomočjo virtualnih dogodkov. Gre za professionalno event platformo za online & hybrid dogodke. Glede na svoje izkušnje kot mentor in cenjeni predavatelj, se trudi prenašati vse znanje, ki ga je pridobil s svojimi dolgoletnimi izkušnjami.


Zelo močno verjame v globalizacijo z lokalnim pridihom in tudi poskuša povezovati event industrijo s tehnologijo, kjer so rezultat okolju prijazni in trajnostni dogodki.


Jaka Gornik je bil tudi profesionalni DJ pod imenom DJ Shark.

Naj citat: Change is the nature of live but challenge is the future of life. So challenge the changes. Never change the challenges…

Naj knjiga: Sell like crazy (Sabry Suby) – poslovna. Za knjigo v prostem času nisem že dolgo imel časa

Naj serija: Lupin, Dirty money, Skandal!

Hobiji: BJJ, košarka, tenis

Najljubša hrana: Sushi, vzhodnjaška kuhinja

Najljubši podjetnik: domači je moj oče (ker me je naučil razmišljati in hkrati ohranjati ključne vrednote, ki danes še kako primanjkujejo v podjetništvu. Tuji je Steve Jobs

Naj app – NBA, Udemy

Zaključni nauki:

·      Bodite zvesti sami sebi

·      Ne obupajte

·      Vse kar delate, delajte s strastjo in nikoli ne boste več hodili v službo!

Mar 21, 202358:47
Tip of the Week 53 - "How to Develop Your Superstar Employees"

Tip of the Week 53 - "How to Develop Your Superstar Employees"

To better understand the leadership challenges and development opportunities facing high-potential employees, researchers analysed more than 3,000 applications to Harvard Business School’s High Potentials Leadership Program over a nearly 20-year period. The high-potentials themselves identified five consistent leadership challenges: leading teams, leading change, leadership style, leading at scale, and driving business results, and their sponsors identified six areas of development: strategic management, emotional intelligence, communication, leading at scale, leading teams, and relationship management.

One of your core responsibilities as a manager is to develop the next generation of leaders. How can you help your superstar employees fulfill their potential? Here are three strategies.

1.     Measure their progress against key leadership competencies. These include team management, relationship building, and communication. Identify where your high potentials are already strong and where they can continue to grow.

2.     Help them boost their emotional intelligence. Specifically, focus on their self-awareness and empathy. Self-awareness can be learned through feedback and assessments, and empathy can be developed by focusing on inquiry, practicing active listening, and acknowledging different perspectives.

3.     Encourage a learning mindset. Becoming a leader requires growth beyond technical expertise. Encourage development of contextual intelligence: the ability to understand and operate in multiple contexts and adapt one’s style and approach accordingly. This means nudging high potentials to work and learn outside of their comfort zone.

While high potentials have been recognized for their results-orientation and work ethic, the next step in their leadership journey will depend on their ability to work with and through others. That success will come from a heightened focus on emotional intelligence, communication, and relationship management. To ensure the success of their high potentials, managers and organizations must provide coaching, developmental support, and stretch opportunities, and high potentials must embrace them with an open and learning-oriented mindset.

Do you work with your superstars?

Have you identified your superstars in the company?

Mayo, J. A. (2023, March). How to Help Superstar Employees Fulfill Their Potential. Harvard Business Review.

Mar 13, 202304:31
Andrej Šolinc, direktor CEED Slovenija - "Mala in srednja podjetja so steber vsake družbe."

Andrej Šolinc, direktor CEED Slovenija - "Mala in srednja podjetja so steber vsake družbe."

Od konca srednje šole naprej sem podjetnik, soustanovil in zgradil sem podjetje, ki danes kotira na milanski borzi (dane se imenuje DHH), v Sloveniji je znano pod blagovnimi znamkami Domenca in Domovanje.

Zadnjih šest let sem del CEED ekipe, to je moj mission-fit, verjemem da so mala in srednja podjetja steber vsake družbe (v Sloveniji plačajo več kot 80% računov države), obenem pa so podjetniki zapostavljeni iz strani države in vseh državljanov. Podjetništvo podpiram skozi skupnost CEED, sem tudi član metodološke komisije Gazela in sodelujem v vseh pobudah, ki so za dobro podjetnikov.

Moja strast je podpora podjetništva mladih (od srednje šole naprej), sem mentor v organizaciji JA Slovenia (del JA Worldwide - letno delajo s preko 6mio otroci, nominirani so tudi za nobelovo nagrado za mir) in velike načrte imam narediti kaj več za razvoj bodočih podjetnikov.

Moj glavni fokus in veselje v življenju je družina. Sem poročen in imam dva fantka, stara 9 in 11 let.

Fun facti: sem "geek", LEGO fan,

Naj quote: Vsi bi šli v nebesa, samo nobeden ne bi umrl za to

Naj knjiga: Vojna in mir (ravno jo zaključujem, že petič)

Naj serija: ne gledam televizije / serij, če moram izbrati pa "Drive to survive" (redno spremljam F1)

Hobiji: ves čas nekaj novega, nimam samo enega/dolgoročnega. Stalno pa DIY (dela po hiši), LEGO-skupaj z otroci, kuhanje, branje

Najljubša hrana: jem vse razen pomfrija;

Najljubši podjetnik: domači-vsak ki je začel podjetje in ga zgradil, preveč da bi izpostavil enega. Tuji: Joe Hogan.

Naj app: iOS-Airplane mode :)

Nauki za naše poslušalce:

·      Ni bližnjic v življenju / no free lunch.

·      Vztrajnost je bolj važna kot genialnost.

·      Pogum, zlasti ko gre vse narobe.

Feb 20, 202345:03
Tip of the Week 52 - "When Your Feelings Conflict with Your Leadership Role"

Tip of the Week 52 - "When Your Feelings Conflict with Your Leadership Role"

While the emotional work you do as a leader may go unrecognized and undervalued, it is more vital than ever in today’s work world. Being a leader demands emotional labour, giving positive, supportive energy to the people who depend on you each day. But what happens when there’s a conflict between how you really feel and the emo­tions you’re expected to project to your team? How can you walk this authenticity tightrope? Here are a few techniques to try.

·      Do an emotional audit. Ask yourself: What exactly am I feeling? Where do I feel it in my body? What’s causing me to feel this way? How is this feeling different from what's expected of me? Mindfully reflecting on your feelings will help you build emotional intelligence and self-awareness—two key traits of good leaders.

·      Reappraise the situation. To authentically tap into the positive feelings you’re expected to display, focus on finding legitimate reasons to feel those emotions. If you’re able to locate those reasons, you won’t need to fake the feelings.

·      Focus on the big picture. Take a step back and reflect on why your work matters. What impact does it have on your team, customers, or broader community? Focusing on the people who benefit from your work can be energizing for both you and your team.

·      Take time to reconnect and replenish. Seek out support and be kind to yourself. Connect with people to whom you can express your unfiltered thoughts and feelings—whether it’s your partner, a therapist, or trusted peers. Engaging in activities that enable you to relax and recharge, such as meditation, journaling, art, or nature walks, can also reduce the toll of emotional labour.

While the emotional work you do as a leader may go unrecognized and undervalued, it is more vital than ever in today’s work world. This labor is often a selfless and prosocial act, allowing you to care for and positively impact others even when you’re not feeling it. However, it should not come at your personal expense.

Do you ask for help when needed?

Have you ever had an experience where your feeling overcame you?

Denham Smith, D. (2023, January). When Your Feelings Conflict with Your Leadership Role. Harvard Business Review.

Feb 14, 202304:08
Robert Klun, arhitekt, inovator in podjetnik, lastnik podjetij Magnet design in KLUN ambienti - "Pogled na poslovni svet skozi oči enega najboljših arhitektov in designerjev."

Robert Klun, arhitekt, inovator in podjetnik, lastnik podjetij Magnet design in KLUN ambienti - "Pogled na poslovni svet skozi oči enega najboljših arhitektov in designerjev."

Robert Klun je leta 1999 diplomiral na univerzi za arhitekturo in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. Med študijem je sodeloval z več vplivnimi profesorji kot P. Mc Keith iz Helsinkov, P. Gabrijelčič iz Ljubljane, prof. B. Podrecca z Dunaja in za svoje delo prejel več študentskih arhitekturnih nagrad.

Po diplomi na Fakulteti za Arhitekturo, leta 2000, se je Robert pridružil družinskemu podjetju za proizvodnjo oblazinjenja KLUN AMBIENTI, ki je imelo v tistem času tri zaposlene.

Danes ima Klun ambienti 12 zaposlenih in kreativen, lasten kataloški program KLUN design izdelkov, ki so vplivali na smeri oblikovanja in ozaveščenost s trajnostjo in kvaliteto v regiji. Področje delovanje je tako v Sloveniji, Srbiji na Hrvaškem, kot Europi in Bližnjem Vzhodu. KLUN AMBIENTI je vodilno podjetje na področju raziskav in razvoja s področja oblikovanja oblazinjenega pohištva in notranje opreme s programom preko 45 kataloških design linij.

Robert Klun je bil leta 2006 izvoljen za predsednika Društva oblikovalskega Slovenije. 

Med poklicnimi delovnimi izkušnjami je bil povabljen v regijska združenja za razvoj in gospodarstvo: IDCO - Gospodarska zbornica leta 2003, CEED Slovenija leta 2008, ULUPUDS -srbska arhitekturna in oblikovalska organizacija leta 2012.

Leta 2012 je ustanovil konzorcij pod okriljem arhitekturnega, oblikovalskega in inženiring studia MAGNET DESIGN, ki ima danes 8 arhitektov. Leta 2011 je bil soustanovitel razvojnega centra RC31.

Robert deluje kot arhitekt, oblikovalec, investitor, podjetnik na področju nepremičnin, urbanizma, arhitekturnih, oblikovalskih in razvojnih projektov. Njegovo notranje oblikovanje in arhitekturna dela potekajo izven evropskih meja, njegova ekipa pa oblikuje projekte v regiji GCC. MAGNET DESIGN je uspešno zaključil projekte kot: Canary Hills Compound v Saudski Arabiji, Marriot Hotel v Rijadu, Starwood Aloft v Rijadu in Dhahranu, Vile Todorovič v Beogradu, več Vil v Sloveniji, ekološko, leseno naselje Terme Topolšica 29 apart vil,...

Posebnost dela, ki ga usmerja v prihodnost, je povdarek na zdravem in kvalitetnem bivanju, ki ga omogočajo objekti in ambienti, ki jih Robert Klun kreira. V letu 2020 je pričel z lastno ekipo razvijati “virtualni svet – WE ARE”.

Vseskozi deluje kot predavatelj in mentor študentom, tako na Fakulteti za Design, Fakulteti za Arhitekturo v Ljubljani, na strokovnih posvetih v Beogradu, Ljubljani, Dubaju. V začetku leta 2019 je njegov arhitekturni studio zmagal na razpisu za idejno zasnovo slovenskega paviljona na EXPO 2020 Dubai, za kar je prejel več mednarodnih nagrad za trajnostno arhitekturo (BIG SEE, Going Green Global, Architectural AWARD Los Angeles)

Fun facti:

Naj quote: “Narava je naboljši oblikovalec, žensko telo perfekcija designa. Arhitekti se lahko samo približamo tako popolnim kreacijam.” Robert Klun

Naj knjiga: Sence v raju, Erich Maria Remarque

Naj serija: Dejansko gledam bolj filme, a iz preteklosti “Bolji Zivot”, “odpisani”…

Hobiji: Golf, potovanja- raziskovanja, gledalisce, fotografija, smucanje, surfanje.

Najljubša hrana: Sushi / morska / domaca kuhinja

Najljubši podjetnik: Elon musk

Naj app: What’s app

Nauki za poslušalce:

- Bodi dober človek, skrbi za sodelavce, družino, prijatelje, poslovne partnerje, gojiti moraš odnos,

- trudi se biti drugačen, kar ne pomeni nič drugega, kot bodi to kar si (rodiš se uniqum, z leti postajaš kopija drugih…temu se ogni),

- Vzemi si čas za sebe, če si sam zdrav, srečen… bo tudi okolica, na to ne smeš pozabiti.

Jan 22, 202350:25
Tip of the Week 51 - "How to Get Better at Asking for Help at Work"

Tip of the Week 51 - "How to Get Better at Asking for Help at Work"

Most people have a never-ending mountain of work to get through and would likely feel immense relief if their workload were in some way lessened. Reluctance to ask for help when we need it can keep us bogged down in more work than is necessary and ultimately lead to burnout. Whether you’re afraid of seeming needy or incompetent, or you just don’t trust others to help you, here are some strategies to help you reach out for assistance when you really need it.

How to shift your thinking about asking for help:

· Identify and unpack your limiting beliefs. Ask yourself: What am I afraid will happen if I ask for help? These fears are likely emotional, not rational. Reflect on what’s underlying them.

· Try small experiments.  Make small behavior changes to see the impact on how you feel and the response you get from others. It can be as simple as asking, “Can I brainstorm with you for five minutes?” or “Would you be willing to take a look at my client proposal and share your feedback with me?”

· Be open. Let trusted colleagues know that you’re working on getting better at asking for help. Being up front will make it easier for you to actually do it when the time comes. It will also prime them to be more receptive to these requests, reinforcing your help-seeking behavior and reducing your reluctance to reach out for support.

Overcoming your reluctance to asking for help requires ongoing practice, reflection, and integration of new mindsets. By unlearning old, unproductive patterns that prevent you from reaching out for assistance when you really need it and relearning new ways of operating, you will feel more supported and less overwhelmed at work.

Do you ask for help when needed?

Have you ever focused on helping your coworkers, friends, and family?

Zucker, R. (2022, December). How to Get Better at Asking for Help at Work. Harvard Business Review.

Jan 16, 202304:10
Bogdan Pevec, Operativni in finančni direktor (COO & CFO) HS PLUS d.o.o. - "Tradiconalna organizacija vs high-scale okolje"

Bogdan Pevec, Operativni in finančni direktor (COO & CFO) HS PLUS d.o.o. - "Tradiconalna organizacija vs high-scale okolje"

Bogdan Pevec je diplomiral na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani na poslovni smeri Računovodstvo in revizija. Za diplomsko delo je prejel Prešernovo nagrado Univerze v Ljubljani. Študij je nato nadaljeval na poslovni šoli v Londonu, kjer je magistriral in pridobil naziv MBA. Po pridobitvi magistrskega naziva je izobraževanje nadaljeval s specializiranim študijem projektnega managementa na univerzi Stanford v ZDA, ki ga je zaključil s pridobitvijo akreditacije Stanford Certified Project Manager (SCPM).

Pri 22 letih je postal štipendist računovodskega servisa Konto d.o.o. v Ljubljani, v katerem je kot študent delal celotno obdobje študija na Ekonomski fakulteti, prav tako se je po zaključku dodiplomskega študija leta 2007 v njem tudi zaposlil. Kmalu po zaposlitvi je prevzel vodenje svoje ekipe računovodij in davčnih svetovalcev.

Pri 27 letih je stopil na podjetniško pot ter ustanovil podjetje Novec d.o.o., v katerem je bil razpet med nudenjem računovodskih in svetovalnih storitev mladim start-up podjetjem na eni strani, ter vodenjem večjih projektov prestrukturiranja srednje velikih družb na drugi.

Prvi večji projekt je bila reorganizacija podjetja Velana d.d. ter priprava družbe na prodajo. Za tem je sledil daljši tri-letni projekt prestrukturiranja družb Skupine Marles, kjer je bilo potrebno prenoviti prodajni program, cenovno politiko ter velik del poslovnih procesov.

Po uspešno zaključenem projektu se je leta 2016 zaposlil v družbi Litostroj Power d.o.o., kjer je v začetku razvil in vzpostavil službo projektnega kontrolinga, v roku enega leta pa je postal Direktor razvoja poslovnega sistema, kjer je vodil reorganizacijo celotne IT infrastrukture družbe. Poleg te funkcije je intenzivno sodeloval pri postavitvi nove tovarne v Turčiji, kjer je vzpostavil celotno računovodsko-finančno službo ter vodil projekt postavitve novega programa SAP S4Hana. Za to implementacijo SAP-a je nato leta 2019 njegova šest-članska ekipa od SAP Central&Eastern Europe prejela nagrado SAP Quality Award v kategoriji inovacijskih rešitev.

Po uspešnem zagonu tovarne v Turčiji se je v drugi polovici leta 2019 prezaposlil v mlado in hitrorastoče e-commerce podjetje HS PLUS d.o.o., kjer sedaj opravlja funkcijo finančnega in operativnega direktorja.

Naj quote:

· Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t (Bill Nye)

· The measure of intelligence is the ability to change (A. Einstein)

Naj knjiga:

· William Glaser: Choice Theory

· Lou Gerstner: Who Says Elephants Can't Dance

Naj serija: House of Cards / Suits


· Samohipnoza

· Kolesarstvo - gravel biking

· Športno streljanje

Najljubša hrana: Vse kar je dobro :) ampak z dobrim Steak-om me pa vedno kupiš

Najljubši podjetnik: Jeff Bezos

Naj app: Todoist - to je app za organizacijo taskov - moj celoten delovni dan temelji na tej aplikaciji, kjer organiziram prioritete in tipe nalog. Usklajena je z google koledarjem, tako da koledar uporabljamo samo za sklicevanje zunanjih sestankov in za privatne zadeve

Nauki za naše poslušalce:

· Vsako jutro ko prideš v službo svoja prepričanja in ego pusti pred vrati. Čeprav si top manager ti je dovoljeno reči ne vem, ne razumem,

· Ne moreš vodit in sprejemati odločitev, če ne poznaš svojih procesov in ljudi (ekipe),

· Vsi poznamo eno znano frazo iz filma The Godfather “It's not personal. It's just business”. Z leti pa se naučič da je popolnoma vse personal in če hočeš delovati dobronamerno in živet mirno sam s sabo to upoštevaš v vseh odnosih - poslovnih in privatnih

Dec 19, 202258:34
Tip of the Week - "How Great Leaders Communicate"

Tip of the Week - "How Great Leaders Communicate"

In the age of knowledge, ideas are the foundation of success in almost every field. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can’t persuade anyone else to follow your vision, your influence and impact will be greatly diminished. That is why, transformational leaders are exceptional communicators. In this article, the author outlines four communication strategies to help motivate and inspire your team:

·      Use simple language to write about complex things. Long, complicated sentences make written ideas hard to understand because they demand more concentration. You’ll win more supporters if you replace long words and sentences with shorter, more straightforward ones.

·      Choose sticky metaphors. When you introduce a new or abstract idea, your audience will search for something they recognize to help them make sense of it. A metaphor is a powerful tool that compares or equates a new, abstract idea to a familiar image or concept.

·      Humanize data. Slide decks with statistics and charts are helpful, but limited. The trick to making any data point interesting is to humanize it by placing the number in perspective. Any time you introduce numbers, take the extra step to make them engaging, memorable, and, ultimately, persuasive.

·      Emphasize your mission. Shine a spotlight on your company’s purpose across communication channels: meetings, memos, emails, presentations, social media, and marketing material. If your mission stands for something, then stand up for it.

Transformational leaders overcommunicate. They repeat the mission so often, it becomes a mantra. A mantra is a statement or slogan that builds in strength as it’s repeated. Overcommunication fuels its impact. Your mission should take center stage. Shine a spotlight on your company’s purpose across communication channels: memos, emails, presentations, social media, and marketing material.

Do you overcommunicate?

Have you ever focused on communication?

Gallo, C. (2022, November). How Great Leaders Communicate. Harvard Business Review.

Dec 11, 202204:07
Marin Vladović, izvršni direktor in soustanovitelj podjetja AutoBrief - "Od osebnega trenerstva, razvoja in prodaje pa vse do inovativnih poslovnih modelov v mobilnosti."

Marin Vladović, izvršni direktor in soustanovitelj podjetja AutoBrief - "Od osebnega trenerstva, razvoja in prodaje pa vse do inovativnih poslovnih modelov v mobilnosti."

Marin je izvršni direktor in soustanovitelj podjetja AutoBrief. Mlada in inovativna platforma SaaS, ki se osredotoča na izgradnjo profitabilnega ekosistema za svoje deležnike. Z ustvarjanjem vrednosti za deležnike, optimizacijo poslovanja in upravljanja storitev mobilnosti AutoBrief digitalizira proces dobave, upravljanja in prodaje ter si prizadeva doseči večjo poslovno uspešnost in dodano vrednost za svoje deležnike.

Marin prinaša strokovno znanje, široko tržno analizo, ustvarjanje vrednosti in znanje za izdelavo prototipov izdelkov z ugotavljanjem bolečin in koristi ciljnih deležnikov s ciljem zagotavljanja izvedljivih rešitev.

Preden je leta 2020 prevzel to vlogo, je deloval kot izvršni direktor in solastnik največje platforme za primerjavo cen v JV Evropi, ki je bila leta 2018 prodana družbi Rockaway Capital.

V tej vlogi je uspešno usklajeval oddelke, vstopal na nove trge in hkrati maksimiziral produktivnost ekipe. Z uspešnim prodiranjem na trg in monetizacijo sta, postala vodilna na trgu.

Svoje izkušnje je še nadgradil s poslovnim razvojem in tržnim pozicioniranjem izdelkov, kot so Intelligence Dashboard, Legal check ter blagovnih znamk Shopper`s mind in Certified Shop.

Leta 2011 je Marin organiziral in izvedel prvi dogodek v regiji Ecommerce Day, ki je danes postal ena najbolj prepoznavnih blagovnih znamk in avtoriteta na področju elektronskega poslovanja.

Kot vrhunski strokovnjak in diplomat je vzpostavil in vodil tudi partnerstvo z evropsko agencijo EMOTA v skladu s projektom Certified Shop.

Z integriteto, sposobnostjo (trans)oblikovanja ekip, ne da bi jim odvzel individualnost, omogoča ekipam, da prispevajo na svoje edinstvene načine, namesto da bi čutil potrebo po mikroupravljanju pri njihovem delu.

Usmerjen k ciljem in zmožen motivirati druge, da se osredotočijo na cilje in jih dosežejo s premagovanjem težav, je edinstven poslovni in vodstveni profil, ki ga še nadgrajuje s svojo odprtostjo, "can do attitude", radovednostjo, pozitivno naravo in disciplino.

Fun facti:

· Poletja preživljal na čezocenkah z mornarji

· imel neptunov krst na ekvatorju

· spil prvo alkoholno pijačo -. pivo v Panamskem prekopu pri 12h z Ameriškim pilotom

· začel kot "trener" pri 15h..delal par poletij 3 službe (3 izmene...)

· imam nickname drugega srednje sem bil 1m55cm...

· od kar smo se preselili v Ljubljano, me v "podjetniških" krogih poznajo po žarenju :)

· Kot trener sem imel 379 individualnih strank (od 1997 do 2018)

Nov 07, 202201:14:12
Tip of the Week 49 - "Is Agenda Theater Ruining Your Meetings?"

Tip of the Week 49 - "Is Agenda Theater Ruining Your Meetings?"

Clearing our inboxes, clearing our Slack messages, or managing our to-do lists, and preparing an agenda can make us feel like we’ve accomplished something. And when we go through our detailed, bulleted agendas with our colleagues before or during a meeting, it sure feels like productivity is happening. But research shows that these feelings may in fact be leading us into the trap of agenda theater: We sink time and effort into agendas that create the appearance of effective meetings, without actually improving how meetings are run. And you might assume that detailed agendas will improve your meetings, they can lead to a false sense of accomplishment. Instead of spending a lot of time and effort on the process for your meeting, think about what outcomes you want to achieve.

·      Start with the why. What’s the specific purpose of this meeting? What do you hope to accomplish?

·      Move on to the what. What topics, themes, and information do you need to cover? What questions do you need answered? List them out.

·      Consider the who. Once you know why you’re meeting and what you hope to talk about, you can determine who needs to be there—and who doesn’t.

·      Don’t overthink the how. Some goals benefit from structured, facilitated conversations. Other times, free-form conversations are sufficient. Don’t be afraid to figure out a structure in real time based on how the conversation naturally flows.

·      Beware the when. It’s tempting to put time limits on everything: 10 minutes for the first topic, five minutes for the second, and so on. But it can be difficult to stick to these schedules. Instead of sharing a rigid timeline with the group, estimate how long you think things will take and use that as your own personal guide to move things along.

Instead of locking down an in-depth agenda for every meeting on your calendar, just make sure you know why you’re meeting in the first place. As long as you have a clear, outcome-oriented goal for the conversation, the rest will follow.

Do you practice preparing an agenda for every meeting?

Have you ever been caught in agenda theater?

Willias, A, Feldman, D., and Wisniewski, D. (2022, October). Is Agenda Theater Ruining Your Meetings? Harvard Business Review.

Nov 01, 202203:55
Melanie Seier Larsen, Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group - "The new global standard: Diverse, Inclusive and People-Oriented Culture."

Melanie Seier Larsen, Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group - "The new global standard: Diverse, Inclusive and People-Oriented Culture."

Melanie has over 17 years of experience in management consulting with primary industry focus on Consumer products & Retail industry, and People & Organization functional topics in the CEMA & WESA regions. She is leading the BCG Consumer Goods and People practices in CEE.

Melanie is involved in different professional associations. She has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Managers’ Association of Slovenia since 2008 and held the position of the President of the Women’s Manager Association at the Managers’ Association of Slovenia from 2014 to 2020. She was also the President of the Slovene IEDC Alumni club from 2013 to April 2020.

Melanie is a recipient of the 2019 Artemida Award presented by the Manager’s Association of Slovenia, the highest Slovenian award for women in business. In February 2020, Melanie was also awarded “Exceptional Woman of Excellence” by Women Economic Forum in Ljubljana. In 2012, Melanie was also a recipient of the IEDC Alumni Achievement Award. The Award recognizes the outstanding career, leadership, innovation, and social achievements of up to five remarkable individuals among IEDC alumni community.

Melanie studied economics and holds an MBA degree of IEDC Bled School of Management.

Favorite quote: M. Gandhi: Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Favorite book: The Little Prince

Favorite TV series: The Crown

Favorite food: I am a real foody, so I cannot pick up just one meal.

Favorite entrepreneur: I have many entrepreneurs and CEO’s that I admire and had the chance to work with – but would not name just one.

Favorite app: Duolingo

Final advice for our listeners:

·      ”Red, rad i disciplina”, “Bbeing organized, hardworking and disciplined.”

Sep 11, 202257:29
Petra Juvančič, Izvršna direktorica Združenja Manager - "Dosegati dobre rezultate na pravi način"

Petra Juvančič, Izvršna direktorica Združenja Manager - "Dosegati dobre rezultate na pravi način"

Petra Juvančič je od junija 2020 izvršna direktorica Združenja Manager, pred tem je v zavarovalnici Vzajemna več mandatov kot direktorica vodila odnose z javnostmi. Aktivno je delovala tudi v Slovenskem zavarovalnem združenju, kjer je vodila Odbor za osveščanje potrošnikov in komuniciranje. Kot poznavalka zdravstvenih sistemov je sodelovala tudi v ameriški gospodarski zbornici AmCham, kjer je bila članica Komisije za zdravstvo in kakovost bivanja. Je izkušena organizatorka in voditeljica strokovnih konferenc, okroglih miz in posvetov. Leta 2018 je prejela mednarodno nagrado ProPR Award.

V združenju povezujejo več kot 1.200 slovenskih menedžerjev in menedžerk in že tri desetletja spodbujajo razvoj menedžerskega poklica v Sloveniji.

Naj quote: »Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.« Eleanor Roosevelt

Naj knjiga: Vojna in mir, Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj

Naj serija: Friends, Sopranovi, Zahodno krilo

Hobiji: Kuhanje, tek, joga, knjige

Najljubša hrana: Surovi škampi

Najljubši podjetnik: Elon Musk, Ivo Boscarol, Luisa Spagnoli, Aenne Burda

Naj app: TuneIn Radio

Zaključni nauki:

·      Pogum (upaj si),

·      Vztrajnost (nikoli ne obupaj),

·      Jutri je nov dan (zaupaj).

Jun 05, 202257:48
Tip of the Week 48 - "The Art of Asking Great Questions"

Tip of the Week 48 - "The Art of Asking Great Questions"

While listening is an essential skill for anyone in the workplace, the art of asking questions is equally, if not more, important. Smartly framed inquiries will help you clarify your work tasks, deliver better results, and mitigate unforeseen risks. In addition, by asking we learn more about hidden opportunities, get to know people and connect on a deeper level. Here are three key characteristics of great questions and how to put them into practice.

· They demonstrate that you’re thoroughly prepared for a conversation. Whatever you are asking about, be sure to convey to your client, colleague, or manager that you’ve done your homework.

· They illustrate the expertise you bring to the table — without showing it off. You can casually reference past work or skills related to the question you plan to pose. You might say, “From my past experience doing A, B, and C, I have learned X, Y, and Z…now it makes me wonder [insert question].”

· They invite others to challenge their existing beliefs. If your question simply reinforces what your conversation partner already knows or thinks, it's not worth their time. Instead, ask questions that introduce potentially new solutions and ideas and help uncover new opportunities for you and your clients or colleagues.

Many of us find ourselves worrying more about saying the right thing in a conversation, as opposed to asking the right question. Personal development and growth begin when you demonstrate curiosity by asking questions. Asking great questions can propel your career to remarkable height and the best way to learn this, is to practice.

Do you practice asking the right questions?

Have you ever just listened?

Besieux, T. (2022, May). The Art of Asking Great Questions. Harvard Business Review.

May 31, 202203:37
Simon Kolenc, finančnik, revizor, predavatelj, svetovalec in soustanovitelj in direktor družbe Fin4Green - "Corpo vs Startup svet."

Simon Kolenc, finančnik, revizor, predavatelj, svetovalec in soustanovitelj in direktor družbe Fin4Green - "Corpo vs Startup svet."

Simon Kolenc je finančnik, revizor, predavatelj, svetovalec in podjetnik. V študentskih časih je delal kot predavatelj na računalniških tečajih v B2 d.o.o. in se ukvarjal z borzo. Po diplomi na EF pa je pričel kariero v mednarodni družbi EY kot revizor in svetovalec različnim podjetjem in finančnim institucijam.

Kot strokovnjak na področju Slovenskih in Mednarodnih računovodskih standardov z licencama združenj ACCA in CFA je sodeloval z nadzornimi in strokovnimi organi pri pripravi pravil in zakonov. V gospodarstvu je nadaljeval kot direktor financ v Prvi osebni zavarovalnici nato pa je začel samostojno svetovalno in predavateljsko pot. Poleg tega se pojavlja kot član nadzornih svetov in zunanji strokovni član revizijskih komisij različnih družb.

Zadnjih nekaj let se ukvarja z digitalizacijo računov na prodajnih mestih. Je soustanovitelj in direktor družbe Fin4Green, ki je razvila aplikacijo noprintZ za prejem digitalnih računov na prodajnih mestih (POS). Hkrati se v njej lahko shranjuje garancije, “ne digitalne” račune in kartice zvestobe ter spremlja porabo. Aplikacija je že povezana s sodobnim načinom takojšnjih plačil v Sloveniji (FLIK), kjer je proces avtomatičen. Kmalu pa sledijo še dodatne funkcionalnosti, saj želi, da bi bila to ena aplikacija, ki jo uporabniki potrebujejo pri in po nakupih (vse na enem mestu).

Fun fact: z ženo sva si vzela karierni predah in odšla na 15 mesečno potovanje okoli sveta

Naziv: Kolenc Simon, FCCA, CFA

Naj quote: »Na koncu je bilo še vedno vse dobro.«

Naj knjiga: Spopad civilizacij, Samuel P. Huntington

Naj serija: Suits

Hobiji: potovanja, hoja v hribe, plezanje, kolesarjenje, smučanje, meditacija

Najljubša hrana: italijanska pašta in slovenske jedi na žlico

Najljubši podjetnik: Richard Branson

Naj app - če ne smem reči noprintZ je potem CURVE

Nauki za naše poslušalce:

·      Ne zgubljaj časa z odločanjem (pravilo 3eh vdihov).

·      Ko sprejmeš odločitev se ne oziraj nazaj.

·      Spremeni kar te moti in sprejmi kar ne moreš spremeniti.

May 25, 202201:21:00
Tip of the Week 47 - "Critical Thinking Is About Asking Better Questions"

Tip of the Week 47 - "Critical Thinking Is About Asking Better Questions"

No matter your role, critical thinking, the ability to effectively break down and analyze an issue to find a solution, will be core to your success. And at the heart of critical thinking is the ability to formulate effective questions. For effective questioning, start by holding your hypotheses loosely. Be willing to fundamentally reconsider your initial conclusions and do so without defensiveness. Here are a few ways to boost your ability to do this.

·      Hold your hypotheses loosely. Good questions can lead you to fundamentally reconsider your initial assumptions but you have to be willing to do so without defensiveness.

·      Listen more than you talk. Active listening allows you to fully grasp another point of view, making it easier to question your own assumptions and biases.

·      Leave your queries open-ended. Avoid asking yes-or-no questions. Instead, try to get the respondent to open at length.

·      Consider the counterintuitive. Every group needs someone who’s unafraid to challenge the status quo, in case you do need to change course.

·      Sleep on it. A good night's rest can actually help your brain see a problem more clearly.

While we don’t need to ask a litany of “whys” to get to the heart of critical thinking, we should ask thoughtful, even hard, follow-up questions. It requires energy to listen hard and formulate those follow-ups, and that’s often the only way to deepen your critical understanding of a topic.

Critical thinking is at the heart of solving complex problems in new and exciting ways. Building this key skill will help you as you navigate new roles, establish yourself in your organization, or simply face a conundrum. Learn to formulate and ask questions, rather than simply answer them.

Do you practice critical thinking?

What methods do you use?

Coleman, J. (2022, April). Critical Thinking Is About Asking Better Questions. Harvard Business Review.

May 03, 202203:36
Laura Smrekar, je partnerica v svetovalni kadrovski družbi Competo, direktorica Zavoda Vitae+, predavateljica in mentorica - "HR postaja čedalje bolj strateška funkcija v podjetjih"

Laura Smrekar, je partnerica v svetovalni kadrovski družbi Competo, direktorica Zavoda Vitae+, predavateljica in mentorica - "HR postaja čedalje bolj strateška funkcija v podjetjih"

Laura Smrekar je partnerica v svetovalni kadrovski družbi Competo, direktorica Zavoda Vitae+, za življenje po športni karieri, predavateljica in ambasadorka finančnega opismenjevanja mladih ter mentorica mladim v programu AmCham Young Professionals. Skupaj s partnerjema so leta 2010, času recesije, ustanovili zaposlitveno agencijo Competo, usmerjeno v iskanje in izbor vodstvenega in strokovnega kadra, z drugačnim poslovnim modelom ter se pogumno in drzno podali v svet podjetništva. Postali so ena izmed najbolj uspešnih agencij v našem prostoru. V zadnjem obdobju so razširili portfelj svojih storitev na področje razvoja kadrov in organizacij in se preoblikovali v svetovalno kadrovsko družbo. V Competu skrbi za področje komuniciranja in vodi projekte iskanja in izbora na področju marketinga, odnosov z javnostmi ter na kadrovskem področju. Ima dolgoletne izkušnje na področju trga dela, predvsem na področju iskanja in izbora kadrov. Pri svojem delu vsak dan srečuje veliko posameznikov, ki si bodisi želijo spremembo v svoji karieri oz. potrebujejo podporo svetovalca na področju raziskovanja lastnih kariernih ambicij. Svoje delo vidi tudi kot svoje poslanstvo. Uživa v tem, kar počne in prizadeva si, da bi čim več ljudi našlo svoje »sanjsko« delo« oz. bilo dovolj pogumnih in drznih, da živijo svoje karierne aspiracije. S komunikacijo na družbenih omrežjih ves čas odpira pomembne tematike s področja trga dela, zaposlovanja, ozavešča in spodbuja dobre prakse, razbija tabuje in si prizadeva, da bi vse več podjetij z dejanji postavili ljudi v osrčje svojega delovanja. Najbolj je ponosna, da so v 12ih letih uspeli zgraditi močno blagovno znamko, da imajo veliko zvestih partnerjev, da ji njihova rast predvsem posledica priporočil zadovoljnih strank ter, da imajo zavzeto in predano ekipo, ki strastno soustvarja zgodbo Competa.

Naj quote: »Izberi si delo, ki ga imaš rad, in ne boš delal niti en dan v življenju« Konfucij

Naj knjiga: No Rules Rules (Reed Hastings, Erin Mayer)

Naj serija: Prijatelji in Teorija velikega poka (Veliki pokovci)

Hobiji: Dolga hitra hoja, domači fitnes, »izdelovanje figuric«

Najljubša hrana: Mediteranska hrana

Najljubši podjetnik: Ivo Boscarol

Naj app: WhatsApp, Slack, Google maps, Linkedin, Weather, Calendar

Trije nauki:

1.    Nič ni samoumevno. Prav je, da se tega zavedamo še posebej takrat, ko nam gre dobro.

2.    Za dolgoročno rast in uspeh organizacija je pomembna konsistentnost in jasen fokus.

3.    Šele ko dobro poskrbimo zase, lahko dobro skrbimo tudi za druge.

Apr 18, 202255:48
Tip of the Week 46 - "What Stops People on Your Team from Leaving?"

Tip of the Week 46 - "What Stops People on Your Team from Leaving?"

If you’re serious about retaining the people on your team (as you should be), consider conducting “stay” interviews. These are discussions where you ask loyal employees key questions to understand how engaged they are. These discussions involve asking key questions to your loyal employees that tackle common retention issues. The information you gather can help you tackle common retention issues. Here are four questions to try:

· What’s your frame of mind today?No matter what the response is — positive or negative — don’t negate their experience or move too quickly to solving a problem. Just listen, thank them for being honest, and ask for more information before moving toward a solution.

· Who do you feel connected to at work?Based on their response, explore what you can do to help them deepen those connections. Perhaps people from different departments can work on a company-wide event, a cross-division initiative, or take part in virtual discussion groups.

· What do you want to learn that will excite you and help you grow? This question signals that you care about their development and want to help them achieve their aspirations.

· What barriers can I remove for you to help you do your job better? Then brainstorm with your colleague how you can be most helpful. Ensuring people can do their jobs well is just as important as praise and rewards.

How do you retain your employees?

Do you practice stay interviews?

Nawaz, S. (2022, March). What Stops People on Your Team from Leaving? Harvard Business Review.

Apr 03, 202203:13
Simon Belak, hacker-filozof, predavatelj, soustanovitelj Hekovnika, strokovnjak za razvoj produktov - "Meta-work in kako postati data-driven podjetje?"

Simon Belak, hacker-filozof, predavatelj, soustanovitelj Hekovnika, strokovnjak za razvoj produktov - "Meta-work in kako postati data-driven podjetje?"

Simon Belak je pomagal več ducatom podjetij postati data-driven in postaviti ali nadgraditi svoje podatkovne oddelke in podatkovno infrastrukturo. Poleg svetovalnega dela je bil tekom svoje kariere eden prvih inženirjev na Metabase iz Silicijeve doline, kjer je vodil razvoj umetne inteligence in pripeljal produkt do tega, da ga dnevno uporablja preko 50.000 podjetji, med drugim Swisscom, N26, Revolut, SpaceX, Adidas. Pred tem je bil tehnični direktor na GoOpti, kjer je s svojim delom podatkovno podprl GoOptijevo mednarodno širitev, izboljšal profitabilnost za 35%, vzpostavil growth hacking procese in pomagal pri pridobitvi serija A investicije tveganega kapitala. Kot soustanovitelj Hekovnika – prve startup šole v Sloveniji – je pustil neizbrisljiv pečat na slovenski startup sceni. Simon je iskan predavatelj doma in po svetu, zavzet mentor in viden član programerske in growth hacking skupnosti.

Naj quote: A change of perspective is worth 80 IQ points - A. Kay

Naj knjiga: nimam najljubše, ampak knjiga, ki mi je zelo pri srcu in jo skoraj vsakemu priporočam in vsebuje veliko prvin, ki jih zelo cenim je: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Naj serija: serij gledam zelo malo. Prva, ki mi pade na pamet je Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Hobiji: surfanje, gorsko kolesarjenje, restavriranje starodobnih avtomobilov

Najljubša hrana: na svetu je preveč jedi, da bi imel najljubšo v smislu, da bi se k njej znova in znova vračal. Rad kuham (navezava kuhanje - hekanje)

Najljubši podjetnik: bolj kot razmišljam, bolj se mi zdi, da je dober podjetnik vedno tudi deeply flawed. Ljudje od katerih sem se ogromno naučil: Kristjan Pečanec, Sameer al Sakran (CEO Metabase). Zanimiva oseba mi je Musk.

Naj app: Emacs

Nauki za naše poslušalce:

·      Malo dinamik je zares linearnih. Dvakrat večje, dvakrat hitrejše, dvakrat krajše se bo obnašalo več kot dvakrat drugače. Če denimo iterirate dvakrat hitreje, bo pot vašega posla povsem drugačna.

·      Vsako orodje (in pod to štejem tudi procese in mentalne modele) deluje "na obeh koncih". S svojimi danostmi vpliva na to kako razmišljamo in pristopamo k problemom. Nehote bomo kar je preprosto počeli pogosto, tistemu kar ima veliko trenja pa se bomo izogibali. Analizirati svet okoli nas skozi prizmo UX je zato ena ključnih praks za (samo)izboljševanje.

·      Najbolj impactful stvar, ki jo lahko naredite (zase in za svoje podjetje) je redna, namerna in sistematična pol urna introspekcija vsak teden.

Mar 28, 202201:41:21
Tip of the Week 45 - "How to Stop Overthinking and Start Trusting Your Gut"

Tip of the Week 45 - "How to Stop Overthinking and Start Trusting Your Gut"

Intuitionis frequently dismissed as mystical or unreliable. In reality, it’s one of the most powerful decision-making tools at your disposal. When you approach a decision intuitively, your brain works in tandem with your gut to quickly assess all your memories, past learnings, personal needs, and preferences and then makes the wisest decision given the context.

Here are a few ways to learn to go with your gut:

· Distinguish your gut feeling from fear.Ask yourself: Am I tempted to make this decision to avoid a threat, rejection, or punishment? Or do I feel excited, at ease, and content with the choice at hand?

· Practice. Find small ways to take quick, decisive actions. Raise your hand and speak up in a meeting without censoring yourself. Choose an outfit that calls to you without weighing too many variables. By starting small, you mitigate feelings of overwhelm and can gradually step your way up to larger, higher pressure decisions with greater self-trust.

· Try the snap judgment test.On a piece of paper, write a question you’re struggling with, such as, “Will accepting the promotion make me happy?” Then write “yes or no” below the question and walk away. After a few hours, or the next morning, come back to the paper and immediately circle the answer that feels right to you.

· Fall back on your values.The next time you find yourself unable to make a decision, ask yourself, “Which action brings me closer to my core values?” You can avoid mental loops by aligning your choices with what most matters to you.

keep in mind that intuition can’t flourish in busy, stressful environments. Give your mind space to wander and make connections. Remember, while intuition is not perfect, it’s also a decision-making tool you’re likely underutilizing at the moment.

How do you calm down and trust yourself?

What do you do, to be focused?

Wilding, M. (2022, March). How to Stop Overthinking and Start Trusting Your Gut. Harvard Business Review.

Mar 18, 202203:60
Jan Peloza, direktor SLOAMa, podjetnik, mentor, vodja prvega Impact Huba Ljubljana - "Socialno in impact podjetništvo – spreminjanje statusa quo."

Jan Peloza, direktor SLOAMa, podjetnik, mentor, vodja prvega Impact Huba Ljubljana - "Socialno in impact podjetništvo – spreminjanje statusa quo."

Jan Peloza je inženir računalništva in informatike, ima magisterij iz strateškega tržnega komuniciranja s poudarkom na socialnem marketingu ter je zaključil MBA na ljubljanski Ekonomski fakulteti.

Skozi svojo kariero je gradil uspešne zgodbe v nevladnem sektorju in socialni ekonomiji, zadnja leta se pa osredotoča predvsem na razvoj sektorja podjetij z družbenim in okolijskim učinkom.

Jan je dobitnik številnih državnih in tujih nagrad, med drugim s področja zdravja, izobraževanja in trajnostnega razvoja, je One Young World ambasador in ustanovni kurator Global Shapers Community-ja v Kopru, ki deluje pod okriljem Svetovnega gospodarskega foruma. V prostem času igra košarko, sicer pa trenutno vodi Slovensko agencijo za mlade ter mednarodni organizaciji Zvezo evropskih mladinskih kartic in Mednarodno zvezo za zdravje mladih (International Youth Health Organization). Jan je bil tudi dolgo časa zaposlen pri Svetovni Zdravstveni Organizaciji (WHO).

Trenutno je direktor SLOAMa – Slovenske agencije za mlade, kjer je vključenih 130.000 maldih, 100+ partnerjev in več kot 7 mio popustov po Evropi. Sedaj pa prevzema vodenje do zdaj zanj največjega projekt, pospeševalnika za podjetja z družbenim in okolijskim učinkom, Impact Hub Ljubljana, ki odpira svoje prostore na bivšem trgovalnem prostoru ljubljanske Borze.

Naj quote: Impact first, profit second

Naj knjiga: Simon Sinek - Infinite Game

Naj serija: Karkoli triler ali strategy-wise - mogoče recently najbolj Casa de Papel, pred tem pa House of Cards, ampak tudi kaj bolj sci-fi kot je lost in sitcom kot je the Office, čeprav slednjemu v današnjem času ne bi dovolili posnet prvih epizod :)

Hobiji: Košarka, meditacija, vsekakor potovanja

Najljubša hrana: Kruhovi cmoki s slivami brez sliv ;) Samo okus sliv torej, slive sem vedno odmaknil.

Najljubši podjetnik: Težko je imeti vzornika v tem primeru. Se pa dostikrat pošalim, da je dober socialni ali impact podjetnik neka mešanica med Elonom Muskom in Mati Terezo ;)

Naj app: Najbolj pogosto osebno uporabljen sigurno kak trgovalni app, ampak poslovno pa EYCA Slovenija (Evropska mladinska kartica), ker ga pač razvijamo mi ;)

Tvoji trije nauki za naše poslušalce

· V življenju nisem šel k partnerju s finančno ponudbo brez, da bi imel win-win zgodbo - zelo nerad grem torej v partnerstva, kjer samo mi profitiramo, zato sem organsko proti donacijam, ki so enostranske. Razen seveda, če to ne gre v dobrodelne namene - s tem ne gradiš trajnostnega biznisa in platforme za dejanski uspeh.

· V tridesetih letih (do 2050) tisti podjetnik, ki ne bo imel implicitno vkomponirane družbene in okoljske odgovornosti, mogoče celo net positive impacta na okolje in družbo, bo verjetno obubožal bo uspel. Če seveda ostanemo v kapitalizmu, kot ga poznamo, ker je to edina logična rešitev, če želimo obdržati business as usual

· Ne zamenjujte samozavest in odprtost za uspeh in odličnost vodenja. Sem sam že parkrat pristal na tankem ledu. Torej hire for attitude, train for skills.

Mar 14, 202258:21
Tip of the Week 44 - "Managing Anger, Frustration, and Resentment on Your Team"

Tip of the Week 44 - "Managing Anger, Frustration, and Resentment on Your Team"

Sometimes, when you’re a manager, your team gets upset with you. They may be unhappy with a decision you’ve made or a new policy or an increase in workload. Of course, you aren’t in charge of keeping everyone happy all of the time, but you do want to respond to negative emotions, so they don’t erode trust or hold your team back. Here are some strategies for managing anger and resentment when they creep up:

Balance your emotions before reacting to your team’s. Don’t take the anger or resentment personally. See these expressions as data, not a threat, and resist the urge to get defensive or to dismiss your team’s feedback.

Be curious. Ask for more information. Offer your team members a safe space to vent to you without shame or worry of retribution and focus on what you can learn from their feedback.

Enlist their help. Invite them to partner with you to explore solutions that address their concerns and benefit everyone. That way you can channel their frustration into a positive and productive outcome.

Build deeper trust by owning your part. Even if you weren’t the direct cause of your team’s frustration, own up to any blind spots you may have and commit to continuing to learn and grow.

Anger and resentment across your team can make an already stressful leadership job feel worse. But how you respond to your employees’ frustrations is critical to ensuring negative emotions don’t limit your effectiveness. By following these suggestions, you can not only contain their anger but potentially leverage it for greater trust and motivation toward future performance.

How do you manage anger, frustration, and resentment on your team?

What do you do, to be more cohesive?

Chhaya, N. (2022, February). Managing Anger, Frustration, and Resentment on Your Team. Harvard Business Review.

Mar 08, 202203:45
"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 4. del"

"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 4. del"

Današnji podcast je nadaljevanje prejšnjega »Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 4. del«

Sprehodili se bomo skozi glavne zaključne mislih naših skrbno izbranih beyond leaderjev. Te nauke pa si skrbno zapišite in jih poslušajte, saj so nam lahko v veliko pomoč v poslovnem kot tudi osebnem življenju. Želim vam prijetno poslušanje.

»Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 4. del«

Zaključne misli naših izjemnih gostov po vrstnem redu:

-       Ana Veselič, direktorica Kalček d.o.o.,

-       Andraž Gavez, ustanovitelj in direktor Moja Čokolada d.o.o.,

-       Daniela Bervar Kotolenko, podjetnica, mentorica, cenjena predavateljica, poslovna trenerka, avtorica, investitorka, ustanoviteljica 4ih podjetij ter ustanoviteljica,

-       Nina Dremelj, predsednica Poslovnih angelov Slovenije, predavateljica, investitorka, mentorica, believer-ka, poslovna angelina in strastna podjetnica.

-       Jelica Lazarević Jalovic, direktorica za kadre v podjetju Oryx Gaming,

-       Nejc Palir, Chief Experience Officer Tretton37, vizionar in podjetnik.

-       Medeja Lončar, direktorica Siemens Ljubljana, Hrvaška in Srbija,

-       Miha Culiberg, So-ustanovitelj in CEO Lab4Pay d.o.o., So-ustanovitelj in CEO Minicity, dolgoletni manager, zadnjih nekaj let pa inovator, podjetnik in oče 5ih otrok.

-       Anita Stojčevska, glavna izvršna direktorica SKB banke.

-       Borut Markelj, Ustanovitelj in CEO,

-       Marko Hozjan, direktor podjetja TAIA Translations LTD

-       Jure Knehtl, ustanovitelj in CEO podjetja WeScale,

-       Ivo Grlica, LL.M. , ustanovitelj in direktor odvetniške družbe Grlica Law,

-       Boško Praštalo, strokovnjak za mreženje in osebno prodajo ter lastnik licence Superbrands Slovenija,

-       Niko Slavnič, MBA predavatelj, član Uprave HTEC Group in Chief Growth Officer, Serijski podjetnik, poslovni angel in kreativna duša odprta za nove izzive,

-       Robi Pritržnik, ustanovitelj in direktor mlade digitalne agencije Foreach Labs.

Feb 21, 202228:09
Tip of the Week 43 - "Ask These 5 Questions to Decide Your Next Career Move"

Tip of the Week 43 - "Ask These 5 Questions to Decide Your Next Career Move"

Careers evolve and unfold over many years, and even decades. So how can you be sure that you are on the right path, and you’ll achieve your definition of success? To take control of your future, step back and reflect on your present. Write down all the accomplishments and just take a moment. In order to really define your success and reflect on it, ask yourself the following five questions:

1. How fulfilled do I feel? This is often about whether you are able to express your values at work. Identify what is most important to you and then consider, “On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the ideal, how well am I able to express this value in my job?”

2. How am I learning and growing? To what extent are you building competence or expertise in your sector or function? What competencies do you want to develop further in the year ahead?

3. Am I headed toward a long-term goal? While everyone hates the question “Where do you want to be in 10 years?” stepping back to figure out a broad vision can help you pursue opportunities more proactively, versus reactively. You might ask yourself “What do I want in my (work) life in three to five years?” which is a more manageable chunk of time.

4. What seeds can I plant today that will benefit me tomorrow? Career success is often the result of the cumulative effects of small, regular actions.

5. What relationships do I need to build to help me realize my vision? You cannot do it alone, no matter what the “it” is. Given your goals, who are the people who can help you get there?

We all know that careers are not linear, and they evolve and unfold over many years, even decades. Asking yourself the questions outlined above can help you shift from autopilot to being in the driver’s seat so that you can be intentional and ensure that you achieve your definition of career success.

Zucker, R. (2022, January). Ask These 5 Questions to Decide Your Next Career Move. Harvard Business Review.

Feb 08, 202204:21
"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 3. del"

"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 3. del"

Današnji podcast je nadaljevanje prejšnjega »Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 3. del«

Sprehodili se bomo skozi glavne zaključne mislih naših skrbno izbranih beyond leaderjev. Te nauke pa si skrbno zapišite in jih poslušajte, saj so nam lahko v veliko pomoč v poslovnem kot tudi osebnem življenju. Želim vam prijetno poslušanje.

»Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 3. del«

Zaključne misli naših izjemnih gostov po vrstnem redu:

-       mag. fiz. Ram Dusić Hren, podjetnik, ustanovitelj Bright3r,

-       Dr. Matej Drašček, vodja službe notranje revizije pri Hranilnici Lon d.d., Predsednik Združenja notranjih revizorjev IIA - Slovenski inštitut,

-       David Žalec, Ustanovitelj in Direktor Sadje v pisarni, fitness trener, model, predavatelj,

-       Miha Murn, Predsednik in generalni izvršni direktor AAMI Corporation, poslovnež, filantropist in umetnik,

-       Branko Žunec, direktor podjetja Družba za odličnost d.o.o., lastnik blagovne znamke BMC International, mednarodni poslovni trener in coach,

-       Franci Pliberšek, ustanovitelj, lastnik in generalni direktor MIK Celje,

-       Mag. Metka Svetlin, Marketing Manager, Think with Google CEE in Brand & Reputation Adriatics in Baltics, Google,

-       Mag. Anja Blaj, Chief Strategy Officer, Future Law Institute / predsednica društva Blockchain Think Tank Slovenija,

-       Blaž Strle direktor družbe BE-terna Adriatic in Član Uprave Be-terna skupina,

-       Staša Mlekuž MBA, Članica upravnega odbora Business Intelligence Center in programska direktorica konference NetPRO,

-       Nataša Mithans, lastnica in direktorica Vareo, so-ustanoviteljica TALENTcloud, ustanoviteljica Akademije za mlade marketinške talente,

-       mag. Manca Korelc, LinkedIn strokovnjakinja in avtorica knjige The Slovenia Lakes,

-       Lovro Peterlin, izvršni direktor A1 Slovenija d.d., priznani svetovalec, mentor in predavatelj s področja marketinga in prodaje,

-       Miha Lavtar, lastnik in direktor Optiweba,

-       Mark Kalin, direktor za poslovni razvoj Kolektor Digital, član Upravnega odbora Poslovni Angeli.

Jan 31, 202227:50
Tip of the Week 42 - "Move Forward After a Bad Job Interview"

Tip of the Week 42 - "Move Forward After a Bad Job Interview"

There’s nothing worse than preparing for a job interview and then botching it. Maybe you flubbed a question or all of them. How can you move forward after that? Try not to worry, you can learn from the experience. Here's how.

·      Debrief with yourself. After the interview, write down as many questions, and your answers,  as you can remember. When were you most comfortable? Where exactly did you trip up? Reach out to friends and mentors in the industry to ask how they might’ve answered the harder questions.

·      Use your thank-you note to demonstrate self-awareness. You don’t need to apologize but take the opportunity to clarify a confusing answer to an important question. And express your continued interest at the end of the note. Remember: You have nothing to lose.

·      Don’t assume it’s a done deal. Silence after the interview doesn’t mean you didn’t get the job — it could mean people are on vacation, other candidates are in play, or the business needs to be changed after the interview.

·      Focus on the next interview. Every interview is an opportunity to prepare for the next one. Continue your job search and use your reflections to diligently prepare.

Every imperfect interview allows you to get ready for the next job opening and the next round of interviews. Use your reflections to prepare not only for the questions you couldn’t answer the first time but also for new questions. While it’s always best to answer a question directly, if you truly can’t answer it, it’s okay to say you don’t know, but always follow up by talking about how you’ve succeeded in jobs where you had to figure out something you had never done before. Authenticity and passion will always triumph over exact experience, especially if you can demonstrate a skill set that will allow you to bring even more value or fit into the culture easily.

How do you prepare for a job interview?

What do you do, if there is a question, you don’t have the answer to?

Lyons, M. (2021, December). So You Botched a Job Interview. What’s Next?. Harvard Business Review.

Jan 27, 202203:47
"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 2. del"

"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 2. del"

Z velikim veseljem oznanjamo novi podcast skupine Beyond Leadership. Današnji podcast je nadaljevanje prejšnjega »Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 2. del«

Sprehodili se bomo skozi glavne zaključne mislih naših skrbno izbranih beyond leaderjev. Te nauke pa si skrbno zapišite in jih poslušajte, saj so nam lahko v veliko pomoč v poslovnem kot tudi osebnem življenju. Želim vam prijetno poslušanje.

»Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 2. del«

Zaključne misli naših izjemnih gostov po vrstnem redu:

- Gregor Sobočan, svetovni prvak v kettlebell liftingu, kondicijski trener, mentor, podjetnik,

- Enzo Smrekar, MBA, glavni direktor Atlantic Droge Kolinske in podpredsednika uprave za delikatesne namaze, Donat Mg in internacionalizacijo v Atlantic Grupi ter Manager leta 2020

- mag. Primož Zupan, direktor MBILLS,

- dr. Peter Merc, podjetnik, ustanovitelj Lemur Legal in Fintech Factory EU ter član Uprave Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia

- mag. Žiga Vavpotič, soustanovitelj Simbioza Genesis in Zavoda Ypsilon, predsednik Slovensko Kitajskega poslovnega sveta, neizvršni direktor Outfit7

- Železnik Luka, so-ustanovitelj in CEO KingsBox,

- Prof. dr. Matej Černe, izredni profesor za področje managementa na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani

- mag. Ladeja Godina Košir, ustanoviteljica in direktorica Circular Change, predsedujoča Evropski platformi za krožno gospodarstvo ECESP

- mag. Edita Krajnović, direktorica podjetja Mediade; inovatorka in neprestano v vlogi motivatorja sprememb,

- Dr. Jerca Legan Cvikl, predsednica Femmes Sans Frontières, antropologinja, strokovnjakinja za strateško komuniciranje, publicistka in mentorica,

- Andreja Cavnik, ICF Professional Executive Coach, Fortune 500 Coach, Business Master Coach & Trainer in Business Strategist

- Dr. Nana Šumrada Slavnič, VP of legal affairs Outfit 7.

Jan 17, 202223:59
Tip of the Week 41 - "5 Things High-Performing Teams Do Differently"

Tip of the Week 41 - "5 Things High-Performing Teams Do Differently"

New research suggests that the highest-performing teams have found subtle ways of leveraging social connections during the pandemic to fuel their success. Every leader wants to solve the puzzle of what makes a high-performing team. One-piece that’s often missing is the importance of social connections, as well as opportunities for genuine, authentic relationships. Here are five key characteristics of high-performing teams, all of which highlight the vital role of close connection among colleagues as a driver of team performance.

  • High-Performing Teams Are Not Afraid to Pick Up the Phone. While telephone calls are becoming increasingly less common in the workplace in general, that’s not the case among high-performing teams.
  • High-Performing Teams Are More Strategic With Their Meetings. High-performing teams avoid the common pitfalls of poorly run meetings by incorporating practices shown to foster gatherings that are more productive. Specifically, they are significantly more likely to require prework from participants, introduce an agenda, and begin with a check-in that keeps team members apprised of one another’s progress.
  • Invest time in bonding over non-work topics. The best teams aren’t more effective because they work all the time. In fact, discussing things not related to work like sports, books, and family, for example: reveal shared interests, allowing people to connect in genuine ways, which yields closer friendships and better teamwork.

·       Create a culture where expressing appreciation is the norm. Recognition is often a more powerful motivating force than monetary incentives. And an acknowledgment of good work shouldn’t just flow from the top down. Make it a norm for peers to express appreciation for one another as well.

·       Put a premium on authenticity. It's important to create an environment where employees feel comfortable candidly expressing both positive and negative emotions, as well as complimenting and joking with teammates.

Fostering close connections among teammates need not be expensive or time-consuming. By incorporating simple, evidence-based practices that yield better communication, more productive meetings, and deeper friendships, every workplace has the ability to fuel people’s basic psychological need for relatedness and lift team performance.

Is your team a high-performing team?

What did you do to become a high-performing team?

Friedman, R. (2021, October. 5 Things High-Performing Teams Do Differently. Harvard Business Review.

Jan 11, 202204:50
"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 1. del"

"Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 1. del"

Z velikim veseljem oznanjamo novi podcast skupine Beyond Leadership. Današnji podcast bo malce drugačen. Današnji podcast bo poseben, saj bomo proslavili leto 2021 na način, da pogledamo zaključne nauke naših izjemnih Beyond Leaderjev.

Do danes smo posneli že 62 podcastov z izjemnimi posamezniki in kar 40 tip of the weekov, z raznimi zanimivimi nasveti.

Sprehodili se bomo skozi glavne zaključne mislih naših skrbno izbranih beyond leaderjev. Te nauke pa si skrbno zapišite in jih poslušajte, saj so nam lahko v veliko pomoč v poslovnem kot tudi osebnem življenju. Želim vam prijetno poslušanje in uspešno ter izjemno, polno smeha leto 2022.

»Kaj so glavni nauki naših beyond leaderjev v letu 2021 – 1. del«

Zaključne misli naših izjemnih gostov po vrstnem redu:

- Mag. Blaž Brodnjak, Predsednik Uprave Nove Ljubljanske Banke d.d.,

- Red. Prof. dr. Darja Peljhan, pionirka na področju managerskih kontrolnih sistemov,

- Mag. Violeta Bulc, Evangelistka Ecocivilizacije,

- Aljoša Domijan, lasnikt enaA, serijski podjetnik in investitor,

- Tamara Valenčič, strokovnjakinja na področju razvoja in managementa talentov, organizacijskega designa in HRMja,

- Katarina Raičević, direktorica prodaje CEE SMB in strateških računov na Madžarskem in Južni Evropi pri Dun & Bradstreet Europe,

- Borut Jeglič, Executive Coach in strokovnjak za razvoj vrhunske vodstvene kulture organizacij,

- Roman Pavlovič, Leadership in Peak performance coach,

- Boštjan Koritnik, Minister ua Javno Upravo,

- Mag. Lucija Sajevec, direktorica AMZS d.d.,

- Mag. Maja Voje, podjetnica in mednarodna strokovnjakinja za digitalno trženje,

- Mag. Damjan Kralj, CEO in član UO družba BTC.

Jan 02, 202222:16
Tip of the Week 40 - "3 Small Ways to Be a More Inclusive Colleague"

Tip of the Week 40 - "3 Small Ways to Be a More Inclusive Colleague"

What are the impacts of peer relationships on an individual’s experience of inclusion at work? Some people might think that they have to make a difficult, binary choice between being a good person or a tough, effective leader. This is a false dichotomy. Humane leadership is not only necessary in today's world, it will actually help you develop the wisdom you need to succeed in business.

Here are four ways to infuse compassion into your leadership:

Remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. While this may sound like a cliché, it's the root of compassionate leadership.

Listen intently. If you can hear your employees with an open mind and a willingness to learn, not only will you become wiser, you'll also become better equipped to help them.

Be prepared to serve. Whenever you’re about to engage with someone on your team, take a moment to reflect on what might be going on with them. Then ask yourself: What support might they need? Be prepared to offer help.

Stretch people to see their potential. When someone’s already doing well, you might fear that pushing them to do more could be discouraging or demotivating. Instead of shying away from these uncomfortable conversations, reframe them as an indication of true care. Challenging people to grow is ultimately an act of kindness.

In sum, paying much more attention to these small acts of instrumental assistance, emotional bond, and embodied connection can make a world of difference especially given that in increasingly flat hierarchies, co-workers are not only a vital part of the social environment at work; they can literally define it.

Do you consider yourself to be an inclusive colleague?

What are some things you do for your colleagues?

Bourke, J. (2021, December). 3 Small Ways to Be a More Inclusive Colleague. Harvard Business Review.

Dec 29, 202104:05
Robi Pritržnik, ustanovitelj in direktor digitalne agencije Foreach Labs - "Corpo svet proti podjetništvu"

Robi Pritržnik, ustanovitelj in direktor digitalne agencije Foreach Labs - "Corpo svet proti podjetništvu"

Robi je diplomirani inženir računalništva in informacijskih tehnologij, ustanovitelj in direktor mlade digitalne agencije Foreach Labs.  Svojo karierno in podjetniško pot je gradil v številnih IT podjetjih, sprva kot full-stack developer, kasneje je bil predavatelj na višji strokovni šoli v Velenju in od tam nadaljeval karierno pot kot vodja enote za razvoj aplikativnih rešitev v podjetju BTC d.d. Nazadnje je bil vodja tehnološkega razvoja (CTO) v podjetju BTC Phoenix d.o.o., kjer je bil odgovoren za razvoj kompleksnih eCommerce rešitev in integraciji novih tehnologij in modelov.
V svoji karieri je Robi delal tudi na lastnih projektih preko svojega podjetja, kjer je pridobival izkušnje iz podjetništva in vodenja, pridobljeno znanje in izkušnje pa sedaj uporablja pri svojem delu v digitalni agenciji Foreach Labs.

Naj citat: If you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough

Naj knjiga: Rich dad, poor dad

Naj serija: That 70s Show

Hobiji: igranje kitare, fitness, sprehodi s psom, reševanje rubikove kocke :)

Najljubša hrana: Steak definitivno =)

Najljubši podjetnik: Elon Musk

Naj app: Revolut

Zaključni nauk:

· Čimveč preizkušaj, se igraj in se ne ustavljaj.

Dec 12, 202143:32
Tip of the Week 39: "The Psychology Behind Meeting Overload"

Tip of the Week 39: "The Psychology Behind Meeting Overload"

Bad meetings are the bane of the corporate world, and yet despite what appears to be an overwhelming consensus that they’re often unnecessary and unproductive, many workplaces continue to struggle to avoid them.

Why do bad meetings feel inevitable? Are we really resigned to sitting in or worse, leading pointless meetings? We shouldn’t be. Here are common reasons you might be back-to-back every single day, and how you can get your (and your team's) schedule under control:

• FOMO. Too often, we worry that our colleagues will judge us — or worse yet, forget about us, if we don’t accept every invitation. Instead of RSVPing “yes,” demonstrate your value and engagement outside of meetings, and encourage your team to do the same.

• Meeting amnesia. Do you feel like you’re having the same meeting over and over again? You might be. Make it routine to take notes and share those summaries with attendees and any relevant stakeholders who weren’t present. Keeping consistent and accessible synopses of your team’s meetings will help you avoid retreading the same ground.

• Lack of accountability. If you're using a meeting as a way to check that work is actually getting done, consider telling your colleagues in advance that you’ll cancel and give everyone the time back if they meet their deadlines ahead of the set time.

Of course, there’s no once-and-done cure for the modern workplace’s meeting addiction. The pitfalls we’ve identified stem from universal human biases, and those biases are exceedingly difficult to overcome. But by understanding the psychology behind bad meetings, both managers and their teams can work towards healthier communication norms, more-effective interactions, and cleaner calendars.

How many meetings do you have per week?

Do you always send the agenda before the meeting?

Whillans A., Feldman D., Wisniewski D. (2021, November). The Psychology Behind Meeting Overload. Harvard Business Review.

Dec 05, 202103:48
Niko Slavnič, član Uprave HTEC Group in Chief Growth Officer - "Kakšen Growth Mindset ima podjetje, ki osvaja svet in zaposluje 100 oseb na mesec?"

Niko Slavnič, član Uprave HTEC Group in Chief Growth Officer - "Kakšen Growth Mindset ima podjetje, ki osvaja svet in zaposluje 100 oseb na mesec?"

Niko Slavnič je nabiral marketinška, predavateljska in investitorska znanja s številnimi mednarodnimi izkušnjami predvsem v Evropi, zdaj pa je sprejel izziv, da sodeluje v enem najhitreje rastočih tehnoloških podjetij, ki je v zadnjih štirih letih zelo zraslo, zaposluje pa že skoraj 1000 inženirjev po celem sveti. Njegov položaj v HTEC Group je Chief Growth Officer in član Uprave.

Niko je svojo poslovno pot začel v marketingu v družinskem podjetju pri 16-ih letih, od takrat pa je svoja marketinška znanja razširil s podjetništvom in naložbami v več kot petnajstih projektih (med njimi IQbator, In Your Pocket v Latviji, The Slovenia, Centinel v Estoniji, Optiprint ...). Znanje je nabiral tudi na Harvard Business School, UVA Univerzi v Amsterdamu, International Management Teachers Academy in na Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Svoje znanje in izkušnje že več kot 20 let redno deli kot predavatelj na ESSCA - École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers in IEDC - Bled School of Management in je tudi gostujoči predavatelj v več kot tridesetih državah. Njegova mešanica marketinških izkušenj, podjetniške prakse in investitorskega znanja je tisto kar ga dela izjemnega.

Niko je zelo vpet v slovenski startup svet. Mentoriral je že preko 1000 različnih startupov, pomagal pri vzpostavitvi Poslovnih Angelov Slovenije, kjer je bil tudi član Upravnega Odbora. Je tudi mentor pri Start:Up Slovenija.

Povezava na spletno stran:

Fun fact: Začel z delom v tujini, kot pomivalec posode v odlični restavraciji in vzljubil gastronomijo.

Naj quote: Delajte napake hitreje, naučite se iz njih, da boste lahko delali boljše napake jutri.

Naj knjiga: Ponosen na The Slovenia Book, ki sem jo natisnil že 20.000 izvodov (moja:)

Hobiji: Promoviranje Slovenije vedno in povsod, Proučevanje najhitrejše rastočih podjetij na svetu (unicorn), smejanje z otrokoma

Najljubša hrana: Slovenski Chefi z mladimi na čelu

Najljubši podjetnik: Mark Pleško, Cosylab. Tuji Aleksandar Cabrilo, HTEC Group

Naj app: pri 600 appih, 77.777 neodgovorjenih mailih je na telefonu najpomembnejša kontrola uporabe (screen time), ko se spravim pod 7 ur na dan

Zaključni nauki:

·       Vprašajte se večkrat Zakaj ne kot Zakaj.

·       Ne storite korak naprej, skočite naprej.

·       Pomagajte svojim idejam da vzletijo.

Nov 28, 202159:28
Tip of the Week 38 - "How to Attract Top Tech Talent"

Tip of the Week 38 - "How to Attract Top Tech Talent"

It’s tough to hire good talent right now and that’s especially true, when it comes to employees with technical skills, who are in particularly high demand. Demand for these workers by non-tech companies has increased even as tech giants like Facebook and Amazon seek to hire thousands of them. To fill these roles at a time when highly-skilled people have many opportunities, seek to broaden the funnel of potential candidates by thinking harder about what skills are truly essential.

Try these three approaches to identify and attract top tech talent:

· Commitment to diversity and inclusion. Take a broad view of the talent pool. Don’t just stick with the typical sources of recruits. Objectively testing for capabilities and skills, rather than relying on past experience, credentials, and connections will open up more opportunities for underrepresented candidates and widen your company’s talent funnel.

· Transparent and accountable senior management. At high-performing tech companies, managers are usually visible and willing to engage directly with employees. Highlight access to senior leaders. The best talent wants to work in places where they can have real impact and their voices are heard. Make clear that senior managers are visible and willing to engage directly with employees.

· Culture of coaching and development. Foster a culture of coaching and development. High-quality tech employees will expect opportunities to continually improve their skills, and a focus on development will allow you to bring in candidates who have the right capabilities, but not necessarily the experience. Garnering a reputation for investing in your people will bring in a high-caliber, diverse workforce.

Earning a reputation for excellence across all these areas won’t happen overnight. But the payoff is a high-caliber, diverse workforce hungry to help the company succeed in the new tech-enabled economy.

How do you attract top talent?

What is that special thing that puts you apart from the competition?

Jonathan F., KC G., Julie C. (2021, November). How to Attract Top Tech Talent. Harvard Business Review.

Nov 21, 202104:09
Boško Praštalo, strokovnjak za mreženje in osebno prodajo - "Pomembnost lastne blagovne znamke in mreženja."

Boško Praštalo, strokovnjak za mreženje in osebno prodajo - "Pomembnost lastne blagovne znamke in mreženja."

Boško Praštalo je v prvi vrsti družinski človek, ponosen oče dveh otrok in srečno poročen. V poslovnem svetu kreira s strastjo in misijo, da podjetnikom in vsem ostalim posameznikom pomaga, da s poslovnim in socialnim mreženjem lažje dosežejo tako poslovne kot osebne cilje. Je diplomiran ekonomist, lastnik licence Superbrnads Slovenija. Je tudi clan Upravnega odbora Združenja Manager – Sekcija mladih managerjev.

V Sloveniji spada med redke posameznike, ki so na podlagi večletnih raziskav in lastnih 20 letnih izkušenj v prodaji, vodenju prodajnih ekip in svetovanju, razvil unikaten sistem poslovnega in socialnega mreženja. Vse skupaj temelji na lastni proaktivnosti, na tem, da se ukvarjamo s pravimi posamezniki, da kreiramo dolgoročno kakovostne odnose in posledično imamo iz naslova mreženja vse možne bonitete

Naj citat: "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar

Naj knjiga: Start Whit Why - Simon Sinek

Naj serija: Fauda

Hobiji: potovanja, pohodništvo, meditacija, kolesarjenje

Najljubša hrana: enolončnice, sendvič, krompir, čokoladna torta

Najljubši podjetnik: Ivo Boscarol, Mark Cuban

Naj app: Kindle, LinkendIn

Zaključni nauki:

  1. V podjetništvu je smiselno graditi odnose in ne zgolj posel.
  2. Imamo premalo časa in energije, da bi vse skupaj trošili v napačne posameznike.
  3. V poslu lahko veliko stvari najemo, kupimo, outsoursamo, ena redki izjem je mreženje. Nihče se ne more mrežiti namesto nas.
Nov 14, 202101:21:59
Tip of the Week 37 - "How to Set a Hybrid Work Schedule That Works for You"

Tip of the Week 37 - "How to Set a Hybrid Work Schedule That Works for You"

Many organizations are beginning to transition back to the office, offering employees the flexibility to balance both in-person and remote work options. But with such flexibility can come confusion. How do you know what in-office days to request? Should it be Monday or the end of the week Friday?

We all know that hybrid work is going to have upsides and downsides. If you’re about to transition into such an arrangement. you want to set a schedule that makes sense for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

·      When does my team need me? To maximize your team productivity, you’ll also want to identify what kind of interactions (in person or virtual) will be most effective. If some of your colleagues better comprehend what you are saying and can retain and respond to the information more appropriately when you’re in person, try to plan some in-office days to align with when those individuals will also be present.

  • When do I feel the least motivated? You might use the in-office time to reinvigorate yourself when you’re feeling lower-energy. In the same way that going to the gym makes it easier to work out, going into the office can make it easier to get work done when you're just not feeling it.
  • Which meetings do I prefer to have in person? If you have project meetings that require problem solving or decision making, you may prefer to do those in the office. Schedule your in-office days for when those meetings are held.
  • How can I maximize my energy? If you’re an introvert, it may be tough to do two days in a row in the office so spread your days out (Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday, for example). On the other hand, if you are looking forward to more socializing, consider going into the office multiple days in a row (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday).

With more and more organizations making the shift back into the office, you’re likely facing the possibility of a schedule that bridges in-person and remote work.

How do you plan your workweek?

When do you arrange meetings with your co-workers in person?

Grace Saunders E. (2021, October). How to Set a Hybrid Work Schedule That Works for You. Harvard Business Review.

Nov 07, 202104:14
Ivo Grlica, LL.M., Ustanovitelj in direktor Grlica Law: "Inovativna pravna področja: od blockchaina, DeFi-ja, kriptovalut ter vse do zaščite blagovnih znamk."

Ivo Grlica, LL.M., Ustanovitelj in direktor Grlica Law: "Inovativna pravna področja: od blockchaina, DeFi-ja, kriptovalut ter vse do zaščite blagovnih znamk."

Ivo Grlica je leta 2011 diplomiral na Pravni Fakulteti, Univerzi v Ljubljani in imel takrat celo najboljše povprečje v generaciji. Leta 2017 je odšel na enoletno specialistično LLM izobraževanje na Dunaj, s področja international tax law. Prvo zaposlitev je dobil na FURS-u, kjer je spremljal vodenje stečajnih postopkov v ljubljanski regiji, nato pa je postal pripravnik na sodišču, kjer je delal na civilnem in kazenskem oddelku. Kmalu zatem je dobil priložnost v družbi za davčno svetovanje Taxgroup. Pomembnejša stopnička v njegovi karieri pa je bila pridružitev eni večjih odvetniških pisarn v Sloveniji ODI LAW. Leta 2018 pa je osnoval lastno pravno pisarno. Pisarna je najprej delovala na najbolj inovativnih pravnih področjih (blockchain, kriptovalute, DeFi, NFT-ji). Trenutno imajo stranke s celega sveta, Nemčija, Estonija, Kanada, Singapur, Brazilija. Poslujejo večinoma s perspektivnimi, hitro rastočimi mladimi podjetji, ki so prav tako kot oni, usmerjeni v tujino. Trenutno je glavna pisarna locirana v Ljubljani, ekipa pa danes šteje že 7 članov.

Spletna stran:

Naj quote: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” - Walt Disney

Naj knjiga: Atomic Habits

Naj serija: ne gledam serij, izguba časa

Hobiji: branje poslovnih knjig, potovanja

Najljubša hrana: pica

Najljubši podjetnik: Walt Disney

Naj app: Kindle

Nnauki za naše poslušalce:

·      V življenju ni bližnjic. Mlade generacije dostikrat nimajo fokusa in so zbezljane, to pa ni dobro. TikTok generacija ima preveliko željo po hitrem uspehu (kriptovalute), ki pa so lahko kratkotrajni itd. Uspeh ne zahteva samo "talent" ampak tudi disciplino, commitment in fokus.

·      Vodenje (leadership) ni samo prednost ampak tudi velika odgovornost (do sebe, do firm in do zaposlenih!) - včasih zahteva tudi težke odločitve.

·      Življenje ni statično: Vedno je treba iti v korak s časom, se prilagajati spremembam.

Nov 01, 202152:46