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Analytical Minds

Analytical Minds

By Analytical Minds

If you’re looking for information on entering a Digital Marketing career or want to advance your Data Analytics skills, you've landed in the right place. Here you'll learn the data-driven way of Digital Marketing with videos on Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4, Google Data Studio, Google Ads, and more.
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Rise & Future of Digital Marketing across the Globe

Analytical MindsAug 19, 2020

8 Reasons To Use GTM for Your Business

8 Reasons To Use GTM for Your Business

Managing an online store can be a challenging task. If you lack coding knowledge, it can become even more difficult, particularly when it comes to incorporating tags, codes, or pixels into your website. However, you can ease your worries with the use of Google Tag Manager.

It is a free and efficient tool for tracking and collecting data related to your website. GTM tags are user-friendly and can enhance the quality and quantity of data collected without modifying your website's code.

So, let's explore the 8 reasons why it is beneficial for your business.

1. Saves Loads of Time

If you do not use GTM, you will require a web developer to add and troubleshoot code on your website, which can be a time-consuming and tedious process. In contrast, with GTM, each tracking event is referred to as a "tag," and can be managed independently, making it simpler and more efficient.

2. Testing and Debugging!

GTM allows you to test your tags and identify any issues, ensuring they function correctly. You can view the exact page of your website where the tags are activated, as well as the triggers that initiate them. GTM allows you to test and fix errors in these triggers before deploying them on your website.

3. It’s FREE!

The ultimate objective of any business owner is to achieve the highest profit while minimizing expenses. Therefore, it is wise to take advantage of any free tools available to expand your business.

4. Auto Event Tracking

Auto-Event Variables allow you to access specific information related to an automatic event (such as a click, error, or form submission). For instance, when you click on an image, you can retrieve the image's URL or target link. Similarly, when you submit a form, you can access the form's ID, and so on.

5. Secure and Reliable!

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a secure and reliable platform for managing website tags. It includes a two-factor authentication system that adds an extra layer of security to protect your data. Additionally, you can use the data layer to create allowlists and blocklists for specific visitors to your website.

6. Easy Integrations

Google Tag Manager enhances the capabilities of remarketing when paired with Google Analytics and other platforms. It simplifies the process of tracking unique user identifiers, which can be challenging with just Google Analytics alone. Additionally, GTM facilitates cross-domain tracking across multiple websites.

7. Reusable Templates!

With the built-in tags, you have the flexibility to design templates according to your specific needs. By using custom templates, you can create and configure your own tags, variables, and client templates.

8. Everything Is in One Place

Google Tag Manager acts like a toolbox where everything is centralized. With GTM, developers no longer have to search through the source code of a website or app to make changes, additions, or deletions. This eliminates the possibility of human error such as missing code snippets or inaccurate data.

So In simple terms, GTM enables you to analyze website analytics in-depth and make data-driven marketing decisions that improve website performance.

Feb 25, 202303:01
What is Marketing Analytics and How It Helps Your Business?

What is Marketing Analytics and How It Helps Your Business?

As per Dr. Jeffrey Lant's Rule of Seven, for a marketing message to penetrate a person's conscious level, they need to hear it at least seven times in 18 months.

So, it certainly makes sense why you see the same ad almost every time you open your social media platforms.

Paid and organic marketing initiatives have the same primary objective: enhance brand recognition, promote thought leadership, and produce quality leads. These broad objectives can be narrowed down into particular, trackable measures that marketing teams can utilize to define success and evaluate performance.

Suppose you're not a marketer or have never used marketing analytics. In that case, you may be curious about how progress is measured, where marketing data originate, and why it's vital to analyze it. Herein lies the role of marketing analytics.

So let us first understand marketing analytics.

Marketing analytics is often studying and evaluating data from marketing initiatives to achieve a statistical goal. It may help firms enhance consumer experiences, raise marketing initiatives' return on investment (ROI), and formulate future marketing plans.

According to a survey by PwC, highly data-driven companies are three times more likely to see significant improvements in decision-making than their less data-driven competitors. Whether you work with marketers or are a marketer yourself, it is crucial to understand the fundamentals of marketing analytics and how it may guide the choices of your firm.

Now it's time to understand how marketing analytics benefit your business.

1. Marketing analytics provides a deeper level of connectivity for the consumer. It helps the marketers understand what's working, the overall performance of the campaign, and all the other crucial questions related to the campaign.

2. The insights from the campaign performance help the decision-maker determine the possible next step the business should take.

3. With the data collected, your business stands ready to face the aftermath of future sales. These analytics help the company build solid product and marketing strategies.

4. The strategies coming from the analytics help businesses in a further modification that leads to profit in the company's ROI.

5. The companies need no longer guess the consumer behavior pattern as they already have the analytics data to back them up. This way, the business will be able to establish a stellar customer experience and strengthen meaningful relations.

Depending on the KPIs being monitored, you can use various approaches and models to analyze marketing data. Among the most prevalent analytic models and techniques are:

· Media Mix Models (MMM): Attribution models that examine aggregate data over an extended time.

· Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA): Attribution models that give data at the individual level from the whole buyer's journey.

· Unified Marketing Measuring (UMM): A method of measurement that combines many attribution models, such as MMM and MTA, with detailed engagement data.

Both marketers and consumers benefit from marketing analytics. This study enables marketers to obtain a greater return on investment (ROI) on marketing expenditures by analyzing what is effective at boosting conversions, brand recognition, or both. Analytics also guarantees that customers are exposed to more focused, tailored advertisements that appeal to their particular needs and interests instead of annoying bulk advertising.

Jan 02, 202303:19
Easy and Free A/B Tests with Google Optimize

Easy and Free A/B Tests with Google Optimize

Since its launch in 2012, Google Optimize is still the town talk, so today, we will explore how to A/B test a website using Google's free experimentation tool.

After establishing a solid conceptual framework, we will explore Google Optimize most popular features and delve into how to set up, execute, and assess an experiment.

But first, what is an Optimize, and how does Google describe it?

Google Optimize is a free tool that enables you to enhance the user experience on your website. The software allows you to present several versions of specific web pages to your audience and determine the most successful layout.

The best part about Google Optimize is that it helps increase conversion rates by serving as a platform for conducting a vast array of A/B tests. It is the best tool for users with smaller testing requirements since it is the sole free product on the market that can execute up to five tests simultaneously.

So here's a brief for you on how Google Optimize can help you.

· You can use this tool to construct and generate experiments.

· Conduct an experiment based on your theory.

· Evaluate the outcomes of the trials based on the reports they provide.

· Permanently implement the preferred option on the website.

· Re-optimize it if required.

Next, it's time to understand how to use it to get the best result.

The first step involves setting up Google Optimize by creating an Optimize account. You can create multiple Optimize accounts from a single Google Account. However, we suggest using the business name as the account name and creating just one account per firm. You may construct several containers for your brands inside it.

The second step involves Installing the Google Optimize Snippet. You can find the snippet under 'Set Up Instructions' in the settings menu. Add the code to the top of the tag on every page you wish to optimize.

In the next step, Optimize might want you to start testing, but you must first link it to google analytics.

And now, we will guide you through the setup of an experiment.

It employs three distinct test types:

1. A/B Testing

2. Multivariate Testing

3. Redirect testing.

The most popular type of experiment is an A/B test that you can start designing by adding as many versions as you'd want to test.

Add the name of the test and the URL of the page you would like to use, which is called the editing page.

In the next step, Add the new variants to test against the original. The test could be 50% of traffic on the original vs variant 1 or testing a different CTA color with the original and much more.

Once you are done setting up the experiment, preview the variants to ensure that the users see the same changes. Next, select the audience you want to test this experiment.

Finally, enter goals from the list of GA Goals or build your own. You may choose one primary and two secondary objectives in the free version.

However, you cannot modify these goals after the test has been made public; otherwise, you must begin a new test. Once done, hit Start.

Your test statistics will be accessible on Google Optimize's 'Reporting' page and in Google Analytics with an Experiment Name, Experiment ID, and Variant Number.

Google Optimize has become one of the most popular split-testing programs for those seeking to optimize and enhance the user experience of their websites. However, before using any free analysis tool, you should always look for limitations, test it properly and proceed with care.

Dec 28, 202203:24
What is Data-Driven Attribution (DDA) in Google Ads?

What is Data-Driven Attribution (DDA) in Google Ads?

Do you really know what specific ad campaigns compel a potential customer to make a purchase from you? The use of data-driven attribution models could perhaps finally allow you to put an end to all of your questions and concerns.

So, let’s understand: What is a data-driven attribution model in Google Ads, And how is it different?

Google offers a wide variety of attribution options to its users. But most attribution models don't take into account every single piece of data, such as the "last click" model which only assigns credit for the conversion to the ad that was most recently clicked on, or the "first-click" model, which assigns credit for the conversion to the ad that was clicked on first.

When performing an analysis of your data, you might leave out some important information about your ads when using the last click or other attribution models.

On the other side, Data-driven attribution tells you about conversions based on how people interact with the different ads you run and decide to become customers of your business as a result. It does this by analyzing the information in your account to establish which of your keywords, ads, and campaigns have the most significant influence on your business objectives. It helps you find the correct high-performing keywords, ads, and ad campaigns to increase your online business.

Customers are likely to see more than one ad from the same company before they decide to buy something. With the help of attribution models, you can measure how much credit each ad interaction receives for the conversions.

Data-driven attribution model compares the conversion paths of your website users with each other. It covers customers who have made purchases from your website, those who have just placed things in their shopping carts, as well as people who have simply visited your website. It helps increase your conversion probability.

Google does provide data-driven attribution models for your campaigns by default, but If somehow your campaigns are not using data-driven, then Let’s get to know how you can switch to a data-driven attribution model. It can be done in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Sign in to your Google Ads account.

Step 2: Go to the “tool and settings” icon on top of the screen, and click on it.

Step 3: Look for the measurements column, and click on “CONVERSIONS”

Step 4: Select your conversion goal and then click on edit settings

Step 5: Look for Attributions Models option and select data-driven from the drop-down

Step 6: Click save and done.

And with that, you have completed the process of doing a more effective analysis of your business.

Dec 22, 202202:23
7 Ways to Boost E-commerce Conversion Rate

7 Ways to Boost E-commerce Conversion Rate

When you start an online business, there is no manual given to you. You don't know how to make more people visit your website; you don't know how to increase your sales.

But don't worry; we're happy to help you improve your company in any way we can. If you want your online business to grow, the first thing that you need to do is increase the amount of traffic that comes to your website, which is another way of saying that you need to attract more people to your site. But having good traffic does not always ensure good sales. So then, what ensures good sales? Well, it's the conversion rate of your website. The percentage of users on your website who fulfill a targeted goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors is what we call the conversion rate.

And to build and extend your business, you must perform conversion rate optimization.

The goal of conversion rate optimization (CRO) is to raise the proportion of site visitors who take the intended course of action. The desired action could be buying a product, clicking "add to cart," signing up for a service, filling out a form, or going to a link.

So, today we will tell you seven ways to boost your e-commerce conversion rate. Let's dive in.

Number 1: The Landing Page

The saying goes, "The first impression is the last." If you want to make a good first impression, your landing page needs to be both visually appealing and simple to read. Add a short video introducing your website and any necessary actions for subscribing to your service or purchasing a product.

In an effort to win over customers, you should emphasize why your site is preferable over other websites. Make your product more appealing and stand out from the competition.

Number 2: Colors and Images

Yes, you heard it right. Make your website colorful, happy, and bright. Don't make it dull or boring. Make an effort to draw as much attention as possible to the button you want visitors to click. Ensure that it is clear to the reader and stands out so visitors can easily identify where to click.

Put nothing on your website that is a stock image. Bring credibility and honesty to the table. Include descriptive images of your goods and work to earn the trust of your potential customers.

Number 3: Improve your Site's Speed

Remember to use tools like google page insights, GTmetrix, or Pingdom tools for website analysis and suggestions to improve your site's speed.

Number 4: Hurry Up!

No, there is no need for you to speed up; nevertheless, the customers should. Inspire your customers to take action immediately and click your link or button. Use phrases like "only a few hours left," "last few items," and "flash sale."

Number 5: Describe your website

It is essential that the purpose of your website is made crystal clear on the landing page. Remember to include catchy taglines because people are more likely to remember your brand if your taglines are simple, catchy, and able to explain what your product actually does.

Number 6: The A/B testing.

Split your website's visitors into two groups, each of which will view a unique variant of your site. This method allows you to determine which version of your website works best. Headlines, colors, buttons, website layout, font size, and more can all be A/B tested as an experiment. You can also use tools like Google Optimize to do these experiments.

Number 7: Analyzing Tools

Analyzing data is a breeze with the help of programs like Google Analytics or visitor analytics. There are technologies like OptimizePress, Plerdy, and HubSpot that will greatly assist in Conversion Rate Optimization.

So, These are some of the top seven ways to improve conversion rate and eventually help you to grow your business.

Dec 18, 202203:28
Looker Studio For Beginners! How to Use In 6 Easy Steps?

Looker Studio For Beginners! How to Use In 6 Easy Steps?

Want to make an epic visual presentation report to impress your client?

Or do you own a YouTube channel or a small business and want to know how your stats are doing? Looker Studio, formerly Google Data Studio, is the ideal platform for producing visual charts and graphs. It also helps in presenting numerical information graphically with interactive dashboards and beautiful reports that inspire more intelligent business decisions.

So let's learn how to use Looker Studio by following simple steps.

Step 1: Logging In

You can open Looker Studio by simply googling the words or by clicking on this link: and logging in to the Looker studio with your google account.

Step 2: Choosing the Template

On the home page, you'll see a short introduction, a list of ready-made templates per your requirements, or a blank template that you can customize on your own accordingly.

Step 3: Connecting the Data

After selecting the template or choosing the blank template, you need to connect your data from different sources, like MS Excel, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook ads, or any other third-party sources.

Step 4: Insertion of Graphs

After connecting your data to Looker Studio, you can represent it in various ways, like pie charts, bar charts, time series graphs, tables, or scorecards. You can select any of them by clicking on "add a chart" from the toolbar. Click the type of chart you want and adjust its size and position on the screen.

Step 5: Customization

You can change the theme using the "Theme and layout" option. To further modify and elevate the presentation's air of professionalism, pick a background color that complements your brand's logo.

You can distinguish data with different color patterns and fonts with the options on the right side of the screen once you insert your chart.

Using the filter option, you can also narrow your data to a specific statistic or date.

Step 6: Sharing the document

If satisfied with the report, click "Download" to save your work and "Send" it through email to your client. You can also use the "share" button in your browser's upper right-hand corner to grant access to the file. You can also choose the option "can edit" or "can view" for a specific person or a link.

And That's it. Now you know how to use looker studio in a few easy steps.

Dec 15, 202202:17
5 reasons why you should run google ads for your business

5 reasons why you should run google ads for your business

With a surge of small and medium-range businesses worldwide, the competition to stay on top of consumers' minds has increased and has become more fierce. This makes it even more essential for a business to bring in ads in their marketing strategy, and what's better than Google Ads? Today in this video, we will help you understand why you should include google ads for your business.

Before diving straight into the topic, let us know what exactly Google Ad is.

Google Ads is an advertising program allowing businesses of any scale to create advertisements online. Google acts as a medium to help circulate this advertisement to your target audience interested in the product or service. This model follows the principle of PPC advertising, which means you need to pay every time a visitor clicks on your ad.

Now we know what is in Google Ads and its function in your business. Let us move toward the five factors of why your business should use it.

1. With Google’s Massive database, you can reach a larger demographic than other advertising platforms.

2. Google Ads gives you control over your campaign and costs with different bidding strategies and lets you have the final say. So Whatever your budget, you can run ads on Google efficiently.

3. The targeted audience will be those who showed similar interest or had googled it. The interface customizes your audience as per your campaign's requirements.

And now you understand why you immediately start seeing the ads after googling about your favorite PlayStation?

4. It can be easily merged with different platforms to share data, like email marketing or YouTube.

5. And finally, You will see an instant boost in your business's ROI using google ads.

These are some of the top five benefits of why your business needs Google Ads. Will you be using google ads for your business now?

Dec 12, 202201:60
Why You Should Use Google Tag Manager in 2023?

Why You Should Use Google Tag Manager in 2023?

Marketers and developers constantly search for a steady yet efficient tag management solution for their mobile applications and websites. Luckily for them, here's a perfect solution - Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager is a free tag management framework that helps you manage and deploy marketing tags (code snippets or tracking pixels) on your website (or mobile app) without modifying the code.

Here is a basic demonstration of how Google Tag Manager works.

With Google Tag Manager, exchanging information from one data source (your website) with another (Google Analytics) becomes easy and hassle-free. When there are many tags to handle, GTM becomes highly useful since the code remains saved in a single location.

These technical codes are commonly called tags that help in running software. Once these small tags make a space on your website or application, you will experience a smoother outlay of tag configuration analytics in your user interface. GTM will help with sleek functionality and ensure that the analytics captured upgrades with time. Sounds interesting. Isn't it?

Now, let us learn how you can include Google Tag Manager in your website (or mobile app).

The first step is to install the Google tag manager code on your website. As soon as it is done, you will find your website or application ready to establish communication with the tag management server. Finally, we need to begin including tags and creating specific triggers to activate these tags.

That’s it. Simple, right?

Last but not the least, Google Tag Manager will help you amplify your website or application's speed by consolidating all your tags under one container. It also simplifies the extensive workflow needed to manage a massive code list.

You can manage, update and change the tags easily, making the overall experience steadfast.

Dec 11, 202202:17
Google Analytics 4 Explained! Key Benefits of Using GA4.

Google Analytics 4 Explained! Key Benefits of Using GA4.

Do you know about 1 billion online websites are competing for attention in the clustered web environment? To ensure that your website attracts the targeted audience, you must ensure that it is accessible to users.

But how? With the help of Google Analytics by providing you with the correct information from your website.

Google Analytics analyses the number of people that have arrived on your website after clicking a link from the search results that might be from your social media posts, other websites, or even paid ads. With time, Google Analytics has improved its accuracy. And Now, we want you to meet with the next generation, Google Analytics 4.

Google Analytics 4, formerly known as “App + Web,” is a new feature that came out of beta in October 2020. But something that you might don’t know is what Google announced!

According to their announcement, from July 1, 2023, the basic version of Google Analytics, Universal Analytics, will stop processing new data. Properties using Universal Analytics 360 will get an extra three months of data processing, which will expire on October 1, 2023.

So…. Google Analytics 4 will be the sole Google tool accessible for monitoring website activity. But is this good news for you as a business owner?

We will leave the decision to you, but before you decide, we want you to know what GA4 can do for you!

It can collect necessary information from both the website and app so you can better understand your customer journey. But what’s the catch?

GA4 can provide you with auto alters on the changing data trend. For instance, it will notify you in case of an increase in demand for a specific product or service. Furthermore, it can anticipate consumer behavior by assessing the likelihood of ROI.

One of the most significant areas where GA4 has improved is its integration with Google Ads. This improved integration allows you to see in-app and web conversions for Google Ads, YouTube Ads, and other non-Google paid channels such as Facebook and email. As a result, it becomes easier for you to assess the impact of all your marketing campaigns.

Another key emphasis of the update is its user-centric approach. With this, you can monitor your customer journey closely, which is generally a fragmented experience and involves multiple devices and platforms.

In addition, Google has always focused on the consumer monitoring process across the marketing funnel.

This is not the end… there’s much more yet to be explored in GA4.

Dec 10, 202202:27
2 Types of Business Models You Should Know About! (B2B v/s B2C)

2 Types of Business Models You Should Know About! (B2B v/s B2C)

In B2C, we are trying to build a strong transactional relationship with the end consumer, but in B2B, we are actually working on building long term business partnership. Which Business Model suits you the Best?
Aug 27, 202002:37
What is a T-Shaped Marketer and Why you should become one?

What is a T-Shaped Marketer and Why you should become one?

There is a famous figure of speech "Jack of all trades, Master of none" which basically used in reference to a person who is trying to do multiple skills, rather than gaining expertise and focusing on one. T-Shaped Marketing helps in achieving maximum growth and In-depth knowledge in one or two specific areas along with a broader knowledge covering wide spectrum of marketing areas in terms of Channels or a way of approach.
Aug 23, 202003:05
How Big Companies Dominating the Marketspace and Competition?

How Big Companies Dominating the Marketspace and Competition?

Apple hit $2 trillion in terms of market capitalization value, Isn't that crazy? Well, Lets see how it goes in Future!
Aug 20, 202002:14
Rise & Future of Digital Marketing across the Globe

Rise & Future of Digital Marketing across the Globe

Hi, this is Shubham Raghav (RV) and I'm passionate about digital marketing, entrepreneurship and modern technologies. In this podcast, I'll be talking about areas related to marketing and technologies.
Aug 19, 202000:47