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History Made Beautiful

History Made Beautiful

By Martini Fisher

History made Beautiful is a podcast about the beauty, diversity, faith, and community in world history. Join historian Martini Fisher as she shares her favorite moments from throughout human history.
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113: Rakshasas – The Beautiful, the Virtuous, the Sleepy

History Made BeautifulOct 07, 2021

228: Love and Marriage of Berenice, the Youthful Queen of Cyrene

228: Love and Marriage of Berenice, the Youthful Queen of Cyrene

Shortly after his marriage, the King of Egypt Ptolemy III, received word of imminent danger to his sister. In return for his safety as his marched to Syria to save his sister’s life, his loving wife promised to sacrifice a lock of her hair in return for his safety. Upon his return from the campaign, a lock of hair from the Queen’s head was cut and dedicated to the gods, only to disappear by the following day. Later, the court astronomer Conon then announced that he had discovered the lock in the night. To this day, the constellation is called Coma Berenices ("Berenice's Lock").

Key quotes:

  1. “Berenice was already hailed as Basilissa (queen) on coins even in her father’s lifetime and, upon her marriage, she would be known as Berenice II Euergetis (‘Berenice the Benefactress’).”
  2. “Allegedly, Demetrius and Apama soon became lovers. According to legends, Berenice killed Demetrius after seeing him in bed with her mother.”
  3. “Controlling the narrative of the retelling of Demetrius’ murder would have been one of the earliest challenges that the newlyweds faced.”
  4. “Ptolemy III needed to introduce a new mythological basis for the new chapter brought about by his own marriage to Berenice, strengthening his dynastic continuity.”
  5. “In the poem Berenice’s Lock, Callimachus provided further details of the event, that Zephyrus carried off the lock at the command of Aphrodite who then placed it among the stars.”

Join us as we unravel the romance, drama and politic of Berenice II, the girl who became Queen.

For more historical insights, visit 
Martini Fisher’s website and check out her book “Time Maps: Mesopotamia”.

May 09, 202426:30
227: Veleda and the Ancient Germanic Seers

227: Veleda and the Ancient Germanic Seers

In this episode, we delve into the captivating tale of the Revolt of the Batavi, an uprising that shook the foundations of the mighty Roman Empire during the years 69 to 70 AD. The Batavi, a small yet formidable Germanic population residing in Batavia along the Rhine delta, spearheaded this rebellion. As their ranks swelled with other Germanic and Celtic tribes from Gallia Belgica, they embarked on a daring mission to challenge the Roman dominion.

Key Quotes:

  1. “The Revolt of the Batavi, which occurred between 69 and 70 AD, was an uprising against the Roman Empire led by the Batavi, a small but powerful Germanic population of Batavia on the Rhine delta.”
  2. “The Batavi and their allies were able to humiliate the Roman army with a series of crushing defeats, including the annihilation of two Roman legions.”
  3. “The Batavi people’s leader was the Romanized Gaius Julius Civilis, whose skills were honed in the Roman army as an auxiliary officer familiar with the characteristics of Roman warfare.”
  4. “However, instead of supporting the Roman Empire, which had granted him citizenship, Gaius Julius Civilis decided to use his knowledge to help the Batavi.”
  5. “It was a low point in Roman history. But things took a turn in 77 AD where, following some initial victories, a massive Roman army eventually defeated the insurgents.”
  6. “Following peace talks, the Batavi surrendered once again to Roman rule. However, this time they were forced to accept humiliating terms and endure a legion being stationed permanently on their territory, at Noviomagus (modern-day Nijmegen, The Netherlands).”
  7. “The rebellion may not have ended in favor of the Batavi in the end, but the rebels’ early successes were undeniable. The Batavi’s early victories over the Roman legions were also foretold. They were predicted by Veleda, a seer.”

Join us as we unravel the remarkable saga of the Batavi rebellion—a saga that reverberated through history, pitting a determined people against the might of Rome.

For more historical insights, visit Martini Fisher’s website and check out her book “Time Maps: Mesopotamia”.

Mar 07, 202419:35
226: Ancient History of Dream Interpretation

226: Ancient History of Dream Interpretation

In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of dreams and their interpretations in ancient civilizations. We explore how dreams played a crucial role in government, religion, and daily life in early civilizations like Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Key Quotes:

  • “The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest known works of literature, presents dreams as a powerful tool for foretelling and guiding the future.”
  • “Dreams were not just personal experiences but played a crucial role in government, religion, and daily life in early civilizations.”
  • “The dream of Gudea, king of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash, led to the construction of a temple for the god Ningirsu.”
  • “The Assyrian kings Ashurnasirpal II and Ashurbanipal sought guidance and victory in dreams.”
  • “Dreams were incubated within the confines of Asclepieions, temples dedicated to healing, in ancient Greece.”
  • “Dream interpreters, often tribal elders, matriarchs, patriarchs, priests, and shamans, held a special place in these societies. They could enter the world of dreams at will, encounter souls, fight, recover lost souls, heal, and bring the meaning of the dream forth to the life of the dreamers.”

Join us as we explore how dreams were regarded as an important way of receiving messages from the world of power and spirit, from the gods and other powerful beings, and how they continue to fascinate us to this day.

For more historical insights, visit Martini Fisher’s website and check out her book “Time Maps: Mesopotamia”.

Feb 22, 202424:28
225: Philip and the Sacred Band of Thebes
Feb 15, 202426:31
224: Cicero: Politician, Family Man

224: Cicero: Politician, Family Man

In this episode, we journey back to ancient Rome to explore the life and legacy of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the greatest Roman orator. We delve into his prolific writings, which span rhetoric, philosophy, and politics, and the surviving collections of his personal correspondence.

We take a closer look at his relationships with various public figures, his friend Titus Pomponius Atticus, and most intimately, his younger brother Quintus. Through these letters, we gain a candid view into Cicero’s character, his intellectual prowess, and his day-to-day moods. Join us as we unravel the complexities of brotherly bonds, political frustrations, and the enduring power of the written word in ancient Rome.

Key Quotes:

  1. “In modern times, Marcus Tullius Cicero is remembered as the greatest Roman orator.”
  2. “Many of his letters did not survive, and many others were, perhaps understandably, suppressed for political reasons after his death.”
  3. “With Quintus, his younger brother by four years, the famous Marcus Tullius Cicero speaks as he would to a brother, friend, confidant and colleague.”
  4. “Marcus’ response to his brother’s nagging is that although he feels capable to write, he lacks the time and inclination.”
  5. “Marcus and Quintus Tullius Cicero were the sons of a wealthy family in Arpinium.”

As promised in this episode, here are some links that you might find interesting:

  1. Anna Perenna and the Ides of March
  2. How to Win an Election: Lessons from an Ancient Roman Rebel

For more fascinating insights into history, check out Martini Fisher’s website and her book, “Time Maps: Mesopotamia”. Dive into the past and discover the rich tapestry of events and individuals that have shaped our world. Happy listening!

Feb 08, 202429:56
223: Whispers of Witchcraft: Antonina and the Byzantine General's Destiny

223: Whispers of Witchcraft: Antonina and the Byzantine General's Destiny

In this episode, we delve into the intriguing life of Flavius Belisarius, a general of the Byzantine Empire, and his tumultuous relationship with his wife, Antonina. We explore how Belisarius, a man of great military prowess, was brought down by his Achilles’ heel - his deep love for Antonina.

Despite her infidelities and their troubled marriage, Belisarius remained stubbornly loyal to Antonina, a fact that historians like Procopius and Edward Gibbon have noted in their writings. We also shed light on Antonina’s background, her rise from poverty, and her alleged use of magic to win Belisarius’ heart. Join us as we unravel the complex dynamics of power, love, and betrayal in the 6th century Byzantine Empire.

Key Quotes:

  1. “Flavius Belisarius personified the perfect example of what a general of a powerful empire ought to have been.”
  2. “His Achilles’ heel was none other than his wife, Antonina.”
  3. “The unconquerable patience and loyalty of Belisarius appear either below or above the character of a man.” - Edward Gibbon
  4. “Antonina herself from the first led an utterly wanton life. Acquainted with magic drugs used by her parents before her, she learned how to use those of compelling qualities and became the wedded wife of Belisarius, after having already borne many children.” - Procopius
  5. “In Antonina, Belisarius seemed to have met his intellectual equal.”

As promised in this episode, here are some links that you might find interesting:

  1. Ancient Roman Actresses and the Dark Side of Beauty
  2. Tale of Two Concubines

For more fascinating insights into history, check out Martini Fisher’s website and her book, "Time Maps: Mesopotamia”. Dive into the past and discover the rich tapestry of events and individuals that have shaped our world. Happy listening!

Feb 01, 202420:37
222: Navigating Ancient Political Waters: From Riverbanks to Roman Streets

222: Navigating Ancient Political Waters: From Riverbanks to Roman Streets

In this episode, we delve into the rise and fall of unusual ancient Roman politicians. We explore how the early distribution of political power was influenced by factors such as fresh water, fertile soil, and a temperate climate, which were crucial for the development of organized societies. We discuss the evolution of Rome from a minor power to an imperial behemoth, and how this complicated the concept of politics. We also examine the formation of the Tribune of the Plebeians in 493 BC, which gave commoners a presence in the government, and the subsequent weakening of the senate after the formation of the Roman Empire in 27 BC.

Key Quotes:

  1. “In the ancient world, the early distribution of political power was dictated by the availability of fresh water, fertile soil and a temperate climate.”
  2. “Rome’s evolution from a minor power into an imperial behemoth complicated the concept of politics even further.”
  3. “The ancient Roman senate was established in the first days of the city of Rome which was traditionally founded in 753 BC.”
  4. “All this changed in the formation of the Tribune of the Plebeians in 493 BC.”
  5. “The senate was greatly weakened after the formation of the Roman Empire in 27 BC as it buckled under successions of powerful emperors who often violently coerced this governing body.”

For more fascinating insights into ancient history, check out Martini Fisher’s website and her book, “Time Maps: Mesopotamia”. Dive into the captivating world of the past and uncover the secrets of the ancient civilizations.

Jan 25, 202427:11
221: Ganesha, Legendary Remover of Obstacles
Jan 18, 202423:05
220: The Death of Drusus, Beloved Brother
Oct 25, 202329:09
219: Carpe Diem
Oct 18, 202318:29
218: The Romance of Achilles and Penthesilea
Oct 11, 202328:44
217: The Old Man and the Sea: the Mythology
Oct 04, 202321:44
216: The Ancient Charms of Music
Sep 20, 202320:16
215: Ancient Goddesses of the Hunt
Sep 06, 202325:09
214: The Many Faces of Mars, the God of War
Jun 21, 202318:34
213: Ancient Legends of the Sacred Trees
Jun 14, 202309:43
212: Ancient Legends of the Divine Twins
Jun 07, 202315:22
211: The Matriach and the Rebel
May 31, 202328:38
210: Augurs of Rome, Masters of the Birds
May 24, 202317:39
209: Sensational Lives of Ancient Courtesans
May 17, 202325:48
208: Germanicus and Agrippina: An Imperial Love Story
May 10, 202322:12
207: The Assassination Of Commodus
May 04, 202315:09
206: Telesilla and the Brave Women of Argos
Mar 22, 202321:45
205: Octavian, Mark Antony and the Ancient Battle of "Fake News"
Mar 15, 202330:16
204: The King, The Scholars and the Kisaeng
Mar 08, 202321:42
203: Anna Perenna and the Ides of March
Mar 01, 202319:03
202: The Romance and Adventure of Bhadda Kundalakesa
Feb 22, 202327:13
201: Tiresias and the Curse of the Forbidden Sight
Feb 15, 202318:34
200: Unveiling the Mysteries of Benzaiten, Goddess of War, Music, and Culture
Feb 08, 202318:33
199: Baubo, the Great and Forgotten
Feb 01, 202318:37
198: Keris: Stories of the Wavy Daggers
Jan 25, 202326:57
197: Samurai and the Politics of the Feudal Caste System
Jan 18, 202324:28
196: Herodotus, Josephus and being a Historian in the Ancient World
Jan 11, 202323:09
195: Diotima and the Philosophy of Love
Dec 21, 202218:50
194: Aspasia and the Life of a Foreign Woman in Ancient Greece
Dec 14, 202226:13
193: Ancient Roman Actresses and the Dark Side of Beauty
Dec 07, 202228:02
192: Blame it on the Theater: The Joys of being Actors and Actresses in Ancient Rome

192: Blame it on the Theater: The Joys of being Actors and Actresses in Ancient Rome

The church tried to ‘release these unhappy slaves of a cruel voluptuousness’. By the time of Valentinian I, who reigned from 364 to 375 AD, the church had gained considerable grounds in ‘rehabilitating’ performers and introducing them into respectable society. An actress who, on her death bed, asked for and received the last sacraments, had to promise to never return to her ‘hateful’ theatrical life in case she recovered. This was just one episode of of the many adventures of actors and actresses in ancient Rome.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Nov 08, 202214:12
191: Wuxia and the History of Kung Fu Movies: Legendary Tales of Chivalrous Martial Heroes of Ancient China

191: Wuxia and the History of Kung Fu Movies: Legendary Tales of Chivalrous Martial Heroes of Ancient China

Those who are familiar with the Chinese word wuxiá (“martial heroes”) may associate the word with memories of  martial arts films and television programs that portray a fanciful depiction of Chinese martial arts to audiences around the world. However, there is more to wuxia than meets the eye. Wuxia is in fact an entire literary genre that depicts the exploits of ancient Chinese martial artists. It has proven to be popular enough to be used in a number of modern cultural media, including Chinese opera, films, television series and video games.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Nov 01, 202216:41
190: Writing about the Tragic Comedy of Ancient Greek Women

190: Writing about the Tragic Comedy of Ancient Greek Women

Euripides was not only critical towards religions and ancient legends, he was also considered to be the biggest social critic of all the ancient Greek tragedians. He introduced strong female characters and intelligent slaves, as well as satirizing many of the heroes of Greek mythology

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Oct 25, 202218:48
189: The Strange and Beautiful Stories of Cinderella from Asia

189: The Strange and Beautiful Stories of Cinderella from Asia

The Cinderella story is a tale of serendipity and love – both of which are universal themes. These themes are perhaps the reason why the story seems to transcend time itself and became one of the world’s go-to princess tales, recognized all over the world albeit under different names. While there are many variants of the story, they commonly feature a young woman in unjust and oppressive circumstances whose fortune are remarkably and unexpectedly changed with the assistance of divine elements such as magical animals and fairy godmothers (or godfathers).

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Oct 19, 202220:04
188: From Erotica to Historical Fiction: Ancient History of Romance Novels

188: From Erotica to Historical Fiction: Ancient History of Romance Novels

The history of romance novels and erotica is vast and fascinating! But what do we actually know about the genre? Where did it come from? How has it changed over the years? And why has it continued to be popular for centuries, even though in some cultures, erotica is still hidden?

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Oct 12, 202223:08
187: The History of Comic Books, From the Ancient World to Today

187: The History of Comic Books, From the Ancient World to Today

The first illustrations of people with a modern comic book style were found in the early 1900s BCE. Carvings from this time period show that Egyptians played with creating comics, but they weren’t able to create them in the same way we do today.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Oct 05, 202219:07
186: Star-Crossed Lovers, Murderers and Vicious Brides: Literary History of the Famous Family of Persian Heroes

186: Star-Crossed Lovers, Murderers and Vicious Brides: Literary History of the Famous Family of Persian Heroes

Star-crossed lovers, fathers killing sons and a warrior bride shackling her newlywed husband to the bed, all play a role in the legendary folklore of Persia’s most famous fabled family; that of Rostam and his ancestors and descendants.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 28, 202211:20
185: Your Ultimate Guide to the Secret Rebels Behind “Journey to the West”

185: Your Ultimate Guide to the Secret Rebels Behind “Journey to the West”

Journey to the West is a classic Chinese novel written by Wu Cheng’en in the 16th century. It depicts the adventures of a Buddhist monk and his three disciples. Although Journey to the West may be considered a pleasant introduction to the calm and gentle Buddhist philosophy behind this story is in fact a real journey by a Buddhist monk ten centuries earlier.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 21, 202214:35
184: The Mad Prince: A Closer Historical Look at Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

184: The Mad Prince: A Closer Historical Look at Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

You may not know it, but the original Hamlet was actually a Danish Prince who had his father killed by his uncle. Over 600 years later, Shakespeare’s play about this prince is still a favorite among theater-goers. But how much do you actually know about the story behind this iconic tragedy?

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 14, 202213:19
183: What Happened Behind Lady Murasaki’s Tale Of Genji? Discovering the Secret Lives and Times of 11th Century Heian Japan

183: What Happened Behind Lady Murasaki’s Tale Of Genji? Discovering the Secret Lives and Times of 11th Century Heian Japan

Lady Murasaki’s Tale of Genji is one of the most celebrated novels in Japanese history. The story follows the life of Hikaru Genji, a child of nobility born into ancient Japan’s Heian Period. It was written by a woman known only as Murasaki Shikibu, who lived during this tumultuous time and recorded the customs and details of court life.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 06, 202221:19
80: How to Win an Election: Lessons from an Ancient Roman Rebel

80: How to Win an Election: Lessons from an Ancient Roman Rebel

The ancient Greek historian Thucydides once wrote, “Human nature is constant”. An election is a messy process and something that we have tried to get right for thousands of years. In some ancient Greek city-states, election by lot was a method of choosing public officials. It was used especially in the Athenian democracy, from which most information about the practice is derived. This practice provided the regular turnover of officeholders. As a result, for better or worse, the operations of government were not in the hands of experts, but in the hands of the people.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 06, 202210:23
182: Stories of the Little Emperors: Some Babies Shake Up Kingdoms

182: Stories of the Little Emperors: Some Babies Shake Up Kingdoms

Some babies shake rattles and others shake up kingdoms. We hear many stories of the unhappy lives and ends of child rulers. Most recently, in 1908, Puyi became the last emperor of China at only two years old. As the crowning ceremony began, the frightened little emperor had to be carried to the throne by his father as he cried, kicked, and clawed – desperately trying to escape. But he had no choice. A child though he was, he had to rule an empire.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jul 22, 202213:17
181: Battle of the Tragic Heroes: Legends of India’s Karna, Greek’s Achilles and Ireland’s Ferdiad

181: Battle of the Tragic Heroes: Legends of India’s Karna, Greek’s Achilles and Ireland’s Ferdiad

the world, indicating that every culture had strong influences on each other and their legends. A minor example of this can be seen in something as simple as a body armor – Ancient India’s Karna’s kawach (“armour”) has been compared with that of Ancient Greek’s Achilles’ Styx-coated body and with Ancient Irish warrior Ferdiad’s horny skin that could not be pierced.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jul 19, 202211:36
180: The Rape of Lucretia: Politics and the Woman’s Body

180: The Rape of Lucretia: Politics and the Woman’s Body

We would often see her images and, perhaps just as often, forget her name. In paintings, she is a beautiful tragic figure, looking up helplessly towards a Roman soldier standing over her. However, in 16th century Europe, there was no other ancient name that fuels an artist’s imagination like “Lucretia”.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jul 15, 202212:54