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Shine Your Soul Light

Shine Your Soul Light

By Mary Gooden

Sharing the Voices of Visionaries Leading in the Golden Age with your host Mary Gooden
Hear from amazing humans all over the globe as they share their experiences and pivotal moments of finding and feeling their soul light.
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Melisa Keenan & Mary Gooden

Shine Your Soul Light Jun 10, 2022

Donna Fairhurst & Mary Gooden

Donna Fairhurst & Mary Gooden

Women struggling with any challenge or any kind of transition. Challenge refines you or defines you! Surviving & thriving a journey through blindness, polio, divorce, bankruptcy, and multiple “YOYO TO GOD” near-death experiences, empowers Donna Fairhurst to live and teach Zero to Clarity Principles. Pivot powerfully from NO WHERE to NOW HERE. HUMAN BEING versus HUMAN DOING is a choice. Choose to BE NOW HERE! Email:

Apr 28, 202425:05
Anne Kotona & Mary Gooden

Anne Kotona & Mary Gooden

Anne Kotona is a Consultant, Coach, Author & Speaker empowering community leaders to build safe, supportive schools. Through authentic engagement, she helps communities unite to prevent problem behaviors, crises & improve school culture. Author of "Shedding Lies," sharing her journey overcoming childhood traumas and an advocate for young adults with mental health & substance use disorders.

Apr 21, 202423:35
Alicia Mazari

Alicia Mazari

Alicia is a seasoned biologist and holistic nutritionist, with 25 years of experience in higher education and over a decade dedicated to teaching the art of healthy habits. At 62, she is living proof of her philosophy and her commitment to optimal nutrition, regular movement, quality sleep, hydration, and mental wellbeing. She is now focused on teaching how to discover the genetic root cause of health challenges. She is not just talking the talk; she is walking the walk.

Apr 15, 202423:35
Will Haugerud & Mary Gooden

Will Haugerud & Mary Gooden

Meet Will Haugerud, also knows as “the BowTie Sober Guy!” The bow tie is a metaphor. It's the knot in the bow tie that transforms an ordinary piece of material into a beautiful bow tie. It's the same in business and life. The "knots" we experience (Obstacles, Trials, Challenges, Traumas, etc.) transform the ordinary into extraordinary.

Will is dedicated to catalyzing positive transformations in lives, professions, and businesses through dynamic Keynotes, impactful Workshops, and Personalized Coaching. Central to his approach is his innovative six-step BowTie Blueprint to High Achievement. This comprehensive framework serves as a roadmap for sustainable growth and excellence, guiding individuals, and organizations towards unmatched positive results.

Connect with Will:

Apr 07, 202418:54
Nina Lockwood & Mary Gooden

Nina Lockwood & Mary Gooden

Nina is an internationally certified Advanced Transformative Coach helping women step into the next phase of their lives with clarity and confidence. She has additional training in psychotherapy, energy medicine, consciousness technologies, the wisdom traditions and creativity.

Connect with Nina:

Mar 31, 202424:24
Michelle Chen & Mary Gooden
Mar 29, 202419:23
Diana Poulsen & Mary Gooden
Mar 17, 202427:26
Sylvia Barone & Mary Gooden

Sylvia Barone & Mary Gooden

After 30 years as a leader in the direct sales industry, Sylvia decided to combine her coaching experience, her education and experience while earning her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and her certification in Human Design to start her transformational coaching practice, Pathways To Wellness.

Sylvia helps women with a successful 6 figure business overcome hidden barriers that are keeping them from scaling their business, through her proprietary programs. She has been married to her best friend for 26 years, is the proud mother of three grown children and Aiya to her beautiful grandson.

Connect with Sylvia:

Mar 03, 202430:55
Sharon Riniger & Mary Gooden

Sharon Riniger & Mary Gooden

Sharon Ringier, founder of I'm Possible Women's Empowerment Collaborative and editor-in-chief of the Possible Woman Magazine, is a Small Business Alignment Strategist with a passion for helping women entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

With over 20 years of experience, she's an expert in guiding business owners toward 6-figure success by creating alignment in their businesses and helping them gain clarity on their next steps. As a speaker, community builder, and strategist, Sharon is dedicated to empowering women to find their own path to success.

Connect with Sharon:

Feb 25, 202418:04
Robyn van der Toorn & Mary Gooden

Robyn van der Toorn & Mary Gooden

Robyn is an intuitive brand design specialist and feels deep joy and soul purpose in bringing New Earth businesses and awakened offerings to life through the creation of unique channeled visual languages. With over 25 years of experience in the design industry, Robyn began to shift from the old contracted and limited ways of creating to a more soul driven, wild and expansive process of delving deep into the core essence of a brand or business expression. Using ritual, meditation and intuition, she allows the brand to express itself into form. She provides brand owners with a full foundation and visual toolkit to confidently run their social media, websites and other brand channels with maximum impact and activation. Robyn is here to assist the awakened ones, the visionaries, the people who feel and live their purpose through their businesses and services to others. She is passionate and excited about what’s to come in the world.

Connect with Robyn:


Feb 11, 202423:02
Brittney Eibes & Mary Gooden

Brittney Eibes & Mary Gooden

Brittney Eibes, licensed esthetician of 14 years, certified herbalist       and founder of Somatic Soul Skin (

Brittney is extremely passionate about bridging the gap between      what we’re experiencing  on the outside of our skin having to do with our internal beauty. Within her programs, she combines high-quality skin care, embodiment work, self-acceptance, and overall harmony  in the mind-body-soul to achieve unmatched results. It wasn't until she started her own embodied, inner work, journey that it finally clicked. The more awareness and inner work she did (and still does), the more she saw improvements in her own face and body. She’s excited that she now gets to bring pieces of those healing modalities and pair it with her years of professional skin care experience  and product development knowledge to choose the perfect self-care  regimens for her clients.

Now in her late 30’s she’s fully embracing  where she’s at while also using holistic tools to help her and her clients age gracefully   and have clear skin. She’ll meet you exactly where you’re at.

Connect with Brittney IG:@somaticsoulskin

Feb 11, 202440:17
Hanneke Gloudemans & Mary Gooden
Feb 04, 202437:22
Holly Bertone & Mary Gooden
Jan 24, 202426:02
Meghan Bonde & Mary Gooden

Meghan Bonde & Mary Gooden

Meghan Bonde believes there is no ideal brain and that our world needs all the different minds. She is a dancer, educator, Tedx speaker, and neurodiversity specialist. She partners with leaders to create transformational learning experiences designed to accelerate learning and growth in all learners.

Celebrating neurodiversity is an essential for our organizations and communities as biodiversity is for our planet.

Connect with Meghan:

Jan 21, 202417:19
Anaiis Salles & Mary Gooden

Anaiis Salles & Mary Gooden

Anaiis Salles is a new paradigm energy healer and product innovator. Salles’ original, unique, hands-on healing methods have resolved cancer, antibiotic resistant infections, Long Covid, generational violence, and ancestral trauma. 

Healing herself at age twenty-five of secondary infertility, entirely through inner guidance, and then healing her younger son at age two of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, a powerful spiritual awakening catapulted Salles into a profound transformation that includes all the “clairs:” Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience.

Salles’ documentary “Heart to Heart” chronicles unprecedented physician collaborations in Russian hospitals with medically-validated results leading to speaking at international events and conferences. 

A visionary creativity consultant, Salles connects clients in vibrant, high-vibe international communities that offer high level support for heart-centered leaders, speakers, business and professional coaches, and holistic practitioners.

Own your own business? Key to a successful corporate team environment? Salles deftly corrects accumulated negative impact from lack of professional and personal support. Her high-intensity, high-powered clients are empowered to access new flows of abundance that enhance leadership roles without additional sacrifice in their personal lives.

Ordained minister, certified hypnotherapist, bioenergetics practitioner, EMT,  life coach, author, poet, Shaman, speaker, and product innovator, Salles is a shy recluse who loves travel, writing and singing Her book The Living Spiral of Transformation: Discover the Hidden Power in Your Unique DNA details her life story and spiritual process.

Jan 19, 202420:54
Marie Kueny & Mary Gooden
Jan 12, 202445:12
Michelle Wunsch & Mary Gooden
Jan 01, 202429:57
Safrianna Lughna & Mary Gooden

Safrianna Lughna & Mary Gooden

Safrianna Lughna, the Queer-Spirit Guide and Visionary CEO of Living LUNA, is dedicated to transformative magic and uplifting others. A Starseed and super nerd, she passionately explores spirituality, multidimensionality, and wellness. Committed to ethical and sustainable practices, Safrianna empowers visionary leaders and healers, fostering self-alignment and authentic embodiment. Her goal: unite and heal the world, one leader, healer, and community at a time, advocating for justice and open communication.

Dec 10, 202333:15
Shiraz Baboo & Mary Gooden
Dec 04, 202318:08
Sherry Lynn & Mary Gooden
Nov 26, 202336:02
Jackie Rubio & Mary Gooden
Nov 19, 202330:27
Sara Nakamura & Mary Gooden
Nov 12, 202324:55
Rod Chabot & Mary Gooden

Rod Chabot & Mary Gooden

Rod's craft as a personal growth coach is to facilitate, inspire and collaborate with human beings who's desire to change is greater than their desire to stay the same.

Rod's Story:

In January 2021, my way of life collapsed. I was a physical and mental mess who had everything one could want; two amazing, healthy kids, a loving partner and a senior position at an important book publishing company that paid me a lot of money. I had all the material wealth and things one could want but I camouflaged my suffering which cost me years of stress, anxiety while continuously feeding my fears which overwhelmed me from taking any action to actually stop the suffering. Until the day I hit a wall.


When my life did collapsed, it was the best thing that could of happened and a new journey began the day after when I reclaimed my curiosity and decided that I would explore, experiment, expand my thinking and discover clarity and a path forward for what it is I really, really wanted for my life.

I've had many life experiences, I've changed my mind often and been called a Weathercock more times than I can remember, but I believe that's the key... staying curious through the desire to explore, experiment and discover our next pursuit that will lead to living a fulfilled life.

If you are ready to commit and upgrade so that you can begin your journey towards living not an ordinary but an extraordinary and fulfilled life through reclaiming your curiosity then with exploration, experimentation, expansion and some patience you will discover a crystal clear vision to pursue your grandest dreams and live your unlimited human potential in becoming the best version of your yet. 



Rod Chabot



Schedule a conversation with me:

Oct 22, 202330:19
Sally Wurr & Mary Gooden

Sally Wurr & Mary Gooden

Sally Wurr is an energetic, inspiring, and impactful speaker. Sally inspires people to action with practical, easy to use tools and resources they can begin using immediately. 

She is an international speaker and a bestselling multi book author and has appeared on stages around the world.

Life is a journey, and she realized her special talent was the ability to shape the way you feel and experience life so you may live it to its fullest potential. It is her goal to be the motivator to help you realize your own potential and to share stories about how you can “jump” into a life you can enjoy an experience.

“Never stop learning because journeys never stop testing”.  Sally Wurr

You can reach out to Sally by following her on Facebook or Linked In or via her website at                  

Oct 15, 202324:10
Karen DeLoach & Mary Gooden
Oct 08, 202324:10
Jennifer Takagi & Mary Gooden

Jennifer Takagi & Mary Gooden

Jennifer helps women discover the power of their purpose by tapping into their truths, honing their intuition and trusting themselves so they can have the clarity and confidence to create the next level of success they desire.  Utilizing multiple modalities, she helps women released the trapped emotions and imbalances that are holding them back from the life they are destined to live.

Along the way on her own path to success, she’s trained over 10,000, written 5 Best Selling E-Books on Amazon, launched a podcast with over 20,000 unique downloads and started a home-based baking business, Pie Love You Desserts.  It’s been an amazing ride and she can’t wait to see what’s next.

Grab Jennifer's Gift:

Oct 02, 202327:46
Michelle Seguin & Mary Gooden
Sep 27, 202321:23
Rebecca A. Eckland & Mary Gooden
Sep 24, 202321:36
Jan "JOY" Hoath & Mary Gooden

Jan "JOY" Hoath & Mary Gooden

Jan "JOY" Hoath is a speaker, poet, JOY mentor to business leaders, on a mission to fulfill the vision of a Joy Led World. As a coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, former professional alpine ski instructor, & masterful student of life, Jan offers a leading edge blend to her work including her signature process of the Happiness Prism™ guiding her leaders to claim JOY as their superpower to find deep fulfillment leading with heart.

Jan can be found embodying her JOY message skiing, trail running, surfing, sailing, riding horses, learning banjo, meditating with moose, speaking at leadership summits, facilitating JOY transformational journeys, & in her log home with her beloved family.

Sep 20, 202331:11
Jaclyn Whitt & Mary Gooden
Sep 17, 202328:45
Carey Conly & Mary Gooden

Carey Conly & Mary Gooden

Carey Conley is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and entrepreneur specializing in helping team leaders and small business owners create game-changing visions for their life and careers. She has built two successful businesses over the past 30 years and is clear that her vision and purpose is to help people make a bigger impact on the people they lead.  

Her personal story is full of extraordinary success and devastating tragedy. It’s these experiences that brings power to her message and helps others achieve what they never thought was possible. Her ability to help people create, develop, and execute a rock-solid, bigger-than-life vision propels them to succeed in all areas of life, including self-love, financial prosperity, a healthy lifestyle, caring relationships, a strong family, supreme confidence, and team leadership.

Known for her contagious passion, Carey’s speeches, books, and workshops build self-empowering skills and create a community of support for people from all walks of life. The common bond is a desire to shed past the unknowns, the painful personal and professional growth it takes to lead, and to leave a positive legacy. 

Grab Carey's gift and connect: Text VICTORY to 26786

Sep 11, 202318:32
Corissa Saint Laurent & Mary Gooden

Corissa Saint Laurent & Mary Gooden

Corissa is a speaker, consultant, and podcast host on a quest to create greater meaning, higher purpose, and true joy for herself and others. She shares her experiences as a healed human from multiple childhood traumas, conscious homeschooling parent, social entrepreneur and business consultant, and teacher of deep soul knowledge through multiple publishing, broadcasting, and live speaking channels. 


To learn more visit:

Sep 10, 202334:20
Vicki Mizel & Mary Gooden

Vicki Mizel & Mary Gooden

Vicki Mizel was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was trained as an educator, psychologist, actor and public speaker.

Her undergraduate  degree was from the University of Oregon in Eugene, and her Master's in psychology was completed in 2000, at Antioch University  in Marina  Del Rey, CA. 

She's been teaching her Brainsprouts Memory System since 1983. The memory method is known, with time and practice, to increase neuro connectivity and neural regeneration in the brain and enhances brain activity and healing. It helps to create "Happy Geniuses." 

Ms. Mizel is the author of "Love Remembers" and "A Sister's Love." Her websites are:, and

Sep 06, 202326:08
Anika Singh & Mary Gooden
Sep 03, 202329:33
Barbara Ann Jacques, PhD & Mary Gooden

Barbara Ann Jacques, PhD & Mary Gooden


Barbara Ann Jacques, PhD, is a visionary researcher, mystical practitioner, transformative educator, and empowering coach, weaving together diverse modalities including shamanic energy work to ignite visionary change. As the visionary founder Disrupting Gracefully, she has created transformational coaching experiences that offer a nurturing space for individuals to deepen their connection to their inner wisdom, challenge the status quo, and awaken their innate creative power.


Her mission is to inspire and empower visionary leaders to disrupt old paradigm approaches by Leading with Grace and Disrupting with Purpose.  Dr. Barbara Ann's work transcends traditional boundaries, encouraging individuals to navigate uncharted territories, tap into their authentic voice, and make a meaningful impact that produces a profound ripple effect in their personal lives and the world at large. Her vision and dedication inspire others to embrace their innate gifts, ignite their passions, and contribute their true essence to usher in new paradigms of authentic leadership, growth, and success.

Aug 27, 202327:01
Ruth Stern & Mary Gooden
Aug 21, 202319:32
Addison Ames & Mary Gooden

Addison Ames & Mary Gooden

Addison Ames is an awakened teacher, speaker, channel, healer, guide, thought leader, business consultant & coach, and writer. He has gone through the awakening of self and now addresses a range of topics from a multidimensional perspective. Addison is known as a full-body channel for Metatron, a high dimensional being specialized in ascension, spiritual development, and evolution for all creation, including Earth and humanity.


In his work, Addison shares high knowledge and wisdom that can help people and businesses through life’s situations, change, challenge, and opportunity. He helps people to heal, awaken, know, and grow, and to understand the world around them. 

Addison Ames works from a place of truth, honor, integrity, love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, freedom, hope, happiness, abundance, prosperity, inspiration, encouragement, empowerment, and many times humor. 

All the best!

Connect with Addison: 

Aug 13, 202324:25
Rachel Honey & Mary Gooden
Aug 06, 202328:35
Wendy Weber & Mary Gooden
Aug 03, 202323:08
Lesley Evans & Mary Gooden
Jul 23, 202332:53
Melissa Edwards & Mary Gooden

Melissa Edwards & Mary Gooden

Melissa Edwards is an Earth Activator & Soul Guide, combining her background in Spiritual Herbalism, Flower & Gem essences and the Akashic Records to calibrate awakened souls to their highest timeline. She assists these amazing beacons for humanity in transmuting their shadows, reintroducing them to their body’s wisdom by reconnecting with nature in deeply profound ways.

She has been featured in the United Plant Savers 2022 Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, The Shift Network’s Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit, multiple podcasts and an international best-selling book. She is passionate about humans being in love with themselves so they can reclaim the full sovereignty they were born with and contribute their magic to a new world. Her larger vision is creating safe home bases for children out of foster care.


● SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter here: and receive immediate access to my “Essential Energetic Hygiene Toolkit”

Jul 19, 202329:27
Mariya Molduvanova & Mary Gooden
Jul 16, 202325:45
Sandy Labbate & Mary Gooden

Sandy Labbate & Mary Gooden

Sandy Labbate is a certified trauma-informed Spiritual Mentor, Healer and Channel, her mission to empower beautiful souls to rise above limitations and reclaim true freedom, from within. Her signature methodology, Divine Energy Medicine combines my spiritual wisdom, energetic tools, psychic gifts, and light nature to help transform the heaviest of traumas into the vessel that propels you forward.


At the crux of Divine Energy Medicine, she helps transmute her client’s ancestral, familial, and societal trauma so that they can unlock their intuition, manifestation abilities, and finally create the life that they desire. I focus on change at the subconscious level – through ancestral clearing, breath work and energy healing. But my secret sauce in all of it is to help my clients let go of the notion that “healing is heavy” and brings a lightness to a traditionally challenging journey. 


Connect with Sandy:

IG @sandylabbate

FB @xosandylabbate

Jul 09, 202321:35
Marta Hobbs & Mary Gooden
Jul 02, 202326:46
Meryl Hayton & Mary Gooden
Jun 26, 202321:39
Larae Ross & Mary Gooden
Jun 26, 202323:28
Megan Nolan & Mary Gooden
Jun 19, 202321:08
Justine Reiss & Mary Gooden

Justine Reiss & Mary Gooden

Justine Reiss is an experienced voice-over artist, podcaster, executive coach, writer, actress and speaker with over twenty years’ experience in these various roles. She narrates audiobooks, voices commercial campaigns, animated shows, and grunts her way through video games. In addition, she hosts the TechLink Health Podcast & Such A Voice Podcast. Reiss inspires others to step out of their fear and find freedom in their work-life, often in the creative field of Voiceover.

Her superpower is helping individuals find the authenticity in their voice to back up any message.

A breast cancer survivor and warrior herself, she recently found the courage to make some dramatic and difficult changes in her own life. She speaks from the heart about how we all deserve to express ourselves and figure out how to get beyond the blocks that hold us back from living the life we want. Words for 2023 are Vision, Community, and Collaboration. Reiss just spoke at the BEST YOU EXPO and will be on the creative panel at The Epic Impact Society in April. We only have today so let’s stop saying the word “Someday” and do the things we dream of now. Let’s go!


Connect with Justine:

Jun 19, 202335:58
Paul Marwood & Mary Gooden
Jun 18, 202324:17
Susanne Goldstein & Mary Gooden
Jun 05, 202322:41