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The Penned Sleuth Podcast

The Penned Sleuth Podcast

By Matthew Dewey

Providing you with educational podcasts, book reviews and short stories to enjoy and learn from! Improve your writing skills or develop your imagination with these insightful podcasts.
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The Penned Sleuth PodcastMay 29, 2019

 The Iron Man by Ted Hughes - Book REVIEW

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes - Book REVIEW

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes is a children’s story. I’m not going to beat around the bush; my last book review was Metro 2034, a grim post-apocalyptic novel with many darker scenes and now I am reviewing a children’s book. Next week I will have a more mature book to review, but for now, I will give you my thoughts on a book that will take 30 minutes to read.

The book review:

Nov 21, 202204:16
Writing Thoughts: Natural vs Synthetic Humanity in Cyberpunk Stories

Writing Thoughts: Natural vs Synthetic Humanity in Cyberpunk Stories

For this week’s writing thoughts I will be talking about a recurring theme in cyberpunk stories; natural vs synthetic humanity. It’s a classic story that goes back to the tale of Frankenstein and his monster. Having talked about the cyberpunk genre earlier this week, this topic sprung to mind and it’s a fun one to focus on!

Here are my thoughts!

The blog post:

Nov 18, 202206:51
Cyberpunk Insights for Writers: Tips for Writing Your Cyberpunk Story

Cyberpunk Insights for Writers: Tips for Writing Your Cyberpunk Story

Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction, but like any genre with the word ‘punk’ in it, it focuses on the underworld society, the lowlife perspective in a dystopian future. Writing this genre requires a captivating story that highlights the issues in man’s desire for power at any cost and the slow decline of morality in society. It’s tense most of the time, shocking the rest, but captivating all the way through!

Here are some insights on cyberpunk stories and advice for writing your story!


Nov 16, 202215:15
My Top 10 Tips for Writing Anything | Inspiration, Productivity and Improving

My Top 10 Tips for Writing Anything | Inspiration, Productivity and Improving

I’ve been talking about some specific genres a lot lately, neglecting others, so let’s fix that. I am going to give you 10 tips that will help your writing no matter who you are and what genre you work with. These are tips I gather from my top articles and blog posts, the tips that will help anyone ready to try them out.

Let’s get started!

Apr 01, 202218:35
The Fantasy-Story Writing Toolkit: Tips and Ideas - Part 2

The Fantasy-Story Writing Toolkit: Tips and Ideas - Part 2

One can’t sum up fantasy with world types and magical systems; there is a lot more to talk about. In this second part, we will be discussing creatures, races, deities, world structures and plot types. I go through some of the best methods for writing these fantasy elements, as well as different examples and which ones suit your story best.

With that said, let’s begin!

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Mar 25, 202220:11
Advice I Wish I Knew Before I Started Writing - Tips for Young Writers

Advice I Wish I Knew Before I Started Writing - Tips for Young Writers

A couple of years ago, I realised that I would always be in a state of learning. I would always be disappointed when I looked at my old writing. I would always find a new technique or writing style that I would like to assimilate into my own. I would be writing, editing, studying, rewriting and repeating all these steps. As the years go by, I will have more books with my name on them, but more than that, I would be better equipped for writing the next book.

However, if I could send some writing advice to my younger self, this is what I would tell him!

Mar 16, 202217:38
The Fantasy-Story Writing Toolkit: Tips and Ideas - PART 1

The Fantasy-Story Writing Toolkit: Tips and Ideas - PART 1

Writing a novel you can be proud of is a difficult task, made more difficult when you lack the tools to overcome the challenge. I will be talking about the fantasy genre, giving you some ideas and tips, as well as useful tools you can use to construct your story, characters and world. This will be a series of posts and in this one, we will be talking about world types, naming methods and magical systems.

Mar 11, 202224:56
Metro 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovksy - Book REVIEW

Metro 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovksy - Book REVIEW

Metro 2034 by Dmitry Glukhovsky, the sequel to Metro 2033, follows a new expedition through the metro and its many dangerous tunnels. Sebastopol, a station often attacked by monsters and bandits, is often requesting more ammunition and supplies, but communications are down. Every party of soldiers sent to investigate never returns. Luckily, a grizzled soldier takes up the task and requests the help of a story-teller named Homer.


Mar 02, 202209:01
Worldbuilding: Example Scenes You Can Write

Worldbuilding: Example Scenes You Can Write

Last week, I discussed worldbuilding, especially techniques that have helped me overcome my worldbuilding problems, as these are the techniques I have the most experience with. Yet, I failed in one major respect in that article as I didn’t provide written examples of these scenes, rather I only discussed the scenes and their core elements.

It was a missed opportunity, but it won’t be missed now. In this post, I will be writing example scenes and underlining why their simplicity goes a long way in worldbuilding. Let’s begin!

Feb 16, 202225:14
Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky - Book REVIEW

Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky - Book REVIEW

Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky is best described as a surreal, post-apocalyptic adventure, centred around life beneath the ground in the metro tunnels after nuclear weapons devastated the planet with their destructive force and worse still, their lingering radiation. This is not a story of how or why the bombs dropped, but the exploration of one’s will to live in the face of many strange dangers that assault the body, mind and heart of the main character, Artyom.

Here is my spoiler-free review of Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky.

Feb 09, 202212:06
Cat - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 109

Cat - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 109


Cat was not a cat. She was a woman that worked a boring job in a corporate hell. Catherine, or Cat to her friends, wasn’t a sociable woman. In fact, she actively tried to avoid people as much as possible. However, her time came to move from one company to the Company. A new job in a new city. She was alone in a townhouse that didn’t seem to fit her. She often left it in a mess the same way she used to leave her apartment, however, it wasn’t a mess of clothing or junk food wrappers. It was a mess of books.

Feb 07, 202207:11
 Worldbuilding: Best Descriptions and Scenes to Write!

Worldbuilding: Best Descriptions and Scenes to Write!

Worldbuilding is a lot of fun when I’m dreaming of my story, or writing down a bunch of complex and interesting lore. I can do both for hours, but when I am writing, I’ve noticed a big problem with relating this information to the reader; I don’t. Either it skips my mind or my style is too straightforward, I just end up moving past opportune moments to add depth to the world space.

Solution; I took some time to research and put methods into practice.

Feb 02, 202218:30
The Cabin - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 108

The Cabin - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 108

The Cabin

There would often be a misconception when it came to the cabin. The cabin was not haunted or attacked frequently by an axe-wielding psychopath. The cabin was, in fact, a paradise for all those who went there. I used to work there as a camp counsellor. So many kids would run up and down its stairs, back-and-forth, screaming and laughing. Now, when the world seemed to have ended, it was empty as my fridge. I sat in this cabin waiting for Death to come and take me, but of course, he never did.

Jan 31, 202206:43
Redwall by Brian Jacques - Book REVIEW

Redwall by Brian Jacques - Book REVIEW

Redwall by Brian Jacques - Book REVIEW

The Tales of Redwall is a series written by Brian Jacques and was started in the late 80s. It is a medieval fantasy series where the characters are semi-anthropomorphic beings that follow a hierarchy similar to their counterparts in nature. There are several books in this series and today I will be reviewing the first; Redwall.

With that said, let’s start the review!

Jan 26, 202209:18
I Am Your Host - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 107

I Am Your Host - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 107

I Am Your Host

I have worked in the industry for a good fifteen years. My father worked in it before me as a cameraman, but I one-upped him by becoming a director of sorts as well as a cameraman. I run a two-man recording studio inside the facility where all the broadcasts are made. I run lights, film and audio as well as provide scripts and give direction. Safe to say there is a lot on my plate already. The last thing I needed in my line of work is mental patients to play the host to my local news show.

Jan 25, 202207:05
Red Door - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 106

Red Door - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 106

Red Door


I did not answer.

“Sir, I need your name for the register.”

Still, I did not answer. Why should I?

“Sir, give me a name, it doesn't have to be yours, or you will be ejected from the building.”

Jan 24, 202206:58
Disappearance III - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 105

Disappearance III - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 105

Disappearance III

I hid in a far corner of the room, out of sight, but I knew it would only take a moment for the killer to find me. Once hidden I waited for the approaching steps to reveal the face of the murderer. Sure enough, the light gave me the answer I sought once the well-featured face was brought to the surface from the dark.

Jan 21, 202206:37
Disappearance II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 104

Disappearance II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 104

Disappearance II

Upon entering my home I noticed there were a few things amiss. For one, there was a noticeable smell in the air. It was the smell of burning, but not the sweet smell of burning wood, but the terrible smell of burning foliage and plastics. I could not pin it down, but I had smelt something like it before. What mattered most however was why this smell was coming from inside my home.

Jan 20, 202206:28
Curtain Call - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 103

Curtain Call - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 103

Curtain Call

“How much time do I have?” she asked.

“Twenty minutes, Miss Susan,” the stagehand replied before rushing off to climb the scaffold and manage the lights.

The theatre was filled to the brim with people. An audience awaited the famous cast to begin their opera, At the Helm, an epic tale of bravery and treachery. Susan had the lead female role of ‘Eliza’ and on most nights she would feel a lot more relaxed, but not tonight.

Jan 19, 202206:59
Loss of Sanity - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 102

Loss of Sanity - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 102

Loss of Sanity

“Can you please, just for the briefest of moments, shut up?” the Doctor yelled.

Yes, we were being loud during this session, but what did you expect? I prefer silence as well, which is why I don’t speak, but how am I supposed to enjoy my silence in a place of mentally ill degenerates whose only logical thought is to prance around the place and if the mood hits them dive towards an orderly and attempt to remove a vital organ with their teeth? There is no way, absolutely no way, no way in this life or the next will I ever forgive those that ruined my peace and now the Doctor was ruining mine.

Jan 18, 202205:59
Fighting the Tide - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 101

Fighting the Tide - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 101

Fighting the Tide

The waves crashed dramatically on the shore. However, once you have been stuck on a small island such as mine you get used to it. That night there was a storm that was fierce and the waves drew in close, crashing into palm trees now and then, but mainly the beach was belted with the massive waves. The wind is what did the most damage further inland. The doors and walls rattled and creaked, which was again something I got used to. I had made most of my home out of squeaky bamboo and palm after all.

Jan 17, 202206:52
Red Fox II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 100

Red Fox II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 100

Red Fox II

I rested back in the chair, my eyes seeing stories I had just heard. The fox spoke in such a familiar voice and it was calming to me. I felt my warmed feet slide against each other as I only became more immersed in the fantastical pleasure that was the stories. The fox took a moment to look up from the endless tome and eye me curiously.

Jan 14, 202207:01
Runner - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 099

Runner - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 099


It was just doorways and hallways. All that Jackie could see was the same mess of emptiness that he had already searched as he ran home. Behind him, he could hear the rapid footsteps of one of the undead running after. Still, he was pushing it hard. Eventually, he heard the sound of the dead man’s legs breaking under the constant running and there was a sickening flop and crunch behind Jackie.

Jan 13, 202207:16
Missing Signals - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 098

Missing Signals - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 098

Missing Signals

Repairing a radio is a lot harder when it feels like your fingers are going to fall off from the cold. My team and I are stationed in the arctic tundra, an expedition of biology more than an expedition of geographical discovery. Today we were taking samples outside and letting them react with the polar winds. I stayed indoors, happily, working on the radio we used to contact the outside world.

Jan 11, 202207:20
Empty Boulevard - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 097

Empty Boulevard - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 097

Empty Boulevard

Mr Underwood

The three of them were young and ignorant. Unfortunately, one of them was my daughter, the rest being her unruly friends. In the end, I am not surprised she decided to ignore my warnings and go down that road in that part of town to enter that boulevard. It was my bad parenting that led her astray, more than the influence of the kids that she made friends with. Still, I am losing myself once again, even after all these years when you started pestering me with your letters and visits.

Jan 10, 202207:19
The Journey V - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 096

The Journey V - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 096

The Journey V

Two years passed and our lives changed. A year ago, the developers of Dream released a statement saying only one account ever made it to the end of their story. It belonged to me and my roommate. We had done what nobody else could do. The one who was behind us on the mark didn’t even reach the Ruins arc which became so heavy for us. Since my account was the one that owned the game, I received an email from the developers saying they wanted to meet us. I made contact with my roommate, telling him the news. He flew from Florida to New York where I lived, the developers flying there was well from their country.

Jan 07, 202206:53
The Journey IV - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 095

The Journey IV - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 095

The Journey IV

My roommate and I decided to save the next stage of our journey for the weekend. If we entered the ancient chamber to find more to the story, we wanted to give it our full attention and avoid any late nights if we could. That meant us hanging around the village and not progressing really. However, that was something we enjoyed despite our anticipation for what was to come. Trust me when I say our workdays felt like they would never end.

Jan 06, 202207:33
Another Realm for Writers: The Wonder of Text Adventures - Writing Today

Another Realm for Writers: The Wonder of Text Adventures - Writing Today

Another Realm for Writers: The Wonder of Text Adventures - Writing Today

There are many avenues a writer can take in their career. Most hope to become novel writers, selling bestsellers that line the shelves in major book retailers. Some become bloggers, others become journalists, product reviewers. Writers can take to other industries, such as writing scripts for movies and tv series, or, as I will be talking about in this blog post, video games.

Let’s get into it!

Jan 05, 202210:04
The Journey III - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 094

The Journey III - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 094

The Journey III

No matter what I tried I could not convince my roommate to stop playing the game. It soon became a left-behind piece of code that nobody could crack, but week after week, every day I would go to sleep while he sat in front of the screen exploring deeper and deeper into the world which we found fun long ago, but not anymore. It was almost sickening to see him in such a state.

Jan 04, 202207:12
The Journey II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 093

The Journey II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 093

My roommate and I returned to the screen not too long after what we read.

“Who do you suppose the corpse…well…belongs to?” he asked me.

“I’m guessing it's the wife of the first one we found,” I answered. “Let’s just search it and get out of here. We have the map.”

“Yeah…hurry up.”

Jan 03, 202207:47
The Journey I - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 092

The Journey I - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 092

The Journey Part 1

Our decisions were never final on the journey. We would go left, but if the path grew difficult, we turned back and went right. The sad thing was whenever we finally made it to a secure crossroads, we would end up falling back because no choice we made seemed to stick in our heads.

“Have you tried going into the house and searching the attic?” he asked me.

Dec 30, 202107:18
Writing & Procrastination: Writing Goals for 2022 - Writing Today

Writing & Procrastination: Writing Goals for 2022 - Writing Today

2021 has been an interesting year for writers. Whether you call it order or chaos, it has had its ups and downs that made it something unique and challenging. One of the greatest challenges, however, is the challenge to overcome procrastination and get as much writing done as possible. It’s a challenge every year, but with these new circumstances we all find ourselves in, did you sink or swim?

Let’s talk about it!

Dec 29, 202108:53
Stolen Time - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 091

Stolen Time - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 091

Stolen Time

“We need to move now!” She yelled over the noise of the machinery. “Run through this door and leave them behind!”

“I can’t!” I yelled back.

I held onto my child’s hand as I heard the cruel scoff behind me. When I turned back to look, I saw her for a brief second as the door closed, the locking mechanism clanked into place. My daughter held my hand firmly for a moment, but soon I felt nothing in my hand. When I looked down, she was gone and there was silence. I was alone now, alone on a floor of an old hotel.

Dec 28, 202106:49
The True King - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 090

The True King - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 090

The True King

The ground beneath the knight gave way and he was indifferent about falling with it. He descended, allowing the stones beneath him to become his resting ground as they crumbled and smashed against the rocks within the mountain. He descended to a death he hoped he would receive all those years ago. Despite the long and tremendous fall the stone and rock beneath him held strong enough to cushion most of his fall until he fell no more.

Dec 27, 202106:34
The Cold Prince - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 089

The Cold Prince - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 089

The Cold Prince

The knight climbed to his feet once more, his armour feeling heavier than ever. The thoughts of his past family was a greater burden, but one that he had learned to ignore. He knew full well that resting would only weaken him, but his body longed for a reprieve. The knight collected his will and used it to push him onwards. He would rest once the Shattered Kingdom was no more.

Dec 17, 202106:12
The Disgraced Guards - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 088

The Disgraced Guards - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 088

The Disgraced Guards

Sebastian, now free of the Warlock's spells and nightmares, proceeded through the Warlock's den and up a cleaner set of stairs than he expected. As a knight, he was stronger than most, but the Warlock proved to be far more taxing than expected. His mind was still damaged, if not tormented as it once was.

Dec 16, 202107:03
Rising with Broken Steps - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 087

Rising with Broken Steps - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 087

Rising with Broken Steps

The knight was not faltering on his journey for a moment. All around him were signs of disaster caused by the Prince’s greed, but he would not let the horror sway him in his quest. The mangled bodies were fetid; despite the long age past they would not become bones, rotten reminders of the evil warlocks cursed magic. It was disheartening to see the size of some of the corpses, but to the knight, it was fuel to his fire.

Dec 15, 202107:02
Into the Shattered Kingdom - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 086

Into the Shattered Kingdom - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 086

Into the Shattered Kingdom

A young knight stood atop a small hall on looking the Shattered Kingdom. It stood before him, a mountain of worlds in frozen collision. Truly it was the horror that all kings feared in this slowly dying world, but luckily, it looked to be the only one to have such a fate.

Dec 14, 202106:33
Breaking the Rules - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 085

Breaking the Rules - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 085

Breaking the Rules

Richard slammed against the door. It shook on the hinges, but wouldn’t give way.

“Rose, please, we’re family,” Richard spoke through the door. “You cannot spend your whole life trapped in that room.”

“Not one so small,” Rose muttered painfully.

Dec 13, 202107:26
Disappearance I - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 084

Disappearance I - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 084

Disappearance Part 1

I work in the library of a quaint town a few miles North of the English sea. The town is well looked after, with overgrowing plants and trees, delightful smiles and a well-organized economy. Yes, there may not be so many people here, but we have more than the other towns adjacent to ours. We have a famous farmer’s market once a week that keeps our town’s name on the map, although barely. The town’s name is Conroy.

Dec 09, 202106:25
And There Were Three - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 083

And There Were Three - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 083

And There Were Three

The world had reached the limit in its patience. Fifteen years before today, a cold snap hit the world harder than any natural disaster. Major lifestyle choices had to be taken, but the change was so sudden that large countries not used to such cold weather suffered greatly. Pain and suffering became a daily ritual for them, but only the rich survived in their heated homes and with better clothing. Ten years ago, it became survival of the fittest. It was chaos and no amount of government speeches could save us, especially since the power cuts began.

Dec 08, 202107:05
Death at Sea - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 082

Death at Sea - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 082

Death at Sea

I just wanted a simple vacation. It wasn’t often that I got off work, so I wanted to take full advantage of the time that I had. It so happened that I set up something special for this vacation; a cruise among tropical islands. Plenty of sun and refreshing smoothies. It was the vacation that my old body longed for, but of course, somebody had to ruin it with that tired question.

“Hey, aren’t you Death?”

Dec 07, 202107:10
A World of Your Making - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 081

A World of Your Making - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 081

A World of Your Making

The city was a place of beginnings for everyone. No matter where you were born, you inevitably had to go to the city and find work. There was plenty of it as well, but you had to make a world for yourself, nobody else would. You would have to find a home and if you couldn’t, you would have a few other options. I was in this position upon moving to the great city, having just passed an interview for a job I was to start working on Monday. Of course, I would need to find a place to stay and with such limited money, I knew I couldn’t pay for it.

Dec 06, 202106:52
Murder Mystery Manor - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 080

Murder Mystery Manor - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 080

Murder Mystery Manor

It was the most popular game show in these violent times. It was known as Murder Mystery Manor and the stakes were very real high even if the viewers didn’t realize that. The contestants lived in a town of psychopaths and their job was to find out who killed John Doe. In order to win, they needed to bring evidence and a name to the hostess, Madame Rose. To complete their investigation, they needed to put themselves in harm’s way, inside the manor. Once outside they were safe, if they could make it out.

Dec 03, 202106:45
Behind a Door - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 079

Behind a Door - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 079

Behind a Door

I have always wondered what was behind a closed door, even when I had seen the other side. No, this isn’t a phobia or something, but instead a wild imagination. There are many opportunities to be creative when it comes to imagining what is on the other side of a door. Of course, it has to begin with what the door looks like.

Dec 02, 202107:01
Late Night Coffee - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 078

Late Night Coffee - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 078

Late Night Coffee

Lucas stood by the machine, eyes down to avoid the painful light of the florescent filaments above him. It was safe to say he wasn’t having a pleasant evening. Not only was he the only employee that was pinned for three-night shifts in a row, but he was also the one who was falling behind on his work before the shifts even began. He breathed a sigh as the coffee machine fell silent and collected his cup of energy. The one saving grace was this was the final late-night shift and with luck, he would have time to finish all the basic work as well as catch up on his own.

Dec 01, 202107:06
Deepest Reaches III - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 077

Deepest Reaches III - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 077

Deepest Reaches Part 3

Sutio crouched over Troki, clutching his hand and pulling him to his feet. The boarding area was littered with bodies. Sutio could not believe they survived, but Troki knew his way around technology, hacking weapons and systems to help aid them in the onslaught. Explosions, shrapnel and enough close shaves for two lifetimes made Sutio admire what Troki goes through in his day-to-day life. Space was definitely the place for a pirate like him.

Nov 30, 202108:23
These Are Not My Voices - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 076

These Are Not My Voices - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 076

These Are Not My Voices

“Do not go in there,” he told me.

“I must, now shush,” I told the voice within.

I entered the building with an old shotgun in hand and company I wish I didn’t have. Sure enough, there was nothing to see but darkness. I could not smell fire or rot. Whatever life I expected to find in this building wasn’t showing itself right away, but I had to clear it for the group. Twenty of us were holed up someplace we could not defend and this place looked like a better home anyway.

Nov 29, 202107:36
A Cold Metal Pain - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 075

A Cold Metal Pain - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 075

A Cold, Metal Pain

My fists clenched the front of his shirt with a painful amount of strength. Slamming him against the wall only made him squeal like a pig and wish a worse fate upon his sorry state. The way I was feeling I was happy to put him through such a fate. I threw him to the side, into the corner of the room, pointing my revolver at his stumbling form, firing without a moment’s hesitation. The sorry excuse of a man collapsed dead in his stumbling and I yelled my anger with the roar of the gun.

Nov 26, 202106:45
Deepest Reaches II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 074

Deepest Reaches II - The Penned Sleuth Short Story Podcast - 074

Deepest Reaches II

Elara pulled the trigger and with a flash, the last one had fallen. I watched as my crew fought with what few weapons we had and one by one they fell, but not Elara. She was our captain and as it turned out, she was our one-woman army as well. The creatures that boarded our ship didn’t stand a chance. As they hit the ground, they dissolved into a liquid metal which quickly hardened. When we thought it was all over, that’s when the ship was ripped apart.

Nov 25, 202107:28