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Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson

By Rabbi Simon Jacobson

Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson, an embodiment of inclusive spirituality and wisdom, as he examines life & offers a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche. Discover how to live a truly happy and meaningful life by using your divine gifts and wisdom to reach your highest potential. Listeners beware: this program may create a paradigm shift as stereotypes are dispelled, vulnerabilities spill through and universal truths emerge. Visit The Meaningful Life Center, called a “Spiritual Starbucks” by the New York Times at for more.
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Are Our Universities Being Attacked by Hamas

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon JacobsonMay 09, 2024

Why Is Memory So Important: The Past Gives Birth to the Future

Why Is Memory So Important: The Past Gives Birth to the Future

Why is memory so important? How does it affect our lives on a daily basis? How can it transform us?Very often if you want to appreciate something, you have to think what life would be like without it. What would our days look like if we did not have our memories? If every morning we woke up with a clean slate, a blank picture and we had to rebuild everything anew... If we didn't have our past experiences, thoughts, and memories to inform our present and future..As we celebrate Memorial Day, the official beginning of the summer, it's fitting to give some thought to the power of memory and how it contributes to our existence. This is not just about nostalgically living in the past and going back in time, but it's about memories that live on and inform, educate and teach us to learn from the mistakes and to improve on the good things.So please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as we honor and memorialize those that have fallen and also take this opportunity to remember everyone that has contributed to our lives. Discover that without memory we actually don't have history, and without history we have no future.

May 31, 202430:02
Tears and Joy in the Holy Land. Diary from Israel

Tears and Joy in the Holy Land. Diary from Israel

We are always looking for miracles in our lives, seeking out extraordinary moments within our ordinary routines. Those aha moments that affect, inspire and transform who we are.

I'd like to share with you some miracles I recently experienced.

Life is filled with paradoxes. Joy, pain, tears, celebration... the roller coaster of the cycles and vicissitudes of life. Nowhere is this captured more than in the biblical Promised Land, the Holy Land of Israel.

I have just returned from a trip there and I personally experienced - as so many others have I'm sure in their own way - these paradoxes; witnessing real miracles and joy while also seeing pain, tears and suffering. What can we learn from these moments? What lessons can we apply to our personal lives?

The Holy Land, as Jacob called it in the Bible, is a gate to heaven; an interface between heaven and earth, a bridge between spirit and matter, that allows us all to experience deeper states of transcendence in our very material and physical world. There are thus many lessons that can be learned from the miracles and paradoxes manifest in the Promised Land of Israel.

I, Rabbi Simon Jacobson, invite you to please join me in this special discussion as I take you through a journey of my personal diary from Israel.

May 27, 202430:09
Has Our Education System Failed Us How to a Raise Heathy Children

Has Our Education System Failed Us How to a Raise Heathy Children

The continued unrest on our university campuses has raised very powerful and existential questions: Are our education systems healthy or corrupt? Are we actually giving the very best to our children and to our students? Are we setting them up for life and providing the necessary tools to help them not only survive but also thrive?
There's clearly a problem. Our universities were always meant to be the ultimate model of academic excellence, free thought, open inquiry, and healthy discussions - a place where all opinions are welcome. But when universities turn political, armed with specific agendas, you have to wonder what's happening to our education system as a whole?
Take a look at our students. When you ask them what they stand for, what values they are ready to fight for, many of them are clueless. Couple that with technology, social media and all the forces that are inundating their impressionable minds, and we have a very confused generation. Are our youth getting a healthy education? Are they learning how to think critically, or are they being indoctrinated, brainwashed?
And above all, what is education? Is it a mere transmission of facts and information, or is it about character development?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson as he discusses these vital questions. Explore the anatomy of who we are as human beings, and how education is meant to shape minds, hearts and souls into being the best they can be.
Today’s crisis in our schools offers us a wake-up call and an opportunity to reclaim the true meaning and goal of education. Together let us embark on a healthy journey to realign the very focus that lies at the center of shaping the minds of our next generation.

May 17, 202424:14
Are Our Universities Being Attacked by Hamas

Are Our Universities Being Attacked by Hamas

With protests breaking out on our campuses across the country, everyone is asking what is going on? Why suddenly now? What's happening? What's behind all this?Initially, the protests seemed to be a spontaneous reaction of innocent students simply outraged at innocent civilians being killed in Gaza. But if that's the case, why were there no protests after the horrendous atrocities of October 7? It's becoming increasingly clear that the intentions of the organizers of these protests was to deliberately create the impression of spontaneity - it's a an excellent way of fabricating a dramatic narrative. But the more we dig into the story and the more time passes we realize that these uprisings are part of a very insidious and planned strategy - being formulated and funded for years, with the understanding that this is a PR war, a war over our perceptions. Vietnam wasn't lost in Vietnam; it was lost in the minds of Americans. And while we don't want to compare the two, the impression these bad players are trying to create is that these students are waking us all up to a “moral” obligation, when in fact there's far more criminal intent going on with clueless students being used to nefarious ends. It is critical more than ever that we delve deeper to understand the forces at work creating these disruptions in our institutions, bringing ferment and hate in a place that was always protected from war: our schools and universities. This isn't just an inconsequential phase, there are high stakes involved.Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this important conversation as he address the question on all of our minds: Is Hamas at war with our students, our universities and America?

May 09, 202428:17
When Freedom is Slavery

When Freedom is Slavery

Freedom is one of our most cherished values. It is a monumental achievement of our times. The human aspiration for freedom, the desire to live as a free people, reflects the deepest longing of the soul, and is a vivid departure, standing in stark contrast to the days when monarchs and tyrants ruled.

But what does freedom truly mean? Is it merely the lack of physical confinement, the absence of bars and chains, or does it go beyond that? Consider this: In our contemporary world, we are surrounded by communication technologies designed to liberate and emancipate us. However, how many of us find ourselves entrapped and addicted to these gadgets? We live in an era of prosperity and unprecedented comforts, yet we grapple with more addictions than ever, be they physical, emotional, or psychological. Freedom, while a beautiful concept, also comes with its challenges. Even if we are free from external control, we may still find ourselves oppressed by forces that dominate us, like fear, insecurity, societal pressures to conform. We can be physically liberated and successful, but be psychologically enslaved.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson Join in this crucial pre-Passover discussion titled ‘When Freedom is Slavery’, and discover the true essence of freedom, and how to access it in our lives and relationships.

Apr 18, 202439:42
The Kabbalah of Existential Loneliness

The Kabbalah of Existential Loneliness

Do you ever feel lonely? Not due to lack of companionship, friends, social circle or support system, but a fundamental nagging feeling that you are all alone in this universe? An inner cosmic vacuum: is there anyone out there that cares? Am I truly on a metaphorical island unto myself, surrounded by people yet really utterly alone, each person for himself?... Loneliness can be one of the most devastating experiences precisely because of its innocuous nature. It's not loud, it doesn't create drama or noise. It's that silent sense of feeling lost at sea... drifting alone... Do I matter? Does anyone really see or hear me? When I'm in pain and my soul is crying, does anyone care?Can anyone really fill the void of a person's loneliness? We all need love but with all the love we may have, can it pierce that empty space, that lonely place we all feel, when we walk alone at the end of the day? Please join Rabbi Jacobson as he probes the cosmic, psychological and spiritual roots of existential loneliness. By understanding these roots we discover ways to attach and connect to a reality beyond ourselves, which transcends our inner dissonance and sense of aloneness. A place where we are integrated with a higher seamless singularity. Learn how to access that deeper unity and infuse it into our fragmented lives.

Apr 11, 202433:47
Can a (Truly) Religious Person be Immoral

Can a (Truly) Religious Person be Immoral

Is religion synonymous with morality? And is morality synonymous with religion?

It is indeed disconcerting to witness a religious figure act immorally — doing something criminal, abusive, violating another, behaving in a manner that contradicts the moral standards we associate with their position. This stark contrast is very unsettling, as it challenges our perception of a religious leader’s role in upholding the highest virtues of humanity.

This paradox has led some to question the integrity of religion, citing corruption and hypocrisy, particularly when these flaws hide behind a veneer of piety. However, it’s impossible to ignore the lofty principles and values religion has introduced to humanity, demonstrating the extraordinary potential of human character.

So what are we to make of this contradiction — when a religious person behaves in an immoral fashion? Many atheists argue that we can be moral without faith and without G-d. Is this true?

This raises the question, do we need religion to be moral? And do we need religion to be moral? Some argue that morality can exist independently of religious faith.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he explores this intriguing topic, dispelling stereotypes and shedding light on the true essence of religion and its inherent connection with morality.

Apr 04, 202421:31
How to Break Bad Habits and Build Good Ones

How to Break Bad Habits and Build Good Ones

Do you have a habit that you find increasingly difficult to break? Or is there a good habit that you wish to incorporate into your daily routines but you can't seem to make it stick?Very often we resolve to stop a certain obsessive behavior - overeating, biting our nails, being attached to our phone etc., or to begin a new commitment - spending more time with family, going to the gym, starting a new project etc. Armed with determination and enthusiasm, we set out on our way with gusto and a positive mindset, ready to tackle the challenge. And yet, despite our good intentions, after a little while we tend to gravitate right back to our old ways, playing out past patterns, stuck in a groove -- which describes the very nature of a habit. It feels like the habit is wired into our very beings, seemingly impossible to break free from.
Why indeed is it so difficult to break habits? Is there anything that we can do about it? And at the same time, how do we go about building good habits? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for an important discussion that affects virtually every aspect of our lives. Are we creatures of habit? Are our lives predetermined? Can we truly change our habits and structures? Discover that you have two parts to you -- one that is indeed hard wired, making it difficult to break old habits. But we also have a side to us, our souls, which is in some ways indeterministic. And by accessing our souls we have the power to transcend our defined conventions and proclivities, helping us break bad habits while also building good ones and scaling new heights in actualizing our enormous potential.   

Mar 28, 202434:35
Are You Forgetful. 5 Secrets to a Better Memory

Are You Forgetful. 5 Secrets to a Better Memory

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget… Despite the sentiment, in most areas of life most of us would like to be less forgetful and more retentive. But how? What causes us to forget things? And what is the secret to remembering?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this, well, memorable workshop as he shares his experiences as a “chozer” (remembering hours upon hours of the Rebbe’s talks) and discover the five secrets to a better memory: Absorb, Listen, Be Humble, Concentrate and Review. Learn surprising facts about how your mind works, and counterintuitive ways to engage the mind in retaining far more than you could ever imagine. Find out how memory is related much more to the power of listening than to the power of thinking; it’s more about absorbing than processing, and how becoming a better listener will transform your life and your relationships.

Mar 21, 202442:50
5 Ways to Build Trust

5 Ways to Build Trust






How important is trust in our lives and relationships? Do we appreciate the crucial role it plays? Are we aware of the impact trust has -- for good and for bad -- on virtually every decision we make?

Trust is the heartbeat of our existence, a beacon that guides our decisions and relationships. It’s a pivotal force, often underestimated, yet it shapes every aspect of our lives. Like the sturdy foundations supporting a skyscraper, trust endows us with unwavering security, affirmation, and self-worth, enabling us to reach our full potential and broaden our perspectives. Born out of unconditional love, trust is a seed planted in our hearts during childhood by our loved ones, forming the solid ground upon which all future relationships stand. Recognizing its importance becomes starkly apparent in its absence, as life without trust is a shadowy landscape of fear and uncertainty.

In light of the essential function of trust, the question arises: how can we build and foster trust, particularly if it has been shattered early in our lives?

Join Rabbi Jacobson in a meaningful conversation where he delves into five key strategies to build trust in your life, encapsulated in the acronym T.R.U.S.T: Truthfulness, Responsibility, Understanding, Security, Tenacity. These principles offer a roadmap to nurturing and fortifying trust in our personal and professional relationships, establishing a profound connection to our own core identities and those of others.

Mar 14, 202434:10
Are Individuality and Love Compatible

Are Individuality and Love Compatible

As we journey through life, two essential elements guide us: love and individuality. These core values nourish our growth and well-being. Love completes us, while individuality allows us to be true to ourselves. However, can these two intricate needs coexist without contradiction?

As individuals, our primary focus leans towards self-preservation and ensuring our unique needs are met, and that we aren’t mistreated or compromised. Love, conversely, calls for empathy, sensitivity, and unselfish care for others, even at our own inconvenience. The question then arises: can we harmonize these two seemingly divergent forces?

Join Rabbi Jacobson as he discusses this intriguing topic. Is there a way for love and individuality to coalesce? Uncover the elusive third element that seamlessly merges these two entities into a force greater than their individual parts. It’s the secret ingredient to cultivating true peace and harmony in your home, your workplace, and the world. Join us and unlock the secret to this harmonious blend.

Mar 11, 202434:45
Is Arrogance Masking Ignorance and Insecurity

Is Arrogance Masking Ignorance and Insecurity

The root of many problems and disagreements in life is arrogance.

But what exactly is arrogance? And how do you deal with it; both with your own personal arrogance and with the arrogance of others?

Ostensibly, we think of arrogance as a result of an overinflated ego. Take a gifted individual who is endowed with unique qualities and virtues. Instead of humbly recognizing them as a blessing to share, the person feels superior to others, resulting in a pompous, condescending attitude. Or someone who has grown up with a sense of entitlement and snobbery, being told repeatedly that he is better than his peers, very likely that he will develop an exaggerated sense of his importance.

But what is less emphasized is that arrogance can actually be the result of the exact opposite: insecurity and lack of self-esteem. Arrogance — a false bravado and conceit — is a defense mechanism to cover up feelings of inadequacy, hiding it behind a facade of faux haughtiness and standoffishness.

Let’s think about this logically for a moment. If someone is very secure with themselves and their position in life, why should they feel threatened by another? Why would they need to demean others in order to feel better about themselves? A secure person knows who they are, allowing them to coexist with everyone else. It is only when someone lacks confidence and is not comfortable with themselves, that they then need to use arrogance as a shield to protect them from the “threat” of others.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he unravels the complexities of arrogance, illuminating its roots, allowing us to “nip it in its bud” and address it at its core. Discover ways that help us free ourselves of arrogance’s ugly symptoms and complications; in self-awareness, in relationships, and in communication, both interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Feb 28, 202433:15
How to Create Miracles in Your Life

How to Create Miracles in Your Life

Were you ever in a situation where you wished a miracle would happen in your life? Someone close to you may have been ill or suffering in some way, or you may have experienced a setback, or faced a difficult predicament. You really hoped and prayed for a miracle to happen.
All of us at some point will have moments when we wish for a miracle to save us from a seemingly helpless and hopeless circumstance. 
But here's the question: is there even such a thing as a miracle? Or is it simply wishful thinking, a nice escape into fantasy, as skeptics and cynics would have us believe? Is it the futile attempt of a desperate person seeking a delusionary lifeline to take them out of his misery? As Leonard Cohen sadly bemoans the man waiting "half my life away" for the miracle to come.
Or are miracles truly possible, and most people believe. And many testify to having experienced a miracle in their lifetime. 
But what actually is a miracle? And can we create miracles in our lives? 
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this potentially life-changing presentation, and discover the surprising nature of a miracle, and how miracles are happening all around us all the time. Learn how to uncover and unleash the miraculous energy within your life -- how to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, the supernatural in the natural. It is in fact up to you whether you will live an ordinary and one dimensional life or an extraordinary and miraculous one.

Feb 22, 202428:00
Finding Joy in the Dark Moments

Finding Joy in the Dark Moments

Can you find joy in difficult times? Is it possible to find happiness during dark days? Joy and happiness are critical for a healthy life. We all know what it feels like when we're happy, when we're joyous and celebrating; experiencing the joy not just externally but also internally. Inner joy creates a state of peace and calm, a sense of belonging and serenity: life just feels right.But it's one thing to experience joy in good times, when things are going well. What about when things are not going so well? Can you find joy amidst tragedy, grief, loss or setbacks? This question poses a catch-22 situation. On one hand joy is what allows us to be buoyant and hopeful, it helps us build our confidence and gives us courage. On the other hand, hardships tend to demoralize and deflate us. So how do you find joy when you are feeling dejected and discouraged? Is it possible? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he dissects the anatomy of joy, and discover surprising insights about the power of joy: Joy is now about what you do, it's who you are. True joy is not a result of what happens to you, it is the natural state of your soul. When you connect to your soul and its mission, you can find happiness and a sense of belonging in everything that comes your way, including difficulties.By appreciating the inherent joy within the reservoirs of your spirit, you will learn life-changing tools to access these reservoirs, and draw from them into your daily life.

Feb 15, 202425:18
What is Intelligence: IQ vs. EQ

What is Intelligence: IQ vs. EQ

What is intelligence? Human beings are considered to be the most intelligent of creatures; we value the mind, education, smart people... But as is often the case, we use a word without defining the axioms and assumptions that define the concept behind that word?What exactly is intelligence? Is it IQ - the intelligent quotient , or is it EQ - the emotional quotient? Intellectual intelligence vs. emotional intelligence. Book smart vs. street smart. Knowledge vs. common sense. Facts vs. imagination.We often see brilliant geniuses lacking basic life and people skills. And vice versa, those considered simple and yet capture people’s hearts and souls, at times taking the world by storm. So is intelligence really about brain power or is there something more to it? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for this vital discussion about the very definition and nature of intelligence, and discover a whole new perspective on the role of the mind. Understanding the meaning and purpose of intellect, which affects each one of us — our choices, our children, our leaders, our academia, our universities — will influence how we think and our decision making process; it will help address cognitive dissonance and the schism between our ideals and values and our actions and behavior; and it will dramatically transform how we educate the next generation, which in turn will determine our destiny and future. 

Feb 07, 202432:10
The Kabbalah of Today’s Global Conflicts: The Battles between Islam, Christianity and Judaism

The Kabbalah of Today’s Global Conflicts: The Battles between Islam, Christianity and Judaism

With the current war raging in Israel, the big question returns. Why is it that this region - more than anywhere else in the entire world - has had so many battles and fought so many wars over the last three millennia? From the beginning of Biblical times with the war over the land of Canaan and the land of Israel, to the wars waged by the Assyrians, Babylonians and the Romans (just to name a few), to the rise of the major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam battling over control of Jerusalem and the promised land - the Middle East is in a perpetual state of war.Today's war is nothing new. This doesn't diminish the tragedy, and the pain and suffering, but seeing this centuries-old pattern behooves us to retrace the steps and explore the history and the roots of these battles.Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this eye-opening discussion and discover the underlying historical, religious and spiritual forces at work here. Recognizing the root of the issues will help us seek out sustainable and long-term solutions.

Feb 01, 202435:41
What Jews Really Think of Gentiles

What Jews Really Think of Gentiles

What do Jews really think of gentiles?

With Jews in the news yet again, dominating headlines as they so often do -- the war in Israel, rising antisemitism -- all the big timeless questions rise to the surface: Why is the world so obsessed with Jews? What are the roots of antisemitism? Why are Jews hated so much by some people, and respected by others?

But a question that's less often asked is the other way around: what do Jews really think about non-Jews? Ostensibly, one would naturally expect that the Jews developed tremendous fear, animosity and hate toward the nations of the world due to the sheer extent of Jewish persecution perpetrated over the millennia -- expulsions, discrimination, violence, inquisitions, pogroms, and of course, the 20th century Holocaust. Can you imagine anyone not developing massive distrust of gentiles who have historically (with few exceptions) oppressed the Jews throughout history? Take the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were annihilated, with the world remaining mostly complicit through their silence.

But is that really true? Do Jews hate gentiles? Do they look down at them? Antisemitic literature and media would sure have you believe that. (The fabricated Protocols of the Elders of Zion -- the most notorious and widely distributed antisemitic publication of modern times -- is one example). They cite Jewish texts, distorting them as derogatory quotes about non-Jews. But what is the meaning of some of these texts? And how about the concept of Jews being the "chosen people" -- does that suggest that gentiles are inferior?

So what indeed is the true attitude of Jews to non-Jews? You may be surprised and even shocked by the answer.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and discover what Jews really think about non-Jews -- very different from what you would expect. Learn some profound, counterintuitive truths, which will leave you with new and fresh hope, and a gameplan on how to build a unified and loving future -- with harmony between all human beings, Jews, gentiles and all peoples of the world.

Jan 25, 202446:31
How to Overcome Fear

How to Overcome Fear

One of our greatest enemies is a silent enemy. It's called fear. Its power lies not in aggression, not in violence and not in sheer fire power. Its power lies in its inconspicuous and insidious ability to paralyze us; to hold us back and prevent us from moving forward.What effect does fear have on your life? And what can we do to counter it? Being that it's not an overt enemy you really can't measure its consequences in a tangible way. But how many decisions do we not make, how many moves do we not take and how many elements in our lives would be different if fear was not holding us back?The first step to taking control of fear is identifying this invisible enemy that is lurking in shadows. The second step is then confronting and countering it. This is especially relevant in today's volatile climate, in a world with so many unknowns and uncertainties. The wars being waged, the polarization in our society, and so many other shifting standards create a deep-seated disorientation due to the ever changing landscape. There are so many turbulent factors that are contributing to a certain unease, a disruption of norms and of constants you can rely on. Without these solid foundations in place in our lives, our collective and individual fear level only rises. Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this very pertinent discussion on fear and its consequences. Discover the secret to identifying this silent enemy and explore tools and methods to conquer the fear, and free ourselves of its invisible tentacles -- and live a liberated life, with the courage to spread your wings and actualize your greatest potential.

Jan 18, 202429:21
How Hatred Consumes and Destroys

How Hatred Consumes and Destroys

I was looking at aerial images of Gaza before and after October 7th. The sheer destruction, the tragedy, the shattered lives and losses that are all so senseless and such a waste. And I thought to myself, what is the root of it all? Why? Who needed this devastation?How could Hamas subject their own people to such utter ruin and destruction?
The answer is one simple word: hatred. It all began with the tremendous potent power of hatred. Atrocities perpetrated against innocent men, women and children with such animosity. A hatred so deep that it actually celebrates the mutilation and the humiliation of other people. You suddenly see before your very eyes how utterly lethal hatred is when it takes over and consumes a person, or a group of people. It can do the worst possible things with the worst possible outcomes. Far worse than any fire and worse than any weapon can cause.
This teaches us not only how to avoid hatred at all costs but also - and above all - how to embrace the antidote to hatred, which is love.
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this relevant and critical discussion about the corrosive effects of hatred, as it consumes and destroys everything in its path. By delving into the heart of darkness, into the abyss, we can learn how to counter those toxic forces with enormous forces of positivity, light and love.

Jan 11, 202430:06
Birth and Renewal

Birth and Renewal

The tremors and upheavals of 2023 are meant to lead to a new birth, to a new world. So as we enter this new year of 2024, what shape will this renewal take? What will this new world look like? 
An added, exhilarating element to this metamorphosis is that we - every single one of us - are very much active participants and partners in writing the script of this birth and renewal. Our actions and behavior will help define the unfolding drama, the  narrative and choreography of our future life. So we are compelled to ask ourselves - what will the new future look like? What should it look like? And what should we be doing to help actualize it? 
How can we harness and transform the wars, the battles, the pain, the grief and the tragedy that marked the last quarter of 2023 and turn it into a true rebirth - a future that we can be proud of? A future that would in some way "redeem" the darkness we are experiencing? It is up to us to determine that when time will tell the story and history will write the narrative we will be able to look back and say that the pain is a distant memory of the past, and in its stead here is the glorious world we built. Here is what we accomplished. Here is how we grew as individuals, as a community, a nation, and as a world.
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this vital discussion on how to look ahead and discover a vision for tomorrow. Last week we closed the chapter on 2023 and this week we begin to write the new chapter of 2024 -- and of the future of our universe.

Jan 03, 202432:43
2023: Tremors and Upheavals

2023: Tremors and Upheavals

As the curtain comes down on the year of 2023, we can headline it as the year of disruption. So many of our expected "norms" have been upended..In fact, the disruptions really began earlier in this millennium in so many different ways; in technology, in commerce, in politics, in geopolitical shifts etc. And of course, Covid. As we look back at the last two decades and connect the dots we can discern a developing pattern of accelerating disruptions.And indeed in this past year we are witness to the ongoing battles in Ukraine, hostilities with China and Iran, and now, in the last quarter of the year, the horrific atrocities of October 7th and the ensuing war in Israel and Gaza. The question is, where are we headed? What does this all mean? How are we to interpret these upheavals? Can we make sense of them? Can they be a precursor to a brighter future?Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and probe into the deeper forces at work behind this chaos. Discover how these disruptions and upheavals are actually tremors of a new world being born. The shivers preceding the eruption of a paradigm shift.

Dec 28, 202333:08
Don't Let Your Enemy Define You

Don't Let Your Enemy Define You

How much of your personality has been shaped by others? By our parents - our genes and our DNA. By our environment, our homes, our families, our schooling, our education, our value systems and our social influences. 
The question is how much of your existing identity is really you and how much has been defined by others? Have you found your own voice, your unique purpose? Or have you never discovered it, or perhaps lost it along the way?
This question is acutely amplified when faced with adversity. When we are attacked, we impulsively go on the defensive. But do we get defined by our enemies? Take for example, the natural defense mechanisms and immunity systems we build up to protect ourselves from predators. After sustained attacks, it's possible that in our fear of being hurt we develop such thick layers of protective armor, to the point of our own detriment, that we cannot distinguish between our armor and our inner identities. You have become the mask and the armor. 
Think about that: In addition to the initial pain caused by the abuser, you may have tragically become the ultimate victim -- perpetually defined by those who have threatened and hurt you. Instead of being your own person, you are then giving the perpetrator the power to dictate who you are. You will never be able to win against an enemy that continues to shape you and define who you are meant to be. It is critical to find yourself and not allow yourself to be defined by anything else in life. 
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this vital discussion and discover that while yes, there are factors that shape our lives, they DO NOT determine who we are. We need to face and fight our enemies, but it is critical that we not allow ourselves to be defined by them. Discover how to access the real you -- independent of all your surrounding circumstances -- and unleash its power in your life and in the world.

Dec 21, 202330:56
The Indestructible Power of Light

The Indestructible Power of Light

Is there anything in life that is indestructible? We are mere mortals, finite creatures in a physical world where everything in existence seems to be impermanent. Things erode, deteriorate, and ultimately age and perish.

That inner search for eternity, for immorality - is that just a fantasy or is it indeed possible?

Chanukah teaches us the secret to immortality, the indestructible power of light that turns the finite infinite and the ordinary extraordinary.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as we learn how to access that light within ourselves and within the world around us. Especially now, in dark times, finding that indestructible power of light is needed more than ever.

Dec 14, 202330:01
Military Strategies: Lessons Learned From Chanukah

Military Strategies: Lessons Learned From Chanukah

With war being waged in Gaza, military strategists are obviously seeking and employing all types of methods and ways to fight this war. Every war has its distinct  personality and unique challenges and therefore requires a customized solution. This war is no different. Dealing with a hostage situation, savage terrorists, who wantonly use civilians as shields,  poses particular difficulties, as we all know.And frankly the war is not just in Gaza. This war is also in the media; the war over our minds and our hearts being influenced through disinformation and propaganda like never before.While the military experts on the ground are doing their job, there is a surprising source -- that most of us may not think of -- where we can find powerful tools and strategies for war. The "military" secrets come from the holiday that we are about to enter, Chanukah, the festival of lights. The discovery of pure olive oil, and the subsequent rededication and lighting of the Chanukah Menorah was a result of a victorious war fought by the Maccabees. Why then do we celebrate Chanukah with light, by kindling candles?Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this illuminating Chanukah program and discover how light teaches us the best war strategies. Learn five lessons that empower us to fight and win the battles that come our way.

Dec 07, 202333:19
When War is Peace

When War is Peace

We all hate war. 
(Well let's qualify that. There are some people who for one reason or another historically, as well as today, are predisposed to aggression, violence and upheaval. But civil people generally despise war and everything it stands for. Healthy people inherently want a calm and peaceful existence.)
So why would any decent person go to war? Why would a moral country deploy their citizens to fight? Why would anyone put themselves in harm's way? Who in their right mind would want to shed blood and create all the havoc and destruction that  comes with war?
The only reason is because you have no choice. It is a last resort. If you are attacked, if your family is in danger, you are responsible to defend and protect yourself and your loved ones. It's called: self defense. 
But then what does war achieve? Is it just to eliminate the threat, the enemy? It's more than that. When your sworn enemy has called for your unconditional destruction, and unwaveringly demonstrated that in action -- they have in effect left you with no other choice -- then war becomes not only a necessary way to protect yourself, but the only means to achieve true peace and harmony. Because as long as you don't vanquish your enemy, you will forever be at war. It may be dragged out and appear at times to be peaceful, but inevitably it is a war. It's just like an infection in the body - if you don't deal with it and eradicate it, it'll continue to fester and grow until it ultimately kills you. 
As Israel continues to wage war with its sworn enemies, all ethical people are compelled to ask themselves: yes, we were forced to go to war. But to what end? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this critical discussion to establish the moral imperative of this war. Discover how war cannot be justified as an end in itself; we cannot be satisfied with fighting just to defend ourselves. War is legitimate solely when it is the only way to peace. At times we can achieve peace through peaceful means; but at times the only way to achieve peace is sadly through war.

Nov 30, 202328:38
Historic Wake-Up Call: Are We Responding

Historic Wake-Up Call: Are We Responding

There are rare moments in our lives when we are provided with an unprecedented opportunity, a wake up call. Those moments where a paradigm shift occurs that can affect us on an individual level, on a collective level or on a global level. Certain events shake us to our core and open us up to these quantum leaps.
And at that moment your actions, your choices, your decisions can change everything. 
We are now living in such a time.
The events that happened on October 7, the atrocities perpetrated, the sheer brutality and all the subsequent events - the war that continues to wage, the rise in antisemitism, the mass protests - are indeed a watershed moment. And these are times where we are looked at - and will be looked out by future generations to come - to see, how did we behave? How did we react? Did we step up? Did we stand up? Did we speak up? Or did we retreat in silence or in fear and chose to do nothing? 
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a historic and vital conversation that every individual must hear - and then must ask themselves these important questions. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Are you making history or letting history make you? This is an opportunity that can radically change the entire future. Be the change. 

Nov 23, 202327:54
The Evil of Antisemitism

The Evil of Antisemitism

With the recent alarming rise of antisemitism in wake of the atrocities perpetrated on October 7th by Hamas, it's well worthwhile to dig deeper into the nature of Jew hatred, what exactly antisemitism is. 
What are the roots of this abhorrence and where does it stem from? Why is it that throughout history Jews were consistently singled out more than any other minority? With acts of hatred, discrimination, expulsions and genocide. 
From a scientific point of view we cannot associate antisemitism with one particular cause because it goes back millennia, and was directed at Jews from every possible nationality and culture. For example, to say it's a result of Christian discrimination, while definitely a contributing factor, doesn’t give the full picture because there was Jew hatred before Christianity existed. And before Islam became a religion.
So we have to find a common denominator that would transcend the different millennia, the different centuries, different empires and different situations of discrimination against Jews. What lies at its core?
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this critical conversation dissecting the anatomy of antisemitism and explore what we can do about it. Discover the cosmic, spiritual and psychological roots of the longest hatred in history. Learn how the irrational despise of Jews is linked with the natural materialistic hostility to the transcendent and the divine. 
Knowing the cause can then help us finally uproot this cancer once and for all.

Nov 16, 202337:53
Choose Life

Choose Life

I call on heaven and earth as witnesses today that I have offered you life or death, blessings or curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants will live! Deuteronomy 30:19
Does it make any sense that a healthy person would choose death over life? Would any sane person choose destruction over survival?And yet we see - amplified in the latest atrocities going on in Israel - that there exists a perverse culture of death, of martyrdom. Where death is celebrated. Where death is the ultimate sacrifice and goal. This frightening reality compels us to look deeper into the very meaning of life and identity -- who we are as human beings. What defines us? Life or death? Blessing or curse?In the Bible G-d commands us: "Choose life." But why do we need to be told to choose life? It seems natural  that every human being graviates to do everything possible to preserve life, your own life and the life of others. Yet in times like this, where we find ourselves fighting a war where death is glorified, this verse from the Bible suddenly resounds with tremendous import and profound relevance. This darkness -- completely antithetical to life -- behooves us to examine the significance and true value of the human soul. As we wage spiritual war, alongside the physical one, please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this fundamental discussion and discover the importance of choosing life. Choose life. Always choose life. 

Nov 09, 202323:53
The History of the Holy Land. Truths Revealed and Myths Dispelled

The History of the Holy Land. Truths Revealed and Myths Dispelled

While Israel is at war with its enemies, following the atrocities that took place on October 7th, there is another war raging all over the world. This is the war over truth, a propaganda war filled with misinformation, disinformation, lies and myth. This war is being fought in the media, on campuses, with protests and videos aimed to manipulate and pull at our heart strings - all vying for control over our minds. And this information war is only amplified by modern technology, incessantly streaming and inundating us with reports and opinions of all colors and stripes. This instantaneous access on live social media and all existing platforms has created unprecedented confusion on a critical mass level. How in the world can one sift through all this conflicting data and contradictory narratives, and figure out what is true, and what isn't true? Who should we believe? Not only on a breaking news level but also on perspective, on context. Who is the oppressor and who is oppressed? Who is the victim and who is the perpetrator? This is a war going on in your family, in your home and in your mind. Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this critical battle over the truth, and discover how to discern fact from fiction, reality from myth. When we hear so many different and opposing accounts, the only way for intelligent people to find clarity and tackle thorny questions is by digging deeper into the issues and researching the history of the region and its people, based on hard verifiable facts and sources. Instead of buying into subjective -- and distorted or outright false -- storylines presented by people with agendas, biases and prejudices, it behooves us to directly and transparently review the evidence and come to conclusions based on authentic and critical evaluation.

Nov 02, 202345:12
Is There Absolute Good and Evil

Is There Absolute Good and Evil

With the latest brutal atrocities perpetrated in Israel - the horrific sights and descriptions of things that most of us couldn't imagine in our darkest dreams - the words "absolute evil," "pure, unadulterated evil", have become the way many are describing these massacres. Not simply killing which is total evil in itself, but the sheer savage ways and extreme forms of cruelty and sadism with which these heinous crimes were committed, defies any word in our human language. Absolute evil doesn't even seem strong enough. And yet, there are many that try to "justify" these actions, and even worse and more appalling -- they argue that the victims are somehow at fault! In some twisted form of 'logic" there are the claims that Israel is evil and somehow Hamas good. But even if you don't go that far, some argue the case of moral equivalence, where both sides are equally guilty. Others altogether embrace moral relativism, rejecting any form of absolute right and wrong.
Which brings us to the big question; is there absolute good and evil in this world? Is it black or white? Are there suituations where the lines between good and evil are very clear, or are there two sides to every story and everything is relative. Some even say that there is no such thing as good and evil; it's all subjective.Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this vital and fundamental conversation on good vs. evil. and discover the implications involved and what we can actually do about it. 

Oct 26, 202333:33
Why How What Can We Do. How to React to the Tragic War in Israel?

Why How What Can We Do. How to React to the Tragic War in Israel?

We - and every decent person in this world - are shocked by the heartwrenching events and the tragic war taking place in Israel. How can a decent human being not be horrified by the brutal atrocities perpetrated against innocent civilians; men, women, children, elderly murdered in cold blood, abused, degraded, tortured and taken hostage in the most inhumane way. We are united and devastated in pain and confusion.
How could this happen? Why did God allow it? How should we react to this? What should be our approach and what can we do about it?
As we continue to reel from the news, we have many, many questions. But most importantly, what is our role in a historic time like this? This is clearly a watershed moment, a game changer for the Middle East and for the entire world. The annals of history will look back at this time and ask: what did you do?
What did we do?
To shine some light, provide perspective and clarity and offer direction and hope in these times, please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this timely and critical discussion.

Oct 12, 202334:18
Happiness: Nature or Nurture?

Happiness: Nature or Nurture?

Are you a happy person? Do you feel happy right now? As human beings, we all have times that we're happy and times that happiness eludes us. But overall, what is your natural inclination?Are some people just born happier than others? Is happiness inherent or acquired? And more importantly, are there things we can do - tools we can learn, methods we can implement - to bring more happiness and joy into our lives, to become more upbeat and optimistic? Or are we simply hard wired a certain way, with some people being more despondent while others more spirited?You will be surprised to learn that happiness is something that you can control.Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and discover that happiness is both inherent and acquired: you are naturally born happy. Happiness is your state of being. However, that core nature can be obfuscated by life experiences. Learn how to acquire tools that allow you to access your natural happiness, to experience happiness as a noun, not just as a verb. Remember, you do not control your circumstances, but you can control your state of mind, which in turn allows you to navigate the ups and downs of life. You have the power to become a happier person because your attitude will ultimately reveal your identity and shape your reality. 

Sep 28, 202327:45
Let Go. Let God. How to Get Unstuck and Propel Yourself Forward

Let Go. Let God. How to Get Unstuck and Propel Yourself Forward

Do you feel stuck in your life? Stuck in a situation, stuck in a relationship, stuck in your job? Are there things that you simply cannot free yourself from, no matter how much you try and no matter how good your intentions are? After all your attempts, you just keep being tugged back into the same old rut?What do you do in a situation like that? Is there any way out? How do you get yourself out of the pit when there is seemingly no rope to hold onto, no light to show you the way out? This is one of the most difficult questions to answer because in many cases we may be our own worst enemy, and a prisoner cannot free himself. Somebody else cannot pull you out of your trappings - especially if you're resisting and don't want the help. A problem cannot be solved within the same system that created the problem. Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this life changing discussion and discover how to access powers that are beyond the system where the problem was created. Learn time tested methods to not only help yourself get unstuck, but to help propel you to even greater heights than you could've imagined.

Sep 21, 202328:21
Bored. Trapped. How to Rejuvenate Your Life

Bored. Trapped. How to Rejuvenate Your Life

Are you motivated? Do you wake up each morning feeling energized, excited to seize the day? Or is your life one of tedious routines, monotonous habits, repeating the same cycles, day after day, simply making do and getting by?One of the great challenges in life - even though it sounds innocuous - is boredom. The monotony and the routine, feeds into a lethargy that ultimately leads to resignation and demoralization. It may seem harmless enough at the start, and yet it can often be the beginning of a downward spiral. Boredom creates a void, a breeding ground for all sorts of problems -- as we desperately seek to fill the vacuum.
Another difficult challenge we face in life is the feeling of being trapped: The narrative goes like this: I'm stuck in my life. I can't seem to get out of the rut. The more things change the more they stay the same. How can I escape this pit of negativity that's holding me back?Life is synonymous with movement. Everything in existence is pulsating with energy. Healthy living is all about hope and possibilities. When we feel languid and sluggish, we are actually defying the very nature of our core being, brimming with tremendous power within. Observe young children and how they never stop moving, always filled with enthusiasm and curiosity. How can we access and unleash the energy that is trapped in our outer routines? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this pre-Rosh Hashanah special program and discover how to break out of your boredom and traps. Uncover the secret to one of the greatest gifts in life; learning how to rejuvenate yourself, how to recharge your batteries in a sustainable way and how to access the tremendous resources and potency within you.

Sep 14, 202327:40
How Do I Find My Calling in Life

How Do I Find My Calling in Life

No company, organization or entity can efficiently function without a mission statement. Can you?

Have you ever asked yourself what your personal calling is in life? If you haven't, know that you're not alone. Most people on this planet do not have a personal mission statement. But the bigger question is how do you find your mission? How do you identify your unique and indispensable role in this world?

We're so busy and overwhelmed with the existing pressures of life, with expectations and demands to make ends meet, to pay our bills, to fulfill family and personal needs. And in today's day and age, with technology and media overload we are inundated from every direction. We don't even have the time to step back and think about what our mission is. Most of us simply take life day by day, reacting to the needs of the moment.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for this vital and fundamental discussion on discovering your personal calling in life, and how that will infuse every aspect of your existence with deeper meaning and urgency.

Sep 08, 202331:40
Is God Relevent

Is God Relevent

Let's talk about God. What does God mean to you? Is God real or superstition? Do you have a personal relationship with God, or is God simply part of the culture and home you grew up in?

This three-letter word "God" evokes perhaps more conversation and debate than any other word.

And the debates continue to rage. There are firm believers, firm non-believers, firm agnostics -- and those not so firm in their beliefs. Everyone has an opinion on the matter. The battle between science and religion continues to impact society to this day. With the advent of the Enlightenment, known as the Age of Reason, free and open inquiry challenged absolute religious authority. Many felt that science would replace religion. But has that happened? Are faith and reason compatible? Is God a contradiction to an open, questioning mind? Is God necessary?

What is most interesting -- and bizarre -- is that while we argue over God, we may not even agree or know what the word means! Before we agree or disagree - before we say whether we believe or don't believe - shouldn't we first define the meaning of the thing we are discussing? Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev once told a self-proclaimed atheist: "The God you don't believe in, I also don't believe in." Think about that!

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for this important conversation that has an impact on everything and anything we are involved in. Let's talk about God and discover what God truly means. And then we can determine whether God is relevant to our lives.

Aug 31, 202332:21
Is Love Real

Is Love Real

Love - we all need it and yet we find it so difficult to attain. It is perhaps the most elusive of all experiences.

What is love? Is is real or just a chemical reaction? Is it just another physical/psychological aspect to our being or is there something deeper, a spiritual/ethereal component to love?

Schopenhauer notoriously wrote, “Love is based on an illusion and represents what is an advantage to the species as an advantage to the individual.”

Is this correct? Is love simply a way of nature tricking and deceiving us in order to perpetuate the species? Are we simply being fooled into “loving” in order to survive?

Or is there something more transcendent, something deeper going on?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for this vital conversation and discover that not only is love real, it is actually the key to turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, the mundane into the sublime. Love is our ability to bring eternity into our impermanent lives; infuse immortality into our mortality; fuse the infinite and the finite.

Aug 25, 202330:09
The Kabbalah of Time: 4 Time Management Tips that Will Change Your Life

The Kabbalah of Time: 4 Time Management Tips that Will Change Your Life





Is time your friend or your enemy?

On one hand we’re always trying to beat the clock and meet deadlines. The pressure of time - the constant tik tok, tik tok - can be overwhelming and even downright scary. Our time is limited, every minute that passes can never be reclaimed and it keeps on moving no matter what. We literally cannot do anything physical to stop time and the aging process.

On the other hand, time keeps us moving, motivating us to make the most of it. It reflects our full life journey - the past, present and future. It defines our milestones and achievements. It’s the way we function and get anything and everything done. Time is the fuel that keeps our life on track.

What exactly is time? Is it real or imaginary? Does it have a soul? How should we best utilize our time and manage it most efficiently? How can time become our ally?

Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for this critical discussion on the very nature of time. Discover four steps -- reflected in the four-letter acronym of T.I.M.E. -- that will empower you to tap into the energy of time and enhance your life. Learn how to maximize your time in fulfilling your very mission in this world.

Aug 17, 202320:01
Finding Your Self Worth

Finding Your Self Worth

How would you rate your self esteem? And how do we even define self worth? What do we consider valuable? Is it how much money you have; how many possessions you own? Is it how many friends you have; how much love you have in your life?

And who defines self worth? Do we define it ourselves? Or do others define it?

We live in a world where we are inundated from every direction by all types of voices trying to sell us something. If you buy this, you'll look better and you'll feel more valuable and more worthy. But is our worth so surface based, so superficial. Additionally, we are faced with constant demands and expectations -- from parents, educators, employers and employees, family, media, politicians and more -- competing for our attention, time and energy. No wonder that we find it often difficult to discover ourselves -- to appreciate who we are and our own inherent value, independent of all these forces. Can others give us our worth or should our worth be generated from within?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he discusses this critical topic that affects us all. Discover how to recognize your true value -- that which makes you truly indispensable. Learn how to build inner security and confidence, enabling you to make healthier choices and decisions, and helping you actualize your greatest potential.

Aug 10, 202329:02
Do Spiritual People Live Longer

Do Spiritual People Live Longer

Do Spiritual People Live Longer?
What is the secret to living a long and healthy life? Much has been said and written about the importance of maintaining physical fitness -- balanced diet, regular exercise, ample sleep, avoiding toxins, and so on. But how about our emotional, psychological and spiritual health? What effect does, say, anxiety and stress have on our welfare and longevity? How much do our fears and insecurities drain and erode our immunity systems? 
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a dynamic discussion on the virtues of living a more meaningful and spiritual life. Discover how to introduce transcendence into your daily routines, how to build and embrace eternal foundations and values, and how that will help free you from the stresses and pressures that take their toll on your health. Learn how to unleash forces in your soul that will allow you to live a more fulfilling and a longer life, quantitatively and qualitatively.

Aug 03, 202328:21
How to Comfort and Be Comforted_A 5 Step Plan to Building Empathy

How to Comfort and Be Comforted_A 5 Step Plan to Building Empathy

One of the greatest challenges in life is how to rebuild after loss, how to reclaim dignity after we've been violated, how to experience rebirth after we've been traumatized, how to find resolution after something may have been destroyed.

Tonight is Tisha B'Av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, when the Temple was destroyed. This day represents and personifies destruction on all levels, global, communal and personal.

However, the good news is that within the destruction and within the challenges, lies the birth of hope, reconciliation and building something even greater that what was there before.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this vital conversation on how to comfort others and how to be comforted yourself. Discover the 5 R’s - five steps to build empathy: Reconnect. Recognize. Rebirth. Rebuild. Renewal.

Jul 27, 202338:17
How Can a Good G-d Allow Bad Things to Happen?

How Can a Good G-d Allow Bad Things to Happen?

Life is often fraught with challenges and difficulties. Yes, there are many times where life is thankfully filled with celebrations, joy, happiness, beautiful events and experiences. But there is no person on earth who hasn’t also been affected by the other part of life, the pain and suffering, the distress and anxieties – everybody has dealt with this in their own personal lives.

Which brings us to the age-old question: How can a good G-d allow bad things to happen? If G-d is just, how can injustice occur? Why are good people made to suffer?There are those who have rejected G-d for this precise reason. But does a G-dless life make it easier to suffer? The fact is that each of us – no matter who you are – feels pain when we see innocent people senselessly suffer. If we did not have a sense of justice and compassion, why do we expect goodness to be rewarded? Why are we troubled when good people suffer? For many people G-d is actually their only solace and source of hope in difficult times. But the question still looms large: how can a good G-d allow bad things to happen?  Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this engaging class tackling the difficult questions of theodicy, reconciling a good and just G-d with a life where evil and bad things happen. What is the healthy way to face pain and suffering? Can we understand G-d’s ways? How do we remain strong and grow through challenges?

Jul 19, 202323:52
Take on The Challenge: The Power of Competition

Take on The Challenge: The Power of Competition

When you think of competition, how do you react? What feelings and thoughts does it conjure up?For many the word evokes feelings of failure, losing, or even humiliation. A competitive nature may not tolerate that another person won, leaving them bitter, angry and resentful. For others, the word elicits excitement, overzealousness to take on the challenge and be victorious at all costs, even if it means trampling others in the way. It can be about dominance, power and control. Either extreme doesn't seem positive. But does it have to be that way? Is competition all bad? Are there any benefits to it? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a dynamic discussion exploring the transformative potential of competition. Delve into the psychology and mechanics of healthy competition, uncovering its ability to drive personal growth, foster resilience, and ignite excellence. Discover how to harness competition as a motivational force, while also learning to navigate its potential pitfalls. In any area you are seeking to grow -- whether in a relationship, as an entrepreneur, an athlete or someone involved in personal development -- this class will equip you with the tools to embrace challenge and competition as a powerful catalyst for achievement and self-improvement. It will teach you how competition - healthy competition - can actually make you the best you can possibly be, drawing out your deepest strengths and helping you reach unprecedented heights. 

Jul 13, 202328:52
How to Feel Truly Alive

How to Feel Truly Alive

Do you feel alive, truly alive? Is your life filled with enthusiasm, energy, passion and excitement?

We all go through ups and downs in life; there are times that we are sluggish and can feel unmotivated, uninspired, apathetic, and even zombie-like. And there are times that we feel like we are burning on all cylinders, making the most of our time and actualizing our potential.

What state do you generally find yourself in? Is our energy level simply based on our moods and vicissitudes? Is it dependent on how we are wired: Are some people just more spirited than others? Or are we all able to achieve high octane levels to feel fully alive? And if so, what can one do to stimulate this state of being not only biological alive, not merely surviving, but living life to the fullest -- with spirit, energy and passion?

Imagine what it would feel like to wake up each morning and jump out of bed with powerful anticipation, a mindset to seize the day and accomplish great things!

And imagine being able to do so day after day, at full speed without burning out. Of course we all need moments of respite to reboot and recharge, but overall how wonderful it would be to generate and initiate that type of energy?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and discover powerful methods to invigorating and electrifying your life, making the most of every moment and unleashing your tremendous potential. Learn the five levels of your soul -- each one brimming with more energy than the next, and how to harness these dimensions to infuse into your life passion, fervor and inspiration and begin living a life that is truly alive.

Jul 06, 202334:23
What the Bible Teaches Us About the Power of Words

What the Bible Teaches Us About the Power of Words

What power and potency do our words carry?

Words are everywhere. Books, media, video, marketing, talk radio -- the list goes on. Words inundating us from every direction. And of course, the words we use endlessly. Words we think, speak and write. Do we even know how many words we utter a day? How many words we text? How many words we communicate?

Do our words matter? How many of them are meaningful and how many are insignificant, even nonsense? How many of our words are hurtful and destructive?

To speak comes so easily that we often take it for granted. Being that we have no quota for how many words we can say in a day we just talk, talk, talk…

At the same time words contain tremendous power. Language is the basis of all communication and transmission of knowledge and experience; conversations between people who love each other, between strangers, between spouses, parents and children. Words create relationships, connections and attachments. Kind and loving words bring us together; healthy discourse leads to collaborations; the written word over generations allows us to build on accumulated knowledge, transforming our lives. And hateful language can bring terrible destruction.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for an eye, ear and mouth-opening conversation on the power of our words. Words -- speech, language -- are a gift we have been blessed with. It's time to pause and become more deliberate about the words we use. To step back and ask ourselves: What exactly am I doing with my gift of words? What words am I expressing, to whom and to what end? If you had a quota of words you can say on a given day, what words would you choose?

Jun 30, 202328:60
6 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills

6 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills

Are there any leaders that you trust?
We have a leadership crisis today, where the people in power - our leaders - are simply not leading, and are not trusted. Do we even know what defines a true leader?
Interestingly, the question goes deeper and is actually also about each one of us. Do you see yourself as a leader? We often think leaders are somewhere out there, other people who have the proper leadership credentials. But did you ever consider that you - yes, you - may have the potential to be a leader in your own right?
It's about time to actually identify what makes a leader. Is it power, is it charisma, is it influence? The answer may surprise you and teach you what to expect in a leader and above all, how to be a leader in your part of the world.
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this important discussion, and discover how the acronym of the word LEADER reveals the very features of what it takes to be one. Explore 6 qualities and ingredients that define a true leader and learn how you can employ these tools to become a leader in your own environment -- with the power to influence, impact and transform everyone and everything you come in contact with.

Jun 22, 202335:34
The Kabbalah of Graduating

The Kabbalah of Graduating

We are now in the graduation season with millions of students celebrating the conclusion of a stage of their schooling.
But what exactly is a graduation? What does it signify? Is it just an invisible milestone that comes and goes? Or is there something deeper, something personal and meaningful that we all - not just the graduates but also friends and family - can learn from it?
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as we discuss transitions, the right of passage, that takes us from one stage in our lives to another. Discover that this is really the essence of what graduation is; it’s about the journey of life and how we deal with these transitions and junctures in time as we move and metamorphosize from one stage to the next.

Jun 15, 202332:07
In G-d We Trust. But Do We

In G-d We Trust. But Do We

Is there anyone that you absolutely and entirely trust? Trust with your life, trust with your confidence, trust with everything about yourself; someone you are comfortable being vulnerable with, knowing that you won’t be judged or criticized and the person’s attitude will not change in any way. Is there anyone that you have total transparency with, total honesty with no defenses?

Actually you can ask a deeper question. Do you totally trust yourself? Are you completely in sync with yourself, not living in denial? Do you trust your choices and decisions implicitly?

Trust is a very big word and it lies at the heart of every important aspect of your life. Trust plays a crucial role in all our relationships and commitments, it affects our connections and our decisions. When you totally trust someone you let yourself be completely invested, sharing and giving of yourself in a very real way. But when you don’t fully trust someone, you’ll put up walls and find excuses and justifications, making it impossible to be totally present. How many masks and defense mechanisms do we have in place in our lives and interactions? How much of your life is driven by fear and insecurity? Is it possible to trust imperfect people who are driven by self interest and ruled by subjective factors?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he discusses this critical topic, and discover how to build true and lasting trust — fully and wholeheartedly — in yourself and the people around you. Learn how trust in G-d — in an immortal foundation and eternal values — helps us create unwavering security and love that will allow us the confidence to spread our wings and soar.

Jun 08, 202331:07
How to Become a Giver in a World of Takers

How to Become a Giver in a World of Takers

Are you a giver or a taker? The fact is that we live in a world that teaches us how to take, with the justification and argument that life is fundamentally selfish; survival of the fittest is the driving ethos and if you don’t take care of yourself no one else will take care of you.

Is that accurate? Is that a healthy attitude? On a short term basis, it may seem that being a taker will benefit you, even if doesn’t help others. But what about the bigger, long-term picture? What about love, virtue, nobility — what happens with these fundamental elements in life when we are in a parasitic state of mind?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this penetrating talk — digging into the core of what defines us as humans — and discover how giving lays at the heart and soul of a healthy life. When you give you become a creator — defining yourself and your destiny, instead of being defined by those you take from. Giving builds confidence and security, enabling you to actualize your greatest potential.

Jun 01, 202336:05
Why Did a Spiritual God Create a Material World

Why Did a Spiritual God Create a Material World

Let's talk about spirituality. It's pretty much a given today that beneath the material surface of existence lies layers and layers of energy. What we experience with our senses -- sight, sound, taste, touch and smell -- is only the tip of the iceberg. Whether you call it energy, or spirit, or the inner workings, or the dna or the microscopic quantum state - there is a deeper dimension to our world that remains hidden to the physical eye.

We will define it as spiritual energy. But what is spirituality? What does the very word spirit mean?

Conventional thinking divides existence into two dimensions: spirit/energy and body/matter. And with the knowledge that e=mc2 we also discovered that energy and matter are actually reversible - they're both forms of energy just in different states of the same reality. (Just as heated water turns into gas and transforms into ice when frozen.) We also see our lives through this two-dimensional prism: 1. the material part of our lives -- survival, and 2) the spiritual part of our lives -- transcendence. The sensory and the supersensory, the physical and the metaphysical.

But is there more to it? Are there only two reversible dimensions to our lives?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and discover that there is actually a third dimension - that is beyond spirit or matter! And accessing this third dimension is the secret to dealing with the inherent tension between matter and spirit, and the key to creating ultimate and total fusion of our material and physical lives.

May 24, 202336:33