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The RCT Podcast

By Real Conservative Talk

This show is the ultimate podcast for conservatives. Hosted by Michael Kee, a regular patriotic American that wants nothing more than for his country and it's citizens to be the best! If you are looking for an honest, heartfelt discussion on all topics then this is your place! If you are looking for political correctness, then proceed at your own risk because this host holds nothing back when it comes to the matters of our government, the economy, sports, and other topics that seem to outrageous to believe! Right, wrong, or indifferent, you can always count on getting REAL Conservative Talk
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John Gruden Cancelled and the White House's Inaccurate Tax Studies

The RCT PodcastOct 12, 2021

John Gruden Cancelled and the White House's Inaccurate Tax Studies

John Gruden Cancelled and the White House's Inaccurate Tax Studies

-Two contradicting studies are one by the Tax Foundation and one down by the White House. Both links are Below.

According top the white house study the average tax rate in the U.S was 8.2% from 2010-2018. They said their analyses differs from other studies because they narrowed down their data pool and they included “unrealized gains income.” This is basically a star way of saying we manipulated the study to make it seem like the rich aren’t paying their fair share. There is no such thing as “Unrealized gains income”

Quoted in the study, “In this analysis, we used publicly available data to estimate the average Federal individual income tax rate paid by America’s wealthiest 400 families, using a relatively comprehensive measure of their income that includes income from unsold stock. In our primary analysis, we estimated an average tax rate of 8.2 percent for the period 2010–2018. We also present sensitivity analyses that yield estimates in the 6–12 percent range.

There are multiple fundamental flaws with this study.

  1. They are putting Net Worth and Income into the same category for tax analysis
  2. When they say “families” they are not being specific. The Walton Family has a substantial fortune due to their business holding however, each member of the family is taxed at their own rate because they have their own income. You can not classify the entire family as whole when doing a tax study.

Oct 12, 202154:16
Dr. Fauci Documentary, Stadiums Have to Wear Mask in LA, and No More Secret Transactions!

Dr. Fauci Documentary, Stadiums Have to Wear Mask in LA, and No More Secret Transactions!

Dr. Fauci documentary came out today on Disney+ and all I have to say is that he definitely funded research at the Wuhan Lab and helped create the China Virus. His new documentary came out today.

The NFL game last night was played in what looked to be a dome but some how had a lightning delay. Only In California can the stadium be wearing a mask but the state still says it is at risk. The funny thing is that they allowed fans in with proof of vaccination and no mask and a fan had a greater chance of catching COVID from a vaccinated person sitting next to the them than they did getting struck by lightning while sitting under a roof. However, fans were told to remain seated because it was safe but the players

The $3.5 Trillion legislation will call for all bank accounts over $600 to be monitored by the IRS. The average bank account balance in 2019 was $5,300

-This legislation is not trying to keep the rich in check, it is trying to control the populous as a whole.

-What transactions cost more than $600- Car payment, Rent or Mortgage Payment, Buying or selling a home, buying or selling a car, buying luxury items, Grocery Store trip depending on how much it is. Howe about a personal bet you had with one of your friends. How about a garage sale and afterwards you went a deposited the money in a bank account. How about ANY cash transaction where you are giving or receiving more than $600 and its not any of the governments business.

The Facebook Whistleblower is not a hero nor is it really news at all. She is basically telling us that Facebook won’t suppress the right even more because they fear losing profits.

Oct 07, 202127:30
The Ignorance of Nancy Pelosi and Jen Psaki, Milley Vs. Scheller

The Ignorance of Nancy Pelosi and Jen Psaki, Milley Vs. Scheller

$3.5 Trillion Stupid Tax

  • Nancy Pelosi said that the $3.5 Trillion spending bill is actually $0 because it is paid for…. It’s not paid for yet and history shows it will never be paid for, only more and more debt will be taken out in the future to delay any payment. It will not be paid for because the Government does not know how to calculate where they will get the money from. If I am loaning money to someone, I would want to know exactly where the payments are coming from to ensure credibility. However if I was able to borrow from myself with no questions asked then I would not have the need to do its.
  • The Dems know that their legislation will be pushed onto the next administration. If it is democrat then they can keep going down the same path as they are now and delay their stupid expenses or increase taxes or whatever, If it is Republican then they will be able to put blame on the administration and use them as a scape goat.
  • When the government says “We are going to give you…..” They aren’t giving you anything, they are merely returning the money that you gave them.

- Even the most favorable analyses, such as one from the Tax Policy Center, a project by the left-leaning Urban Institute and Brookings Institution, find that “the bottom 80% of households pay more than one-quarter of corporate taxes.” This means that whatever they pay to the IRS, millions of Americans earning far less than $400,000 will still suffer a de facto tax increase under the Democrats’ proposed schemes.


Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller has been locked up for violating a gag order however General Milley roams free after committing treasonous acts in line with those of Benedict Arnold.

Sep 30, 202131:02
U.S Debt Ceiling, Socialism Awareness Pt. 2

U.S Debt Ceiling, Socialism Awareness Pt. 2

The U.S Debt Ceiling- Why we should not raise the Debt Ceiling.

It is of my opinion that we should not raise the debt ceiling. Raising the debt ceiling is only taking out loans to pay for shit that we already have incurred expenses for and the largest being social security. I believe Social Security is the biggest mistake in American History and the most costly one. The Problem is that we aren’t raising the debt ceiling to pay for new programs, we are raising it to pay for current programs that were improperly mismanaged and calculated. The money was not there to begin with and it isn’t there now either.

The GDP in the District of Columbia is 200,277 which is 2 times more than the next highest! Which is New York City.

The poorest states in the U.S have 4 times higher GDP per capita than China does and the Chinese economy is not that much smaller than the U.S.

When some one says that communism or socialism is the way to go and promotes equity and equality, they are wrong.

When tithe United States Economy collapsed during the great depression, it was able to rebuild it self within ten years and experienced one of the largest economic booms in history after world war 2. It was also able to rebuild it self in a few years after the financial collapse in 2008-2009 as well as last year during the pandemic. However when the Soviet Union and other socialist or communist countries go broke and collapse, they need outside countries to help rebuild them and only the ones that have adopted capitalism have been successful such as South Korea, Germany, and Japan. Hong Kong was also another great example of a successful capitalist entity that has only experienced issues as of late with Chinese intervention.

Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and South Africa (as of recently) are prime examples of poor leadership, going away from capitalist economies, implementing socialist and communist ideas and completely screwing up the growth and future of the nation.

In a world of scarce resources, life is like a card game. If you are playing poker or black jack, not every one is dealt the same hand, and it is the decisions you make with the cards that you are dealt, along with persistence that ultimately lead to success. However the rules of the card game have to allow for successful strategies to be implemented to allow for a chance to win.

These successful strategies would be equivalent to barriers to entry in the business world

Examples of barriers to entry are

  1. Competing Businesses- The anti Trust laws combat businesses from growing to large and having complete control over a market. The government itself in a socialist or communist country would act as a monopoly.
  2. Market Culture
  3. Market Make up
  4. Credit and Financing- Ease of financing and credit will allow for faster growth in an economy however there is a happy medium to this.
  5. Operations and Supply Chain
  6. Government Regulation- Licensing, taxes, legal processes to start the business. In my opinion this is the reason more people do not start a business. This can be a very complicated step. -The next would be Credit and Financing,

Socialist ideals include production for use, rather than for profit; an equitable distribution of wealth and material resources among all people; no more competitive buying and selling in the market; and free access to goods and services.

Sep 29, 202131:44
The Racist Border Patrol, Hunter Biden, and Socialism Awareness Month

The Racist Border Patrol, Hunter Biden, and Socialism Awareness Month

  1. White House says that it is tired of people pointing out the border crisis.
  2. The pictures of the Border Patrol on horseback detaining a Haitian that is ILLEGALLY crossing the border is seen as racist by the liberal media and against Human Rights.
  • Kamala Harris and Joe Biden both stated that there will be an investigation into the pictures and there will be consequences. They have also banned the use of horses by BP agents.

If the U.S is so racist then why do people risk their lives to come here? Why are black and brown people willing to break the law just to get across the border? Why would they not stay in their country where they are a majority race just to come to a country that is supposedly systemically racist.

4) Isn’t it Ironic that that Haitian and Hispanic people are willing to risk a run in with a supposed racist Horse BP agent just so stye have any opportunity to live next to said racist BP agent….. Why? Because the United States is not racist.

  • If the U.S was racist then it is still far better than being in whatever bum fuck country they are coming from and they know that!
  • It’s not that they don’t love their homeland, but they know http their homeland is not ideal and they know that the opportunities in the United States are 100x what they have currently. People are literally willing to live under a filthy bridge that is barely inside of the United States just to have a taste of freedom, but if you ask the liberal left, we are the most hateful, racist country in the world and we are treating them like slaves.

5) We are looking at a picture that is being taken out of context. But we are supposed to believe that it is exactly how we perceive it. So am I supposed to take the pictures of hunter Biden at face value as well?

A lesson in socialism

Sep 28, 202130:23
Joy Reid and My Tax Plan if I was President

Joy Reid and My Tax Plan if I was President

  1. It is Ironic that every Socialist and Communist countries formal name has democratic, republic, or both in it. For example, the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
  2. Joy Reid “missing white women syndrome.” Joy Reid is mad that missing black people don’t get the same coverage as missing white people. Joy Reid is a TV host, why does she not talk about it her self?

3) For its part, the U.S. government has pledged to donate at least 1.1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine for global use by 2022 and has been delivering doses to countries around the world since June.1 To understand more about these donated doses and where they have been directed, we analyzed data from the U.S. State Department, COVAX, and other sources. We find that, as of September 20, 2021:

  • The U.S. has donated approximately 140 million doses2 to at least 93 countries (see Table 1 and Figure 1). The ten countries receiving the most doses include: Pakistan (15.8 million), Bangladesh (6.5 million), Philippines (6.4 million), Colombia (6.0 million), South Africa (5.7 million), Vietnam (5.0 million), Indonesia (4.5 million), Guatemala (4.5 million), Uzbekistan (4.2 million), and Nigeria (4.0 million).


5)  The total income earned by Americans in 2020 was $19.68 Trillion. The government earns about $1.6 Trillion from Income Taxes paid. Why not get rid of Personal tax deductions and set a flat 10% income tax. This would equate to an almost 20% increase in income Tax Revenue. They should also charge an extra 1% on top of the local sales tax. This extra 1% would go to the federal government. It is my belief that doping this will increase tax revenue because it will ensure that Taxes are actually paid.

Sep 24, 202121:16
The Truth Behind Vaccine Mandates

The Truth Behind Vaccine Mandates

This episode is all about the truth to the vaccine mandates and how they are totalitarian. Joe Biden is using the mandates to try and pin one class of person against another class of person. Joe Biden quoted "It isn't about your rights its about protecting yourself." I beg to differ. It IS about our rights and our freedom. It always has been and it always will be.

Sep 22, 202109:46
The U.S Debt Ceiling and the Market, Gabby Petito Follow Up, Pop Culture Turning Conservative
Sep 21, 202124:28
Gabby Petito, The Border Crisis by the Numbers, and Mental Weakness compared to Mental Illness in Sports

Gabby Petito, The Border Crisis by the Numbers, and Mental Weakness compared to Mental Illness in Sports

  1. Gabby Petito
  2. The Southwest border has been inundated in recent months with a surge in unauthorized crossings not seen in more than two decades. More than 200,000 people crossed last month, bringing the total this fiscal year to more than 1.5 million.


4) In the Period of October to August from 2018- 2021, There have been 30-50% decline in the amount of drug seizures in 2021 compared to prior years. I would relate this to the fact that the border has become so flooded with people, on top of the lake of resources given to border patrol agents, that they are so overwhelmed and will not be able to conduct the Border drug operations as needed. This is concerning because Fentanyl use has been sky rocketing the last several years so there is not a decline in drug importation.

5) Transfer Portal Rules in College football has taken away loyalty from our young men. We have made quitting in America the status quo. We have softened our society and made it seem like it is ok just because you have mental illness. What qualifies as mental illness?

Injuries in football have actually increased since rules have been implemented to try and cut down on injuries. We have made it’s ok to stay home from practice and kids these days do not practice every day in a sport where practice and repetitions are a key correlation to reducing injuries.

Sep 20, 202134:19
How Illegals are Treated better than Citizens in the U.S and Do Companies Really Not Pay Thier Fair Share?

How Illegals are Treated better than Citizens in the U.S and Do Companies Really Not Pay Thier Fair Share?

Food insecure—At times during the year, these households were uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food. Food-insecure households include those with low food security and very low food security.

  • 10.5 percent (13.8 million) of U.S. households were food insecure at some time during 2020.
  • Unchanged from 10.5 percent in 2019.

Low food security—These food-insecure households obtained enough food to avoid substantially disrupting their eating patterns or reducing food intake by using a variety of coping strategies, such as eating less varied diets, participating in Federal food assistance programs, or getting food from community food pantries.

  • 6.6 percent (8.6 million) of U.S. households had low food security in 2020.
  • Essentially unchanged from 6.4 percent in 2019.

Very low food security—In these food-insecure households, normal eating patterns of one or more household members were disrupted and food intake was reduced at times during the year because they had insufficient money or other resources for food.

  • 3.9 percent (5.1 million) of U.S. households had very low food security at some time during 2020.
  • Essentially unchanged from 4.1 percent in 2019.

Food Security Status of U.S. Households with Children in 2020

Among U.S. households with children under age 18:

  • 85.2 percent of households with children were food secure in 2020.
  • Household food insecurity affected 14.8 percent of households with children in 2020. In some of these food-insecure households only adults were food insecure, while in others children also experienced food insecurity.
  • In 7.2 percent of households with children, only adults were food insecure.
  • Both children and adults were food insecure in 7.6 percent of households with children (2.9 million households).
  • Children are usually protected from substantial reductions in food intake even in households with very low food security. Nevertheless, in about 0.8 percent of households with children (322,000 households), one or more child also experienced reduced food intake and disrupted eating patterns at some time during the year.

2) About 100,000 of the 400,000 children currently in the system are waiting to be adopted, either by their foster parents or by adoptive families who have not fostered before.

3) The news comes as the Biden administration once again recorded well over 200,000 apprehensions of illegal aliens for the month of August, a more than 300% surge compared to August of last year.


Sep 18, 202130:15
Treasonous General Milley, AOC Taxing the Rich, and our Soft Society

Treasonous General Milley, AOC Taxing the Rich, and our Soft Society

Met Gala- AOC showed up to Met Gal wearing a tax the rich made by a designer that sells clothes to the Rich.

Even if AOC was gifted the dress, the Designer did it as a means to advertise her design to attract Rich clients. What better way to market your business than to throw up a Big Fuck You to your potential clients.

AOC wearing that dress at Met Gala reminds me of the Kat Williams joke when he said you can kill all them mother fuckers, I have not one insurgent friend.

Milley's fear that Trump could do something unpredictable came from experience. Right after Trump lost the election, Milley discovered the President had signed a military order to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan by January 15, 2021, before he left the White House.


Then Milley received a blunt phone call from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to the book. Woodward and Costa exclusively obtained a transcript of the call, during which Milley tried to reassure Pelosi that the nuclear weapons were safe.

Pelosi pushed back.
"What I'm saying to you is that if they couldn't even stop him from an assault on the Capitol, who even knows what else he may do? And is there anybody in charge at the White House who was doing anything but kissing his fat butt all over this?"
Pelosi continued, "You know he's crazy. He's been crazy for a long time."
According to Woodward and Costa, Milley responded, "Madam Speaker, I agree with you on everything."

In response, Milley took extraordinary action, and called a secret meeting in his Pentagon office on January 8 to review the process for military action, including launching nuclear weapons. Speaking to senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon's war room, Milley instructed them not to take orders from anyone unless he was involved.

"No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I'm part of that procedure," Milley told the officers, according to the book. He then went around the room, looked each officer in the eye, and asked them to verbally confirm they understood.
Sep 16, 202125:23
How the Current administration is getting Economics all Wrong! Coercion and More!

How the Current administration is getting Economics all Wrong! Coercion and More!

Coercion is the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. Joe Biden is using Coercion in regards to the COVID Vaccine. This is illegal and punishable up to 3 years in Prison. Further more the left has proposed changes to retirement account laws that will not only impact the rich but will actually hurt everyone! They do not seem to understand that people act of incentive, but they continue to disincentive people to try and get what they want. They will realize soon that it does not work! Find it all here on "Real Conservative Talk"!

Information pulled from:

Sep 14, 202121:13
9/11 Remembrance and Joe Biden's Absence plus some College Football Talk

9/11 Remembrance and Joe Biden's Absence plus some College Football Talk

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack. We remember all of the livers lost on that fateful day and those that fought for us in the 20 years following. Yet we have a President that is to good to make a speech. Instead Joe Biden would rather have a scripted video that he released in the middle of the night. In this episode, Michael Kee discusses his thoughts on the lack of leadership and lack of care shown by the current administration. He then finishes the discussion off on a high note with some nice college football talk.

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Sep 12, 202121:29
Joe Biden's Totalitarian COVID Vaccine Mandates!

Joe Biden's Totalitarian COVID Vaccine Mandates!

Joe Biden is now urging every government employee to get the COVID 19 Vaccine. He says that every employee that refuses to do so is at Risk of losing their job. Dr. Fauci says that tough decisions may have to be made if hospitals don't have the capacity to take in patients. He is referencing the possibility of declining treatment for unvaccinated individuals. In this episode I break down why that is not very rational! Should we start turning away obese people? Should we start turning away Smokers? The left wants you to be able to get an abortion because you didn't want to use a condom but they want to decline treatment for not wanting to get the vaccine? Should we start punishing people for decisions made freely by people living in a free country?

Sep 10, 202115:10
The Fake High School, Joe Biden's Disrespect, and the Socialist Hypocrites

The Fake High School, Joe Biden's Disrespect, and the Socialist Hypocrites

Get ready for a good one! A fake high school scammed ESPN into showing a football game between them and the #1 Team in the country! After that Michael Kee discusses a few events that occurred over the last couple of days and how Joe Biden continues to show the world how unfit he truly is. Then get ready for the most heart felt passionate rant on Capitalism and Socialist Hypocrisy you have ever heard!

Questions and comments can be sent to

Sep 01, 202148:21
The Three Hardest Words to Say In the English Language!

The Three Hardest Words to Say In the English Language!

Todays talking points derive from the book "Think Like A Freak" written by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. I read a passages out of the first chapter that explain why the 3 words "I Don't Know" are the hardest to say in the English language. I then discuss how relative and true that is for todays society and at the forefront is our Elected Officials and prominent "Experts." The consequences of saying "I Don't Know" are far greater than being wrong and unfortunately it has a lasting impact on innocent people! Is admitting that you don't have the answer really that big of a deal? Why not just admit you are not sure and then go research the answer? And how often are so called "Experts" right about predictions they make? This is an extremely eye opening podcast that provides a perception that most people probably have not considered or looked into!

Any questions or comments can be forwarded to my email:

Also go subscribe to my Youtube channel for an array of information regarding Investing and the Stock Market:

Aug 28, 202131:42
$3.5 Trillion Stupid Tax Explained!

$3.5 Trillion Stupid Tax Explained!

While the the situation in Afghanistan keeps growing worse by the day, congress has been up to something else. A $3.5 Trillion spending bill was approved and is in the works, on top of the already $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Deal. Unlike the Bipartisan infrastructure plan, the $3.5 Trillion does not need anything other than a simple majority to pass. In this Episode I outline one of the scariest tax increases that is proposed in the bill and how it will impact more than just the RICH! If your sensitive, Beware!

Questions and Comments can be forwarded to my email

You can also check out my youtube channel for an array of cool financial videos

Aug 28, 202135:54
The Afghanistan Travesty!

The Afghanistan Travesty!

What is happening in Afghanistan right now is beyond words. Michael Kee lays out his opinion, in no light hearted manner, about how poorly the retreat from Afghanistan has been handled. American heroes have fought and died for 20 years in the Middle East and today 12 more American heroes have lost their lives trying to save fellow American citizens. Could this have all been avoided? How should Joe Biden handle the incident moving forwards? Michael Kee has the answers for you in this Fiery Podcast! Language may be inappropriate for some viewers.

Aug 26, 202143:16
Infrastructure Bill, Inflation, and Cryptocurrency

Infrastructure Bill, Inflation, and Cryptocurrency

In this episode Michael voices his thoughts on the new Infrastructure Bill and how it will be funded. He also discuss Inflation and what causes it, as well as his thoughts on Cryptocurrency as an investment.

Aug 13, 202138:37
Ep. 3- Probabilities of Winning with Investing & DCA

Ep. 3- Probabilities of Winning with Investing & DCA

In this episode I discuss the statistics behind the performance of the S&P 500 as well as a brief explanation of Dollar Cost Averaging and how it can be used to maximize the potential of your investment.

Aug 04, 202137:44
Michael Kee Ep. 2

Michael Kee Ep. 2

Social Security is the biggest scam in United States History. In this episode I show the numbers as to why that is!

Aug 01, 202131:58
Michael Kee Ep. 1

Michael Kee Ep. 1

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Dave Ramsey is a huge financial Icon! But is everything he says correct? I discuss a recent post he had and whether or not I agree with his philosophy.

Aug 01, 202140:40