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Military Mentor

Military Mentor

By Military Mentor

Military Mentor aims to take the lessons of military service and apply it as a tool to deliver impactful messages that changes lives. The founder, Michael Philbert, is a 20 year Army veteran who has a long history of achievement and dedicated himself to servant leadership. We will tackle topics of societal issues, navigating life obstacles, personal and professional growth, leadership, spirituality, and some controversial topics that stimulate thought.
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Unity in Diversity: Breaking Down Barriers

Military MentorMay 27, 2024

Unity in Diversity: Breaking Down Barriers

Unity in Diversity: Breaking Down Barriers

In this episode, we delve into the profound impacts of focusing on our differences, which has left the world in disarray. From religious and political divides to social and regional conflicts, the narratives that separate us are often orchestrated by leaders with ulterior motives, such as the pursuit of power and resources. Through personal stories like that of interactions with Iraqi workers and a child prohibited from interacting with kids of different races, we illustrate how hate is not innate but inherited, taught, and conditioned. These divisions are reinforced by a superiority complex, inherited undesirable behaviors, and narratives that leaders use to maintain control and dictate societal norms. We explore how religious, political, and racial divides stem from deeply ingrained beliefs, ego, and a need for belonging, all perpetuated by those in power.

Despite our perceived differences, there's nothing fundamentally different about us beyond physical DNA traits. By looking past these superficial differences, we can appreciate the beauty in diversity and cultivate unique solutions to our problems. A united society promotes tolerance, equality, and social responsibility, making those who seek to divide us the minority. We can recognize and resist manipulation through media and other narratives by not being entangled in daily conflicts. Ultimately, unity poses a threat to the status quo, empowering us to see through divisive tactics and strive for a more harmonious world.
May 27, 202429:28
Mastering Overthinking: Lessons from Miyamoto Musashi

Mastering Overthinking: Lessons from Miyamoto Musashi

In this episode, we delve into the teachings of Miyamoto Musashi to uncover the roots of stress, anxiety, and lack of productivity. Musashi advises perceiving beyond what is immediately visible, urging us to identify underlying fears and insecurities that fuel our overthinking. He emphasizes that there is more than one path to success and warns against fixating on a single solution. Adaptability is crucial in resolving conflicts between inner desires and outer expectations. Musashi encourages focusing on personal aspirations rather than societal constructs, highlighting the importance of prioritizing tasks that genuinely serve us, avoiding distractions from relationships, media, and social drama.

Musashi’s philosophy underscores the importance of living in the present and maximizing each day. He advocates for conquering today's challenges as a victory over oneself, paving the way for future successes. Overthinking, he suggests, stems from impatience and an obsession with immediate results, which can detract from the journey. By balancing mind and body and taking each day one step at a time, we can overcome the distractions that hinder our progress and focus on becoming better versions of ourselves. This episode is a guide to channeling our energy towards meaningful growth and achieving our goals through patience and perseverance.
May 23, 202428:33
Spoken Word: You are a Life Force!

Spoken Word: You are a Life Force!

In this powerful spoken word piece by Mike Philbert aka “Big Chief”, the essence of human existence is explored and celebrated. It begins with a profound acknowledgment of individual significance, emphasizing the uniqueness and divine orchestration behind each person's existence. The listener is reminded of their inherent power as a life force, capable of influencing the world around them through their actions, words, and intentions.

The piece delves into the importance of self-awareness and the impact of one's thoughts and beliefs on shaping their reality. Through a call to break free from societal conditioning and embrace personal empowerment, the speaker encourages listeners to recognize their ability to manifest change and shape their destiny. Drawing upon themes of intentionality, resilience, and the interconnectedness of all things, the message inspires reflection and action, urging individuals to embrace their purpose and make their lives truly meaningful. After the recitation, the speaker unpacks the layers of meaning behind the words, offering deeper insights into the concepts of self-empowerment, intentionality, and the profound significance of each individual's existence.
May 15, 202428:18
Mastering Conflict: Strategic Moves and Emotional Wisdom

Mastering Conflict: Strategic Moves and Emotional Wisdom

Welcome to today's episode where we dive into the intricacies of conflict and how managing it wisely can transform potentially destructive situations into opportunities for growth and understanding. Conflict is an inevitable part of the human experience, but it's how we handle these conflicts that can define our paths. Impulsive reactions often lead to unpredictable and unfavorable outcomes such as legal issues, lasting stress, or damaged reputations. Instead, taking a moment to assess the situation can help us control our actions rather than becoming victims of circumstance.

In this episode, we explore strategies to engage in conflicts constructively. Remembering the intended outcome and assessing what we have to lose are crucial steps before responding. Emotional intelligence plays a key role by helping us recognize our triggers and avoid escalatory behaviors. We also discuss the importance of choosing battles wisely, especially with those who may have less to lose. Through stories and insights, we learn that de-escalation doesn't mean defeat; it's a sign of managed conflict and a skill that, when mastered, leads to greater freedom and opportunity. Whether it's a dispute over a parking spot or a deeper interpersonal conflict, having a calculated and strategic response can make all the difference.
May 04, 202429:21
Vibrational Frequencies: Protecting and Harnessing Your Energy

Vibrational Frequencies: Protecting and Harnessing Your Energy

In this insightful episode, we delve into the concept that everything in the universe, including thoughts, carries a unique vibrational frequency. We explore how these frequencies impact our lives, emphasizing the power of thoughts and the energy they emit. The discussion extends to how different types of thoughts can influence our mood, health, and the reality around us, highlighting practical ways to harness positive thought patterns for personal well-being.

We also examine the effects of external influences such as dramatic TV and news, and the impact of our social circles on our vibrational state. The importance of surrounding oneself with positive individuals is underscored, alongside effective communication about energy impacts within personal relationships. The episode concludes by inspiring listeners to take control of their energy to manifest positive outcomes, from improved health to better job opportunities, advocating for a proactive approach to managing and enhancing one's vibrational environment.
Apr 29, 202428:54
Cultivating Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Team Growth and Cultural Transformation

Cultivating Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Team Growth and Cultural Transformation

"Cultivating Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Team Growth and Cultural Transformation" is a podcast dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of team development and the establishment of a positive organizational culture. It emphasizes the need for aligning team members not just skill-wise but also in terms of values and perspectives to ensure a unified direction. The podcast explores the essence of creating a culture that defines what an organization does and how it operates, highlighting the critical role of leadership in setting the tone and maintaining high standards consistently, as demonstrated through real-life insights. The series also addresses the pivotal question of whether organizational culture can be changed, advocating for a leadership approach that values earning rapport with employees and leading by example. Through discussions on the common reasons behind execution failures, the importance of proposing solutions alongside problems, and the significance of taking charge of one’s career path. "Cultivating Excellence" provides listeners with practical strategies for fostering a workplace environment where leadership, accountability, and mutual respect drive collective success and cultural transformation.
Apr 03, 202428:47
Mission-Critical: Mastering Your Professional Journey

Mission-Critical: Mastering Your Professional Journey

In this episode of "Mission-Critical: Mastering Your Professional Journey," we delve into the essence of professional development and the art of staying productive. Beginning with a deep dive into understanding your mission and setting goals with the end in mind, we challenge the notion that knowing your job well means you know everything. Emphasizing continuous learning, we differentiate being busy from being productive, urging you to reflect on your value to the mission or team.

We tackle the importance of communication, especially for introverts, and the significance of being personable in a workspace that values interaction as much as execution. Highlighting the necessity of being results-oriented and taking initiative, we encourage listeners to own their tasks and contribute actively. Our conversation aims to empower you to navigate your professional journey with a proactive mindset, ensuring you’re adding value and building meaningful connections along the way.
Mar 26, 202426:58
Connecting with your Teen Part 2

Connecting with your Teen Part 2

This podcast provides a deep dive into the concerns and aspirations of teenagers, discussing topics from their fears for the future and the perceived inadequacies of adult representation, to their optimistic outlooks and definitions of success. They critique the education system for not aligning with real-world needs and discuss the complex reasons behind teen substance use and suicide, emphasizing the importance of better mental health support and open communication. The discussion also covers how parents can effectively influence and connect with their children, highlighting trust, understanding, and active listening. If given a platform, the teens would encourage their peers to embrace individuality, passion, resilience, and empathy. This engaging dialogue underscores the need for meaningful intergenerational conversation and action to address the issues facing today's youth.
Mar 15, 202401:33:47
Teen Mentorship Session: Just Don’t Do It!

Teen Mentorship Session: Just Don’t Do It!

Mentoring the younger generation and guiding them towards a successful path is incredibly fulfilling. Sharing insights at the right moment can be a powerful gift, helping others to leverage opportunities and sidestep obstacles. In my sessions on teen mentorship, I use the Nike swoosh as a creative way to list my top 10 pieces of advice, framing it as "Just DON'T do it." I encourage parents to let their children participate in this learning experience or to pass along the concept, hoping it will make a meaningful impact in their lives.
Mar 04, 202429:41
Overcoming Loneliness

Overcoming Loneliness

In this podcast episode we discuss the causes and solutions to loneliness, attributing it to societal challenges, the rise of technology, and personal experiences. I emphasize the importance of understanding loneliness as a disconnect from oneself and others. This episode offers practical tips on overcoming loneliness, such as engaging in community activities, improving social skills, and connecting with yourself. I encourage listeners to view loneliness as a common part of the human experience and to actively seek genuine connections to combat it. The narrative combines insights from my experiences, providing a compassionate guide to dealing with loneliness.
Feb 27, 202436:11
Black History Month: Echoes of Freedom

Black History Month: Echoes of Freedom

In this episode of "Echoes of Freedom," we journey from the Civil War era, a pivotal time that marked the beginning of a long struggle for freedom and equality for Black Americans, to the Black Consciousness Movement of the 1960s, which ignited a sense of pride and empowerment within the Black community. We explore the origins and significance of Black History Month, established to honor the contributions and sacrifices of African Americans throughout history. Our discussion sheds light on how this commemoration not only serves as a reflection on the past but also as a guiding light for future generations, emphasizing the importance of recognizing these contributions in understanding the full narrative of American history.

Delving into the relevance of Black history in contemporary society, we discuss how the lessons learned from past struggles for justice and equality continue to resonate today. We highlight the responsibility of individuals and communities to embody the spirit of Black History Month by advocating for change and being stewards of equity in their daily lives. Through a dialogue that spans history and current events, this episode inspires listeners to engage in actions that support and advance the ideals of freedom, unity, and justice, honoring the legacy of Black history not just in February but all year round.
Feb 19, 202429:06
Dats Crazy!! Act 2

Dats Crazy!! Act 2

Explore the unpredictable and mysterious side of the world with our "Dats Crazy" segment. Engage in lively discussions on aliens, ghosts, trending topics, conspiracies, money, and more during our intriguing one-hour session.
Feb 12, 202401:04:12
Understanding the Science of People and Groups

Understanding the Science of People and Groups

Exploring the underlying ways we function and connect within society is crucial for mastering our daily lives and overcoming obstacles in our relationships or personal journey. In this episode, we delve into well-founded theories that shed light on how to intentionally steer our lives and thrive in every setting and role, from leadership positions to teamwork and family dynamics.
Feb 09, 202429:45
Overcoming Struggles with Time Management

Overcoming Struggles with Time Management

Our existence is intertwined with the constraints of time, marked by incessant deadlines and time-sensitive obligations, some intrinsic to life and others imposed by external forces. Often, the link between one's character and their punctuality is overlooked, yet it becomes evident to external observers. In this episode, we will delve into navigating the hurdles of time management, sharing personal stories and practical advice that have aided me in surmounting this challenge.
Jan 29, 202429:22
Dodge Those Opportunities to Throw Your Life Away

Dodge Those Opportunities to Throw Your Life Away

Life consists of a series of moments and choices, each offering a chance to either aid in your success or lead to downfall. Hindsight often brings clear understanding once events have unfolded. In this episode, I recount personal anecdotes that highlight how irrational choices have influenced lives. My aim is to encourage listeners to think more deeply when facing significant decisions in the future.
Jan 23, 202429:29
Connecting Society Through Crypto Meme Culture with BAWLS ONU

Connecting Society Through Crypto Meme Culture with BAWLS ONU

Successfully integrating into society affects people’s sense of well being and mental health. Humans have been evolving the way we connect and interact since the invention of the internet and now we are transitioning from social media groups to communities established on blockchain technology where value can be built and shared amoung people with similar ideals and interests. In this episode we chat with managing partners for the newly launched meme coin community, BAWLS ONU. Brandon and Ricky describes the hidden social value behind crypto meme culture, explains how to stay safe while exploring the space and the value the BAWLER community plans to deliver. Join the community:
Jan 15, 202401:10:19
Escape Your Thinking Trap In 2024

Escape Your Thinking Trap In 2024

A new year a new life is the goal for most. Although the calendar resets, not much truly changes. The conditions that created the previous year sometimes exist in our way of thinking and the how we choose to engage in life. I’m this episode I provide some ideas to super charge your change in 2024!
Jan 08, 202429:26
Tips to Gift Yourself a Happy New Year

Tips to Gift Yourself a Happy New Year

2024 can be a transformative year if you start with a plan. Positive mindset and attitude are building blocks for success. In this episode I gift you perspective as we get ready to wrap up this year.
Dec 25, 202329:22
Observing the Aftermath of Suicide

Observing the Aftermath of Suicide

Suicide marks the conclusion of one person's story, yet it initiates a new narrative for those who remain. On December 4th, a student at my son's school tragically chose to end his life. In this episode, I discuss the impact on those left behind in the immediate aftermath.
Dec 20, 202329:15
Dats Crazy!! with Guest Special Guest Jr

Dats Crazy!! with Guest Special Guest Jr

Explore the unpredictable and mysterious side of the world with our "Dats Crazy" segment. Engage in lively discussions on aliens, ghosts, trending topics, conspiracies, money, and more during our intriguing one-hour session.
Dec 11, 202301:03:52
How Leaders Deal with Difficult People

How Leaders Deal with Difficult People

Navigating the intricacies of human interactions poses a compelling challenge, especially when the composure demanded of a leader adds an extra layer of complexity. Leadership often entails confronting challenging individuals, and without prior experience, it's nearly inevitable that these encounters become emotionally charged. In this episode, we delve into cultivating a productive mindset to effectively handle such formidable situations.
Dec 04, 202329:35
Navigating Mental Health Challenges in Society, from Stigmas to Solutions with Stella Eyabi

Navigating Mental Health Challenges in Society, from Stigmas to Solutions with Stella Eyabi

In this episode Mental Health therapist, Stella Eyabi, Dives deep into the complexities of mental health exploring common issues, rising statistics, and the stigmas surrounding mental health. Learn about early signs, coping mechanisms, and the critical juncture where mental health intersects with self-harm or harm to others. Delve into the clinical mindset, intervention methods, and the impact of suicidal ideation on families. Join us as we navigate the intricate landscape of mental health and discuss effective responses and solutions.
Nov 27, 202301:03:51
Effective Goal Setting: Turning Dreams into Achievable Objectives

Effective Goal Setting: Turning Dreams into Achievable Objectives

"In this empowering episode, we delve into the art of effective goal setting, guiding you through the transformative journey of turning dreams into achievable objectives. Discover practical strategies to define your goals, break them into actionable steps, and stay motivated along the way. Uncover the secrets to overcoming obstacles, celebrating milestones, and ultimately realizing your full potential. Join us as we explore the power of intention and provide actionable insights to propel you toward a future of success and fulfillment. Your dreams are within reach – let's map the path together!"
Nov 20, 202329:29
Leadership Skills Can Change Your Life

Leadership Skills Can Change Your Life

Leadership involves influencing people to achieve goals. The tools for this aren't exclusive to the task and can be applied beyond it. Living as an employee and looking inward without contributing to your environment hinders growth. In this episode, I'll share leadership ideas to enhance your daily interactions and influence.
Nov 13, 202329:06
The World is in Chaos: What You Do Next Matters

The World is in Chaos: What You Do Next Matters

Shifting a deeply ingrained idea is more challenging than moving a mountain. Our world is in turmoil, and every action we undertake sends ripples through our interconnected society. Even a seemingly simple idea can trigger unforeseen tsunamis of impact, leading to prejudice, hate crimes, and even genocides. In this episode, we explore our role in this intricate dynamic, within the context of the ongoing Middle East conflict.
Nov 12, 202350:39
Started from the Bottom with Victor Lawe

Started from the Bottom with Victor Lawe

In this episode, Victor Lawe shares an inspiring narrative of his path to triumph over substance abuse, ultimately ascending to leadership roles within several organizations in the Military and civilian sector. His journey mirrors the reality faced by over 20 million Americans, as indicated by statistics from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. However, not everyone manages to transcend their circumstances. Victor candidly recounts his experiences, leaving us with much to ponder.
Oct 30, 202301:20:19
Held Hostage: Processing Traumatic Events Through Perspective Shifting with Tara King

Held Hostage: Processing Traumatic Events Through Perspective Shifting with Tara King

Traumatic events are, at times, an unfortunate component of life's equation. Reestablishing a sense of normalcy after undergoing trauma can be challenging without the right perspective. In 1989, the United States launched an attack on Panamanian installations, deploying approximately 24,000 troops, aiming to remove Gen. Manuel Noriega and establish an elected civilian government. This incursion set off a chain of abductions and murders of American citizens in the region. Our guest, Tara King, happened to be one of those citizens who was taken hostage. She shares her incredible tale of survival, resilience, and a profound shift in perspective. Tune in to this episode to hear her remarkable story and consider how the lessons learned can be applied to your own past experiences.
Oct 23, 202336:34
Breaking Free from Childhood Trauma

Breaking Free from Childhood Trauma

In this episode, we explore a listener's scenario about overcoming the effects of childhood trauma. Our experiences shape us, and we can harness our past as a unique toolbox to face the future. Life isn't about failure but continuous learning. It's said that we're never given more than we can bear, and it's our task to discover wisdom in adversities. When we gain perspective, we can leverage our stories to support others.
Oct 16, 202335:21
Power of the Present: A Journey to Mindfulness

Power of the Present: A Journey to Mindfulness

The old adage “there is no better time then now” is a profound philosophy that most overlook. Rather than reflect on this idea to increase the quality of our lives we choose to magnetize negativity from our past and future into the present moment. The result of this is depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness stemming from the ghosts of past experiences. Mindfulness is the cure to your dissatisfaction, let’s talk about it.
Oct 08, 202328:19
Fitness Fundamentals with Johnathan Philbert

Fitness Fundamentals with Johnathan Philbert

Mahatma Gandhi once proclaimed, "True wealth lies in one's health, not in pieces of gold and silver." The United States currently ranks as the 12th most obese country globally, with over 40 percent of American adults grappling with clinical obesity. In this episode, we delve into the realms of fitness and well-being with a seasoned 13-year professional bodybuilder and Army veteran who has successfully guided over 100 clients toward achieving pro status in competitive bodybuilding, attaining weight loss and muscle gain objectives, and fostering healthier lifestyles.
Oct 02, 202354:05
Started from the Bottom with Elijah Allen

Started from the Bottom with Elijah Allen

In this episode, we have a conversation with Elijah Allen, a 10-year veteran European Basketball Player and entrepreneur. He discusses his journey of breaking free from a potentially negative path by embracing sports. After escaping his challenging past, he wholeheartedly committed himself to using his passion to open doors for young individuals. Join us as he unfolds his inspiring story.
Sep 25, 202338:41
Till Death Do Us Part - Advice from the “Silent Generation” on Maintaining a Long Marriage

Till Death Do Us Part - Advice from the “Silent Generation” on Maintaining a Long Marriage

The “Silent Generation,” born between 1928 and 1945, differed from their parents by marrying and having children at a young age. Among American generations, they were known for having the youngest average ages for marriage and parenthood. While divorce was once seen as socially unacceptable by previous generations, the Silents played a pivotal role in reforming marriage laws, reducing the stigma around divorce. This shift led to a surge in divorces during their era, although some still upheld their parents’ values. Statistics show that over 50% of marriages ended in divorce, with an average marriage lasting only 8 years, resulting in a divorce occurring every 42 seconds in America. In this episode, we have a conversation with my grandparents, who belong to the Silent Generation and migrated from Guyana. They not only share wisdom from their era but also offer insights on maintaining a 67-year marriage between a homemaker and a pastor.
Sep 18, 202349:22
Started from the Bottom with Sonya Howell Barrow

Started from the Bottom with Sonya Howell Barrow

In this captivating episode, join us on a transformative journey with Sonya Howell Barrow, an accomplished Amazon best-selling author. She eloquently unveils the remarkable path she forged to escape the confines of societal expectations. In a world where women encounter distinct challenges that might appear insurmountable, Sonya’s inspiring story demonstrates how she ingeniously turned setbacks into stepping stones for her ascent.
Sep 11, 202332:46
Surviving with the Power of Positivity with Rebecca Smith

Surviving with the Power of Positivity with Rebecca Smith

Super heroes don’t only live in comic books. In this episode we explore the power of positivity with Rebecca Smith and learn how she beat seemingly insurmountable odds by simply being positive. This episode is in memory of Rebecca and dedicated to all cancer survivors.
Sep 04, 202327:36
Impacting Society Through Public Speaking with Randall Doizaki

Impacting Society Through Public Speaking with Randall Doizaki

Sometimes the things we don’t say are equally as impactful as the things we do. In this episode we speak with Randall Doizaki who has a diverse background as a Marine Corp veteran, law enforcement, hostage negotiator, and award winning public speaker. We break down the pathway to finding comfort and effectiveness in public speaking to positively contribute to society.
Aug 27, 202334:18
Speaking Truth to Power with Major General Retired John Gronski

Speaking Truth to Power with Major General Retired John Gronski

Society only improves when people are held accountable. The idea of accountability means accepting something needs to change or deliberately acting to sustain a positive condition. What do you do when you find yourself in a position where the obstacles to a better circumstance is a person of authority? In this episode, Major General Retire John Gronski shares the tools needed to speak truth to power.
Aug 21, 202325:47
Analyzing Our Robotic Society

Analyzing Our Robotic Society

Our society is slowly unplugging from humanity and plugging more into cyberspace. The social break down is so ingrained into our habits that most haven’t even noticed the increased dependency on technology and reduction of social interactions. Behaviors have become increasingly algorithmic and susceptible to psychological manipulation using the screens we interface with daily. In this episode we dive into this topic.
Aug 14, 202329:06
Bitcoin: Getting Started

Bitcoin: Getting Started

Understanding the “how” is equally as important as understanding the “why”. In this episode I provide some insights of the proper steps to take when entering the crypto market. This is the final episode in this three part series. If you are interested in more content around this topic leave a comment.
Aug 07, 202329:08
Bitcoin: Veteran Scammed for Over 14k

Bitcoin: Veteran Scammed for Over 14k

100% disabled veteran, Nicholas David, was the victim of a crypto scam losing over $14,000. In this episode, he joins us to tell his story to prevent others from making the same mistakes. Although he is an IT professional, effective social engineering allowed bad actors to exploit his interests in cryptocurrency.
Jul 31, 202326:22
Bitcoin: The Paradigm Shift (Part 1)

Bitcoin: The Paradigm Shift (Part 1)

Disclaimer: this podcast episode should not be considered financial advice, do your own research. Everyday we interact with a tool called money without considering “what is money?”. How did we land on the idea that a piece of paper with a printed number on it would have an acceptable associated value to allow it to be traded for a house? Sounds crazy when you think about it! In this episode we explore the idea of money and the paradigm shift into Bitcoin. This is a big topic so we will tackle it in parts over the next few weeks. Leave your comments and questions so I can touch on what’s important to you.
Jul 24, 202328:59
Started From the Bottom with David Mew

Started From the Bottom with David Mew

In this episode we chat with 20 year Army Veteran David Mew as he discusses how he conquered life’s challenges and achieved unparalleled success. He defied the odds of becoming a statistic in his community and shares some eye opening mindsets for those who believe they cannot defy their perceived limitations.
Jul 17, 202329:57
We Have a Problem that Goes BOOM

We Have a Problem that Goes BOOM

During the 4th of July week there were 364 gun related deaths and 770 injuries. This narrative has become as common as holiday sales advertisements to the extent that people scroll past the news articles without a second thought; we have normalized mass shootings in America. In this episode we unwrap the divisive subject of gun control.
Jul 10, 202327:38
Path to Perfect Credit

Path to Perfect Credit

Credit scores are critical to opening doors of financial opportunities. Qualifying for lines of credit to finance major purchases and investment are dependent on good scores. If you are on a credit building, or recovery, journey this podcast will supercharge your effort with solid advice.
Jul 03, 202329:23
Aliens: Could the Idea Change Society?

Aliens: Could the Idea Change Society?

In this episode we take a thought journey considering how the revelation of extraterrestrial/extradimentional Non Human Intelligence (NHI) life could change society and perspectives about life purposes.
Jun 26, 202328:55
Juneteenth: The Next Level

Juneteenth: The Next Level

Warning: This episode contains terms and topics that some may find offensive or uncomfortable. Juneteenth commemorates the formal announcement by Union General Gordon Granger and his troops who sailed into Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865 to announce the end of slavery in Texas. It precedes July 4 which recognizes freedom in America that was not enjoyed by slaves in Galveston until 2.5 years after the emancipation proclamation was signed. Although Juneteenth marks the day that all slaves were physically free, psychological oppression is not easily overcome. We dive deep into this this topic in this episode.
Jun 19, 202328:11
What it Means to be “Dad”

What it Means to be “Dad”

I dedicate this episode to my dad and In honor of fathers all over the world. Father’s day is a holiday that doesn’t always get the emphasis that it deserves. Many can acknowledge the disproportionate scenarios where men are absent from the household so it’s worth noting the ones who earn the honor to be called dad. In this episode we discuss the impactful roles that Dads play in a child’s life.
Jun 19, 202326:07
Connecting with Your Teen

Connecting with Your Teen

Our children are the future, Connecting with them to instill values and shape productive citizens is essential to our society. The erosion that we are witnessing in America with the increasing violence, drug epidemic and social disorders can be attributed, in some cases, to the lack of deliberate intervention by parents and competition with external influences. In this episode I engage with my teen on how parents can best connect and shape their children.
Jun 12, 202326:10
Overcoming Setback

Overcoming Setback

Setbacks are an expected part of life. However, people become discouraged due to the perception that they alone must navigate misfortune while other soar to success without issues. In this episode, I discuss setbacks that I experienced in my personal and professional life and how I overcame them to achieve success.
Jun 05, 202328:40
Navigating Generational Gaps in the Workplace

Navigating Generational Gaps in the Workplace

In this episode we discuss the challenges of the generational gaps in the workplace. I peel back some stories from my Military career to bring context of suggested solutions to listeners. I also reveal a recent story of the law of attraction at work in my life since the last episode of “Breaking Through Career Barriers”.
May 29, 202328:45
Breaking Through Career Barriers

Breaking Through Career Barriers

Discussion on how to break through the barriers of your career and realize your unlimited potential. In this episode we discuss how you can make deliberate moves and leverage secrets of the universe to your advantage.
May 21, 202328:56