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Mind Less

Mind Less

By Lorena Schuth & Kelly Niner

Mind Less was created by two friends who couldn't stop talking about manifestation, tarot as a coping mechanism, and also... what if we ARE GOD? Join Kelly Niner and Lorena Schuth as they figure out how to consciously create their best lives through conversations that live at the intersection of Neville Goddard, mindfulness, witchy shit and self-love.
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028 - Honouring The Pause

Mind LessJul 21, 2021

028 - Honouring The Pause

028 - Honouring The Pause

Sometimes ... you need to tend to your heart first. In this episode, we are sharing where we've been, why you haven't heard from us in so long and what's going to happen going forward.

Right now, we are honouring the pause, healing and being self-loving.

Find Kelly @pathostarot on Instagram for tarot readings and connect with Lorena on Instagram @lorenaschuth, YouTube ( and her website ( or connect with her directly in her Facebook community group (

We love you x

Connect with us: Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena on her website: and her YouTube Channel // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast

Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys

Jul 21, 202107:29
027 - Forgiveness And Finding Peace After Being Hurt

027 - Forgiveness And Finding Peace After Being Hurt

"If you can't let it go, then how is that forgiveness?"

What does forgiveness mean to you? Is forgiveness the same as letting go? And how do we stop taking things so damn personally? 

In this episode, Kelly and Lorena go deep into the topic of forgiveness and healing after being hurt, whilst sharing some RAW and personal stories from their past. If you are ready to hear some hard truths and want some pointers on how to let go of anger and past narratives, then this episode will be the one for you!

The two start out by defining what TRUE forgiveness is and how forgiving and holding on to resentment cannot exist simultaneously. Instead, they agree that forgiveness and forgetfulness go hand in hand.

K & L compare forgiveness from a spiritual perspective to forgiveness from an individual viewpoint and discuss how the concept of oneness can support in releasing anger. Lorena discusses teachings from Neville Goddard and A Course In Miracles and the idea that rage, fear, guilt and shame are illusions, whilst Kelly points out that not taking life so seriously can help in letting things go.

The friends examine the differences between blaming and taking responsibility and exchange views on the roles we play in our relationship dynamics, including how our beliefs shape our reality and our perception of situations and other people.

Both share personal stories from when they had to forgive others (sometimes without getting closure!) and explain how the process is not linear and takes time. Kelly emphasises the importance of allowing yourself to feel your emotions before you can move on to forgiveness, compassion and empathy, whilst Lorena shares some tools that have helped her forgive herself and others. 

After all, forgiveness is more about yourself than about another person. And maybe - as hard as it is! - we can learn to be grateful for the lesson and move on to create better circumstances for ourselves next time.

Mentioned in the episode: Neville Goddard Lecture - True Forgiveness:
Episode 24: Is Time An Illusion?
Breathwork session for manifesting abundance on 10 May 2021 at 7pm BST:

Connect with us: Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena on her website: and her YouTube Channel // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast

Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys

May 08, 202155:32
026 - Nature as Medicine: Grounding, Earthing, and Connection

026 - Nature as Medicine: Grounding, Earthing, and Connection

"On a very biological level, we need vitamin D." - A Human Who Lives in Scotland

Happy Belated Earth Day cats, kittens, and everyone in between! This week we find our favourite spirituality siblings getting into what the earth and nature mean to them and how to strengthen that connection that helps loads of us feel safer, more centred, and connected AF to something greater than ourselves. 

The episode kicks off with Lorena and Kelly reminiscing about growing up seeking out nature even when they thought it was the last place they wanted to be. For both, the love of being near water and access to green spaces is the cherry on top of living in the most beautiful cities in the world (not a statement, just a fact!). Kelly gives us a lovely sprinkling of the science of it all, including why we tend to find nature and, particularly, water, so soothing. For Lorena, it's maybe something more primitive and celestial as she explains how Mama Gaia makes her feel held and secure. 

From then on the conversation weaves in and out of topics like natural disasters, being able to grow plants (keeping things alive, what??), and the deliciousness of actually planting ourselves into the ground every now and then. The two also discuss their different perspectives on how the mind-body relationship seems to mirror our connection with the planet and our consciousness. 

The episode wraps up with a discussion on Seasonal Affective Disorder and what that's like living in a place that sees the sun a butt-tonne for two months and then hardly at all the other ten, along with a serious back-and-forth about the benefits of - you guessed it - plant medicine and how beneficial it can be so long as you're seeking it out for the right reasons and under the right circumstances. But regardless, at the end of the episode, we all come to understand at least one ultimate truth: trees are just the greatest. 

Resource MasterDoc for Episode // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena on her website: and her YouTube Channel // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast

Apr 24, 202157:06
025 - How to Cultivate a Life of (Self-) Pleasure and Sexual Empowerment

025 - How to Cultivate a Life of (Self-) Pleasure and Sexual Empowerment

“We don’t fuck misogynists” Let’s talk about sex bay-bee! Let’s talk about you and me! No, really, let’s talk about it. When was the first time you ever figured out what sex was, and what was your journey to discovering what sexual pleasure looked like for you and your body? Get your bodies and your minds ready, chickadees, cause this week we’re getting sensual AF and digging into the nitty gritty of what sexual pleasure and pleasure itself means. So grab a drink, grab a partner, get cosy-comfy and let’s-get-phy-si-cal! (Ok that’s the last song pun, I swear). Our episode starts off with a bang (I KNOW, I have a sickness, I’m sorry) as Kelly and Lorena get stuck in sharing their first experiences of feeling sexy-fun-times in their downstairs bits. Both bond over feeling like they started experimenting with what felt good at younger ages, with Lorena elaborating that her higher sex drive and natural tendency to be LOUD brought up feelings of shame in a world that tells womxn to be quiet. Kelly had the exact opposite experience, disclosing a rather hilarious anecdote about their first time figuring out what sex was along with how their relationship with porn at a young age affected how they thought they should “do” sex. From there our bisexual babes talk more about the knock-on effects of porn as millennials who grew up in the age of the internet, including the difference between heterosexual and queer porn, how the objectification of women and femmes in porn is internalised in all of us, and how that can shape our relationships with ourselves as sexual beings outside of masturbation and self-pleasure practices. Both agree that the porn industry itself tends to suck (and not in a good way), but that ethically enjoying pornography made with non-cis men in mind can be a game changer. Next, our friends have a conversation on what cultivating pleasure can look like outside of sex and sexuality, hitting on topics like asexuality, creation for creation’s sake, pole dancing and food. Finally, Lorena and Kelly dish on their own self-pleasure practices, including how to make ourselves feel special and sensual along with some favourite toys that bring out the best in the bedroom. STRAP IN, y’all. And don’t forget the lube. ;) Resource Masterdoc For Episode // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena on her website: and her YouTube Channel // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast
Apr 10, 202101:04:04
024 - Is Time an Illusion?

024 - Is Time an Illusion?

“We trust our brains too much.”

The understanding of time and how it impacts and affects our understanding of ourselves and each other has been a continued discussion in the fields of physics, quantum mechanics, and sociology - especially as new and, oftentimes, contradictory information is added to the compendium. But what is time, really? Whether it’s a tool, social construct, or a variable in the formula that helps explain the universe, getting at the heart of what we mean when we talk about time is the topic of discussion this week for our philosophical friends.

Our confidants kick off the conversation with a quick discussion of the prevailing scientific theories that help us to understand time and how it functions; Newton, Einstein, and some seemingly oppositional quantum business get the spotlight and set the stage for a conversation on how consciousness and perception seem to be the key to explaining why time exists, why we feel it, and how it works. Leaning on the quantum slit experiment as a foundation, Lorena sees everything happening at once. For her, consciousness and perception make reality rather than time being something we ‘experience’ that is separate or outside of us. Kelly considers themselves a ’time agnostic;’ not really sure what’s happening or where the truth lies, but consistently fascinated by the possibility of it all.

From there the two move on to chin wags filled with manifestation, the cultural malleability of time, and what our brains have to do with any of it. Kelly offers up a thought experiment and some sociological deliciousness that helps us understand how time is relative, even outside of our pal Einstein. Meanwhile, Lorena digs into her belief that time doesn’t exist at all - everything is happening at once, and (according to the beloved Goddard) all we have to do to manifest in this chaotic pool of infinite time-goo is shift states and embody that which we desire. Ya know, since it’s already happening!

Finally, our brainy babes tie the episode up in a pretty little bow by dishing on their tips and tricks to transcend time itself. Meditation pops up again, as Lorena explains how she enters a place of timelessness when she connects with her breath and her body in stillness. For Kelly, the emphasis is on living in the present, for believing that this is the only moment that really exists pushes them to make sure those moments aren’t ones they’d regret. After all, if reality is made up of our experiences, then so time is made through our experience of it.

What do you think? Shall we go make time?

Resource MasterDoc for Episode // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena on her website: and her YouTube Channel // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast

Mar 27, 202101:00:02
023 - Strengthening Your Intuition - Manifesting & Accessing Your Subconscious

023 - Strengthening Your Intuition - Manifesting & Accessing Your Subconscious

“Intuition: the ability to know or understand something instinctively rather than needing conscious reasoning.”

You ever get a gut feeling about something? There’s no rhyme or reason to it but you just know it’s a truth? That’s your intuition, babe, and this week our chopsy co-hosts explore what that knowing really is, how to strengthen it and how we can use it for self-reflection and manifestation.

The pair start off the episode with a quick chat on what intuition is and feels like for them. Kelly laments over the idea that intuition is only accessible to those of us who were raised or socialised as women - seeing it as a tool to not just understand themselves but to also more naturally know how others around them are feeling and what they need. For Lorena, this knock-on effect works similarly but in reverse. If we are all the same consciousness, and everything is you pushed out then it goes without saying that “you hear things from others because it’s actually yours.”

The rest of the episode focuses on the fringe aspects of intuition like mediums, psychics, ghosts and channeling. Hear Kelly bang on about how curious they are about the concept of psychic abilities and ghosts - especially considering just HOW MANY DEAD PEOPLE THERE ARE, while Lorena agrees that where proof may not exist, intrigue and possibility are certainly things to hold onto when discussing such topics.

Finally, the episode wraps with a discussion on the different tools the duo use to strengthen their intuition and how these intersect with both of their manifestation practices. The knowing process for Lorena is about making the conscious decision to shift into a state where your intuition will always be right because you’ve decided to make it so, using self-reflection techniques such as journaling and meditation to build up those manifestation muscles. For Kelly it’s about quieting their anxiety, using tarot and therapy as mechanisms of guidance so that all of that loud ego-shrieking doesn’t override their intuitive voice. But in the end, both agree that no matter how you practice or perceive your intuitive voice the most important thing to do is be open to listening.

**TW/CW for period talk in the beginning of the episode** Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena on her website: and her YouTube Channel // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast

Mar 13, 202101:01:22
022 - How To Rewire Your Brain and Change Your Subconscious Beliefs

022 - How To Rewire Your Brain and Change Your Subconscious Beliefs

“You are not your brain, you are not your ego.”

Have you ever made a self-deprecating joke about yourself and really wondered where the hell it was coming from? Or perhaps you’ve had a bad habit that has stuck with you like glue since, well, forever? And what does the placebo effect have to do with any of it, anyway? This week join the ever loquacious Lorena and Kelly in picking apart what it really looks like to rewire your brain and, as our dear Dispenza says, break the habit of being yourself! Sound weird? It’s not as weird as you think - get ready for a conversation that’s two parts science and one part self-love in the most transformative way.

The episode starts with the dyad digging into the science behind the idea of rewiring your brain. Does decentralising yourself from your personality mean that you’re not good? Or is it more about figuring out who you are outside of your ego? Lorena helps us out by explaining a bit of the science-y parts (say it with us, NEUROPLASTICITY) while Kelly chimes in with their perspective on the similarities to the theories and their experience with cognitive behavioural therapy - otherwise known as CBT.

From there on the discussion centres on how we can distance ourselves from the negative pathways our brain has set us up to follow, most, of which, have been cemented into habit due to experiences and events from our childhood and upbringing. Kelly continues to gush about how dang important therapy is to them by allowing them the outsider perspective to the cluttered space in their mind. For Lorena the key element here is having someone to reflect back to her the story she’s telling herself so she can understand where she is in her own narrative and then change it. Both agree that out of all of this, the language we use to describe, think, and talk about ourselves has so much more power than we imagine.

The episode concludes with the two exchanging stories about how these concepts can work in practice and the differences they’ve made in both of their lives. Lorena can better take control of her emotions and feelings now that she understands how those habits were formed in the first place, and both agree that we can all be our own biggest heroes by simply deciding that the negative monologues running through our head aren’t worth listening to anymore.

Watch Trip of Compassion // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena: // Tips and Donations CashApp £mindlesspodcast

Feb 27, 202101:01:12
021 - Manifest a Romantic Relationship and Lasting Love

021 - Manifest a Romantic Relationship and Lasting Love

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”

Just in time for that beloved and hated capitalist holiday that makes some feel squishy and nice and others introspect to the point of depression, this week we sink our teeth into a topic of conversation that, like all relationships, is sometimes sweet and other times salty; ROMANCE! And, of course, we put the Mind Less twist on it by looking into how we can work our own magic to manifest a specific person or romantic someone. Y’all ready to fall in love?

The episode kicks off with Kelly and Lorena sharing their perspectives on how they believe manifesting a romantic partner works. For Kelly this meant working backwards and looking at how they had shifted their perspective on themselves and on what love looked like to them - two things that, in their mind, inextricably landed them with the love of their life over a decade ago. For them this shift included things like pushing through acts of love rather than making decisions based on fear, considering where the need for validation was coming from, and working from a place where self love was the priority no matter what.

Lorena then gets into her own journey that, as always, mirrors Kelly’s experience in a similar way; self worth, self-concept, and living with an open heart were always the key. However, Lorena had to work on shifting into an understanding that manifestation isn’t about control, but rather about a celebration of the inside having the opportunity to reflect externally. And when the inside is beautiful then what happens outside looks and feels like, well, magic.

The conversation finishes off with the pair discussing how to live in the end when manifesting a romantic relationship. How does the ego fair when it’s not the centre of attention, and what does it really feel like to be a person who has the relationship they’ve always dreamed of? Whatever feelings crop up, Lorena and Kelly both agree that when you’re aligned to your higher self these things start to come so easily that you don’t even realise you’re attracting exactly what you’ve always wanted.

Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Feb 13, 202101:10:15
020 - Kundalini Yoga and Spiritual Awakening with Jenny Smith

020 - Kundalini Yoga and Spiritual Awakening with Jenny Smith

“Not everybody’s ready to deal with their shit.”

This week we’re back with a TREAT for y’all in the form of our very first interview with the loved legend herself, Jenny Smith, who has been teaching the two of us the ways of kundalini yoga for a few years now. First, a quick heads up as we had some technical issues with the sound on this one, so find a quiet space where you can crank the volume and let’s get into it!

We start the episode chatting to Jenny about what Kundalini yoga is and how she got into it herself. Hear first-hand how Jenny found this practice at a time in her life when things just weren’t making sense and she knew something was missing. We discuss what a typical 90-minute class with Jenny entails and how, for some of us, our egos fight the work that’s involved in strengthening the mind/body connection.

From there we get a mini-history lesson on how Kundalini traveled from the East to the West via guru Yogi Bhajan, and the discussion opens up conversations about power dynamics in the yoga community, the science behind kundalini and it’s specific type of breathwork (prana yama), and explanations of traditional kundalini rites and rituals like wearing white and head-wrapping.

The episode wraps up with an intense conversation on consciousness and the human experience. Jenny shares how this path gave her answers to questions she’d never had answers to, and our pair offer up their own experiences of transformation in class and out. We end the episode with a mini breathwork session to give y’all a taste of what you might find in a Kundalini class, and an agreement that no matter what consciousness looks like to any of us, the defining factor throughout seems to always come back to love.

Interview Recorded 13/12/2020

Join in a Class with Jenny Smith! // Follow her on Insta: @jennysyogalinks // Find her on Facebook: Yoga Links with Jenny // Guru Jagat on Insta: @gurujagat // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Jan 30, 202101:36:13
019 - A Discussion about Veganism - Part 2

019 - A Discussion about Veganism - Part 2

“With the means you have, do the best you can.”

Last week our dynamic pair left off in the middle of an excellent, quasi-introductory episode to veganism, where both shared their personal journeys contending with the lifestyle and their reasons for adopting or not adopting it. This week we’re diving right back in to tackle a few more specific topics related to veganism, including veganism for health versus ethics, some societal double standards, veganism as a public health issue, and how veganism and spirituality intersect for the best, and for the worst.

Lorena kicks off the episode with a discussion of environmentalism and veganism and how the two are forever intertwined, including bringing up the topic of zoonotic viruses during the time of a global pandemic, and how oxymoronic the concept of “humane slaughter” is when the point of such a lifestyle is to do no harm. She then laments over the hypocrisy of being seen as “in your face” for standing up for what is right while she has to deal with how ubiquitous and normalized animal products are every single day.

Kelly then jumps in to point out the parallels between veganism and feminism and how both rely on a sense of becoming through knowledge, and how the labeling of “obnoxious” is probably much more insidious and purposeful than it seems. Both agree, as always, that what matters the most is that we own our hypocrisies by realizing these fights - social justice, environmental or otherwise - are about so much more than our individual selves, but the betterment of every living thing on our wee planet.

Go vegan for the month of January with Veganuary: // Documentaries mentioned: Cowspiracy (, Land of Hope and Glory ( // Books mentioned: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer (  // Instagram accounts mentioned: @thedodo @goatsofanarchy // Ed Winters (Earthling Ed) Youtube Channel:
Ed Winters (Earthling Ed) Coronavirus Video: // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Jan 16, 202156:55
018 - A Discussion about Veganism - Part 1

018 - A Discussion about Veganism - Part 1

“Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude as far as possible and practicable all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”

The number of people who have gone vegan in the US and UK has continued a steady climb in recent years, yet there’s still something about this topic that causes people to shrink back in their seats and quickly become defensive. This week, join Lorena and Kelly for part 1 of a very important and special conversation all about veganism, where the pair try to tackle exactly where this knee-jerk reaction to the cruely-free lifestyle comes from, and why it’s so important to be doing the best that we can.

The episode starts off with Lorena sharing her personal story on how she went from someone who couldn’t care less about the death of animals, to someone who believes being vegan is the only compassionate response to a culture and society that revolves around the exploitation of other living beings. For her, this decision was made easily, but she understandably opines on how the context and circumstances involved in turning animals into something someone eats enables our culture of ignorance; “They love animals, but don’t make the connection between the cute pig they just liked on their instagram and the bacon on their plate.”

As a non-vegan, Kelly discuss how their journey to food freedom and recovery from disordered eating is the driving factor in their inability to go vegan, and the conversation weaves in and out of other instances where being vegan for some folks just isn’t accessible, sustainable, or healthy. For Lorena, health itself isn’t a good enough reason to go vegan as the purpose of the lifestyle is about ethics and compassion, not about what animal products can or cannot do for her body.

The episode wraps with the two chatting about how exploitative (and racist) the dairy industry is, hashing out some vegan grey-areas like palm oil and oysters. But the two agree that no matter the context or circumstance of how these big issues affect our small world, at the end of the day “you do have the power to make changes.”

Go vegan for the month of January with Veganuary:
Documentaries mentioned: Earthlings (, Land of Hope and Glory (, What the Health (, Forks Over Knives ( Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Jan 02, 202159:08
017 - Body Image, Body Love & Eating Disorders

017 - Body Image, Body Love & Eating Disorders

“We don’t come into this world owing anybody attractiveness. You’re valuable because you’re here. That’s the only precedent.”

In a world that's obsessed with emboldening negative body image through diet culture and false media narratives, it’s an uphill battle to figure out how to have a healthy relationship with our bodies that don’t rely on those heavy burdens of guilt and shame. This week Lorena and Kelly discuss what their journeys to body love were like, touching on difficult and oftentimes triggering concepts around the topics of food restriction, disordered eating, body dysmorphia and eating disorders.

The dynamic duo kick off the episode by discussing the first time they remember feeling hatred for their own bodies and how this shaped their relationships to food. Kelly digs into how restrictive eating creates a self-perpetuating, psychological minefield that always kept them thinking about what they were eating and how they looked (with some extra patriarchal nonsense sprinkled on top, because of course). For Lorena this crept up in a framing of food scarcity, and how the idea of never being able to eat something again triggered in her a sense of not being good enough when compared to her “thinner” peers. Both contend with the insidious concept that food has a morality to it, and how that is reflected back to us from our immediate environments as children by the adults who care for us, all the way to mainstream movies and tv shows.

The conversation then moves on to a discussion of undoing these toxic mindsets and how the two reclaimed their bodies for themselves. For Lorena, who has a history of bulimia, her efforts were targeted at getting to know her body’s cues better and reframing exercise as empowering and joyful rather than something that had to be scheduled into her busy life. Kelly then speaks about their journey to food freedom (not being afraid of certain foods anymore and destroying the restrict-binge cycle) and how learning to love their body came with saturating themselves in a world full of fat folks who are happy and unafraid. The episode wraps with both agreeing that whatever practices you use to fill yourself up with, whether it’s perceiving your body with intention, spending time naked, or, as Lorena discloses, dancing her tits off in her living room, we all deserve to be seen and loved, no matter our size or shape.

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Dec 19, 202001:07:37
016 - Heart vs. Mind - Living From Your Heart

016 - Heart vs. Mind - Living From Your Heart

Sometimes the decisions our brains make are to feel safe, but that’s not always what we need. 

What does your life look like when you make decisions based on how your heart feels versus how your brain feels? This week Lorena and Kelly dig into their personal experiences and perceptions of what it’s like to try and live without the chatter and distraction our minds often rely on to cloud our true desires. What does this white noise look like and how can we tell the difference between our conscious brain trying to make sense of our heart’s wants and needs and the expectations and rationalisations that our experiences tell us we should be living for? 

The episode starts off with their perspectives on what living from the heart truly means. For Lorena living from the heart is her chance to explore the miracle of consciousness - what would we be doing if we really sat with the thought that all of this is temporary? Not working at a job solely for the money and stability, that’s what! Meanwhile Kelly recalls that their first experience of living from the heart came when confronted with the possibility of a soulmate … who lived 3500 miles away. The two agree on two things: living from the heart is terrifying, but worth it, and that fear is the brain’s greatest weapon against our heart’s wishes. 

The conversation then moves to an exploration of this fear and where it comes from, and how the myth of time can make it all too easy to feel like what our heart really wants is somehow out of reach. True to their style, the two meet in the middle to agree that the heart-centred path is always the best one. For Kelly it’s about the confidence in the decision, the commitment and the knowing that everything, whether good or bad, has a lesson to teach us. For Lorena it’s the only option, for “even if you don’t do the thing, your heart will win by you having regret later.”

The episode wraps up with the two discussing how, exactly, to live from the heart once we’ve decided we will. Lorena and Kelly share thoughts on the importance of trust, vulnerability, and most importantly knowing yourself. Both agree that asking for help is not only self care, but necessary in order to live from the heart - especially if we feel like we don’t know or like ourselves. But the beautiful part about all of that is that there’s nobody left to become, only somebody to get to know better, and that person (it’s you) already has everything they need.

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Dec 05, 202054:22
015 - The Sex and Gender Binary and the Spiritual Community

015 - The Sex and Gender Binary and the Spiritual Community

“You’re not a feminist if you deny someone the ability to have agency over their own life.”

Last time we left y’all with a dense topic like this we got down and dirty into sexuality, sexual orientations and gender identities - so we figured it was time for a little bit of context! This week Kelly takes us into a brief overview of some history on the sex and gender binary (with loads of help from Alok V Menon's book reports on instagram). 

The episode starts with some deep-diving into some terminology to help us get our bearings; Kelly goes over what social constructs are, why they are important and why their influence is valid before giving us a lil mini education on the differences between the terms race and ethnicity. 

After we’ve grounded ourselves in a bit of formal understanding on the topic, Kelly expands on these ideas and how they’re culturally relevant to our lives today, particularly in reference to the rise in TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminism) ideology, incel (involuntary celibate) culture, and what biological determinism and essentialism has to do with any of it. 

Finally, the episode wraps up with Lorena getting into how she believes these binaries and their historical construction have affected the spiritual community, both online and offline. Meanwhile, Kelly waxes poetic about their utopian ideal of a world without binaries and how to them it offers us a world without limitations.

TW/CW Femmicide and mentions of such, misogynist violence, discussion of racism and racial violence, transphobia and terf ideologies // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena: // Check out Alok on insta: @alokvmenon 

Nov 11, 202001:01:48
014 - One Year After Ayahuasca + Lessons from San Pedro Huachuma - A Conversation About Plant Medicine Integration

014 - One Year After Ayahuasca + Lessons from San Pedro Huachuma - A Conversation About Plant Medicine Integration

“You can’t get rid of something that’s buried if you don’t dig it up first”

It’s almost been a year since Lorena went to the jungle of Costa Rica to seek guidance from Mama Ayahuasca - now it’s time for a check-in!

In this week’s episode we catch up on Lorena’s experience with this this medicine and hear about her experience with another teaching plant; how things have changed, how Ayahuasca different to other medicines, and what advice she has for others who “hear the call” to include this plant on their journey of self-discovery.

The episode starts off with a brief overview of everything that we talked about in Episodes 1 and 2 - what is Ayahuasca, what are the benefits and why has it become such a cornerstone for those who are seeking to know themselves better? After comparing them to other experiences involving the active ingredient, DMT, Kelly and Lorena talk about the integration of the messages and lessons Lorena learned from this sacred plant. What’s it like learning about yourself from grandmother medicine as compared to the grandfather counterpart San Pedro - and how long did it take for these lessons to sink in?

Over the episode Kelly is in awe of how much Lorena’s experience matches theirs even though the tools they both use are vastly different. Lorena talks to Kelly about how difficult integration was for her and Kelly relates completely in regards to their own time in talk therapy. At the end of the conversation both reflect on how much they’ve grown and how important it was for the two of them to come to terms with their shadow selves. They also discuss how they handle and manage things like alcohol cravings, codependency, patience and the ultimate reward of learning to love the parts of yourself that the world tells you we should hate.

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @pathostarot on Instagram & Facebook: // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena: 

Oct 24, 202057:25
013 - Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and Sexuality

013 - Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and Sexuality

“All of the hot ladies message me.”

Did you shop in the “wrong” section for clothes when you were a kid? How about make your Barbies all date each other? Or maybe every now and then you see a very particular person of the same gender and go “…nice” ?

*insert Kelly’s laugh here*

EXCELLENT. This week we’re talking about all things gender identity and sexuality, so get ready for a journey that’s almost always confusing, a little bit sad, but perfectly genuine.

This week’s episode starts off with our mindful babes setting the stage by going over the relevant terminology and discussing how important it is to have the language to describe ourselves. Kelly takes their time to explain what we’re talking about when we use the words and phrases “gender,” “sexuality” and “sexual orientation,” along with a super-quick 101 on why the topic of gender identity is suddenly so hot right now (albeit nowhere near “new”!)

Then Lorena shares her personal perspective on identity, particularly relating to bisexuality and how our perceptions of labels can actually cause us to invalidate ourselves and others. Kelly chimes in with their experience as a non-binary person and the hilarity involved in coming to terms later in life, including the subtle mindfuck of misgendering themselves. Both agree that either way, the best-case scenario is to let go of the ego and not centre ourselves in other people’s struggle to live authentically.

The podcast wraps up with our friends discussing the insidiousness of bisexual erasure, the unnecessary bisexual/pansexual community in-fighting, and how the hell anyone manages to legitimately flirt with womxn.

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena: // Resources: LGBTQIA+ Terminology: // Intersex 101: // Non-Binary 101: // Transgender 101: //

Sep 19, 202059:38
012 - From Religion to Atheism to Spirituality - Our Spiritual Journeys

012 - From Religion to Atheism to Spirituality - Our Spiritual Journeys

‘Grandma, what’s God? Grandma, what comes after death?’

Raise your hand if you were ALWAYS interested in this spiritual stuff like Lorena was as a small adult (not a child, a small adult). Keep your hand up if your interest stemmed from a disillusionment of organised religion . . . perfect! Because this week we’re diving into how our religious upbringings (or lack thereof) sent us both on very different spiritual (and not-so-spiritual) paths, and yet somehow brought us to very similar outlooks in the end.

The episode begins with Kelly talking a bit about what it was like to grow up in a Lutheran household, going to bible study on Sundays, Jesus camp in the summers, and how their commitment to love eventually outweighed their commitment to any one particular religion or ideology. Lorena totally relates as she shares her experience of “going through the rites” as Kelly did, if to a lesser degree, and how it was her curiosity about the unknown and a search for connection that drew her down a different road. The two chat about how weird, yet normalised, organised religion is and exchange stories that are enlightening, humorous, and oftentimes confusing - especially when the actions of those they looked up to directly oppose what they thought we knew about God. Queue the dorky, teenage-rebellion phases!

Further on in the episode the pair get into how the west’s idea of religion seems to simultaneously imply that ethics are inherently oppositional AND synonymous to religion itself. Lorena connects her current reading of A Course on Miracles with her understanding of love and forgiveness from a Christian perspective and how often the two go hand in hand, and they both realise how their experiences with other religions such as Wicca, Buddhism, Shinto, and Islam shaped the perspectives they have on spirituality and interconnectedness today.

The episode wraps up with Lorena and Kelly reflecting back on how their current spiritualities developed in concurrence with mental health problems, and offer anecdotal testaments on the life changing benefits of meditation, tarot, plant medicine, connection and the thing that drives it all: love. After all, it’s your divine right whether you’re a witch, a Jesus freak, or God herself.

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Sep 07, 202059:36
011 - Ignoring the Physical Reality When Manifesting Your Desires - Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard

011 - Ignoring the Physical Reality When Manifesting Your Desires - Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard

As human beings, a huge part of our experience in this life (or realm, plane, version of the matrix - pick your fave!) is the data we gather from our senses that help us better make sense of the world around us. However, a huge part of Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation asks us to “live in the wish fulfilled.” So how, exactly, can we ignore or bypass what we believe we are experiencing in order to manifest our true desires? As requested by our lovely listeners, this is the topic we sink our teeth into this week. ⠀

First is a quick reminder that this topic is for the more advanced manifestation geeks out there. If you’re not entirely sure what we’re on about, but we’ve piqued your interest we welcome you to go check out our introductory episode on the topic - Manifestation, Law of Attraction & Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard. 👁️  ⠀

The episode starts off with Lorena grounding Neville’s teachings in the idea that consciousness is the only reality, while Kelly theorises that our perceptions of what is true (i.e. the law of assumption/attraction) heavily parallels confirmation bias in the scientific field. The two then continue on to discuss various ways and techniques we can persist in our assumptions and strengthen our imagination; including denial, revision, detachment and getting into a “state akin to sleep.” We hear anecdotal evidence from the both that draw on different experiences with mental illness, gender, and faith. At the end we come to understand that “we are the operant power,” before finally the episode wraps discussing the differences in modalities of operant power and what it means to "buy the pearl".⠀

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Aug 04, 202051:59
010 - Vulnerability - Being authentic and feeling your emotions

010 - Vulnerability - Being authentic and feeling your emotions

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” - Rumi 

Opening up is terrifying. Why is it that showing folks your insides and asking them to accept them - let alone love all of it the way you do - such a difficult process for us to work through? As humans we all crave connection and yet that connection seems to always come with potential risk. This is what Lorena and Kelly dive into in this weeks episode; what it means to be truly, honestly, 100% vulnerable. The discussion starts with the pair defining what vulnerability is and what it means to them before discussing their personal journeys. Is vulnerability the same as empathy? And why does being vulnerable sometimes feel easier or harder when we’re also struggling with our mental health? For Kelly this looks a lot like overcoming the fear of rejection and judgement from others, while Lorena’s experience contends with exactly how vulnerability intersects with honesty. Both agree, however, that in the end to be vulnerable means to be authentic, and that the best way to be authentic is to say what is really in your heart, full stop. Lastly, the duo wrap things up by talking about their favourite methods for processing emotions so that we can be our best, vulnerable selves without causing harm, including breath work, inner child work, therapy, and writing those feelings out.

// Disclaimer: Unfortunately we had some sound issues with this episode at the end - it's a one off and we hope you still enjoy it. :) 

// TW/CW suicidal ideation, discussion of mental health // People & Media mentioned: Jia Jiang: What I learned from 100 days of rejection / @izzy.marianne on Instagram

// Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:

Jul 18, 202001:09:22
009 - Choosing Love Over Fear: Embodying a State of Love

009 - Choosing Love Over Fear: Embodying a State of Love

“Because I am love, I deserve to be forgiven.” What happens to us and the world around us when we choose to live from a place of love rather than fear? This is the topic that Lorena and Kelly are tackling this week! The pair kick off the episode by getting back to basics; listen in as they pick apart the differences between living in states of unconditional love versus fear. What are these states, how do they affect us, and what can we learn from them? Lorena defines this state as an absence of love, because on this plane “love is the divinity and fear is the human part.” Then we get a mini social theory lesson from Kelly as they discuss a particular theory on social deviance, and how the concept of judgement from others plays such a big part in the process of forgiving ourselves. The conversation then weaves in and out of various topics such as veganism as an axis for compassion, why cancel culture is toxic, and why fear and anger are such good pals. Finally, both share personal anecdotes of reacting while in a state of fear and how these moments reminded both of them that all of our humanity really comes back to that thing we all deserve and we all are; unconditional love. // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:
Jul 03, 202052:26
008 - White Privilege, Cultural Appropriation and White-washing in the Spiritual Community

008 - White Privilege, Cultural Appropriation and White-washing in the Spiritual Community

Jun 19, 202048:44
007 - Black Lives Matter
Jun 05, 202009:08
006 - Manifestation, Law of Attraction & Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard

006 - Manifestation, Law of Attraction & Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard

“The world is created based on what you have within. Consciousness is the only reality.”

How would you feel if someone told you that you are entirely in control of your life? That you can affect everything that happens to you because your imagination is the very mechanism that creates reality? That you have this very power because you ARE god? BUCKLE UP BABIES, this week Kelly and Lorena are getting into manifestation and all of the deliciousness that goes with it. The two start off with a brief introduction into what manifestation is, including the differences between the law of attraction and the law of assumption. Then they dig into a bit of background on the man who suggested that assumptions harden into fact, Neville Goddard, and what it means to be “living in the wish fulfilled.”  Finally, the friends wrap up with an intense discussion on how consciousness is the key to manifestation since it connects us all through this human experience. Join Kelly and Lorena on Mind Less this week and learn more about how you can have your cake AND eat it too - because you already have it, love.

// Coaching with Lorena: // Notes: Kelly would like to credit Brooke Mackay-Brock of Black Moon Botanica for the house-analogy they used when discussing how detailed visualization is key in spellwork. // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys //

May 22, 202055:40
005 - Tarot as a Coping Mechanism: Processing Feelings Through Visual Journaling

005 - Tarot as a Coping Mechanism: Processing Feelings Through Visual Journaling

“Tarot reminds me the one thing that I have control over is my feelings.” Ever think a deck of cards could help you process your feelings? Neither did Kelly! This week we’re back and we’re digging into the tarot as a coping mechanism, specifically from Kelly’s point of view. The conversation touches on what tarot is, to how to start practicing it, and why it might be another useful tool to have in your toolbox. For Kelly, this looks like finding JUST the right deck, remembering that human life revolves around change, and discovering the root of defensiveness in their anxious mind. The pair also discuss the ethics of tarot as a profession and the most important thing of all - which card is your favourite? Tune in this week to hear how 78 cards can offer perspective, grounding, and space to heal. CW/TW: Depression, Mental Health // Mentioned in Episode: Black Moon Botanica Edinburgh / Numinous Tarot: / Starchild Tarot: // Tarot Readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram or // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys

May 08, 202059:17
004 - Meditation, Being Present & Conscious Breathing

004 - Meditation, Being Present & Conscious Breathing

‘I am sorry. Thank you. I love you. Please forgive me.’ Finding stillness during periods of change and uncertainty is more important now than ever. Luckily, each and every one of us has a pretty amazing tool at their disposal for times like these when the daily distractions our minds are so used to have suddenly vanished - that's right: meditation! Getting back to the breath, in this episode Kelly and Lorena discuss how they stumbled into their practices and why they continue to meditate even when things are going well. The pair also chat about the different types of meditation including mantra, guided, breathwork, and how using meditation or mindfulness with a physical practice can be beneficial for those of us with busier-than-normal brains. Tune in this week to hear them discuss the benefits and drawbacks of striving for inner peace in our busy era, and how YOU can get started discovering your own inner calm.  CW/TW: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health // Mentioned in Episode: Hannah Einbinder: // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena: //
Apr 22, 202001:00:47
003 - What Self Love Means To Us and How To Practice It

003 - What Self Love Means To Us and How To Practice It

What is Self-Love to you? Episode three has arrived! The pair are back and this week the conversation is all about loving the one person who matters most - ourselves! Self-love has become a trendy topic, but what does it really look like to radically love ourselves exactly as we are? Listen in as Lorena and Kelly share their unique self-love journeys; from what self-love means to them, to how it benefits their daily lives, the two come at the topic from completely different perspectives, but meet in the middle to reaffirm that the best validation (the only validation?) is the kind we bestow on ourselves. The two also discuss their regular self-love practices - from meditation to mirror gazing - and offer up some insight on how loving yourself, shadow side and all, can open doors to empathy and compassion that we all deserve. CW/TW: Disordered eating // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:
Mar 28, 202055:31
002 - Healing with Ayahuasca in the Jungle of Costa Rica - Plant Medicine Experience at Rythmia Life Advancement Centre - Part 2

002 - Healing with Ayahuasca in the Jungle of Costa Rica - Plant Medicine Experience at Rythmia Life Advancement Centre - Part 2

“She made me love my pain.” We’re back with part 2 of Lorena’s experience with Ayahuasca this week, and folks, we are going deep. With the last three ceremonies to discuss, the duo find themselves exploring a range of topics, including death, our purpose, gratitude and LOVE. From the divine masculine to the divine feminine, with a transformative experience as pure consciousness, we get into exactly which ceremony Lorena considers “the most profound” and how Mama Ayahuasca granted her her miracle. We wrap up with some listener questions and an intense discussion on integration with an emphasis on support, along with a conversation about just how unique this spiritual journey is to the individual.  A little disclaimer: Ayahuasca is a plant medicine and we do not condone or promote drug use. This is not a recreational experience, please educate yourself and be safe. CW/TW: Depression, suicide, substance abuse, discussion of genitalia // Spotify Playlist: // Contact us for questions on Facebook: // Contact us for questions on Instagram: @mindlesspodcast // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:
Mar 06, 202057:23
001 - Healing with Ayahuasca in the Jungle of Costa Rica - Plant Medicine Experience at Rythmia Life Advancement Centre - Part 1

001 - Healing with Ayahuasca in the Jungle of Costa Rica - Plant Medicine Experience at Rythmia Life Advancement Centre - Part 1

Lorena went to Costa Rica! And it was for more than the beautiful beaches and to drink muay thais! This week she shares the first part of her experience with Mama Ayahuasca on her journey of self-healing, growth and love. Spoiler alert - it doesn't taste as good as a muay thai ... // A little disclaimer: Ayahuasca is a plant medicine and we do not condone or promote drug use. This is not a recreational experience, please educate yourself and be safe. CW/TW: Depression, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse. // Music: Bad Snacks - Summer in the Neighbourhood; Andrew Langdon - Keys // Tarot readings with Kelly: @andimafuckinglibra on Instagram // Coaching & Breathwork with Lorena:
Feb 20, 202055:06