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MLM Trigger

MLM Trigger

By Corine Arnaud

If you are a Woman and a Network Marketer and want to crush it in the MLM profession, then learn the latest marketing strategies and tactics you have been looking for and explode your business without sacrificing your TIME and FREEDOM !
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How To Take Your MESS and Turn It Into A MESSAGE

MLM TriggerMay 13, 2020

The Headlines People Can’t help But Click

The Headlines People Can’t help But Click

Testing your advertising of your offer is important, is the necessity for exercising good judgment after making the tests.Testing advertisements allows you to see if you are pointed in the right direction

May 30, 202405:43
Creating Good Will

Creating Good Will

When you care about your audience and work hard to show it, they'll care about you too. When the purpose of your content, is to build a relationship and to show that you have value to offer beyond the products itself.

May 23, 202406:41
Living On The Edge Of The Real You

Living On The Edge Of The Real You

What makes you, you? Is it how you think of yourself, how others think of you. Cut out anything that doesn’t look or sound convincing and what is left will be the TRUTH, the real YOU.

May 16, 202407:14
The Enemy of ACTION

The Enemy of ACTION

The most important word in marketing is ACTION. Without it nothing would ever have been started, nothing would have been completed and nothing in the future will have been accomplished.

May 09, 202406:53
Don’t Be One Of The Crowd

Don’t Be One Of The Crowd

Truth of your personality as a network marketer is even more important to YOU, than in selling your product you are about to advertise. You can be your own best ally— or your own worst enemy— depending on how you engage with your prospect.

May 02, 202406:32
Effective Tools To Stand Out From Your Competitors

Effective Tools To Stand Out From Your Competitors

The key to interest any prospect lies in the art of proper communication. You have to interest them in what you have to offer, as well as your personality, your knowledge, your ability, your future value to them of what you are attempting to sell.

Apr 25, 202406:18
How To Capture People’s Attention

How To Capture People’s Attention

The person reading or listening to your story must be attracted quickly with a very few words by an attention grabber your prospect can’t resist. Every time you speak you are advertising yourself for better or worse.

Apr 18, 202406:24
How To SELL Your Potential To Yourself

How To SELL Your Potential To Yourself

The secret for success comes from the right advertising of your best qualities of your personality. It opens the door to the minds of others so they will enjoy being with you. Your personality is the product YOU have to sell to others to make yourself successful.

Apr 11, 202406:52
Unlock The Secrets To Sell Yourself

Unlock The Secrets To Sell Yourself

In today’s competitive market, it’s not enough to simply have the right products. Why, because before anybody is going to buy from you or your company, they've got to "buy" the idea that you're somebody worth working with. 

Apr 04, 202406:06
Key To Building A Solid Business Foundation

Key To Building A Solid Business Foundation

Every customer has different needs, desires, and interests – meaning that the best strategies for you will depend on you knowing your customers. You want to design a strategy that keeps customers coming back and keeps the money coming in. You're not just investing in your business, but more importantly, you're investing in your customers.

Mar 28, 202407:11
Get Your Prospects To Buy Faster

Get Your Prospects To Buy Faster

When the visitor is most aware, he/she has found the right product to solve their problem—they’re just waiting for a good offer to make the purchase.

Mar 21, 202406:15
Why You Are The BEST

Why You Are The BEST

At this stage, your prospect knows about your product, but they’re still comparing you against a bunch of other products. Your goal is to show them—why are you the best.

Mar 14, 202407:04
Unlock and Resolve Your Prospect Pain Points

Unlock and Resolve Your Prospect Pain Points

The solution-aware visitor knows there’s a solution, but can’t decide which product is the best for them. Your visitors know the result they want, but not that your product can provide that need.

Mar 07, 202406:39
How To Attract Prospects In The Awareness Stage

How To Attract Prospects In The Awareness Stage

Your goal in this awareness stage is to create content that generates leads and attracts potential customers. You need to create a framework for understanding which customers you should be targeting and their awareness of the problem you solve.

Mar 01, 202405:52
How To Increased WANT Awareness

How To Increased WANT Awareness

When people don't know they need something, you don't need to increase brand awareness... you need increased WANT awareness. Then you follow with a solution and product awareness. 

Feb 22, 202406:30
How To Impact Your Prospects

How To Impact Your Prospects

Word-of-mouth marketing is when consumers talk about a company's product or service to their friends, family, and others. Make the word spread faster. It is free advertising triggered by customer experiences and can be an impactful strategy for growing your online business

Feb 16, 202406:36
Prospecting Online

Prospecting Online

An online marketing funnel is strategic to guide potential customers through the buying process. This is the best system where you attract people to your offer and then convert them into customers or team members. 

Feb 08, 202406:53
 How To Negates The Need To Hard Sell

How To Negates The Need To Hard Sell

If you don’t learn how to market, then you’re just selling. And you’ll always have to sell hard, sell with high pressure and awkwardness. But if you learn how to market, it negates the need for you to hard sell.

Feb 02, 202407:42
Turn Your Vulnerability Into Strength

Turn Your Vulnerability Into Strength

When leaders reveal their failures, they are seen as more approachable and less arrogant. But being vulnerable isn't easy but it will fuel growth and success.

Jan 25, 202406:21
The Most Powerful Tool For Teaching

The Most Powerful Tool For Teaching

Storytelling is the most powerful means of communication there is and it’s part of who we are. Storytelling is what makes us feel, learn, react, and remember.

Jan 19, 202407:29
Pull Them In With A Story

Pull Them In With A Story

To boost your sales, begin incorporating stories into your strategy. Storytelling can help you build your brand’s identity and set you apart from your competitors. Captivating your prospects in sales is an art as much as it is a science.

Jan 12, 202407:52
How To Address The Specific Needs Of Customers

How To Address The Specific Needs Of Customers

Customer needs are defined by triggering them to buy your product or service by offering products that will address those points. It is important to understand the reasons behind their decision making.

Jan 05, 202407:30
Identifying Your Customers Pain Points

Identifying Your Customers Pain Points

Once you have identified who is your target audience, you need to identify their pain points. When you solve their pain points, not only will this generate a considerable amount of traffic to your funnel but it also helps to build trust and loyalty with them.

Dec 29, 202307:56
How To Win Back Your Customers

How To Win Back Your Customers

Every marketing strategy should have a plan in place for retention and reactivation. You should customize the emails to your brand’s needs.

Dec 22, 202307:15
The Power Of Leveraging Your Email Lists

The Power Of Leveraging Your Email Lists

Regardless of which MLM business you are in, your email list is one of your most valuable assets. You should be collecting the email addresses of your prospects and customers constantly.

Dec 15, 202307:47
How To Increase The Subscriber Loyalty

How To Increase The Subscriber Loyalty

Investing in building your email list and continuing to nurture those who have subscribed is essential. Give them the information they’re looking for, as well as information they didn’t think they need.

Dec 08, 202308:06
The Framework To Create Your Best Offer

The Framework To Create Your Best Offer

This framework is how you can diagnose what’s not working in every funnel that you set up. It’s the core foundation for how we sell anything online.

Dec 01, 202308:17
Go Where Your Customers Are

Go Where Your Customers Are

There are two ways that your dream customers will find you. Either they’re going to search for a solution you provide or they’re going to interact with things that interest them where you will interrupt them with your advertising.

Nov 23, 202308:55
The Profound Impact Of Interruption Advertising

The Profound Impact Of Interruption Advertising

As a marketer, you can target people who are interested in what you offer and interrupt them with your ads. You open a small window of time where you can grab their attention and show them the perceived value of what you’re selling.

Nov 16, 202308:58
Optimize Your Marketing Strategy

Optimize Your Marketing Strategy

You want to identify your marketing strategy because it is your entire online footprint. A documented strategy is defined on how you position yourself, the content you communicate to your target market and where you will communicate with them.

Nov 10, 202308:28
The Art And Science Of Lead Nurturing

The Art And Science Of Lead Nurturing

A successful lead nurturing strategy focuses on your marketing and communication efforts by listening to the needs of prospects and providing the information that answers their needs.

Nov 02, 202307:55
Shifting From A Consumer To A Producer

Shifting From A Consumer To A Producer

Don’t forget that your main goal is to produce valuable and relevant content that supports your marketing goals and drives engagement with customers and build relationships with potential leads.

Oct 26, 202307:26
The Magic Pill That Make Difficult Work Disappear

The Magic Pill That Make Difficult Work Disappear

As entrepreneurs, time is our most valuable asset. Every moment spent on a task that  distract us from what we should be doing with our core business is lost forever.

Oct 19, 202307:02
How To Plan Your Business Objectives

How To Plan Your Business Objectives

Developing a marketing strategy is all about understanding who your MLM customers are, how your product fits into your target market and where to reach the right people.

Oct 12, 202306:42
Customers Retention vs New Customers
Oct 05, 202307:29
How To Allocate Your Advertising Budget
Sep 28, 202308:33
How To Add Lighter Fluid To Your Conversions
Sep 21, 202308:38
The Hidden Cost of Free Traffic
Sep 14, 202306:49
How Important Is Your First Impression
Sep 07, 202307:20
How To Sell Your Product Without A Single Pitch

How To Sell Your Product Without A Single Pitch

Show your ideal customers what experiences are wrapped up with your product. Focus on solving their problems and the sales will start rolling in without a single pitch.

Aug 30, 202308:49
The Path To Purchase
Aug 23, 202308:22
Magnetic Marketing Tool To Attract Potential Customers
Aug 16, 202308:03
Speed Up The Bonding Process With Your Prospects
Aug 09, 202308:06
Get Targeted Leads Daily
Aug 02, 202308:46
Proven Strategies To Recruit Successfully

Proven Strategies To Recruit Successfully

Network marketing leaders understand they must never stop recruiting. Even though MLM company doesn’t pay you to recruit people. They pay you to produce volume sales and teach others to do the same.

I personally use a CRM software to do my all automations

I personally use to generate leads for my MLM business

Jul 26, 202308:35
The Importance Of Retention
Jul 19, 202308:04
Influencing People Without Being Manipulative

Influencing People Without Being Manipulative

There are numerous ways to spin your content so you are selling them without making them feel like you’re selling them. This is the key way to build engagement, trust and relationships with your audience. Then when you know what your prospects want, just solve that problem and giving them the solutions.

Jul 12, 202308:03
Automate Your Business For Growth
Jul 05, 202308:48
Your Secret Weapon To Increase Sales

Your Secret Weapon To Increase Sales

Did you know that over 50% of people say that emails influence their purchasing decisions? So if you want to earn more conversions for your MLM business, you need to have an email marketing in place.

Jun 28, 202308:20
How To Increase Your Email List
Jun 21, 202308:41