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Money With Clay

Money With Clay

By Clay

Join me as I talk all things wealth. To me wealth is about more than money, it's about living your life in a way that gives you maximum peace of mind. Let's focus on a lifestyle that will lower stress and raise the overall quality of life.
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Geoffrey Beale: $10/Hour to $500,000 Projects

Money With ClayAug 10, 2018

More Money. More Charity. Merry Christmas | #134

More Money. More Charity. Merry Christmas | #134

Merry Christmas! We have some new data out there that is prime picking for a special Christmas episode. I came across an article that gave me much hope and cheer about our giving nature as Americans. It's an encouragement for sure and something that I believe should be considered more deeply. What if we all had more money? What would that lead to you from charitable perspective? Given the data, it seems as though if we had more money there would be even more charity. The question then becomes, how do we all get more money? I have an efficient solution that requires nothing more than the government making a decision. Will they ever do it? One can hope!

Dec 25, 202012:29
Ugh... So Annoying! | #133

Ugh... So Annoying! | #133

And yet again, we have the news media throwing out headlines that are vilifying a certain group of people for doing nothing wrong. In fact, it's the exact opposite, This group of people are in the situation they are because of the decisions and actions they've made that have been helping people! During this crazy 2020 there have been some instances where it can appear as some people are taking advantage of the system, but that's simply not true. If you want to be mad about this particular situation, then that's fine but please direct your frustration and anger towards the people who are 'actually' responsible for it.

Dec 18, 202011:26
Why Home Prices Are Rising | #132

Why Home Prices Are Rising | #132

Home prices have been going crazy! While there are several reasons to this, the main driving force is the one reason that rarely seems to be talked about. Let's talk some real estate and economics so that you are able to have a rational discussion with someone who may not have a full understanding of the issue. This problem also illustrates the perfect example of how "good government intentions" can create unintended consequences that then, by necessity, spin out of control. Let's get to it!

Dec 11, 202011:23
Billionaire Mic Drop! | #131

Billionaire Mic Drop! | #131

I'm all for a good "mic drop" moment every now and then, and upon reading through an article there was an absolutely beautiful "game over" comment made. Sure, these moments are entertaining but when you peel pack the layers of the comments made, it offers some truly solid life advice for anyone with even a shred of ambition. To set the context, a reporter was talking with Eric Schmidt (former Google CEO) and questioning "the system" on what allowed him to become a billionaire. After a particular comment, he didn't' to put an end to it all and levy what was an undeniable fact about how he became a billionaire. It was a beautiful sight and reveals what everyone should always be striving to do in regards to approaching any choice they make. Let's get to it!

Dec 04, 202022:33
What a Great Deal! (are you sure???) | #130

What a Great Deal! (are you sure???) | #130

It’s here. It’s time to shop! Everywhere I look I see Black Friday deals and previews of Cyber Monday deals. Let the chaos begin! While I don’t want to come across as a Grinch, I do want to give you a few things to consider when it comes to shopping. While I understand a 70% off deal may seem like a “good deal”, in many situations it’s not! In fact, not only is it not a good deal, it will also be setting you behind in many other areas of your financial goals and dreams. This may seem contradictory given you’d be saving 70% on something, but let me explain a common trick that our human mind plays on us which puts us backwards instead of launching us forward!

Nov 27, 202012:59
4 Power Traits to Be Successful | #129

4 Power Traits to Be Successful | #129

Would you at least consider the thoughts of someone who is a billionaire and has 250,000 employees in their company? I would hope so!  Sure, we don't want to blindly follow anyone just because they have a huge net worth; however, I believe it is wise to at least hear them out and come to our own conclusion. In this episode we talk about four traits that Jamie Dimon believes creates success and overall effectiveness. The good news is these are traits that we can all implement. For some of us it may be harder than others, but that does not take away from the fact that with a focused effort, you can work on these traits and put yourself in the best possible position to succeed.  Let's get to it!

Nov 20, 202015:06
5% Privilege Tax - LOL! | #128

5% Privilege Tax - LOL! | #128

Is the world going crazy? I get it. We are living through some very crazy times right now; however, I believe people need to take a step back and reconsider some of the logic being used. Now, if you believe the government is super efficient and can spend your own money better than you can, I suppose you'd be okay with this idea, but me personally, I believe I (and you) can spend your own money the best and most efficiently. A recent research report has come out and its conclusion.... if you work from home, tax you 5%! Unreal. Let's talk about it.

Nov 13, 202020:41
Trump or Biden? Who Cares!!! | #127

Trump or Biden? Who Cares!!! | #127

If you're not aware, we are living through some pretty drama filled times right about now. It's several days past election night and we still don't know who won. Even after one side wins, you know the lawyers will be out in full force, so there is a long road apparently ahead. But you know what? Who cares? I don't. If you are a listener of this show, you shouldn't care either... why? Well, I have very good news for you, it's all about the person in the mirror. Here's why I don't care who wins and why you shouldn't either...

Nov 06, 202008:31
80 Rejections. Wow! | #126

80 Rejections. Wow! | #126

All I can say is WOW! How would you react if you were rejected 80 times? I can admit that it is easy to sit around and proclaim how tough you would be about it, but yeah, in reality... would I? If you need some motivation and inspiration to keep on fighting with whatever goals you have in life, business or school, then this is an episode for you. Seriously, it's absolutely crazy when you stop and breakdown just how significant even  a single "no" would be, but I mean... 80 of them??? Pure motivation!!!

Oct 30, 202018:26
9 Phrases to Avoid... | #125

9 Phrases to Avoid... | #125

This was a fun episode to do as it mixed what I found to be some valuable information with some... embarrassing humor. The question really becomes, have you ever used any of the nine phrases? I'm guilty of a few and yeah, looking back at it... I can totally understand and see the value in NOT using them! Being able to effectively communicate is a huge stepping stone to give yourself an advantage in business (or just life in general), and avoiding these nine phrases with help you improve that much more. Let's learn what to avoid and then by default, make us better communicators! 

Oct 23, 202016:51
Will This Hurt You? Tax Alert... | #124

Will This Hurt You? Tax Alert... | #124

Last week I talked about learning about the policies of various politicians, especially given the current times we are in. At the core, let's be well informed voters who are making decisions based on logic, information and reasoning, and not on emotions. If you're not aware, for those of us in the USA, we have an election coming soon and there is a policy floating around out there that not many are aware of. If you listen to this podcast, I would assume you have ambitions of growing wealth and creating control for yourself through financial freedom. The very little talked about policy is a double taxation that directly affects those looking to grow wealth, particularly by means of the stock market. I want you to vote however you choose, but please be aware of this policy and how it could directly be affecting your wealth building goals and ambtions.

Oct 16, 202008:15
Policy. Not Personality! | #123

Policy. Not Personality! | #123

I have one request to make. Please give yourself the credit you deserve in your ability to critically think. If you're not aware, we're in the middle of an election cycle and I must say, people on both sides are demonstrating some very lackluster reasonings for doing what they are. I'm all for voting for whomever you want, but I mean... come on... at least put some critical thought behind your choice. 

Oct 09, 202009:00
A Skill to Get An Edge | #122

A Skill to Get An Edge | #122

Whether you are playing a sport, instrument or building a business, having an edge is what we all should be seeking in order to help our odds of success. The problem with "getting an edge" is they are not what most people are willing/know to do. I suppose, by definition, this is why it gives you an edge, because the majority of people don't know to do it (or don't want to). I came across an article that shared some solid research on a skill that while not always pleasant to endure, can certainly help give you the guidance to need to give yourself that edge you seek and put yourself in the best position possible to succeed. Let's get to it!

Oct 02, 202018:21
A Couple Drowning in Debt | #121

A Couple Drowning in Debt | #121

In episode #112 I talked about a little trick Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet's business partner) uses to find success. He said that people need to "invert" in order to identify the actions they should take that will help them be successful. I want to take that principle and apply it to this couple's unfortunate situation. The most frustrating part about it is it was totally preventable had different choices been made. While I'm not trying to kick this couple while they're down, I do want us all to learn about what needs to be avoided if you care about building wealth and taking control of your personal finances.

Sep 25, 202024:41
PROOF for LESS Government | #120

PROOF for LESS Government | #120

These are the types of news stories that make me proud to be an American! If we're all honest with ourselves, I don't think anyone would be shocked to see the results of some newly released research as it truly goes to show what our culture is all about. In fact, when you know a society is built upon the foundation America is, you can begin to think in ways that ask the question, "can we make it even better?" The answer is... YES, absolutely! The problem is, the government doesn't really like or want us to realize the answer. Let's talk about it.

Sep 18, 202017:14
An Insulting View of People | #119

An Insulting View of People | #119

I'm keeping this short and sweet. If you come across people that view people in the way I discuss... please run the other way! All it will lead to is a lack of productivity and a mindset that does nothing other than "hold ya down"... let's go!

Sep 11, 202013:37
Billionaire Learning From Billionaire | #118

Billionaire Learning From Billionaire | #118

If you could ask a billionaire what they learned from another billionaire, would you? I would! While I don't believe in blindly following someone's advice just because they have a huge net worth, I do believe it's as least wise to consider and reflect upon what their advice is. In this situation, I feel a bit of vindication as this advice that is given is something that I talk about quite a bit. I firmly believe in the advice given not only from a "theory" standpoint, but also, from a "experience" standpoint. I have this structure in place within my daily life and I will say it makes a massive difference and keeps me moving in the direction that I strive to be moving. What is this advice? How can it benefit you? Let's get to it....

Sep 04, 202014:58
How to Disagree... Productively | #117

How to Disagree... Productively | #117

Maybe you are not aware? There seems to be a whole lot of disagreement in the world today. It takes about 1.4 seconds on social media to realize the amount of disagreement that exists. Let me state upfront, there is nothing wrong with disagreement at all... in fact, I would say it is healthy to have disagreement. This is where things get tricky, however. Having disagreement when people "know how" to disagree with each other is awesome because it can make things better and more productive, but on the other hand, when those two people do not "know how" to disagree, well... take a look around social media. How can people disagree BUT still be productive in their disagreement? It's possible and there are some interesting tactics out there from the world of "how to get the job" that translate nicely into the real world. Let's talk about it and all strive to do a better job when coming across someone you disagree with.

Aug 28, 202021:36
CEO's: Friend or Enemy? | #116

CEO's: Friend or Enemy? | #116

The topic of CEO's and in particular, "how much money they make" is a pretty polarizing topic. While I am willing to listen to and try to understand everyone's opinion on the topic, that doesn't mean I have to agree with it, especially when the opinion is filled with an overall toxic mindset. A new study was recently released that seemingly makes CEO's evil because of all the money they make. On the surface I can understand how people form these opinions; however, a good still to have is critical thinking, so we need to do a bit of that. When you think through the realities of the situation, I'm not sure why anyone who feel so negative about it. Let me give you my opinion and thoughts on why I 100% believe CEO's are friends and not the enemy.

Aug 21, 202027:02
A Mom's Advice that is Golden! | #115

A Mom's Advice that is Golden! | #115

We've all heard the saying, "a mother knows best", and in this situation I will have to fully agree! The advice this mother gave her children is oh so simple, yet, extremely powerful and freeing. How freeing? Well, the kids who listened to this advice and applied it throughout their lives have made some impressive strides. Perspective and attitude are insanely powerful and when you flip on the right switches of perspective in your own mind, you can (as you'll see in the article) essentially do whatever you want. Share this advice, adopt this advice and surround yourself with others who have this philosophy towards life and you'll notice some big changes in your own life! Feel free to complain, but after you do... this mom would ask you only one, powerful/freeing, question...

Aug 14, 202015:05
How to Live Longer (and happier...) | #114

How to Live Longer (and happier...) | #114

Before you listen, guess.... what do you believe is the common similarity among groups of people who routinely live past the age of 100? I'm willing to bet that you will never be able to guess it. I had no idea and can't say it even remotely came close to crossing my mind; however, upon learning the science behind this "thing", it totally makes sense! While I realize this podcast is geared more towards personal finance and wealth building, I always argue that health goes hand-in-hand given healthier people can be more productive. And then of course, the more productive you are the more control you can bring to your finances and the more wealth you can create. Let's get to it!

Aug 07, 202022:04
Unemployment Rising. Rich Getting Richer. How? | #113

Unemployment Rising. Rich Getting Richer. How? | #113

How is it possible that while the economic numbers such as unemployment are "soaring", some people in the world are getting richer? What is this recipe that wealthy people use to make this possible? Let's talk about the ingredients that go into this winning recipe and what all is required. Here's a minor spoiler, it is a recipe we can ALL follow and make happen in our lives, we just need the right ingredients... which again, we all have access to. Let's get to it! 

Jul 31, 202017:27
Invert. | #112

Invert. | #112

One word, but insanely powerful when you sit back and think about the concept: invert. I stumbled across a quote from a famous investor who is worth billions of dollars and that was his advice, "invert". As I've said many times, just because someone is worth billions of dollars does not mean we should blindly follow their thoughts, but they're certainly at least worth listening to. The best part about the advice to invert is this: we all have the ability to do it... in fact, it's a skill we are actually taught from a young age. Whether we are talking your personal finances or just life in general, if you take and apply this advice, you'll be putting yourself way ahead of most people!

Jul 24, 202014:50
5 Habits to Live Longer | #111

5 Habits to Live Longer | #111

Health and wealth fit perfectly together. When you are healthy, you will have more energy... when you have more energy you can get more done... when you can get more done, being able to take control of your life and finances because that much more efficient. In my opinion, many times get way too focused on wealth and lose control of their health (myself included), which within the big picture of it all is the most important thing. I've been there, so no judgement from me if your health has fallen off the rails, but I want to share some "habits" with you from a 80 year old doctor that I can attest to... do work!

Jul 10, 202021:36
Our DNA as Americans | #110

Our DNA as Americans | #110

I want to wish you all a Happy 4th of July weekend and offer up some thoughts on just how great our country is! Let's do a quick little history lesson which I believe reveals the essence of our DNA as Americans and should offer us all hope and motivation to go out there and "make it happen"!

Jul 02, 202010:10
Getting on the Right Track | #109

Getting on the Right Track | #109

It's never too late to start. In fact, one of the most annoying and worthless excuses you can give to someone is, "it's too late for me..." SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Sure, it might not be the most ideal time to start, but that does not mean you shouldn't start. The only way to take control of your finances and life is to well.... START taking control by putting yourself on the right track. Let's talk about some of these actions you should be taking in order to begin turning your life into one where it's not controlling you, but you are controlling it!

Jun 26, 202019:42
A Tragic Tale of Ambition | #108

A Tragic Tale of Ambition | #108

Ambition is awesome! Ambition is what drives innovation and has the power of changing someone's entire situation for the better. Unfortunately though, ambition has a darker side that can take shape in some very tragic and sad ways. I am all for ambition and for people getting out there and "taking control" of their life through goals and aspirations; however, ambition must be understood and balanced in order for the desired outcomes. A newly released headline tells a sad story of a younger person who was acting out of ambition, but, got way too far ahead of themselves leading to a worse case scenario outcome. Let's walk through some of the lessons we can learn from this and how to be as wise as possible when it comes to being ambitious. 

Jun 19, 202017:36
Harvard and Emotional Intelligence | #107

Harvard and Emotional Intelligence | #107

Harvard has done quite a bit of research on "emotional intelligence" and why it is so important. While I certainly do not believe in blindly following research or someone's opinion, there are some instances (such as this) where it's worth at least considering what is being said. I am by no means perfect in all these areas; however, through some of my own experiences, I can attest to the fact that having emotional intelligence in several of these areas has served me well. Iron sharpens iron so let's talk about these areas and how they can help us all improve no matter what we are doing.

Jun 12, 202018:02
A Negative Bank Balance... | #106

A Negative Bank Balance... | #106

Imagine it. Not only do you have no money, but with no money you actually still owe other people money! How crazy and scary is that? To be totally broke to the point where your bank accounts have a negative sign in front of them? As sad as it is, it can happen to people who make certain choices and I don't want to see that happen to you! The uplifting and encouraging part about all this is you can totally recover from it. No worries, I'm not going to be "talking in theory". There was a recent article released that documents how someone went from a negative bank balance to doing very well for themselves. Not only is it very motivating, there are also several learning lessons that we should take note of and be sure to consider applying to our own lives. Let's get to it!

Jun 05, 202017:45
Everyone is a Business Owner! | #105

Everyone is a Business Owner! | #105

Whether you want the responsibility or not, it doesn't matter. The fact is this: YOU (yes you!) are a business owner and CEO. You might not think so given you don't run a company that offers a product or service; however, this is a false understanding of reality. The reality of the matter is you 100% "do" offer a service/product and you need to make sure it is worth as much as possible. All successful people are great at operating this area of their life and I want you to do the same! Let's discuss how you can run your business at maximum productivity.

May 29, 202023:44
#104 - The Rich Get Richer (and i love it!)

#104 - The Rich Get Richer (and i love it!)

Well... here we go again! The typical attempted media manipulation to pull the puppet strings of people as they try and convince us just how evil these rich people are. What makes it oh so worse is that these billionaires got even more money during this pandemic! You know what? That's awesome! Good for them! Yes, this may be cruel, but if you don't understand why/how the rich got richer over the past two months, you need to cut the puppet strings away from you and learn how to do some critical thinking. So let's do just that... let's think through how this all happened and why it is so motivating!

May 22, 202023:15
A Sign of Encouragement | #103

A Sign of Encouragement | #103

I know I do quite a bit of ranting on most episodes, but you know what? You need to give credit where credit is due. The millennial generation sure does catch lots of flack (including from myself); however, in this instance they deserve to be commended. Thanks to some new data that has been released, we have an example of some overall good decisions being made. If I can accomplish only one thing with this episode, I hope it offers encouragement to keep on going (or simply GET STARTED!).

May 15, 202015:27
A Bargain With the Devil | #102

A Bargain With the Devil | #102

When times are good... well... times are good! It's human nature to behave in ways that, at the core, are not very wise from a risk perspective. Sure, you have lots of people and "gurus" out there talking about all the glamorous dynamics that arise from behaving in certain ways, but the "devil is in the details". As we continue to go through the economic drama created by the Covid-19, unfortunately, some people are meeting the devil and quickly realizing just how nasty things can become. I truly hope these stories serve as a wake-up call to those people who are tempted to get careless with their finances when things seemingly seem "okay" to do so.

May 08, 202016:06
Need Protection? No Thanks! | #101

Need Protection? No Thanks! | #101

Well, I woke up this morning, read a quote, my blood started boiling and here I am doing a podcast. These are the things that perfectly illustrate why I do this podcast. I want you to be in full control of your personal situation and have the freedom to got about it the best way possible. Unfortunately at times, there are instances which I'll talk about that really point to flaws that need to be addressed. At the end of the day, the question becomes are you doing everything your power to give yourself full freedom, or do you need protection and control from others?

May 01, 202016:57
The Sheep Have Been Fleeced | #100

The Sheep Have Been Fleeced | #100

When you allow yourself to become a sheep... this is what can happen.

Apr 24, 202019:59
#099 - Let's Talk Science and Luck

#099 - Let's Talk Science and Luck

Do you consider yourself a lucky person or an unlucky person? Regardless of what category you would put yourself in, there is some interesting research available which suggests "how" and "why" you are lucky or unlucky. The good news is that if you are someone who is unlucky, there are several strategies you can use to turn yourself into a lucky person. If you are already lucky, well then, these researched strategies will get you that much luckier. Maybe even the best news is this... the strategies are not complicated and they are things that require very little skill or understanding. In other words, you have no excuses! It's time to bring luck (or even more luck) into your life! Let's go!

Apr 17, 202020:18
"Tear It Apart" - A Goldmine! | #098

"Tear It Apart" - A Goldmine! | #098

For those of us who are open to it, there are potential goldmines sitting right at our fingertips. The key to discovering these goldmines is to use a strategy that many successful people use in a variety of ways. To explain this better, billionaire Ray Dalio takes us through his strategy of turning himself into the most efficient beast as possible. When I billionaire speaks, I am certainly going to listen and I can verify that his strategy works as I've done it over the years to grow my business ventures. All I can say is.... "tear it apart!". Let's go!

Apr 10, 202015:01
#097 - 67 Year Old Millionaire Regrets

#097 - 67 Year Old Millionaire Regrets

It's time to get out our time machine and transport ourselves into the future and learn! When someone with more life experiences chooses to share some of their regrets (especially when the person is actually a millionaire), I believe there is value in at least listening. Usually we hear about older people having regrets of "not saving enough" or things of that nature, but the unique twist here is this person is already a millionaire. What do they regret and is there anything we can learn from it? Absolutely. Be sure to give it a listen and as I discuss.... be HONEST with yourself!

Apr 03, 202016:11
#096 - It's OK to Be Scared... but...

#096 - It's OK to Be Scared... but...

As the crazy times around the world continue, the amounts of fear and concern are running rampant. In all actuality, it's OK to be scared and you should be! As human beings, we are wired to "be scared" as it helps us in many different ways; however, there is also a whole lot of gray area that can cause problems. I want to walk through a couple chains of logic here that will help you realize that while it is perfectly normal (and wise) to be scared, you don't need to be "that" scared. We can't let the emotions created by fear and panic overwhelm our ability as humans to think critically with common sense. Sure, at times like this it can be difficult to do, but it is completely possible! Let's get to it!

Mar 27, 202018:33
#095 - Retired at Age 35. Their Advice...

#095 - Retired at Age 35. Their Advice...

How nice would it be to be retired already in your mid 30's?!?! That's pretty crazy and the most powerful part is, it's actually possible! Of course you absolutely you need a game plan and strategy to make it happen, but once you have the ball rolling, the numbers can add up quickly in your favor. Let's take a look at what I find to be a very inspiring and motivating situation and learn more about the suggestions and tactics they've used to turn this dream of "retiring young" into a reality.

Mar 20, 202028:15
#094 - Coronavirus Stock Market Crash

#094 - Coronavirus Stock Market Crash

Have you heard of this thing called "the coronavirus"? It's kind of been talked about in the media a little bit, so I wanted to give you my thoughts on the stock market and how I am approaching the situation. Let's take a breath and walk through all of this in a slow, calm, and calculated way by using logic and a bit of common sense. What am I doing as the stock market crash and why? Let's talk about it.

Mar 13, 202024:33
#093 - How To Increase Your Worth by 50%

#093 - How To Increase Your Worth by 50%

When extremely successful people offer tips and advice, we should listen! Take note, I did not say "blindly follow" as we need to be able to do some critical thinking on our own, but without doubt, we should have the wisdom to at least listen and consider. A very well known billionaire was recently interviewed and was asked to give "one tip" for success. He gives a tip that he says will increase your worth by 50% and through my own personal experience with it, I can offer up confirmation that it's a great tip! If you're ready to start to make yourself more valuable and create more worth within your life, then this is something that ANYONE can do, you just have to choose to take action on it.

Mar 06, 202022:55
#092 - 63% Financial Illiteracy. What?!?!?!

#092 - 63% Financial Illiteracy. What?!?!?!

A newly released survey suggests that there is much improvement needed in people's lives when it comes to their understanding and approach to personal finances. I certainly don't blame these people as the education system we have in place is... well.... lacking (I'll save that for another episode); however, that does not take way from the fact that people are struggling when it comes to finances and building wealth. What is the solution to all of this? Let's talk about it.

Feb 28, 202026:44
#091 - 401k and IRA Millionaires!

#091 - 401k and IRA Millionaires!

Fidelity recently released new data from the customers and it's great news for many... they're millionaires! This is the kind of stuff that keeps me motivated and inspired to stay strong with the plan, be patient and stand firm with discipline. For some people though, things are not looking so great, so the question becomes, "why not?" By focusing on this question, we can learn how to avoid the problems and ensure we put (or keep) ourselves on the pathway that has worked for many others. Ready to become a millionaire? Let's go!

Feb 21, 202024:49
#090 - What Is A Large Purchase?

#090 - What Is A Large Purchase?

When you are looking to make a purchase, what do you consider to be "large"? We have some new surveys released this past week which point out a couple massive red flags within people's personal finances. If you're looking to build wealth for yourself and take control of the system (and make it work for you), then you need to be honest with yourself about where you fall in with these statistics. I have nothing but respect for you if you are currently waving a red flag. You can't fix a problem unless you first admit there is a problem, so let's take a look and see how we can all make our situations better!

Feb 14, 202024:04
#089 - An Opportunity is Approaching...

#089 - An Opportunity is Approaching...

The writing is on the wall (in increasing fashion) for a glaring "problem" with society in general. "Problem" is not necessarily the best word due to perspective. For those of you with a game-plan and some patience, this "problem" in all actuality is going to be a great opportunity for you to take advantage of. Even if you are not currently in the market to take advantage of the opportunity, there are some interesting behaviors being displayed which I believe should be avoided at all costs. They are extremely short sighted and will keep you in the hamster wheel your entire life if you don't change. Let's learn about this opportunity and learn why you need to avoid this certain behavior.

Feb 07, 202020:27
#088 - 2 Things for Big Savings Accounts

#088 - 2 Things for Big Savings Accounts

I like having money in my savings accounts, how about you? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to open up your online banking and have a nice chunk of money staring back at you? Thanks to some newly published research, we have a "look behind the curtain" at what wealth people with big saving accounts are doing to... well... accumulate all that money. The research points out two driving factors that allow for people to maximize their financial well being. It's hard to grow wealth when you don't have any cash in the first place, therefore, it's more than logical to start at point A: saving cash. Let's take a look at how successful people do it.

Feb 01, 202018:38
#087 - 5 Mental Traps. Avoid!

#087 - 5 Mental Traps. Avoid!

It's time to use some science to improve our mental abilities and get more productive. Whether you are talking about work, home, hobby or anything, the human mind plays a massive role in determining the outcomes. I'm by no means perfect when it comes to understanding the mind, but this article (using science) does a great job of illustrating some of the mental traps that people can easily fall into. I know I could certainly relate to some of them and it's now time to improve. I hope you're with me! Let's go!

Jan 24, 202018:44
#086 - Warren Buffet and Emotional Intelligence

#086 - Warren Buffet and Emotional Intelligence

It's amazing how powerful and influential a single statement can be. Investing great Warren Buffet shares one sentence that one of his mentors told him that helped shape and mold his life. I must agree though. I am without doubt going to take this one, simple, sentence and apply it to my life as it truly "make sense" on so many levels!

Jan 10, 202014:25
#085 - Start With The End

#085 - Start With The End

If you're looking for a New Year's resolution, I have an idea for you. I've talked it this strategy many times before; however, there is now a bit more context regarding it after a some newly released advice from someone who has found great success in the world of business building. Sure, it may sound a bit backwards and goofy, but there can be great power when you start with the end. Let's talk about it.

Dec 28, 201917:17