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Keeping Her Keys: At The Crossroads of Modern Life and the Deeper World

Keeping Her Keys: At The Crossroads of Modern Life and the Deeper World

By Cyndi Brannen

Join me as I explore the healing journey through psychology, personal development, mythology, and transcendent experiences at the crossroads of modern life and the deeper world. Claim, and keep, your unique keys. Devoted to the ancient goddess Hekate as World Soul.

About me:
Cyndi Brannen is an author, herbalist, psychologist, and teacher, merging her years of experience studying health and relationships with the traditional wisdom of the goddess.

Learn more about Cyndi's work at
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Mysteries of the High Priestess

Keeping Her Keys: At The Crossroads of Modern Life and the Deeper WorldJul 24, 2020

Being A Witch In The World: Boundaries, Connection, and Safety
May 23, 202423:44
Demeter: Ancient Goddess of Getting It Together
May 09, 202445:44
Beltane Meditation
Apr 27, 202418:14
Hekate: The Meaning In The Maiden

Hekate: The Meaning In The Maiden

Join Dr. Cyndi and all the Key Bearers from Covina: The Coven of Hekate for this fascinating discussion about Hekate's ancient titles referring to her as a maiden to what this means for us as modern witches.

We explore the different meanings of the terms 'maiden' and 'virgin' when applied to Hekate in ancient Greek and Roman texts. Then we flesh this out by examining the historical meanings of "Parthenos" and "Kore," and delve into the complexities and cultural baggage associated with these terms, highlighting the societal expectations placed on women. The discussion also touches on the concepts of sovereignty and independence, as well as the multifaceted nature of Hekate as a goddess. The conversation emphasizes the need to understand the historical context and the diverse interpretations of these terms.

Keywords: Hekate, maiden, virgin, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, cultural baggage, societal expectations, sovereignty, independence, goddess.

Key Takeaways

  • The terms 'maiden' and 'virgin' had different meanings in ancient Greek and Roman texts when applied to Hekate.
  • The societal expectations placed on women and the cultural baggage associated with the concept of maidenhood are explored.
  • Hekate is seen as a multifaceted goddess, embodying qualities of sovereignty, independence, and connection to nature.
  • Understanding the historical context and diverse interpretations of these terms is crucial to fully grasp their meaning.

For more info and to register for courses, go to

Apr 18, 202438:50
Hekate: Goddess of The Eclipse
Apr 04, 202413:31
Spring Equinox Ritual and Meditation: Gathering In Hekate's Garden With The Goddesses

Spring Equinox Ritual and Meditation: Gathering In Hekate's Garden With The Goddesses

Welcome to the season of Spring. Through a meditative journey, we will explore the myth of Persephone's emergence from the underworld. I recommend reading the chapter "Kore Reborn," in Entering Hekate's Cave to fully immerse yourself in the meaning of emergence. Get your candle ready for the opening ritual. In the meditation, we start by attuning the Three Selves, and then venture into the deeper world. In Hekate's Garden, we gather at the altar and offer something symbolic of what needs to be released or born. As we celebrate the equinox, a time of balance and transition, we honor goddesses and spirits such as Demeter, Medea, Artemis, and Circe. Absorb any gifts or messages received from them and conclude the meditation by returning to regular consciousness. Don't forget to make notes or sketches of your experience. Enjoy the journey.

Hail Hekate Pasikratea, Queen of the Universe.
Hail Hekate Aglaos, Creator of the Sun.
Hail Hekate Erigeneia, Ruler of the Moon.
As Creator of the Sun,
You shine down upon us,
Bringing life to all things,
As Ruler of the Moon,
You light up the darkest nights.
On this day when the day equals the night,
And the sun and moon are balanced,
I honor you as Divine Keeper of Balance.
On this day when the day equals the night,
May I understand the balance of my own life,
That the darkness and the storms
Yield to the winds of change,
Ushering in a new season.
Hekate Enodia, my road
May be a difficult one,
But my faith that all will be born anew is strong.
I offer my gratitude, Blessed Hekate.
Hail Hekate Pasikratea, Queen of the Universe.
Hail Hekate Aglaos, Creator of the Sun.
Hail Hekate Erigeneia, Ruler of the Moon.

- Cyndi Brannen for more info on courses and my books.

Mar 20, 202431:21
The Magick of Liberation: Exploring The Past Fifty Years of Goddess Witchcraft

The Magick of Liberation: Exploring The Past Fifty Years of Goddess Witchcraft

Join me and Christen Bennett (she/they) - Coven Key Bearer as we review how Goddess Witchcraft has evolved over the past five decades and how we are creating our own religion, both as a movement and personally.  I'm calling this The Goddess Liberation Movement, as the Spirit of Rixipyle has certainly liberated us spiritually.

The Goddess Liberation Movement celebrates the freedom to practice spirituality without fear of punishment. It focuses on creating one's own religion and embracing personal spirituality. With a history spanning five decades, the movement has seen significant changes and progress. From the rise of feminist theology and goddess worship in the 1970s to the recognition of Wicca as an official religion in the 1980s, and the mainstream popularity of witchcraft in the 1990s, the movement has evolved. In the 2000s, online communities and resources for witches emerged, and in the 2010s, organizations like the Temple of Witchcraft and increased political and social activism by witches became prominent. While witchcraft has become more mainstream, there are concerns about consumerization and a focus on material objects. The movement encourages individuals to create their own spirituality and embrace their sacredness.

Watch with CC and transcript HERE.

Join the COVEN.

Learn more about Hekate as Rixipyle in Entering Hekate's Cave by me, Cyndi Brannen.

Mar 07, 202454:46
Hekate Rixipyle: The Chain Breaking, Gate Crashing Liberator
Feb 22, 202439:41
Artemis: Wild Mysteries of The Moon
Feb 08, 202401:19:29
Imbolc, Hekate, and Soul Retrieval With Guided Meditation

Imbolc, Hekate, and Soul Retrieval With Guided Meditation

Entering Hekate's Cave: The Journey Through Darkness To Wholeness by Cyndi Brannen, PhD, can be purchased wherever books are sold.

This is a guided class and meditation that introduces the listener to Soul Retrieval.

Join my soul school, The Covina Institute, for the in-depth eight week journey that takes place between the first and third new moons of the calendar year.

If you missed this course, consider joining for The Rebirth Journey that runs from the third to fifth new moons.

Learn more at

Psychopomp, which translates from Greek as “Soul Guide,” is one of Hekate’s most ancient roles. Certainly, she guided Persephone through rebirth out of the cave, yet we can envision Hekate helping her call back the missing soul shards that shattered during her great trauma at the hands of those powerful men who brought about the end of her innocence. As Persephone learned to sing her soul once more, so do we. Our chorus becomes a beacon to the missing pieces of the soul in this lesson as we experience Soul Retrieval.

The Soul Guide is much more than the one who helps the earthly dead cross over the river to the other side, she is the midwife who assists new souls as they are born into flesh, and she reunites us with the fragments we lose along the way. Hekate calls us to take care of our own souls, and to see the soul in all things. Caring for our own souls and seeking to understand the soul in all things, draws us closer to Anima Mundi.

It is to Hekate as Psychopomp, and to our own ability as the guide of our own souls, that we turn to in this lesson as we experience soul retrieval. A shamanic practice as well as a psychological one, soul retrieval is the process of calling back pieces of our soul that were lost due to trauma.

Feb 01, 202401:18:17
Hekate Psychopomp: Following Her Back To Soul

Hekate Psychopomp: Following Her Back To Soul

Perhaps to me the most enduring way that Hekate presents to me is as Psychopomp, The Soul Guide. So much so that this entire moon month is dedicated to exploring the mysteries of Psychopomp, from connecting with a past life to experiencing the transformative Animarum Recupero (Soul Retrieval Ritual). Hail Hekate, Psychopomp.
Guide us, light our journey.

Check out my windy day musings video and more HERE:

For an in-depth examination of Hekate Psychopomp, read the eponymous chapter in Entering Hekate's Cave. Here's an excerpt:

One of Hekate’s most ancient roles is as Psychopomp, which translates as “soul guide.”[i]  According to the Greeks, the psychopomp guided the departed into the afterlife, whether it was the nightmarish Tartarus or the heavenly Elysium.[ii] Certain deities like Hekate and Hermes, her frequent companion, had the special ability to travel at will between the Underworld, the world of everyday life, and the heights of Olympus, so they could easily cross into the territory of the afterlife.[iii] 

Hekate, in particular, was responsible for overseeing the restless dead and for guiding souls to the other side. There is a special relationship between Hekate and those who have suffered great soul loss at the hands of others. She held close to her the dead who were marginalized by society, especially women and girls who had died due to sexual violence or during childbirth. In modern terms, Hekate is a trauma specialist whose darkness welcomes our fleeting soul fragments that find refuge in her cave. She tends to them until we are ready to be reunited.

Hekate Psychopomp is much more than the one who helps the earthly dead cross over the river to the other side, however. She is the midwife who assists new souls as they are born into flesh, and she reunites us with the fragments of our selves that we lose along the way. She calls us to take care of our own souls, and to see the soul in all things. When we care for our own souls and seek to understand the soul in all things, it draws us closer to the archetypal web, to the very soul of the world. The shamanic and psychological practice of soul retrieval is the process of calling back pieces of our soul that were lost due to individual and cultural trauma.[iv] In my own work, I function as a psychopomp, lighting the way to the wholeness known only through the return to soul. 

You can watch my recorded class on Hekate and The Soul, with CC and transcript, HERE.


[i] Dark Nights of the Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life's Ordeals

by Thomas Moore contains an excellent discussion on Hekate and the soul.

[ii] A short summary of the Greek ideas about the afterlife:

[iii] Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece by Sarah Iles Johnston (1999).

[iv] For more on soul retrieval, read Sharon Ingerman’s Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self.

Jan 18, 202446:35
Hekate's Wheel Meditation
Jan 11, 202415:04
Connecting to Hekate's Wheel - Meaning, Talisman, and Resources
Jan 08, 202406:05
Living a Magic(k)al Life and Being Authentically You
Jan 04, 202434:13
Welcoming 2024 With An Invocation
Jan 01, 202400:59
Winter Solstice Meditation: Meeting The Cailleach

Winter Solstice Meditation: Meeting The Cailleach

Join me on this meditative journey to the heart of Hekate's Cave where we meet The Cailleach for unburdening our "stones," on the Winter Solstice (or anytime we need to let go our heaviness). I adore The Cailleach. She connects me to my Celtic roots, and always welcomes the weary traveler, offering shelter from the winter's storms.

Become a Coven Member with the Kindness subscription: MORE INFO HERE.

Join the Keeping Her Keys Video Library HERE.

This episode expands on the Skotia Chapter in Entering Hekate's Cave by Cyndi Brannen.

From Entering Hekate's Cave: The Journey Through Darkness To Wholeness The Cailleach[i]is an expression of The Crone, a healing spirit that offers respite along the journey through the cave. There are stories regaling The Cailleach as the eternal wise woman healer. Sometimes denigrated as a mean-spirited hag, The Cailleach of various locations, such as the Cailleach Béara (Cally Berra)[ii], were Goddesses of Winter to ancient Celts. The importance of place is central to the tales of The Cailleach, where she typically be based in a specific location, such as Béara. Being linked to places signifies how deeply she is connected to the land and its people. She is of the earth itself. This connection of place also speaks to her message of reconnecting to the land, of treating the earth well so that we can be nourished. [i] Sorita d'Este and David Rankine. Visions of the Cailleach: Exploring the Myths, Folklore and Legends of the pre-eminent Celtic Hag Goddess (2009). [ii] Leanne O'Sullivan. Cailleach: The Hag of Beara (2009)

Dec 16, 202325:43
Hekate's Torches: Exploring The Meaning And Connecting To Her Sacred Flame

Hekate's Torches: Exploring The Meaning And Connecting To Her Sacred Flame

There is a light so deep inside of meThat nothing can extinguish.It has burned through a thousand lifetimes, Always leading me back to Hekate's Cave.

Christen Bennett (She/Her) - Coven Key BearerCoyote Mae (they/them) apGovannon Guide-Key of Lampadia and I sat down for an illuminating conversation about Hekate Lampadios, The Torch Bearer.

Perhaps there is no more iconic contemporary symbol of Hekate than her torches. There are several references to Her torches in various ancient texts. In ancient rituals, spells and tales Hekate is seen as lighting the way with her blazing torches. Perhaps the most commonly known is The Homeric Hymn to Demeter where Hekate’s torches light Persephone’s way to and from the underworld. We light up the history, and how we connect to her sacred fire in this spirited discussion.

Become a Coven Member with the Kindness subscription: MORE INFO HERE.

Join the Keeping Her Keys Video Library HERE.

This episode expands on the Lampadios Chapter in Entering Hekate's Cave by Cyndi Brannen.

Dec 14, 202349:34
The Triple Torch Bearers: Illuminating Hekate, Persephone and Demeter
Dec 07, 202342:56
Moon Attunement Meditation

Moon Attunement Meditation

Align with the energy of the waxing moon in this restorative meditation that reconnects and recharges.

If you enjoyed this meditation, consider joining Covina: The Coven of Hekate.

Discover more of Cyndi Brannen's work at

Cyndi Brannen, PhD,  is a psychologist, author and teacher. She teaches and writes from the crossroads of psychology, spirituality and traditional wisdom, merging ancient knowledge with modern practices. 

Her work explores the journey through darkness to wholeness using the archetypes of the witch and Hekate.

Her teaching focuses on personal healing through herbalism, rituals, meditations, and exploration of the deeper self.

She founded The Covina Institute, a soul school dedicated to the pursuit of wholeness through structured programs of study and transcendent experiences. 

After years of a successful career in academia and healthcare, she transitioned to teaching and writing about reclaiming the sacred feminine through spiritual practices after she became convinced that mainstream psychology was not sufficient to lead to personal wholeness. 

The Archetype of The Witch Merged With Modern Psychology

Her writing explores the archetype of the witch as a mechanism for healing from trauma, and as a font of personal sovereignty. She examines the many faces of the goddess, through mythology and personal experiences, as a reflection of the feminine principle, the anima, within. Added to her work is her years of professional experience in developing and evaluating self-directed programs based on modern psychological evidence. Notably, the roles of attachment, coping skills, and stress management. She draws heavily from certain modalities, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

Nov 23, 202314:57
Goddesses of The Depths: Persephone Hekate Demeter Chthonia
Nov 16, 202344:04
Healing The Shadow, Releasing Shame and Imposter Syndrome

Healing The Shadow, Releasing Shame and Imposter Syndrome

My take on Imposter Syndrome.

Go gently into this work.

"We experience shame not only through personal invalidation, but also from a culture that devalues our identity. Underneath all of this is always a history of trauma. We have so many wounded among us who carry a great deal of shame. While the initial escape from abusive organizations and individuals often brings respite, unless we acknowledge our shame, we often remain controlled by it. What happens on the individual level is therefore expressed in our communities as a whole. We need to confront shame at both these levels. Shame keeps us silent. We fear that everyone will think we’re idiots or crazy if we speak up. No one will believe us. That's shame talking. Shame is a specific type of fear that's related to having our sense of self violated by others. But this fear is also spread through societal views of what's acceptable. Think of shame as a disease-infected tree that is weighed down with a variety of rotting fruit. In the garden of your life, this tree draws out all your energy and keeps you from nourishing anything beautiful." - from Entering Hekate's Cave (Chapter 10 - Borborophorba).

Get the complete list of the symptoms HERE.

Caliban and The Witch by Silvia Federici
Brené Brown's TED Talk on shame.

I highly recommend reading ⁠this article⁠ from the Harvard Business Review by Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey

If you found this helpful, consider joining The Covina Institute.'

WATCH this on The KHK YouTube

Nov 09, 202346:08
Working With Ancestors
Nov 02, 202327:07
Invocation of Samhain: Dialogue With The Moon
Oct 31, 202303:48
Meditation: Healing In Hekate's Cauldron
Oct 26, 202316:51
The Spirit of Samhain and Being The Witch In The Room
Oct 23, 202301:08:13
Welcome To The Temple of Good Enough (Hail Hekate)
Oct 12, 202337:10
Keeping Her Keys Season 3 Wrap
Aug 23, 202305:57
Hekate, Dreams, and Nightmares: Healing In The Dark

Hekate, Dreams, and Nightmares: Healing In The Dark

"When I’m asked about beginning a relationship with Hekate, my response is always to look to your dreams. Trust me, she’s been trying to get your attention your entire life. Dreams can offer illumination into your own darkness; from aspects you need to heal to long-abandoned desires. They can also be about the external world, providing insight into relationships, situations, and others. Dreams are communications from the unconscious. Their symbols can evoke strong emotions. When we enter the darkness of sleep, we go into Hekate’s world. As we wander in the dreamscape, our physical selves vanish into something more. We walk among archetypes, tread in the web of the universe, and stretch beyond our mortal limitations. It is a sad state of affairs that our culture devalues the importance of dreams." - from Entering Hekate's Cave: The Journey Through Darkness to Wholeness

"Hekate has long been implicated in dream interpretations. Both the magical view that considers dreams to be foretelling and the nineteenth-century mechanistic view that attributes them to waste products of physiological sensations (garbage) show Hekate's influence. When she becomes equated with Nyx (night), as in Spenser and at times in Shakespeare, then dreams become her province and our interpretative ideas reflect her perspectives.

"We may continue this tradition, although in a different manner. Yes, the dream is made of scraps that belong to the Goddess who makes sacred the waste of life, so that it all counts, it all matters. Offering the dreams to "the mysteries of Hekate and the night" (King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1) means giving back the regurgitations that "come up" in dreams without attempts to save them morally or to find their dayworld use. The junk of the soul is primordially saved by Hekate's blessing, and even our trashing ourselves can be led back to her. The messy life is a way of entering her domain and become a "child of Hekate." Our part is only to recognize that their is myth in the mess so as to dispose of the day residues at the proper place, that is, to place them at Hekate's crossroads. Ritually, the garbage was placed at night at a crossroads, so that each dream may lead off in at least three directions besides the one we have come from. Hekate, was has traditionally been represented with three heads, keeps us looking and listening in many ways at once." - James Hillman, The Dream and the Underworld.

Hillman's excellent treatise on dreams argues that we should resist the temptation to make our dreams serve our ego. His strong case for allowing the dream to stay mystical is compelling. We have been programmed to think that dreams are either random neural firings, "garbage," or to try to reduce them into specific interpretations. Dreams do not care that we do such foolish things. They exist with or without our attempts to rationalize them. I urge you to allow your dreams to be what they are for it is in their pure form where the true medicine abides.

Dreams speak the symbolic language of the spirit world. They are archetypal and nonrational. Rarely literal, dreams are the way our unconscious speaks to us. The dreamer within is a star-traveler who has great wisdom to share, if we only listen.


Aug 10, 202338:25
Medea and Healing Our Personal Shadow

Medea and Healing Our Personal Shadow

Medea is a challenging companion, who teaches us both what to do, and what not to do. She is central to the practice of Hekatean Witchcraft, representing the healing and destructive power of The Poison Path. She is a central figure in Entering Hekate's Garden, in fact she wrote the introduction. Medea will have her way.

Medea, that mythical sorceress whose magic built a king and then destroyed him. For over 2,000 years she has captivated our attention. Reviled by some for her unspeakable actions, understood by others as a woman robbed of any personal agency. Medea operated in the shadows, often crafting her spells in secret, and she can also be seen as being in the grips of the shadow self. Her longing for her prince, and perhaps power, possessed her above all. In this episode, Angela Natividad and I explore the themes of Medea, then find examples of her in contemporary society (Amber Heard, for example). We draw from both art and literature to discuss how Medea, as a symbol of the dangerous woman, is entwined with both the systemic disempowerment of women and capitalism. The central question we used was borrowed from Margaret Atwood's introduction to Christina Wolf's contemporary retelling of Medea's story: "Like a tunnel full of mirrors, it both reflects and echoes. The question it asks the reader, through many voices and in many different ways, is: What would you be willing to believe, to accept, to conceal, to do, to save your own skin, or simply to stay close to power? Who would you be willing to sacrifice?" You can watch this video with closed captioning and view the transcript here: Access the PDF of the slides we used to frame the discussion here: You can watch this on YouTube. Make sure to subscribe to Keeping Her Keys while you're there.

Join the Crossroads and Keys Online Retreat HERE.

Aug 03, 202301:40:08
Lughnasa/Lammas: Demeter, Connecting to Meaning, and A Meditation For The First Harvest
Jul 27, 202338:14
Hekate's Supper: The Meaning In The Meal
Jul 20, 202355:48
The Nowness of Hekate: Crossroads, Openings, and Honoring Her

The Nowness of Hekate: Crossroads, Openings, and Honoring Her

A minisode this week, witches. Just me musing about the meaning of Hekate's Suppers, transitions, and her roles as Enodia and Propylaia.

Join the Free Crossroads and Keys Online Retreat.

Honoring Hekate on the Dark Moon HERE.

Watch Hekate Enodia on the KHK YouTube Channel.

The recording of the Propylaia class is only in Searchie. You can watch it with this LINK.

Purchase Entering Hekate's Cave wherever books are sold.

And Hail Hekate.

Jul 13, 202314:28
Gifts of the Sibyls Meditation

Gifts of the Sibyls Meditation

Let's take a break from all the deep explorations with this meditative journey into Hekate's Garden. Based on the opening verse in Chapter 10: Sibylika in Entering Hekate's Garden, you'll experience The Gifts of The Sibyls, awakening your inner mystic.

Find the deep dive on the Sibyls HERE.

Learn more about our upcoming free event, The Crossroads and Keys in Hekate's Garden Online Retreat HERE.

Watch the meditation with CC and searchable transcript HERE.

Jul 06, 202330:27
Self Healing At The Crossroads Part 2: Magick And Mental Health

Self Healing At The Crossroads Part 2: Magick And Mental Health

Christen, Coyote Mae and I find our practice of witchcraft to be incredibly healing, something that is real and true to us. That's a real key for mental wellness: doing what is authentically you. This discussion follows up our first conversation about psychology and witchcraft for a discussion on the connections between mental health and practicing magick. We stay focused on the mental health challenges that everybody faces: anxiety, depression, and stress instead of getting into clinical diagnoses, and how practicing natural magick can be an effective coping mechanism.

Some of the topics we unlock include how magick is therapeutic for us, our animistic view of the world, and various coping mechanisms. We center around the importance of acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of life, coping mechanisms, and being mindful of our capacities. Then we discuss the power of spells to help us cope with anxiety, depression, and stress. Seeing ourselves as self-sovereign, and viewing the divine and spirits as partners and helpers, as we navigate the demands of life, is the most magical key for merging our witchcraft with mental wellness.

NOTE: We use "magick" to refer to practices that focus on intentionally connecting to energies of the deeper world to craft spells, talismans, and such. This is in contrast to the general sort of magic that exists in the universe. The key here is intentional practices that attune to forces like plants and spirits that result in the creation of an object that serves as a conduit for working with these energies. Specifically, all three of us practice natural magick which can be defined as aligning with the etheric essences of plants and other aspects of the natural world, as well as archetypes, such as expressions of the divine.

Go deeper by becoming a member of Covina.

Watch with CC and searchable transcript HERE.

Learn about the differences between anxiety, depression, and stress HERE.

Information about coping mechanisms can be found HERE.

Jun 30, 202301:08:18
Finding Connection, Healing, and Joy By Creating Altars
Jun 22, 202301:14:52
Summer Solstice: The Sovereign Goddesses Ritual Meditation
Jun 15, 202354:34
Self Healing At The Crossroads Part 1: The Intersection of Psychology and Witchcraft
Jun 08, 202301:00:14
Deathwalking, Underworld Goddesses, and Being A Psychopomp
Jun 01, 202301:28:57
Hekate Triformis: The Triple Goddess and Her Companions (With Meditation)

Hekate Triformis: The Triple Goddess and Her Companions (With Meditation)

Hekate as a Triple Goddess is one of her most iconic images. Usually including either three heads or three bodies, there are many ancient and contemporary depictions of her like this. In this episode, I discuss three trios of Goddesses that all include Hekate. Circe, Medea, and Hekate comprise a triplicity of Goddesses of Witchcraft, and are the spirits of my book, Entering Hekate's Garden. In Entering Hekate's Cave, it's Hekate, Persephone and Demeter who are the guiding Triple Goddess. Finally, there's the lunar trio of Hekate, Artemis, and Selene.

I start out with a new intro to the original episode, and you'll find Hekate's Help Desk at the end after the meditation. The question I answer for HHD this time concerns my mentioning of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Hekate's History's Part II.

To view the CC and the searchable transcript, GO HERE.

The illustration I reference near the beginning is available HERE.

Go to

May 18, 202301:04:52
Unlocking The Keeping Her Keys Book: Hekate's Modern Witchcraft
May 11, 202301:20:12
The Magick, Medicine, and Mystery of Hekate's Garden

The Magick, Medicine, and Mystery of Hekate's Garden

This episode guides you through Entering Hekate's Garden: The Medicine, Magick, and Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft by me, Cyndi Brannen.

I begin by answering a listener's question about mugwort.

Rooted in plant spirit witchcraft, Entering Hekate's Garden: The Magick, Medicine and Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft guides the reader through exercises, practices, and rituals, teaching respect and gratitude for the plant world and embracing spiritual, physiological and magical properties of plants. Hekate's Garden is a mystical experience that offers transformative effects through plant spirit witchraft, drawing wisdom from Hekate, Medea, and Circe as The Triple Goddesses of Witchcraft.

Hekate's Garden is a sacred space filled with plants associated with Hekate, the goddess of witchcraft and magic. The most extensive list of plants associated with her is found in the fourth-century version of the tale of Jason and the Argonauts, which describes a sacred grove in the innermost recess of the enclosure shaded by green trees, where Medea performs her spells.

1. Welcome to Hekate's Garden

2. Exploring the origins of Hekate's Garden 08:34

3. Defining Pharmakeia and Plant Spirit Witchcraft 16:03

4. Awakening to The Magick of Botanicals 23:29

5. The Power of Plant Spirit Medicine 30:44

6. Unlocking the Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft 37:59

7. Claiming Your Place as a Pharmaka 45:09

May 04, 202353:47
Beltane Meditation: Shapeshifting Flight To The Witches' Realm
Apr 27, 202319:20
Cracking A Mystery: Hekate's Suppers and The Ritual Use of Eggs

Cracking A Mystery: Hekate's Suppers and The Ritual Use of Eggs

As part of our ongoing project researching ancient Hekate's Suppers, we are cracking the mystery surrounding raw eggs as part of an otherwise fully prepared meal. Hekate's Suppers, also known as The Deipnon, were important rituals of purification and protection that were conducted in areas of the ancient Mediterranean.

Eggs were a key feature in the ancient suppers left for Hekate at the crossroads. These suppers, which are sometimes referred to as The Deipnon (which means "supper") were part of the monthly ritual of propitiation to Hekate on the night when the moon was hidden (aka the modern new moon).

"As is usually the case with offerings to the dead, the regular Hekates deipnon on the thirtieth of the month consisted of food. The specific articles, so far as they are mentioned, were magides a kind of loaf or cake, the shape and ingredients of which are not clear; the mainis or sprat; skoroda, or garlic; the trigJe, or mullet; psammeta, a sacrificial cake described by Harpocration as "somewhat like the psaista;" eggs, cheese, possibly the basunias a kind of cake." - Stephan Ronan, The Goddess Hekate.

Eggs have a rich history throughout many religions and cultures, symbolizing life, purification, and rebirth. In ancient Greece and Rome, eggs were used for spiritual rituals, including offerings for the goddess Hekate. In particular, Hekate's Suppers included raw eggs as a means of both purification and protection from evil spirits. Eggs, as well as many animal based foods, were viewed as chthonic, which means they were connected to the underworld, and deities who were associated with it. Through the Christian tradition eggs are linked to the purification ritual of communion, and the resurrection of Jesus. In particular, Mary Magdalene was associated with eggs, particularly red ones. Today eggs still have spiritual significance and can be used to achieve spiritual transformation and protection.

Watch this as a video with CC and searchable transcript HERE.

View the PDF of the slides HERE.

Eggs and Ancient Hecate Suppers: Exploring Symbolic Meaning and Use in Rituals

Historical Practice Associated with Hecate 08:19

Dialogues of the Dead: Eggs, Purification and Hekate 15:49

Hekate Suppers: Protection and Purification of the Restless Dead 22:27

The Complexity of Hekate: Threatening and Philanthropic 30:18

The Unsettling Side of Hecate's Suppers, Rituals and Ancient Curse Tablets 37:57

Purifying Restless Dead and Pollution In Ancient Greek Religion 45:56

Cleansing Through Diet: A Portal to Ancient Practices of Purification 52:50

The Complexities of Purity: Exploring Orphism and Ancient Greek Dietary Practices 01:00:18

Understanding the Mythos and Misconceptions of Hekate Suppers 01:07:14

Connecting the Ancient Hekate Suppers and Practices to Lent 01:14:16

Purifying the Soul: A Comparison of Hekate Suppers and Christianity 01:21:31

The Fascinating Mythology of Mary Magdalene and the Red Egg 01:28:03

Eggs in Ancient Times: Unravelling Ancient Rituals of Protection and Cleansing

Apr 19, 202301:40:26
Being The Witch In The Room: Self Healing, Navigating Unsafe Spaces, and The Broom Closet

Being The Witch In The Room: Self Healing, Navigating Unsafe Spaces, and The Broom Closet

Witch, heal yourself. If there is one key that has unlocked my own soul more than just about any other (besides mother and teacher), it is embracing that I am a witch. With all it's glory and pain, to me, being comfortable with one of my core identities has healed me like no other. In this recording, I discuss my own journey from being so in the broom closet that I was behind the brooms to being a public figure, as well as share tips for navigating different spaces, and reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of both staying in the closet and coming all the way out. Of course, Hekate, Goddess of Witches, is a KEY part of this journey, so let's Hail Hekate and claim The Key of Witch.


The Witch in the Room: Exploring Life's Myth in the Mess

08:013 Exploring the Depths of the Witch Within: A Portal to Self-Love, Catharsis, and Healing  

15:09 Exploring the Depths of Witchcraft and Ancient Mythology

22:47 Navigating Hostile Rooms: An Exploration into the Richness of Dreams, Intuition, and Natural Magic

29:51 Self Healing and Embracing Identity

35:57 Occupying the Margins: Reflections of a Healer-Witch in the Mainstream

43:24 In or Out? The Broom Closet And Being A Goddess-Loving Warrior 

50:20 Unveiling the Witch Within: Relationships and Authenticity 


View as video with CC and searchable transcript HERE.

More about Cyndi Brannen's teaching and writing can be found at

Apr 12, 202301:04:21
Entering Hekate's Garden With Luxa Strata: The Poison Path, Circe, Medea + Meditation

Entering Hekate's Garden With Luxa Strata: The Poison Path, Circe, Medea + Meditation

In this episode, Luxa Strata and Dr. Cyndi explore the practice of Pharmakeia - Witchcraft Medicine - and its ancient roots connected Hekate, Circe, and Medea. We get into a deep discussion of the poison path's intersection with these goddesses. We start out with a simple ritual, awakening The Sacred Fire, and finish up with a meditative journey into Hekate's Garden. The seven forces associated with each of the seven planets of the ancient world and botanicals associated with each is covered, as well as speaking and singing to plants. They also emphasize importance of respect and mindful practices when using plant medicine. Finally, they give recommendations on books and resources to explore Hekate's Garden on a deeper level.

Entering Hekate's Garden is available wherever books are sold.

Learn more about Cyndi at

Check out Luxa's LinkTree for ways to connect, including how to listen to the Lux Occult Podcast.

Listen with CC and view the transcript HERE.

1. Reclaiming The Sacred Word: Pharmakeia & Plant Witchcraft Medicine (00:00 - 07:41)

2. Reclaiming Pharmakeia: The Poison Path, Aconite and Its Roots in Ancient Witchcraft (07:42 - 13:42)

3. Hekate's Garden: Uncovering the Potent Power and the Mythical Relationship Between Medea and Circe. (13:42 - 19:50)

4. Hekate: Queen of Poisons, Green World, and Roads. (19:50 - 26:54)

5. Unlocking the Power of Kronos and Kairos to Enhance Divinatory and Astral Work. (26:54 - 33:27)

6.The Witch's Voice and Plant Spirit Possession (33:27 - 39:30)

7. Developing Magic Through Voice and Relationship: A Guide to Plant Spirit Witchcraft (39:30 - 45:09)

8. Exploring Hekate's Cave: A Journey of Intentional Healing, Magic, and Ritual. (45:10 - 51:16)

9. The Nourishing Darkness (51:16 - 58:47)

10. Hekate's Garden Meditation (58:47 - 01:06:16)

Apr 06, 202301:05:58
Stones and The Goddess With Nicholas Pearson
Mar 29, 202301:10:15
Hekate and The Great Goddesses of Magic and Mystery: Artemis, Persephone, Circe And More Amazing Connections
Mar 23, 202322:31
Spiritual Spring Cleaning Meditation (From The Archives)

Spiritual Spring Cleaning Meditation (From The Archives)

A meditative journey to connect with the energy of early spring, for some spiritual cleaning.

Blessings for the Spring Equinox.

Mar 20, 202323:32
The Liberating Power of Witchcraft: Recovering From Spiritual Programming
Mar 16, 202301:16:34
Witches Working It IN and OUT: Connecting to Body/Spirit Through Movement

Witches Working It IN and OUT: Connecting to Body/Spirit Through Movement

I wanted to do something special for International Women's Day, and I can think of nothing better than starting our conversation about being embodied witches, my lovelies. However you move, from breath to adventure, I honor you on this day, and every damn one. As women, we are often told from the moment we are born (and sometimes even before) that we need to force our bodies into tiny little forms of what's acceptable. To not take up space. To diet, to dye our hair, to dress a certain way, to hide our beautiful flaws, etc. etc. etc. So much bull*. It stops NOW. Move your beautiful body however you are able.

In this "moving" conversation, I'm joined by Neesheta Patram-Arenson, Covina Movement Instructor, and the fabulous hosts of JenOsha and Lauren from The Witches Workin/out podcast. We touch upon so many aspects of being an embodied witch, from grief in the body to the deeper aspects of exercise.

There's a short meditation for returning to the body. too. Neesheta highlights the power of movement in healing, while Witches Working Out encourages listeners to use witchy practices while in the gym or engaging in physical activity. Trigeminal neuralgia is discussed along with taking up space with an imperfect body, self-care, grief and loss and breaking up with perfectionism. Finally, the importance of trusting our intuition and body while finding enjoyable forms of physical activity is emphasized, encouraging listeners to embrace the Temple of Good Enough. Don't forget to do your Squats For Hekate.

Watch with CC and view the transcript (click on the magnifying glass) HERE.

More about Dr. Cyndi Brannen HERE.

Mar 08, 202301:14:04