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Pure Digital Passion with Moses Kemibaro

Pure Digital Passion with Moses Kemibaro

By Moses Kemibaro

This is pure digital passion, the podcast of Moses Kemibaro, one of Kenya's and Africa's leading digital marketers, techbloggers, and technology analysts. Join me for insightful interviews and commentaries on all things digital from across the African continent on a myriad of compelling topics and themes. I share Africa's stories of pure digital passion!
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Episode 74 - A Conversation with Kenya's & East Africa's 'Godfather of Technology', DX5 Founder & Chairman Harry Hare.

Pure Digital Passion with Moses KemibaroDec 09, 2023

Episode 103 - Enhancing Customer Experience, Operations & Claims Processing For Insurance In Kenya With AI & ML.

Episode 103 - Enhancing Customer Experience, Operations & Claims Processing For Insurance In Kenya With AI & ML.

I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion titled “Revolutionizing Insurance with AI and ML: Practical Pathways for Product and Operational Excellence.” on the 9th May 2024 at the joint Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) and Caava VantagePoint AI/ML Insurance Seminar that was held at the Emara Ole-Sereni Hotel in Nairobi. 

The panel featured industry experts from leading companies who shared their insights and experiences on how AI and ML are transforming the insurance landscape. Our panel featured Hillary Murefu from Safaricom, Bente Krogmann from MTek Services, Harrison Muiru from Smart Application, and Martin Kiarie from SolvIT.

Key Discussion Points. 

  1. Innovative Approaches to Customer Experience: We explored specific technologies implemented to enhance direct customer interactions. For instance, Hillary Murefu highlighted Safaricom’s use of AI-driven customer service and data analytics to improve customer satisfaction and engagement.
  2. Enhancing Policy Personalisation: Bente Krogmann discussed the role of data analytics in creating tailored insurance products at MTek Services. We also addressed the delicate balance between personalisation and privacy concerns.
  3. Streamlining Operations with AI/ML: Harrison Muiru shared how Smart Application has transformed operational processes, particularly in claims processing and risk assessment, leading to significant cost reductions and increased service efficiency.
  4. Navigating Risks and Ethical Considerations: Martin Kiarie outlined strategies SolvIT uses to maintain data security and privacy in their AI/ML deployments. We also delved into maintaining transparency and ethical standards in automated systems.


The discussion highlighted how AI and ML are not just buzzwords but practical tools driving significant improvements in Kenya’s and East Africa’s insurance sector. From enhancing customer experiences to operational efficiencies, the potential of these technologies is immense. However, as we continue to innovate, it is crucial to address the associated challenges and ethical considerations to ensure sustainable and responsible use of AI/ML in insurance locally , regionally, and globally. 

May 26, 202437:42
Episode 100 - The Digital Dilemma: An Interview with The Nation Media Group's Irene Abalo Otto On Traditional Media's Dual Challenge of Consumer Relevance & Content Revenues in Kenya & East Africa.

Episode 100 - The Digital Dilemma: An Interview with The Nation Media Group's Irene Abalo Otto On Traditional Media's Dual Challenge of Consumer Relevance & Content Revenues in Kenya & East Africa.

In this 100th episode we mark nearly three years of exploring the digital ecosystem in Kenya and Africa. Since our first episode on June 21, 2021, we've delved into diverse topics, speaking with innovators, thought leaders, and changemakers who are shaping Africa's digital landscape.

This journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with insights, discoveries, and inspiring conversations that have highlighted the vibrant and dynamic nature of digital transformation in our region.

Today, as we celebrate this milestone, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our listeners for their unwavering support and engagement.

In an engaging conversation on the sidelines of a content marketing training session I conducted this weekend at Aga Khan University's Graduate School of Media and Communications, I was interviewed by Irene Abalo Otto, a seasoned Ugandan multimedia journalist and digital safety trainer from the Nation Media Group. Irene brought to the fore pressing concerns about how traditional media enterprises are adapting — or struggling to adapt — to the rapid uptake of digital media by consumers in Kenya and the broader East African region.

Navigating the Digital Transition: The Struggle for Traditional Media Businesses.

As traditional media businesses strive to adapt to a digital-first consumer paradigm, they face the dual challenge of transforming their business models and effectively monetizing their content. A prime example Irene highlighted is the attempt by media houses to implement paywalls for premium content — a strategy that has not resonated well with consumers, especially in East Africa, where there is a significant resistance to paying for digital media subscriptions as the majority of consumers cannot afford it, or don't see the value in paying for it.

The Urban-Rural Divide in Media Consumption.

The conversation also touched on the contrasting media consumption trends in urban versus rural scenarios. While traditional mediums like radio continue to dominate rural areas, urban centers show an increasing preference for digital formats like podcasts, particularly among younger demographics. This urban-rural divide not only influences content creation but also the strategies for monetizing such content effectively.

Short-Form Content & Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword.

Another critical aspect we discussed was the need for media companies to rethink how they create and package content. The rise of platforms like TikTok has popularized short-form content, prompting a shift in consumer expectations. Media businesses are thus compelled to innovate continually not just in what they produce but how they present it, making content both engaging and suitable for consumption on social media, where a significant portion of content discovery now occurs.

The Content Monetization Challenge.

Despite these innovations in content format and distribution, traditional media still faces the challenge of monetizing their offerings effectively, particularly on social media platforms. While content can reach a broader audience via social media, converting that reach into substantial revenue streams remains a challenge. The reality is that while consumers are increasingly engaging with content on these platforms, the returns to content creators, especially those in high-quality journalism, are not commensurate with their investment.

Going Forward - What Next?

My interview with Irene concluded on the note that traditional media businesses must embrace adaptive strategies that not only address current and fast evolving consumer behaviours and advancements in technology like Artificial Intelligence or AI, but also anticipate future trends. This may include exploring diverse revenue models, enhancing digital engagement strategies, and continually innovating in content delivery to meet the evolving demands of a digital-first audience in Kenya and East Africa.

May 19, 202416:04
Episode 102 - Unpacking AI Infrastructure For Retail Insurance In Kenya & Africa: Insights From The AI / ML Insurance Seminar In Nairobi.

Episode 102 - Unpacking AI Infrastructure For Retail Insurance In Kenya & Africa: Insights From The AI / ML Insurance Seminar In Nairobi.

As the moderator of the recent joint Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) and Caava VantagePoint AI/ML Seminar held in Nairobi, I had the distinct pleasure of steering a compelling dialogue among some of the brightest minds in the insurance and technology sectors. The 'Industry Leaders Panel: Infrastructure Foundations for AI/ML in Retail Insurance' featured Alfred Mukudu from Amazon Web Services or AWS, Harrison Li from Huawei Cloud, and Martin Kariithi from ICEA Lion Group. Our discussion delved deep into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within Kenya's and Africa's insurance industry.

Technological Foundations & Scalable Solutions.

We opened the discussion by addressing the technological underpinnings necessary for implementing AI and ML in insurance. The dialogue highlighted scalable and cost-effective infrastructures that are crucial for such advanced technologies, particularly in regions like Africa where resources can be scarce. Alfred Mukudu shared insights on AAWS’s strategies for providing adaptable and low-cost solutions, crucial for markets with evolving technological landscapes.

Ethical Implementation & Security.

A significant portion of our conversation focused on ensuring that AI/ML implementations are secure and ethically grounded. Martin Kariithi detailed ICEA Lion’s approach to integrating ethical considerations into their technology deployment, emphasising the balance between innovation and responsibility. The discourse extended to strategies for managing security challenges, with Alfred sharing how AWS prioritises data privacy and security in their AI/ML implementations.

Open Innovation & Community Contributions.

Discussing the role of open-source frameworks, we explored how these tools democratise AI development and contribute to widespread innovation. This segment revealed the commitment of companies like Huawei and ICEA Lion to fostering community-oriented development through open-source contributions, which in turn, enrich the entire ecosystem.

Local Talent & Bridging Knowledge Gaps.

A theme recurrent throughout our panel was the development of local talent and the reduction of knowledge gaps. Both Huawei and AWS shared their initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills of local professionals and ensuring that the benefits of AI/ML advancements are widespread and inclusive.


Reflecting on the discussions, it's clear that the path forward for AI in insurance is paved with challenges but also abundant opportunities for transformative change. By harnessing the collective expertise and innovative solutions discussed during the panel and the broader seminar, the insurance sector in Kenya and Africa can navigate these challenges and lead in the creation of value through technology.

May 19, 202441:40
Episode 101 - Digital Marketing & Technology Trends in Kenya with Mariam Bashir & Brian Aseli On Nation FM’s Morning Fix.

Episode 101 - Digital Marketing & Technology Trends in Kenya with Mariam Bashir & Brian Aseli On Nation FM’s Morning Fix.

Earlier today I had the distinct pleasure of being a guest on one of Kenya's most popular urban radio stations, Nation FM 96.3. Hosted by Mariam Bashir and Brian Aseli on their 'Morning Fix' show, we dove into a one-hour segment dedicated to digital marketing and technology trends in Kenya and beyond on the 'Tech Tuesday' segment.

Over the past 25 years, I've witnessed and contributed to the phenomenal growth of digital marketing and technology in Kenya. From the early days of dial-up internet to the high-speed connections made possible by undersea cables, the landscape has evolved dramatically. The advent of affordable smartphones democratised internet access and effectively made a myriad of digital platforms a part of our daily lives.

A significant part of our discussion focused on Safaricom's M-Pesa revolutionary role in digital payments and how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of e-commerce at scale as well as the now ubiquitous high speed and always on home internet services. This shift not only changed how we shop, but also how we work, paving the way for remote working to become a mainstay leading to the digital transformation of work as we know it in Kenya.

However, the rise of generative AI, such as ChatGPT in November 2022, brought with it a wave of both excitement and concern. The potential for job displacement is real, yet it also presents an opportunity for us to address and mitigate built-in biases and ethical dilemmas.

Another critical area we touched on was the need for reskilling and upskilling. Whether it's digital marketing skills for traditional marketers or technology competencies for recent University graduates, ongoing education is essential for staying relevant in the job market.

We also explored the dynamic world of influencer marketing, which has become a cornerstone for brands looking to connect with consumers in Kenya. Lastly, we discussed the importance of personal branding through digital channels — a must for anyone looking to enhance their career or business visibility.

I'm excited to share the video and audio recording of this insightful discussion with you all!

May 14, 202411:60
Episode 99 - The Art & Science of (Digital) Content Monetisation In Kenya, East Africa & Beyond.

Episode 99 - The Art & Science of (Digital) Content Monetisation In Kenya, East Africa & Beyond.

I had the opportunity to facilitate a training session on content monetization at the Aga Khan University's Graduate School of Media and Communications in Nairobi. The participants, from various parts of East Africa, are currently attending Masters Degree Programs at the University.

My session was a key part of their learning to better understand the nuances around effective and efficient content monetization in the context of digital media and platforms - drawing on both local and international examples to present practical, applicable strategies, and tactics.

Here is a summary of the key areas we covered from the content monetization training session:

1. Diverse Monetization Models.

Advertising: Generate revenue through ads placed within content.

Subscriptions: Offer premium content for a recurring fee.

Affiliate Marketing: Earn commissions by promoting third-party products.

Community Engagement: Monetize through exclusive interactions within a dedicated community.

Licensing: Sell the rights to use content to other businesses.

Brand Partnerships: Partner with companies to promote their products or services.

Non-Content Based Activities: Utilizing expertise to offer consulting, coaching, hosting events, speaker engagements, co-branding businesses, co-creating businesses, etc.

2. Platform-Specific Strategies.

Platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Patreon, and Substack provide unique tools that cater to different types of content and monetization approaches. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each platform can maximize revenue potential.

3. Selling Digital & Physical Products & Services.

Creators can also engage in direct sales by offering merchandise or digital products like e-books or courses, leveraging platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce and Payd, a local platform in Kenya and East Africa. .

4. Building and Engaging Communities.

Tools such as Discord, Mighty Networks, and WhatsApp help in fostering an engaged community, enhancing the potential for monetization through memberships and exclusive content.

5. Best Practices for Success.

Deep audience understanding and strategic diversity in revenue streams are crucial. Creators should use analytics to refine their strategies continually and align their efforts with market trends.

6. Ethical Considerations.

Transparency about sponsorships and adherence to advertising regulations are essential to maintain trust and authenticity.


My deepest gratitude goes to all the attendees who made the post-training discussions incredibly lively and insightful. It was a pleasure to share valuable knowledge and experiences from my perspectives, and equally, learn from the rich discussions we had.

In conclusion, content monetization offers incredible opportunities but requires a nuanced approach tailored to specific content types and audience needs.

Understanding and leveraging the right tools and platforms is key to turning creative output into a viable, substantial and sustainable revenue generating model.

May 12, 202452:04
Episode 98 - From Founding Africa Online To Enhancing Insurance with AI: Ayisi Makatiani's Technology Journey.

Episode 98 - From Founding Africa Online To Enhancing Insurance with AI: Ayisi Makatiani's Technology Journey.

In the latest episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, I had the opportunity to hosting Ayisi Makatiani, an iconic figure in the realm of technology in Kenya and Africa for over 25 years. From pioneering internet services on the continent in 10 countries with Africa Online to leading transformative AI initiatives in the insurance sector through Caava VantagePoint AI and Agencify, Ayisi's journey is nothing short of inspirational. We had an in-depth conversation on the intersections of entrepreneurship, technology, innovation, and insurance.

A Journey From Western Kenya To The Very Cutting Edge of Technology Innovation.

Our conversation kicked off with Ayisi’s formative years in Western Kenya, his academic path through prestigious institutions like Alliance High School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the key moments that shaped his technology-driven career trajectory. Ayisi shares his experiences from the early days of internet expansion in Africa to the impactful roles he has played in venture capital and technology innovation.

Disrupting Insurance In Kenya and Africa.

Ayisi talks extensively about his ventures, Agencify and Caava VantagePoint AI, where he integrates advanced AI and ML technologies to address the unique challenges of the Kenyan and African insurance market. We explored how these innovations offer more than just technological advancements; they bring about a paradigm shift in how insurance services can be delivered and experienced by millions of Africans.

The Role of AI and ML in Redefining Insurance In Africa.

The upcoming AI/ML Insurance Seminar, co-hosted by the Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) and Caava VantagePoint AI, is a focal point of our discussion. Ayisi gave us a preview of what the seminar aims to achieve and the broader impact of these technologies on the African insurance landscape.

The Way Forward.

Looking ahead, Ayisi shares his strategic vision for the next 2 to 5 years, both for his companies and the broader technology and insurance sectors in Kenya and Africa. His insights are a call to action for young entrepreneurs and established leaders alike, emphasizing the transformative power of embracing technology and innovation.

Closing Thoughts.

Ayisi's parting thoughts resonate with a detailed understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. He inspires not only with his achievements but also with his commitment to continuous learning and innovation.

May 07, 202452:51
Episode 97 - Kenya's Fintech & E-Commerce Boom: An Interview with CNBC Africa's Tabitha Munthoni at the Connected Africa Summit 2024.

Episode 97 - Kenya's Fintech & E-Commerce Boom: An Interview with CNBC Africa's Tabitha Munthoni at the Connected Africa Summit 2024.

In this exclusive interview with CNBC Africa's Tabitha Muthoni at the recently concluded Connected Africa Summit 2024, I discussed the transformative impact of fintech and e-commerce on Kenya's economy. During the conversation, I delved into the fintech sector, energized by significant foreign and local investments, as well as contextually relevant innovations.

At the heart of this transformation is Safaricom's M-Pesa, which has become a key driver for numerous financial services and startups in Kenya. I highlighted the creativity of nearly 100,000 developers who are using M-Pesa to create new, value-added solutions in Kenya's digital financial services landscape.

I also covered the explosive growth of e-commerce, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the critical role of mobile money in supporting a variety of digital transactions and services in Kenya. However, despite Kenya's impressive progress from a digital financial services perspective, we face ongoing challenges such as digital divides and regulatory constraints going forward. Nonetheless, through strategic collaborations and an adaptive regulatory approach, Kenya is making headway in overcoming some of these barriers.

I also stressed the importance of learning from global digital leaders and engaging in knowledge exchange to boost Kenya's local innovations. By drawing on experiences from countries like Estonia and collaborating internationally, Kenya can further enhance its leadership as one of Africa's most digitally progressive countries. Ultimately, this interview not only reflects on Kenya's current achievements but also outlines the vast potential for future advancements. Please watch or listen to what I think are valuable perspectives to help navigate Kenya's fast-evolving digital landscape.

May 03, 202407:22
Episode 96 - Safeguarding Growth & Building Resilience - The Future of Africa with AI & Impact of Cybersecurity.

Episode 96 - Safeguarding Growth & Building Resilience - The Future of Africa with AI & Impact of Cybersecurity.

This was a panel discussion from the Kenya ICT Authority's Connected Africa Summit held on Tuesday the 23rd of April 2024 for which I was the moderator. The panel focussed on the critical themes of AI and cybersecurity within the African continent's evolving digital landscape. Our panelists for this engaging conversation included the following:

  • Hon. Waweru John Kiarie, Chair, ICT Committee
  • Saleh Al-Nemer, Regional CT & Distinguished Technologist, HP Enterprise
  • Kelvin Mugambi, Cybersecurity Technical Solutions Architect Sub-Saharan Africa, Cisco
  • Imran Chaudhrey, Country Manager for East Africa, Network Security Business, Fortinet

Michael Odhiambo, Director, Shared Services, Kenya ICT Authority

Moses Kemibaro, Founder & CEO, Dotsavvy (Moderator)


The session began with each panelist sharing pivotal steps their organizations or sectors have taken to enhance AI integration and cybersecurity within their domains. Topics covered ranged from the integration of AI in government services, bridging the AI literacy divide, current regulatory environments, the critical components of resilient cybersecurity infrastructures, and more.

Discussion Highlights.

  • The integration of AI technologies to enhance public service delivery and economic growth.
  • Measures to protect digital infrastructures from emerging cyber threats.
  • The role of legislative and regulatory frameworks in fostering a secure and innovative digital environment.
  • Collaborative efforts needed to fortify Africa's digital landscape against evolving cyber threats and to unlock new avenues for innovation and economic growth.


In a nutshell, the panel discussion emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts, innovative policies, and proactive measures to unlock the full potential of digital technologies for Africa’s future. The insights shared not only reflect the African continent's readiness to embrace digital transformation but also its capability to lead in the AI and cybersecurity domains.

Apr 24, 202447:48
Episode 95 - Digital Transformation For Insurance Agents In Kenya: Insights From The AKI Agents Forum 2024 Panel Discussion.

Episode 95 - Digital Transformation For Insurance Agents In Kenya: Insights From The AKI Agents Forum 2024 Panel Discussion.

On March 8, 2024, I had the privilege of participating as a panelist at the Association of Kenya Insurers' (AKI) Insurance Agents Forum, held at Marist International University in Karen. The forum hosted 1,000+ insurance sales agents who excelled in 2023, featuring a broad collective of demographics and expertise.

This gathering served as a critical platform for education, inspiration, and networking, underpinned by the theme of digital transformation in Kenya's insurance sector with a focus on Insurance Agents.

With over 90% of insurance business in Kenya channeled through agents and brokers, digital transformation presents an unprecedented opportunity to enhance efficiency, expand reach, and solidify the role of insurance in Kenya's economic and social development.

The Discussion Panel.

The panel included the following:

  • Moses Kemibaro: Digital Marketer, Technology Expert, and Founder & CEO of Dotsavvy, bringing to the table a wealth of experience in digital innovation.
  • Eunice Maina: Digital Insurance Sales Agent, Trainer, and Author, Founder & MD of BISMART, known for her pioneering work in digital sales strategies.
  • Alex Mwai: Digital Marketer & Strategist specializing in MSMEs, Founder & Creative Director of Archer Digital, with insights into digital strategies for growth.
  • Rebecca Mayeku: Assistant Data Commissioner for Compliance at the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (OPDC), offering perspectives on regulatory compliance and data protection.

The session was expertly moderated by Hazel King’ori, Public Relations, Research, and Education Lead at the Association of Kenya Insurers, and Nickson Yala, Head of Department for Individual Life Insurance at Kenindia Insurance, both of whom facilitated a dynamic and insightful discussion.

Our Discussion Highlights.

Our panel delved into crucial areas, exploring the key role of a comprehensive digital presence for insurance agents, and identifying successful digital marketing strategies to stay relevant and successful, as follows:

  • Building A Strong Digital Presence: The unanimous opinion of the panel the critical importance of establishing a strong digital footprint for connecting with potential and existing clients and nurturing lasting relationships.
  • Expanding Client Base with Digital Marketing: We explored a variety of strategies, including content marketing, social media engagement, and targeted advertising, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and value-driven communication.
  • Leveraging Technology for Client Relationships: Our discussion highlighted the potential of artificial intelligence, social media content, and personalized digital channels to enhance client service and retention.
  • Navigating Digital Platform Pitfalls: The conversation turned towards common mistakes, such as neglecting data privacy, underestimating the value of content, and the pitfalls of ignoring customer feedback on digital channels.

The conversation naturally progressed to the critical topic of data privacy under the Data Protection Act, discussing practical do's and don'ts for agents in handling customer information. Additionally, we tackled the challenges and solutions in embracing digital transformation, the burgeoning role of data analytics and AI, and the practical contributions of insurance sales agents towards environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.

Closing Thoughts.

The AKI Agents Forum 2024 demonstrated that a massive shift is needed toward integrating digital innovation, data protection, and sustainability into the core of insurance sales strategies. The event was an inflection point for insurance agents navigating the complex yet promising digital landscape in Kenya and beyond.

Apr 06, 202401:31:22
Episode 94 - A Live Citizen TV Discussion Panel On AI In Kenya: Opportunities, Challenges, & The Road Ahead.

Episode 94 - A Live Citizen TV Discussion Panel On AI In Kenya: Opportunities, Challenges, & The Road Ahead.

On the evening of the 14th of March 2024, the day before World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD), Citizen TV hosted an engaging panel discussion on ethical and inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Kenya. This year’s global theme for WRCD was “Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers,” making the conversation both timely and critical. The Communications Authority of Kenya, in its commitment to marking World Consumer Rights Day, organized this live discussion as a live broadcast and invited a diverse group of panelists who are at the forefront of technology, regulation, and consumer advocacy.

The following made up the panel for the discussion:

Immaculate Kassait, MBS, Data Commissioner at the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, brought a regulatory and data protection viewpoint, crucial for understanding the legal framework that surrounds AI.

Peter Ndegwa, C.B.S, CEO of Safaricom PLC, offered insights from the frontline of integrating AI in telecommunications and how it shapes consumer experiences.

Stanley Kamanguya, PMP®, OGW, CEO of Kenya’s ICT Authority, provided a governmental perspective on how AI is being harnessed and regulated within public sector projects and initiatives.

Agnes Gathaiya, Country Director for Google in East Africa, represented the international technology community, giving us a glimpse into how global technology platforms are navigating the AI landscape.

David Mugonyi, Commissioner General and CEO of the Communications Authority of Kenya, shared the regulatory body’s stance on AI’s proliferation within Kenya’s communication sectors.

Alice Kemunto, Executive Director at the Consumer Grassroots Association, Kenya, provided a critical consumer advocacy perspective, emphasizing the impact of AI on everyday Kenyans.

Moses Kemibaro, that’s me, Founder & CEO at Dotsavvy, I aimed to bridge the gap between digital innovation and consumer rights, focusing on how organizations and individuals can leverage AI responsibly.

The discussion was moderated by Sam Gituku, a journalist from Royal Media Services.

The panel represented a multifaceted approach required to navigate the complexities of AI in the context of Kenya.

What We Discussed.

From the onset, our discussion covered the expansive landscape of AI, from regulatory frameworks to the tangible impacts on the lives of consumers, both in Kenya and globally. We grappled with questions of regulatory oversight, exploring whose mandate it is to navigate this uncharted territory. The consensus captured a collaborative approach, involving government bodies, the private sector, and civil society, to ensure AI’s ethical grounding in Kenya and beyond.

We delved into specific examples where AI has begun to transform consumer experiences for the better, from healthcare diagnostics to personalized education platforms, showcasing AI’s potential to enhance daily life. Yet, amidst the enthusiasm, we collectively acknowledged the dual edge of AI: its potential for great good and significant harm. This duality brought us to consider the optimism surrounding AI, weighing it against the criticisms and fears often associated with its rapid advancement.

Discussing the need for AI uptake at scale in Kenya and beyond, we stressed the critical role of infrastructure, digital literacy, and policy frameworks tailored to our unique context. Ensuring fair and responsible AI expansion became a central theme, prompting a rich exchange on ethical considerations and how much trust we can afford to place in AI with critical and highly impactful decisions.

A key moment in our conversation touched on the digital divide, with AI acting as both a bridge and a barrier between the developed and developing aspects of Kenya and the rest of the world, the rich and the poor.

As we expounded on AI’s impact on the job market, it was clear that the shift towards automation and AI-driven technologies presents both challenges and opportunities for workforce development in Kenya and far beyond our borders.

Mar 31, 202401:30:56
Episode 93 - The Current & Future State of AI In Africa: insights From The African AI Pioneers Panel At AMLD Africa 2024.

Episode 93 - The Current & Future State of AI In Africa: insights From The African AI Pioneers Panel At AMLD Africa 2024.

On the 28th of February 2024, a landmark event took place at USIU - Africa, bringing together some of the continent's most innovative minds in the field of artificial intelligence or AI. During the same, I had the privilege of moderating a panel discussion titled "African AI Pioneers: Charting the Course for Innovation and Impact" that explored the transformative potential of AI in Africa. During the same, we had an engaging and highly insightful discussion that not only outlined the current state of AI in Africa but also paved the way for a future brimming with promise and possibilities.

Our panelists were as follows:

  • Darlington Akogo, Founder and CEO, minoHealth AI Labs.
  • Vukosi Marivate, Co-Founder/CTO, Lelapa AI. Co-founder, Deep Learning Indaba. Co-founder, Masakhane
  • Alfred Ongere, Team lead and Founder, AI Kenya

Discussion Highlights.

The conversation set the stage for an in-depth exploration of the challenges and opportunities presented by AI innovation on the African continent. Each panelist brought to the table their unique perspectives and expertise, shedding light on diverse aspects of AI's role in Africa's future.

Darlington Akogo elaborated on AI's potential to revolutionize healthcare in Africa, emphasizing radiology's pivotal role. He stressed the importance of addressing the stark funding disparities faced by African AI startups compared to their Western counterparts, advocating for tailored solutions that meet Africa's unique healthcare challenges.

Vukosi Marivate spoke passionately about advancing NLP to support low-resource African languages, making a compelling case for "language as infrastructure" to foster unity and inclusivity. His insights into Lelapa AI's mission highlighted a dedicated effort to cater specifically to African needs, while also touching upon the critical issue of brain drain and the necessity of nurturing local talent and research communities through initiatives like the Deep Learning Indaba.

Alfred Ongere emphasized the importance of building AI capacity and fostering a thriving ecosystem within Kenya and across Africa. He highlighted Ai Kenya's focus areas and the impactful outcomes of AI evangelism, calling for enhanced collaboration among innovators, policymakers, and investors to drive sustainable development.

Throughout the discussion, ethical considerations, inclusivity, and the need for a collaborative framework were highlighted as vital components in ensuring that AI benefits all segments of African society.


In closing, our panel reaffirmed AI's transformative potential for Africa. They highlighted the critical areas of healthcare, agriculture, language processing, and capacity building as mere starting points for the African continent's AI journey. The vision shared by the panelists for an AI-enabled future that reflects Africa's diverse needs and aspirations captures the opportunities and challenges for all stakeholders to play their part in making this a reality.

Mar 23, 202455:44
Episode 92 - The Drive Forward: Bolt Kenya's Strategy & Sustainability With Country Manager Linda Ndungu.

Episode 92 - The Drive Forward: Bolt Kenya's Strategy & Sustainability With Country Manager Linda Ndungu.

In the latest episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast I had the distinct pleasure of having an engaging conversation with Linda Ndungu, the Country Manager of Bolt Kenya. Linda is spearheading the transformation of the ride-hailing sector in Kenya, pushing the boundaries of innovation, safety, and sustainability. Our conversation shed light on her incredible journey, Bolt Kenya's significant milestones, and the profound impact they're making on both urban mobility and the community at large.

Linda Ndungu's Journey.

Our session kicked off with Linda sharing personal insights into her early life and how her upbringing influenced her career trajectory, leading her to the helm of Bolt Kenya. She walked us through her path to becoming Country Manager, highlighting her passion and drive for leading Bolt Kenya towards a future where mobility is not only accessible but also safe and sustainable.

Innovation @ Bolt Kenya.

Under Linda's leadership, Bolt Kenya has adapted its business model to tackle the unique challenges and opportunities within the Kenyan market. A significant part of our discussion centered on the innovative safety measures Bolt introduced in 2023, showcasing the company's commitment to the well-being of its riders and drivers. Linda elaborated on how technology plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of Bolt's services, a testament to the company's forward-thinking approach.

Empowering Communities & Building Relationships.

Linda also touched on the strategies Bolt Kenya employs to make its services accessible to a broader segment of the Kenyan population, leading to better community and driver relationships. Her insights into Bolt's environmental initiatives and sustainability goals were particularly enlightening, highlighting the company's dedication to not just business success but also environmental stewardship.

The Road Ahead.

Throughout our conversation, Linda candidly discussed the challenges Bolt has faced in the Kenyan market and how these obstacles were transformed into stepping stones for further growth and innovation. She shared her vision for Bolt's evolution in Kenya over the next few years, her thoughts on the future of mobility and transportation in the country, and a memorable story illustrating Bolt's positive impact on individuals' lives.

Inspiration & Empowerment.

Linda's advice to young women aspiring to leadership roles in technology and transportation was both inspiring and empowering, highlighting her role as a mentor and trailblazer in the industry. As we concluded our session, Linda shared her final thoughts on Bolt in Kenya's journey and the path forward, leaving us with a deeper understanding of Bolt's mission to enhance urban mobility in Kenya.

The Future Fuelled By Innovation.

Our conversation with Linda Ndungu offered a rare glimpse into the heart of Bolt Kenya's operations and its unwavering commitment to transforming the ride-hailing landscape. Linda's dedication to innovation, safety, and community empowerment serves as an inspiration to us all. As we reflect on the insights shared, it's clear that every ride and every initiative spearheaded by Bolt takes us closer to a more connected, sustainable, and mobile future.,

Mar 23, 202452:42
Episode 91 - Unpacking KRA's eTIMS: A New Era For Tax Compliance In Kenya For Businesses & Individuals.

Episode 91 - Unpacking KRA's eTIMS: A New Era For Tax Compliance In Kenya For Businesses & Individuals.

I n this episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast we delved into the important matter of the Kenya Revenue Authority's (KRA) Electronic Tax Invoice Management System (eTIMS). This session brought together key voices from tax compliance and technology in Kenya: Caroline Wacuka from KRA, independent tax and finance expert Limo Taboi, and Caine Wanjau, the Founder & CEO of DigiTax. Together, we explored how eTIMS is revolutionizing tax compliance for businesses and individuals in Kenya.

What is eTIMS?

The eTIMS system is KRA's innovative response to the challenges of tax compliance, designed to facilitate a seamless, efficient, and transparent process. By automating tax invoicing, eTIMS significantly reduces the administrative burden on businesses and individuals, ensures accuracy in tax reporting, and combats tax evasion. This system is not just a step forward in digitalization; it's a major transition towards enhancing the ease of doing business in Kenya.

The Significance of eTIMS.

With a deadline for sign-ups looming on the 31st of March 2024, the urgency to understand and adopt eTIMS has never been more critical. The platform's development was driven by a need to align tax processes with the dynamic nature of modern business and individual operations, offering a solution that is both accessible and comprehensive.

Insights from Our Guests.

Caroline Wacuka highlighted the motivations behind eTIMS: improving tax compliance and making the process more manageable for businesses and individuals. This initiative represents KRA's commitment to leveraging technology for the public good.

Limo Taboi offered practical insights into how eTIMS aligns with the needs of today's businesses, emphasizing the immediate impact of reducing operational delays and inaccuracies in tax reporting.

Caine Wanjau discussed DigiTax's role in complementing eTIMS by offering an easy-to-use platform that further simplifies tax compliance. DigiTax's features, such as multi-user access and real-time notifications, are designed to enhance the eTIMS experience.

Embracing eTIMS.

The session covered a wide range of topics, from the importance of eTIMS in tax planning to the benefits it provides to businesses and individuals, including streamlined compliance processes and better resource allocation. The discussion also touched on the critical support and resources KRA offers during the transition, the significance of eTims in facilitating easier tax compliance, and the future updates expected to enhance compliance further.

One of the key takeaways was the emphasis on the need for businesses and individuals to embrace these platforms proactively. With the deadline for eTIMS sign-up fast approaching, understanding and leveraging these tools is paramount for ensuring compliance and optimizing business operations.

Final Thoughts.

Our guests unanimously agreed that adopting eTIMS and exploring solutions like DigiTax represents a proactive step towards not just meeting tax obligations but doing so with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy. As Kenya moves towards a more digitalized future, embracing these innovations is essential for business and individual success.

The insights shared during this podcast session highlight the transformative potential of eTIMS for tax compliance in Kenya. As we navigate this new landscape, the collective expertise of authorities like KRA, and pioneers like Caine Wanjau, alongside the practical advice from experts like Limo Taboi, will be invaluable.

To all businesses and individuals in Kenya, the message is clear: the future of tax compliance is here, and it's time to adapt. Embrace eTIMS by the 31st of March 2024 deadline to ensure your operations are aligned with the latest in tax compliance technology.

Mar 12, 202447:50
Episode 90 - Don't Give A Human A Robot's Job: 6 Reasons Why AI Will Save Us & Not Destroy Us In The Future Of Work.

Episode 90 - Don't Give A Human A Robot's Job: 6 Reasons Why AI Will Save Us & Not Destroy Us In The Future Of Work.

The Converge III event titled 'AI: Better Marketing Through Experiments' 📊 was held on the 2nd February 2024 in Nairobi 🇰🇪 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Hurlingham.

It featured a stellar line-up of marketers and technology experts 👩‍💼👨‍💼 who made presentations and had a discussion panel with impactful conversations 💬, valuable insights, and connections with like-minded people who reshaped views on AI and how it influences marketing strategies 🚀.

During the same, I made a presentation titled 'Don't make a human do a robot's job! 💼🤖: 6 reasons why AI will save us and not destroy us in the future of work'. In the same, I shared the six reasons why Generative AI will save us as follows:

Speed of Execution 🏃‍♂️: Generative AI drastically reduces the time needed to complete tasks. It allows us to accomplish more in less time, redefining productivity and making time an even more valuable resource ⏳.

Quality of Outputs 🌟: Generative AI has led to a noticeable improvement in the quality of work. Whether working individually or collaboratively, the output is often superior to traditional methods.

Increased Productivity 📈: The sheer volume of work achievable with generative AI is astonishing. It empowers individuals and businesses to achieve what was previously impossible, amplifying productivity.

Reduced Costs 💸: By incorporating generative AI, businesses and individuals can reduce operating costs. This cost-effectiveness leads to optimized profits and resource allocation.

Improved Revenues 💰: Generative AI can create new revenue streams and increase productivity. Understanding and leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT makes this possible scale.

Easier Work 👌: Generative AI has made complex and challenging tasks much easier. This opens up new possibilities, allowing people to engage in activities or produce outputs that were once out of reach.

I also shared the acronym I created recently for what I see as the key benefits of Generative AI being, 'FESSBEC', as follows:

Get work done FASTER ⚡ Make work EASIER 😌 Work SMARTER 🧠 Keep work SIMPLER 📉 Create work That’s BeTTER 🏆 Get Work Done CHEAPER 🛒

This all becomes FESSBeC!

Mar 02, 202416:02
Episode 89 - A Conversation with ALX Africa’s Peter Maina Muriithi on Discovering & Shaping Kenya’s Technology Talent

Episode 89 - A Conversation with ALX Africa’s Peter Maina Muriithi on Discovering & Shaping Kenya’s Technology Talent

In the latest episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, we had the privilege of hosting Peter Maina Muriithi, an influential figure in Kenya's fast-growing technology education space where he is currently ALX Africa's General Manager for Kenya with an ambitious mission to nurture the next wave of technology talent in the country. We had a candid and deeply insightful conversation where he shed light on the transformative initiatives being put in place by ALX Africa to massively accelerate the future of technology and education in Kenya and Africa.

A Journey of Purpose.

Our conversation began with Peter sharing his compelling journey from his early career in finance and marketing to his impactful tenure in management consulting with McKinsey & Company, the leading global management consultancy where he was one of their first employees for their Kenya office. He also spoke about his stint at Mama Mikes, one of Kenya's early e-commerce platforms where he evolved from being a Finance Manager to becoming a jack of all trades in a vibrant technology start-up environment It's this path that has shaped his interest in ALX Africa in Kenya, where he now dedicates his efforts to empower individuals through technology education.

ALX Africa: Pioneering Technology Education.

Peter elaborated on ALX Africa's mission, emphasizing its commitment to providing world-class technology training throughout Africa. ALX Africa stands out for its responsive and agile training programs, designed to equip young professionals with in-demand technology skills that promise a future-proof career. From Data Analytics to AI Career Essentials, ALX Africa is at the forefront of cultivating a generation of technology innovators and business leaders. He also shared how their education is holistic and includes soft skills to ensure that their students can excel in the workplace and in their communities at large by doing purposeful work that changes the world.

Empowering Kenya's & Africa's Youth Through Education.

One of the most inspiring aspects of our discussion was the success stories emanating from ALX Africa's programs. Peter shared how individuals have transformed their careers and lives, embodying the potential and resilience of Kenya's and Africa's youth. It's clear that ALX Africa's initiatives do more than just impart technology skills — they ignite a passion for innovation and drive socio-economic growth whilst equipping young Kenyans and Africans to become leaders in their workplaces and communities.

The Future of Technology Talent in Kenya and Africa.

Looking ahead, Peter revealed exciting developments on the horizon for ALX Africa. With an unwavering focus on adapting to the evolving technology landscape, ALX Africa is poised to introduce new programs and initiatives that will further solidify its impact on the continent's tech ecosystem. Indeed, the rallying call to action at ALX Africa is 'do hard things' which demonstrates their commitment to take on and execute big hairy audacious goals, or BHAGS. Indeed, the goal is to educate over 100,000 young people in Kenya this year alone which is no mean feat by any measure.

A Rousing Call to Action For Kenya & Africa.

Peter's parting message was a powerful one for aspiring technology professionals and entrepreneurs. He encouraged our audience to seize the opportunities in technology, emphasizing that the field offers endless possibilities for innovation, impact, and personal growth. He is passionate about the potential of Kenya's and Africa's young talent to make a global impact at scale to deliver world-class and competitive offerings across the board.

Feb 23, 202401:03:19
Episode 88 - Reflecting On The 2024 Customer Experience (CX) Outlook for Kenya.

Episode 88 - Reflecting On The 2024 Customer Experience (CX) Outlook for Kenya.

On the 6th of February, 2024, I had the distinct pleasure of joining a vibrant community of Customer Experience (CX) enthusiasts and professionals for The World of CX Weekly Breakfast World of Conversations. I was invited to be a guest speaker by Dr. Lucy Kiruthu of Evolve CX who also expertly moderated our conversation for which I am very grateful.

This virtual event offered me a platform to share insights and engage in meaningful dialogue about the future of Customer Experience (CX) in Kenya, a topic close to my heart both as a consumer and as a digital marketing practitioner and entrepreneur as the Founder & CEO of Dotsavvy, a digital agency based in Nairobi, Kenya.

I'm delighted to delve into the insights shared during the webinar and reflect on the evolving landscape of CX in Kenya as follows:

The Evolution of Customer Experience in Kenya.

In my opening remarks, I emphasized the transformative impact of digital technologies on customer experience. As digital transformation practitioners, we're at the forefront of this evolution, witnessing how digital platforms and tools are reshaping the way businesses engage with their customers.

The shift towards a more digital, interconnected world is not just about technological adoption; it's about how these technologies enhance every interaction, making CX the cornerstone of business success in the digital era.

Key Trends Shaping CX in 2024.

Looking ahead, several trends stand out as pivotal in shaping the CX landscape in Kenya for 2024:

AI and Personalization: The integration of AI into CX strategies is becoming more sophisticated, enabling businesses to offer unprecedented levels of personalization. This year, we're seeing AI move from a behind-the-scenes role to a central player in customer interactions, promising more relevant, engaging, and intuitive experiences.

Omnichannel Experiences: Customers today expect seamless interactions across all touchpoints. The emphasis in 2024 is on eliminating friction and creating a cohesive journey, whether the customer is online, in-app, or in physical stores.

Data Privacy and Trust: With growing concerns over data privacy, businesses must prioritize transparency and security. This year is about building trust through clear communication around data use and implementing robust protection measures.

Human-Centric Workplaces: The correlation between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction has never been clearer. As businesses, we're focusing on creating environments that prioritize well-being, growth, and inclusivity, fostering a culture where employees are empowered to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices: Sustainability is no longer just an environmental concern; it's a business imperative. In 2024, CX will play a crucial role in aligning business practices with customer values around sustainability and ethics, strengthening brand loyalty and community engagement.

The Role of CX in Business Sustainability.

During the webinar, I emphasized the connection between CX and business sustainability. Without customers, a business cannot sustain itself, and in today's world, customers are increasingly aligning their loyalties with businesses that not only meet their needs but also reflect their values.

As we navigate 2024, it's clear that CX is not just about transactions; it's about building meaningful, lasting relationships that support both the business and the broader societal goals.

Looking Ahead,

I'm reminded of the power of conversation and community in driving forward the CX agenda. The insights and discussions from The World of CX Weekly Breakfast serve as a reference for all of us engaged in the digital transformation journey, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Feb 08, 202435:36
Episode 87 - From Physics To 5G: A Journey Through Telecommunications with Michael Onyango.

Episode 87 - From Physics To 5G: A Journey Through Telecommunications with Michael Onyango.

In this episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, we had an in-depth conversation with Michael Onyango, an accomplished practitioner in Kenya's and Africa's telecommunications sector. Michael has had an illustrious 20+ years career that has spanned telecommunications giants like Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, and now Baicells Technologies. Michael shared his extensive journey from academia to the forefront of 5G innovation. Join us as Michael shares insights from his early days in Kenya, his educational pursuits in Telecommunications, Physics, and 5G Technology, to his current role as the Business Development Manager at Baicells Technology where he driving 5G deployment and connectivity initiatives. The following are some of the highlights from our conversation: Early Inspirations: Michael traces his roots back to Kenya, discussing how his upbringing and early exposure to technology fuelled his passion for telecommunications. Academic Foundation: He emphasizes the role of his education in shaping his career, highlighting his journey from Kenyatta University to the University of Nairobi and finally to IIT Roorkee. Professional Odyssey: Michael provides a walkthrough of his career, discussing the evolution of his roles, key learnings, and the impact he has made in the telecommunications industry. 5G and Beyond: Delving into the specifics of 5G technology, Michael discusses the challenges, opportunities, and the future of telecommunications, underscoring Baicells' mission to "Connect the Unconnected." Vision for the Future: Michael shares his perspective on emerging technologies like IoT and Machine Learning, career advice for aspiring professionals, and his personal goals for the future. Michael Onyango's extraordinary journey speaks to the power of passion, education, and resilience in navigating the dynamic telecommunications landscape. His insights not only shed light on the technical intricacies of cutting-edge technologies like 5G networks but also may inspire a new generation to explore the boundless possibilities within the field. As we conclude this enlightening conversation, we extend our gratitude to Michael for his invaluable contributions and look forward to the continued evolution of telecommunications technology in Kenya, Africa, and beyond.

Feb 07, 202401:00:59
Episode 86 - DX5's The Year Ahead 2024 Virtual Event: The Future of Work In A Generative AI World With Moses Kemibaro.

Episode 86 - DX5's The Year Ahead 2024 Virtual Event: The Future of Work In A Generative AI World With Moses Kemibaro.

In this presentation for the DX5 The Year Ahead 2024 Virtual Event, I shared my thoughts about the future of work in a world where everything will be impacted by Generative AI. I focussed primarily on the area of digital marketing based on my 20+ years of experience as the Founder & CEO of Dotsavvy, one of Kenya's and East Africa's first digital marketing agencies.

I explained the key steps that organizations need to take to make Generative AI work for them starting with a detailed audit of their current business processes and technology platforms to understand where they are first before starting to explore how they can start closing gaps using Generative AI-based solutions. Ultimately, the goal for organizations is to use Generative AI to become more creative, productive, efficient, and effective in meeting their mandate on a day-to-day basis.

In addition, I also shared what I call the FESSBeC benefits framework for Generative AI. FESSBeC is an acronym for Faster, Easier, Simpler, Smarter, Better, and Cheaper. The idea is that FESSBeC encapsulates the key drivers for Generative AI for organizations to be more successful and sustainable in the very disruptive future of work that will be largely enabled by Generative AI.

I also explained a quote I developed around Generative AI being, 'Don't give a human a robot's job'. This quote for me is essentially a call to action for organizations to seriously review how they operate on an end-to-end basis and see how they can automate business processes and technology platforms where possible and free up their human resource to focus on more strategic and impactful work.

Finally, I also shared my predictions for 2024 in terms of how Generative AI will impact businesses and the workplace with a primary focus on digital marketing scenarios. This looked at all areas from digital strategy formulation, creative design, content creation, software development, digital advertising, and finally digital analytics and reporting. I hope you enjoy watching or listening to this presentation.

Feb 05, 202417:34
Episode 85 - A Conversation with BizTalks' Maina Chege On The Impact of Generative AI On Kenya's Business Landscape & The Future of Work.

Episode 85 - A Conversation with BizTalks' Maina Chege On The Impact of Generative AI On Kenya's Business Landscape & The Future of Work.

This is a conversation I had with Maina Chege on BizTalks recently where we spoke at length about the implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence or AI on the business landscape in Kenya. At the same, we delved into many of the scenarios where Generative AI is already upending the status quo with massive repercussions.

One such instance that we touched on is in marketing where many leading brands and organizations in Kenya are using AI-generated creative assets for their advertising campaigns to the detriment of stakeholders life film producers, graphic designers, professional photographers, actors, models, makeup artists, and others who would normally be employed for such work.

In addition, we also explored how AI has already become significant in medical diagnosis where it's lowering the cost of service delivery exponentially but also improving the quality of outcomes with live-saving value addition by improving the work of Doctors.

One thing that was clear in our conversation is that AI will have a long-term impact on business and the future of work in Kenya in a myriad of scenarios and everyone must realize that they need to prepare for this inevitability.

I hope you enjoy watching or listening to all that we covered in this insightful conversation on all things AI in BizTalks!

Feb 04, 202430:28
Episode 84 - BBC's Focus On Africa TV Show With Waihiga Mwaura & Moses Kemibaro Discussing Online Child Safety In Kenya & Africa.

Episode 84 - BBC's Focus On Africa TV Show With Waihiga Mwaura & Moses Kemibaro Discussing Online Child Safety In Kenya & Africa.

This is a conversation that I had with BBC's Waihiga Mwaura on the Focus on Africa Show late last week. In our conversation, we explored the recent US Senate hearing where Meta's Mark Zuckerburg made an apology to the parents of minors who have been negatively impacted by social media platforms.

We also spoke about the implications for Kenya and Africa as well as the importance of safeguarding our children's digital future. Lastly, we reflected on how technology affects us all, from Kenya to the rest of the world, in creating a safer, more inclusive digital ecosystem for our children.

Feb 04, 202405:04
Episode 83 - Boresha Radio Tanzania Twitter / X Space On Digital Marketing For Self Employment, Entrepreneurship & Business Opportunities.

Episode 83 - Boresha Radio Tanzania Twitter / X Space On Digital Marketing For Self Employment, Entrepreneurship & Business Opportunities.

This is a Twitter / X Space on digital marketing as an alternative form of employment for the youth, personal branding, entrepreneurship, and business opportunities that was hosted last week by Tanzania's Boresha Radio Station where I was invited to be one of the panelists for the same.

It was my first time being on a Twitter / X Space in Tanzania so it was highly appreciated to do so. I managed to share my insights based on my 25+ years of perspectives as a digital marketing entrepreneur and practitioner as well as a technology blogger.

The main focus of the Twitter / X Space was to provide practical insights on how the youth and others in Tanzania could use digital marketing and social media as a form of employment as well as entrepreneurship given the limited employment opportunities in the market.

If you are not from Kenya, Tanzania, or East Africa where Kiswahili is widely spoken you may not be able to understand all that is being said but the majority of the conversation is conducted in English. I hope you find it to be useful and enlightening as far as all things digital marketing and social media are concerned.

Jan 27, 202401:10:46
Episode 82 - The Future of Food in Kenya & Africa: Technology, Tradition, & Transformation with Ando Foods' Founder & CEO Asif Khan.

Episode 82 - The Future of Food in Kenya & Africa: Technology, Tradition, & Transformation with Ando Foods' Founder & CEO Asif Khan.

In the latest episode of Pure Digital Passion, I had the pleasure of hosting Asif Khan, the founder and CEO of Ando Foods. Asif's journey is a remarkable tale of cultural richness, culinary innovation, and technological integration.

A Recipe Across Generations & Continents.

Asif shared the heartwarming story of Ando's famed Chicken Biriyani from their Mr. Khan brand, a recipe lovingly passed down from his Pakistani mother. This dish is not just a meal; it's a story of heritage and tradition, blending flavors across continents.

An Educational Japanese Journey & Its Influence.

Asif's transformative educational experience in Japan played a pivotal role in shaping his perspectives on design, photography, and film production. His experiences from Osaka offer a glimpse into the interplay of education and entrepreneurship.

The Strategic Birth of Ando Foods.

Asif recounted the strategic patience and planning behind Ando Foods' inception, a journey that began after his tenure at Java House Africa and navigating a non-compete clause. This story is a masterclass in strategic business planning with bootstrapping and a relentless focus on culinary excellence and delightful customer experience.

Rapid Expansion & Technology Integration.

The explosive demand for Ando's culinary delights led to a swift scale-up from his kitchen at home with his mother doing all the cooking at the start to a fully-fledged culinary enterprise that grew out of the COVID-19 pandemic period. Asif delved into the use of AI and machine learning in streamlining their operations, exemplifying innovation at its best.

Digital Marketing & Customer Experience.

Asif's deep dive into digital marketing and his role in enhancing customer experiences in the hospitality industry is both insightful and inspiring. His journey demonstrates the power of digital transformation in traditional industries with the potential to massively scale up from just one to eight culinary brands as of this writing.

Future Aspirations and Expansion Plans.

Ando Foods' vision extends beyond Nairobi and Cape Town, aiming to transform the culinary landscape in major African cities like Lagos and Kampala in the near future. The launch of their new mobile app is set to revolutionize how customers interact with their diverse culinary offerings.

A Special Offer From Asif & Ando!

As a token of appreciation for our audience on the Pure Digital Passion podcast, Asif has provided an exclusive discount code 'PDPANDO'. Use this on the Ando Foods mobile app to enjoy a special discount of Kes. 500.00 on your next order!

Join the Culinary Revolution.

Asif Khan's story with Ando Foods is more than a tale of business success; it's a narrative that weaves together culture, technology, and passion. His journey from learning in Japan to joining Kenya's banking sector and finally to the pinnacle of Kenya's and Africa's culinary scene is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and food enthusiasts alike.

Jan 13, 202401:26:59
Episode 81 - Empowering The Youth, Transforming East Africa, & Innovating for Impact: Inside Shujaaz Inc with Rob Burnet.

Episode 81 - Empowering The Youth, Transforming East Africa, & Innovating for Impact: Inside Shujaaz Inc with Rob Burnet.

Welcome to the latest episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast. This podcast was recorded at Shujaaz Inc’s HQ at the Acacia Building in Karen Office Park, where I had the honour of interviewing Rob Burnet, the Emmy Award-winning Founder and Chairman of Shujaaz Inc.

Rob Burnet's Journey: From the UK to Kenya.

In this enlightening session, we delved into Rob's incredible journey from the UK to Kenya. We explored the early influences that shaped his perspective on media and social change, and the serendipitous story of how he landed in Kenya and became an integral part of the region's socio-economic fabric.

Founding of Kuona Trust and Transition to Shujaaz Inc.

Rob shared his vision behind the founding of Kuona Trust, highlighting its contribution to the Kenyan art scene. He then took us through his transition from Kuona Trust to establishing Shujaaz Inc, revealing the original concept of Shujaaz and its evolution into a powerful platform for youth empowerment.

Challenges, Successes, and Digital Impact.

Our conversation touched on the challenges and successes Rob faced in the early stages of Shujaaz. He emphasized the crucial role of digital channels in expanding Shujaaz’s reach and impact, leading to the prestigious recognition of two Emmy Awards.

Innovations: MESH and Beyond.

Rob detailed the inspiration behind MESH, addressing the needs of young entrepreneurs, especially during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. We also discussed the engagement strategies with Shujaaz's audience and the role of Hustla MBA within the Shujaaz Inc ecosystem.

Societal Impact and Future Aspirations.

Measuring societal impact and future aspirations were key topics, as Rob provided insights into his long-term vision for Shujaaz Inc and its ventures. He offered invaluable advice to young entrepreneurs across Africa, discussing how Shujaaz Inc helps in overcoming barriers to success.

Collaborations, Technology, and Cultural Significance.

Significant collaborations and partnerships were highlighted, showcasing how they have propelled Shujaaz Inc forward. The role of technology in scaling and impacting the ventures and the emphasis on celebrating diverse cultures and viewpoints were also key discussion points.

Legacy and Vision.

Rob concluded by sharing his vision for the legacy of Shujaaz Inc and his aspirations for social change in Africa.


As we wrapped up this inspiring session with Rob Burnet, it was evident that his journey transcends beyond creating successful social ventures. It's about sparking a movement that empowers the youth to shape their future, redefining the landscape of social entrepreneurship and digital innovation in East Africa. Rob’s story stands as a testament to the power of vision, commitment, and the profound impact of empowering young minds.

Jan 13, 202401:04:46
Episode 80 - Springboard to Success: Harnessing Digital Innovation for Business Growth.

Episode 80 - Springboard to Success: Harnessing Digital Innovation for Business Growth.

I'm delighted to share insights from a recent webinar, "Sustainable Digital Innovation – The Oxygen for Business Success," part of Springboard Capital's BizSmart Monthly Webinar Series.

Digital Innovation: Not Just a Side-Conversation.

The latest edition held on the 27th of November 2023 aimed to shift mindsets, emphasizing that digital innovation isn't just a side topic in business. It's as crucial as finance, business development, and human resources. In today's world, businesses at all levels must recognize the pivotal role of technology in achieving success.

A Journey Through the Digital Landscape.

As the Founder and CEO of Dotsavvy, I had the pleasure of presenting during this webinar session. We delved into the essence of digital transformation and its critical importance in today's business landscape, both in Kenya and globally.

The Roadmap: SOSTAC Digital Transformation Strategy.

A highlight of the webinar was introducing the SOSTAC framework, a comprehensive strategy for planning and executing digital transformation initiatives. This framework provides a structured approach, ensuring businesses can navigate the digital world with clarity and purpose.

Crafting Quality Digital Content.

We also explored the art of creating high-quality digital content. It's not just about making noise on digital platforms; it's about crafting content that resonates, engages, and converts. This is a game-changer in driving awareness and achieving business objectives.

High-Performance Digital Advertising.

The conversation then shifted to digital advertising. We discussed leveraging platforms like Google Ads and Meta Ads to create campaigns that don't just reach audiences but engage and convert them. It's about smart investment for measurable returns.

AI: The Future is Now.

A particularly exciting part of our discussion was the use of AI platforms like ChatGPT. These tools are no longer futuristic concepts but practical solutions available today, helping businesses in real-time decision-making and strategy implementation.

Engaging with Our Audience.

The session concluded with a lively Q&A, where we interacted and addressed specific concerns and curiosities. The engagement was fantastic, reflecting the enthusiasm and readiness of businesses to embrace digital innovation.

Dec 20, 202359:16
Episode 79 - A Panel Discussion On The Impact Of AI On Business In Kenya With Oscar Limoke of Pawa IT Moderated By David Kiania At The International Christian Centre - Imara (ICC Imara) Seminar.

Episode 79 - A Panel Discussion On The Impact Of AI On Business In Kenya With Oscar Limoke of Pawa IT Moderated By David Kiania At The International Christian Centre - Imara (ICC Imara) Seminar.

I'm delighted to share insights and highlights from a panel discussion that took place on the 2nd of September 2023, at the International Christian Centre - Imara (ICC Imara).

The seminar, themed "AI-Driven Innovation for SMEs" featured a panel of distinguished experts in the field of business technology and digital marketing. This included Oscar Limoke, CEO of Pawa IT, and myself, Moses Kemibaro, Founder & CEO of Dotsavvy, expertly moderated by David Kiania which provided a platform for an in-depth exploration of AI's role in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya.

The key topics we covered in our discussion were as follows:

AI in SMEs: Opportunities & Challenges.

We examined how AI is revolutionizing SMEs, offering unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. However, we also delved into the challenges, particularly in the Kenyan context, including resource limitations and knowledge gaps.

AI for Process Optimization & Cost Efficiency.

The conversation highlighted AI's potential to streamline business processes, enhance productivity, and significantly reduce operational costs, making it a game-changer for SMEs looking to compete in a digital economy.

AI-powered Product & Service Innovation.

We discussed examples of how AI is being used to innovate products and services, creating new market opportunities and enhancing customer experiences.

Ethical Considerations in AI Adoption for SMEs.

A crucial part of our discussion focused on the ethical implications of AI in business, emphasizing the need for responsible and transparent AI systems that respect privacy and promote trust.

Making AI Accessible.

As panelists, we shared insights on how SMEs can navigate the complexities of AI adoption, stressing the importance of making AI tools and knowledge accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Key Takeaways.

The seminar underscored the immense potential of AI in transforming SMEs. It's evident that AI is not just a tool for large corporations but a pivotal element for the growth and innovation of SMEs in Kenya and beyond:

  • The necessity for SMEs to embrace AI for competitive advantage and sustainability.
  • The importance of ethical considerations and transparency in AI adoption.
  • The vital role of knowledge sharing and accessibility in democratizing AI for all businesses.


The "AI-Driven Innovation for SMEs" seminar at ICC Imara was a groundbreaking event that provided valuable insights into the transformative power of AI in the business world. As we continue to explore the frontiers of digital innovation, it's clear that AI will play a central role in shaping the future of SMEs in Kenya and the rest of the world.

Dec 16, 202301:00:34
Episode 78 - EdTech Mondays Kenya November 2023 Edition: Monitoring & Evaluation of Blended Learning Models.

Episode 78 - EdTech Mondays Kenya November 2023 Edition: Monitoring & Evaluation of Blended Learning Models.

In the November 2023 edition of EdTech Mondays Kenya, we delved into the pivotal topic of monitoring and evaluating blended learning models in Kenya's educational landscape.

The Shift Towards Blended Learning.

Recently, Kenya has positioned itself at the forefront of integrating technology into education. This transformation aligns with the Ministry of Education's vision of catering to a technology-driven, globally interconnected economy. Blended learning, which synergizes traditional tools like pen and paper with digital innovations, stands as a testament to this progressive shift.

The Topical Focus.

Our focus was on understanding and assessing the effectiveness of these blended learning models, particularly within the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC). We aimed to shed light on how these models are shaping education in Kenya and what could be improved to benefit all stakeholders.

Panel Discussion Highlights.

We were honored to have insightful contributions from our panelists:

  • Patrick Munguti from Kenya Connect,
  • Vanessa Obura of Schoolapp,
  • Faith Mutunga, a teacher at Nyaani Primary School.

Each panelist brought a unique perspective on blended learning. They discussed their roles, the impact of blended learning on the CBC, and the methods used to measure its success. The conversation touched upon the challenges faced in monitoring and evaluation, gaps in current models, and how these learning methods have enhanced student engagement and performance.

Key Insights.

  • Challenges in Measurement: Faith shared the real-world challenges of measuring blended learning's success in her classroom.
  • Evaluation Mechanisms: Patrick provided insights into the mechanisms in place for ensuring programs meet learning outcomes.
  • Identifying Gaps: Vanessa highlighted the gaps in current blended learning models and suggested areas for improvement.

Future Directions.

The panelists agreed on the importance of refining monitoring and evaluation methods. They stressed the need for EdTech solution providers to consider these aspects critically to enhance learning experiences.


This enlightening discussion reinforces our commitment to advancing education through technology. I encourage everyone to join this conversation and share your ideas on improving blended learning in Kenya using #EdTechMondays on Twitter.

Dec 15, 202325:16
Episode 77 - A Conversation With IXAfrica's Snehar Shah On Kenya's & East Africa's Newest & Most Advanced Data Center.

Episode 77 - A Conversation With IXAfrica's Snehar Shah On Kenya's & East Africa's Newest & Most Advanced Data Center.

In our latest edition of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, we recently visited IXAfrica, Nairobi's newest hyper-scale data center located at the very heart of Kenya's vibrant Silicon Savannah. My engaging conversation with CEO Snehar Shah offered a window into the future of technology in Kenya and the broader East Africa region. IXAfrica, operational since October 2023, is not just a data center; it's an embodiment of the region's ambitious push towards the very cutting edge of digital transformation.

A Strategic Location & Size.

IXAfrica stands strategically near Nairobi's CBD and airport, spanning 17,300 sqm. Its substantial size, with a total footprint of 15,587m2 and a significant 6,621m2 dedicated to colocation space, underscores its capacity to host substantial technology infrastructure. This strategic positioning isn’t just about geography; it’s about integrating into the heart of Kenya's digital pulse, offering unparalleled access and operational efficiency.

Robust Power & Cooling Systems.

The facility is the epitome of modern design, boasting an 18.9mW IT power setup with dual supply utility feeds. The integration of 20 backup generator sets embodies reliability, ensuring uninterrupted operation even in unforeseen circumstances. The innovative Autonomous Indirect Air Conditioning (IAC) system, augmented by a variety of water sources, ensures that the data center operates under optimal environmental conditions, crucial for maintaining the integrity of hosted technologies.

Commitment To Sustainability.

In my discussion with Snehar Shah, what came to light is IXAfrica's unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship. The data center's roadmap includes integrating solar energy, marking a significant stride toward sustainable operations. Their holistic approach to sustainability extends beyond energy, encompassing water and waste management, and a procurement strategy focused on local sourcing. This not only minimizes their environmental footprint but also bolsters the local economy, creating a symbiotic relationship between technology and community, right here in Kenya!

Expansion & Growth.

The vision for growth at IXAfrica is as expansive as its infrastructure. The acquisition of 11 acres for a second data center campus, poised to be a 30MW+ facility, is a clear statement of intent for their ambitious scaling plans. This partnership with Tilisi Developments plc and a $50M investment from Helios Investment Partners are not just a financial endorsement; its a clear path to IXAfrica's potential to redefine data center services in Kenya and East Africa. This growth trajectory is not just about physical expansion; it’s about elevating East Africa's standing in the global digital economy.

Technical Excellence & Global Connectivity.

IXAfrica's capabilities are underpinned by its experienced and visionary leadership team and high-specification infrastructure, designed to meet the complex needs of modern computing. The alliance with the London Internet Exchange (LINX) is particularly noteworthy, as it places IXAfrica on a global connectivity map, ensuring a network that transcends continental boundaries. This global connectivity is crucial for businesses operating in today's interconnected world, making IXAfrica an indispensable part of the region's digital ecosystem.

Digital Transformation.

In Kenya's and East Africa's rapidly evolving digital ecosystem, IXAfrica positions itself as more than a data center - it’s a hub for digital transformation. Catering to the needs of cloud computing, digital transformation, and edge computing applications, the facility is not just hosting technology; it’s enabling and accelerating the digital metamorphosis of Kenya and East Africa.

Dec 15, 202328:02
Episode 76 - A Fireside Chat with Walid Kilonzi On The Current State & Future of the Metaverse in Africa.

Episode 76 - A Fireside Chat with Walid Kilonzi On The Current State & Future of the Metaverse in Africa.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of moderating an extraordinary fireside chat organized by Mata at the Youth Connekt Africa Summit, held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in Nairobi. The topic was none other than the fast-growing realm of the Metaverse and its profound implications for Africa's youth.

The Prodigy Behind the Lens: Walid Kilonzi.

One of the highlights of this session was conversing with Walid Kilonzi, the young and dynamic extended reality (XR) producer from Fallohide Africa. At just 25 years old, Walid's journey in XR began with the advent of the first Oculus VR headset when he was only 17. His remarkable achievements and contributions to the XR landscape are nothing short of inspiring.

Fallohide: A Pioneer in XR Solutions.

Walid's venture, Fallohide, has been making waves in the XR space, providing cutting-edge solutions in virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and augmented reality (AR). Serving a roster of prestigious clients, including multinational corporations like Nestle and Coca-Cola, as well as local government entities such as the Machakos County Government, Fallohide is a testament to African innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Fireside Chat: Exploring the Metaverse.

Our fireside chat, albeit missing the first few minutes in the recording, was a deep dive into the Metaverse's potential to revolutionize how we live, learn, and interact. We explored how this technology is not just a futuristic concept but a present reality, shaping sectors like healthcare, education, and commerce.

Engaging with the Youth and Meta Representatives.

The session was made even more engaging with questions from the youth attending the summit. Representatives from Meta, including Phil Oduor, Olivia Tchamba, and Sarah Muyonga, were also on hand, providing valuable insights, particularly where the intersection of the Metaverse and Meta's initiatives are concerned.

The Essence of the Discussion.

The discussion centered around how the Metaverse can be a catalyst for digital transformation in Africa. We delved into the challenges and opportunities it presents, especially for young creators and entrepreneurs like Walid. The session was not just about understanding the technology but also about envisioning how it can be harnessed for social and economic growth in Africa.

Sharing the Experience.

As we continue to navigate this digital era, conversations like these are vital in shaping our understanding and approach to emerging technologies. The Metaverse is here, and Africa is poised to be a significant player in this new frontier. For those who couldn't join us, I am excited to share the video and audio podcast of the session. While the recording starts a few minutes into the conversation, it captures the essence of our rich discussion.

Dec 12, 202353:53
Episode 75 - A Conversation with Technology Leader Michael Michie On Ensuring Inclusive AI For Africa.

Episode 75 - A Conversation with Technology Leader Michael Michie On Ensuring Inclusive AI For Africa.

In a world rapidly embracing artificial intelligence (AI), Michael Michie stands out as a leader of innovation and inclusivity, particularly in the African tech landscape. I had the privilege of conversing with Michie at the recently held CIO 100 Symposium & Awards in Diani, Kenya, where we delved into his remarkable journey and vision for AI in Africa.

From Gaming to AI Leadership.

Michael's story begins with a childhood fascination with computers and gaming, a passion that ignited his journey in technology. He navigated through various roles, starting as a management trainee at M Oriental Bank and rapidly ascending to become the Chief Information Security Officer. Michael is reputed to be the youngest-ever CIO of a leading corporate enterprise in Kenya and East Africa. His career trajectory is nothing short of impressive, marked by his tenure as the CTO of bluBeetle AI and Solv Kenya, and his transformative work at TripleOKLaw.

Youngest Recipient of the Top 40 Under 40 Men Award.

In 2019, Michael earned the Business Daily Top 40 under 40 Men award, becoming its youngest recipient. This accolade was a recognition of his role in driving digital transformation within the legal industry, showcasing his ability to merge technology with traditional sectors.

Addressing Inclusion and Bias For AI In Africa.

Our conversation took a deep dive into Michael's concerns about Africa's current position in the fast-growing and evolving area of generative AI. He pointed out that platforms like ChatGPT, while revolutionary, often exclude African perspectives, leading to biases. Michael is actively working to change this narrative by advocating for an Africa-first approach to AI development.

The Akili Zetu Foundation.

As the founder of Akili Zetu Foundation, Michael is not just talking the talk but walking the walk. His foundation is a passionate testament to his commitment to nurturing AI talent and initiatives in Africa, aiming to bridge the gap in global AI development.

Philosophy and Advocacy.

Beyond his technical prowess, Michael is an advocate for dyslexic thinking and mental health in the workplace. He hosts the podcast 'Mind and Machine Africa,' where he discusses these issues, emphasizing the human aspect of technology.

Envisioning an Inclusive AI Future.

Michael's journey is far from over. He continues to serve on several advisory boards, contributing his expertise to shape the future of AI not just in Africa, but globally. His story is a beacon of inspiration, showing that with passion and determination, one can indeed make a significant impact.

A Leader's Legacy in African Technology.

Michael's journey and vision serve as a powerful reminder of the role technology can play in shaping societies. His efforts to bring an inclusive perspective to AI are not just commendable but necessary in ensuring a balanced technological future.

Dec 10, 202348:14
Episode 74 - A Conversation with Kenya's & East Africa's 'Godfather of Technology', DX5 Founder & Chairman Harry Hare.

Episode 74 - A Conversation with Kenya's & East Africa's 'Godfather of Technology', DX5 Founder & Chairman Harry Hare.

In this episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, I had a conversation with Harry Hare, Founder & Chairman of DX5 where we delved into his remarkable journey as a pillar in East Africa's technology ecosystem. Recorded at the 15th edition of the CIO 100 Symposium & Awards a couple of weeks ago in Diani, Kenya, this podcast uncovers the resilience and visionary leadership of Harry, affectionately known as 'the godfather of technology in Kenya and East Africa.

The Early Challenges.

Harry's entrepreneurial spirit was tested early on. His first foray into the media business with publications like Microcomputer Guide and later PC World East Africa faced adversity due to Kenya's political climate in the '90s. Despite the challenges that led to the closure of these ventures, Harry's unwavering resolve set the stage for future successes.

Founding CIO East Africa & DEMO Africa.

Undeterred, Harry founded CIO Africa, a leading IT publication that has been shaping the technology discourse in East Africa and the rest of the African Continent for over a decade. His role in establishing DEMO Africa further highlights his commitment to elevating African tech startups on the global stage.

The Birth of DX5.

Harry's latest venture, DX5, symbolizes a new era in digital transformation in Africa. This innovative platform, emerging from the merger of CIO Africa and The Rebel Element, is focused on connecting and transforming the digital landscape across the continent.

Influencing Policy and the Technology Landscape.

Beyond entrepreneurship, Harry's work includes significant contributions to E-Government strategies with East African governments. His involvement in setting up the East African eGovernment Working Group and developing the East African eGovernment Framework showcases his deep understanding of the region's ICT needs.

A Legacy of Innovation and Empowerment.

Harry Hare's journey is more than a story of technological innovation; it's a testament to the power of resilience, vision, and leadership in shaping the future of technology in Kenya, East Africa, and beyond. His influence, spanning decades, continues to inspire and drive change across the continent.


Join us in this insightful episode as we explore Harry Hare's entrepreneurial spirit, his triumphs over adversity, and his enduring impact on Kenya's and East Africa's technology landscape. His story, filled with lessons and inspirations, is priceless for aspiring technology leaders and entrepreneurs.

Listen to the podcast to dive deeper into the life and achievements of Harry Hare, a true technology visionary in East Africa.

Dec 09, 202325:02
Episode 73 - Chopping It Up With Africa Online's 'OGs' of Kenya's & Africa's Early Internet Years Going Back 25+ Years Ago!

Episode 73 - Chopping It Up With Africa Online's 'OGs' of Kenya's & Africa's Early Internet Years Going Back 25+ Years Ago!

Yesterday evening, we had something of a very special meet-up or reunion with the pioneers of Kenya's Internet sector going back over 25 years ago at Africa Online. Africa Online was one of Kenya's original Internet Service Providers or ISPs of what started off as the dial-up modem via copper-based analogue landline and rain-prone variety around 1995. Africa Online was originally known as Karisi Communications and was founded by the iconic startup team of Ayisi Makatiani, Amolo Ngweno, and Karanja Gakio.

The backstory goes that Ayisi, Amolo, and Karanja were all in the US having completed their education there at the prestigious Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT when they decided to start a business to bring the Internet to Kenya and the rest of Africa. This was extremely prescient given that most of Africa was not even connected to the Internet on a real-time or 'live' basis and even email required using an archaic store-and-forward method via long-distance analogue modem dial-up connections several times a day between the US and Kenya!

I had the privilege of joining Africa Online after a short stint at Form-Net Africa which was also one of the first ISPs in Kenya back in 1997, working at their Mombasa office at the time. I was at Africa Online at a time when the Internet was so nascent in Kenya that our primary mission was to connect home and business users to analogue connections using slow modems and copper-based phone lines. Back then, fax machines and old-fashioned postal mail were the backbone of communications in Kenya, and mobile phones as we know them today simply didn't exist but the world and Kenya were on the cusp of a massive digital transformation as the Internet took hold of millions and eventually billions of users at scale.

In our Africa Online reunion yesterday, I managed to capture almost one hour of great memories and recollections from some of my former Africa Online colleagues and Kenya's 'OG' Internet pioneers. In attendance, and captured on this podcast, were Geoffrey Shimanyula who was one of the Sales Managers back then for corporate Internet solutions, Martin Wahogo who was one of Kenya's very first website developers, Kelly Kabiru who worked in sales like myself at both Africa Online and later 3mice Interactive Media for website services under the Internet Business Solutions or IBS Division, David Ochanda who was also a Sales Manager for corporate Internet solutions, and Patrick Malungu who was the overall Sales Director at Africa Online in Kenya and across six other markets in Africa.

In this podcast, you will hear amazing stories of what the Internet looked like over 25 years ago in Kenya. From the fact that an entire ISP in Kenya ran on a 64Kbps Internet connection from the now defunct Kenya Post and Telecommunications or KPTC, now known as Telkom Kenya, using the KENSTREAM data service to how a person called Randy Bush controlled the majority of the country code top-level domain names (CCTLDs) in Africa including Kenya's .KE and you sent him a text-based email template to get domain names registered that often took one or two weeks to get done since he was named in the US. You will hear about how inorder to demonstrate how a website worked a whole web server was picked from Africa Online's server room in Nairobi so that a demo could be made to a large prospective corporate client at their offices and at the same time this took down the majority of websites in Kenya to do so!

These were easily the Wild Wild West days of Kenya's now thriving and ubiquitous Internet sector and I am sure that for many of the young(er) listeners who hear this podcast, there will be many humorous and eye-popping moments. This is the story of the early days of Kenya's Internet and as we like to say here, tumetoka mbali! (we have come from far).

Dec 09, 202301:01:33
Episode 72 - Jane Mukami On Her Incredible Journey From Technology Maven To Award-Winning Health & Wellness Coach

Episode 72 - Jane Mukami On Her Incredible Journey From Technology Maven To Award-Winning Health & Wellness Coach

In the latest episode of Pure Digital Passion, I had the unique opportunity to have a conversation with Jane Mukami, also known as the 'Fit Kenyan Girl' — an inspiring figure who seamlessly transitioned from the world of technology to becoming an award-winning health and wellness coach. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, self-discovery, and leveraging digital channels to create a global impact.

Early Life and Transformation.

Jane's journey began in Nairobi, Kenya, where she was born and raised. However, her path took a significant turn when she moved to Atlanta, USA, in pursuit of higher education. After a divorce in 2008, Jane found herself battling low self-confidence and depression. It was a challenging period, but it became the catalyst for her transformation.

From Technology to Wellness Transition.

Jane spent 18 years in Information Technology, specializing in Project Management for Software Development. Yet, a turning point led her to leave her corporate career behind and follow her passion for health and fitness.

The P.U.S.H Weight Loss Method.

One of the highlights of our conversation was Jane's proprietary nutrition-based weight loss method known as The P.U.S.H Weight Loss Method. This groundbreaking approach allows individuals to achieve successful weight loss without extreme exercise and while still enjoying carbohydrates. Jane's personal weight loss journey paved the way for this innovative method.

Digital Transformation and Impact.

Jane's story goes beyond personal transformation. She has successfully leveraged digital channels and social media to build her global brand. With over 310,000 active members in her Facebook group, "21 Days of Change," and other groups totaling 625,000 members, Jane has made a significant impact. In just four years, her community collectively shed an astonishing 250,000 pounds.

Achievements and Awards.

Jane's achievements have not gone unnoticed. She has received numerous awards and recognition, including the Health & Fitness Award at the 2019 ACHI Awards in Atlanta, USA, and being named a Top 100 African Woman by OkayAfrica in New York. Jane also received the Facebook Group Impact award at the OLX Social Media Awards in Nairobi and the Health & Fitness Coach Award at the Africa Women’s Leader Awards in Victoria, Seychelles.


Jane Mukami's journey from tech to wellness is a testament to the power of passion, determination, and the digital-first approach. Her story serves as an inspiration to those seeking to embark on a similar path of self-discovery and pursue their passions.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jane for sharing her remarkable journey and insights with us on Pure Digital Passion. If you'd like to connect with Jane or learn more about her coaching services, be sure to check out her website at and social media channels on and

Dec 03, 202301:02:37
Episode 71 - The Journey To Achieving World-Class Customer Experience with NCBA Group's Elizabeth Okomba

Episode 71 - The Journey To Achieving World-Class Customer Experience with NCBA Group's Elizabeth Okomba

In a captivating new episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, I had the honour of engaging with Elizabeth Okomba, the dynamic Deputy Director and Group Head of Customer Experience at NCBA Bank Kenya. Our conversation wasn't just a deep dive into customer experience (CX) strategies; it was a narrative of exceptional leadership and innovation, especially in the wake of NCBA's recent accolades at the ICX awards and Elizabeth's personal triumph in CX leadership.

Elizabeth's journey at NCBA began with her pivotal role as the merger lead between NIC Bank and Commercial Bank of Africa. She shared fascinating insights into the complexities and triumphs of this landmark merger, laying the foundation for a transformative approach to customer experience.

As we delved deeper, Elizabeth outlined the comprehensive CX strategy she championed. This strategy, intrinsically linked to NCBA's overarching vision, showcased her pioneering approach to leadership. She highlighted the significance of a solid governance framework and how customer feedback became the cornerstone of their service evolution.

Our discussion took an intriguing turn when we touched upon the digital innovations spearheaded by Elizabeth. Her efforts in revamping the contact center and integrating advanced CRM systems were not just about digital transformation but about fostering agility and a deep-rooted responsiveness to customer needs.

A central theme of our talk was Elizabeth’s commitment to cultivating a culture of customer-centricity at NCBA. Their customer promise, "We Know You, We Back You, We Will Wow You," goes beyond mere words, reflecting a genuine ethos that resonates through every employee’s work ethic.

Elizabeth also shed light on the metrics that underscored their success. The implementation of her strategies led to measurable improvements in customer satisfaction, as evidenced by NCBA's soaring Net Promoter Scores and a significant reduction in call volumes.

Adding to this, the recent accolades at the ICX awards where NCBA clinched three awards, and Elizabeth's recognition for CX leadership a few weeks ago, underscore the remarkable impact of their customer-focused initiatives.

As we concluded, Elizabeth shared her visionary outlook for the future of customer experience at NCBA and in the broader banking industry. Her dedication to ongoing innovation and excellence paints a bright future for customer experience in Kenya and Africa.

This episode is an essential listen for those intrigued by the intersection of technology, leadership, and customer experience. Elizabeth Okomba's journey with NCBA Group is a testament to the power of strategic foresight and customer-centric innovation in shaping the future of banking.

Don't miss this enlightening episode. Listen in for a journey through the realms of customer experience excellence with one of the industry's most influential leaders.

Nov 25, 202346:29
Episode 70 - Strathmore University Business School (SBS) Marketing Roundtable On Marketing In The AI-Tech World: Navigating The Digital Frontier.

Episode 70 - Strathmore University Business School (SBS) Marketing Roundtable On Marketing In The AI-Tech World: Navigating The Digital Frontier.

This was a panel discussion on the 16th November 2023 titled 'Emerging Technologies: What's On The Horizon of Marketing' that was part of the Strathmore University Business School's Marketing Roundtable On Marketing In The AI-Tech World: Navigating The Digital Frontier. The panel had me, Moses Kemibaro, as Founder & CEO of Dotsavvy as well as Anthony Wesonga, Founder & CEO of Cadabra Creative. The forum was organized by students at Strathmore University who are members of the Strathmore Marketing Club.

The Marketing Roundtable provided a platform for cross-industry engagement in the field of marketing in Kenya and beyond with the objective of fostering the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among industry players and academia. It also provided Strathmore University's third and fourth-year students the opportunity to understand the industry as they endeavor to join the workforce as professionals.

In our panel, Anthony and I discussed a broad range of relevant marketing issues that included the impact of Artificial Intelligence or AI on marketing in the current context and what this means going forward as well as the need for marketers to become adept at learning and using technology to enhance their marketing campaigns. We also delved into areas such as data privacy and how consent has become essential to stay within legal regulations when marketing in a digital-first scenario where consumers are increasingly taking ownership of their data and identities.

Anthony and I also spoke about the evolving role of the modern marketer in creating distinctive marketing that goes beyond using the same creative and messaging for a diverse range of personas and target audiences whereas marketing technology now makes it possible to deliver highly personalized campaigns that resonate and ultimately deliver better brand and business results. Anthony also spoke at length about how technologies like Augmented Reality can be used to create groundbreaking marketing concepts that can transform how consumers engage with brands in novel ways.

Nov 17, 202337:50
Episode 69 - Kenya Domain Name System (DNS) Forum 2023 Panel Discussion On Monetizing Domain Names.

Episode 69 - Kenya Domain Name System (DNS) Forum 2023 Panel Discussion On Monetizing Domain Names.

This was a panel discussion on monetizing domain names at the Kenya Domain Name System (DNS) Forum on the 2nd November 2023 that featured Mbugua Njihia, Venture Builder and Entrepreneur with Moses Kemibaro, the Founder & CEO of Dotsavvy, moderated by Gitau Muraguri, the Kenya Network Information Centre (KeNIC) Marketing Manager.

In the discussion, we delved into a lively conversation on the past, present, and future of domain names looking at it from both a local and international perspective. It was clear that domain names have massive potential for monetization if looked at from unconventional approaches. It is not enough to simply register a domain name but rather attaching utility to it such as a website or email address is what gives it its true value.

In our conversation, we also talked about the opportunity to create secondary markets for .KE domain names would enable domain name buyers and sellers to trade in their domain names so as to realize financial returns based on their real or perceived value in the same way that people in Kenya often buy and sell real estate.

In this context, we also explored the very real risks around domain names when it comes to brand equity and misuse where domain names can be registered by bad actors for ulterior motives too, and how KeNIC's dispute resolution mechanisms make this manageable. The reality is that as much as there are probably many untapped opportunities for domain name monetization there are also many inherent risks too.

Finally, we also looked at the merits of .KE domain names in ways that other top-level domains (TLDs) cannot compete such as the ability to secure preferred domain names easily due to their availability, affordability, and also the fact that Kenyan consumers, brands, and organizations are increasingly gravitating towards .KE domain names as a way of enhancing their monetization potential.

Nov 15, 202301:12:54
Episode 68 - EdTech Mondays Kenya October 2023 Edition: Empowering Kenyan Educators with Digital Tools.

Episode 68 - EdTech Mondays Kenya October 2023 Edition: Empowering Kenyan Educators with Digital Tools.

In the October 2023 edition of EdTech Mondays Kenya, we continued the conversation started at the Kenya EdTech Summit, focusing on "Building Digital Tools That Empower Teachers." This is a topic close to our hearts, as we strive to bridge the gap between educational technology and its practical, impactful use in Kenyan classrooms.

Summary of the conversation:

Our esteemed panelists brought diverse perspectives to the table. Stephen Ahura, a teacher from Kenya High School, shared his experiences with integrating EdTech in teaching, discussing both successes and challenges. Fridah Ngari, the co-founder and COO of Ntemata, delved into the design process of EdTech tools, emphasizing alignment with the needs of Kenyan teachers. Tabitha Wairimu Ngugi from iHub discussed the considerations for adopting EdTech solutions and their cultural relevance to Kenyan education.

Key themes that emerged from our conversation included:

  • The importance of aligning EdTech tools with the real-world needs of Kenyan teachers and students.
  • Balancing technology with traditional teaching methods for holistic student development.
  • The role of user feedback, particularly from teachers, in shaping and improving EdTech solutions.
  • Ensuring that digital tools are user-friendly for teachers and effective for students.

Closing Thoughts:

The session reiterated the critical role of collaboration among various stakeholders in the EdTech space. It's clear that while technology can revolutionize education, the true essence of this transformation lies in our educators. They are the heart of education, and with the right tools, we can create an environment where every Kenyan learner thrives.

We encourage you to share your thoughts on how we can further empower teachers with digital tools in Kenya. Connect with us on Twitter using the hashtag #EdTechMondays and let's keep the conversation going!

Nov 14, 202326:45
Episode 67 - Understanding the KRA Tax Amnesty: Insights from KRA's Alfred Sikuku and Technology Entrepreneur Mbugua Njihia

Episode 67 - Understanding the KRA Tax Amnesty: Insights from KRA's Alfred Sikuku and Technology Entrepreneur Mbugua Njihia

In the latest episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, we took a deep dive into the intricacies of the Kenya Revenue Authority's (KRA) recent Tax Amnesty program. This initiative has stirred the interest of many, particularly individuals and business entities keen on settling their tax obligations. To dissect this topic, we were joined by two distinguished guests: Alfred Sikuku of KRA's Waiver Coordination Unit and seasoned entrepreneur Mbugua Njihia, a stalwart in Kenya's tech industry.
Meet the Experts
Alfred Sikuku is an integral member of the Domestic Taxes Department at KRA, serving in the Waiver Coordination Unit. His insights stem from a profound understanding of Kenya's tax landscape and direct involvement in shaping policies that affect both individual taxpayers and businesses.
Mbugua Njihia, with over two decades in the technological realm, has made significant strides in various sectors, including telecommunications, media, and financial services. His journey resonates with many entrepreneurs navigating the Kenyan business environment, especially concerning compliance and fiscal responsibilities.
Unpacking the Tax Amnesty
Our conversation kicked off with Sikuku explaining the essence of the Tax Amnesty. It's a lifeline, allowing taxpayers to settle their outstanding taxes while eliminating certain penalties and interests accrued up to 31st December 2022. Notably, the program aims to enhance compliance, widen the tax base, and foster a more amicable relationship between KRA and taxpayers.=
Njihia, who brought the perspective of an entrepreneur, emphasized the program's impact on businesses' financial health. By clearing tax arrears, entities can reallocate funds, typically set aside for penalties and interest, towards growth-oriented activities. However, he stressed that this requires strategic financial planning and advisement, urging businesses to seek appropriate counsel.
Dispelling the Myths
One segment of our discussion revolved around common misconceptions. Sikuku clarified that the amnesty isn't a 'tax avoidance' scheme, but rather a compliance initiative. He also corrected the notion about waivers, explaining that the amnesty covers specific penalties and interests, not the principal tax.
Njihia pointed out the skepticism among entrepreneurs, mainly due to past experiences with fiscal policies. However, he acknowledged the positive shift in KRA's approach towards taxpayer engagement, making the process more transparent and accessible.
Looking Ahead
Discussing the future, both guests agreed on the program's potential to encourage long-term compliance. Sikuku mentioned ongoing strategies to simplify tax processes, while Njihia highlighted the need for continuous education and engagement among the business community.
Following the recording of our podcast, KRA released new data underscoring the success of the Tax Amnesty program. As per their press release, KRA has collected Ksh 3.4 Billion from the ongoing tax amnesty program, with more than 17,000 taxpayers have applied for the amnesty. These participants are contributing towards an expected revenue of Ksh 10.5B.
Moreover, KRA has identified 2.8M eligible taxpayers, indicating the vast scale of this initiative. The program is not just about the waiver but also serves as an avenue for KRA to foster trust and encourage compliance among millions of taxpayers. Additionally, there is an emphasis on resolving disputes outside of court, highlighting KRA's commitment to building more amicable relationships with taxpayers.
The KRA's Tax Amnesty program represents a significant step towards flexible tax regulation, recognizing the challenges taxpayers face while underscoring the importance of compliance. As our insightful session concluded, it became evident that such initiatives, paired with taxpayer education, are pivotal for economic growth.
Oct 22, 202337:35
Episode 66 - GA Insurance's ECO DRIVE Electric Vehicle (EV) Launch Discussion Panel On The Current State Of All Things Electric Mobility In Kenya.

Episode 66 - GA Insurance's ECO DRIVE Electric Vehicle (EV) Launch Discussion Panel On The Current State Of All Things Electric Mobility In Kenya.

Recently, I had the privilege to attend and record the launch event of GA ECO DRIVE Insurance Cover by GA Insurance. This product is not only a first in Kenya but also a pioneer in the African insurance market, serving as an example of innovation and foresight in the industry.

GA ECO DRIVE: Comprehensive EV Insurance

The GA ECO DRIVE insurance policy is meticulously crafted for EV owners, providing protection tailored for unique EV-related risks. From safeguarding your vehicle’s battery and charging cable to offering unprecedented coverage like cyberattack protection and Autonomous Driving cover, this policy is your ticket to a worry-free EV driving experience.

Key Benefits:

Battery Cover: Assurance for your EV’s crucial component.

Charging Cable & Station Cover: Protection against theft or accidental damages to cables and your private charging station.

Out of Charge Recovery: Never fret about running out of charge unexpectedly.

Cyberattack Coverage: Navigate the digital roads with confidence.

In-Car Entertainment & Navigation System Cover: Enjoy your in-car tech perks securely.

Third-party Coverage: Assurance for injuries or damages due to charging cables.

Kenya's EV Insurance Opportunity

With the African Electric Vehicle Market poised to burgeon from $11.94 billion in 2021 to an astounding $21.39 billion by 2027, the launch is timely. Specifically in Kenya:

  • Over 1,350 EVs are registered as of February 2023, with projections for substantial growth.
  • Government plans indicate that by 2025, 5% of all registered vehicles will be electric.
  • Nairobi’s existing power infrastructure can efficiently support a significant switch to electric two-wheelers and 10% of other vehicles, laying the groundwork for a more extensive EV adoption.

Why Is this Launch Important for Kenya?

The introduction of GA ECO DRIVE is not only timely but also aligns perfectly with the Kenyan government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions. With the transport sector being a significant contributor to carbon emissions, adopting electric vehicles is a step in the right direction. However, the lack of specialized insurance products has been a barrier to EV adoption, and GA ECO DRIVE is here to fill that gap.

A Panel Discussion Worth Every Minute

The launch event wasn’t just about the unveiling; it was also a powerhouse of knowledge and insights through a panel discussion that was nothing short of enlightening. The panel brought together industry stalwarts, each providing a unique perspective on the EV and insurance landscape in Kenya.

Panelist Insights:

Sandip Bhadury, GA Insurance CEO, provided valuable insights into Insurance Distribution.

Rishi Kohli, Founder & CEO of Fika Mobility, enlightened us on the challenges and prospects of EV Manufacturing.

John Msingo, CRO of EVChaja, dove deep into EV Charging Infrastructure, a critical component for the proliferation of electric vehicles.

Jihan Abass, Founder & CEO of Lami Technologies, explained the Insurtech approach to EV insurance, which is crucial for the digital age.

Dustin Kahler, Director of Mobility of M-Kopa, shared thoughts on EV financing.

Karanvir Singh, CEO of Yego, discussed the potential and future of ride-hailing for electric vehicles.

With Ezekiel Macharia, the Chief Actuary and MD at Kenbright Insurance Brokers, expertly moderating the panel, the discussion was rich, engaging, and informative.

Sep 30, 202344:10
A Conversation with Beem's Founder & CEO Taha Jiwaji On Their Official Launch In Kenya, The Conversational Commerce Revolution In Africa, & Their Flagship 'Moja' Offering.

A Conversation with Beem's Founder & CEO Taha Jiwaji On Their Official Launch In Kenya, The Conversational Commerce Revolution In Africa, & Their Flagship 'Moja' Offering.

Beem offers an omni-channel communication platform that brings together USSD, Airtime, Mobile Payments, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook & Instagram channels to engage, verify, authenticate, notify or pay customers. Beem is a Pan-African startup with a presence across more than 25 African markets. Beem envisions an Africa powered by enterprises, empowered through technology. Beem strives for this by enabling enterprises to interact and transact with customers across Africa using SMS, USSD, airtime, chat, and other products.

Beem's flagship offering is Moja, a complete business messenger for sales and services. Moja combines the power of WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Google, and SMS in one inbox for an entire team. Moja also brings together powerful additional tools such as a CRM, automation, tagging, reporting, chat payments, and chatbots to supercharge sales & deliver amazing customer service.

In our conversation, Taha shared his background as an engineer who graduated from Lafayette University in the US before he joined Cap Gemini as a Technology Consultant. However, he opted to return home a few years later to his home country Tanzania where he worked with his parents in a computer shop in Dar Es Salaam's bustling commercial hub, Kariakoo.

It was during his time working at the computer shop that the idea of what would become Beem was birthed from the need to market computers to University students in Dar Es Salaam that saw Tara using SMS sent from a single basic features phone was successful in generating sales. Taha then created one of Tanzania's first local SMS marketing platforms called 'Bongo Live' in 2011 which grew to become quite successful.

However, over 10 years later, Taha has pivoted the Bongo Live offering into a comprehensive platform of messaging capabilities through an integrated web-based dashboard for all popular platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and still SMS. This 'pivot' led to a rebrand of Bongo Live to Beem due to the new business focus and model. Have a listen to hear the incredibly insightful and inspiring journey that Taha and now Been is on to revolutionise conversational commerce in Kenya, Africa, and the rest of the world!

Sep 30, 202329:19
EdTech Mondays Kenya September 2023 Edition: Enhancing Digital Literacy For Marginalised Communities In Kenya.

EdTech Mondays Kenya September 2023 Edition: Enhancing Digital Literacy For Marginalised Communities In Kenya.

In September 2023 we had a special edition of Edtech Mondays Kenya that saw us travel to the expansive terrains of Kajiado County where we witnessed how digital literacy is being made possible amidst its arid landscapes, and vibrant Maasai culture.

About Kajiado County

Kajiado, a sprawling county of over 21,000 km squared, is home to over 1.1 million Kenyans who are predominantly from the Maasai community. In this semi-arid region where pastoralism is a way of life, and wealth is often counted in cattle and children, we discovered an amazing organization that brings hope and innovation in education for learners at primary and secondary school levels.

Innovations at PICO (Pastoralists Integrated Concerns).

In Kajiado, introducing digital solutions is no small feat, given the challenges with electricity and internet connectivity. Here, I posed a critical question: How does one implement digital literacy as a core competence under the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in such remote areas? The answer lay in the ingenious interventions by PICO.

Harryzon, with a radio and flash disk in hand, illustrated and explained the workings of PICO’s Radio Class Program. He highlighted the importance of documenting indigenous knowledge and introducing digital devices to learners. The radio classes, conducted by Calistus, weren’t just theoretical; we observed an actual class in session with engaged learners absorbing the knowledge being shared.

Olkiramatian Primary School’s Leap Towards Digital Literacy

At Olkiramatian Primary School, Calistus shared his observations on the program's impact on learners, noting increased engagement and participation. When asked about his experience with more engaged learners, Calistus expressed a sense of satisfaction and achievement through innovation and creativity.

The school's headteacher, Mrs. Mwende, shared insights on garnering support from both teachers and parents for these digital initiatives. Through strategic buy-in, the school has successfully implemented tools that not only facilitate curriculum learning but also enhance digital literacy, even in marginalized areas.

Empowerment At Oldonyonyokie Girls Secondary School

Our journey then led us to Oldonyonyokie Girls Secondary School. Here, PICO has deployed interventions specifically designed for secondary school students. Through innovative digital devices, girls in the school have found joy and engagement in learning, even in subjects like Mathematics.

The school’s headteacher, Mrs. Grace, shared insights on the introduction of digital tools like Mwalimu Digital and their positive impact on learning. She observed notable changes in the girls’ attitudes towards STEM subjects since incorporating these digital tools, highlighting the success and importance of integrating such technology into their educational environment.

A Digital Literacy Revolution In Kajiado

Looking back, it’s inspiring to see how, through creativity, innovation, and commitment, digital literacy is blossoming even in the most unlikely places. This journey showcased the unyielding efforts of organizations like PICO, educators, and the community at large.

Sep 29, 202326:44
A Conversation with Fika Mobility's Rishi Kohli On Electrifying Boda Boda Transportation In Kenya.

A Conversation with Fika Mobility's Rishi Kohli On Electrifying Boda Boda Transportation In Kenya.

In this recent electrifying episode of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Rishi Kohli, the dynamic CEO and co-founder of Fika Mobility. Through an insightful dialogue, we uncovered Fika's grand vision to drive sustainability, efficiency, and accessibility in Kenya’s bustling Boda Boda sector through innovative electric motorcycles.

The Genesis of Fika Mobility

Everything starts with inspiration, and for Rishi, it was the urge to make a significant positive impact on people’s lives. Fika Mobility, born out of over three years of meticulous market study, aims to offer Boda Boda riders an economically viable energy platform, significantly contributing to the proliferation of electric vehicles in Kenya and across the African continent.

Crafting the Electric Motorcycle

Fika Mobility isn’t merely introducing electric motorcycles; it's unveiling a new wave of intelligent commuting solutions. With a lithium-ion battery powering the initial model, riders enjoyed an impressive range of around 100 kilometers. The upcoming iteration promises to be leaner, equipped with a bigger battery pack, and is designed based on invaluable insights gained from the initial pilot program.

The Battery Swap Model

Understanding that time is a precious commodity for riders, Fika Mobility implemented an innovative battery-swapping model. It significantly reduces the downtime associated with standard charging, which usually takes 4 to 6 hours. With strategically located swapping stations, riders can effortlessly exchange their depleted batteries for fully charged ones in a matter of minutes, ensuring they are always on the go.

Economically Sound Solution

In a market where cost is king, Fika's electric motorcycles are poised to be game-changers. With an affordable price, they align closely with the most popular petrol-powered motorcycles in Kenya. The real magic unfolds in the operating costs, where riders can anticipate savings of as much as 60% compared to traditional petrol motorcycles, according to Fika Mobility’s thorough analysis.

Financing Plans & Real-Time Tracking

Tailoring to the varied needs of riders, Fika Mobility has a suite of financing plans from various microfinance providers in the market, making the adoption of their electric motorcycles even more accessible. Furthermore, the integration of GPS technology into the batteries allows for real-time tracking and monitoring, enhancing the ownership and riding experience substantially.


As we wrapped up our illuminating session with Rishi Kohli, it was evident that Fika Mobility is not just an electric mobility company; it’s a movement, a vision, and a commitment to driving change on the roads of Kenya. With a deep understanding of the market, an unyielding commitment to innovation, and a firm eye on sustainability, Fika Mobility is indeed paving the way for an electric motorcycle revolution in Africa’s transport sector.

Sep 29, 202351:51
Social Media & Content Marketing Presentation at eCommerce Day Africa

Social Media & Content Marketing Presentation at eCommerce Day Africa

eCommerce Day Africa 2023 ( is a networking and training event aimed at accelerating and making online businesses more professional. The first edition of eCommerce Day Africa took place from the 20th to the 22nd of September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, using a hybrid format. The event was made possible by the eCommerce Institute with the support of USAID, the Alliance for eTrade Development (eTrade Alliance), and the American Chamber of Commerce in Kenya (AmCham).

I represented Dotsavvy where I made a presentation on social media and content marketing at eCommerce Day Africa on Thursday the 21st of September 2023. This was part of the afternoon session titled 'digital commerce pillars: marketing and commercial' that focused on tips to attract and improve your clients using search engine optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SE)M, Digital Advertising Strategies, and Social Media.

My presentation looked at the digital landscape in Kenya, how social media has become central to current consumer behavior, what sort of digital content performs best from a digital marketing perspective, and how to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms like ChatGPT to create engaging social media content and calendars.

Sep 27, 202318:12
A Conversation with Africa Data Centres'Dan Kwach On The Changing Landscape of Data Centres in East Africa.

A Conversation with Africa Data Centres'Dan Kwach On The Changing Landscape of Data Centres in East Africa.

As the digital revolution continues to reshape industries across the globe, East Africa has emerged as a hotspot for world-class data centre solutions, led by industry giants like Africa Data Centres (ADC). During the recent International Telecoms Week Africa (ITW Africa) held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Nairobi, I had the distinct pleasure of conversing with Dan Kwach, the Managing Director for ADC in East Africa. His insights into the trajectory of data centres in the region were nothing short of enlightening.

A Glimpse into the Past.

Dan's journey in the data centre realm is deep-rooted, tracing back to his days at Kenya Data Networks (KDN) before its acquisition and evolution into what is now known as Liquid Intelligent Technologies. His hands-on experience with Kenya's first Carrier grade Commercial Data Center allowed him unparalleled expertise in Project Management, Business Case Development, and Product Development, shaping the commercial strategy of data centres in the region.

ADC: At the Helm of Data Solutions in Africa.

ADC stands tall as Africa’s largest network of interconnected carrier- and cloud-neutral data facilities. With over 50 carriers calling ADC home, including significant internet exchanges such as JINX, CINX, and KIXP, ADC has positioned itself as a pivotal player in the data storage and security sector.

Businesses, today, understand the paramount importance of choosing the right location for their critical data. ADC has made this decision easier, bringing global competencies to local markets, and ensuring rapid and secure data centre services spanning the African continent. With facilities that are constructed and operated up to the highest global standards, ADC offers businesses, big or small, unparalleled peace of mind.

ADC's NBO1 Nairobi Data Centre: A Jewel in East Africa.

Located strategically at Sameer Industrial Park, Nairobi, ADC's NBO1 is the most connected data centre in East Africa. Not only does it offer access to carriers across Kenya, but it also provides vital fibre routes to a plethora of East African nations. The Nairobi facility stands as a testament to ADC's commitment to excellence, being the first in East Africa to receive a Tier III certification from the esteemed Uptime Institute and the region's first to be PCI DSS Certified.

ADC’s vision extends beyond mere business objectives. Recognizing the transformative power of digitization, ADC is resolute in uplifting the economies of Kenya and its neighbours. Sustainability remains at the forefront of ADC’s operating strategy. Their water-free policy at the Nairobi hub and the adoption of solar power highlight their commitment to a green future.

Final Thoughts.

As East Africa continues to navigate the digital waters, it is heartening to see institutions like ADC leading the charge. Dan Kwach’s rich history and insights into the sector are a testament to the region's immense potential and the bright digital future that awaits.

Sep 26, 202317:24
The Evolution of Technology & The Internet: A Conversation with Ali Hussein On The Ali Talks Tech Podcast On My 25+ Year Career In All Things Digital In Kenya, East Africa & Beyond.

The Evolution of Technology & The Internet: A Conversation with Ali Hussein On The Ali Talks Tech Podcast On My 25+ Year Career In All Things Digital In Kenya, East Africa & Beyond.

In a delightful reunion of sorts, I recently had the distinct pleasure of being a guest on the "Ali Talks Tech" podcast hosted by none other than Ali Hussein, a long-time friend and a significant figure in the East African tech scene. We traced back our roots to our days at 3mice Interactive Media, where we were once colleagues in business development at the turn of the century.

Our conversation was not just a trip down memory lane but also a deep exploration of my nearly 30-year journey in the dynamic world of technology, internet services, and digital evolution in Kenya, East Africa, and the rest of Africa. It's a story that began at Form-Net Africa (later rebranded to Kenyaweb) where I ventured through the early days of dial-up internet services and expanded into digital marketing, blogging, and personal digital branding.

From Bedroom to Boardroom: The Dotsavvy Story.

In 2002, I embarked on what would be one of the most significant chapters of my career — the inception of Dotsavvy, East Africa's pioneering digital business agency. Started in my bedroom, Dotsavvy has not only survived but thrived, growing into a formidable force in the industry, defying challenges and navigating through storms that saw many other entities falter.

However, the journey hasn't been without its trials. Around 2009, the landscape changed dramatically, with traditional advertising agencies venturing into the digital realm, creating unprecedented competition. It was a period of reflection and recalibration, leading me to step back from the day-to-day operations at Dotsavvy and take on new challenges with Naspers and later, InMobi and the Perform Group.

Nurturing A Personal (Digital) Brand.

Parallel to my corporate journey, I embraced the world of blogging, sharing my insights and perspectives on the evolving tech landscape in East Africa through This personal venture blossomed into a significant platform, contributing considerably to building my personal brand in the region.

The "Silicon Savannah" and The Future Ahead.

As Ali and I reminisced and delved into the current trends, we couldn't help but marvel at the remarkable growth of the digital ecosystem in Kenya and East Africa. The "Silicon Savannah", centered largely in Nairobi, is now a bustling hub of innovation, fuelled by the adoption of smartphones and high-speed internet services serving millions of users at work, home, and on the move.

We discussed the increasing avenues of funding available to startups today, a stark contrast to the early days when businesses like Dotsavvy had to rely heavily on sales to stay afloat. Moreover, the rise of social media in the past decade has paved the way for influencers and key opinion leaders to shape the narrative and build substantial personal digital brands.

Despite the advancements, I believe that the digital ecosystem in our region is still in its nascent stage, with an accelerating growth trajectory. The infusion of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the modern workplace promises to redefine the future of work, fostering greater efficiency and productivity on a global scale. It's a paradigm shift, akin to the transformative impact the internet has had over the past 25+ years.

In Conclusion.

My conversation with Ali was not just a reflection of past achievements but also an optimistic gaze into the future, where AI platforms like ChatGPT are emerging as a disruptive force, reshaping the status quo and forging a new pathway in the digital era. Watch or listen in on this enlightening conversation on "Ali Talks Tech", as we reminisce, analyze, and envision the vibrant future of the digital ecosystem in Kenya, East Africa, and beyond!

Sep 16, 202342:15
Financing For Consumer Technology Purchases During Challenging Economic Times In Kenya: A Discussion with NTV Kenya’s Winnie Lubembe, Samsung Kenya's Rehema Juma & ABSA Bank Kenya's Pauline Munyoki.

Financing For Consumer Technology Purchases During Challenging Economic Times In Kenya: A Discussion with NTV Kenya’s Winnie Lubembe, Samsung Kenya's Rehema Juma & ABSA Bank Kenya's Pauline Munyoki.

On the morning of Monday the 11th of September 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to join the 'Your World' show on NTV Kenya, hosted by the insightful Winnie Lubembe.

In this session, we delved deep into the nuances of navigating the high cost of living in Kenya, focusing on the innovative buy now pay later (BNPL) consumer technology financing partnership between Samsung Kenya and ABSA Bank Kenya.

In attendance, were Rehema Kamau Juma from Samsung Kenya and Pauline Munyoki from ABSA Bank Kenya. Here are the highlights of our enriching discussion:

The Inception of a Financing Partnership.

Rehema shared the blueprint of Samsung's vision behind this partnership. It goes beyond just a business venture - it’s a pathway to empower Kenyans to embrace state-of-the-art technology without the financial strain.

Strategic Advantages Unveiled by Samsung Kenya and ABSA Bank Kenya.

Pauline illustrated how ABSA Bank Kenya's mobile device financing method unveils a realm of strategic advantages for consumers, especially when eyeing high-end devices like the Samsung Fold and Flip 5.

Why ABSA Bank Kenya Became Samsung Kenya's Choice.

Rehema narrated the genesis of Samsung choosing ABSA Bank Kenya as a financial partner, weaving technology with adaptable financial solutions, enhancing customer joy, and ushering in a futuristic consumer experience from their Buy Now Lipa Pole Pole credit card and digital financing offering.

A Consumer-Centric Approach.

Pauline enlightened us on how this partnership stands as a beacon of hope amidst economic hardships, offering advantages that transcend traditional purchasing methods, and fostering a win-win situation for Kenyan consumers.

Predicting Market Responses.

Both Rehema and Pauline gave their insights on the potential ripple effect this financing model could have on the market adoption rates for high-end as well as low-end devices, sketching a promising trajectory for the Kenyan tech landscape.

Feedback & Future Prospects.

We also discussed the overwhelmingly positive feedback received from consumers who have availed of this financing option and how it sets the stage for future initiatives, with Pauline hinting at exciting prospects on the horizon.


As we traverse through economically challenging terrains, it's heartening to witness Samsung Kenya and ABSA Bank Kenya fostering a narrative of financial flexibility and inclusivity in Kenya. Stay tuned as we explore this journey further, promising exciting times ahead for technology enthusiasts and everyday consumers alike. To a future where technology is within everyone's reach.

Sep 16, 202352:33
A Conversation With Nurani Nimpuno From The London Internet Exchange (LINX) On The Importance of Internet Exchange Points & The New LINX Nairobi Internet Exchange Point.

A Conversation With Nurani Nimpuno From The London Internet Exchange (LINX) On The Importance of Internet Exchange Points & The New LINX Nairobi Internet Exchange Point.

In an increasingly digital-first world, connections mean everything. This was underscored vividly in my recent conversation with Nurani Nimpuno, the Head of Global Engagement at LINX, on the Pure Digital Passion podcast recorded on 13th September 2023.

In this insightful episode, we delve into the intricate world of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) and explore what LINX's foray into Nairobi signifies for the region's digital landscape. Before you tune into the rich conversation, let me set the stage with some vital context about LINX and their groundbreaking venture in Nairobi.

LINX: An Architect of Global Connections.

Tracing back to its humble beginnings in 1994, LINX, a pioneer in fostering internet connections, has grown into a mammoth entity connecting nearly 1000 networks globally. Its journey from a small ensemble of UK-based ISPs to a global nexus reflects its monumental efforts in revolutionizing internet access and connectivity. Now, extending its expansive 950-network global membership to Nairobi, LINX brings along its rich industry experience and world-class engineering to foster a digital ecosystem that's poised for growth.

Nairobi: The New Frontier.

Nairobi stands as a vibrant hub in East Africa, pulsating with digital potential. LINX's entry into this dynamic market, marked by its inaugural presence at the IXAfrica Data Centre and Africa Data Centres NBO1 facility, is not just a business move; it's a step towards knitting Kenya more closely into the global digital fabric.

In our podcast, Nurani shares insightful perspectives on why Nairobi is a vital cog in East Africa's digital ecosystem. She paints a vivid picture of a city burgeoning with digital opportunities, boasting fast-growing fibre connectivity that extends throughout the region and reaches across continents to Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Peering into the Future with LINX Nairobi.

As LINX crafts a future-proof interconnection platform in Nairobi, it's essential to highlight its recent partnership with Africa Data Centres. This collaboration is set to amplify the telecom sector's growth, with Nairobi morphing into a hotspot for hyperscalers and cloud services.

Nurani and I navigated through the intricate terrains of internet exchange points, peering agreements, and the burgeoning digital market in Nairobi and the broader East African region as well as the Pan-Africa market. This conversation serves as a great starting point for anyone looking to understand the seismic shifts in global digital connectivity and Kenya's and East Africa's evolving role in it.

As you gear up to listen to our conversation, keep in mind that this is more than a dialogue; it's a glimpse into the future, a future where Nairobi stands as a central node in the global digital network, facilitating seamless connections and fostering unprecedented growth.

Sep 15, 202318:28
A Conversation with Visa's James Kabuthi & NCBA's Jimmy Mwang'ondi On How The Visa Everywhere Initiative (VEI) In Kenya & East Africa Enables Fintechs.

A Conversation with Visa's James Kabuthi & NCBA's Jimmy Mwang'ondi On How The Visa Everywhere Initiative (VEI) In Kenya & East Africa Enables Fintechs.

In the latest episode of the 'Pure Digital Passion' podcast, we took a deep dive into the heart of fintech innovation in East Africa. The session, held at the buzzing SemaBox at Baraza Media Lab in Nairobi on the 5th of September 2023 brought together James Kabuthi from Visa East Africa and Jimmy Mwang'ondi from Loop DFS, a subsidiary of the NCBA Group.

From the Visa Everywhere Initiative (VEI) to the power of strategic partnerships, we unravelled the avenues that are setting the stage for an exciting fintech future in the region. Here’s a glimpse into the spirited discussion we had:

Our Guests.

James Kabuthi, the Head of Products & Solutions for Visa in East Africa, opened up about his role in an organization that transcends beyond being a mere logo on our credit and debit cards. He detailed how Visa is fostering innovative solutions, catalyzing emergent fintech trends, and why a focused initiative like VEI in Kenya holds paramount importance.

Opposite him was Jimmy Mwang'ondi, the Deputy Director of Growth B2B - Digital Business at NCBA Group. Jimmy shed light on the journey of Loop DFS, their overarching brand narrative and objectives, and how their collaboration with VEI aligns perfectly with their vision for innovation and growth.

Deep Dive into the Visa Everywhere Initiative (VEI).

As we delved deeper, James provided a panoramic view of the global footprint of the VEI before zoning into its profound impact and trajectory in the Kenyan and East African context. He articulated how partnerships like that with Loop DFS are amplifying the influence of VEI, making a resonant impact in the local and regional fintech community.

Loop DFS: Fostering Innovation and Nurturing Relationships.

Jimmy spoke at length about the inquisitive spirit at Loop DFS, which fuels their search for innovative solutions. He discussed the potential attributes they were looking for in VEI participants and their plans to foster and nurture relationships with fintechs even post-VEI.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Fintech in Kenya and Beyond.

The discussion peaked with both guests casting their eyes toward the future, offering advice to budding entrepreneurs aiming to venture into platforms like VEI. They also shared their insights into the evolving nature of fintech in East Africa, discussing opportunities to deepen and expand collaborations in upcoming editions of VEI.

Closing Thoughts.

As we wound up this enlightening session, the emphasis remained on the synergy of vision, collaboration, and innovation. The conversation underscored the importance of blending global expertise with local dynamism to create avenues for unprecedented growth. The future of fintech in East Africa is bright, with platforms like VEI playing a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory.

Sep 15, 202301:04:57
EdTech Mondays Kenya August 2023 Edition: Bolstering Growth For Nairobi County’s EdTech Ecosystem - Opportunities & Challenges.

EdTech Mondays Kenya August 2023 Edition: Bolstering Growth For Nairobi County’s EdTech Ecosystem - Opportunities & Challenges.

This was a special edition of EdTech Mondays Kenya hosted and recorded at the inaugural Innovate Nairobi event which was focussed on Nairobi's thriving EdTech ecosystem, unearthing its opportunities and challenges.

An Evolving Landscape: Silicon Savannah.

In the pulsating nerve center of digital innovation that is Nairobi, famously known as the ‘Silicon Savannah’, we convened a dynamic panel of experts to dissect the present state and envisage the promising future of the EdTech landscape in Nairobi County. Before we delve deeper, let's acknowledge the robust support extended by the Nairobi County Government, a catalyst in fostering a conducive environment for the blooming EdTech sector.

Our Esteemed Panelists were as follows:

  • Ahmed Muhammed Abdi, Chief Officer, ECD and TVET at the Nairobi County.
  • Clara Muthoni Njeru, Researcher and Product Designer, Education Design Unlimited.
  • Isaac Nyangolo, Co-Founder & CEO, Zeraki.

Nurturing an Inclusive Learning Ecosystem.

During our enlightening session, we ventured to unravel the tapestry of Nairobi’s EdTech ecosystem, paying homage to the vibrant diversity of our learners, teachers, and schools. As we journeyed through the discussion, the spotlight was keenly focused on the transformative role of EdTech in fostering inclusive learning experiences.

A Symposium of Insights: Guiding Questions.

As we navigated through the discourse, our panelists addressed several poignant questions, offering fresh perspectives on the evolution of EdTech in Nairobi County. From bridging educational gaps given Nairobi's socio-economic diversity to engaging teachers effectively in the integration of EdTech, the session was a powerhouse of insights.

For Clara, the discussion unveiled the bright spots of technology in education, touching upon the collaborative efforts needed to align EdTech solutions with the diverse learning needs prevalent in Nairobi.

Ahmed underscored the initiatives by the Nairobi County Government to incorporate EdTech in schools, aligning seamlessly with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

Isaac illuminated the conversation with examples of innovative EdTech solutions implemented in Nairobi schools, a testament to the forward momentum in the educational landscape.

Interactive Audience Session.

Engagement reached its peak during the audience interaction segment, where our engaged attendees raised critical questions, adding depth and dimensions to the ongoing discussion. A testimony to the collective aspiration for an inclusive and vibrant educational ecosystem.

A Glimpse Into the Future.

As the session drew to a close, our panelists shared their exciting visions for the future of Nairobi's EdTech landscape, a kaleidoscope of opportunities and areas burgeoning for development.

Parting Words.

As we wrapped up this enriching edition of EdTech Mondays Kenya, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our panelists, whose dedication and insights significantly enriched our conversation. Our appreciation extends to the Nairobi County Government and the community of educators, parents, caregivers, and EdTech entrepreneurs who tirelessly work towards propelling the sector to new heights.

Sep 07, 202324:59
From Inception to Controversy: An Exclusive Interview with Tools For Humanity's CEO Alex Blania On Their Worldcoin Journey in Kenya.

From Inception to Controversy: An Exclusive Interview with Tools For Humanity's CEO Alex Blania On Their Worldcoin Journey in Kenya.

In this edition of the Pure Digital Passion podcast, we're diving deep into the Worldcoin saga, a digital currency project that has seen an explosive rise in Kenya, followed by suspension by the Kenyan Government due to concerns surrounding its operations and concerns around data privacy in recent weeks. This podcast aims to provide listeners with an objective understanding, sifting through the myriad of opinions, reports, and sentiments, to get to the truth of the matter.

In this interview, we had a candid and illuminating conversation with Alex Blania, CEO and co-founder of Tools for Humanity, and a pivotal figure behind Worldcoin. With a rich background in physics and computer science, and having led significant technological advances, such as the development of the Worldcoin Orb, Alex brought an inside perspective to our conversation. We go to delve into the heart of Worldcoin's operations, challenges, and aspirations.

As the digital landscape evolves in Kenya and globally, it is crucial to foster a space of understanding, collaboration, and transparency. I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing how Worldcoin navigates its journey in Kenya and the global stage as the underpinning mission is really compelling and inclusive. Remember, the conversation doesn't stop here. We'd love to hear your thoughts, so do share them with us. Let's keep the dialogue open and informed.

Sep 02, 202342:15
A Conversation with Smart Foundry's Johannes Lutainulwa On Rifaly For Business - A Digital Content Aggregation Offering For African Digital Content.
Aug 25, 202335:07