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Motherhood Simplified

Motherhood Simplified

By Krista Lockwood

Welcome to Motherhood Simplified,a podcast for moms who want to declutter but don't want to become a full blown minimalist!
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EP25 Clutter Chronicles - coming clean with Kaitlyn Rook

Motherhood SimplifiedMay 29, 2019

Intentional Shopping Tips for Moms
Dec 20, 202217:14
Why I Changed My Mind About Experience Gifts
Dec 13, 202215:05
How this mom of 7 decluttered - Morgan Macedo
Nov 29, 202244:40
Holiday boundary conversation starters

Holiday boundary conversation starters

Nov 22, 202218:40
Experience gift ideas!
Nov 15, 202215:59
Fast fashion solutions with Sarah Villareal

Fast fashion solutions with Sarah Villareal

Connect with Sarah and listen to her podcast Socially Misguided here.

Fast fashion solutions for the every day mom and consumer. 

Ethically sourced clothing just isn't accessible for most people, and it's to no fault of our own that this is the society we are born into and have a responsibility to change.

Sarah communicates big topics and issues in society with kindness and truth. It's a process of educating people on the reality of how systems work, and encouraging us to make changes that need to be made. One step at a time, and remembering we are all on the same team. 

Nov 14, 202201:11:04
2 times it's okay to declutter your kids' stuff without including them
Nov 08, 202214:47
How to simplify gift giving
Oct 25, 202211:44
how to declutter before the holidays
Oct 18, 202211:07
why you haven't been able to start and/or finish decluttering
Oct 11, 202215:11
decluttering is about more than just having a clean or organized house
Oct 04, 202213:58
Fitness Simplified! With Megan Dahlman

Fitness Simplified! With Megan Dahlman

FITNESS SIMLIFIED!! One thing that happens often for moms after they declutter is an increase in time and energy to focus on their physical health through fitness and nutrition.

It is one area of my life that I have mastered and enjoy, I am just not good at teaching others how to do it, like I do with decluttering.

That's why I was SO happy when I met Megan Dahlman, founder of the Self Care Simplified podcast (I mean, duh we totally get each other).

She teaches moms how to care for themselves by simplifying their fitness and nutrition in VERY similar ways to how I teach decluttering. Bite-sized pieces, doable for mom life and impactful.

She's hosting a free two day event and here's what you will get if you attend:

  • 8 of the best trainers, coaches and experts in the industry
  • Practical demos and step-by-step guidance to make working out EASY, EASY, EASY.
  • Completely FREE virtual event - you can attend from anywhere!


  • Stop feeling overwhelmed and be inspired and motivated to exercise consistently
  • Spend less time “figuring things out” and more time getting the results you want
  • Unlock the barriers that have been keeping you stuck and discover the routine that will work best for YOU!

It’s time for you to love exercising again!

She's curated an exclusive group of the very best trainers, coaches and experts to help you:

  • Be inspired and motivated to exercise consistently
  • Not feel overwhelmed by the process anymore
  • Discover what styles and type of routine works best for you
  • Know how to fuel your body for more energy and better results
  • Balance your workouts to match up with your cycle, and your core and pelvic floor needs
  • And even create an inspiring workout space in your home!

You can sign up right here!

And if you want more details on this, go check out the live we did that is tagged at the top of the group now

Sep 29, 202229:35
Motivating your tween or teen to declutter
Sep 13, 202252:21
The reason we compulsively shop, and how to stop with Emmanuelle Chasse
Sep 06, 202254:27
Decluttering definitions (to help you declutter!)
Aug 30, 202208:17
You're not a bad mom, you just have too much stuff
Aug 23, 202210:16
Decluttering as an entrepreneur mom
Aug 17, 202208:51
Decluttering as a work from home mom
Aug 16, 202214:10
Decluttering as a stay at home mom
Aug 09, 202217:12
Decluttering as a work outside of the home mom
Aug 02, 202215:45
decluttering in a small home
Jul 30, 202217:42
New series! Decluttering in different mom roles (stay at home, working, work from home)
Jul 27, 202206:38
will decluttering make you boring?
Jul 26, 202210:02
how to be prepared for anything, without clutter
Jul 19, 202213:37
3 things moms need in order to declutter
Jul 12, 202209:44
If you say "I should" declutter, listen to this
Jul 05, 202208:50
Simplified preparation for birth - at home, or the hospital!
Jul 04, 202225:02
Simplify your period!
Jul 01, 202256:41
Clutter and enneagram

Clutter and enneagram

Jun 07, 202201:21:56
paper clutter + surface clutter challenge!
Jun 01, 202209:10
A bunch of decluttering resources for you!

A bunch of decluttering resources for you! - use the search button to find what episodes you want or need in the meantime!

Email me and let me know what episodes you want for the future!

And! Leave a 5 star review, screenshot it and then submit it. Then head over to your email and send a screenshot of that review and I will send you a surface clutter workshop! 

Jun 01, 202206:56
Simple summer meal planning + stress eating tips
May 27, 202230:01
Simplified postpartum care

Simplified postpartum care

Maranda Bower

May 25, 202245:09
when you just can't catch up on life

when you just can't catch up on life

Get the full transcription and closed caption video here

Have you ever gotten to the end of the day and just laid there totally exhausted by the day and you just can't seem to figure out what you actually did all day? Me too.

You have already spent the day cleaning and catching up but there are still dishes in the sink, laundry to be done and once again everyone in your house seems to have left their stuff all over for you to clean up?  Sometimes I just can't do another freakin' chore.

Even if I know it needs to be done. If someone makes me go behind my kids and clean up those tiny pieces of string, straws and cardboard scraps they left on the kitchen table again I will cry (insert bad straw that broke the mama camel's back joke here ).

When I Googled "how to make my kids stop making a mess" it told me this...  Keep only what you need in all areas of your home Simplify your kids toy collection
 Each and every mom out there feels the hefty weight of trying to keep up on the messes that come with raising kids and that will affect their energy levels and mental/emotional state.

Add in the need to declutter on top of manage these daily messes, and there is a whole new set of decisions that can affect us and our time we have to do anything else in a day.  Everyone at some point is going to question if they're doing enough, but moms have it on so many levels that I want to make sure you know that you are not alone when you question what you actually got done at the end of the day.

Especially if it feels like that answer is nothing.  Of course we can make to do lists, chore charts and check them off so that we can feel good about our productivity....and yet there will never be a time where we don't have days where we feel like we still fell short and forgot something or didn't pay enough attention to our kids.

Every time you question yourself know that there are a million moms out there feeling the same pain as you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  I can't give you a world where you will always have the energy to do all the things in a day, but I can make sure you are surrounded by people who tell you that even when certain decisions don't give you the results you wanted that it will all be ok.

That is the moment when friend Krista, (not coach Krista) will be there to tell you to just go to bed and leave the messes for tomorrow... and then the next day (when you are ready) I'll be there to help you figure out how to clear some major clutter to get chronically caught up!

I hope this gives you the gentle nudge to trust yourself to make a decision today even if it isn't contributing to having a more simplified home today, but I do know that you are a wonderful mother who isn't perfect (none of us are) and that's ok.  We don't need to be perfect, we just need to be bold in our decisions, and compassionate in our forgiveness of ourselves.  Talk soon,

May 24, 202210:14
when you struggle to declutter

when you struggle to declutter

Get the full transcription and closed caption video here

Enroll in Decluttering Simplified here

Check out last week's episode called "the right way to declutter" and it will help identify why you may be experiencing difficulty letting go of your things. And then here's my number one top to help you move past this guilt:

  1. Do something small. Anything small. Get rid of it, let it go. See how it feels after you are done. In the moment it may be hard, but long term it is fully worth it. And I know you believe that on some level because you are here listening to this podcast WANTING to declutter but being held back for some reason. That's okay.
  • Give yourself some time to reflect on how it went for you. It sucked in the moment, but now with your new experience you can see that nothing bad happened. No one was hurt. You feel relief, have more time and energy, etc.
  1. Now is the point where you can alleviate that guilt and transform it into something else. You likely feel guilty because you believe you are contributing to a problem (may or may not be true) but I do know that once you decultter you have the ability to be a part of a solution rather than just feel like the problem. Maybe that solution is being financially responsible within your family, serving your community better and being involved or helping creating sustainable living solutions for our planet. You just can't be a huge problem solver when you're so bogged down in the day to day, even if the day to day is getting stuck on what and how to declutter.
May 17, 202206:31
Right and wrong ways to declutter

Right and wrong ways to declutter

Get the full transcript and closed caption video here

Enroll in Decluttering Simplified here

The ONLY right way to declutter is to ultimately get the stuff out of your home and possession for good. I say possession because a storage unit means it's still within your care and responsibility.

Some things that hold people back from actually making this progress and final decision are:

  1. Not wanting to be wasteful. The waste was in the purchase. the money and resource. Decluttering is not inherently wasteful. Unless you are just buying things so you can declutter them, which is another conversation.
  2. Wanting to redistribute it to people who can use it. People don't need clutter. And we already live in a society with a surplus of things we don't need, and a shortage of a lot of things we DO need like community and financial literacy.
  3. Wanting to get your money's worth.
May 10, 202217:39
Mom inspired Amber

Mom inspired Amber

Mom inspired Amber

May 04, 202233:07
grief, guilt and decluttering

grief, guilt and decluttering

Get full transcription here

Get Decluttering Simplified here

There are a lot of different intensities to grief, so here is the definition real quick: a deep sorrow, or less intense; trouble or annoyance.

Ways you might not know you are grieving as you declutter:

  1. Closing a chapter of your life (baby stages, relationships ending, career, old life, old body)
  2. When moving, a deep loss of more than just stuff. The walls of your home, your community, comfort zone, familiarity, scenery.
  3. Fear of losing memories, security, people.
  4. A childhood wound trigger - financial history, home life, insecurity, memories.

Acknowledge your grief. The intensity can stop you in your tracks, but that doesn't stop the grief. The season of life is still over, the relationships, you are still moving. Acknowledge it, articulate it (with a friend or therapist, or FB group).

Then, find the things you are looking forward to next. This isn't fake it til you make it. This is sitting with the shit and then getting yourself out of it. Because the other choice is to just sit there indefinitely.

May 03, 202212:22
The one thing that will always reduce your workload as a mom
Apr 26, 202217:11
free decluttering challenge! Join before 5/2/2022
Apr 26, 202206:46
Why you're doing a lot of work but not making progress
Apr 19, 202220:29
How to declutter as a mom when everything feels overwhelming

How to declutter as a mom when everything feels overwhelming

Get the full transcription and closed caption video here
Toy Decluttering 101
Clothes Decluttering 101
Decluttering Simplified
Toy, Clothes and Paper Decluttering 101 bundle
Apr 12, 202221:16
Just declutter it all and start over - why this doesn't work
Apr 05, 202220:51
The sustainable minimalists

The sustainable minimalists

Mar 31, 202250:55
Settling into a new home after a move
Mar 29, 202212:23
How to move - military and civilian edition
Mar 25, 202255:42
two routines every mom needs
Mar 22, 202214:25
The Tidy Rebel, Kelly Haller
Mar 17, 202201:03:41
Life update, 2 under 2
Mar 15, 202218:10
Nightly reset challenge
Mar 08, 202209:39