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Motivation Mob

Motivation Mob

By Motivation Mob

Welcome to Motivation Mob. If you are ready to commit to becoming the best version of yourself possible, if you are willing to commit to doing the impossible, then this podcast is for you. Welcome to the Mob.
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Opportunites Are Everywhere

Motivation MobJun 13, 2018

Are You Happy?

Are You Happy?

Are you happy? There is a sad but common trend in society when it comes to happiness, we tend to attach happiness to external things and circumstances. Most people's approach to happiness is that they first need to achieve a certain goal for them to be happy. Some say "I'll be happy when I lose these last 5 lbs", or "when I earn $100k per year", or "when I find my soulmate", but the truth about happiness is that it is not something you have, it is something you are, and it is also a skill, a skill that anybody can learn. Are you happy? How happy are you on a scale from 1 to 10. Your current level of happiness in your life is because of the skills you have mastered and that you routinely practice. If you want to be happier in your life, you can achieve that by learning the skills that will boost your level of happiness, and you will need to practice them until they have become habit. You can become happier right now. It takes nothing more than practicing the right skills.
Sep 13, 201820:25
Success In Life (Part 3) - A Mentality That Creates Success

Success In Life (Part 3) - A Mentality That Creates Success

Success in life starts in the mind. If you want to be successful in any area of your life, there is one particular mentality you need to adopt that will make succeeding several times more likely to happen for you. If you have or feel a lack of success in an area of your life, and you want to work towards creating the level of success that you desire, that requires you to take the actions that are necessary for you to begin creating that success. If you want to lose weight, for example, you will almost inevitably fail at your quest if you eat all of the foods that cause your initial weight gain, however if you eat right, you will eventually succeed. Very often, you will find that for you to take the actions that will give you the results you want, you have to do some growing and some learning. Successful people have a growth mentality, and it is this mentality that allows them to learn all of the things that will help them gain the success the want.
Sep 10, 201818:14
Success in Life (Part 2) - Fix The Problems In Your Life

Success in Life (Part 2) - Fix The Problems In Your Life

If you want to have success in your life, what does that imply? It implies that you do not have the level of success that you want to have in your life, and your ability to create that very success that you want to have rests on your ability to correctly identify and solve problems. Problem solving skills are one of the most underrated and underappreciated things that can give you the success that you want to have.

If you lack motivation to do all of the things that you need to do to create the success you want in your life, the fact that you do not have motivation may seem like the problem, but it is only the symptom of the problem. To fix the problem, it is necessary to dig deeper in order for you to discover the actual cause of your lack of motivation, and to fix the problem at its source. The same is true of any problem you may have in life. If you feel a lack of success in any area of your life, the lack of success may feel like the problem, but it is only the symptom of the rea
Sep 08, 201818:34
Sucess in Life (Part 1) - How To Have Success In Life

Sucess in Life (Part 1) - How To Have Success In Life

Do you want to have success in life? Of course you do, who doesn't? But what does it mean to be successful in life?

There is a belief among many people and across society as a whole that to be successful means that you have a strong financial position in your life, enough to spend a part of it on luxuries such as the latest or fastest sports car, the fanciest mega mansions, and watches, bags, shoes and clothes that cost as much or more than what some people paid for their house. Material wealth is not success. While it is nice to have all of the trappings of having success in your career or your finances, material wealth on it's own is not success.

Here is the truth about success, I , nor anybody else can tell you specifically what success in life is, or what it looks and feels like. It is up to you to define what success is for your. The only definition of what success is that matters is your own definition, because for as long as you do not live up to your idea of what success tr
Sep 07, 201815:46
Are You A Perfectionist?

Are You A Perfectionist?

Are you a perfectionist? Being a perfectionist has it's positives, but it can also cause some unexpected and undesirable effects in your life. If you are not careful, it can kill your changes of success. If you have a tendency towards perfectionism, there will naturally be some instances where that is an advantage. If I had to undergo surgery, I would certainly hope that my surgeon was a perfectionist, simply because I wouldn't wish for her to operate on the wrong part, or to mistake me for another patient, or to sow me back up having forgotten some of her tools inside of me. In some instances, being a perfectionist is an advantage, but it can also be a great disadvantage in others. If you want to be successful at something, your perfectionism may get in the way, it may lead you to wait until conditions are just right, but there is never a time when conditions are just right. It is always better to get started now, even though conditions are not perfect, because you can make all the mi
Aug 31, 201821:49
Success Skill That You Need To Master

Success Skill That You Need To Master

If you want to have long-term success, there are some success skills that you need to master. Today, I am going to share with you one of these skills. I do not know what success looks or feels like to you, but I can tell you that if you learn and master this skill, I can guarantee that you will be able to have success in any and all areas of your life. If you want to have good relationships or you feel a distinct lack in that area of your life, the fact that you do not have the relationship situation that you want is only a symptom, but what is the cause? If you want to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, the lack you feel in that area of your life is not the real problem, it is just a symptom. If you want to become financially free, the fact that you do not have your finances as you would like them is only a symptom of the real problem. No matter the area of your life you want to improve and indeed find success in, if you learn this one skill, you can greatly improve your odds
Aug 30, 201819:37
Make More Mistakes

Make More Mistakes

Make more mistakes. If you want to be successful at anything, and in any area of your life, you need to embrace the power that mistakes can give you. Obviously there are several different things that will ultimately contribute towards your success, and focusing on one thing alone is not enough to give you that success, but having said that, there are things that will greatly improve your odds of succeeding, and there are other things that will drastically reduce them. Making more mistakes is just one thing that can help boost your chances of success.

I do not mean that you should carelessly do things without considering what could go wrong. I am not telling you to be reckless. Quite the opposite. I am suggesting to you that you should not fear making mistakes, you should not fear failing. The only true way to fail is to give up. If you do not give up, you have not failed. If you do not succeed, you learn something. Either you succeed, or you get feedback.

If you want to succeed, do
Aug 28, 201810:18
Never Look Back - Always Make Progress

Never Look Back - Always Make Progress

Never look back. Always make progress. It is easy to focus on the past, on how things once were, but spending your time and energy thinking about and focusing on the past comes with some downsides. By focusing on your past, you cannot focus on your now, and where you are now is because of your past. This is not to say that you are your past, in fact your past does not matter as much as you may think it does. The past has already happened, and it cannot be rewritten in any way. Focusing on the past is to focus on what you cannot control, and to focus on what you cannot control can cause you to feel helpless, frustrated, depressed, desperate, hopeless and perhaps angry in addition to many other things. Never look back, partially because you are not going that way, partially because it is pointless to do so, and partially because it takes your eyes off what you want your future to be and what you can and need to do today to get there. Never look
Aug 26, 201818:47
Never Give Up

Never Give Up

What is your biggest wish in life? If you want your wish to come true, you have to do everything it takes to make it happen. You cannot give up on it if it is that important to you.
Aug 23, 201811:16
Life is Like a Piece of Art

Life is Like a Piece of Art

The say that life is beautiful, is that true? How can it be true?

I do not say that life is beautiful because it is not, it is like a piece of art...
Aug 22, 201817:50
Multitasking and Motivation

Multitasking and Motivation

Do you multitask? Are you any good at it? Do you know how multitasking can affect your motivation?
Aug 20, 201815:03
What is the best revenge

What is the best revenge

Do you want to have revenge? What is the best revenge?
Aug 19, 201816:13
Do you really know what you like

Do you really know what you like

Do you really know what you like? Are you sure that the things you like are things that you genuine like and not things that you like because other people like them?
Aug 18, 201825:33
Lacking Motivation

Lacking Motivation

Are you lacking motivation in your life? You are not alone. Millions of people find it difficult to feel motivated enough to do the things that will make their lives better, resulting in frustration and the pain of having to give up on their hopes and dreams.

You do not have to give up on your hopes, dreams and deepest desires.
Aug 06, 201810:16
The #1 Thing Keeping You Poor

The #1 Thing Keeping You Poor

Do you have an area of your life where you feel poor? Do you know what is keeping you poor and what you can do to change it?
Aug 02, 201820:54
Small Goals Big Success

Small Goals Big Success

Did you know that setting small goals can motivate you towards big success in your life? Do you know how?
Jul 31, 201813:39
How Should You Reward Yourself

How Should You Reward Yourself

Do you know when, why and how you should reward yourself? If not, this episode is for you.
Jul 31, 201813:54
Success - Why It Seems So Easy For Some

Success - Why It Seems So Easy For Some

Why does it seem like succeeding is easier for some people and harder for some?
Jul 31, 201809:20
The Tao Of Seneca - Letter 63 - On Grief for Lost Friends

The Tao Of Seneca - Letter 63 - On Grief for Lost Friends

In this episode, I share with you letter 63 from the Tao of Seneca
Jul 31, 201811:07
Abundance Is Built Into The Universe

Abundance Is Built Into The Universe

Abundance is built into the universe. How can you tap into it?
Jul 30, 201811:35
Do You Really Know What You Want?

Do You Really Know What You Want?

Do you know what you want? The answer may surprise you...
Jul 30, 201814:49
You Will Be Unsuccessful Of You Do This

You Will Be Unsuccessful Of You Do This

There are certain things you can do that will kill your odds of succeeding at anything. This episode covers just one of those things
Jul 30, 201810:16
Don't Settle Go For Greatness

Don't Settle Go For Greatness

Do not settle for anything less that greatness. You have great potential within you, more potential that you have used in the past. You have greatness within you.
Jul 30, 201809:20
The Future Doesn't Equal The Past

The Future Doesn't Equal The Past

The future does not equal the past. Just because something happened to you or because of you in the past does not mean that it will happen again. If you have failed at something, that does not mean you cannot succeed at it.
Jul 29, 201807:20
On Values

On Values

The very first episode of Motivation Mob!
Jul 29, 201807:40
Learn to Love Feedback

Learn to Love Feedback

Feedback is your best friend. It can help you create the success that you want to have in your life.
Jul 28, 201813:02
The Secret To A Happy Life

The Secret To A Happy Life

To feel successful in your life, happiness is important. You can have all the wealth in the world, but without happiness you will not feel successful. Find out how to have more happiness in your life, starting today
Jul 28, 201808:27
Advice To My 20 Year Old Self

Advice To My 20 Year Old Self

What advice would you give your younger self? What do you wish you knew 10 years ago?
Jul 28, 201814:48
On Pleasure and Happiness

On Pleasure and Happiness

Do you know how pleasure and happiness are related and how they work against each other?
Jul 28, 201815:42
The Truth About The Real You

The Truth About The Real You

Do you know the truth about the real you? This may change how you see yourself.
Jul 28, 201817:15
Success - Avoid This Mindset

Success - Avoid This Mindset

Do you want to be successful? Do you know what mindset will kill your chances of that happening?
Jul 27, 201809:08
Easy Motivation Hack

Easy Motivation Hack

Do you have low motivation, or do you often find it hard to feel motivated? This Episode is for you.
Jul 27, 201816:04
Watch Your Words

Watch Your Words

Words have truly magical properties. They can help you build the success that you want for yourself, but they can also destroy it.
Jul 27, 201810:08
Procrastination - When Is It Okay

Procrastination - When Is It Okay

Do you procrastinate often? Do you know when is it okay to procrastinate?
Jul 27, 201809:20
Success - Why You Do Not Have It

Success - Why You Do Not Have It

Do you feel as though you have true success in your life? If you do not feel successful, you are not alone. Countless other people want to have the success they feel they do not have.
Jul 25, 201814:18
The Power of Patience

The Power of Patience

In a world that is becoming faster by the day, understanding the power of patience is becoming increasingly important.
Jul 24, 201813:40
Does The Sun Pretend To Be The Rain

Does The Sun Pretend To Be The Rain

Does the sun pretend to do what the rain does? Do you know why the answer to this is important in your own life?
Jul 24, 201813:25
Do You Make This Motivation Mistake

Do You Make This Motivation Mistake

If you make this mistake, you may be killing you motivation without knowing it.
Jul 24, 201815:06
Negative Thoughts - Stop Negative Self Talk

Negative Thoughts - Stop Negative Self Talk

Do you battle with negative thoughts? You are not alone. There are millions of others just like you, but not dealing with negative self talk can cost you your hopes, dreams and deepest desires. Happily there is something you can do.
Jul 24, 201812:52
When Motivation Fails You

When Motivation Fails You

The very first episode of Motivation Mob!
Jul 23, 201812:17
Boost Low Motivation

Boost Low Motivation

Latest episode of Motivation Mob
Jul 22, 201815:41
Do You Want a Motivation Boost?

Do You Want a Motivation Boost?

Do you want a boost in your motivation?
Jul 19, 201810:25
Mindset For Success

Mindset For Success

Do you want success? Do you want to know what mindset you need to adopt to make success the only option?
Jul 19, 201813:57
You Are Disabled

You Are Disabled

You may not know it, but you are disabled. Find out how...
Jul 18, 201819:46
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

Do you want to change your life? You can do just that, but all change starts with your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you can change you life.
Jul 18, 201812:57
What Is The Meaning Of Life

What Is The Meaning Of Life

What Is The Meaning Of Life? Does Life have a meaning or is it just meaningless?
Jul 12, 201818:44
Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

Latest episode of Motivation Mob
Jul 12, 201815:09
Perception Doesn't Matter?

Perception Doesn't Matter?

How much does your perception matter? The answer may surprise you.
Jul 11, 201830:41
Do You Know When To Quit

Do You Know When To Quit

Do You Know When To Quit
Jul 10, 201817:14
Why I Quit Drinking

Why I Quit Drinking

I want to set the record straight. This is why I stopped drinking.
Jul 09, 201823:30