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Movement is Medicine

Movement is Medicine

By Dr. Annie Armstrong

A modern manual therapy exploration of movement, pain, healing and hope with your host Barry Napier, Dr. Annie Armstrong, and the medical team at Head 2 Toe Spine and Sports Therapy.
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Discover the Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic & Manual Therapy During Pregnancy

Movement is MedicineAug 31, 2023

Weight Loss the Right Way: Protein, Fitness, and Feeling Awesome

Weight Loss the Right Way: Protein, Fitness, and Feeling Awesome

Welcome to the Movement is Medicine Show! In this special episode, Barry is joined by Dr. Annie and Chryssie to discuss a different approach to achieving health and fitness goals, especially for women focusing on weight loss.

The conversation delves into common mistakes women make, the importance of protein consumption for building and maintaining muscle, the role of different macronutrients, and the significance of a personalized and sustainable nutrition and training plan.

The episode touches on the challenges of traditional weight loss methods, the impact of muscle mass on metabolism and longevity, and the importance of addressing mental and emotional aspects of food relationships.

The team encourages a balanced approach to nutrition, training, and mental well-being for long-term success.

Tune in to learn more about how to achieve your goals and remember, movement is the best medicine.

May 29, 202423:46
 From the Gym to Life: Get Kimo's Tips for a Healthier You

From the Gym to Life: Get Kimo's Tips for a Healthier You

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Movement is Medicine Show.

Today, we're hanging out with Kimo, our fitness rehab guru who's not just a trainer but a real movement philosopher. Kimo's going to share his wild ride from snowboarding to mastering the art of functional fitness.

He's got some crazy good insights on why core stability matters more than you think and how tuning into your body’s needs can ramp up your performance. From personal tales to expert advice on getting mentally and physically aligned, this episode is all about making your health journey as dynamic and positive as possible.

So, whether you're trying to level up your game or just start moving more, Kimo’s got you covered. Let's dive right in and get moving with Kimo!

May 09, 202425:50
Rethinking Menopause Care: From Hormones to Holistic Health

Rethinking Menopause Care: From Hormones to Holistic Health

Welcome to the latest episode of the Movement is Medicine Show, where health meets motion in a dance of informative dialogue tailored explicitly for those grappling with muscle and soft tissue concerns. This week, we unpack the mysteries of menopause and its far-reaching effects on musculoskeletal health with Dr. Marci.

Together, we dive into critical topics like bone health and why calcium and vitamin D aren't just buzzwords but essentials during perimenopause and menopause. We're busting myths and getting real about gummy vitamins, shedding light on weight training's transformative power, and the dynamism of bone health.

The conversation gets deep as we explore the complex landscape of weight loss and nutrition during menopause, emphasizing how these factors affect bone health and overall well-being.

But that's not all – we go further, discussing the emotional and physiological changes triggered by declining estrogen, alternative remedies to HRT, and the critical importance of nutrition featuring whole foods and natural sources.

So, grab your headphones and get ready for an enlightening session because right here, on the "Movement is Medicine Show," we're reminding you that you’re not alone in this journey – help is available, and your health matters.

00:00 Estrogen receptors impact women's bodies and health.

03:11 Midlife women need help with musculoskeletal complaints.

07:03 Seek a menopause specialist if feeling dismissed.

11:22 Hormone replacement risk for specific family histories.

14:00 Bio identical hormones are FDA approved, safe.

17:35 Weight training important for bone density during menopause.

20:54 Processed foods are bad for health. Choose natural.

22:50 Believe in yourself, it's never too late.

25:56 Personalized medicine is crucial for individual treatment.

28:52 Expressing gratitude for Dr. Marcy's expertise.

Mar 13, 202428:16
Unpacking Protein: How to Fuel Your Body for Exercise and Vitality

Unpacking Protein: How to Fuel Your Body for Exercise and Vitality

Welcome to the Movement is Medicine Show, where we dive into the latest health and fitness topics to help you live your best life.

In this episode, host Barry and guest Dr. Annie dig into the importance of protein and muscle for overall health and vitality. They break down the myths, provide practical insights on protein consumption, and share tips on building and maintaining muscle mass. You'll discover the key role protein plays in muscle health, the impact of muscle loss on longevity, and the practical guidelines for protein intake.

Get ready to learn how protein can be your fuel for movement and health.

Tune in and get ready to embrace a healthier, more vibrant you!

00:00 Protein confusion leads to varied search results.

03:55 Movement is essential for health and well-being.

08:25 Challenges affected training, lost some muscle mass.

09:34 Discuss protein intake and resistance training's importance.

13:48 Realistic protein intake likely around 200-225 grams.

18:34 Intuitive eating program with focus on protein.

20:19 Guidance and support in understanding your body.

24:07 Gaining muscle is hard but changes shape.

26:32 Movement is medicine, fuel it with protein.

Feb 28, 202426:28
Keeping it Real: Self-Care Insights from the Movement is Medicine Podcast

Keeping it Real: Self-Care Insights from the Movement is Medicine Podcast

Welcome to the Movement is Medicine Show podcast, where we dive deep into the world of self-care and physical wellness.

In our latest episode, host Barry and Dr. Ashley explore the essential aspects of self-love and self-care, focusing on strategies to alleviate chronic muscle and injury-related pain.

If you're seeking solutions for pain and injuries related to muscles, tendons, and soft tissue, this episode has got you covered. From discussing the various forms of stress that contribute to physical discomfort to practical tips for maintaining muscular health and reducing tension, the episode provides valuable insights and actionable advice.

For individuals looking to enhance their mobility, flexibility, and overall physical well-being, the podcast delves into the importance of hydration, recovery, and proper sleep.

So, whether you're eager to learn how to move properly, prevent injuries, or simply seek ways to alleviate chronic muscle and injury-related pain, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and empowerment.

Tune in to discover how movement truly is the best medicine.

Feb 13, 202411:18
Move Beyond the Myths: What You Should Know About Car Accidents Before It's Too Late

Move Beyond the Myths: What You Should Know About Car Accidents Before It's Too Late

Welcome to another episode of the Movement is Medicine Show! In today's extra special episode, we have the expert on car accidents and injuries, Cory Osborne, joining us to share his expertise.

With the increase in accidents due to weather changes, Cory is here to provide valuable insights on how to be prepared and what to do after an accident. As always, we have Dr. James in the house to discuss the physical side of things and how to build resilience to injuries.

We'll be diving into the insider approach on what you should have known about car accidents but no one ever told you. So whether you're a seasoned driver or a novice, stay tuned for some eye-opening nuggets of information.

Don't forget to check your insurance policies and make sure you have the right coverages, and learn the common mistakes people make after accidents. It's time to take charge of your safety and well-being. So let's get started because here on Movement is Medicine, we believe that movement truly is the best medicine.

Nov 14, 202326:10
Chronic Jaw Pain and Neck Relief: How Dr. Rebecca Taylor Can Help
Oct 26, 202325:57
Bounce Back from Auto Accidents: Dive into Dynamic Movement Therapy for Swift Healing

Bounce Back from Auto Accidents: Dive into Dynamic Movement Therapy for Swift Healing

🚗💥 Car crash? Let's review the Road to Recovery! 🛣️ Welcome to 'The Movement is Medicine Show,' where we get REAL about healing.

Today, we’re diving deep into the world of auto accidents with the brilliant Dr. Annie Armstrong. As wet roads creep up and drivers get hasty, we're seeing more and more bumps and crashes. 🌨️

And guess what? There’s a whole lot we don’t talk about: the sneaky after-effects, the brain buzz of concussions, and the silent toll on our bodies.

Whether you've had a fender bender or a full-on collision, this episode's got the scoop on healing, inside and out. Pop in those earbuds 🎧, and let’s steer towards recovery together! Because, hey, movement isn’t just medicine - it’s magic.✨

Oct 09, 202313:34
Discover the Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic & Manual Therapy During Pregnancy

Discover the Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic & Manual Therapy During Pregnancy

Say Goodbye to Pregnancy Pains! Chiropractic Care's Got Your Back (Literally!)

Hey there, and welcome to another episode of the Movement is Medicine Show! This one's a special treat, especially for all you soon-to-be moms out there! 🤰We're hanging out with the amazing Dr. Tim, who knows a thing or two about making pregnancy WAY more comfy.

Ever heard that chiropractic care and pregnancy don't mix? Well, Dr. Tim is here to bust that myth wide open! 🚫 Not only is it safe to get adjusted while you're expecting, but it can also be a total game-changer when it comes to those pesky pregnancy aches and pains.

From the coolest pregnancy pillow that lets you lay face-down (yes, even with that baby bump!) to tackling those sore spots like the lower back and hips, Dr. Tim gives us the inside scoop on how to make pregnancy a whole lot more bearable. 🌟

Get ready to dive into how to zap that annoying back pain, loosen up those stiff neck muscles, and even tackle those swollen ankles. Whether you're in your first trimester or counting down the days, we've got tips to keep you moving and grooving through it all! 🕺

So if you've got ongoing muscle pain or just some random twinges and aches, don't miss this episode. 🎧 We're all about making sure you have the tools to keep moving and living your best life.

Don't let discomfort hold you back! Tune in, get some wisdom, and start feeling better today. 😎 #MovementIsMedicine #PregnancyComfort

Aug 31, 202306:49
Decoding Low Back Pain: Unmasking the Misconceptions about Sciatica and Its True Causes

Decoding Low Back Pain: Unmasking the Misconceptions about Sciatica and Its True Causes

Think your low back pain is sciatica? 🤔 Think again! Maybe, but probably not. Dive into this enlightening episode as our expert, Dr. Ashley demystifies common myths surrounding low back pain. 🚫 Discover the truth about sciatica symptoms, the pitfalls of self-diagnosis, and why many treatments miss the mark. 💡 Plus, hear a heartwarming success story from "Head to Toe" clinic. Whether you're a runner sidelined by pain or just curious about sciatica, this episode is packed with insights and solutions. 🏃‍♂️💨 Tune in and empower your health journey! 🎧 #SciaticaSolved

Aug 17, 202307:10
Beware the Backyard: Protect Your Low Back from Unexpected Dangers

Beware the Backyard: Protect Your Low Back from Unexpected Dangers

Dr. Ashley dives deep into understanding the nuances of lower back health, especially when engaging in backyard activities.

Key Insights from the Episode:

  1. Effective Tools for Relief: Discover the benefits of tools like a lacrosse ball or foam roller. They can help improve lower back mobility and provide much-needed relief from discomfort.

  2. Break Repetitive Patterns: Prolonged, repetitive activities can be a silent culprit for back pain. Learn the importance of intermittently integrating stretches or small movements to mitigate risks.

  3. Benefits of Cross-Functional Training: Engaging in varied movements not only enhances overall flexibility and strength but also minimizes strain on the lower back.

  4. Hidden Dangers in Common Tasks: Even activities we deem harmless like gardening or cleaning can strain our back. Contrary to popular belief, being fit doesn't always shield us from the effects of these activities.

  5. Ergonomics and Self-Care: Proper posture and ergonomics, especially during activities involving bending or lifting, can play a pivotal role in protecting our lower back.

Remember, the way we move and care for our bodies has a direct impact on our well-being. By adopting the strategies discussed in this episode, you can foster better back health and significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

Aug 10, 202313:46
Supercharging Your Chiropractic Treatment: The Athletic Trainer's Magic Touch

Supercharging Your Chiropractic Treatment: The Athletic Trainer's Magic Touch

Jump into our latest podcast episode where we chat all about the awesome combo of chiropractic sports docs and athletic trainers. We spill the beans on how these health pros work together like a dream team to help you feel even better!

Curious about how this could switch up your own path to feeling great and avoiding injuries? Then don't miss this episode! Tune in, get comfy, and get ready for some fun surprises!

Aug 02, 202316:16
What's in an Athletic Trainer's Toolkit? Here's how our AT's can help you heal.

What's in an Athletic Trainer's Toolkit? Here's how our AT's can help you heal.

Ever wondered what magic lies within an Athletic Trainer's toolkit? Join us on this special episode as we unwrap the abilities of our Athletic Trainers. Our Athletic Trainers, or ATs, are not just movement experts; they're your secret weapon to overcoming injuries and recover faster.

We'll take you on a journey, exploring how ATs help you heal, from spotting the little signs of trouble to guiding you on the road to recovery.

From cool techniques to secret strategies, you'll get a peek into the world of Athletic Trainers. By the end, you'll realize why an AT might just be the best friend your body ever had! So tune in, and let's dive into the treasure chest of Athletic Training!

Jun 28, 202313:51
Learning to Move Again: The Challenges of Post-Surgery Rehab with Dr. Annie

Learning to Move Again: The Challenges of Post-Surgery Rehab with Dr. Annie

On this episode of Movement is Medicine Show, Barry is joined by Dr. Annie to discuss the importance of continuing the healing process and not giving up early. They delve into the complexities of rehab and recovery after an injury or surgery, and how important it is to repattern and resync the body. They also discuss the consequences of inactivity and provide tips on how to not fall into the slippery slope of inactivity. Additionally, Dr. Annie shares her personal insights into ACL rehab journey and provides insight to others who are going through a similar experience. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of seeking help, doing the work, and being patient with the healing process.

Jun 14, 202314:16
Reclaiming Your Groove: The Journey from Chronic Pain to Fluid Movement

Reclaiming Your Groove: The Journey from Chronic Pain to Fluid Movement

Get ready for a whirlwind ride on this episode of the Movement is Medicine Show! 🎢 We dive headfirst into the world of physical activity, exploring its power to make us feel invincible, yet acknowledging its potential to lead us down a path of chronic pain and limited mobility. 🏃‍♀️💪

Ever wondered how your lifestyle or work habits could be sneakily crafting a blueprint of poor movement? We delve into this mystery, revealing how sedentary habits and repetitive tasks can tie our bodies into knots of aches, pains, and restrictions. 🛋️🔗

Joining us on this journey is Dr. Ashley, who sheds light on the art of rehabilitation and the magic of personalized treatment plans. Discover how they're helping people unwrap their gift of movement, tweaking their movement melodies with the help of therapies like manual therapy, tailored exercises, and the power of knowledge. 🎁🎶

Get ready to rewind to our roots as we touch upon how our ancestors were built to move, and how the luxury of modern comforts like plush chairs have nudged us into a dance of decreased and improper movements. 🪑💃

So, buckle up and tune in to explore, learn and reclaim the joy of movement with us! 🎧🎉

May 17, 202317:27
The Recovery Journey: From Repair to Rebuild After an Injury

The Recovery Journey: From Repair to Rebuild After an Injury

Welcome to another thrilling episode of the Movement is Medicine Show, where today we'll be diving into the world of healing odysseys and unraveling the mysteries of pain! 🌟

Join our hosts as they chat with a special guest who's conquered the battlefield of injury and emerged victorious. They'll explore the nitty-gritty of pain, mindset, and the winding road to recovery. 🏆

Get ready to be inspired as our guest reveals the secret sauce of personalized programs that turn pain into power! 💪 And of course, our hosts cheer him on for his continued healing journey and invite him to share even more golden nuggets on bouncing back to full strength. 💯

Together, they'll uncover the hidden connections between pain, fear, and avoidance, and reveal how movement is the ultimate healer. 💃 Plus, learn about the weapons our guest used to combat pain, including Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and the futuristic power of laser therapy! 🔮

So, buckle up for a wild ride through the stages of healing, and find out why sometimes, taking it easy is the only remedy for injuries like a stubborn rib issue. 🛌

Let's get moving and healing, folks! 🌈

May 04, 202320:15
Unlock Your Athletic Potential: Nutrition, Recovery & Secrets for Peak Performance

Unlock Your Athletic Potential: Nutrition, Recovery & Secrets for Peak Performance

On this episode of the Movement is Medicine Show, we explore the topic of peak performance for athletes who have an upcoming competition. Our guest speaker, Dr. Tim shares his experience and knowledge of optimizing performance so you can perform your best.

Recovery is essential and should not be neglected, using a combination of lacrosse ball stretching and other methods can be great. We also delve into the topic of sleep hygiene, hydration, and the benefits of sunlight exposure. Finally, we share a free resource, Dr. Tim's Functional Fitness Workshop, that offers easy-to-follow guides for working out, warm-up, and cooldown. Applying just 50% of the knowledge discussed in the podcast could lead to better competition results.

So tune in and learn how to best fuel your body to reach your peak performance!

Apr 20, 202325:27
Taming the Stress Beast: Conquering 3 Types of Stress, Including Toxic Stress

Taming the Stress Beast: Conquering 3 Types of Stress, Including Toxic Stress

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Movement is Medicine podcast! This week, we're diving into the complex world of stress and teaching you how to handle it like a pro. 🌊

In this episode, we discuss:

1️⃣ The 3 types of stress: Good, chronic, and toxic stress 🐲 2️⃣ How each stress type affects our bodies and minds differently 🧠 3️⃣ Practical, hands-on strategies for managing stress and fostering resilience 💪 4️⃣ The importance of movement and exercise in combating stress 🏃‍♀️

Get ready to learn how to slay the stress beast and discover the power of movement in your life! 🛡️⚔️

Don't miss out on this game-changing episode. Tune in now and join us on our mission to transform stress into strength! 💥

#MovementIsMedicine #StressBeast #TamingStress #ToxicStress #PodcastEpisode

Apr 05, 202314:21
Cracking the Code of Nerve Pain: Expert Strategies for Effective Treatment

Cracking the Code of Nerve Pain: Expert Strategies for Effective Treatment

In this episode of the Movement as Medicine show, Dr. Ashley discusses nerve pain and shares some unique ways to treat it. She starts by defining nerve pain and explains how she approaches it by examining the relationship between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Dr. Ashley differentiates nerve pain from other types of pain and highlights the importance of diagnostic tests in pinpointing the source of the pain. She also talks about clinical neurodynamics, a treatment methodology she specializes in, and how it can help patients with nerve pain. This podcast episode is a must-listen for anyone dealing with nerve pain or looking to learn more about it. Dr. Ashley's expertise and insights can help listeners better understand their condition and find ways to manage their pain effectively.

Mar 23, 202316:49
How to heal from a major injury with Dr. Annie Armstrong

How to heal from a major injury with Dr. Annie Armstrong

If you've been struggling with a knee injury or other significant injury, Dr. Annie is here to share her experience recovering my a severe skiing accident this year. Join us on the show to hear all about what happened, how she's recovering from surgery, and the cutting edge therapies she's using to speed up her healing - including PRP, stem cell therapy, IV nutrient therapy and more! 

Feb 14, 202326:03
Fitness for a Healthier and Happier You: Tips and Strategies to Get Fit and Stay Healthy with special guests from Industrious

Fitness for a Healthier and Happier You: Tips and Strategies to Get Fit and Stay Healthy with special guests from Industrious

On this episode of the Movement is Medicine show, “Fitness for a Healthier and Happier You: Tips and Strategies to Get Fit and Stay Fit”, we provide helpful advice and strategies to help you reach your fitness goals and live a healthier and happier life. You’ll get inspiring and motivating tips for staying motivated, setting realistic goals, and making lifestyle changes to help you achieve long-term success. 

We welcome our special guests Stephen Hitt and Jeremy Donner from Industrious gym to share their expert insights on using fitness to build your best life. If you have health or fitness goals this year, this is the episode for you.

Jan 19, 202331:47
Top 3 Tips for Running Safely for Years with Dr. Annie

Top 3 Tips for Running Safely for Years with Dr. Annie

As you may or may not know, Dr. Annie (founder of Head 2 Toe) is a huge running advocate for physical health, mental well-being, and overall wellness. But running can get a bad rap as being hard on the body and potentially damaging long term. On this episode we explore Dr. Annie's top 3 tips to keep you running safely for years and years to come. Tune in for another insight packed episode of the Movement is Medicine Show.

Jan 11, 202319:40
Heal Tendonitis and Build Muscle Using Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Heal Tendonitis and Build Muscle Using Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Join on on the Movement is Medicine show with Dr. Lee. We will discuss the latest developments and research in an exciting new therapy we're using at Head 2 Toe. We'll explore how it works, who it's suitable for, and its potential benefits. Dr. Lee will go into detail about his experience and findings using this innovative new therapy. Tune in to hear all about Blood Flow Restriction Therapy!

Dec 20, 202209:41
How to Stay Injury Free & Have a Great Winter Sport Season with Dr. James

How to Stay Injury Free & Have a Great Winter Sport Season with Dr. James

Join Dr. James, our avid winter sports fanatic as he shares his 3-part framework to stay health and have a great winter sports season. If you ski, snowboard, or love getting out to enjoy the winter wonderland, then this is the episode for you!

Dec 05, 202213:03
The Best Way to Empower Your Health is by Building a Healthcare Team with Dr. Angila Jaeggli

The Best Way to Empower Your Health is by Building a Healthcare Team with Dr. Angila Jaeggli

We believe that the best way to empower your health is by building a healthcare team. This includes finding different types of providers who can help you feel your best. You're in charge of your health, so find the right providers and build a team that works for you!

Join Dr. Lee, guest Dr. Angila Jaeggli, and your host Barry Napier on the latest episode of the Movement is Medicine show.

Nov 16, 202211:44
How your mindset can help or hurt your healing

How your mindset can help or hurt your healing

Do you want to heal faster?

Tune into the Movement is Medicine podcast to learn how your mindset can help or hurt your healing. We talk with Dr. Lee about how you can optimize your health and well-being. You’ll be surprised at how much of an impact your mindset has on your ability to heal!

Start listening today and see how you can change the course of your healing journey. It’s time to get you feeling better!

Listen now on our website or download on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your podcasts.

Oct 26, 202215:21
Celebrating 17 Years in Business, 1 Year at the New Clinic, and Almost 10,000 Patients Treated

Celebrating 17 Years in Business, 1 Year at the New Clinic, and Almost 10,000 Patients Treated

During our annual patient celebration week, we catch up with Dr. Annie to talk about the long, fun, and wonderful journey she's had building Head 2 Toe over the last 17 years. You'll hear about her first clinic where she was a solo practitioner, to how she built our current elite team of the incredible sports doctors and athletic trainers. It's a fun filled conversation with the founder of Head 2 Toe Dr. Annie Armstrong. 

Oct 19, 202214:23
Dr. Ashley's Top 3 Lifestyle Tips to Stay Happy, Healthy, and Moving Pain Free

Dr. Ashley's Top 3 Lifestyle Tips to Stay Happy, Healthy, and Moving Pain Free

Join us on the Movement is Medicine show to get caught up with Dr. Ashley. She sat down with us back in August to share her top 3 tips for living your best life.

Sep 27, 202222:21
The 3 Phases of Healing: A Holistic Approach to Healing the Body

The 3 Phases of Healing: A Holistic Approach to Healing the Body

Over the last 20 years we've systematically observed how people respond to the variety of treatments we use to help them heal. Over time, we've built a three phase system that works exceptionally well at providing both immediate relief and long-term healing. In this episode, we break down the three phases of healing: what are they, how they apply to most patients, and why we believe so deeply in this approach. Plus, we're joined on this episode with our amazing athletic trainer Leah for her first visit on the show. Tune in, subscribe, and follow along everywhere you listen to podcasts. 

Sep 21, 202223:12
How to Keep Your High School & College Athletes Injury Free with Dr. James

How to Keep Your High School & College Athletes Injury Free with Dr. James

Dr. James drops by the studio to share tips and tricks to keeping younger athletes injury free. Dr. James was a high school athlete himself, dealing with injuries, when he visited his first chiropractor. The incredible experience he had with chiropractic during high school put him on the path to become the doctor he is today. 

Aug 31, 202217:25
Dr. Lee is Almost Back! Appointments Open Now Starting September 19th

Dr. Lee is Almost Back! Appointments Open Now Starting September 19th

On the newest episode of the show we get caught up with Dr. Lee! Good news...he is on the mend and will be returning to the clinic starting September 19th. You can book now online or call the office. 

Aug 23, 202216:56
 The Secret to Unlocking Your Genetic Potential with Dr. Yael Joffe PhD RD FACN

The Secret to Unlocking Your Genetic Potential with Dr. Yael Joffe PhD RD FACN

Join Dr. Annie and Dr. Yael in a fascinating conversation around how the right kind of genetic testing can transform your health. Dr. Yael is the founder of 3X4 Genetics - a cutting edge genetic testing platform. Tune into the latest episode and get ready to unlock your genetic potential.


Aug 03, 202238:41
Becoming a New Dad with Dr. Tim

Becoming a New Dad with Dr. Tim

Welcome back Dr. Tim! On the latest episode we catch up with Dr. Tim and explore being a new dad! We explore how becoming a new parent changes everything including your perspective on life. It's a great episode filled with laughs, wisdom, and great conversations. Tune in and subscribe so you don't miss an episode.

Jul 21, 202220:36
Healing from a Major Injury with Dr. Lee

Healing from a Major Injury with Dr. Lee

Join Dr. Lee on this special episode of the Movement is Medicine show to hear how he hurt his shoulder and how his healing journey is progressing. This is a great episode for anyone going through a healing process as we cover keeping a positive mindset, finding ways to stay busy, and how to use obstacles to improve your life.

Jul 05, 202216:26
Inflammation: Your Best Friend and Worst Enemy

Inflammation: Your Best Friend and Worst Enemy

Inflammation is the body's natural immune response to injury, infection, or other foreign substances. When the immune system detects something that’s out of place in your body, it creates antibodies to help protect you against any harmful invaders. However, when the immune system overreacts and starts attacking healthy tissues instead of foreign cells, this is referred to as inflammation. If left unchecked, inflammation can lead to serious health conditions like heart disease, arthritis, cancer and more. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can help keep inflammation at bay...

Tune in and learn how inflammation is both friend and foe, plus what you can do about it.

Jun 08, 202219:56
How to Fix Chronic Ear Congestion

How to Fix Chronic Ear Congestion

Ear congestion can be a pain. It can cause hearing loss, dizziness, and terrible headaches. Whether you're experiencing it for the first time or are afflicted with chronic ear congestion, it can be very frustrating and painful. 

It's always helps to know what you're up against, but that can be tricky with ear congestion. There are many different causes of ear congestion and in order to fix your condition, you need to know the best place to start.

Join us for the latest episode of the Movement is Medicine Show with our amazing guest Dr. Becky Hoppins, along with Dr. Annie and Dr. Lee to show you how to alleviate chronic ear congestion through simple yet effective methods.

May 10, 202219:56
Stretching: Are you doing it wrong?

Stretching: Are you doing it wrong?

Stretching is good right? Maybe but maybe not! Chances are how you're stretching is doing more harm than good. Join the team at Head 2 Toe to learn exactly when and when not to stretch.

Apr 21, 202212:26
Headaches No More! Everything you need to know about how to rid yourself of headaches

Headaches No More! Everything you need to know about how to rid yourself of headaches

Headaches are the worst! Especially if you suffer from chronic headaches and have trouble figuring out how to keep them from coming back. On this episode, join Dr. Lee and guest expert Dr. Angila Jaeggli ND for a deep dive into headaches and everything you can do to fix the issue going forward.

Mar 16, 202219:51
Sciatica: What is it, why does it happen, what not to do, and how we fix it

Sciatica: What is it, why does it happen, what not to do, and how we fix it

Sciatica might be one of the most mis-diagnosed issues out there. There's lots of different issues that show up looking like sciatica. This is why we got together with the team to discuss what sciatica really is, what can make it worse, and our unique approach to fixing the issue permanently.

Mar 02, 202209:54
Meet Flex - The Dynamo Behind Lynnwood Anytime Fitness & Nutrition Expert

Meet Flex - The Dynamo Behind Lynnwood Anytime Fitness & Nutrition Expert

We're pumped to welcome Flex Velasco to the show. Flex owns the Lynnwood Anytime Fitness next to our clinic. He's an incredible leader, business owner, and extremely passionate about all things health related. On this episode, we get to know Flex, learn more about his story, and discover some interesting insights into fitness and nutrition.

Feb 02, 202229:04
The 6 Pillars of Health: A Framework to Achieving Your 2022 Health Goals

The 6 Pillars of Health: A Framework to Achieving Your 2022 Health Goals

Welcome friends to 2022! We're excited to kick off the new year with an episode that covers the 6 essential pillars of health. This simple, yet profound framework will help you focus and take action towards your goals.

Jan 19, 202222:26
How to Avoid Holiday Burnout (hint: focus on the fundamentals)

How to Avoid Holiday Burnout (hint: focus on the fundamentals)

The Holidays are here! And it seems like they popped up early this year. But never fear, if you're dreading the Holidays or embracing them, this episode of the show is for you. It covers the fundamentals that will stop burnout and make your holidays the best they can be.

Nov 24, 202115:50
Meet Dr. James - The latest and greatest addition to the team

Meet Dr. James - The latest and greatest addition to the team

Tune in and spend a few minutes getting to know our newest doctor - James is an incredible doctor and brings a high level of passion, energy, and enthusiasm to the team. You're going to love getting to know him.

Nov 01, 202115:50
New Clinic October 18th: Here's What You Need to Know

New Clinic October 18th: Here's What You Need to Know

Join the Head 2 Toe team in discussing the new clinic, what you'll love about it, and the logistics of the upcoming move. 

Oct 04, 202111:12
Big News: Head 2 Toe is Moving to a New Location October 2021

Big News: Head 2 Toe is Moving to a New Location October 2021

Tune in for the big announcement and hear about the cool new clinic space that will be the future home of Head 2 Toe.

Aug 24, 202114:28
Repair. Restore. Rebuild. Three phases of care to help you heal.

Repair. Restore. Rebuild. Three phases of care to help you heal.

Whether you are recovering from an injury or surgery, having help moving again is essential. Manual therapy & chiropractic can get even better when you combine them with corrective exercise for a complete healing process. The team of Movement is Medicine will teach this three-phase model to make your recovery speedy and smooth as ever!

Jul 21, 202116:58
Aging & Injury: Why it happens & What you can do about it

Aging & Injury: Why it happens & What you can do about it

As we age, injuries tend to increase. On this episode of the show the team discusses why this happens and what you can do to prevent injuries as you get older.

Jun 08, 202121:29
What's For Lunch?! Here's how you can make lunch the best meal of the day

What's For Lunch?! Here's how you can make lunch the best meal of the day

Join the team to learn how everyone makes lunch healthy and delicious. If you ever wonder how can I make lunch easy, delicious, and fit into a busy lifestyle, then this is the episode for you.

You'll hear favorite places in edmonds for to-go lunch, home meal prep ideas, and the only lunch food you'll ever need again.

May 10, 202123:09
Hey Parents! Kids getting back into sports? Listen to this first.

Hey Parents! Kids getting back into sports? Listen to this first.

With schools reopening & sports returning, it can be a rough transition for kids and parents...

Especially for teenagers who haven't been moving as much or exercising as often.

In this episode for parents, the team discusses exactly what you need to do and avoid doing so your child doesn't get injured.

Apr 06, 202117:06
What You Need to Know About Laser Therapy for Pain Relief & Accelerated Healing

What You Need to Know About Laser Therapy for Pain Relief & Accelerated Healing

Welcome to the Movement is Medicine Show! Today we explore the use of laser therapy for pain relief & accelerated healing.

The benefits from laser can sound a bit like sci-fi but this high tech treatment is legit! Join the clinicians from Head 2 Toe and learn from Dr. Lee how laser therapy can benefit you.

Mar 11, 202118:29