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Insights Into my Meditation

Insights Into my Meditation

By Moyosore Ola-Oludiya

This is me sharing my Aha moments as I study and meditate on the word. I will be starting this year with a 29 days session and as we move along I trust the Holy spirit to lead us. Join me as we explore, meditate and worry on the word together. Looking forward to your comments and insights as well.
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Episode 2 - The Love of Christ.

Insights Into my Meditation Jan 02, 2021

Vol 2 Episode 29 May we end well

Vol 2 Episode 29 May we end well

We all want to start a journey and end well. Nobody wants to start something and drop half way or finish badly. Finishing well is equally as important as starting well. May we not destroy what we have spent several years building.
Feb 29, 202412:10
Vol 2 Episode 28 Your mind matter

Vol 2 Episode 28 Your mind matter

Our mindsets drive what we do , what we say and how we act. As Christians we are to have the mind of Christ. What baffles me most is the fact that to be canally minded is enmity against God.
Feb 28, 202410:47
Vol 2 Episode 27 What are you declaring?

Vol 2 Episode 27 What are you declaring?

It easy to say the right things when things are going well but what happens when things are not going so well. What you say during those times matter.
Feb 27, 202411:60
Vol 2 Episode 26 Whatever he tells you to do, do it

Vol 2 Episode 26 Whatever he tells you to do, do it

What is standing between you and your miracle may just be your obedience which most times never makes sense. Are you still analysing the instruction or you have obeyed?
Feb 26, 202408:51
Vol 2 Episode 25 Seek ye first

Vol 2 Episode 25 Seek ye first

Prioritising God and following his heart is one of the easiest ways for having our needs met. Havd you done the exchange. Give him your burden and take his. His yoke is easy and his burden light.
Feb 25, 202409:25
Vol 2 Episode 24 The heart is the heart of the matter

Vol 2 Episode 24 The heart is the heart of the matter

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It is not what enters a man that defiles him but what comes out of his mouth.
Feb 24, 202408:33
Vol 2 Episode 23 Those who know their God

Vol 2 Episode 23 Those who know their God

When we know someone very well, we know what they can do and what they can't. We trust them. We know when they speak. Especially if they are wealthy. We trust them we they promise to do something for us. Do we do same with God?
Feb 23, 202410:18
Vol 2 Episode 22 After Prayer what next

Vol 2 Episode 22 After Prayer what next

What do you do when you pray for something or ask God for something. What next after you pray. There are so many reactions that people put up but what is the best way to handle your wait period.
Feb 22, 202410:05
Vol 2 Episode 21 Is he hearing you?

Vol 2 Episode 21 Is he hearing you?

Communication is a 2 way street. But before the other party can respond he needs to be listening or hearing you. The question then is - Is he hearing you? If not Why?
Feb 21, 202409:02
Vol 2 Episode 20 The Mercy of God

Vol 2 Episode 20 The Mercy of God

Our God is merciful. His mercy is new every morning.
In view of the current hardship in different nations particularly in my nation our anchor should be in God
Feb 20, 202409:20
Vol 2 Episode 19 Throw out disobedience

Vol 2 Episode 19 Throw out disobedience

What are you carrying with you that is causing rage, tempest and turmoil. Cast out disobedience and you will have peace. Obedience is better
Feb 19, 202410:24
Vol 2 Episode 18 Who is praying for the Pastors?

Vol 2 Episode 18 Who is praying for the Pastors?

They pray for you, they intercede on your behalf, their prayer point is your prayer point. They have needs but they hardly present it. The Zeal of his house has consumed them. The question is who is praying for them?
Feb 18, 202410:10
Vol 2 Episode 17 Who are you following?

Vol 2 Episode 17 Who are you following?

The person you follow matters. If you follow the wrong person it can lead to disasters. If you follow the right person it can lead to blessings. Who is leading you?
Feb 17, 202410:10
Vol 2 Episode 16 Create your world

Vol 2 Episode 16 Create your world

In the beginning the spirit of God moved over the face of the earth that was without form. What do you think will happen if you are a carrier of that same spirit that turns a wilderness into a fruitful field and a fruitful field into a forest.
Feb 16, 202411:12
Vol 2 Episode 15 The Holy Spirit

Vol 2 Episode 15 The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the differentiator. Do you want to become another man? The Holy Spirit will make the difference. Shared my experience with the Holy spirit today.
Feb 15, 202408:18
Vol 2 Episode 14 The gift of God

Vol 2 Episode 14 The gift of God

Imagine you sacrifice so much to get a gift for your Val and they reject the gift.
How painful can that be?
Can we liken this to the gift that God has given us that some of us have refused to accept?
Feb 14, 202406:40
Vol 2 Episode 13 Are you in the place of God?

Vol 2 Episode 13 Are you in the place of God?

This was the response Joseph gave his brothers when they bowed to him. They were afraid that he would hurt them but Joseph asked them: Am I in the place of God?
Feb 13, 202407:17
Vol 2 Episode 11 The name of Jesus

Vol 2 Episode 11 The name of Jesus

Do you know the power that is in the name that we mention everytime we want to pray. We all say in the name of Jesus when we start a prayer but do we really know the power that the name carries?
Feb 11, 202407:29
Vol 2 Episode 10 A flame of fire

Vol 2 Episode 10 A flame of fire

Do you know who you are in God?
Feb 10, 202408:32
Vol 2 Episode 9 The behaviour of royalty

Vol 2 Episode 9 The behaviour of royalty

There are certain people who are expected to behave differently and those are people from the Royal family. If the bible calls us kings and priests then it means we are royalty and we should behave accordingly.
Feb 09, 202405:27
Vol 2 Episode 8 Champion of the philistines

Vol 2 Episode 8 Champion of the philistines

Are you currently dealing with issues in your life but focusing on the wrong thing? Are you dealing with the champion or the foot soldiers?
Feb 08, 202405:17
Vol 2 Episode 7 Sling and a Stone

Vol 2 Episode 7 Sling and a Stone

Do you have a strategy to deal with issues that come your way? Where do you get the strategy from and who is your source? Find out here.
Feb 07, 202405:03
Vol 2 Episode 6 The impossibility specialist

Vol 2 Episode 6 The impossibility specialist

Are there some things you feel cannot change? We look at examples of seemingly impossible situations that ended up changing
Feb 06, 202406:31
Vol 2 Episode 5 Are you in your place of assignment

Vol 2 Episode 5 Are you in your place of assignment

A lot of times we do things because we feel we should but the question is who sent you? It is important to be sent because God backs up those he sends.
Feb 05, 202410:28
Vol 2 Episode 4 The Love of God

Vol 2 Episode 4 The Love of God

Love is a word used loosely but if you know the love of God , you will understand that Love is deeper and greater than what we know it to be. The podcast shares about the Love of God as documented in Isaiah 53.
Feb 04, 202412:18
Vol 2 Episode 3 Your expectations versus the answer

Vol 2 Episode 3 Your expectations versus the answer

A lot of times we pray and we have a vague idea of how our the answer should look like but most times, it does not always look like it. His ways are not our ways. Nor his thoughts our thoughts. Trust him and accept his answer.
Feb 03, 202411:16
Vol 2 Episode 2 My ears, my eyes and my heart

Vol 2 Episode 2 My ears, my eyes and my heart

This episode focuses on how we receive the word and the issues that could come up because of the word.
Feb 02, 202409:15
Vol 2 Episode 1 - Have you asked God?

Vol 2 Episode 1 - Have you asked God?

If we say we have a personal relationship with God and we are his friend, do we involve him in our lives or we run through the day doing our own thing and when we get into trouble we run to him? What do you do?
Jan 31, 202407:11
Vol 2 Episode 12 Is it about You

Vol 2 Episode 12 Is it about You

Are you building a name for yourself ? Find out in this episode of insights into my meditation
Apr 29, 202306:22
How many loaves do you have?

How many loaves do you have?

Do you ever wonder or think you don't have much to offer. Do you compare yourself with others and feel you don't stand a chance of being a blessing. If this sounds like you then you need yo listen to this.
Oct 11, 202107:09
Episode 31 - Obedience is better

Episode 31 - Obedience is better

Have you been in a situation were God asked you to do something and you felt you could dodge or try to do something else hoping that it will appease him?

What do you think about Obedience?
Do you think Gods instruction must make sense to you before you obey?
Are there implications for disobedience?

Jan 31, 202109:25
Episode 30 - The power of Unity

Episode 30 - The power of Unity

Have you seen a group of people or just 2 people walk in unity? What did you notice? When people are of the same language and same mind can they be stopped? What can stop them if they can be stopped? How are we exploring the power of Unity?
Jan 30, 202109:41
Episode 29 - Who is your counsellor?

Episode 29 - Who is your counsellor?

In a world were information is all over the place. Who are you allowing into your space? Who is feeding you? Who advices you? Who is your counsellor?
Jan 29, 202109:24
Episode 28 - His ways

Episode 28 - His ways

The song that comes to mind now is God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. You can't analyse him with your human mind. It takes the spirit of God to understand his ways because a lot if times it does not make sense.
Jan 28, 202108:48
Episode 27 - Why are you there?

Episode 27 - Why are you there?

Who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this. Why are you there? Are you fulfilling the purpose for which you were placed there?
Jan 27, 202107:35
Episode 26 - The greatest commandment

Episode 26 - The greatest commandment

Before you do anything to or for someone else think about this. If someone did this to me or for me, how would I feel?
Jan 26, 202106:36
Episode 25 - Do you have small "g''s"

Episode 25 - Do you have small "g''s"

Do you have objects or persons that still take first place while God takes second place? Are you experiencing discomfort in those areas? Could it be that God is trying to get your attention?
Jan 25, 202107:37
Episode 24 - Rejoice Always

Episode 24 - Rejoice Always

It is easy to rejoice when things are going well but when things are not what kind of posture are we meant to have ?
Jan 24, 202109:24
Episode 23 - Are you expectant?

Episode 23 - Are you expectant?

When you pray, do you expect answers or you are just going through the motion?
Jan 23, 202110:48
Episode 22 - Switch on the light

Episode 22 - Switch on the light

Typically people switch off the light when they want to sleep and then switch it on when they wake up. What do you think would happen if the light us not switched on and the room is dark.
Jan 22, 202108:09
Episode 21 - After your heart

Episode 21 - After your heart

Whose heart are you after. Who are you trying to please? Who do you obey?
Jan 21, 202110:25
Episode 20 - Your Assignment

Episode 20 - Your Assignment

What is your assignment? Why are you here? Who were you sent to?
Jan 20, 202109:02
Episode 19 - Your words

Episode 19 - Your words

How intentional am I about the words I speak. What world am I creating. What kind of example do we have and what should we follow?
Jan 19, 202109:38
Episode 18 - Priority

Episode 18 - Priority

What we prioritise is an indication of what we love most. If you had to choose between your needs and something else which will you choose?
Jan 18, 202108:58
Episode 17 - Blessing in disguise

Episode 17 - Blessing in disguise

No matter what you go through it will end well because of what Romans 8:28 says.
Jan 17, 202107:57
Episode 16 - Your reaction to stones

Episode 16 - Your reaction to stones

How would you react when faced with a mob throwing stones at you?
Jan 16, 202110:48
Episode 15 - Show us the Father

Episode 15 - Show us the Father

Are you a true son or daughter of your Father. Can people see the difference? Are you showing people the Father or making them stay away from the Father?
Jan 15, 202108:26
Episode 14 - Love

Episode 14 - Love

Love us a beautiful thing but its deep. Very deep!
Jan 14, 202110:12
Episode 13 - Who is the greatest

Episode 13 - Who is the greatest

This was a question the disciples asked Jesus. Who is the greatest? Let's look at the response together as we meditate on Mathew 18:2
Jan 13, 202108:45
Episode 12 - Motive

Episode 12 - Motive

Why do you do what you do? To please men or to please God?
Jan 12, 202111:03