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By Jack Stafford

Follow Jack Stafford, student of Metaphysics, as he tries to better understand the teachings given by the Masters through The Aetherius Society: the new cosmic religion for the Aquarian Age, incorporating all yogas, Christian mysticism, theosophy, UFOs, and more. He speaks to other members like himself, as well as outside experts in related areas.

DISCLAIMER: This is an independent podcast, not produced or fact-checked by The Aetherius Society. For the original teachings, please visit or listen to the official podcasts - 'Aetherius Radio Live' or 'The Spiritual Freedom Show with
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MysticastJul 27, 2022

PSYCHIC EXPLORATION: Metaphysics, Afterlife Science, and Cosmic Religion with Mark Anthony

PSYCHIC EXPLORATION: Metaphysics, Afterlife Science, and Cosmic Religion with Mark Anthony

In this episode of the Mysticast, host Jack Stafford talks with guest Mark Anthony, a multifaceted psychic explorer, medium, and near-death experience researcher. Mark shares his insights on the alignment of his findings with the Aetherius Society's concepts, encompassing topics like Christian mysticism, theosophy, UFOs, and reincarnation. Born into a lineage of psychics, Mark initially pursued a legal career before shifting focus to his spiritual and psychic abilities, using them to aid others, particularly in understanding grief's role in criminal behavior and substance abuse. The discussion delves into the nature of the afterlife, the interconnectedness of all things at a quantum level, and the importance of understanding our existence beyond the physical realm. Mark outlines his Electromagnetic Soul theory, discussing spirit communication, near-death experiences, and the evolutionary process of the soul. The conversation also touches on the significance of keeping an open mind towards various belief systems and the universal interconnectedness emphasized in many spiritual teachings.

00:00 Welcome to the Mystic Cast with Jack Stafford

00:26 Introducing Psychic Explorer Mark Antony

02:23 A Journey Through Spirituality and Law

07:10 The Impact of Grief and Crime on Society

11:58 Exploring the Afterlife and Reincarnation

15:55 The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact

25:49 Understanding the Interconnectedness of All Things

36:13 The Cosmic Perspective on Religion and Spirituality

48:28 Mark Antony's Work and Future Plans

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

May 16, 202449:23
THE AQUARIAN AGE: Walking into the light with Anne Baring & Paul Nugent

THE AQUARIAN AGE: Walking into the light with Anne Baring & Paul Nugent

This lengthy and detailed discussion on the Mysticast features host Jack Stafford, Anne Baring, and Paul Nugent as guests, delving into a wide range of topics surrounding religion, science, metaphysics, philosophy, and mysticism. Anne Baring, a notable figure and author, shares insights from her life's work, including her views on the soul, the divine feminine, and the challenges facing humanity. The discussion covers the controversial topics of COVID-19, vaccinations, and the actions of global institutions like the WEF, suggesting a plot to undermine humanity. Anne also touches on the presence of UFOs and their official acknowledgment by the American government, alongside spiritual and metaphysical discussions about the evolution of consciousness, the role of the Earth in humanity's spiritual journey, and the critical importance of awakening to our true spiritual heritage. Additionally, historical distortions, the significance of Jesus's and Buddha's teachings, and the potential futures for humanity and Earth are thoroughly explored. Each speaker brings a unique perspective, creating a rich tapestry of ideas aimed at understanding the deeper truths of our existence and the cosmic journey ahead.

00:00 Welcome to the Mysticast: Exploring Cosmic Religion

00:19 A Special Episode: Anne Baring's Third Appearance

00:37 Diving into 'The Dream of the Cosmos' and Anne's Wisdom

03:01 Anne Baring on Writing, Family, and the Roots of Evil

04:11 Conspiracy Theories: Viruses, Vaccines, and Global Plots

05:50 Personal Stories and the Impact of the Pandemic

09:09 Exploring Messages from a Transcendent Dimension

14:48 Revisiting Christianity: Misinterpretations and Lost Teachings

23:53 The Influence of Scientific Materialism on Spiritual Beliefs

28:52 The Ascension Process and the Divine Ground

30:12 Extraterrestrial Origins of Great Masters

32:26 Unveiling the Shadow: A Deep Dive into Humanity's Hidden Struggles

33:15 Exploring Higher Dimensions and Astral Realms

33:49 The Battle Against Evil: Insights from Spiritual Warfare

34:12 Operation Carmelite and the Fight in Lower Astral Realms

35:19 The Role of Humanity in the Cosmic Battle

36:52 Harnessing Spiritual Energy for Global Healing

37:47 Awakening Bravery and Soul Consciousness

38:43 The Dawn of a New Cosmic Cycle

40:49 Confronting Modern Challenges: Materialism, Social Media, and AI

43:42 The Potential for a New Earth and Ascension

44:16 Extraterrestrial Revelations and Earth's Evolution

54:57 Closing Thoughts: Reconnecting and Embracing Technology

Anne Baring:

Paul Nugent:

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

May 09, 202456:50
READY FOR CONTACT: A Dialogue with Alan Steinfeld on UFOs, Metaphysics, and Conscious Evolution

READY FOR CONTACT: A Dialogue with Alan Steinfeld on UFOs, Metaphysics, and Conscious Evolution

This episode features a discussion with Alan Steinfeld, a renowned figure in UFO research and metaphysics, focusing on the intersection of science, religion, and mysticism in understanding extraterrestrial existence and higher consciousness. Alan shares insights from his 30-year journey in the UFO field, including personal experiences and interactions with prominent spiritual figures. The conversation explores the recent acknowledgment of UFOs by governments, the relevance of quantum physics and ancient wisdom, and highlights from Alan's book, 'Making Contact', which addresses preparing for extraterrestrial existence with contributions from leading researchers. Topics also include the evolution of consciousness, the importance of direct knowing over belief, and humanity's potential to unite in a shared understanding of our cosmic presence, aiming to provide a comprehensive view on the collective awakening to a multidimensional existence.

00:00 Welcome to the Mystic Cast: Unveiling Cosmic Mysteries

00:41 Exploring the UFO Phenomenon with Alan Steinfeld

02:39 The Etheria Society: A Cosmic Religion for the Aquarian Age

05:03 The Evolution of Consciousness and Extraterrestrial Contact

13:53 The Ascension Process: Humanity's Cosmic Awakening

18:07 Unraveling Government Secrets and the Reality of UFOs

24:29 Making Contact: Preparing for a New Reality

25:31 Exploring Belief vs. Knowledge in Paranormal Experiences

27:04 The Role of Science and Government in UFO Research

28:55 Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins and Evolution

30:28 The Aquarian Age: A New Era of Consciousness

30:52 The Potential of Free Energy and Its Implications

31:30 The Bifurcation of Humanity and the Emergence of a New World

33:26 The Evolution of Consciousness and the Formation of a Superorganism

37:10 The Importance of Unity and Overcoming Religious Dogma

42:42 Promoting a Unified World of Truth and Spiritual Awareness

44:24 Closing Thoughts and Future Engagements

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

May 02, 202447:02
MODERN MAGIC: Exploring the Nexus of Science and Islamic Occultism with Matthew Melvin Koschke

MODERN MAGIC: Exploring the Nexus of Science and Islamic Occultism with Matthew Melvin Koschke

Matthew Melvin Koschke is an academic involved in the study of magic, occult sciences, and their integration with religious studies and history of science and technology, provides an insightful conversation that spans a wide array of topics. Starting from Matthew's educational journey from MA to PhD in magic and occult sciences, the discussion delves into efforts to mainstream occult studies, the historical and cultural significance of Islamic occultism, and the challenges faced when confronting mainstream science. Matthew discusses the importance of reframing the narrative around Islamic contributions to science and technology, the role of talismans in Pythagorean magic and philosophy, and the intersection of ufology with teachings on jinn in Islamic occultism. Rich with insights on the evolution of magic and science, colonialist narratives in history, and the potential for future academic explorations into these interdisciplinary fields.

00:21 Introducing Matthew Melvin Koschke: A Journey into Magic and Occult Sciences

00:35 Bridging Worlds: The Intersection of History, Science, and the Occult

02:41 Challenging Mainstream Narratives: The Role of Islamic Magic in Science

03:30 Decolonizing History: Unearthing the Islamic Roots of Western Occultism

07:21 Theosophy and Its Complex Relationship with Islamic Occultism

12:57 Redefining Technology: The Power of Prayer and Talismanic Practices

15:01 Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Role of Islamic Occultism

20:58 Talismanic Cities and Spaceships: Architectural Magic in Islamic Philosophy

27:35 Exploring the Overwhelming Nature of Existence

28:39 Human Evolution and Ancient Civilizations

29:38 Islamic Influence on Western Thought and Science

31:30 The Intersection of Islamic and Indic Philosophies

35:29 Ufology and the Mystical Aspects of Djinn

42:20 The Power and Purpose of Talismans

46:36 Uniting Science, Religion, and Magic

49:04 The Future of Esoteric Studies and How to Get Involved

Apr 25, 202452:51
SEARCHING WITH SCEPTICISM: Seth Shostak on his work to disprove the existence of UFOs

SEARCHING WITH SCEPTICISM: Seth Shostak on his work to disprove the existence of UFOs

In this thought-provoking episode, guest Seth Shostak engages in a dialogue about the enigmatic reality of UFOs, challenging the boundaries between science, mysticism, and the universal quest for truth within the cosmos. Shostak, a sceptic, discusses misinterpretations surrounding UFO sightings, including cases involving Navy pilots, emphasizing scientific explanations over extraterrestrial theories. The conversation explores unidentified aerial phenomena, scientific methods for investigation, and the intriguing concept of multidimensional realms suggested by cosmic religions. This episode underscores the complexity of unexplained phenomena and the importance of keeping an open mind in the pursuit of understanding the vast, unknown universe.

00:00 Welcome to Mystic Cast: Exploring the Cosmos and Beyond

00:32 Diving into UFOs: Skepticism and Beliefs

04:00 The SETI Institute's Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

10:32 Exploring the Multiverse with the Ethereus Society

11:36 The Science of Astral Projection and Multidimensional Realms

12:38 Debating the Validity of Multidimensional Theories

18:50 Exploring Consciousness and Reincarnation

19:51 The Science of Medicine and Anecdotal Evidence

21:37 Investigating Past Lives and Scientific Validity

22:16 UFO Sightings and Interpreting Phenomena

24:07 The Debate on Extraterrestrial Evidence

29:07 The Role of Belief in Science

35:21 Concluding Thoughts on Science and Belief

Apr 18, 202435:46
SEEING THE UNSEEN: A Cosmic Conversation on Extraterrestrial Life with Avi Loeb with Julian Rosser

SEEING THE UNSEEN: A Cosmic Conversation on Extraterrestrial Life with Avi Loeb with Julian Rosser

Special guest host Julian Rosser of The Aetherius Society, engages in a profound discussion with Harvard scientist Professor Avi Loeb about the search for extraterrestrial life. They delve into the challenges faced within the scientific community and Professor Loeb shares his experiences with academic and media ridicule over his work on the potential evidence of extraterrestrial visits to our solar system. He details an expedition to the Pacific Ocean to retrieve and analyze materials from the first interstellar meteor, discussing the opposition faced from some astronomers and the struggle to publish significant findings. The conversation extends to broader themes of curiosity, open-minded inquiry, spirituality, the potential origins of life on Earth, and the future of human civilization's understanding of the cosmos. The dialogue highlights the crucial role of evidence-based science in expanding humanity's knowledge frontier and contemplates the profound implications of discovering intelligent extraterrestrial life.
00:00 Welcome to the Mysticast: Bridging Worlds
00:21 Special Guest Episode: Exploring Extraterrestrial Life
01:14 Challenging Academic Norms: A Scientist's Struggle
02:58 The Battle for Scientific Integrity
04:23 Historical Precedents and Personal Experiences
08:57 The Intersection of Science and Spirituality
09:36 Navigating the Maze of Secrecy and Suppression
19:18 The Potential of Extraterrestrial Contact
22:49 Revisiting Historical Religious Events
24:35 Exploring the Multiverse and Vibrational Dimensions
25:30 The Mysteries of Dark Matter and the Universe
26:58 Scientific Method vs. Anecdotal Evidence
31:18 The Galileo Project: A New Approach to Anomaly Detection
32:12 The Quest for Extraterrestrial Evidence
41:43 The Potential Martian Origins of Life on Earth
44:14 Confronting Cosmic Tragedies and the Human Ego
47:50 The Importance of Humility in Scientific Exploration Links for Avi: Links for Julian: - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Apr 11, 202453:41
UNDERSTAND NATURE'S CONSCIOUSNESS: Mysticism, Nature, and Universal Mind with Manjiri Latey

UNDERSTAND NATURE'S CONSCIOUSNESS: Mysticism, Nature, and Universal Mind with Manjiri Latey

In a fascinating discussion with Manjiri Latey—a facilitator in telepathic inter species communication—the conversation covers a wide range of topics including spirituality, psychic and spiritual development, the teachings of Dr. King, and the connection between humans, nature, and the universe. Manjiri shares insights into the practices of yoga, the essence of Nature and its conscious communication, the power of linguistics in spiritual growth, and personal transformation stories from her Earthwise project participants. The discussion emphasizes the importance of integrity, the interconnectedness of all life forms, and the potential of Nature to guide and heal. Manjiri also touches upon Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and shares how Earthwise is facilitating deeper connections with Nature through online workshops and potentially physical workshops in the future.

00:00 Welcome to the Mysticast: Exploring the Aetherius Society
00:22 Introducing Manjiri Latey: A Journey of Spiritual and Psychic Development
01:30 The Legacy of Dr. King and the Evolution of Yoga
02:49 Bridging the Gap: Nature, Yoga, and Spiritual Evolution
05:45 Earthwise: Connecting with Nature for Healing and Wisdom
09:04 The Power of Linguistics and Nature in Spiritual Workshops
12:14 Transformative Experiences: Stories of Healing and Connection
18:50 The Vibrational Alignment with Nature and Higher Consciousness
25:35 Final Thoughts: Embracing Our Connection with Nature and Each Other - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Apr 04, 202428:53
FROM CHERNOBYL TO CHENNAI: Dr. Q's Quest for Healing and Truth with Nadi Reading

FROM CHERNOBYL TO CHENNAI: Dr. Q's Quest for Healing and Truth with Nadi Reading

In a revealing episode of the Mysticast, hosts Jack Stafford and Dr. Q explore the ancient practice of Indian Palm Leaf Reading, known as Nadi Readings, and its profound impact on modern healing and spiritual growth. Originating from Tamil Nadu, India, these readings were crafted by sages who envisioned the future to assist individuals on their life paths. The narrative follows Dr. Q's journey into discovering Nadi Readings, detailing the process from identifying one's leaf to uncovering remarkably accurate life insights and future predictions. It showcases personal transformations, like Sam's life-altering experience, underscoring the readings' power in promoting personal development, karma understanding, and enlightenment. The discussion extends to accessing these readings through the Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute, emphasizing the spiritual evolution and service to humanity engrained in this ancient wisdom, now available globally.
00:00 Welcome to Mysticast: Bridging Worlds
00:20 Introducing Dr. Q: A Journey into Nadia Readings
03:00 The Fascinating World of Indian Palm Leaf Reading
04:06 Dr. Q's Life Story: From Iran to Indian Mysticism
23:32 The Search for Palm Leaves: A Detailed Process
29:46 The Magic of Matching: Finding Your Leaf
37:53 The Power of Reading: Transforming Lives
38:30 Understanding the Nature of Readings
39:07 The Raw Truth of Readings: Unfiltered Insights
39:27 Life's Challenges and Readings: A Reality Check
40:45 Navigating Life's Blocks with Readings
41:29 The Power of Remedies in Readings
42:01 The Significance of Pujas and Energy Shifting
45:37 Personal Stories of Transformation
51:46 The Global Reach and Ethical Foundation of the Institute
59:46 Karma, Service, and the Journey to Moksha
01:03:59 Exploring the Aetherius Society's Teachings - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Mar 28, 202401:12:38
MUSICAL MYSTICISM: Exploring Angelic sounds with harp player Peter Sterling

MUSICAL MYSTICISM: Exploring Angelic sounds with harp player Peter Sterling

In this episode of the Mysticast, we talk to Peter Sterling about his journey into metaphysics, mysticism, and his experiences with angelic beings and astral projection. Peter shares how yoga and meditation prepared him for 'divine dispensation' and cosmic experiences, including UFO sightings, profound samadhi states, and encounters with angels during his time living in Sedona's canyons. He discusses his grandmother's influence on his spiritual path, the role of music in his life, and how he became a channel for divine sound through the harp, aimed at aiding the ascension process. The conversation extends to Peter's mission, his work with the 'Portals of Light' and sharing his spiritual insights through music, art, and sacred land journeys. The episode also touches on the importance of grounding oneself despite profound spiritual experiences and Peter's alignment with the work of The Aetherius Society.
00:24 Introducing Peter Sterling: A Journey into Cosmic Experiences
00:44 The Power of Yoga and Metaphysical Practices in Spiritual Awakening
02:22 Sedona's Mystical Canyons: A Retreat into Nature and Silence
08:03 Encountering the Angelic: Mystical Experiences and Divine Music
16:57 The Mission of Music: Channeling Divine Frequencies
20:55 Balancing Spiritual Missions with Earthly Responsibilities
21:49 The Ethereus Society: Cosmic Missions and Spiritual Combat
32:59 Peter's Future Endeavors: Music, Books, and Sacred Land Journeys
35:54 Concluding Thoughts and Exploring Lake Powell's Sacred Site - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Mar 20, 202439:27
ALTER ETHER: Exploring Pyramid Power and Mystical Healing with Lisa Richards

ALTER ETHER: Exploring Pyramid Power and Mystical Healing with Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a pyramid expert and we focus on the mystical realms of pyramid energy, specifically focusing on Russian and Giza style pyramids. Lisa shares her journey from the restaurant industry to becoming a committed researcher and advocate for pyramid power, detailing experiences and experiments that showcase the impressive, yet often overlooked, capabilities of pyramid structures. These include remarkable healing outcomes, agricultural benefits, and potential for enhancing spiritual connections. Additionally, the conversation touches upon spiritual healing practices, orgone energy, and various aspects of mysticism, emphasizing the importance of exploring and harnessing the diverse forms of energy around us for healing, growth, and spiritual development.
00:00 Welcome to the Mysticast: Unveiling Cosmic Mysteries
00:24 Introducing Lisa Richards: From Business Partner to Pyramid Expert
00:45 Unlocking the Secrets of Pyramid Power
01:07 Exploring Russian Pyramid Mysteries and Miracles
03:53 The Spiritual and Healing Powers of Pyramids
06:21 A Journey from Fear to Empowerment through Spirituality
09:31 Why Pyramids? Lisa's Personal Quest for Knowledge
12:25 The Pyramid Science Foundation: A Vision for the Future
17:46 Harnessing Pyramid Energy for Spiritual Healing
21:32 The Business of Pyramids: Global Reach and Orgone Energy
22:59 Harnessing Pyramid Energy: Practical Uses and DIY Tips
25:15 Exploring the Stargate Pyramids Shop
27:02 Launching into Alternative Energy Healing
27:39 Grounding Techniques and Energy Awareness
32:29 Spiritual Energy Crisis and Collective Healing Efforts
36:51 Electroculture and the Power of Tesla's Discoveries
41:48 Concluding Thoughts and Where to Find More Information - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Mar 13, 202444:02
KNOWLEDGE VS. BELIEF: Can Science and Spirituality co-exist? Richard Lawrence & Dallas Campbell

KNOWLEDGE VS. BELIEF: Can Science and Spirituality co-exist? Richard Lawrence & Dallas Campbell

In this landmark 100th episode of the Mysticast, we have a unique and probing conversation with Richard Lawrence, European Secretary of the Aetherius Society, and renowned TV science presenter and author, Dallas Campbell. From intriguing discussions about spirituality and science to stories about life on other planets and the intricacies of reincarnation, this episode brims with enlightening insights. Richard and Dallas provide captivating perspectives from their distinctive fields, stimulating thought, encouraging introspection, and begetting a deeper understanding of our universe.
00:00 Introduction to the Mystic Cast
01:57 Exploring the Concept of UFOs and Alien Life
05:23 The Intersection of Science and Spirituality
11:24 The Role of Service in the Ethereal Society
17:06 The Power of Spiritual Experiences
35:30 The Mystery of Levitation and Psychic Abilities
41:05 The Power of Personal Experience and Belief
41:22 The Intersection of Science, Spirituality, and Levitation
42:17 Exploring Dr. King's Background and Spiritual Journey
43:30 The Influence of Mediums and Psychics in History
44:32 The Reality of Psychic Abilities and Their Control
46:10 The Role of Science and Spirituality in Understanding Truth
46:26 Personal Experiences with Mediums and Their Impact
47:21 The Controversy and Skepticism Surrounding Mediums
48:31 The Spiritual Energy Battery and Its Mysteries
49:54 The Power of Prayer and Spiritual Energy
52:34 The Challenges and Criticisms of Organized Religion
54:54 The Concept of Reincarnation and Its Implications
57:48 The Evolution of Dr. King's Understanding of Life on Other Planets
59:43 The Role of Science in Understanding the Universe
01:01:41 The Intersection of Science and Spirituality in Understanding Dark Matter
01:21:40 The Role of Reincarnation in Spiritual Evolution
01:27:31 The Legacy and Impact of Dr. George King - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Mar 06, 202401:33:07
HYLOZOISM: How to tune in and harmonise with the living breathing universe - w/ Gary Kidgell

HYLOZOISM: How to tune in and harmonise with the living breathing universe - w/ Gary Kidgell

In this episode of the Mysticast, Jack Stafford and Debra Littleboy of the Aetherius Society engage in a profound conversation with Gary Kitchell, a member of the Theosophical Society. The conversation breaks down the barriers between religion, science, metaphysics, philosophy, and mysticism, all in the pursuit of truth. We dive deep into the nuances of Theosophy, the quest for spiritual growth, and the Aetherius Society. Gary also discusses his journey in the metaphysical world and his background in esoteric astrology. Additionally, we discuss the importance of service to others as a key component of spiritual development. 00:00 Introduction to the Mysticast 00:23 Guest Introduction: Gary Kitchell 00:33 Gary's Journey into Metaphysics and Theosophy 01:36 Exploring the Theosophical Society and its Teachings 02:31 Gary's Connection with the Aetherius Society 03:29 Discussion on the Evolution of Spiritual Societies 04:14 Understanding the Teachings of the Aetherius Society 09:29 The Concept of Hilozoism in Theosophy 37:08 The Role of Astrology in Understanding the Universe 38:39 The Importance of Service in Spiritual Growth 43:50 Understanding Greek Hero Myths and their Symbolism 49:28 Conclusion and Farewell - - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Mar 01, 202449:57
HOW TO BE AUTHENTIC: Rising above Likes and Dislikes with John DeMartini

HOW TO BE AUTHENTIC: Rising above Likes and Dislikes with John DeMartini

In our Mysticast conversation with Dr. John DeMartini ( a leading authority on human behaviour and personal development, we explore similarities between the Dr. John’s discovery on how to stay authentic by applying what he calls the Law of Contrast and Master of Yoga, Dr. King’s advanced yoga techniques. Dr. John is the founder of a private research and education organization, the Demartini Institute, which hosts a curriculum of more than seventy-two courses covering multiple aspects of human development.The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the understanding of the necessity of rising above all petty likes and dislikes. Dr. King taught that by using spiritual energy correctly through Karma Yoga (aka Impersonal service) would balance our evolutionary weaknesses and this would reveal the true self.Dr. John explains it as the correlation between your perceptions and authenticity ‘When you compare yourself to others and EXAGGERATE their qualities, you tend to minimize yourself in return by the law of contrast’. ‘When you MINIMIZE their qualities, you might self-righteously believe you're smarter or more successful’.By comparison you actively move away from being authentic.

Further study:

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Feb 22, 202446:20
Cosmic Consciousness and Kundalini Awakening with Isabella Greene
Feb 15, 202401:08:56
SPIRITUAL SERVICE - tools of the trade for a spiritual aspirant. With Robert Woolley

SPIRITUAL SERVICE - tools of the trade for a spiritual aspirant. With Robert Woolley

In our Mysticast conversation Robert Woolley, a national speaker for the Theosophical Society ( we discuss the importance of understanding that spiritual oneness is behind all things and with this understanding we can begin to appreciate how spiritual service is the deepest most rewarding service of all. 

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the shared belief that although charitable and voluntary work is useful, there is deeper, more vital work, and that is spiritual energy work.

Dr. King ( Note 1) taught that every man woman and child is capable of transmitting and receiving  higher frequency light energy. It is this L-O-V-E  energy, when correctly used, that will  stop wars and bring peace to Earth. (Note 2) 

In the Nine Freedoms book (  service is described as “love in practical action”. If we have a real, deep, genuine love for others and the world, we will of course want to help – and if we really want to help others and the world, we will be given the opportunity to do so.

Further study: 

Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2 (  Working with the Divine Law through any kind of humanitarianism, elevated inspiration or expression of true spiritual love, will help humankind as a whole to advance towards the heavenly vision that the Cosmic Masters have for our world.

Feb 09, 202447:08
PATHWAYS TO ENLIGHTENMENT via selfless service. With Sal Rachele

PATHWAYS TO ENLIGHTENMENT via selfless service. With Sal Rachele

In our Mysticast conversation with Salvatore Rochelle, ( author of five books and a pioneer in the human potential field for over 40 years, we discuss the similarities between the techniques he uses to channel messages from cosmic sources and Master of Yoga, Dr. King’s unique mediumship. 

Sal explained that he is a mental receiver for  messages from Leah the Venusian, the Arcturians, Lord Sananda, the archangels, the Founders and Isis. He explained the methodology could be likened to amping down electricity from the national grid to 220 or 110 volts in order to service our household needs. Similarly the frequency vibrations of  the highly evolved beings that he communicates with need to be ‘amped down’ so that it can be safely accommodated by Sal’s brain.

By far the biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the messages of ‘ Love through Service to Others’  In the Sanada Mystery School ( which Sal Co-Founded, Sanada explains that One of the fastest and best ways to spiritual enlightenment is through service to others. 

This is echoed by Mars Sector 6 in The Nine Freedoms,( ) an Metaphysical treatise on the progress through Ascension to Cosmic Existence.

Those who have a yearning desire to serve and indeed are doing so, are those who have slain selfishness; are those who are gradually overcoming their lower materialistic aspects; are those who are, sometimes slowly but nevertheless surely, advancing towards Enlightenment.

– Mars Sector 6 -‘Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment’

Sal, his team and the Aetherius Society are committed to bringing this vital message to our suffering world.

Further study:

Feb 07, 202448:38
THE AKASHIC LIBRARY: Can we access it? How can it help us? w/Lisa Barnett

THE AKASHIC LIBRARY: Can we access it? How can it help us? w/Lisa Barnett

In our Mysticast conversation with Lisa Barnett, (  an internationally recognized author, teacher and healer with more than 30 years experience in the Spiritual healing forum, we discover how in 2005 she was called by the Masters of the Akashic Library to create an Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom and to create resources to bring clarity and healing from the ancient Akashic knowledge to a broader audience.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the mutual understanding of both the science and power of prayer energy and, knowing this,  incorporating this sacred practice into a daily routine in order to evolve the prayer and the world. 

Further study:

Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society (Note 1)

#122 - Can you pray to "God" for help? - The Aetherius Society (Note 2)

Prayer Energy - Make Your Prayers Really Work -The Aetherius Society 

If you are interested in taking a deeper exploration, I have included Levels of Consciousness - Part 2: Realms of the Masters - Listen on Aetherius Cloud


Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2.There are a lot of misconceptions and hangups that people can have about prayer – because of the way it is conventionally portrayed and performed by certain mainstream religions.

In King Yoga prayer is about energy. It is based on ancient yogic wisdom including an understanding of prana, chakras, visualization, and universal love!

Jan 31, 202449:54
THE GRAND PLAN: What is it and how can we cooperate? With Tim Wyatt

THE GRAND PLAN: What is it and how can we cooperate? With Tim Wyatt

In our Mysticast conversation with Tim Wyatt,  esoteric writer, lecturer, researcher and organiser. A broadcast and print journalist for half a century, who has won awards for his plays and TV documentaries, produced numerous TV films and currently writes for various esoteric publications worldwide. ( we learn his ‘ take’ on the evolutionary cycles that all life on Earth has to experience in order to evolve.

Debra really appreciated how Tim explained ‘The Ageless Wisdom tells us that we can, if we’re prepared to make the effort, significantly accelerate our own evolution in a given physical lifetime

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was that  ‘Evolution doesn’t happen by chance; it is certainly not a series of random accidents. It is underpinned by a Grand Plan’ 

Further study: (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3)

If you are interested in taking a deeper exploration, I have included (Note 4)


Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2. In this riveting lecture, Dr. George King describes a great cosmic plan unfolding for the spiritual upliftment and enlightenment of humankind. He reveals our true history since coming to this planet 18,000,000 years ago, and presents details of the most important cosmic events taking place on Earth. He also reveals what we can all do to help in this vital evolutionary plan, which is ushering in a glorious new age of spirituality and cosmic freedom

Note 3 Operation Prayer Power is a mission designed by Dr. George King to invoke spiritual energy, store it in a spiritual power battery, and release it in a concentrated form when it is needed. 

This concentrated form of spiritual energy can be used to bring about ecological balance as well as relief from suffering for people who have been affected by war, natural disasters, humanitarian crises and so on.             Note 4 The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6.

Jan 26, 202449:16
What is the essential role for women in our world today – and in the future? With Graham Philips

What is the essential role for women in our world today – and in the future? With Graham Philips

Our Mysticast guests Graham Phillips, one of Britain’s bestselling non-fiction authors, and Anne Baring, author and peace activist, discuss the mysterious, nineteenth-century secret society called the Order of Meonia which is the fascinating subject of Graham's latest book Strange Fate. 

The biggest insight from this conversation was the multiple parallels, twists and turns that brought this incredible story into print. The pattern of success shown by strong women of good heart  embracing the occult sciences which enabled them to influence the male leaders of the world, with the results of giving women some equality, starting the essential re-balance of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine energies.

This true story supports the messages received and recorded in Anne’s latest book  and the appeal to women from the Cosmic Masters through Dr. King in 1962. 

Further study:

Jan 24, 202455:03
Dr. WAYNE DYER - evolutionary guidance for the New World with Karen Noe

Dr. WAYNE DYER - evolutionary guidance for the New World with Karen Noe

Our Mysticast conversation is  with Karen Noe ( , who has been an open channel with Dr. Wayne Dyer since his passing in 2015. In this discussion Karen shares some of the messages that Dr. Wayne has given to her to pass onto the world at this crucial time in our planet's evolution.

In common with some of our other guests it would seem that Dr. Dyer has surrounded himself with other like minded souls who wish to help us here on Level 1 (see levels on consciousness in notes below) to find peace and enlightenment. 

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the need to find peace and understanding that we are all one.

Further study: 

If you are interested in taking a deeper exploration, I have included two lectures (Note 2) (Note 3) 

Note 2.What happens when we die? Where do we go? What kind of world should we expect? Do heaven and hell really exist? Do we get reborn on Earth? Will we remember our lives now after we pass on? Will we meet up with loved ones – and recognize them – after death? Is it possible to communicate with the departed? How accurate is such communication? What is a spirit guide? Do ghosts exist? What are they?

Note 3. Life after death for the ordinary person and for the great spiritual Master are very different. The really advanced, inspired, enlightened spiritual worker is destined to experience the magic and joy of a realm of existence much higher than the basic spirit world. These higher realms are places of tremendous creativity in all positive fields of endeavour – where art, science, religion and spirituality are all viewed as inseparable facets of the oneness of Truth. Dr. George King even gives an example of the work being carried out by a great East Asian Master known as Chang-Fu on the higher mental realms, and recounts the illuminating true story of the latter years of Chang-Fu’s life on this plane


Jan 19, 202444:39
LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS: And all love matters! With Peter Panagore

LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS: And all love matters! With Peter Panagore

In our Mysticast conversation with Rev. Peter Panagore  ( who describes himself as a husband, father, grandfather, a two-time near-death experiencer, storyteller, ordained pastor, writer, best-selling book author, entrepreneur, public speaker, tv talent, producer, and more, we discuss the meaning of the word L-O-V-E and how this energy can be radiated out into our suffering world.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was that L-O-V-E is a living energy and when used for the benefit of all can bring about feelings of well being to you -the radiating source everyone you come in contact with.

In the Aetherius Society we are told that it is a force for healing, inspiration and transmutation. Just as life as we know it on Earth could not exist without water, nothing in the universe could exist without love.

Further study: (Note 1) (Note 2)

For anyone  interested in taking a deeper exploration, I have included links to 

Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2. Love is much more than just the emotion which many people think of as love. It is described by Mars Sector 6 as a “natural energy, all pervasive, greater than mind”, and as a “state of whole being”. We cannot experience this kind of love – love in its higher sense – until we have a degree of bravery, and this love, as it grows, will in turn spur us onwards to ever-greater degrees of bravery.

Jan 17, 202445:34
CONFLICT REVOLUTION: Regeneration through Human Will and Divine Grace with Barbara With

CONFLICT REVOLUTION: Regeneration through Human Will and Divine Grace with Barbara With

In our Mysticast conversation with Barbara Lee With ( we discuss Universal Life Force Energy called L-O-V-E. 

We have been told through the teachings given through Dr. King  by the Cosmic Masters  that Real Love is not a measure of emotion, but something much greater. Being able to channel the extraordinary power of love brings freedom from hate and from a host of other ills. Love can even bring freedom from war, disease, and our own basic selves. Rather than thinking of it as a state of mind, think of it as a state of whole being.

One of the ways of putting this love into practical action is by praying that they be inspired to become the people they could be.

Barbara, after being contacted and tutored by Albert Einstein and The Party of Twelve from the afterlife, has been inspired to travel and teach people how to use this universal power, she is currently travelling and teaching how to obtain Peace one person at a time. Her mission is to teach that Non Violent Action is the way to end the Age of War. 

Barbara shared that she has been delighted to discover that the younger generation seem to understand the oneness of everything and this gives her the energy to keep teaching and sharing.

This lady is a POWERHOUSE truly inspiring.

Further study:  Albert Einstein and The Party of 12 - solution to end all War on Earth..  See Mars Sector 6 and Master Jesus  The First Blessing is for ‘They who work for PEACE’ and Third Blessing is for ‘ they who LOVE’  The Second Freedom is LOVE It is described by Mars Sector 6 as a “natural energy, all pervasive, greater than mind”, and as a “state of whole being”. We cannot experience this kind of love – love in its higher sense – until we have a degree of bravery, and this love, as it grows, will in turn spur us onwards to ever-greater degrees of bravery.

If you are interested in taking a deeper exploration, I have included a couple of lectures 

Jan 12, 202439:27
PROJECT EARTHWORK: Are You Ready To Take Your Place as a Steward of The Land? with Ceryn Rowntree

PROJECT EARTHWORK: Are You Ready To Take Your Place as a Steward of The Land? with Ceryn Rowntree

In our Mysticast conversation with Ceryn Rowntree ( Storyteller, Primal Priestess, Soul Integration Specialist, we were spoilt for choice on what to focus on. Debra was particularly interested in Project Earthwords which Ceryn is a Founder Member, so that is where we started the discussion.

Project Earthwork (  a totally FREE initiative where folk from all over the world and all walks of life, network together to honour and tend to the living breathing being that is our home. They acknowledge the wisdom of our ancestors, weave energy grids and networks for those to come, and reclaim their rightful place as stewards of the Earth.

As the discussion developed we quickly understood how this initiative slotted into Ceryn’s other passion which she calls Soul Integration, she helps people understand the vital importance of having the Male and Female energies working together in harmony, how thoughts are powerful tools and correct breathing is the best remedy for calming the mind.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the striking alignment with the Fifth and Seventh Blessing from The Twelve Blessings ( given by The Master Jesus through Dr. King in 1958. 

Further study: - lecture by Lisa Rosser is worth a watch.  a transmission given by Master Jesus through Dr. King in 1958.  a transmission given by Master Jesus through Dr. King in 1958.

Jan 10, 202444:50
MASTERS, ASCENDED MASTERS & COSMIC MASTERS Who are they and what is their ‘job’ remit? With Ryder Lee

MASTERS, ASCENDED MASTERS & COSMIC MASTERS Who are they and what is their ‘job’ remit? With Ryder Lee

In our Mysticast conversation with Ryder Lee it quickly became  apparent that this man is a super researcher of truth. His dedication in sorting the 'wheat from the chaff'  was breathtaking.

In the Aetherius Society we are repeatedly told by Dr. King said that discrimination was essential, we had to listen and separate the truth from fantasy. A few minutes into the interview it was obvious that discernment was by far the biggest parallel to be drawn from this exploration.

Debra believes that Ryder’s demonstration of truth searching is a great service to would-be spiritual aspirants - as so many hear a grain of truth wrapped in fantasy and swallow the whole package, mostly because it appeals to their EGOS.

The discussion explored the different terminologies of Master, Ascended Master & Cosmic Masters and how the terms have different meanings depending on the speaker. It also dipped into the muddy subject of soul fragments, Debra sharing that Dr. King had explained that mighty Black magicians, transmuted onto Level 1 (this physical plane) had their consciousnesses split into many parts in order to give the entity a chance to follow the path of oneness and service to all. 

Further study:

Jan 05, 202452:49
EDGAR CAYCE AND OTHER ENTITIES - Healing through restoration and regeneration, w/ Kimberley Meredith

EDGAR CAYCE AND OTHER ENTITIES - Healing through restoration and regeneration, w/ Kimberley Meredith

In our Mysticast conversation with  celebrity medical intuitive medium, healer, global speaker, influencer and bestselling author Kimberley Meredith (, we explored how she helps many people to live true to their most authentic self in daily life, by making healthy and heartfelt decisions. Kimberly explained that  Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, often assists her in her counselling and healing  sessions.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was paradoxically, the differences between Kimberley’s method of blinking and number identification to Dr. King's Samadhi positive trance and mental transmissions. 

Kimberley and her guides are focused on helping the individual find ways to transmute fear through knowledge and bravery whereas Dr. King's contacts took a global impersonal view. Both are essential in helping shift our collectively Karmic limitations, using techniques best suited for bringing through the information needed to heal our world.

Further study:

Kimberly is often compared to Edgar Cayce, Through her healing mediumship and blinking eyes, Kimberly is directed by God to perform laying-on of hands. She can “scan” or see into the body faster and more accurately than the fastest MRI and thermography machines. 

Edgar Cayce (pronounced Kay-Cee, 1877-1945) has been called the "sleeping prophet," the "father of holistic medicine," and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic "readings" to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come. 

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Jan 03, 202440:52
INTUITION: What is it? Can I access it? How will it help me? With Jen Weigel

INTUITION: What is it? Can I access it? How will it help me? With Jen Weigel

In our Mysticast conversation with Jen Weigel (  an award winning broadcast journalist who has been on a journey to bring spirituality into mainstream media for over twenty years, we started by discussing the subject of Intuition,  - what is it? Can I access it? How will it help me?  

Searching for similarities between the techniques used by Jen and those taught by Dr. King, this conversation quickly changed direction as we realised the biggest parallel between Jen Weigel and Dr. King’s mission was the importance of  understanding and dedication to the concept of oneness and service to each other and our planet. 

Jen explained that she was committed to storytelling, making a platform for people to show up and listen to each other in order to gain experience without the first hand emotional rawness, the sting which limits the  capacity for rational thought. She believes that this service heals the individual, promotes bravery and in turn is gradually healing our world.

Further study:

Dec 29, 202349:28
SPIRITUALITY HAS GONE MAINSTREAM… now how can you harness that? With PR guru Sarah Lloyd

SPIRITUALITY HAS GONE MAINSTREAM… now how can you harness that? With PR guru Sarah Lloyd

In our Mysticast conversation with Sarah Lloyd (  a P.R guru who works with spiritually minded business folk, helping them uncover opportunities that align with their core values.

Sarah believes 100% in collaboration, she says that It is time for us to not only own, but to fall in love with our stories. Our mistakes. Our learnings. And to share those stories so others may feel less alone, inspired to take a different path, or to teach and guide.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration and the teachings given by the Masters through Dr. King is that COLLABORATION is a vital key to success. For more than four decades Dr.King demonstrated how to collaborate with Masters of Yoga and Cosmic Masters teaching us how to evolve and work ever more seamlessly together, rising above petty likes and dislikes until we merge and form a more expansive powerful force. 

Further study:

Dec 27, 202343:01
WHEN IS TRUTH STRANGER THAN SCIENCE FICTION?: Exploring the truth of Arthur C Clarke storylines

WHEN IS TRUTH STRANGER THAN SCIENCE FICTION?: Exploring the truth of Arthur C Clarke storylines

In our Mysticast conversation with Rizwan Virk, (  graduate of MIT and Stanford, Rizwan Virk, a successful entrepreneur, video game pioneer, film producer, venture capitalist, computer scientist and bestselling author. Our discussion centred around the way Science Fiction preceded physical science by approximately 30 years. 

Debra was intrigued by a comment Riz had made about Arthur C Clark’s famous 1953 novel ‘Childhoods End’ where he stated that this concept was ‘way out of our league even today’ 

In this fascinating conversation we discuss the similarities between this and other Science Fiction concepts and compare them to  Transmissions delivered by Cosmic Masters through Dr. George King ( (Note 1).

This wisdom from the Cosmic Masters  teaches us about people and life on the other planets in our solar system. That on the other planets, children (as such) do not exist as the life stream is birthed through the logos of the planet into an adult body. We are also told that as the lifestream evolves to Saturnian existence it co-joins with another on the same vibratory frequency becoming a 6 fold being.

The biggest parallels drawn from this exploration was that Truth is indeed stranger than Science Fiction and physical science follows the story tellers, often proving that the impossible can and often does become the new FACTS. 

Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2. Interplanetary Existence - Once an individual has learned all the lessons that reincarnation upon Earth can teach them, if they do not remain on Earth as an Ascended Master, then they begin life as a Cosmic Master on another planet. It should be noted, however, that this does not of course mean that all Cosmic Masters originate from Earth.Cosmic Masters exist on higher material planes of their respective planets. So the fact that Mars, for example, may appear barren and uninhabited on the plane of existence which we are able to observe, does not mean that it is uninhabited on a higher plane, also known as a “higher realm” or “higher frequency of vibration”. However, Cosmic Masters can also move from one plane to another, including this plane on which we live, if they so choose.

Note 3,Cosmic Transmissions should be treated with great reverence – you are strongly advised to prepare yourself before listening.

Note 4. Once experience of the life cycles of other planets in the Solar System has been mastered, the intelligence begins life on Saturn, which, again, would of course exist at a higher frequency of vibration than this physical plane. Saturn is the most advanced planet in this system – and is where the Lord Babaji, and the Cosmic Avatar Sri Krishna, who gave the Bhagavad Gita, came from.

Further study: (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4)

Dec 22, 202349:02
PLANET X: What is it, where is it and why is it important?

PLANET X: What is it, where is it and why is it important?

In our Mysticast conversation with our friend and fellow truth seeking  podcaster Rex Bear (  we share notes on the mysterious Planet X

Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 (Note 1) stated in a transmission called The Initiation Of Earth

These are the days of the old order. The New Order for you will be deeper Peace, greater Joy, conditions beyond your wild imaginings! Or- rebirth upon a younger World to relive the terrors of the history you  have made upon this Planet’

Rex has interviewed many people who have researched this subject and Rex showed his frustration with the mixed and tangled messages that he has grappled with over the years.

At one point in the interview in typical Rex Bear style he states “Jack what you say makes sense and I can get behind it - but where is the science to back it up?”  

I (Debra) believes that Rex will now be on his own mission to prove or otherwise that a Planet called X might be orbiting on the other side of the Sun. 

Gotta love that drive and persistence!

Further study:

The Cosmic Plan - Listen on Aetherius Cloud (

(Note 1) Mars Sector 6 is from a higher material plane of the planet Mars, as this name, or rather pseudonym, would suggest. He is the Master in charge of Satellite Number 3 which transmits special spiritual energies to Earth during a Spiritual Push, and is so advanced that he is now a Lord of Karma.

He speaks in a commanding and very definite tone through Dr. King, and has given some of the finest spiritual teachings ever given to Earth, probably most notably The Nine Freedoms  which explains the mysterious secrets of spiritual evolution.

Dec 20, 202346:00
THE VALUE OF THEOSOPHY: Theory and practical application

THE VALUE OF THEOSOPHY: Theory and practical application

In our Mysticast conversation with Teresa Keast (  Dru Yoga and Meditation teacher, National Speaker for The Theosophy Society and active member of CE- 5, we discuss the similarities between the practices used by the Theosophists and Dru-Yoga practitioners with Dr. George King (  (Note 1) advanced yoga techniques.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the practical application of  Breathing exercises, Meditation practices and,Wisdom teachings in our everyday life and the wonderful convergence of these spiritual teachings with our scientific understanding.

Meditation can change your life completely. You will not know whether or not this is true unless you try it. Benefits reported from meditation include:

  • control of stress

  • happiness

  • greater confidence

  • improved concentration

  • positive outlook

  • sense of purpose

  • enhanced alertness

  • increased vitality

  • more natural sleep

  • better memory

  • enhanced psychic abilities

  • more powerful intuition

  • clarity of thought

Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Further study

Dec 15, 202352:51
Z to A of ZOROASTRIANISM: Ancient wisdom for modern living

Z to A of ZOROASTRIANISM: Ancient wisdom for modern living

In our Mysticast conversation with Zebanoo Gifford President of the World Zoroastrian Organisation, ( we discuss the similarities between the ancient teachings of Zarathustra known also as Zoroaster,the first prophet to proclaim a monotheistic religion, as a universal life-enhancing philosophy, and the teachings given to The Aetherius Society by and through Dr. George King (Note 1)

There were so many parallels drawn from this exploration that Debra declared that she believed that she had been searching for Zoroastrianism but because she was not born into the religion was guided instead to The Aetherius Society, its New Age brother! 

Zerbanoo responded that she (Debra) had found both religions exactly when she needed to find them as Zoroastrian is all about living a good life and helping others do the same, known in Zoroastrianism as Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta (Good Thoughts, Good words, Good deeds).


Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

The Twelve Blessings - The Aetherius Society. The Absolute is God seen as the essence of all things – the creator of the universe and every single part of the universe. There is nothing outside of it because it is quite literally everything. Its name – Brahma, Jehovah, the Divine Source or whatever – is irrelevant – and it is certainly far greater than the old-fashioned conventional view of God as an old man on a cloud.   

Further Study:

Dec 13, 202352:43
STAR WARS AND STAR TREK: More fact than fiction?

STAR WARS AND STAR TREK: More fact than fiction?

In our Mysticast conversation with Author and researcher Ella LeBain ( we compare notes on who, what, where and why we share this planet with extraterrestrials.  Ella identifies and discerns the aliens, intraterrestrials and interdimensional beings who share our planet, who are based “inside” the Earth and inside our Solar System. In her unique way, Ella connects the dots, to the ancient prophesies concerning ETs, Aliens, gods and Angel at the end of this age.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the truth that we are not alone here on Earth, UFOs and aliens are real, and they have been visiting Earth throughout our history.

They’re even here today. And they’re vastly more advanced than us.

A few decades ago, belief in intelligent life outside of Earth - aliens - was still more often ridiculed than not. Today, it’s a very different story. It’s more absurd to not believe in it.

As our understanding of other planets, the Solar System and the universe grows, we are collectively realizing that intelligent life simply must exist outside of Earth.

Further study: 1) 2)

If you are interested in taking a deeper exploration, I have included 3)

Note 1 The philosophy of the Gods from space, also known as Cosmic Masters, as given through Dr. King, encompasses the simplicity and compassion of true Christianity, with the deep mysticism of the East – taken onto a cosmic level. We are all sparks of the Divine. By being of true spiritual service to others, and by going within and performing spiritual practices designed to raise our consciousness, we can realize our Divinity, and thereby rise above our current limitations.

Note 2 The word “avatar” comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “descent”, because these great beings have come down to us from their heavenly abodes on other planets. They have chosen, in compassion, to sacrifice their bliss and allow a part of their consciousness to be born as a baby on Earth in a body apparently just like us. They then stay here for an allotted time, during which they help humanity in various ways, including giving spiritual teaching.

While incarnate upon Earth a Cosmic Avatar is under tremendous limitation and has only a fraction of the powers and wisdom which they enjoy on their own planet. One important reason for this is the very poor state of the karma of humankind as a whole. In simple terms we are not ready for, and do not deserve, the direct, open intervention of these great beings in what is termed their “Full Aspect”.

Note 3. This lecture goes into the very deepest metaphysical aspects of our times. Operation Karmalight was a war  fought on the lower astral realms, or ‘hells’, of Earth by a handful of specially trained Interplanetary Adepts living in terrestrial bodies. Through his close association with these Avatars, Dr. King gives a deep insight into their extraordinary, alien, and yet at times very human, psychology.

In this brilliant speech he reveals many truths concerning some of the most important beings to have ever come to Earth.

Dec 08, 202349:47
HOW CAN PSYCHIC PHENOMENA HELP OUR HEALTH? The delicate mission of introducing mysticism into mainstream medicine

HOW CAN PSYCHIC PHENOMENA HELP OUR HEALTH? The delicate mission of introducing mysticism into mainstream medicine

In our Mysticast conversation with Dr. Daniel M Ingram we discovered the stupendous mission of The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium ( that of expanding mainstream medicine to include what many might call “spiritual”, “mystical”, “energetic”, etc. experiences and effects, Daniel refers to these experiences as emergent phenomena. He called the practices designed to lead to emergent phenomena, such as meditation, psychedelics, yoga, prayer, etc.  -  emergent practices.

As emergent practices continue to scale up in society, the aim is to give healthcare systems, mental health providers, and those who are helping to teach and promote various practices the information they need in order to make better decisions about how to both promote the benefits of these practices and manage the various effects that they can produce.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the mutual desire of The Aetherius Society and The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium to educate and assist Man’s evolutionary path to expanded levels of consciousness by helping individuals to understand and effectively manage this new way of being.


We are studying emergent experiences using both qualitative and quantitative methods. If you have had mystical or spiritual experiences, which we refer to as emergent phenomena, and would be willing to be involved in these studies, please get in touch.

Further study: (note 1) (note 2)

1.Dr. George King was one of the world’s foremost authorities on psychic self-defense. In this lecture he explores the whole question of astral interference and puts it into a global perspective. He leaves us in no doubt, however, that the most common cause of so-called interference is our own negative thought and action.

2.In this riveting lecture, Dr. George King describes a great cosmic plan unfolding for the spiritual upliftment and enlightenment of humankind. He reveals our true history since coming to this planet 18,000,000 years ago, and presents details of the most important cosmic events taking place on Earth. He also reveals what we can all do to help in this vital evolutionary plan, which is ushering in a glorious new age of spirituality and cosmic freedom.

Dec 06, 202350:25
RELIGION OR WORLDVIEW? Transcending the differences that divide us!

RELIGION OR WORLDVIEW? Transcending the differences that divide us!

In our Mysticast conversation with  Dr. James K Powell 11 who has been teaching philosophy and religion for more than 20 years the last 10 very successfully online.

According to James:

‘Everyone has a worldview or else you would be dead!

How can we transcend our differences and work together as the one that we are?

ANS : By binding groups of like minded believers and thinkers.’

Jack and I were definitely on the same page as James as he enthusiastically weaved together different religious schools of thought, even explaining why people in Thailand honk their horns when passing through a cemetery - “it's obviously really - no one wants to  run over a ghost!”

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the ONENESS of everything. Dr. King (Note 1) spent a lot of time teaching us about this and he said:

“When you really study the nature of all things, you can see that ALL LIFE is ONE. It is expressing itself in thousands of different ways in order to gain the essential experience of this terrestrial classroom. If you regard all life in this way, you will better understand your own particular tiny position in this great sea of life.”

Further study: 2)

Note 1 Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2 ‘To attain this Freedom, the Master has to not only have experienced Cosmic Consciousness, but be able to enter this state at will, which, we are told, is very much more demanding. Ascension cannot be gained by the average person in one life; it takes many lives of sustained spiritual effort – but, nevertheless, however distant it may seem,Mars Sector 6 informs us that it is the birthright of us all to one day reach this mighty spiritual goal’.

Dec 01, 202346:10
THE BASIS OF DOWSING: How to find energy, work with it & change it

THE BASIS OF DOWSING: How to find energy, work with it & change it

In our Mysticast conversation with Heinz Gugger who has been studying the science of Radionics for the past 15 years,( and has just released the book called DARE TO MANIFEST, a hands-on guide to harnessing subtle energies to manifest the life people truly desire.

Heinz explains why manifesting does not work for most people and they eventually become disheartened and give up. He shares real examples of how people have used his techniques to manifest the job they desire, attract more customers to their business and how to stop the parakeets from ravenging a persimmon crop!

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the confirmation that the subtle energies do exist and can be harnessed, manipulated and used for the good of all living matter on the planet. The problem, as Dr. King (Note 1) has explained it, is that people put their “gross physical energy desires” before their “spiritual energy needs”. It is practical applied spirituality – spirituality united with an open-minded yet precise scientific approach – which will herald the dawn of a new and better world for all. As The Master Jesus so wisely stated through Dr. King in 1957:

The Age which is breaking now, brings with it great possibilities and is the age of science. Science, by itself, is like the soulless wanderer of the realms of night. Yet a warmth will come out of love, to fashion it into a tool, so that it becometh as a wise man, finding his home. Warm it with that love, my brothers. Let that wondrous, everlasting power from your hearts fall upon this science, so that it becometh as a tool in the hands of everlasting Divinity, and not that soulless thing which you have made of it.

Further study: (Note 1) 2) 3) 4) (Note 5)

Note 1. Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Note 2. In Operation Prayer Power, a Cosmic Mission performed by The Aetherius Society, spiritual energy is invoked and stored in spiritual energy batteries, and then later released in a concentrated form to maximize its effect.

Note 3. We use only a fraction of our mind potential. Unlocking this potential will change our whole lives – bringing spiritual success, fulfillment and joy. By understanding the different facets of the mind, we begin to discover how to make the best use of our mental abilities – and enjoy healthier, happier lives. Most important of all, by maximizing our mental faculties, we are better able to help others in need. This lecture explains clearly and concisely the essential foundations of mystical psychology.

Note 4. The pendulum is an excellent tool to help you to develop your intuition and psychic abilities – accessing both the subconscious and superconscious aspects of our minds.This pendulum was designed by Dr. George King, an expert in the field of radionics and shape power, who knew exactly how the pendulum works.

They are made of beech and have a silk cord. These materials have been chosen because they do not hold on to energy in the way that certain other substances do.

Note 5. Operation Space Power is a Cosmic Mission designed by Dr. King in which Spiritual energies radiated by Satellite No. 3, an extraterrestrial spacecraft, are transmitted through Aetherius Society equipment and sent out to the world.

Nov 29, 202352:21
PROPHECY: TRUE CHANNEL OR FAKE? How to tell the difference

PROPHECY: TRUE CHANNEL OR FAKE? How to tell the difference

Prior to our Mysticast conversation with John Hogue (  he informed us that ‘We'll talk briefly about me as a medium reading the world, my Nostradamus, and prophetic traditions study’. 

John, a man of many profound experiences regaled us for the whole show, sharing details of his life as a disciple of Osho spending 4 years living at Rajneeshpuram ( ashram, and his lifelong fascination with Nostradamus, unveiling his prophecies and explaining how they play out in modern history.

The most amazing prophecy of all time,in Debra’s opinion - The Lords Declaration ( which informs humanity of the coming of the next Spiritual Master to Earth was given to Dr. George King (Note 1) by a Lord of Karma on the 23rd November 1958. 

This astounding prophecy only received a passing mention due to John’s enthused monologue coupled with our showtime limitations.To learn more about this incredible revelation we recommend you read the book Operation Starlight ( and study the Mission which took Dr. George King on a worldwide journey climbing and acting as a channel for cosmic energies to be injected into18 Mountains making them Holy Spiritual Batteries for the use of all mankind for as long as this world exists. 

Note 1.Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Further Study:  is the best link to John Hogue and the prophecies of Nostradamus.

Nov 24, 202352:44
HOW CAN WE BE HAPPY IN TURBULENT TIMES? Simply by removing the blocks to healing

HOW CAN WE BE HAPPY IN TURBULENT TIMES? Simply by removing the blocks to healing

In our Mysticast conversation with Robbie Holtz co-author of the award-winning books read in over 44 countries, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, and Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening we explore the vitalMind Body Spirit connection for wellness.(

Robbie has had first-hand experiences with Outback Aboriginal Australians, participating in their healing ceremonies, she then joined Dr. Gary Holz, (her future husband) in teaching the over 60,000-year-old Aboriginal healing system, using Aboriginal healing principles, quantum physics and Psycho-Neuro-Immunology – healing the body through the mind.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the evidence that healing is a skill that can be learned by anyone who wants to help others. And the more determined you are to give spiritual healing, the better healer you will become. 

Like any skill, it helps to have a good teacher – especially one who is living proof of their teaching. Dr. King ( said in a lecture given in 1976 “ Some years ago I started to make quite a close study of different types of spiritual healing and I discovered, beyond any doubt that, number one, everybody had this so-called gift and, number two, most people did not practice spiritual healing because they did not know how to start. So I evolved a technique which would enable someone to make a start....

...Before this, ladies and gentlemen, the spiritual healing movement was still doing tremendously good work—but how? They couldn’t tell you how. They didn’t know how—or very few of them knew how. 

The spiritualist said it was some vague power from spirit. 

Other people said they had a gift from God. 

But nobody could come up and say well, of course, it works because of that, that, that and that. And it has to work”, released in 1976 by Dr. King, was a revolution in the spiritual healing movement. It includes step-by-step instructions for contact spiritual healing, self-healing and absent healing.

Further study;

Nov 22, 202358:25
WHO OR WHAT IS A SPIRIT GUIDE? And how can we contact them?

WHO OR WHAT IS A SPIRIT GUIDE? And how can we contact them?

In our Mysticast conversation with the Radio Medium - Laura Lee whose mission is to positively impact lives by dispelling fear, inspiring love and helping others to tune into their spirit for guidance. Laura Lee ( toured on the national conference circuit as a keynote, sharing her insights with audiences in public forums. She accompanied notable spiritual experts and authors such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson (Presidential candidate), Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. John Grey, Dr. Stephen Covey, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Doreen Virtue, Dannion Brinkley, Dan Millman, George Noory, and James Van Praagh. Her mission is to positively impact lives by dispelling fear and inspiring love by helping others tune into their spirit for guidance.

In this discussion we seek out the similarities between the techniques used in channelling people who have passed onto other realms and Master of Yoga, Dr. King’s advanced yoga techniques to bring through messages from Cosmic Masters.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration came two truths 

  1. You have to practice concentration in order to perfect the communication channels.

  2. Although we are all sparks of the same source, some of us have strayed away from oneness onto a path of power-seeking, greed and selfishness.

 Further study:

Nov 20, 202337:10


In our Mysticast conversation with Dan and Kat Eckhart (, we quickly felt their desire and passion to create a community of students and practitioners from all backgrounds and faiths where they can ask questions and share their practices. 

The School of Occult Arts was created to allow people to explore their spirituality and develop occult skills in a safe environment.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was a complete dedication to the TRUTH of the ONENESS OF ALL THINGS and the absolute necessity to act in a thoughtful and compassionate way to everyone and everything.

Dr. George King ( was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years. The biggest message from these elevated beings was ONENESS.

Further study:      

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 17, 202352:44
 UAPs/UFOs: ALIEN OR TERRESTRIAL? ?? How to tell the difference

UAPs/UFOs: ALIEN OR TERRESTRIAL? ?? How to tell the difference

In our Mysticast conversation with Richard Hoffman  an Information Technology Consultant currently working as an Enterprise Architect at Redstone Arsenal and the Marshall Space Flight Centre In Huntsville Alabama, with 6 decades  of experience in the research and investigation of UAP Phenomena. 

Jack asked Rich for a method to weigh up the evidence and come to conclusions on whether the UFO/UAP was Terrestrial or Alien technology as we listened to him explain his methodology it became very clear what 60 years of dedicated research can bring ‘to the table’.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the necessity to discern and discriminate all evidence. Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society was very concerned that good people would be led astray because they were too accepting. In many lectures  Dr. King would literally beseech the audience to investigate with a logical mind and discriminate, thus weeding out false misleading information.

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

This is a podcast for anyone with an interest in UFO’s/UAP’s.

Further study: 

UFOs, Aliens and Their Spiritual Message - The Aetherius Society

Nov 15, 202357:03
WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED FEAR? And how we can transmute it?

WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED FEAR? And how we can transmute it?

In our Mysticast conversation with Nicholas Corrin ( we explore the phenomenon of FEAR and discuss ways to negate its effects through understanding and using techniques that reconnect all our bodies which makes them run effectively.

Dr. Corrin combines profound insights from Eastern and Western philosophy with advanced scientific research. He explores the hidden reasons why you may not be in full health, and how to regain your authentic self. His methods allow for successful treatment of chronic disease by simultaneously addressing multiple layers and perspectives. Dr. Corrin’s systems based approach aims to re-establish coherent signaling within the body.

The biggest parallel between Dr. Corrin;s work and the teachings given to us by and through  Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society was the fact that we have many bodies (layers of mind) and when these are not maintained correctly they break and lose connectivity. The good news is that these can be restored/repaired. The importance of being of service to each other is a key aspect of overcoming FEAR with Bravery.

In The Nine Freedoms - The Aetherius Society we are told - Bravery requires that we recognize our own inner voice of truth and act upon this. Fear holds us back – it prevents us from becoming the people we were meant to be. The key to freeing ourselves from fear is – knowledge, since “knowledge of the right kind dispels fear.” 

Mars Sector 6 Cosmic Masters and Transmissions - The Aetherius Society tells us that if we have the right kind of knowledge, we can change our mental outlook – from one of fear – to one of fearlessness. He also tells us we can combat fear by improving our karmic pattern, through Service, and rising above the challenges and circumstances of our current environment.

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

Mars Sector 6 is from a higher material plane of the planet Mars, as this name, or rather pseudonym, would suggest. He is the Master in charge of Satellite Number 3 which transmits special spiritual energies to Earth during a Spiritual Push, and is so advanced that he is now a Lord of Karma.

He speaks in a commanding and very definite tone through Dr. King, and has given some of the finest spiritual teachings ever given to Earth, probably most notably – The Nine Freedoms, which explains the mysterious secrets of spiritual evolution.

Further study

Man's Mind - Listen on Aetherius Cloud 

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 13, 202351:55
WHAT ARE ANGELS? And can I become one?

WHAT ARE ANGELS? And can I become one?

WHAT ARE ANGELS? And can I become one?

In our Mysticast conversation with Nomandi Ellis, Spiritualist minister, astrologer, and certified clairvoyant medium (  we explore the concept that Angels are ‘ levels of consciousness’ and discuss the similarities between Nomandi’s research and discoveries with the teachings on Levels of Consciousness taught by Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

One of the many fascinating parallels drawn from this exploration came from Nomandi’s understanding of Yazidi beliefs about the Peacock Angel. She explained that the Peacock Angel was  most interesting as it was above all other angels, and had 7 mighty angels working around it.

This sounded very much like the description of Supreme Lords of Creation who, according to the Twelfth Blessing transmission, given by the Master Jesus through Dr. King,  work around the one that is the Absolute brain!

Is the Peacock Angel the brain (supercomputer) which has 7 Supreme creator/preserver intelligences working around it, (aka the GODHEAD) that everything else revolves around and finally evolves back to?

‘The Twelve Blessings’ is a series of blessings to spiritual workers and great cosmic beings, incorporating profound wisdom – as well as some of the most beautiful prayers ever given to Earth.

When you read them, and especially when you make them a part of your everyday life, they will give you a deeper, more spiritual appreciation of our living cosmos.

For centuries religious dogma and materialism have limited our perception of the real awe-inspiring greatness of the Divine and the mystery of creation. ‘The Twelve Blessings’ changes that.

But they are not just mystic teachings. The Twelve Blessings - The Aetherius Society


Further study:

Levels of Consciousness - Part 1: The Spirit World - Listen on Aetherius Cloud

Levels of Consciousness - Part 2: Realms of the Masters - Listen on Aetherius Cloud

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 10, 202349:26
OUR SOUL SYSTEM: Nine evolutionary steps to the sun

OUR SOUL SYSTEM: Nine evolutionary steps to the sun

Our Mysticast conversation is with Rex Bear, Founder of The Leak Project which he created to offer awareness and information not found in the mainstream news.

In our discussion we quickly discovered how Rex has doggedly researched and interviewed hundreds of people to uncover the TRUTH of who we are, where we came from and where we are headed. 

Rex actively demonstrated his skill and enthusiasm for uncovering new threads to weave into the life tapestry he is creating. His quick mind, open to any possibility, friendly inquisitive nature and intense listening skills made this interview fun and fast paced.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was that the Aetherius Society teachings - The Nine Freedoms were similar (according to Rex) to the Latter Day Saints and that their Founder Joseph Smith was a rebel Freemason. 

Given that the Freemasons were the architects of the Egyptian Pyramids and according to The Aetherius Society Teachings the Pyramids were Shape Power Temples, perhaps this is not as big a stretch as it might first seem?

Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society taught that we had to discriminate and research all claims to truth. Jack Myself and Rex heartily endorse that advice and we look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.

Dr. King(1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.

The Nine Freedoms - The Aetherius Society -What about life beyond Earth – are you curious about what it might be like?

The Nine Freedoms answers these questions – and many more – in simple, straightforward language, pointing the way towards nine mystic portals we must all pass through in our journey through spiritual evolution.

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 08, 202301:05:20
BIBLICAL UFOs!?: Does the modern day UFO phenomenon fall within the scope of biblical prophecy

BIBLICAL UFOs!?: Does the modern day UFO phenomenon fall within the scope of biblical prophecy

In our Mysticast conversation with Ali Siadatan we discuss of better put LISTEN to Ali as he regales us with TONNES of information gleaned from decades of research, and his conclusions which on the face of things do not resonate with the teachings given by the Cosmic Masters through Dr. King.  

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years.Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society

Ali’s enthusiasm for his topic was like a Tsunami  - and most of my exploratory and clarification questions were washed away in the torrent of his thoughts,facts and theories. 

Jack’s  gallant effort to bring the interview back on track in the last 5 mins resulted in what sounded almost like a COMMAND instructing Ali to study the Nine Freedoms and then come back to discuss the similarities between his findings and our teachings.

The Nine Freedoms

Are you intrigued by the mysteries of life – why we are here; where we are going next; and how we get there?

Have you been searching for the key to enlightenment and even Cosmic Consciousness? Are you on a quest to master the wheel of rebirth and attain Ascension? Do you yearn to escape from the vicious cycle of human suffering, into a virtuous cycle of greater joy, peace and realization?

And what about life beyond Earth – are you curious about what it might be like?

The Nine Freedoms answers these questions – and many more – in simple, straightforward language, pointing the way towards nine mystic portals we must all pass through in our journey through spiritual evolution. 

A very interesting experience !.

Further Study

The Extraterrestrial Message - The Aetherius Society

Cosmic Masters and Transmissions - The Aetherius Society

UFOs are real, friendly and alien – governments know it! - The Aetherius Society

The Great Change: UFOs, prophecies, Spiritual awakening & the New World - YouTube

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 06, 202353:38
HYPNOSIS vs MEDITATION: How do they compare?

HYPNOSIS vs MEDITATION: How do they compare?

In our Mysticast conversation with Angel Millar  a consulting hypnotist and personal growth mentor with more than two decades of experience in numerous mindfulness training techniques, we discuss the similarities between the techniques he uses to treat stress, addiction and other interrelated maladies with Hypnosis and Master of Yoga, Dr. King’s techniques to gain Samadhi Trance Meditation through Concentration and Contemplation practices.

Angel is the author of two books on personal growth, published by Inner Traditions: The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality: Craftsman, Warrior, Magician (which explores these three archetypes through psychology, mind metaphysics, and the world’s myths and spiritual traditions) and The Path of the Warrior-Mystic: Being a Man in an Age of Chaos.   

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of yoga, trance medium and the author of many books on spirituality. He was contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” in 1954, and founded The Aetherius Society in 1955 – to promote and act upon the wisdom of highly evolved intelligences from other planets who communicated with, and through, him for over 40 years. Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society

The biggest discovery drawn from this exploration was that the methods that Angel successfully uses in his Hypnotherapy sessions parallel  the Aetherius Society practices of Positive Thinking, Concentration, and Creative Visualization which are published in the workbook REALIZE YOUR INNER POTENTIAL through the path of spiritual service - King Yoga - The Aetherius Society

By Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence – Third edition

  • Discover the lasting peace which can only come from realization

  • Use ancient yoga breathing to awaken the mystic force of kundalini

  • Open the door to concentration, contemplation and meditation

  • Develop your intuitive and psychic abilities

  • Enhance your healing powers for others and yourself

  • Learn the secrets of dynamic prayer and mantra yoga

  • Realize that service is the key to enlightenment in the New Age

Further study: 

Meditation - first steps to enlightenment - The Aetherius Society

Mind - The Aetherius Society

FREE TRIAL access to Lectures and Cosmic Transmission.

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 03, 202344:37
BE BOLD AND DREAM BIG: A call for visionaries to guide the evolution of humanity

BE BOLD AND DREAM BIG: A call for visionaries to guide the evolution of humanity

In our Mysticast conversation with spiritual leader Andrew Cohen, creator of the  on-line community where he teaches Evolvolunary Enlightenment.  On this site Andrew explains  -if we look deeply into our own experience, that our own emerging desire for spiritual freedom is not separate from the impulse that is driving the entire process.

Listening to Andrew speak I found myself following the rhythm of this voice more than the words he was speaking. I was totally surprised to learn that Andrew had experienced the same phenomenon when attending a lecture given by Krishnamurti. 

J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is widely regarded as one of the greatest thinkers and religious teachers of all time. He spoke throughout the world to large audiences and to individuals, including writers, scientists, philosophers and educators, about the need for a radical change in mankind.

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was the deep understanding of the oneness of all things and we are all on the evolunary path together.

In The Aetherius Society teachings we are told -

 Today, the path to enlightenment is one of service to others. Being spiritual is not about retreating from the world, but about living in the world, helping others in some practical way.

The modern-day spiritual aspirant can live in the hustle and bustle of a city like London or Los Angeles, with all of its problems, but still remain focused on the spiritual path. These “urban buddhas” devote their time to both helping others and going within.

Service to others - The Aetherius Society

Further study: Higher Awakening: Raise Your Consciousness to Manifest Success

• Unlock the keys to manifesting meaningful, lasting success.

Cooperating with the Gods - The Aetherius Society 

The Nine Freedoms - The Aetherius Society

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Nov 01, 202346:25
HOW TO DIE HEALTHY! And why it matters

HOW TO DIE HEALTHY! And why it matters

In our Mysticast conversation with Clare Goldsberry  a retired contract writer, with a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical interests but primarily focused on Buddhism and Science (quantum physics) living a good life and having a good death. 

Clare's book The Illusion of Life and Death: Mind, Consciousness and Eternal Being, explores the question what is life and how to live a good one. 

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was a secret of overcoming Fear. Her discoveries had the same message that was  given to us in the Nine Freedoms - The First Freedom will be Bravery.   

The Nine Freedoms is a series of Cosmic Transmissions that were channeled in 1961 by an advanced extraterrestrial being known as Mars Sector 6, through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King.

Even today it is, without a doubt, some of the most advanced spiritual teaching ever given to us on Earth.

It describes not just our journey to enlightenment on Earth, but beyond that too, to the lives we will have on the higher planes of more advanced worlds in our Solar System.

It teaches us that we are a Divine aspect of God and what we can do to realize this. It offers us teachings that are practical and easy to apply in our everyday lives, and gives us an inspiring glimpse into the extraordinary reality of our future cosmic existence.  

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Oct 30, 202349:07
WHAT IS GOD… and what are we REALLY here to do???

WHAT IS GOD… and what are we REALLY here to do???

In our Mysticast conversation with Dr. Jeffery D. Long, Carl W. Zeigler Professor of Religion, Philosophy, & Asian Studies, School of Arts & Humanities. Elizabethtown College PA, we discuss the biggest questions looking for similarities between the Hindu and Buddhist teachings and those given to us by and through Dr George King: Master Of Yoga & Founder Of The Aetherius Society.

Jeffery was keen to share that he found the teachings to have profound truths and said that he could see connections clearly between the Bhagavad Gita and the The Twelve Blessings - The Aetherius Society

The Bhagavad- Gita is considered by eastern and western scholars alike to be among the greatest spiritual books the world has ever known. In a very clear and wonderful way the Supreme Lord Krishna describes the science of self-realization and the exact process by which a human being can establish their eternal relationship with God

The Twelve Blessings’ is a series of blessings to spiritual workers and great cosmic beings, incorporating profound wisdom – as well as some of the most beautiful prayers ever given to Earth.

When you read them, and especially when you make them a part of your everyday life, they will give you a deeper, more spiritual appreciation of our living cosmos.

For centuries religious dogma and materialism have limited our perception of the real awe-inspiring greatness of the Divine and the mystery of creation. ‘The Twelve Blessings’ changes that.

But they are not just mystic teachings.

They can also be used as a way to help our world. In fact, the whole of ‘The Twelve Blessings’ can be used as a powerful mystic practice to invoke and send out spiritual energy; something you can do in as little as a few minutes.

When you do ‘The Twelve Blessings’ as a practice, you help to change the world with spiritual energy - raising the consciousness of humanity as a whole. This raising of consciousness will enable us to correctly address the challenges that we face.

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Oct 27, 202348:05


In our Mysticast conversation with Michael J. Gelb  the world’s leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organizational development and the author of 17 books including How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci, Innovate Like Edison and Discover Your Genius, we learn how a Businessman can become a Healing leader. 

Debra’s attention was drawn to a potent question Michael asks on his website:

Are you an aspiring healing leader who dreams of making a better world through a more creative, conscious approach to business?

In this fascinating discussion we discover the biggest parallel between the teachings of The Aetherius Society and Micheals work is : 

-when business owners worked with compassion for everything connected to/through their enterprises they became more successful.

-by considering and serving all the parts (including the planet) the greater was their success.

 Service to others - The Aetherius Society echoes this profound truth. We have to be mindful of the ONENESS.

‘Lots of good people and organisations are working to improve conditions, but much, much more is needed if we really want to solve the problems that we face.

As the world lurches from one crisis to another, we need to embrace a radically different, more spiritual approach – something that can give us bold, fresh hope for the future.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said:

It is the spiritual approach which will eventually put this world right, not the political one, not the materialistic one’.


The Healing Organisation

Learn how your business can be a part of this powerful movement of conscious business practices that will help save the world!

Written with Raj Sisodia 

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Oct 25, 202339:07
How we can rebuild our World, raise vibrations and become enlightened!

How we can rebuild our World, raise vibrations and become enlightened!

In our Mysticast conversation with Anton Teuben  UFO and Extraterrestrial researcher for 43 years and Founder of The Schumann Resonance Institute,  where participants rediscover how to change their vibrational pattern, tuning into their source which Anton describes as connecting with the heartbeat of the earth. 

The biggest parallel drawn from this exploration was that Earth is a sentient being and that we are not separate from her.Raise Your Consciousness with the Mother Earth - The Aetherius Society

.….one lesson which I will never forget was, strangely enough, one which I have always known ever since I was a very small child, but this truth was brought home to me more forcibly than ever before. It is a simple truth and an obvious one, but has been overlooked by mankind for centuries. It is a truth which the more highly evolved beings, living on other planets in this solar system, have known about for thousands of years.

Very simply stated, the truth is this: the most holy, the most sacred, the most godlike being you have ever physically touched, is the ground beneath your feet.

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Visit To The Logos Of Earth

Jack was keen to make this podcast a joint call to action for people to start tuning into their true vibrational pattern and help to bring in the New World by collaboration and cooperation with the Cosmic Masters.

With this goal in mind we explored methodologies to cleanse and connect with the source energies.   

- - - - Resources related to The Aetherius Society and advanced teachings - - - - - The Aetherius Society - Aetherius Radio Live - Spiritual Freedom Show - King Yoga FB Group - The International Mystic Knowledge Center - IMKC youtube -

Oct 23, 202344:12