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The Naked Party Time Podcast

The Naked Party Time Podcast

By Jeff and Sabrina Maness

Jeff is the founding pastor of Element Church in Cheyenne, WY, and is currently the Senior Pastor of The Harbor in Friendswood, TX. Sabrina runs her own home-based business.

Not only do Jeff and Sabrina lead a large and growing church and a home-based business, but they also are high school sweethearts, married in 1997, and parents of four kids. The only way they've found to stay sane is to get naked and party!

The Naked Party Time Podcast is all about getting real and raw about life, leadership, and love; while having lots of fun along the way.
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Episode 037: Busting some marriage myths! (And a few single ones too)

The Naked Party Time PodcastMar 15, 2022

Episode 056: No is the new yes!

Episode 056: No is the new yes!

Every “no” to something good can be a “yes” to something great!

That's what we talk about in Episode 056 of The Naked Party Time Podcast.

1. Start small

2. Substitute something new

3. Schedule the best things first

This month is our four-year podcast anniversary. Somewhere in the episode, we give instructions for how you could win a $50 gift card to a place of your choice from us.

Jun 11, 202438:20
Episode 055: Help, I've been hurt by the Church!

Episode 055: Help, I've been hurt by the Church!

In this episode, Sabrina and I answer a listener's question about church hurt.

"How to have conversations with those who have church hurt, or specific prayers to pray for them."

We walk through Four Principles for having a conversation:

1. Be humble

2. Be honest

3. Be helpful

4. Be hopeful

May 14, 202447:24
Episode 054: Jesus and the Next Generation

Episode 054: Jesus and the Next Generation

In this episode, we answer a listener question by talking about Jesus and the Next Generation.

The question was, "How do we teach our children to love Jesus and not just the Church or it's programs?"

We share three principles to keep in mind for us to help lead the next generation to love and follow Jesus, not just the Church.

Mar 12, 202442:60
Episode 053: Parenting Never Ends (Parenting well when your kids are grown)

Episode 053: Parenting Never Ends (Parenting well when your kids are grown)

We're back for more in this episode by answering a listener question: How do you deal with grown children who aren't followers of Jesus?

The principles we share are ones that can be used whether you have kids or not, with anyone you lead or are in a relationship with.

1. Meet them for where they are

2. Make the first move

3. Model for them a full life in Jesus

3. Mute your mouth

Feb 13, 202447:15
Episode 052: The Six Best Marriage Decisions We've Ever Made (Part 2)

Episode 052: The Six Best Marriage Decisions We've Ever Made (Part 2)

In this episode, we talk about the last three best marriage decisions we've ever made.

Sep 12, 202347:19
Episode 051: The Six Best Marriage Decisions We've Ever Made (Part 1)

Episode 051: The Six Best Marriage Decisions We've Ever Made (Part 1)

In this episode, Sabrina and I share the first three of the 6 best marriage decisions we've ever made.

Aug 08, 202301:00:56
Episode 050: Podcast Takeover with Makalah and Jaydah

Episode 050: Podcast Takeover with Makalah and Jaydah

In this episode, our daughters Makalah and Jaydah takeover the podcast to answer some great questions that you, our listeners, turned in. They do a great job and are already asking for another appearance.

Makalah is our 3rd child, 19 years old, and engaged to be married at the end of this year.

Jaydah is our 4th (last) child, 16 years old, and just finished her sophomore year of High School.

Jun 13, 202337:40
Episode 049: Israel Trip 2025

Episode 049: Israel Trip 2025

In this episode, we walk through all the details of our upcoming trip to Israel on March 11 - 22, 2025. 

Registration is OPEN, and space is limited. We already have 19 people registered and it’s not even been public yet. Our initial cap is 40 people. If there is enough interest, we can push it to 50. 

Go to for all the details and registration links. You can also go to and click Events. You can find the information there as well. 

The cost is $4140 per person (plus airfare) 

Tentative Hotel Locations in Israel:





Questions or comments, email my assistant at 

May 17, 202344:19
Episode 048: Insights From Israel

Episode 048: Insights From Israel

In this episode, we share some insights from our recent trip to Israel and reveal the dates and details of our next trip in 2025.

We also share a recording of one of my lessons while in Israel. I taught about Jesus calming the storm and He and Peter walking on water, all while we were on a boat on the Sea of Galilee.

If you want to see the lesson, we provided the video of it in our video version of the podcast on YouTube. Just go to to view it.

2025 Tour Dates: Monday, March 10th - Friday, March 21st

Watch my website,, our social media channels, or The Harbor website at for registration information.

Apr 11, 202342:47
Episode 047: Twinning Is Winning Part 2

Episode 047: Twinning Is Winning Part 2

In this episode, my twin brother Jeremy joins me as we answer some questions from our listeners. Really, we spend about 40 minutes making fun of each other, but either way, I think you'll enjoy.   

Go back to Episode 017 to see Jeremy's first appearance on the podcast.

Mar 14, 202344:27
Episode 046: Wish Upon A Star (Our wishes for humans in 2023)

Episode 046: Wish Upon A Star (Our wishes for humans in 2023)

In this episode, we talk about our wishes for humans in 2023. Things we wish we could all get better at doing.

1. Conversation instead of condemnation

2. Unity without uniformity

John 17:20-23 20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.

3. "Both and" instead of "either-or"

4. Faith over fear

"Live No Lies" by John Mark Comer

5. Winsome, instead of winning

1 Peter 2:12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world.

1 Peter 3:15-16 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ.

Colossians 4:5-6 Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

Feb 14, 202355:04
Episode 045: Merry Christmas And Happy Planning For The New Year

Episode 045: Merry Christmas And Happy Planning For The New Year

In this episode, we talk about four principles to remember in planning for the new year and how you can increase your chances of succeeding at your goals by three times. 

Episodes mentioned - 012 and 013, as well as 033

  1. Be real about where you are
  2. Be realistic about where you’re going
  3. Be reasonable with yourself in the process
  4. Be relational in your accountability
Dec 20, 202233:36
Episode 044: The Best Parenting Decision We Ever Made

Episode 044: The Best Parenting Decision We Ever Made

In this episode, Sabrina and I talk about the best parenting decision we ever made.

Creating moments over giving momentos. Good times over gifts. Our presence over giving presents. 

We talk through how we chose to honor our kids on their birthdays with this decision, doing some big things on milestone birthdays as well. 

1. Plan

2. Prepare

3. Participate 

Oct 11, 202240:03
Episode 043 - The rhythm of relationships - spiritual

Episode 043 - The rhythm of relationships - spiritual

In this episode, we talk about the rhythm of our spiritual relationship.

Being with Jesus and becoming more like Jesus are the desired outcomes of today's podcast.

We talk about the "why" behind 5 key spiritual practices. What you do will only be as strong as why you do it.

The purpose of spiritual practices is to be with God, hear from God, and become more like God.

Five Key Spiritual Practices:

  1. Being with God in the Word
  2. Being with God in prayer
  3. Being with God in Truth
  4. Being with God in corporate worship
  5. Being with God in community
Sep 13, 202201:18:34
Episode 042: The Rhythms of Transition (Part 3) - Physical Health

Episode 042: The Rhythms of Transition (Part 3) - Physical Health

In this episode, we talk about taking care of our bodies and physical health.

In every season of life it is easy to put our physical health on the back burner. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and choppy sleep patterns are hard enough without a major life transition.

Maybe we need a perspective shift on our physical health in order to change what we do.

This episode is not a “how to” as much as a “why do.”

Romans 12:1-2 1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Aug 16, 202201:01:57
Episode 041: Replay "Spending Fast Challenge"

Episode 041: Replay "Spending Fast Challenge"

In this episode of The Naked Party Time Podcast, Jeff and Sabrina talk about the what, why, and how of a spending fast, and extend a challenge for all the listeners to join them on a spending fast, starting on October 1st.

If you want to join the spending fast challenge you need to commit to at least 30 days, and sign up before October 1st by emailing your Facebook name to If you're married, and your spouse is doing the fast with you, let us know their name as well.

We answer a listener question in this episode about politics: My question is a little odd and almost embarrassing to even ask but here we go.  Politics is tearing my family apart to the point where family members are willing to not associate with other family members because they vote/believe something different than they do. Each day more hate is shown towards each other over something so silly. My question is how would you manage this issue being in the middle of it? It seems no matter what is said it doesn’t make a difference. It’s overwhelming, to say the least. Thanks in advance!

1. What is a spending fast?

A spending fast is choosing to not spend money for a specific amount of time for a specific goal or reason.

2. Why do a spending fast?

If you don't know your why you will give up very quickly!

Maybe you're going to pay down debt, save for a big purchase, go on a vacation, get ready for Christmas or just practice the good discipline of not spending.

3. How do you do a spending fast?

Choose what areas of spending you are going to stop and then put everything you save toward your why. Obviously, you need to keep paying your bills and for your necessities  (mortgage, utilities, groceries, insurance, debt payments, etc.).

4. What did we learn?

A. How freely we spend money on crap we don't need!

B. Delayed gratification works. Things we thought we wanted to spend on in January we didn't even think about or remember wanting when we were done.

C. Amazon Prime is a trap! (We continue to have it and use it, but man, it is so easy to buy something just because you get that "free" 2-day shipping.)

D. The realization of how important it is to have savings.

So, here’s our challenge: A two-month spending fast starting on October 1st and going through the end of November. (To be included in our challenge you have to choose to do the fast for at least 30 days) If you join the challenge you’ll be added to a private Facebook group with us. You’ll receive three updates in the group each week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), including one Facebook Live video with us each week. The updates might be a word of encouragement, a tip, a suggestion, a tool, etc. Plus you’ll be in an online community where you will receive support, accountability, and encouragement.

To sign up for the challenge, email your Facebook name to   Tell us if you’re married or not, and if you are and your spouse is joining you, make sure we know both of your names.

Episodes Mentioned:

Episode 003: I don't want to go back to normal because normal wasn't working. (Part 2)


Monday Money Tip Podcast

Jul 15, 202243:02
Episode 040: The rhythm of rest through Sabbath

Episode 040: The rhythm of rest through Sabbath

In this episode, Sabrina and I continue the series on the rhythms of transition by talking about the rhythm of rest through Sabbath.

Other episodes mentioned: Episode 010 & 011 “The Sabbath Practice”

Resources Mentioned:

Sabbath sermon series Jeff did at Element Church called “Sabbath: More than a Jewish practice”

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Take The Day Off by Robert Morris

Sabbath Resistance by Walter Bruggeman

Subversive Sabbath by AJ Swoboda

The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel

“Exploring the 4 practices of a Biblical Sabbath” e-book

The foundation of the Sabbath: It’s part of the rhythm of creation, a weekly gift from God where we get to stop all our normal work and activity.

The framework of the Sabbath:

Stop, rest, delight, worship (contemplate)

The Sabbath practice:

  1. You are free!
  2. You should be flexible!
  3. It should be fun!
  4. It should be fulfilling!


The Sabbath is like a governor on the speed of life. --- John Mark Comer

When we fight this rhythm, we go against the grain of the universe. --- John Mark Comer

The Sabbath is a gift we do not know how to receive. In a world of doing, going, and producing, we have no use for a gift that invites us to stop. But that is the original gift: a gift of rest. --- A. J. Swoboda

The truth remains that Sabbath will be challenging for anyone to live out in our busy, frenetic world. Sabbath goes against the very structure and system of the world we have constructed. Sabbath, then, becomes a kind of resistance to that world. Sabbath is an alternative lifestyle that goes against everything our world knows. --- A. J. Swoboda

“Sabbath is the one day of the week I most believe and live out the fundamental truth of the Gospel, because, I do nothing productive and yet I experience being utterly loved.” – Geri Scazzero with the Emotionally Healthy Organization

Scripture Used:

Exodus 16:29 29 They must realize that the Sabbath is the Lord’s gift to you. That is why he gives you a two-day supply (of manna) on the sixth day, so there will be enough for two days. On the Sabbath day you must each stay in your place. Do not go out to pick up food on the seventh day.

Mark 2:27 Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.”

NIV - The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

Deuteronomy 5:15 Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, but the Lord your God brought you out with his strong hand and powerful arm. That is why the Lord your God has commanded you to rest on the Sabbath day.

Jun 14, 202201:21:03
Episode 039: The Rhythms of Transition

Episode 039: The Rhythms of Transition

Everyone experiences transitions in life. Some we choose while others are forced on us. Some are larger than others, but every transition creates distractions that can derail us. That’s why we must be intentional on key rhythms in our life, that keep us moving in the right direction.

And that’s what Sabrina and I talk about in Episode 039 of the Naked Party Time Podcast which we are calling The Rhythms of Transition.

Other Episodes Mentioned — Episodes 010 and 011

Each of these rhythms we will be doing a full episode to dive deeper into some other content.

1. The rhythm of relationships

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Friends

2. The rhythm of recreation

  • Exercise
  • Eating
  • Energizers

3. The rhythm of rest

  • Sleep
  • Solitude
  • Sabbath
May 10, 202234:48
Episode 038: Busting more myths about singleness, marriage, and sex!

Episode 038: Busting more myths about singleness, marriage, and sex!

In this episode, Sabrina and I bring to a conclusion our unintended series on relationship myths with Episode 038: Busting more myths about singleness, marriage, and sex!

Other episodes mentioned:

Episode 036 - Celebrating Singleness

Episode 037 - Busting some marriage myths (and a few single ones too)

Episode 021 - Let’s talk about sex, baby!

Episode 022 - Let’s keep talking about sex, baby!


God won’t give you a spouse until you trust Him completely!

Sex is NOT important in a marriage.

Sex is the reason TO get married.

Sex confirms we SHOULD get married.

Quotes shared:

Sex is about physical touch, to be sure, but it is about far more than physical touch. It is about what is going on inside becomes a form of physical prayer --- a picture of heavenly intimacy that rivals the shekinah glory of old. Our God, who is spirit, can be found behind the very physical panting, sweating, and pleasurable entangling of limbs and body parts. He doesn't turn away. He wants us to run into sex, but to do so with his presence, priorities, and virtues making our pursuit. If we experience sex this way, we will be transformed in the marriage bed every bit as much as we are transformed on our knees in prayer. --- Matt Krieg (Impossible Marriage)

Sex in marriage is a metaphor inside the metaphor itself. Marriage between a husband and wife is a metaphor of God’s desire to be one with humanity. It points to the ‘marriage' between Christ and the Church. The covenant of sex in marriage is modeling what Christ bodily did for us on the cross. Jesus saying, 'I am holistically giving and covenanting myself to you on the cross.' So, we say that through our sex. But we also say to our spouses through sex, 'This is how God wants to be one with you. He is the completer of you. He is the one who pursues you and desires you.' We’ve over emphasized sex, but completely diminished it by not holding it up as this theological dance.” — Laurie Krieg

Apr 12, 202231:54
Episode 037: Busting some marriage myths! (And a few single ones too)

Episode 037: Busting some marriage myths! (And a few single ones too)

In this episode, we continue talking about relationships as we bust some marriage myths, and a few single ones too.

Episodes mentioned:

Episode 036: Celebrating Singleness

Feedback from single listeners:

“Great podcast. Loved it. I use to hate hanging out with married people. I embrace it now. Not only do they teach me but I can teach them. Thank you to you and Sabrina for always making us single people feel loved.”

“Sabrina and Jeff - Just finished the "Celebrating Singleness" episode, and wow, thank you!!  I feel very loved and supported as a single man, and especially as a guy serving in God’s church.”

“Amazing podcast on singleness, maybe I can be one of your single friends.”

“Just watched the podcast, Jeff and Sabrina, because ya know, I’m single and it’s Valentine’s Day and I’m watching podcasts.  I have only one word…. AMEN!!!!! Thanks for this so much.”

Scripture Quoted:

Romans 12:2  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

The myths: 

Myth #1 --- The myth of “the one!”

Myth #2 --- Chemistry will lead to intimacy

Mar 15, 202231:35
Episode 036: Celebrating Singleness!

Episode 036: Celebrating Singleness!

Singleness is not a season to endure, it’s a status to celebrate!

In this episode, we talk about what it takes to celebrate singleness.

  1. Change our language
  2. Include singles in our lives
  3. Lean into the mission

Resources Mentioned:

Breaking The Marriage Idol by Kutter Callaway

Impossible Marriage by Laurie and Matt Krieg

No Longer Strangers by Greg Coles

#Single sermon series at Element Church Fall of 2019

Episode’s 018, 019, 023 “Marriage on Mission Part 1, 2, 3”

Scripture used:

Matthew 19:11-12 11 “Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12 Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

1 Corinthians 7:32-35 32 I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. 33 But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. 34 His interests are divided. In the same way, a woman who is no longer married or has never been married can be devoted to the Lord and holy in body and in spirit. But a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.

Quotes shared:

“God, what is the mode you want me to do the mission of making disciples? Single or married? Kids or no kids?” - Laurie Krieg

​​…When we expect a friend or lover to take away our deepest pain, (or fulfill our deepest longings), we expect from him or her something that cannot be given by another human being. — Henri Nouwen

Lonely insecure single people become lonely insecure married people. Because problems like loneliness and insecurity are not cured by another human being, they are only cured by the infinite love of God. — Pastor J.D. Grear

To understand single life in terms of waiting for a soulmate is to treat one’s imagined future spouse as both a fetish and an idol. It is sub-Christian. Inside this framework, marriage can only ever be an arrangement that caters to the individual needs of the consumer. Its culmination is not self-giving love but rather self-serving love. ---Kutter Callaway (Breaking the Marriage Idol)

When Paul speaks of singleness as a gift, he isn’t speaking of a particular ability some people have to be contentedly single. Rather, he’s speaking of the state of being single. As long as you have it, it’s a gift from God, just as marriage will be God’s gift if and when you receive it. --- Vaughan Roberts

Marriage shows us the shape of the Gospel in that it models the covenant promises that God has made to us in Christ. Singleness shows us the sufficiency of the Gospel because it shows us the reality of what marriage points to—which is our own relationship with Jesus. — Sam Alberry

So marriage and singleness are about more than who to take out on a Friday night or whether sex will or will not follow. It’s about God’s mission in the world. Or, to put it differently, what if the chief criteria for a future spouse were not sexual chemistry, a common set of personal interests and hobbies, or even emotional compatibility, but rather a capacity (and willingness) to collaborate in a lifelong project of caring for the outsider, the marginalized, and the oppressed? --- Kutter Callaway (Breaking the Marriage Idol)

Feb 14, 202240:37
Episode 035 (Bonus): Gettin' to know ya'll!

Episode 035 (Bonus): Gettin' to know ya'll!

In this episode, we answer several listener questions ranging from our personality types, how we deal with anger, what we've done when we don’t agree on parenting decisions, how we answer the questions of injustice and suffering in the world, and much more.

Helpful resources mentioned:

The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron

The Dispatch news source

All Sides news source and social media

The & Campaign news source, podcast, and social media

The Problem of God by Mark Clark

Christianity for people who aren’t Christians by James Emery White

Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

"Why I struggle to believe in God, because sometimes it's really really hard" - Sermon series at Element Church in the Fall of 2020

Feb 01, 202201:02:16
Episode 034: Houston, we have a problem!
Jan 11, 202238:06
Episode 033: Are you ready for 2022?

Episode 033: Are you ready for 2022?

In Episode 033 of The Naked Party Time Podcast, Sabrina and I talk about how you can be intentional with a plan to get the most out of the coming year.

If you aren’t intentional about where you’re going in life, then you’ll just end up going wherever life takes you.

Benjamin Franklin said, "If you fail to plan you are planning to fail." And sadly, that's how many people approach each new year. We fail to plan. And having a plan is what this podcast is all about. Being intentional as we go into the new year of how we're going to make progress in some specific areas of our life.

The process we walkthrough on this podcast is the exact thing we do as we end each year and as we approach a new one.

Annual Planning Process:

1. Schedule a Rendezvous

Literally, schedule the time where you're going to do this. Put it on the calendar. Don't say you're too busy to do this. You might be too busy BECAUSE you don't do this. This helps get your priorities in order.

2. Review the previous year

A. What were the wins?

If you had goals for the year, which ones did you accomplish? How did you do? Even outside of your goals, what were things that went well? What did you enjoy? What were you thankful for? Start with the wins because it’s encouraging.

B. What do we wish would have been different?

Again, if you had goals that you didn’t accomplish, talk about why. What happened? What could we have done differently? Were they in our control or out of our control? You talked about the wins but talk through the losses too. They are real. How will we move forward from those losses?

3. Refocus your priorities

Based on your wins and wishes, what do you need to work on? What areas of life rose to the top that you recognize need to change, be improved, cut out, let go of, or whatever?

If you're married, use a shared note on your phone to do this. We share four main goals as a couple: Financial, Relational, Family, and Bucket List goals.

In our personal lives, we also have spiritual, physical, and professional goals.

4. Reorder your life

Make the adjustments that need to happen to accomplish the goals you set.

If you don't do this step of re-ordering your life then you don't have goals you have wishes.

5. Return to your plan regularly

Set specific times throughout the year that you are doing this plan on a mini-scale.

If you don't go back and look at your goals and review them then you'll never accomplish them.

You have to do the things you don't want to do in order to make progress.

Schedule a rendezvous, review the previous year, refocus your priorities (set new goals), re-order your life around them, return to your plan regularly.

Other Episode's Mentioned:

Episodes 012, 013, 014, 015

Dec 14, 202140:26
Episode 032: Destroying The Lies That Derail Us
Nov 02, 202146:44
Episode 031: Waiting in the calling
Oct 12, 202135:54
Episode 030: How do you know when you're called? (And why we are resigning from Element Church)

Episode 030: How do you know when you're called? (And why we are resigning from Element Church)

In this episode, we talk about how to know when you're called to something. We also unpack in further detail our decision to resign from Element Church effective January 10th, 2022. 

Sep 14, 202146:52
Episode 029: What did we learn from Simone Biles? Part 2 (A conversation about mental health)

Episode 029: What did we learn from Simone Biles? Part 2 (A conversation about mental health)

In this episode, we continue our conversation about mental health and what we can learn from the Simone Biles situation. In Episode 028, we focused on those who are currently facing a mental health struggle of some kind. In this episode, we focus on those who are walking with someone or know someone who is struggling. How should we respond to them?

We share a real-time story from one of our listeners who is being real, taking risks, and doing whatever it takes for them to get healthy, and God is doing some amazing things in and through them. "My depression may not ever be taken away, but God is giving me victory in it." 

According to Johns Hopkins University, about 26% of American adults suffer from a diagnosable mental health illness. So one out of every four people you interact with is dealing with a mental health illness of some kind. So, how should we respond to those who are battling it? 

1. Respect how they feel

2. Give them room to heal

3. Return to them with your presence 


Where is God when it hurts? by Philip Yancey (Suicide Prevention) 

Aug 24, 202138:13
Episode 028: What can we learn from Simone Biles? (A conversation about mental health)

Episode 028: What can we learn from Simone Biles? (A conversation about mental health)

On this episode, Sabrina and I take another dive into the mental health conversation as Simone Biles recently brought it to the forefront again. 

1 in 5, or 20% of American adults suffer from a diagnosable mental illness. 

Every day, 123 Americans die by suicide and there is one death by suicide every 12 minutes. 

If you want to go back and listen to Sabrina share her story of walking through severe anxiety and depression, you can go back to Episode 004 and part 3 of the "I don't want to go back to normal" series. 

We looked at three things we can learn from what Simone Biles did: 

1. You have to be real!

2. You have to take the risk! 

3. You have to resolve to do whatever it takes! 

--- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Aug 10, 202127:09
Episode 027: Revisiting The Sabbath (Part 2)

Episode 027: Revisiting The Sabbath (Part 2)

In this episode, we finish part 2 of our Sabbath revisited conversation by talking about what you DO on the Sabbath. So much of the Sabbath conversation is around what you don't do or shouldn't do, but the Sabbath is a day for doing as well. This is a re-release of Episode 011. 

If you missed Part 1 of the series, you can go back and listen to that here:

Jeff and Sabrina share a general framework of the Sabbath, they talk about what their Sabbath normally looks like, and they share some practical tips and tools for people in the specific stage of life with young kids.

What is the Sabbath? The Sabbath is a command from God, rooted in the rhythm of creation, for our good. It is a reminder of who we are in God. That we are not overworked and overburdened slaves, we are blessed and beloved children of God. It is a gift. A 24-hour, weekly invitation from God to stop all of our ordinary work and activity, and truly rest. And itt reveals and refocuses our trust in God.

The framework of the Sabbath is this: Stop, rest, delight, and worship. If you think of those as the four corners of a frame, then there is great freedom inside that frame. Stop, rest, delight, and worship. Inside that frame is great freedom!

What do you do on the Sabbath? Whatever is restful, whatever causes you delight, and whatever is worshipful. Whatever! As long as it's not what you do for a living or to make money. As long as it's not physically, emotionally, or mentally draining. As long as it's not unethical or immoral, do it! There is so much freedom!

Remember what Jesus said: Mark 2:27 27 The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.

According to one expert on balancing work and life, stress is a factor in five out of six leading causes of death --- heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, and accidents. An estimated 75% to 90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues.

Additional Scripture:

Isaiah 30:15 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.

Mark 3:4 4 “Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?” But they wouldn’t answer him.

Isaiah 58:13-14 “Keep the Sabbath day holy. Don’t pursue your own interests on that day, but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day. Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day, and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly. 14 Then the Lord will be your delight. I will give you great honor and satisfy you with the inheritance I promised to your ancestor Jacob. I, the Lord, have spoken!”

Jul 27, 202149:10
Episode 026: Revisiting The Sabbath (Part 1)

Episode 026: Revisiting The Sabbath (Part 1)

In this episode, we revisit our dive into the subject of the Sabbath. 

What is it? Why do we practice it? When do we practice it? What do we stop doing on the Sabbath? We answer several listener questions as well about the Sabbath.

The Sabbath can be one of the most misunderstood practices in the faith, but it is one of the most beneficial ones too. It has changed our lives and we want to bring some clarity and confirmation to it for you as well.

In the next episode, we will dive into what you DO on the Sabbath. Yes, the Sabbath is about stopping, but there are also so many things to DO on the Sabbath. We'll get super practical with some tricks, tips, and tools for every stage of life and personality.

We mentioned our Holy Land tour. If you are interested in our 2022 Holy Land tour on March 28th - April 7th (2022) you can get all the information and sign up to register here:  There are only 40 spots available so sign up now! It is a spiritual investment. Your faith will never be the same!

In this episode, we dive into the subject of the Sabbath. What is it? Why do we practice it? When do we practice it? What do we stop doing on the Sabbath? We answer several listener questions as well about the Sabbath.

The Sabbath can be one of the most misunderstood practices in the faith, but it is one of the most beneficial ones too. It has changed our lives and we want to bring some clarity and confirmation to it for you as well.

In the next episode, we will dive into what you DO on the Sabbath. Yes, the Sabbath is about stopping, but there are also so many things to DO on the Sabbath. We'll get super practical with some tricks, tips, and tools for every stage of life and personality.

We mentioned our Holy Land tour. If you are interested in our 2022 Holy Land tour on March 28th - April 7th (2022) you can get all the information and sign up to register here:  There are only 40 spots available so sign up now! It is a spiritual investment. Your faith will never be the same!

Jul 13, 202155:13
Episode 025: Podcastiversary Continued

Episode 025: Podcastiversary Continued

In this episode, we continue the celebration of our Podcastiversary!

We announce the winners of the $100 and $50 gift cards and we answer the remaining listener questions.


  • Is it harder now that some of your daughters have started dating and why?

  • Do you believe Catholics know Jesus? When I tell my boyfriend (who is Catholic) about my relationship with Jesus he seems to understand and says he has one too. Is that possible growing up in a Catholic home? Is there a good way to make sure he knows the REAL Jesus?

  • How do you juggle your ministry at home (your family) and starting your own church while having young kids?

  • What is the most powerful blessing this podcast has placed in your life?

  • Sabrina, you have talked about your truth statements but I don't believe we have heard them all do you feel comfortable sharing all of them?  How did you end up starting or even finding these statements?

  • If in a marriage there has been hurt and betrayal and I've done so much work to let go and let God, but I struggle with triggers that just throw me off in an anxiety attack that I cant even think right. In your podcast you talk about overcoming these hurts in God’s Word, but I’m just stuck in the sexual part of trusting and I do good on some days and then he does something that just throws me back. How do you overcome that? I know intimacy is huge, but we have none and that's a problem. How do we fall in love again?

Resources Mentioned:

“Interviewing Your Daughter’s Date” by Dennis Rainey

Scripture Used:

James 2:19-20 19 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. 20 How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?

1 John 2:3-4 3 And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. 4 If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth.

1 John 3:9-10 9 Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. 10 So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.

Jun 22, 202141:26
Episode 024: Podcastiversary

Episode 024: Podcastiversary

Happy anniversary...actually, Happy Podcastiversary to The Naked Party Time Podcast!!

⁠In this celebration episode, Sabrina and I talk about the last year on the podcast, answered questions from our listeners, and shared some comments that were made about the podcast as well. ⁠

We also announced the first two winners of a total of $250 in gift cards and we shared how you can win $50 and $100 yourself. ⁠

To enter to win a $50 gift card, tag someone else in the comments of our social media post of this episode, or any upcoming posts about this episode as well.

To enter to win a $100 gift card, you need to create your own post about this episode and tag me and Sabrina in it. @jeffgmaness on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @sabrina.maness on Instagram and @sabrina.akersmaness on Facebook. In your post, all you need to do is point people to where they can listen to the podcast and share a positive comment about it. ⁠⁠

Questions answered on this episode: 

What is your favorite episode and why?

Why was Katrina, then Anderson, your favorite ever person you had in youth group?

What tips do you have for noncampers to enjoy camping? I doubt it will happen but maybe next year. We’ve taken up kayaking/paddleboarding too so who knows!

Who is your favorite kid? What's it like parenting kids so close in age?

How did you know that Sabrina/Jeff was the one?

What are some new things you want to implement into your marriage or bring back from the past? 

What’s is your biggest day-to-day challenge?

If you had to sum up human nature in 3 words, which one's would you choose? 

Where do your messages come from?

How do you keep the fire going in your marriage?

Do y'all follow the 5 Love languages? If so how do y'all learn to do love languages that are outside your own?

I want to know if you think there is a correlation between Enneagram numbers, love language and or spiritual gifts? I’ve asked this all over and no one has answered me.

We didn't get through all the questions so on the next episode, we'll finish out the questions that were asked. That episode drops on June 22nd. 

Jun 08, 202156:34
Podcastiversary Promo

Podcastiversary Promo

Coming up on Tuesday, June 8th, we will be launching our Podcastiversary episode and giving away up to $250 in gift cards to some lucky winners. 

You can enter to win the first two ways BEFORE the podcast releases and the last two AFTER the podcast releases. 

Enter to win by:

#1 For a $25 gift card, ask a question for us to answer on our podcastiversary episode. Ask your question through a comment on our social media, email us "" or call 307-222-9592 and leave a voice mail.

#2 For a $75 gift card, comment on how the podcast has impacted you, something you've enjoyed about the podcast or even something you don't like. We'll take it. You can leave your comments in the same way as your questions.

The deadline is Monday, June 7th at 4 PM (Mountain)

After the podcast releases, there will be two more ways to win, one of them being a grand prize of $100. No limit to the ways to enter.

Please help us celebrate our one-year Podcastiversary by asking some questions, sharing how it's impacted you, and also SPREAD THE WORD! Please share our podcast with your friends, family, and even...nay especially your enemies. 

Jun 04, 202103:03
Episode 023: Marriage On Mission (Part 3)

Episode 023: Marriage On Mission (Part 3)

In Episode 023, we talk about the third and final part of our conversation called “Marriage on Mission.”

Without an agreed-upon mission to pursue, and values that define your marriage, it’s very easy for both spouses to pursue their own unspoken mission and values, which will create more conflict than any marriage already has.

Our marriage mission is: We are united in Christ, unstoppable with Christ, and unbreakable because of Christ.

Our 6 core values are: Together, intimacy, freedom, dreams, growing, elevating.

We say it this way: We will live out our lives together, in intimacy, living in freedom, to pursue our dreams, growing every day, and elevating the standard.

Freedom = Financial and with our calendar.

Dreams = We don’t want to wait until retirement to live out our dreams. But it’s awfully hard to pursue your dreams if you aren’t free in your finances and with your calendar.

Growing = Healthy things grow. If something is alive but is not growing or bearing fruit, there is something wrong.

I fully believe that when we stop growing, we start dying. There is no standing still in life. You’re either moving forward or you’re going backward.

Elevating = I cannot read the Scripture and walk away with any other standard of holiness and living than a very, very high standard.


2 Chronicles 29:11 Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us.

Daniel 6:5 So they concluded, “Our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the rules of his religion.


May 25, 202135:06
Episode 022: Let's Keep Talkin' about sex, baby!

Episode 022: Let's Keep Talkin' about sex, baby!

In this episode, we get very real and raw as we keep talking about sex with some tips to thriving sexually in marriage.

Before listening to this episode, if you haven’t yet, you may want to go back and listen to Episode’s 018 - 021. In those episodes, we talk about “Marriage on Mission” and then dive deep into the discussion on intimacy.

At the very least, you’ll want to go back and listen to Episode 021, where we talk about roadblocks to sexual intimacy.

Just know, we are not experts. We are walking this road with you and we ourselves are working through many of the roadblocks to sexual intimacy that we talked about in the last episode.

Also, let us be clear, when we talk about pursuing sex with your spouse and being willing to have sex, we are in no way saying that you should just suck it up and have sex if you are in an abusive, sinful, unhealthy, manipulative, or controlling situation.

We are speaking primarily to couples or people who desire to be married someday, who are not on the verge of divorce, they don’t have any abuse, major sin, or unfaithfulness in the way, but they are struggling or unwilling to pursue healthy sexual intimacy with their spouse, or they want to take steps to improve their intimacy. That’s who we’re talking to.

Tips to thriving sexually:

1. Be Purposeful

Genesis 2:24 24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

1 Corinthians 6:15-16 Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.”

2. Make it a Priority

Until healthy sexual intimacy becomes a priority in your marriage it will never become a common practice in your marriage.

Plan it! I’d rather plan sex in order to make it a priority, instead of relying on spontaneity and never having it.

When I asked Sabrina what she thought was the key to having a healthy and thriving sex life, she said this: “Saying yes!  I’ve never regretted saying yes to having sex, even on the times I didn’t ‘feel’ like doing it.  Sometimes you say yes because you know it’s the intimate connection you need with your spouse.”

3. Keep it Playful

As a married couple, your bodies are an amusement park and God has paid for the all-you-can ride pass. Use it!

4. Be Personal

Talk about it. Share what you like and don't like. What you want to try or not try. Even while in the act of lovemaking, being honest, "I like that or don't like that." "Do this or do that." 

Embrace the awkward. Sex is awkward at times. So many times. It isn’t perfect and flawless like in the movies.


Dave and Ashely Willis - The Naked Marriage Podcast

Dr. Juli Slattery - Authentic Intimacy

Francie Winslow - Heaven In Your Home Podcast 

Tommy Nelson - The Book of Romance 

May 11, 202147:27
Episode 021: Let's talk about sex, baby!

Episode 021: Let's talk about sex, baby!

In this episode, we start to tackle the subject we’ve been teasing about since we started the podcast…sexual intimacy. We’ve titled this episode, “Let’s talk about sex, baby!” If you know the song, you know!

Sex is awesome! It is a good gift from God. But like every good gift, our enemy the devil wants to destroy it, and that’s exactly what he has done with sex in so many marriages. He’s destroying it. 

In the next episode we’re going to talk about some tips to thrive sexually in marriage, but today we are going to talk about roadblocks to sexual intimacy.

Remember, sex is fruit. It’s the fruit of being healthy in the other four areas of intimacy. And I would add, sex is fuel. I believe when you are truly healthy in the first four levels of intimacy, the fruit will be sexual intimacy.

Sex was designed only for marriage, and marriage, in part, was designed for sex. Not only for sex, but that’s part of the design. So, if you are not experiencing regular and consistent sexual intimacy in your marriage you will never have the marriage God designed.

20% of US couples live in what's called a non-sexual marriage. A non-sexual marriage is a couple who has had sex fewer than 10 times in the previous year.

15% of marriages have not had sex in the last 6 months.

And 2% of marriages are considered sexless marriages, meaning there has been no sexual intimacy for over a year, and sometimes it’s years.

We talk about physical, relational, emotional, and spiritual roadblocks to sexual intimacy. Both Sabrina and I got VERY real and raw about different roadblocks we’ve experienced in each of these areas and how we try to overcome them.

Just because the struggle is real, doesn’t mean you have to surrender to the struggle. Instead of fighting about sexual intimacy in your marriage, fight for it!


Genesis 2:25 25 Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.

1 Corinthians 7:3-5  3 The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. 4 The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control.


Episode 020

Authentic Intimacy - Dr. July Slattery


The Naked Marriage by Dave and Ashley Willis

Passion Pursuit: What kind of love are you making? By Dr. Juli Slattery

What’s It Like to Be Married to Me?: And Other Dangerous Questions by Linda Dillow


The Naked Marriage with Dave and Ashely Willis

Java With Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery

Heaven In Your Home with Francie Winslow

Apr 27, 202149:07
Episode 020: The Five Levels of Intimacy

Episode 020: The Five Levels of Intimacy

In this episode, Jeff and Sabrina dive into the five levels of intimacy in relationships and marriage. 

If we don’t cultivate every area of intimacy in marriage, we’ll be in danger of being great roommates, but only average spouses.

20% of US couples live in what's called a non-sexual marriage. A non-sexual marriage is a couple who has had sex fewer than 10 times a year.

15% of marriages have not had sex in the last 6 months.

2% of marriages are considered sexless marriages, meaning there has been no sexual intimacy for over a year.

An Impossible Marriage by Laurie and Matt Krieg 

The Five Levels of Intimacy:

1. Physical Intimacy

When I say physical intimacy, I’m talking about just sharing the same space with someone. Being in proximity to someone else. In this sense, we experience physical intimacy all the time.

Literally, every interaction you have with someone is a form of intimacy.

2. Relational Intimacy

Relational intimacy has moved beyond just the physical sharing of space or exchanging of goods and services and has moved into a give and take. This is where you get to know someone. Friendships all experience at least this level of intimacy.

This is where I believe many marriages start to struggle. I think there are many couples who are great friends. But they struggle to be great spouses because they don’t continue to go deeper in their intimacy.

Whenever you start holding back things in your marriage it will begin to hold your marriage back.

3. Emotional Intimacy

This is the place where you start to allow people into a much deeper part of your life. You gotta be pretty far along into the relational intimacy to let someone in here.

Emotional intimacy is where you begin to share your feelings with someone. Like how you’re really feeling. It’s peeling back another layer of your heart, which is hard to do, and letting someone in.

Link to Episode 009: The ATV of Relationships

4. Spiritual Intimacy

And when I say spiritual, I’m not just talking about faith. This is the level of intimacy where you have a deep soul connection. You don’t have to believe in God or be a Christian to have spiritual intimacy with someone.

This is the vulnerable part of life. If you want any relationship to thrive, especially our marriage relationships, you need to be authentic, transparent, and vulnerable. It’s sharing the deepest and darkest parts of your life with someone. It’s holding nothing back and withholding nothing from.

Genesis 2:25 Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.

5. Sexual Intimacy

You can have sex outside of marriage, that’s the truth. But I don’t think that’s true intimacy. It’s pleasurable, or is designed to be, but it’s not true intimacy. True, healthy intimacy, including sexual intimacy, will only be experienced inside the boundaries that God gave us. One man and one woman until death do us part.

In two weeks, on April 27th, we are devoting an entire episode to sex.

Apr 13, 202138:04
The Naked Weekly: Getting To Know My Daughters (With Mariah, Makalah, and Jaydah Maness)

The Naked Weekly: Getting To Know My Daughters (With Mariah, Makalah, and Jaydah Maness)

On this episode of the Naked Weekly, we just talk about my girls. They said, "Why don't we do a podcast just about us?" So this week, that's what we're doing. We are indulging the prideful nature of my kids and just talking about them.

We talk about coffee, because duh! And we talk about who is the favorite. Doesn't every family? 

Questions answered: 

1. Do you all love coffee as much as your dad?

2. Is there anything you feel like you have to hide from your parents? (No details needed)

3. Do you feel extra pressure to avoid things like parties, alcohol, sex, etc, or do you feel everyone else your age is under the same pressure to avoid those things?

6. Do you practice the Sabbath along with your parents? What does a Sabbath look like for a teen?

7. What are your future plans after high school?

Apr 06, 202113:27
The Naked Weekly: What is it like to be a pastor's kid? (With Mariah, Makalah, and Jaydah Maness)

The Naked Weekly: What is it like to be a pastor's kid? (With Mariah, Makalah, and Jaydah Maness)

What is it like to be a pastor's kid?

While I was a pastor's kid growing up, and technically I still am, at 46 years old a lot of things have changed. So I invited my three daughters on the podcast to talk about what it's been like for them as pastors kids. 

Since we are real and raw on here, they haven't always enjoyed it, and on this episode, they talk about why. They answer questions like:

What’s been the hardest part about being a pastor's kid?

What’s been the best part about being a pastor's kid?

How can people better help and serve pastors kids and pastors in their churches?

Growing up in Element Church, what has been some of your favorite memories or things about it?

If you could choose what I did as your dad for a living, what would you want it to be?

Have you had peers avoid a friendship with you because of your status as "preacher's kid"?

Are you free to decide how much and where you volunteer in the church? Are you ever "voluntold" to do things for the church?

What is an assumption people make about you being the pastor's children that aren’t true? What’s an assumption that is true? 

Are any of them interested in leading a church one day?

Mar 30, 202112:00
Episode 019: Marriage on Mission (And stuff for singles too) Part 2

Episode 019: Marriage on Mission (And stuff for singles too) Part 2

In this episode, we pick up where we left off last time talking about living our lives on mission. If your marriage is not focused on the right mission, then your mission will become only about your marriage. If you haven't yet, make sure and listen to Episode 018 of the podcast. 

We start talking about values here. Values are not just the words we say, they are the way we live born out of what we believe, because of who God is. We also answer a listener question about "What is the biggest thing your kids have taught you?"

Success as a parent is not found in obedience or outcomes, but in offering them my best.

If I take the blame for my kids’ mistakes then I’ll also take the credit for their success, and when I do that, I’m taking the place of God in their life.If their mistakes are my fault and their successes are from my strength, then neither they nor I need God. All my kids need is me, and all I need is for them to do well.

Ephesians 5:31-33 31 As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” 32 This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. 33 So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

If you have stated values but don’t live them out, they aren’t values, they are aspirations.

Value #1: Together - We will live out our lives TOGETHER! 

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

If you’re married, the best thing you could ever do for your kids is model to them that they are not the center of your universe. Jesus is, and then mom and dad, then your children.

Even when it comes to decisions we have to make. While we might disagree behind closed doors, once a decision is made, we are going to stand together in it.

Value #2: Intimacy - We will live in INTIMACY

Intimacy is a core value for us. It’s something that takes effort, and work, and the enemy is fighting against it with all his might. And not just sexual intimacy. That’s a part of it, but all aspects of intimacy are a value. There are different kinds of intimacy. We hear “intimacy” and in our over-sexualized culture, we immediately jump to sex.

I fully believe that sexual intimacy is the fruit of being healthy in the other areas of intimacy. If there is not regular and consistent sexual intimacy in a marriage, it’s a sign of something else wrong in the marriage or in the individuals.

"Sex is not a need --- even in marriage. Sex is fruit. It is a gift for covenanted couples. It is a Gospel metaphor within the Gospel metaphor of marriage. It is something to be used to worship God, not to be demanded." --- Laurie Krieg in An Impossible Marriage

Before you're married, the devil does everything he can to get you to have sex. After you're married, he does everything he can to stop you from having sex.

While our marriages should model to the world how Christ and the church are one, sex models to our partner, in the ultimate and most revealing way, how Christ is one with us.

An Impossible Marriage - by Laurie and Matt Krieg

My Declaration - by Jeff Maness

Mar 23, 202139:10
The Naked Weekly - Politically Homeless (My frustrations with today's politics)

The Naked Weekly - Politically Homeless (My frustrations with today's politics)

I am frustrated with today’s politics, so much so that I feel a bit politically homeless. I don’t fit in their camp and I don’t fit in their circle. Anyone else feel that way?

"I'm a Christian who is theologically conservative & socially compassionate, too conservative for progressives & too progressive for conservatives, pro-life from womb to tomb, politically homeless, & who’s ultimate citizenship is in Heaven not America." - Rondell Trevino

"I'm not allegiant to an elephant or a donkey I'm allegiant to The Lamb." - Pastor Samuel Rodriguez

The three main reasons I am politically homeless right now: 

1. The Perception 

In the cancel culture in which we live, I don’t want anyone finding out, seeing, or knowing that I belong to a certain party and then canceling me or any chance I may have to minister to them, just based on the perception of what I might stand for in that party.

2. The Problems 

It was and is a major problem to me that there seems to be a growing and blind support among many Christians of a Party, its policies, and its politicians without an apparent concern to line up the policies and the politicians under the Authority of Scripture.

3. The Policies

For instance, I am undeniably pro-life. I believe life begins at conception and that God knits us together in our mother’s womb, knowing us before we are born as Scripture says. As a Christian and as a pastor, I can't read the Scripture and not walk away with a pro-life view, but it's pro-life from the womb to the tomb. God is not JUST pro-birth, He’s pro-LIFE. All lives.

That makes me ask some very tough questions of myself, of Christians, and of our parties. Am I as pro-life for the woman who chooses abortion as I am the child who was aborted? What am I, and what are we doing to love, care for, and serve her? Wouldn’t Jesus do that?

I wholeheartedly believe in the historic Christian view of sexuality; that marriage and all sexual activity are reserved for by God as one man and one woman until death do us part. But I also believe in loving, honoring, and protecting the rights of LGBTQ people. I don’t know where the answer is in protecting the rights of religious liberty and LGBTQ people, but there has to be a better way than the extremes we find ourselves at.

The growing racial divide, the criminal justice reform needed, and the existing systems that make it harder for people of color to experience the same advancements in America as I would have as a white male seem to find their extremes in the parties as well. Why is that? Again, I don’t know the answer but there has to be a better way.

In politics, with each of these policies and issues I've addressed, and so many more, I have massive concerns about where we find ourselves, and it’s pushed me to my political homelessness. I’m frustrated and I’m concerned.

If you find yourself politically homeless like myself, don't let that keep you politically silent or inactive. As Pastor Fred Gallop said, "While we may not be lining up on a side, we still need to move forward in Christian action." 

If you’re currently in a party, stay in! Fight. Shine your light! But by all means, don’t just blindly follow or accuse someone else of something without truly knowing where they stand.

Look at the life of Jesus! Let Him be our example and guide in everything, including politics. Because remember, America is not our Jerusalem, it’s our Babylon, and we are God’s exiles in a foreign land. I’m asking all of us who are Christians to be good exiles!

Mar 16, 202116:41
Episode 018: Marriage On Mission (And stuff for singles too)

Episode 018: Marriage On Mission (And stuff for singles too)

In this episode, we start a conversation about living out a marriage that is on mission (And stuff for singles too)

If your marriage is not focused on the right mission, then your mission will become only about your marriage. ⁠

This affects single people too because as singles, you are also on mission... or should be. As a single, if marriage becomes your sole mission then you will not be living a life that is on mission. ⁠

Our marriage mission/mantra is this: We are united in Christ, unstoppable with Christ, and unbreakable because of Christ. 

On the next episode we will start walking through the six core values for our marriage that help keep us on mission. 

Resources mentioned: 

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

Breaking the Marriage Idol by Kutter Callaway

An Impossible Marriage by Laurie and Matt Krieg

You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan

Scripture used:

Genesis 1:18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

Genesis 2:24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

John 15:13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Ephesians 5:31-33 31 As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.”[a] 32 This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. 33 So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. 

Luke 20:35 But in the age to come, those worthy of being raised from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage.

Matthew 19:6 Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.

Mar 09, 202137:55
Naked Weekly - Leadership Is Overrated

Naked Weekly - Leadership Is Overrated

In this episode of the Naked Weekly, I talk about how leadership is overrated. 

What do I mean by that? ⁠⁠

Well, it's been said that "everything rises and falls on leadership." While I understand the sentiment and do believe that great leadership is needed in this life, when it comes to the Church and to Christianity specifically, leadership is overrated. 

If everything rises and falls on leadership, we are in danger of forgetting what leadership rises and falls on. Leadership, true Christian leadership, rises and falls on purity and integrity.

The moment we focus more on our leadership ability than we do on our purity and integrity, we’ve failed. We are setting ourselves up for a fall.

Scripture used: 

2 Samuel 12:9 Why, then, have you despised the word of the Lord and done this horrible deed?

1 Kings 10:8 “How happy your people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom!”

1 Kings 11:9-11 The Lord was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. He had warned Solomon specifically about worshiping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the Lord’s command. So now the Lord said to him, “Since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants.

Titus 2:7-8 7 And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. 8 Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.

Mar 02, 202109:27
Episode 017: #TwinningIsWinning

Episode 017: #TwinningIsWinning

The Naked Party Time Podcast is all about being real and raw but also it's about having fun. Today we do just that. 

In this episode, Jeff's twin brother Jeremy joins him for some Q & A about their lives. This episode is filled with tons of laughter and light-hearted moments. They answer questions like: 

Has Jeremy always been a Chiefs fan? 

How much do you really despise Tom Brady?

Did your parents know they were having twins? (That's a fun story) 

Did you ever switch places in classes or try to trick people with how much you look alike? 

Can your mom tell you apart?

What was the best Christmas gift you received or gave as a child?

What’s something you appreciate about each other that you haven’t shared?

At the end of the episode, we answer some rapid-fire questions about who we are. 

Feb 23, 202140:40
The Naked Weekly - Lent: More than pocket Fuzz

The Naked Weekly - Lent: More than pocket Fuzz

What is Lent? I can tell you this; it's more than pocket fuzz. ⁠

In this kickoff episode of "The Naked Weekly," I talk about the season of Lent, where it came from, why we do it, and some practical tips if you want to seek God during the Lenten season intentionally. ⁠

The Naked Weekly will drop on Tuesdays, where we don't have a regular
Naked Party Time Podcast.

--- Lent is a shortened version of an Old English word that meant "Spring." Officially, Lent is 40 days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends the day before Easter.

--- In 325 AD, Lent was officially established as the 40 days, not counting Sundays, leading up to Easter day. In the earliest years, lent was a very somber, stern, bleak period that stressed the taking away of all pleasures in life, devoting oneself entirely to repentance and purity, not only as individuals but also as whole communities.

--- In fact, Mardi Gras and all its pleasure-seeking was originally a pre-cursor to observing Lent, giving people one last spree of fun, excess, and indulgence before having to restrict themselves during Lent. This is why Mardi Gras will be this coming Tuesday, February 16th, one day before Lent begins.

--- Ash Wednesday got its name from the traditional practice of blessing ashes that were made from palm branches used in the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration, then placing the ashes on the foreheads of participants with the words, “Repent and believe in the Gospel. Remember that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.”

If you’re going to observe Lent or any other time of fasting, here are my suggestions:

1. Fast from something of importance to you

Fasting is a way to renew and strengthen our hunger for God. It helps to refocus us on Him and helps us keep certain things from taking God’s place in our hearts.

2.  Fill your heart and mind with what’s most important

Don’t just fast from something without replacing it with something else, specifically the Word of God and prayer.

You might consider only listening to worship music during Lent, or being extra conservative in what you watch, listen to, or read as a way to keep your heart and mind filled with good things. Doing this will help renew your mind with the Truth of God, His Word, and His Ways.

3.  Follow through in the will of God

If you intentionally seek God through fasting, prayer, and His Word, He’s going to reveal some things to you that you need to follow through on.

Feb 16, 202109:25
Episode 016: Why Black Heritage Month? (An interview with Pastor Fred Gallop)

Episode 016: Why Black Heritage Month? (An interview with Pastor Fred Gallop)

In episode 016 I interview Pastor Fred Gallop.⁠

Fred is a Chaplain in the USAF who served on the Element Church pastoral team while stationed here in Cheyenne. ⁠

In this episode, we get real and raw by diving into the conversation on race: ⁠

Fred answers questions like, 

  • "Why do we need Black History Month?" (Black Heritage Month) ⁠

  • "Do you think we’ve made any progress in the right direction in the past year? If so, what is that?" ⁠

  • "Where do you still see we need the most work when it comes to racial justice, equality, and reconciliation?" ⁠

  • "How can we as individuals, no matter the color of our skin, be a part of the solutions?"⁠

  • "Besides Jesus, where do you see the most hope in this conversation?"

Resources Mentioned: 

The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby

A Multitude of All Peoples by Vince L. Bantu

13th on Netflix

Jude 3 Project Podcast

Pass The Mic Podcast

One Night In Miami - Movie 

Feb 08, 202141:59
Episode 015: Do you have a plan for your life?

Episode 015: Do you have a plan for your life?

Do you have a plan for your life? That's the question we're asking on this episode as Jeff walks through how he developed and is pursuing a life plan.  

Zig Ziglar, a well-known author, and communicator said this: "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time." 

Sadly, that is how many of us live our lives - aiming at nothing. We're just letting life happen to us. And If you let life happen to you, you may end up living a life where nothing worthwhile happens.  

Now, you don't have to have a life plan In order to succeed in life. I think It creates some focus to succeed, but this isn't a requirement to live a successful life. If you want to see what my life plan looks like, I've provided a sample portion of it as a download below. 

I've also included a template for you that follows the process I used. You can use this blank template, which includes all the instructions you need, to build your own life plan.  

Jeff's Sample Life Plan

Life Plan Template

Daniel Harkavy --- 

Becoming A Coaching Leader Book  

Building Champions --- 

Eddy Shigley --- 

Seven Steps To Creating Your Life Plan: 

1. Schedule the time --- This is where so many people get derailed when it comes to goals, dreams, bucket lists, and life plans. They simply don't schedule the time to do it.  

2. Seek God in prayer --- A bucket list is one thing, but this was a life plan. This is what my life was going to be focused on for the next 20 or so years, I didn’t want it to be just about things I love to do. I wanted this to be about my legacy. What would I leave behind? What would be the lasting impact of my life?   

3. Set the length of your life plan --- Now, there is no set length of time you have to do. I would suggest no shorter than ten years and no longer than what is humanly reasonable. Ten to thirty years is probably the most common range. 

4. Start with Scripture --- I wanted a Scripture that would guide my Life Plan. Again, I didn’t want this to be just about things I love in life, but about my legacy. What I wanted to leave behind. Because of that, I wanted Scripture to be the foundation for it all. 

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail. 

Psalm 92:12-15 But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord's own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!” 

5. State your values and your vision --- If you write down values but don’t live them out, they are just words on paper. They aren’t values, they are aspirations.  

Values are not just the words that we say, they are the way we live, born out of what we believe, because of who God is. 

6. Set your goals --- I loved the idea in Harkavy's book of accumulating net-worth in each account. When you think in terms of net-worth, you are thinking of the long game. That’s what I wanted to do in these accounts. 

So often, we make decisions based on what will make us feel good on Friday, not what will be best for us and others in the future. Net-worth is future thinking, not Friday thinking. 

7.  Systemize the review --- If you aren’t going to review it, don’t do it. Like for real. This is way too much work and too important to do it once and then not review it. Reviewing it is going to get it connected deep into your heart.

Jan 25, 202129:49
Episode 014: You don't have to retire to live your dreams!

Episode 014: You don't have to retire to live your dreams!

In this episode, we tackle the practice of creating, maintaining, and pursuing a bucket list. "You don't have to retire to live your dreams!" 

A bucket list is simply a list of places you want to go, things you want to do, or something you want to accomplish.  

1. Set a time to come up with your list.

Use these four categories as the lens for your bucket list: 


Family (relationships)



2. Share it with someone. (If you're married, this should be your spouse) 

3.  Schedule or plan which ones you will pursue this year.  

4. Review it annually to add or remove goals you accomplished or no longer want to pursue.  

Resources Mentioned: The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson

Jan 11, 202130:04
Episode 013: Are you ready for 2021? (Part 2)

Episode 013: Are you ready for 2021? (Part 2)

In Episode 013, we finish out our discussion around planning for the new year with part two of, "Are you ready for 2021?"  

If you haven't listened to part one of the podcast you can go back and catch up with that. In this episode, we share the final two steps to an annual planning process we follow. You don't have to follow this process, but we do challenge you to do something.  

We don't want life to just happen to you, we want you to happen to life! To do that, you need to be intentional about where you're going. That's what this process is designed to do. You will never live the life you want by accident.  

In this episode, we share the 2020 goals that we had based on this process we follow. It's a real-time look at what our plan was for the year, and how we did. Then we share the final two steps to this process, which may be the two most important steps of all.  

Annual Planning Process:  

1. Schedule a Rendezvous 

2. Review the previous year  

3. Refocus your priorities 

We choose to set goals in four main buckets as a couple: Financial, relational, family, and bucket list goals. Individually we also have spiritual, physical, and professional goals.  

4. Reorder your life  

Make the adjustments that need to happen to accomplish the goals you set.  

If you don't do this step of re-ordering your life then you don't have goals you have wishes.  

5. Recurring reviews  

Set specific times throughout the year that you are doing this plan on a mini-scale.  

If you don't go back and look at your goals and review them then you'll never accomplish them.  

You have to do the things you don't want to do in order to make progress.  

Schedule a rendezvous, review the previous year, refocus your priorities (set new goals), re-order your life around them, set up your recurring reviews.

Dec 28, 202032:21