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That Is It My Side, With Keysha BostonStrong🐊

That Is It My Side, With Keysha BostonStrong🐊

By Natalie V Williams

Become a Paid Subscriber: 7a.m to 7:30a.m, let's have coffee/tea and motivate each other as we embark on a new day.
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Be More Than A Shadow Boxer

That Is It My Side, With Keysha BostonStrong🐊Jan 09, 2024

Be More Than A Shadow Boxer

Be More Than A Shadow Boxer

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Run with purpose in every step. You are more than a shadow boxer, you are a champion. Martin Luther King JR. Once said, "Set yourself earnestly to discover what you are made to do, and then give yourself passionately to the doing of it."
Jan 09, 202414:05
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
If our mindset has not been changed or adjusted, January 1st, 2024 is just another day‼️My Side🦋, let your positivity be your guide this new year.
Jan 01, 202412:28
Do Not Quit

Do Not Quit

The hardest part of our journey is when we are almost at our destination. We may not be where we want to be but it is better than where we were. Everything worth having takes a fight. My side, do not quit✨️
Nov 20, 202311:06
Follow Your Own Star

Follow Your Own Star

In ancient times, the Sun, Moon, and Stars were the only guides from one destination to the next. Different stars meant different destinations. Following someone else's star, signified that you are following blindly.
Oct 26, 202310:14
See People in all their seasons

See People in all their seasons

It is not that people change after a few months in a friendship/relationship. It's just who they are in that season. We should get to know people in all their seasons before we make best friends and relationship decisions.
Oct 20, 202312:16
Words Shape Our Reality

Words Shape Our Reality

Children whose parents have affirmed them and encourage them are more likely to grow up with positive self-talk. Children who are always being criticized, condemned and insulted are more likely to be instilled with feelings of failure and is more inclined to suffer from negative self-talk. -Toler.
Sep 21, 202310:24
Words Of Carelessness

Words Of Carelessness

When we attempt to put down others with our carelessness words, remember... Our character is also on display✨️
Sep 20, 202308:59


Gossip is one of the most insidious for if negative talk. There is a difference between a rumor and gossip.
Sep 19, 202305:36
Analyze your problematic situation

Analyze your problematic situation

Have you found yourself in an unpleasant situation? Are you feeling like you have lost all control and this situation has the better of you? I want to simply encourage you to not be too hard on yourself. Your current situation is not permanent unless you let it become permanent ✨️ 💕
Jul 12, 202312:22
Be an Asset rather than a Liability

Be an Asset rather than a Liability

What do people get when you enter their life? When you walk in the room, how do they feel? Everyone wants an Asset, Liability gets left behind.
Jul 06, 202322:41
Quick to listen, slow to speak.

Quick to listen, slow to speak.

Everyone should be quick to listen, and slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. (James 1:9).
Jul 05, 202311:23
Attitude pt 2

Attitude pt 2

"ONE of the reasons some of us find it difficult to praise others is because we are in the habit of expressing PUT-DOWNS instead."
Jun 29, 202311:33


"By acting in a positive, pleasant, and optimistic way, you become a positive, optimistic, and enjoyable person." -Brian Tracy
Jun 28, 202307:06
Sunday Meditation @Dj. Danger P

Sunday Meditation @Dj. Danger P

If God was to treat us the way we react to him, most of us would be absolutely unsatisfied. I was blessed to stop in and listened to my tiktok friend @djdangerp. Very encouraging and factual speech.
Jun 25, 202304:60
Stay True To Your Own Pace

Stay True To Your Own Pace

Feeling doubtful? Feeling like you are not accomplishing your goals quick enough? I am here to tell you, it's not time yet. Keep true to yourself and your beliefs. Your time is coming💕✨️
Jun 22, 202311:09
Lying, Level Six and Seven

Lying, Level Six and Seven

If you have found yourself at the top of the level, you seriously need to reevaluate your thought process ✨️
Jun 21, 202312:37
Lying, Level Five

Lying, Level Five

So, your excuse is that you lied to benefit the company? Ohhhhh, your excuse is that you are not cheating, you are inlove with this person you met two months ago? So aren't you inlove with your partner at home? Smh... your justification is ridiculous.
Jun 19, 202312:05
Lying, Level Four

Lying, Level Four

Self-deception????? My goodness, if you find yourself here, you are in serious trouble. Whatever situation or circumstances you are trying to control, deceiving yourself is not the answer.
Jun 18, 202310:21
Lying, Level Three

Lying, Level Three

You have now developed a habit of lying if you find yourself lying about trivial things. Now, you've added extra stress to your daily life because you have to be journaling your thoughts to avoid a mix-up. If you find yourself at this level, it's not too late to change.
Jun 17, 202310:40
Lying, Level Two

Lying, Level Two

The second level of lying. At this point you are bodyguarding the first lie. You feel the need to continue spinning this web of lies because of what you think others will think about you.
Jun 16, 202310:01
Lying Level One

Lying Level One

Have you ever told one “harmless” little lie that turned out to destructive to you and others? This episode is all about the seven levels of lying.
Jun 15, 202310:00
Are you standing in your own way?

Are you standing in your own way?

Have you ever allow doubt or fear to hinder your success? It is a possibility that we can all relate, self-doubt is one of the biggest success killer to ever captivate the human mind. Rid yourself of that disease and give yourself a chance to succeed. That is it my side💕🐊
Jun 14, 202313:12
I am proud of you.

I am proud of you.

Spoken words have power! I encourage us to speak openly to our children by telling them that we love them, and we are proud of their achievements. Not by gestures but by words spoken.
Jun 13, 202304:46
What if... The shoe was on your foot?

What if... The shoe was on your foot?

Have you ever stop to think about how your words impact others?
Jun 12, 202323:22
Run your own race.

Run your own race.

A positive attitude may very well be the key.

Jun 09, 202303:49