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Happiness Mantra

Happiness Mantra

By Neil Pande

Simplifying life towards living fully, happily…
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Peace is the only Win for All…

Happiness MantraMar 05, 2022

Peace is the only Win for All…

Peace is the only Win for All…

With the current crisis emanating in the Eastern Europe, one can feel the human insecurity and vulnerability at its core on both the warring sides.

In the 21st century with all the modes of communication and understandings, why are the two sides with similar pasts, similar culture, similar lifestyle, in fact two brothers, are having to go to the level of uncivilized way of fighting to prove their point. Have we as humans not been evolved enough to understand that we are far superior than our animal ancestors? Or are we just being played by the self interest of some, who lead us? Are we being used to massage their self inflated egos or is it just to give a boost to the failing policies and economies.

Humans have thrived so far because of the collective consciousness and co-operation that have evolved us as a superior being compared to the animals. At times, our emotions are played in such a way, that we bring back those animal instincts to work against ourselves. We are trapped in the feelings created by others to entrap ourselves into the animal behaviour.

Human race wins when there is peace and brotherhood amongst one another. In today’s day and age of collective energy being mined in the form of information, knowledge and networking, we need to work towards our 6 Cs to remain happy, useful and make a better world for our future generations.

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