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New Culture Church

By New Culture Church


The New Culture Church podcast is packed full of great sermon content from New Culture Church in Madison, WI. Be part of a welcoming community that values real conversations, personal growth, and making a positive impact. Subscribe now to explore life's big questions and find meaningful connections.
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Positioned for Pentecost

New Culture ChurchMay 20, 2024

Positioned for Pentecost

Positioned for Pentecost

In this week's sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak delves into the significance of Pentecost Sunday and explores how we can position ourselves to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Drawing from Acts 2, she emphasizes the importance of living consecrated, set-apart lives, ready to be fully immersed in God's power and presence. Join us as we reflect on what it means to be positioned for Pentecost, living faithfully and expectantly in our daily rhythms. Tune in for an inspiring message that calls us to deeper devotion and readiness for the Holy Spirit's work in our lives.

Bible References:

  • Acts 2:1-13
  • Acts 2:14-21
  • Acts 2:41
  • Acts 1:4-5
  • Joshua 3:5
May 20, 202436:29
This is My Story : What About The Women?

This is My Story : What About The Women?

Join Pastor Abbie Sawczak as she explores the often overlooked stories of the women in the Bible, from Sarah and Hagar to Mary and Martha. In this message, she examines how God continually empowered and encouraged women throughout Scripture, even in the face of mistreatment and misrepresentation. Pastor Abbie challenges us to rethink traditional interpretations and to see how Jesus broke the curse, making way for both men and women to be co-heirs in Christ and partners in advancing His Kingdom. Be inspired to live out your calling and purpose, regardless of your gender, and discover how the Church can better equip and empower all people to follow Jesus and make disciples.

Bible References:

  • Genesis 1:26-31
  • Genesis 3
  • Romans 16
  • 1 Corinthians 14
  • 1 Timothy 2
May 13, 202448:18
This is My Story : Breaking Generational Patterns

This is My Story : Breaking Generational Patterns

Join us this week as Pastor Abbie Sawczak continues our series "This Is My Story," exploring the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Dive into the captivating story of a young man who faced betrayal, hardship, and injustice, yet chose forgiveness and faith. Discover how Joseph's obedience to God not only changed his life but the lives of generations to come. Learn how you, too, can break free from negative patterns of the past and step into a new identity in Christ. Don't miss this powerful message of hope and transformation!

Bible References:

  • Genesis 37:1-36
  • Genesis 39:1-23
  • Genesis 45:1-28
  • Colossians 3:1-17
May 06, 202443:37
This Is My Story : The Stuff We're Stuck With

This Is My Story : The Stuff We're Stuck With

In this powerful message, Pastor Abbie Sawczak explores the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Esau in Genesis 25-27, uncovering the negative patterns that can hold us back from experiencing the fullness of God's promises. These Biblical examples teach us that our past may inform us but do not have to form us. Pastor Abbie encourages us to break free from the cycles of centering our lives around fulfilling God's promises rather than being present with Him and fighting to control the narrative instead of surrendering it to God. Join us as we discover how to replace negative patterns with new ones that align with Jesus' way of life and learn to make decisions out of a desire to be faithful to God rather than desperation. Get ready to let go of the past and embrace the story God is writing in your life!

Bible References:

  • Genesis 25:19-34
  • Genesis 26:1-5
  • Genesis 27:1-17
  • Romans 8:12-17
Apr 22, 202441:02
This Is My Story : The Family That Forms Us

This Is My Story : The Family That Forms Us

In this powerful message, Pastor Abbie Sawczak explores the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar from Genesis 16 and 21. She reminds us that while we can't choose the family we're born into or the circumstances that shape us, we can choose to be transformed by the power of Jesus. Through the lens of these biblical characters, Pastor Abbie shares insights on surrendering to God's greater story, recognizing His provision in the wilderness, and embracing the invitation to healing and redemption. Join us as we discover how to break free from the roles and identities that hold us back and step into the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Bible References:

  • Genesis 16:1-16
  • Genesis 21:1-21
  • Genesis 13-15 (background context)
Apr 15, 202436:53
This Is My Story : Going Back to Go Forward

This Is My Story : Going Back to Go Forward

Join Pastor Abbie Sawczak as she kicks off the new sermon series, "This Is My Story." In this powerful message, Pastor Abbie explores the importance of understanding our past and how it influences our present reality. By looking back at the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and their descendants, we discover that our lives are part of a much bigger narrative - God's eternal story. Pastor Abbie encourages us to surrender our lives to Jesus and partner with the Holy Spirit in writing a better story, one that brings healing, redemption, and freedom. Tune in to learn how you can break free from the patterns of your past and step into the new family and identity that God has for you.

Bible References:

  • Genesis 12:1-9
  • Genesis 15:1-6
  • John 1:9-13
  • Romans 8:15-17
  • Matthew 12:46-50
Apr 08, 202434:60
Palm Sunday: Welcoming the Unexpected King

Palm Sunday: Welcoming the Unexpected King

In this Palm Sunday message, Pastor Abbie Sawczak invites us to reflect on the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. She challenges us to welcome Him as the King He truly is, not the king we expect or want Him to be. Through carefully examining Luke's gospel account (Luke 19:28-44), Pastor Abbie reveals how Jesus fulfilled prophecy by riding into the city on a donkey, symbolizing His humility and servant leadership. She encourages us to surrender our lives fully to Christ, letting go of our idols and expectations and embracing His way of peace, justice, and love for all nations. Join us as we explore what it means to make way for the King of Kings in our lives and our world.

Bible References:

  • Luke 19:28-44
  • Exodus 12 (The Passover)
  • 2 Kings 9:11-13 (King Jehu)
  • Psalms 118 (Psalms of David)
  • Zechariah 9:8-9 (Prophecy of the King riding on a donkey)
  • Mark 11:15-18 (Jesus cleanses the temple)
  • John 1:46 (Jesus from Nazareth)
Mar 25, 202439:10
Victory Shout: Pastor Dre Hernandez

Victory Shout: Pastor Dre Hernandez

Join Pastor Dre Hernandez as he delves into the power of praise and worship in the face of life's challenges. Drawing from the story of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20, Pastor Dre illustrates how praise should be our first response, not our last resort, when confronted with overwhelming circumstances. Discover the significance of corporate worship, the meaning of "Shabbat" praise, and how our emotions don't have to dictate our actions when we keep our eyes fixed on God. Be inspired to make worship a lifestyle and experience the victory that comes from putting God first in every situation.

Mar 18, 202437:40
The Deeply Formed Life: Grief

The Deeply Formed Life: Grief

In this week's sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak explores the topic of grief and how we can process it in a way that draws us closer to God. She emphasizes that grief is an inevitable part of life, but how we choose to handle it determines whether it leads to terminal loss or transformational living. Through the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11, Pastor Abbie shows us that Jesus welcomes our honest emotions and invites us to grieve with him. She also discusses the power of lament as a form of praise that allows us to express our pain while trusting in God's character. Join us as we learn how to name our grief, release it to God, and allow him to heal us on the path to a deeply formed life.

Bible References:

  • John 11:1-44
  • Romans 8:22-23
  • Psalms (various lament psalms)
  • Psalm 13
Mar 11, 202436:39
The Deeply Formed Life: Imago Dei

The Deeply Formed Life: Imago Dei

In this week's message, Pastor Abbie explores the concept of Imago Dei—the image of God—and how we, as believers, are called to reflect it in our lives. She emphasizes that despite our differences in race, ethnicity, culture, and nationality, we are all uniquely created to bear God's image. Pastor Abbie challenges us to embrace our identity in Christ, put to death our earthly desires, and actively pursue reconciliation within the church and with all people. Join us as we discover how we can come together as the body of Christ, celebrating our differences while finding unity in our shared love for Jesus.

Mar 04, 202439:33
Uprising: Finding Our Way With Jude

Uprising: Finding Our Way With Jude

Life can easily throw us off course - in our relationships, careers, health, and faith. In this sermon, Pastor Stephen Fieth uses the story of a tragic 1979 flight to illustrate how a small error can lead to catastrophic results if left uncorrected. Using the neglected book of Jude, he offers practical wisdom for recognizing when we've drifted off course and rerouting our lives toward our intended destination. You'll be encouraged that no matter how lost you feel, Jesus hasn't given up on you. There is always hope of rescue and restoration when we return to Him.

Feb 19, 202432:53
The Deeply Formed Life: Connected To The Vine

The Deeply Formed Life: Connected To The Vine

In this week's sermon, Pastor Isaiah takes us on a thought-provoking journey of what it means to remain connected to Jesus, the vine that gives us life. With humor and vulnerably, Pastor Isaiah shares practical, bite-sized ways we can nurture our relationship with Christ amidst the busyness of life. Tune in to be challenged to surrendered more of yourself to God, get gospel-centered perspective on trending topics like "the Great Resignation," and learn simple but powerful truths about bearing spiritual fruit.

Feb 12, 202433:57
The Deeply Formed Life: Desires & Fasting

The Deeply Formed Life: Desires & Fasting

Do you struggle to control your appetites and urges? Join Pastor Abbie as she unpacks how our deepest longings if left unchecked, can lead us to isolation and death. The good news is that through surrendering to the Holy Spirit, we can be healed, set free, and transformed to desire God above all else deeply. Let this message spark hope that you can live differently and guide you into a more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Feb 05, 202438:41
The Deeply Formed Life: Rhythms

The Deeply Formed Life: Rhythms

Have you ever felt like you keep trying to build something good in your life, only to have it wash away when storms come? Join Pastor Abbie as she unpacks Jesus’ teaching about building our lives on him as the solid rock. Discover practical ways we can create space for God's presence daily, allow him to heal cracks in our foundation, and come alive to the new life he desires for us. You’ll be inspired to lean into authentic community that supports our growth and intercession that seeks renewal for our city.

Jan 22, 202440:08
The Deeply Formed Life: Generosity

The Deeply Formed Life: Generosity

What does it mean to live a deeply formed, generous life? Join Pastor Abbie as she unpacks Jesus' radical call to generosity, digging into His intentional teachings on money and possessions. Discover the starting point, roadblocks, motivations for generosity, and practical invitations to grow. Be encouraged that we partner with a generous God who helps provide for our needs as we seek His kingdom first.

Jan 15, 202441:04
The Deeply Formed Life: Abiding

The Deeply Formed Life: Abiding

On the first Sunday of 2024, Pastor Abbie starts the year off by unpacking what it really means to abide in Christ. Using the metaphor of vines and branches from John 15, she explores how abiding goes far beyond just waiting - it's about staying connected to Jesus through presence and intentional practices. Abbie issues a convicting yet hopeful call to prune the "dead things killing the rest of the life around us" and make space for the Spirit to work. When we surrender control, abiding in Christ produces lasting fruit in our lives and overflows to those around us. If you long for more of Jesus this year, this message is for you.

Jan 09, 202448:13
Advent: Peace

Advent: Peace

The Christmas season often brings more chaos than calm. Join Pastor Abbie Sawczak as she explores how to find true peace amidst all the busyness and uncertainty this holiday season. Even when nothing seems peaceful on the outside, Abbie reminds us that the Prince of Peace has come and his presence brings an inner stillness stronger than any storm. Tune in to be encouraged to pause, acknowledge the chaos, center yourself in Christ, and enter into His lasting peace.

Dec 11, 202330:52
Advent: Hope in the Darkness

Advent: Hope in the Darkness

In this week's sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak invites us to find hope in Jesus amidst the darkness and despair we may be experiencing. Abbie reflects on the story of Joseph and how he chose hope and obedience in confusing, disappointing circumstances. She reminds us that Jesus often doesn’t meet our expectations but offers us what we truly need. This sermon explores putting hope in the reality of who Jesus is rather than who we wish Him to be. Discover how encountering Jesus can ignite hope within when all feels lost.

Dec 04, 202330:38
The Table: Invitation to Relationship

The Table: Invitation to Relationship

We all desire to be known and loved. In this sermon, Pastor Abbie invites us into a transformational encounter with Jesus, who desires intimate relationship with each of us. Through exploring Jesus' conversation with Peter in John 21, we're reminded that Jesus meets us in the ordinary moments and spaces of life, extending grace and second chances to walk in a new identity. Though we fail and falter, Jesus keeps changing and transforming us as we commit to following him. The invitation stands open to commune with Jesus and partner with him to demonstrate love and make disciples.

Nov 13, 202336:57
The Table: Jesus Cares About Your Place and Your People

The Table: Jesus Cares About Your Place and Your People

Have you ever felt stuck in the mundane? Like you're just going through the motions without seeing much fruit? In this sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak reminds us that God shows up in the everyday. He cares about our work and our community. Through the story of Jesus meeting the disciples while fishing in John 21, we're invited into a renewed imagination for how God wants to work through us right where we are. Get ready to be challenged to keep moving and waiting expectantly for what Jesus will do next.

Nov 06, 202331:38
The Table: Washed Clean

The Table: Washed Clean

Do you long to be fully known and fully loved? In this week's sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak shares a vulnerable story and dives into John 13 where Jesus washes His disciples' feet. Discover how this intimate act shows the full extent of Jesus' love for us. Listen as Pastor Abbie unpacks how we can open ourselves up to Jesus' cleansing and walk forward on the journey ahead. You'll be reminded that it's through receiving His love and then extending it to others that we can powerfully demonstrate the upside-down kingdom Jesus came to usher in.

Oct 30, 202334:27
The Table: God's Invitation to Participation

The Table: God's Invitation to Participation

Have you ever felt unprepared or unequipped for what God is calling you to? In this week's sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak explores how Jesus invited his disciples to participate in his mission, even when they felt unready. Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 in Matthew 14, we're reminded that God can use our humble offerings to do miraculous things. Pastor Abbie encourages us to surrender what little we have - our time, talents, and resources - into God's hands. When we let go and participate in God's work, little becomes much. Listen to be reminded of God's power to multiply our small acts of service and generosity.

Oct 23, 202333:52
The Table: There is Still More

The Table: There is Still More

In this week's sermon, Pastor Abbie Sawczak reminds us that as followers of Jesus, we have everything we need in Christ. Yet at the same time, there is still more available to us through the power of the Holy Spirit. She encourages us to make space in our lives to receive more of God's presence, sharing stories of how God wants to leave us with His peace, joy, and the gifts of the Spirit. Let's reflect on how we can grow in greater intimacy with Jesus, opening our hearts to all He wants to impart in our lives.

Oct 09, 202328:29
The Table: Setting a Place for a Set-Apart Life

The Table: Setting a Place for a Set-Apart Life

Jesus invited people to the table and then urged them to live consecrated lives. The call to follow Jesus is a call to live a life that is set apart and fully devoted to Him. This means living differently, in a way that makes room for Jesus and makes way for His mission. Consecration is about putting Jesus before ourselves.

The Call of Christ is to live a consecrated life, urging us to live set apart and fully devoted. The sermon encourages consecration over comfort, compromise, and complacency. It calls for consecration for the sake of our city and Christ's mission. Practical ways to set apart and devote oneself include a daily rhythm of Bible study, prayer, and self-examination.

Oct 02, 202339:51
The Table

The Table

Hey New Culture Church podcast listeners! This week, we've got some insights that might just make you see everyday situations a bit differently. Ever made a cooking mistake that turned out to be a memorable lesson? That's where Pastor Abbie kicks things off with her mac and cheese story.

We often judge things by their appearance, but sometimes, it's the substance that matters. Just like that deceivingly good-looking mac and cheese, life can throw us similar curveballs.

Jumping into Luke chapter 14, we see a familiar scene: Jesus at a gathering, and there's a subtle race to get the best seats. It's a snapshot of how we sometimes seek validation. But Jesus, with his unique perspective, challenges this notion and makes us question: What really defines value?

Another highlight? Jesus healing when it was unconventional. A reminder that sometimes, it's essential to prioritize compassion over tradition.

SO WHAT: The Table Gathers, Unites & Empowers NOW WHAT: Take your seat, and make room

Thanks for joining us this week. See you next week!

Sep 25, 202336:17
Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday

Looking for spiritual nourishment and a deeper understanding of your faith journey? Join Pastor Abbie Sawczak in this special Vision Sunday at New Culture Church, where she unpacks the vision of fostering a Christ-like culture right here in Madison. Discover the profound impact of simply being with Jesus, becoming like Him, and following in His footsteps to change the world around you.

You're not just a passive listener; you're an integral part of this divine mission. Pastor Abbie shares invaluable wisdom on stepping out of your comfort zone and becoming a disciple wherever you are. With upcoming community events and an open invitation for you to contribute, this episode is your call to action. Come for the scripture-based teachings, stay for the worship and prayer, and leave inspired to become an ambassador for Christ in your own unique way.

Sep 04, 202326:45
Push Forward

Push Forward

Join us as we welcome Pastor Dre as he delivers an empowering message that combines lessons learned from the early days of church planting, the wisdom of Paul, and the profound teachings of Hebrews 10. Explore how 'place' profoundly influences our spiritual journey and the peace that a life centered in Christ can offer. This sermon is a rallying call to push forward in your walk with Jesus, no matter the obstacles. Don't miss this uplifting message that will inspire you to rethink your path and move boldly forward with Christ.

Aug 28, 202344:16
Letters From John: ____ Reputation

Letters From John: ____ Reputation

Hey there, New Culture Church podcast family! We're back with an enlightening sermon that takes us through the themes of hospitality, faithfulness, love, and the enduring light of Jesus. Can you feel the inspiration and comfort in these teachings?

Let's explore hospitality. Pastor Abbie's sermon paints a vivid picture, comparing our willingness to welcome strangers to ho Jesus made people feel safe and seen. It's more than just hosting friends; it's about loving and welcoming those we've never met before. A profound lesson.

Have you ever considered how faithfulness mirrors the everlasting light of Jesus? Today's message emphasizes the importance of consistency and trust in all aspects of our lives. It's not about being different people in different places; it's about being faithful, just like Jesus.

As the sermon unfolds, we delve into the love and action of key biblical figures like Gaius and how their faithfulness and hospitality resonate with Jesus's teachings. Their examples inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves, loving and welcoming others unconditionally.

The reflections on reputation, personal change, and surrendering to the Lord are especially powerful. Through prayers and music, we're invited to examine our lives and seek ways to live in love and faithfulness. The promise of God's presence reassures us that change is possible, both here and now.

The sermon closes with an invitation to worship and trust in the transforming power of God's presence. We are reminded that we are children of promise and great inheritance, and we celebrate that truth today.

Thank you for tuning in, dear listeners. Here's to embracing God's love, growing in faith, and being inspired by the teachings of New Culture Church. Stay blessed, and may your hearts always be open to the lessons and love of Christ.

Aug 21, 202335:30
Letters From John: Love that Overcomes the World

Letters From John: Love that Overcomes the World

Hey there, New Culture Church podcast family! Pastor Nermalis Vera is back with another amazing sermon, diving deep into the themes of love, obedience, faith, and the wonders of God's completed work. Can you feel the warmth and wisdom she brings to these topics?

Let's start with obedience. Pastor Nermalis paints a picture that compares our obedience to God with the trust we had in our parents growing up. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But there's a profound truth hidden in there, and she helps us to unravel it.

Have you ever wondered about the connection between faith, love, and obedience? Our dear Pastor Nermalis leads us down that path, emphasizing the importance of total commitment in our relationship with God. It's not just about believing; it's about living that belief in every aspect of our lives.

As the sermon progresses, Pastor Nermalis takes us on a journey of love's victory through faith. Her conviction about our calling to act with love, obedience, and faith in our communities resonates deeply, doesn't it? There's wisdom in her words, and they inspire us to be the best we can be.

I found her reflections on testimony and witness especially powerful. Pastor Nermalis quotes C.S. Lewis and asserts that faith in Jesus is the victory. Her message reassures us that God's love is a promise, not just for eternity but also here and now.

The sermon closes with a personal sharing from Pastor Nermalis about her recent decision to move on from her role as an associate pastor. Her trust in God shines through, just like the teachings she's shared with us. She leaves us with scriptures that remind us of God's eternal nature.

Thank you for tuning in, dear listeners. Here's to embracing God's love, growing in faith, and always being inspired by Pastor Nermalis Vera's teachings. Stay blessed, and may your words always be filled with wisdom and compassion.

Aug 14, 202337:48
Letters From John: Communicating Christ's Love

Letters From John: Communicating Christ's Love

Hey there, New Culture Church podcast listeners! Pastor Nermalis Vera brings us a thoughtful message this week. Are you enjoying our current sermon series on the letters from John? I hope you are, because we're diving into 1 John today.

But before we jump in, let me share a quick family anecdote. Did you know my mom was born and raised in Puerto Rico and my dad in New York City? They met, fell in love, and communicated even though my mom spoke only Spanish and my dad spoke broken Spanish. There's a funny story about a cookie in our family, and it's a reminder of how words can mean different things to different people.

So, what's the point of this story? Well, it's an intriguing way to introduce the concept of the power of words. Vocabulary, lexicon, and expression—words can build bridges or create misunderstandings. Pastor Nermalis encourages us to be mindful of our words, like her parents were, finding love and connection despite language barriers.

We're invited to reflect on the importance of words in our spiritual journey and to embrace the teachings of Jesus, becoming like Him and doing what He did. The power of words is not just about communication; it's about expressing God's love and grace.

Thanks for joining us, and here's to living a life filled with wisdom, compassion, and the right words!

Jul 31, 202325:17
Letters From John: Overcoming Scarcity with Kingdom Love

Letters From John: Overcoming Scarcity with Kingdom Love

Hey there, New Culture Church podcast listeners! Pastor Abbie brings us an awesome message this week. Are you ready for a fresh dive into the story of Cain and Abel? But before we jump in, let me share a quick anecdote. Did you know during the COVID-19 pandemic, I bought boxes of Ho Hos, thinking the world might end and these treats would be the last ones ever? Sounds a little silly now.

So, what's the point of this story? Well, it's a fun way to introduce the concept of scarcity mentality. Sometimes, we act out of fear that there's not enough to go around, just like I did with those Ho Hos and just like Cain did with Abel. But here's the truth: God's love, mercy, and grace are abundant and meant for all of us. There's no need for jealousy or envy.

We should be careful about the lies we let lead our lives. Are we fighting each other for God's favor? Or do we trust that His love is more than enough for everyone?

Pastor Abbie, delves into the idea of Kingdom love, a selfless love Jesus embodied. We're encouraged to live this love, putting others' needs and interests first. And guess what? This requires us to let go of the scarcity mentality and embrace God's, abundant love.

So, let's stick together, invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts, and allow His abundant love to flow through us. Thanks for joining us, and here's to living a life of Kingdom love!

Jul 24, 202333:37
Letters from John: A Call for Discernment

Letters from John: A Call for Discernment

Hey there, New Culture Church podcast fam! Ready for more insights from John's letters? But first, a funny family story. My sister jokingly claimed her scar was from a baby shark attack, even managed to reel in our friend Elmer. Crazy, right?

So, why am I telling you this? Well, it's a light-hearted way to remind us all to "test the spirits" and sort out the truth. We shouldn't take everything at face value, especially when it's against Jesus's gospel truth.

In our faith, we're called to examine, not blindly follow. That goes for our relationships too. Are they bringing us closer to Christ or causing chaos? Are our actions driven by envy or comparison?

John reminds us to watch out for false prophets and to discern between godly and merely good. We need to stay sharp, even in our desire to hear God's word.

As we explore love in our sermons, we underline the importance of truth. Our aim? Be as discerning as Jesus, acknowledging our imperfections and need to reorient ourselves.

So, let's stand together, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide us in love and truth. Thanks for joining us and here's to becoming more Christ-like!

Jul 17, 202328:11
Letters from John: Nature vs Nurture in Righteousness

Letters from John: Nature vs Nurture in Righteousness

Are you looking for transformation in your life? If so, you need to hear this sermon from New Culture Church! Pastor Nermalis Vera teaches the theme of becoming like Jesus and how we can embrace our identity as children of God. She will discuss the importance of our identity, how it alters our essence, and how we can allow God's love to transform our lives from the inside out.

This is a powerful message that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to change your life for the better. So don't miss out - join us for this fantastic sermon!

Jun 26, 202321:40
Letters From John: Knowing and Obeying Jesus

Letters From John: Knowing and Obeying Jesus

Hey everyone! Get ready for an awesome Sermon where Pastor Abbie Sawczak talks about something we all need to hear: what does it really mean to know Jesus and live like Him? She ties in the importance of remembering and celebrating freedom with knowing and experiencing the freedom Jesus offers.

But she doesn’t stop there. She wraps up with a heart-to-heart, asking everyone to take a pause and really think about how they’re living. Are we just talking the talk, or are we walking the walk like Jesus did?

So, grab a coffee, get comfy, and join us as we dive into this week's sermon. Whether you’re a long-time believer or just curious, there’s something in here for you. Let’s explore, reflect, and maybe even shake things up a bit!

Jun 19, 202330:19
Letters from John: Walking in the Light

Letters from John: Walking in the Light

In this week's sermon, Pastor Nermalis invites you on a journey through the Letters of John. This message marks the beginning of a new series that promises to unpack the wisdom embedded in these often-overlooked books of the Bible.

Pastor Nermalis explores the profound concept of being fully seen by Jesus and the transformative power of adopting a lifestyle of confession. She delves into the intriguing dichotomy of 'light' and 'darkness' in the context of God and sin, offering a fresh perspective on these familiar themes.

The sermon challenges the notion that walking in the light is synonymous with being without sin. Instead, it suggests that to walk in the light is to step out of hiding, acknowledge our sins, and seek purification through Jesus.

In this episode, you'll be invited to reflect on the importance of confession, not as a call to perfection but as a means to experience God's grace and love. Pastor Nermalis beautifully articulates how, in confession, we encounter the purity of love found only in Jesus and discover that even at our worst, we are still embraced by God.

Join us on this journey through the Letters from John, as we learn to walk in the light, build lasting relationships with Jesus, and transform our lives through the power of confession. Tune in to the New Culture Church podcast to listen to this enlightening sermon and many more.

Jun 12, 202334:32
Trust in the Lord: A Sermon by Pastor Isaiah Oby

Trust in the Lord: A Sermon by Pastor Isaiah Oby

In this sermon, Pastor Isaiah from Northside Christian Assembly in Madison delves into the valuable teachings of Proverbs 3:5-6. He highlights the significance of relying on God's wisdom rather than our own understanding and the impactful role of prayer in all circumstances.

Key Points:

  1. Trust in God: Pastor Isaiah underscores the importance of trusting God's wisdom and guidance rather than relying solely on our understanding.
  2. The Value of Understanding: Drawing from the examples of King David and the prophet Daniel, he acknowledges the value of understanding and knowledge but warns against the danger of self-reliance.
  3. The Power of Prayer: He encourages us to pray in every situation, big or small, to seek God's will and guidance.
  4. Community and Collaboration: Referencing Galatians 5, Pastor Isaiah highlights the importance of community and collaboration within the church body, emphasizing that God has given each person a distinctive gift that requires collaboration with others to advance God's kingdom.

Please join us for a thoughtful sermon that will inspire us to rely on God's wisdom, appreciate the strength of prayer, and cherish the role of community on our path.

Jun 04, 202340:30
Planted in Love: Embracing and Nurturing the Church

Planted in Love: Embracing and Nurturing the Church

In this sermon, Missionary and Pastor Rachel Powell explore the importance of the church and our relationship with it. She emphasizes three key points: Jesus loves the church, Jesus establishes the church, and Jesus equips the church. Drawing from Ephesians, she illustrates how Jesus gave himself up for the church and how He provides the tools and resources needed for its growth and development.

In this sermon, you'll hear Rachel Powell's passionate call to love and care for the church and her challenge to listeners to deepen their commitment to the body of Christ. Join us as we explore the importance of being planted in a community, the transformative power of worship, and the church's beauty as seen through the eyes of Jesus.

May 22, 202319:12
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Join us for a special Mother's Day message with Pastor Nermalis as she shares a touching reflection on the unwavering strength of mothers and the transformative power of vulnerability. Using the story of the woman in Luke chapter 7, she highlights how Jesus saw her true worth beyond her mistakes and the freedom that comes with being truly understood. The sermon dives into 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, highlighting God's unwavering support during our weakest moments. It urges us to embrace our vulnerabilities and lean on His strength when times are tough, reminding us that Jesus is our defender and advocate, leading us to the path of enlightenment. Listen to this inspiring Mother's Day podcast that shares a touching message about the indomitable strength of mothers, the life-changing impact of being vulnerable, and the constant support of God's grace even in our most challenging times.

May 15, 202329:10
Am I The Problem?: It's a Trap!

Am I The Problem?: It's a Trap!

Pastor Nermalis Vera delivers an insightful sermon finishing our "Am I the Problem?" series exploring the topic of people-pleasing and how it can distract us from our true calling. Taking inspiration from Peter's life, Pastor Nermalis discusses how even an influential figure in the early church struggled with seeking others' approval.

Delving into Galatians 2:11-14 highlights Peter's hypocrisy when he distanced himself from the Gentiles due to fear of the Jewish group's opinion. She also references other powerful verses, such as Galatians 1:10, Matthew 6:24, and Proverbs 29:25, to emphasize the dangers of serving two masters and the trap that fearing man can become.

In this message, Pastor Nermalis outlines four ways to identify our people-pleasing tendencies: rationalizing our behavior, lacking a support system, not taking time for self-reflection, and giving in to pride. She explains that people-pleasing is deceitful, challenging to overcome, and ultimately unfulfilling.

Join us for the conclusion of this challenging series, and be ready to be inspired and motivated

May 08, 202323:57
Am I The Problem?: Rising Above the Comparison Trap

Am I The Problem?: Rising Above the Comparison Trap

This week, we continue our Sermon Series, "Am I The Problem?", with Pastor Abbie's insightful message on the pitfalls of comparison, drawing inspiration from the story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel in Genesis 29 and 30. In this biblical account, we see how comparison breeds chaos, competitiveness, control, and feelings of envy and jealousy. These negative emotions harm our relationships and hinder our spiritual growth.

Pastor Abbie asks, "Am I the problem?" to encourage self-reflection on our role in fostering a comparison-driven mindset. She highlights that while we may be part of the problem, we are not stuck this way. Three factors often prevent us from identifying when we are the problem: justifying our behavior, lacking a community of accountability, and failing to slow down for self-reflection. Pride plays a significant role in this process as well.

To break free from the comparison cycle, Pastor Abbie offers a three-step approach: Name, Address, and Release it. We can find freedom and cultivate healthier relationships by acknowledging the issue, taking responsibility, and letting go of the need to compare ourselves to others.

Join us for this empowering message from Pastor Abbie on overcoming the destructive nature of comparison and embracing a more fulfilling, Christ-centered life. Don't miss out on the rest of the "Am I The Problem?" Sermon Series, as we explore various aspects of self-awareness and personal growth in our faith journey.

May 01, 202338:58
Am I the Problem?: Don't Hit the Rock

Am I the Problem?: Don't Hit the Rock

Sunday's sermon from Pastor Nermalis, "Don't Hit the Rock," is part of our new series, "Am I the Problem?" In this sermon, we delve into the Biblical story of Moses from Numbers 20:2-13, where Moses strikes a rock to produce water, disobeying God's command to speak to the rock instead.

The sermon explores the challenges of justifying our behavior, the importance of community accountability, and the necessity of self-reflection. We discuss the role of pride in our actions and the differences between righteous anger and uncontrolled anger.

Throughout the message, Pastor Nermalis examines how anger can be a symptom of deeper issues, such as hurt, insecurity, threatened ego, and a lack of trust in God. We offer guidance on identifying, addressing, and releasing these emotions for a healthier life.

Join us for this sermon from New Culture Church as we learn to recognize our own shortcomings, embrace the power of reflection, and strive for a stronger relationship with God.

Apr 24, 202341:13
Surrendering All for a Richer Life

Surrendering All for a Richer Life

In this powerful message, our guest speaker explores Luke 18:18-30, where Jesus challenges the rich ruler to let go of his possessions to gain eternal life. Drawing on the heartfelt commitment of wedding vows, our guest speaker illustrates the importance of surrendering everything to Jesus, including our money, jobs, degrees, and sense of self. 

Join us as we delve into the story of the rich ruler who thought he had everything but was still lacking. Discover the transformative power of surrendering all to Jesus and allowing Him to fill our lives with true riches. Be inspired to trust in Jesus wholeheartedly, for He is all we need for a truly abundant and fulfilling life.

Apr 17, 202330:03
Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Join us for an Easter sermon by Abbie Sawczak at New Culture Church, where she delves into the story of Jesus' death and resurrection, as described in Matthew 27 and 28. In this thought-provoking talk, Abbie guides us to understand these events’ significance and how we can choose to respond to this pivotal moment in history.

Abbie explores the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus, His death, and the remarkable resurrection that follows. She highlights the Roman officer and soldiers' realization that Jesus was a unique figure and how this transformative event can impact our lives today.

Moreover, Abbie emphasizes that the story of Jesus is a message of love and hope for each of us, inviting us to accept the gifts of forgiveness and purpose. She urges us to consider how we will respond to the resurrection story, encouraging us to "come and see" by building a relationship with these teachings and "go and tell" by embracing our mission to share the good news.

This talk will inspire you to reflect deeply on the meaning of Easter and the sacrifice made in the story. Through contemplation and open-mindedness, you can begin to understand the profound impact of these teachings on your life and respond with gratitude and purpose.

Tune in and discover the life-changing power of the resurrection story as Abbie Sawczak guides you through the scriptures, offering insight, hope, and practical steps for those seeking a life filled with meaning, purpose, and connection.

Apr 10, 202333:04
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Join us for an inspiring sermon by Pastor Nermalis Vera at New Culture Church, where she explores the theme of salvation and surrendering control to Jesus. In this thought-provoking sermon, Pastor Nermalis delves into John 12:12-19 NIV, guiding us to understand the true essence of salvation that Jesus offers and the importance of letting go of our need to control the way it manifests in our lives.

Pastor Nermalis explains that Jesus provides the salvation we seek, but often, we fail to recognize it because of our desire to control how it comes to us. She challenges us to reflect on moments when God has answered our prayers, but we may not have noticed due to our preconceived expectations.

Furthermore, Pastor Nermalis encourages us to examine our lives and identify any aspects we need to surrender to receive the salvation Jesus is offering. Doing so allows us to experience a deeper relationship with God and embrace the life He has planned for us.

This sermon will inspire you to trust in God's plan, surrender control, and be open to how Jesus brings salvation into your life. Through prayer and self-reflection, you can begin to recognize the answers to your prayers and fully receive the gifts that Jesus has to offer.

Tune in and discover the power of surrendering control as Pastor Nermalis guides you through the scriptures, offering wisdom, hope, and practical steps for believers seeking a life filled with faith, purpose, and the salvation that only Jesus can provide.

Apr 03, 202330:06
Rule of Life: Seeking Renewal For The City

Rule of Life: Seeking Renewal For The City

Join us for an uplifting sermon by Pastor Abbie Sawczak at New Culture Church, where she digs into seeking renewal in our lives. In this eye-opening sermon, Pastor Abbie takes us on a journey through Revelation 21:1-7, Jeremiah 29, and Ephesians 2:14 to help us to understand the true meaning of renewal in the light of scripture.

Pastor Abbie explains that seeking, as mentioned in the scripture, is the act of searching with the intention and belief that what we are seeking can indeed be found. Highlighting that renewal is the transformative process of becoming who God created us to be and living the life He intended for us. This process of renewal brings about both presence and peace.

Drawing from the passages, she emphasizes that renewal is both a future promise and a present reality. She encourages us all to be present and bring peace into our lives, starting today. This sermon should inspire you to engage in prayer, be renewed, and receive peace, as well as to bring renewal and usher in peace to the world around them.

Tune in and explore the concept of seeking renewal in your life as Pastor Abbie guides you through the scriptures, offering wisdom, hope, and practical steps for young adults seeking to live a life of purpose and peace.

Mar 27, 202335:24
Rule of Life: Finding Joy in the Sabbath

Rule of Life: Finding Joy in the Sabbath

Join Pastor Abbie Sawczak for a transformative sermon on the importance of the Sabbath and how to practice it in our modern world. Dive deep into the reasons why many of us have abandoned the practice of Sabbath and how it can lead to a life of freedom, flourishing, and fallibility. Drawing from scripture, including Isaiah 58:13-14 and Mark 2, Pastor Abbie explores the significance of the Sabbath as a time of rest and holy connection with God.

In this sermon, you'll learn about the true meaning of Sabbath, which means “to stop,” and its purpose in our lives as a proactive preparation to flourish rather than a reactive response to exhaustion. Discover the importance of removing distractions, finding rest, rejoicing in God's presence, remaining connected to our spiritual community, and releasing our burdens during this sacred time.

Listen in as Pastor Abbie shares practical tips on how we can proactively prepare for the Sabbath and help our community do the same. Reclaim the gift of the Sabbath and experience the joy and freedom it brings to our relationship with God and our everyday lives.

Mar 20, 202337:20
Rule of Life: Why Are You here?

Rule of Life: Why Are You here?

Today, we're talking about why we gather as a church community.

Let's start with the big question – “Why are you here?” As Christians, we're part of a body of believers with a mission beyond our church walls. But, we also need to come together in community to support and encourage one another.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “But going to church doesn't make me holy!” And you're right. Only God can be God. But, gathering with fellow believers is an essential part of our spiritual growth. It's a chance to learn more about God, pray together, and be equipped to serve Him better.

Throughout the Bible, we see references to the importance of gathering as a church community. Acts, Colossians, Psalms, Ephesians – they all speak to the significance of coming together with other believers.

So, why do we gather? It's simple – we gather, so we won't give up. Life can be tough, and we all need support from time to time. By gathering, we can encourage and uplift one another, equip ourselves for ministry, and show the world the love of Christ.

In conclusion, we encourage you to gather regularly with your church community. It's a chance to connect with others, learn more about God, and have some fun along the way. As Pastor Nermalis reminds us, “The church is a powerful force for good in the world.” So, let's gather and make a positive impact in our communities.

Mar 13, 202325:54
Rule of Life: Contribute To The Community

Rule of Life: Contribute To The Community

Pastor Abbie shares a really important message about how valuable we all are as individuals. She encourages us to contribute to the world around us by adding value in whatever way we can. To explain this point, she references some powerful passages from the Bible, such as Acts 2:14-24, Mark 8:27-38, and Gen 1:26-27. These passages remind us that we were created in the image of God and that we are a part of His plan for the world. As a result, we all have the keys to the Kingdom within us, and we should celebrate this invitation to make a positive impact in the world.

She goes on to explain that there are three main ways to contribute: through time, talent, and treasure. She also shares some great suggestions for places to contribute, such as everyday communities, Christ-centered communities, local and global churches, and cities. To put this into practice, she encourages us to examine where we have been adding value already and to keep paying it forward.

Service of Sunday, March 5th.

Mar 06, 202342:09
Rule of Life: Sacrificial Community

Rule of Life: Sacrificial Community

Welcome to this week's New Culture Church Podcast! In this sermon, Pastor Chris Griffith shares his insights on the significance of sacrificial community in today's self-centered culture. He describes community as a group of individuals who share common interests, identities, or locations and offer mutual support and interaction. However, not all communities are created equal. While a "circumstantial community" may provide convenience, a "sacrificial community" offers accountability, growth, and true connection. Join us as we dive deeper and learn how we can build sacrificial communities that truly reflect the way of Jesus.
Feb 26, 202352:08
Rule of Life: Formation & Developing a Rule of Life

Rule of Life: Formation & Developing a Rule of Life

A Rule of Life is a set of practices that helps us to be with Jesus, become like him, and do what he did, created with consideration of personality and stage of discipleship, balanced between structure and spontaneity and reviewed regularly.

  • Start small, be specific, and consider your personality and stage of discipleship when creating a Rule of Life.
  • Balance structure and spontaneity and remember that it's a working document that can be adjusted over time.
  • Give yourself grace and share your Rule of Life with your community.
  • The process includes reviewing your current activities, removing negative habits, and redirecting towards spiritual practices.


  1. Review - Write down everything you currently do (ex: work, church, sports, gym, friends, daily routine, housework)
  2. Remove - Are there any bad habits you have or things you wish to stop doing that lead to negative emotions or outcomes?

Redirect - What rhythms or habits could you add a spiritual practice to or redirect towards becoming like Jesus? (Ex: pray while brushing teeth, listen to scripture while driving)

Feb 06, 202337:52